Offense Playbook

  • Uploaded by: Chris Crabtree
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 2,578
  • Pages: 114
90 Passes

90, 97, 98 any formation 91 empty gun y trips lt shift fly rt 94 gun pro blue gun deuces 94 fade gun y trips 50 odd 50 rail

50 Passes

51 odd 52 square

gun gun gun gun gun gun gun

odd 52 special seam c

pro blue pro blue zig deuces zig pro blue deuces pro blue zig y trips lt scat

gun y trips lt zig

odd 53

gun pro blue 2 te gun pro lt lag odd 53 rail c ? gun pro blue zig trips lt fly odd 54 gun pro blue scat gun deuces scat 55 gun pro blue trips lt fly gun deuces odd 56 arrow switch c gun pro lt blue 57 (up) gun y trips lt odd 57 drag gun pro blue scat gun deuces scat 77 c gun pro blue sky

Play Action

23 pick 2 te pro lt lag 25 pick 2 te gun trey lt 29 rail x blue lt lag odd 55 iso flood 2 te gun trey lt odd 56 iso flood 2 te gun trey lt odd 56 iso flag blue lt zig ********** 24 bootleg


80 tb screen lake 58

90 Passes

90, 97, 98

any formation ********** ********** gun pro lt blue gun deuces gun y trips lt

94 94 fade

50 Passes

50 50 rail

gun gun gun gun gun gun gun

51 52 square 52 special seam c

gun pro lt blue 2 te gun pro jet 53 rail c ? gun pro lt blue zig trips fly 54 gun pro lt blue scat gun deuces scat 55 gun pro lt blue trips fly gun deuces 56 arrow switch c gun pro blue 57 (up) gun y trips 57 drag gun pro lt blue scat gun deuces scat 77 c gun pro lt blue sky

22 24 28 55 56 56 12

Play Action

pick pick rail iso flood iso flood iso flag post


2 te pro jet 2 te gun trey x blue jet 2 te gun trey 2 te gun trey blue zig lt loaded wing lt blue

odd 80 tb screen river 58

gun y trips lt gun deuces

Run x lt gaps loaded 13 veer x 2 te gun trey lt 15/25 te gun trey big mac lt 23 iso big mac big mac lt 29 toss big mac Pass gun trips lt zig odd 84 both slant 2 te gun trey lt odd 84 both slant 2 te pro lt lag 23 pick gun trey odd 84 z 2 te pro lt shift ‘zig’ 28 hide/slide gun trips lt odd 87 goalline pass big mac lt 23 iso pass

Run gaps loaded 12 veer 14/24 22 iso 28 toss

Pass trips zig 84 both slant gun trey 84 both slant pro jet 22 pick trey lt 84 z ********** gun trips 87 goalline pass big mac 22 iso pass gun 2 te 2 te gun

x pro lt shift y bone cat roll swap lt over

12 veer


11 read 11 read 11 read

18-19 Option

gun swap lt over (king) 19 opt x lt shift 19 option ? x wing lt hard 19 option x pro lt cat sky 19 option 2 te gun trey lt 19 option

x pro shift 10 read y bone dog rock 10 read swap over 10 read

18-19 Option

gun swap over x shift x wing hard x pro dog sky 2 te gun trey

G-Option y blue lt

19 g option

G-Option 18 g option

Counter 2 te gun trey scat 2 te pro jet gun ace sky trips fly x blue scat gun y trips

Iso blue lt 2 te pro lt

blue 2 te pro gun y slot shuffle


x wing hard gun pro gun x blue scat

29 toss 29 toss

x blue hard scat cowboy sky


30 trap ? 30 trap ?


gun swap lt shift fly lt

28 toss 28 toss


gun pro lt blue scat 22 zone y trips fly 22 zone


Traps 2 te trey y blue

30 trap ? 30 trap ?


gun swap shift


fly rt


flip lt

Naked gun y blue lt scat

28 sweep ringo ringo


gun pro blue scat 23 zone y trips lt fly 23 zone 2 te trey lt y blue lt

iso rt ? iso ? 20 iso


29 sweep lucy lucy

Toss x blue lt hard scat cowboy lt sky

14/24 24 14/24 24 24 14 trap ?


