Activity Guide Teaching Adolescents And Adults.docx

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Academic and Research Vice-Rector Activity guide and evaluation rubric 1. General description of the course School or Academic Unit Academic Level Academic Field Course Name Course Code Course Type

School of education Professional Disciplinar Teaching English to adolescents and adults 551004 Methodological Retake exam 3

Number of Credits



2. Description of the activity Type of activity: Evaluation moment:



Number 4 of weeks



Final ☐

Total score of the activity: 120

Environment to submit the activity: Monitoring and evaluation environment.

Starting date of the activity: Deadline of the activity: April 14th, 2018 March 19th, 2018 Competences to develop: Argumentative, propositional and technological

Topics to develop: Classroom management Step, phase or stage of the learning strategy to develop This stage is going to be developed first individually with an observation of an English class for adolescents in order to verify how classroom management is applied in the class. Then collaboratively, students need to design a classroom management plan for a class with adolescents. Activities to develop This assignment has to tasks. You need to work in both of them.

Task 1: Individual activity 1. Lea atentamente el contenido de la unidad 2 relacionado con la gestión del aula y tome algunas notas que considera que son importantes acerca de este material. 2. Observe una clase de inglés para adolescentes y analícela cuidadosamente. Complete el formulario del plan de gestión del aula que encontrará en la carpeta creada para esta actividad, con el fin de registrar para cada elemento lo que hace el profesor y cómo él / ella maneja la clase y los estudiantes. Agrega fotos al final del formulario. 3. Adjunte el plan de observación en el foro. 1. Elija uno de los roles de trabajo colaborativo para trabajar en grupo con sus socios.

2. Read carefully the unit 2 content related to classroom management and take some notes you consider are important about this material. 3. Observe an English class for adolescents and analyze it carefully. Fill in the classroom management plan form you find in the folder created for this activity, in order to record for each item what the teacher does and how he/she manages the class and students. Add photos at the end of the form. 4. Attach the observation plan in the forum. 5. Choose one of the collaborative work roles to work in group with your partners.

Task 2: Collaborative activity Para esta tarea, observará una clase de inglés para analizar cómo el maestro maneja algunas situaciones en el aula (trabajo individual), y luego diseñará un plan ideal de gestión del aula (trabajo colaborativo). Revise la guía de actividades y la rúbrica de evaluación para esta actividad, y tome en cuenta el formulario de clase de observación (que usará para la observación de clase) y el formulario de plan ideal de administración del aula (para diseñar colaborativamente el plan ideal para administrar un aula). 2. Observe una clase de inglés para adolescentes y analícela cuidadosamente. Complete el formulario del plan de gestión del aula que encontrará en la carpeta creada para esta actividad, con el fin de registrar para cada elemento lo que hace el profesor y cómo él / ella maneja la clase y los estudiantes. Agrega fotos al final del formulario.

3. Adjunte el plan de observación en el foro. 6. Elija uno de los roles de trabajo colaborativo para trabajar en grupo con sus socios. Información del Traductor de GoogleComunidadMóvilAcerca de G 1. All the forum participants need to discuss in the forum in order to plan and design the final outcome of the activity, which is an ideal classroom management plan for adolescents. For this activity, take into account what you read on the course content about lesson planning and classroom management and the observations you made. … Todos los participantes del foro deben debatir en el foro para planificar y diseñar el resultado final de la actividad, que es un plan ideal de gestión del aula para adolescentes. Para esta actividad, tenga en cuenta lo que lee en el contenido del curso sobre planificación de clases y gestión del aula y las observaciones que ha realizado. 2. Each student has to propose ideas for the group’s plan. All the ideas must be posted in the forum. 3. Take into account the collaborative work roles in order to work collaboratively in the forum. 1. Fill in the classroom management plan form in order to present the ideas and activities for each item, as the ideal classroom management plan for the group’s document. . Complete el formulario del plan de gestión del aula con el fin de presentar las ideas y actividades para cada elemento, como el plan ideal de gestión del aula para el documento del grupo. 4. After filling in the ideal classroom management plan for the group’s document, the group’s submitter must post it in the forum. Después de completar el plan ideal de administración de la clase para el documento del grupo, el remitente del grupo debe publicarlo en el foro.

