Classroom Observation 3

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Observation Report 3 School P M Teacher Observed G. O. Observer O M Course Second Year

Number of Ss in class 13 Book: Laser B H1 (Pre Certificate Course) Level: Upper Intermediate Date of the Observation September 1st, 2009 Seating Arrangement In rows of 4, front faced

A brief description of the observation: In this report I will show how the teacher gives instructions to the learners, and how they manage when instructions are given. First the teacher introduced me to the learners. All of them were girls, that called my attention as I was accustomed to sitting in on mixed lessons. The teacher asked the girls to open their books on p. 50 and 51, they corrected the homework assigned the previous class. The learners read their answers and the teacher elicits the student’s responses. She did not correct mistakes on the spot: by the contrary, she asked the students to correct the mistake their classmate had made. The next activity proposed by the teacher was to work on a a reading text on page 71 from Unit 8 in their books. The students work silently and a good atmosphere was perceived from the part of the learners who carried out the different activities on the reading text. In general, the class participate actively, and they are encouraged by the teacher all the time who let them participate actively. The T acted as a guider and monitored the student’s responses as regards learning. The following chart shows how the T gives instructions to the learners and how they react towards these instructions: INSTRUCTION AND GIVING SKILLS Signalling of beginning of activity Stating of Aims

CIRCLE APPROPRIATE NUMBER (in bold type) Clear 1 – 2- 3 – 4 Unclear Clear 1- 2- 3- 4 - Unclear


Clear 1 - 2-3- 4 - Unclear

Eliciting information from learners Use of examples

Clear 1 – 2- 3 – 4 -unclear

Eye movement to hold attention

Clear 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 unclear

Mime, gestures or body language

clear 1 – 2 – 3 – 4- unclear

Asking questions to check understanding

Clear 1 - 2- 3- 4- unclear

Clear 1 - 2 - 3- 4- unclear

COMMENTS Teacher announces when the activity is about to start T states the aims of the lesson clearly, although some students do not pay attention to her Clear voice, raising when it’s necessary While developing the act. T elicits Ss’s responses Not appreciated because of the kind of acts. developed Not appreciated as the learners got involved in the activities The T does not use body language as the learners understand comments and instructions T asks other Ss to explain what to do to other Ss

INSTRUCTIONS AND GIVING SKILLS Repeating instructions in a different way

CIRCLE APPROPRIATE NUMBER (in bold type) Clear 1 - 2- 3- 4- unclear

Use simple language

Clear 1 – 2- 3 – 4 unclear

Management and organization of the class

Clear 1 – 2 – 3 – 4-unclear

Use of visual aids (e.g. board, pictures audio material, etc) Signalling the end of activity

Clear 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 unclear


Clear 1 – 2 -3 – 4 unclear

Clear 1 – 2- 3 – 4 unclear

COMMENTS Teacher uses different strategies or sources (board) if the instructions were not clear The T uses both simple and complex structures as regards their level Organizes the class in a successful way, although some of the learners are a bit talkative. The T acts as a guider T uses the board to explain or clarify concepts that are unfamiliar to them T signals the end of the activity by assigning a follow up task T uses clear instructions to be carried out by the learners in a successful way

Final comments after sitting in on this lesson: It was shown in the chart above how the teacher gives instructions to the learners in order to develop the different activities well. The teacher conducts the class acting as a guider and eliciting the student’s responses during their learning. She also managed to use a clear voice, raising it when it was necessary. The T also tried to state the lesson aims from the very beginning of the class, and clarified the doubts on the B when it was necessary. I could not observe negative aspects during the lesson since the learners got involved in the activities. Another relevant aspect to be mentioned was that the T did not make use of L1 in any moment of the class and she encouraged the learners to use L2 during the lesson. I noticed that it was a reduced group of learners, with a good level of English and there was a good atmosphere for the development of the lesson.

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