iso lt ? iso ? **********

x wing lt hard gun pro lt gun x blue lt scat

(king) 18 opt 18 opt ? 18 option 18 option 18 option

y blue

Counter 2 te gun trey lt scat 15/25 2 te pro lt lag 25 gun ace sky 15/25 trips lt fly 25 x blue lt scat 25 gun y trips lt 15 trap ?

y trips lt fly

Goal Line


x blue


Bootlegs Screen

gun y trips gun deuces

13 veer

gun y trips zig


25 bootleg

wing blue

pro lt blue pro lt blue zig deuces zig pro lt blue deuces pro lt blue zig y trips scat


x blue lt

24 opposite

Draw **********

Reverses y bone shift fly rt reverse x wing hard 18 reverse gun deuces 24 reverse **********

Special Plays ********** pro blue trail 29 daniel tb ********** crazy 5 lt ********** x trips hollywood lt **********

y trips fly

flip rt

Naked gun y blue scat

25 opposite

Draw gun deuces scat

QB draw

Reverses y bone shift lt x wing lt hard gun deuces 2 te gun trey lt

fly lt reverse 19 reverse 25 reverse 25 reverse opt

Special Plays gun wing lt blue sky 25 kirby tb pro lt blue trail 28 daniel tb wing lt blue 25 duke special ********** crazy 8 ? x trips lt hollywood rt gun swap shift fly rt pop

Formations Pro Blue (2 TE) Trey Swap Over Deuces Y Trips Empty

1. 14/15 2. 98 3. 94 4. 22/23 zone 5. 52 square 6. 53 7. QB draw 8. 56 arrow switch 9. 77 c 10. river/lake 58

1. 1st wing lt blue 25 duke special

7. 1st (2 te) gun trey lt “scat’ 25

2. 2nd y bone dog ‘rock’ 10 read 3. 1st y trips lt ‘fly’ 23 zone

8. 2nd king 18 option 9. 1st trips ‘fly’ 53 rail

4. 2nd (2 te) gun pro ‘jet’ 53 5. 1st gun y trips 80 tb screen

10. 2nd x blue lt 13 veer 11. 1st gun y slot ‘shuffle’ 20 iso

6. 2nd gun y trips 14 trap ?

12. 2nd gun deuces 94

Third Down 4 to 7 yards (2 te) gun trey 24 pick (2 te) gun trey 56 iso flood wing lt blue 25 bootleg gun y trips 57 gun deuces QB Draw 8 to 12 yards gun pro lt blue 50

2nd and short lt loaded 12 post gun y trips 57 up gun pro blue 56 arrow switch

Coming Out Plays (2 te) pro iso check x wing hard 28 sweep (2 te) trey 30 trap ?

gun pro lt blue ‘zig’ 52 square

gun pro lt blue 53

gun pro lt blue ‘scat’ 57 drag

gun deuces 55 C 13 yards or more gun pro lt blue ‘scat’ 50 rail gun y trips ‘zig’ 52 spec seam

gun pro lt blue ‘scat’ 54 gun pro lt blue ‘sky’ 77 C

Middle 1. 90 2. 24/25 3. 50 4. 50 rail 5. 18/19 pitch 6. 53 rail c 7. 54 8. 57 up 9. 55 iso flood 10.24/25 pick

Kicking Game Punt Base Punt

Base Punt ? a. black-punt b. blue-fake Base Punt Flip ? a. black-shift and punt b. blue-fake Deuces Punt ? a. black-punt b. shift-kick/fake c. blue to/away-throw d. green to/away sweep to/away Deuces Hot ? 1, 2, 3 green – sweep to/away Crazy 8 Punt ? 1, 2, 3, delay/time out black – punt Quick Kick – Ace

Don’t Forget Plays y blue 18 g option gun swap shift fly rt trips ‘fly’ 24 trips ‘fly’ flip rt gun y blue ‘scat’ 25 opposite gun y trips lt shift fly rt 91 gun deuces QB draw SPECIAL PLAYS / REVERSES

