Ny B5 Civilians- Extra Notes Fdr- All Reports And Code-law Printouts In Folder- 1st Pgs Scanned For Reference 747

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Revised 9/18/03 A LOCAL LAW To amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to building safety Be it enacted by the Council as follows: Section 1. Subparagraphs (f) (i) and (p) of paragraph 4 of subdivision g of section 26-248 of the administrative code of the city of New York are amended to read as follows: (f) subdivision (b) or (c) of section 27-384 of the code; or (i) subdivision (b) or (d) of section 27-929 of the code; or (p) section 2-4 or 4-3 of reference standard RS 13-1 [.] ;or §2. Paragraph 4 of subdivision g of section 26-248 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding two new subparagraphs (q) and (r) to read as follows: (q) subdivision (e) of section 27-383.1 of the code, or (r) paragraph (4) of subdivision (b) of section 27-383. §3. Section 27-228.5 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as renumbered by chapter 839 of the laws of 1986, is amended to read as follows: §27-228.5 General requirements, (a) Owners of all existing buildings which are required to comply with the provisions of subdivision (a) of section 27-353.1 (elevator vestibules), section 27-381 and subdivision (b) of section 27-382 (exit lighting), subdivision (b) of section 27-384 (exit signs), section 27-396.3 (signs in sleeping rooms), section 27-777.2 (ventilation in J-1 buildings), subdivision (b) of section 27-929 (sprinklers, fire alarm systems, fire command and communication systems), paragraph two of subdivision (c) of section 27-989 (elevators in readiness), section 27-996.1 (locks on hoistway doors) and section 27-996.2 (firemen's service) shall file with the department a report on or before April first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven certifying to the installation of the required fire protection systems in accordance with approved plans and appropriate permits prior to such date. Owners of all existing buildings not already subject to the requirements of article nine of subchapter six of this chapter as of January eighth, nineteen hundred seventy-three shall file with the department a report on or before October first, nineteen hundred eighty-five certifying to the installation of stair and elevator signs meeting the requirements of article nine of subchapter six of this chapter prior to such date. Owners of existing buildings required to comply with the provisions of subdivision (c) of section 27-384 (power source of exit signs) shall file a report on or before January 1. 2007 consisting of either (i) an affidavit of the owner certifying that compliance with subdivision (b) of section 27-384 was accomplished on or before April 1. 1987 by connecting all required exit and/or directional signs to an emergency power source or to storage battery equipment, or (ii) a certification by an architect or engineer certifying to the installation of the required power source

Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor (n) Fire alarm signaling systems. The employer shall assure that fire alarm signaling systems arc maintained and tested in accordance with the requirements of51910.165(d). (o) Fire retardant painti. Fire retardant palnta or solutions shall be renewed at such Intervals as necessary to maintain the necessary flame retardant properties. (p) [Reserved] (q) Exit marking. (1) Exits shall be marked by a readily visible sign. Access to exits shall bo marked by roadlly visible signs In all cases where the exit or way to reach It Is not immediately visible to the occupants. (2) Any door, passage, or stairway which Is neither an exit nor a way of exit access, and wr. : ch Is so located or arranged as to bo lively to bo mistaken for an exit, shall bo Montlflod by a sign reading "Not an Exit" or similar designation, or shall bo Identified by a sign Indicating Its actual character, such as "To Basement," "Storeroom," "Llnon Closet," or the like. (3) Every required sign designating an oxlt or way of exit access shall be BO located and of such size, color, and design as to bo readily visible. No decorations, furnishings, or equipment which Impair visibility of an exit sign shall be permitted, nor shall there be any brightly illuminated sign (for other than exit purposes), display, or object In or near the line of vision to the relulred exit sign of such a character as to so detract attention from the exit sign that It may not be noticed. (4) Every exit sign shall be distinctive in color and shall provide contrast with decorations. Interior finish, or other signs. (5) A sign reading "Exit", or similar designation, with an arrow Indicating the directions, shall be placed In every location where the direction of travel to reach the nearest exit Is not Immediately apparent. (6) Every exit sign shall be suitably Illuminated by a reliable light source giving a value of not less than 5 footcandles on the Illuminated surface. Artificial lights giving Illumination to exit signs other than the Internally Illuminated types shall have screens, discs, or lenses of not less than 25 square inches area made of translucent


material to show red or other specified designating color on the side of the approach. (7) Each intci-s'iy Illuminated exit sign shall be provided in all occupancies where reduction of normal illumination Is permitted. (8) Every oxlt sign shall have the word "Exit" in plainly legible letters not less than 6 Inches high, with the principal strokes of letters not less than throe-fourths-inch wide. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 46 PR 60703, Sept. 12, 1980]

(1010.38 Employee emergency plan* and fire prevention plan*. (a) Emergency action plan—(1) Scope and application. This paragraph (a) applies to all emergency action plans required by a particular OSHA standard. The emergency action plan shall be in writing (except as provided In the last sentence of paragraph (a)(5)(lll) of this section) and shall cover those designated actions employers and employees must take to ensure omployoe safety from fire and other emergencies. (2) Elements. The following elements, at a minimum, shall be Included in the plan: (I) Emergency escape procedures and emergency escape route assignments; (II) Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate; (III) Procedures to account for all employees after emergency v.-. •"• --.-'.an has been completed; (Iv) Rescue and medical duties for those employees who are to perform them; (v) The preferred means of reporting flres and other emergencies; and (vl) Names or regular job titles of persons or departments who can be contacted for further information or explanation of duties under the plan. (3) Alarm system. (1) The employer shall establish an employee alarm system which complies with {1910.165. (11) If the employee alarm system is used for alerting fire brigade members, or for other purposes, a distinctive signal for each purpose shall be used. (4) Evacuation. The employer shall establish in the emergency action plan the types of evacuation to be used in emergency circumstances.


Chapter 6

Buildings Used for Business and Office Purposes §6-01

Fire Drill and Evacuation in Office Buildings and Buildings Classified as Occupancy Group E (Business)

§6-01 Fire Drill and Evacuation in Office Buildings and Buildings Classified as Occupancy Group E (Business). (a) General. (1) Application. These rules shall apply to a building clas. sified in §27-253 of the Building (Administrative) Code as occupancy group E, occupied or arranged to be occupied for an occupant load of more than one hundred persons above or below the street level or more than a total of five hundred persons in the entire building and any existing office building with an occupant load as hereinabove provided. (2) Definitions. Fire drill and evacuation. Fire drill and evacuation means the method and practice of the systematic, safe and orderly evacuation of an area or building by and of its occupants in case of fire in the least possible time; also the use of such available fire appliances (including sounding of alarms) as may have 1i- ^ f avided for the controlling or extinguishing offireand the safeg a*.. ^ •of human life. (3) Objective. To provide proper education as a part of continuing employee indoctrination and, through a continuing written program for all occupants, to assure the prompt reporting of fire, the response to fire alarms as designated and the immediate initiation of the fire safety procedures to safeguard life and contain fire until the arrival of the Fire Department. (b) Responsibilities. (1) Owner or other person having charge of the building shall: 1621 RCNY 6-80-91



Rita F. Fahy Fire Analysis and Research Division National Fire Protection Association 1 Batterymapch Park Quincy, MA 02269-9101

International Conference on Fire Research and Engineering, September 10-15,1995. Orlando, FL. Proceedings. Sponsored by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). D. Peter Lund and Elizabeth A. Angell, Editors. Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Boston, MA, 1995.


This paper is a contribution of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and is not subject to copyright

How to Plan for Workplace Emergencies and Evacuations U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA 3088 2001 (Revised)

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