Objective, Significance Of The Prob

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 400
  • Pages: 3
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: 1. Most of Sugar in the Philippines uses a conventional method of milling to extract juice from canes which consist of 4 roller mill, 2 cane knives, 1 shredder and 1 crusher. The problem in this process is; a) The mill consume considerable power that it is out of proportion to the result obtained because there is still portion of juice in the cane that could nit be extracted by giving pressure in it. b) It uses tremendous amount of energy to extract the juice from the cane. c) The mill were very heavy and too expensive, in purchasing , cost of operation and maintenance.


To design a sugar mill that maximizes the production of sugar with less cost using diffuser method. To calculate a boiler that utilizes its wastes (bagasse) as fuel to produce steam for milling and generate electricity sufficient for the plant


The great majority of cane sugar factories through out the country in extracting juice from cane are done by the means of mill. This was the process originally employed; it was progressively improved but never replaced.

The advantage of continues diffusion over the mill is its efficiency, maintenance, and its price.

The mill needs tremendous power to extract the juice from the cane; but when the bagasse was once released it will absorb an amount of its juice, as it pass its axial plane of the roller a large portion of benefit is loss and much trouble and power is expended in waste.

Another disadvantage of mill is their high cost, both purchase, and charge of operation. It is acknowledge that a certain portion of juice in the cane will not be extracted by giving pressure.

To resolve this, this study will maximize the production by using another method of milling sugar cane. This will also generate steam to produced electricity for the plant

In this manner, it will be able to enhance efficiency in the production of the sugar plant and be able to support the country in terms of producing electricity through NPC.

The outcomes of the study will raise the production of the plant and help the country in economic growth.


This design will focus in the processes which produce 1 kind of sugar (raw sugar).

The focal points will be the processes, computations, progression and design of the plant.

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