Bottom 1. 97 2. 91 3. 18/19 opt 4. 51 5. 52 special seam c 6. 30 trap ? 7. 55 c 8. 57 drag 9. 56 iso flood 10. 25 reverse option

X-Point/Field Goal Gate ? -Gate Over -? (wing) a. shift/kick-fake b. 2 scoop c. 3 run/pass option Gate Over Solid a. slant b. z out c. shift/kick-fake Field Goal Pooch ? a. pooch b. delay/time out c. blue Kick Off a. regular b. rolly polly fake and shift c. short squib d. shift hide out

Brownwood Offensive Philosophy • Power Option Run Offense • Formation Offense • Pass Offense

Lou Holtz’s Offensive Philosophy • “To be a solid offensive team you have got to be able to do 5 things well: power run, run some option, play action, throw down the field out of the pocket, and execute screens and draws. My philosophy is to put pressure on the defense by forcing them to defend all these things.”

Brownwood’s Multiple Offense and its keys to success: • Be creative with formations in all aspects of the offense. • Use movement to change strength and create better blocking angles. • Force the defense to play option responsibility, respect the power game, and defend the pass on any given play. • Being multiple allows our offense several avenues of success in the course of a ball game. • Distribute the ball to several players. • Be unpredictable!

Brownwood Lion Multiple Run Offense • Veer, Mid-line, Speed Option, G-Option, Pitch • Counter • Zone • Sweep, Iso • Fly

Multiple in the Option Game vs. Split & 4-3 Defenses • • • • •

12-13 Veer (Triple Option) 10-11 Read (Mid-Line) 18-19 Option (Strong Side Speed Option) 18-19 G-Option (Weak Side Option) 18-19 Pitch (Pitch off end man on LOS)

Multiple in the Option Game vs. 3-4 or 50 Defense • 12-13 Zone (Triple Option w/ Zone Blocking) • Influence 12-13 Veer (Mid-Line Concept) • 18-19 Pitch (Pitch off end man of LOS w/ Zone Blocking)

Multiple in the Option Game vs. Split & 4-3 Defenses • • • • •

12-13 Veer (Triple Option) 10-11 Read (Mid-Line) 18-19 Option (Strong Side Speed Option) 18-19 G-Option (Weak Side Option) 18-19 Pitch (Pitch off end man on LOS)

12-13 Veer

(Y Bone) 12 Veer Check vs. Split

(Y Bone) 12 Veer Check

(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check vs. Split

(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check

(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check

(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check

(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check vs. 4-3

(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check

(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check

(Y Blue ‘Sky’) 13 Veer Check vs. Split

(Y Blue ‘Sky’) 13 Veer Check vs. Split

(Y Blue ‘Sky’) 13 Veer Check

10-11 Read

(Y Bone Dog ‘Rock’) 10 Read vs. Split

(Y Bone Dog ‘Rock’) 10 Read vs. Split

(Y Bone Dog ‘Rock’) 10 Read

(Y Bone Dog ‘Rock’) 10 Read

(Cowboy Lt. ‘Sky’) 11 Read vs. Split

(Cowboy Lt. ‘Sky’) 11 Read

(Cowboy Lt. ‘Sky’) 11 Read

(Swap Over) 10 Ice Read vs. Even

(Swap Over) 10 Ice Read vs. Even

18-19 Option

(Gun Swap Over) 18 Option vs. Even

(King) 18 Option vs. Even

(Gun Swap Over) 18 Option

(X Lt. to Swap Lt.) 19 Option vs. Split

(X Lt. to Swap Lt.) 19 Option

(X Lt. to Swap Lt.) 19 Option vs. Split

(Blue Lt. ‘Change’) 19 Option vs. Split

(Blue Lt. ‘Change’) 19 Option vs. Split

18-19 G-Option

(Y Blue) 18 G-Option vs. Split

(Y Blue) 18 G-Option vs. Split

(Pro) 19 G-Option vs. Even

(Pro) 19 G-Option vs. Even

18-19 Pitch

(Gun Deuces) 18 Pitch vs. Split

24-25 (TB Counter) 14-15 (QB Counter)

The Counter Effect • Most productive play in our offense. • The counter has been run out of EVERY formation in the playbook. • The success of the counter can dictate the play of defensive ends in our favor, for other run plays. • We use the counter to offset predictability in certain formations.