5. The final group’s document will be a word document with a cover page and the group’s ideal classroom management plan. Submit this document to the monitoring and evaluation environment. Environments for the development of the activity

This activity will be developed in the forum created in the collaborative environment. The final document must be submitted in the monitoring and evaluation environment. Individual:

Products to be submitted by students

A classroom management plan observation from an English class with adolescents, attached in the forum. Collaborative: An ideal classroom management plan for an English class for adolescents.

General guidelines for the collaborative work Planning of activities for the development of collaborative work Roles to be performed by the

Group discussion in the forum to fill in classroom management plan form for an English class with adolescents. Revision of posts to improve the written texts. Compiler:

student in the collaborative group

Puts together the final product and includes the work done only by those who participated on time. Informs the student in charge of alerts about people who did not participate and will not be included in the final product. Reviser / editor: Makes sure the written work follows all the criteria established in the activity guide. Evaluator: Evaluates the final document to ensure it follows the evaluation criteria of the rubric and informs the student in charge of alerts about any changes that need to be made before delivering the product. Submitter: Student in charge of informing about the dates set for presenting each task and delivering the final product according to the course agenda. Also informs other students that the final product has been sent. Alerts: Informs group participants about any news in the work being done and reports the delivery of the final product to the course tutor.

Roles and duties for the submission of products by students

All the roles presented above are in charge of creating, revising, editing, submitting the final group’s product.


Plagiarism policy

All references considered for this activity have to be cited using APA Style In agreement 029 of December 13th, 2013, article 99, considers as offenses that infringe upon the academic order, among others, the following: paragraph e) “To plagiarize is to present as your own the total sum or part of the whole of a piece or work, writing, report, task, document of invention developed by another person. It also implies the lack of citation or lack of references, or including citations where there is no coincidence between them and the reference” and paragraph f)”To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of research products, which have intellectual rights reserved for the University”. The academic penalties that the student may face are: a) In case of proved academic fraud in the academic work or evaluation, the student will receive a zero (0.0) score without separation of the corresponding disciplinary sanction. b) In case of proved plagiarism in the academic work of any nature, the student will receive a zero (0.0) score without separation of the corresponding disciplinary sanction.

3. Evaluation rubric

Activity type: Evaluation moment

Evaluation rubric Collaborative ☐ Individual Activity Activity Initial


☒ ☒


Performance levels of the individual activity High score Average score Low score You filled in all the You didn’t filled in most You filled in some of the items of the of the items of the items of the observation observation classroom observation classroom classroom management management plan and management plan or Class plan, or included only included more than 3 didn’t include any observation one photo of the photos of the observed photos of the observed observed class. class. class. (up to 20 points) (up to 15 points) (up to 8 points) The observation classroom The observation management plan classroom management The student didn’t Observation contains comments in plan contains comments submit in the forum the classroom all the items that show in all the items, but observation classroom management student’s these are vague and not management plan. plan understanding of the clear. topic. (up to 20 points) (up to 13 points) (up to 7 points) You participated in the You participated in the You did not participate Individual and forum on time and the forum once or twice and in the forum. timely contributions were the contributions were participation in meaningful. not meaningful. the forum (Up to 5 points) (Up to 3 points) (Up to 0 points) Performance levels of the collaborative activity Evaluated items High score Average score Low score Evaluated items


20 points

20 points

10 points


Collaborative participation

Classroom management plan

Classroom management plan: writing competence

You participated in the forum on time and gave meaningful contributions to the design of the classroom management plan. (Up to 20 points) The ideal classroom management plan contains the requirements established in the guidelines in terms of the contents. (Up to 30 points) The content of ideal the classroom management plan is well written, it has good spelling and it has the appropriate grammar structures. (Up to 20 points)

You participated in the forum once or twice and You did not participate the contributions were in the forum. not meaningful. (Up to 8 points) The ideal classroom management plan doesn’t fulfill most of the requirements established in the guidelines in terms of the contents. (Up to 20 points) The content of the ideal classroom management plan has some problems associated to grammar, spelling, vocabulary mistakes or grammar structures. (Up to 10 points)

Final score

(Up to 0 points) The ideal classroom management plan doesn’t fulfill the requirements established in the guidelines in terms of the contents. (Up to 10 points) The content of the ideal classroom management plan has lots of mistakes in terms of spelling and grammar structures or it is not done. (Up to 7 points)

20 points

30 points

20 points

120 Points

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