Observation Classroom Management Plan.docx

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 242
  • Pages: 4
Observation Classroom Management Plan Teacher(s): _______________________________________ Grade: ___________________________________________ Subject: __________________________________________ School:



CLASS RULES AND EXPECTATIONS Classroom rules, positively stated and posted prominently and linked to his/her Guidelines for Success. Rules are observable and refer to specific behaviors. Rules are observable behaviors teacher expects all students to exhibit (or not exhibit) in the classroom. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

HIERARCHY OF REWARDS Hierarchy of rewards for rule accomplishments are identified and directly taught to students. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

HIERARCHY OF CONSEQUENCES Hierarchy of consequences for rule violations are identified and directly taught to students. Rule violations and other misbehaviors are corrected calmly, consistently, briefly, and immediately. Consequences will be given at the lowest level considered necessary to change the student’s behavior. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

DESKS/ROOM ARRANGEMENT Desks/ room arranged so that all students are easily accessible by the teacher and necessary materials and supplies are accessible to students in an orderly fashion.

POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR TARDIES /ABSENCES: State the policies and procedures for students arriving late or not attending classes.

POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS: State the policies and procedures for students handing in assignments and the penalties for handing in assignments after the deadline.

GRADING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ARE ESTABLISHED AND COMMUNICATED: State the policies, procedures and/or percentages of tasks grades.

ENCOURAGING ALL STUDENTS How does the teacher motivate students? Plans for class-wide motivation systems are:

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