Favorite Counter Formations Pro Lt. Blue 24 or 14 Check

(2 TE) Gun Trey Bang 24 or 14

Gun Ace 24 or 14 Check

(2 TE) Pro Hard 24 Check

Gun Swap Lt. Shift ‘Fly’ 14

Gun Pro Lt. Trips ‘Fly’ 14

Cowboy Lt. 24 Toss

(2 TE) Gun Pro Hard ‘Shuffle’ 14 or 24 Check

Fly Rt. / Lt.

Favorite Fly Formations Gun Swap Shift Fly Right

Y Bone Shift Fly Right (AFTER SHIFT)

Power Run Offense Zone, Sweep, Iso • No secrets – 11 on 11. • The Inside Zone has not only added another power TB play, but has increased the continuity of our offensive lineman in other areas of our offense.

22-23 Zone

Favorite Zone Formations Ace 22 Zone Check

Gun (2 TE) Pro Melvin Rt.

(2 TE) Pro Soft 22 Zone Check

22-23 Iso

Favorite Iso Formations Wing Lt. Bump ‘Shuffle’ 22 Iso

(2 TE) Pro ‘Shuffle’ 22 Iso Check

28-29 Sweep

(X Wing) 28 Sweep vs. Even

Brownwood Passing Game

Keeping it multiple in the Passing Game • Throw out of run formations. • Throw on conventional run downs. • Give the defense several route combinations, keep the secondary uncomfortable. • Stretch the defense vertical and horizontal.

Brownwood Lion Multiple Pass Offense • • • •

90’s (3 Step) 50’s (5 Step) Play Action Screens / Shuttle

90’s (3 Step) Play



6 Step Hitch

Inside Receiver 6 Step Hitch


5Receiver Step Out



4 Step Slant

Flat or Seam



5 Step Out




50’s (5 Step) • • • • • • • • • • •

50 50 Rail 52 Square 52 Special Seam 53 54 54 Special 55 56 Switch 57 Drag 58


(Gun Deuces) 50

50 Rail

(2 TE Gun Trey Hard) 50 Rail

52 Square

(Pro Lt. Blue) 52 Square

52 Special Seam

(Gun Y Trips) 52 Special Seam


(Y Trips Soft) 53


(Empty) 54

54 Special

(Gun Deuces) 54 Special


(Gun Y Trips) 55

56 Switch

(Pro Lt. Blue) Odd 56 Switch

57 Drag

(Pro Lt. Blue) 57 Drag


(Gun Y Trips) 58

Play Action • • • • •

Blue ‘Zig’ 55 Iso Flood Wing ‘Sky’ Odd 56 Iso Flood Blue ‘Zig’ 56 Iso Flag Y Slot ‘Sky’ 25 Bootleg King 80 Special Seam

55 Iso Flood

(Blue ‘Zig’) 55 Iso Flood

(Blue ‘Zig’) 55 Iso Flood

56 Iso Flood

(Wing Lt. ‘Sky’) Odd 56 Iso Flood

(Wing Lt. ‘Sky’) Odd 56 Iso Flood

56 Iso Flag

(Blue ‘Zig’) 56 Iso Flag

(Blue ‘Zig’) 56 Iso Flag

24-25 Bootleg

(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 25 Bootleg

(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 25 Bootleg

(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 25 Bootleg

(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 25 Bootleg

82 Seam

(King) 82 Seam

(King) 82 Seam

Screens / Shuttle • Gun Y Trips Lt. River 58 • Gun Y Trips 3 • Gun Deuces 58 Shuttle

River / Lake

(Gun Y Trips) Lake 58


(Gun Y Trips) 3

58 Shuttle

(Gun Deuces) 58 Shuttle

Special Plays

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