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Archives: St. Petersburg Times

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§>t Petersburg JTimes TIA now verifies flight of Saudis:[SOUTH PI NELL AS Edition] JEAN HELLER. St. Petersburg Times. St. Petersburg, Fla.: Jun 9, 2004. pg. l.A

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Copyright Times Publishing Co. Jun 9, 2004 Two days after the Sept. 11 attacks, with most of the nation's air traffic still grounded, a small jet landed at Tampa International Airport, picked up three young Saudi men and left. The men, one of them thought to be a member of the Saudi royal family, were accompanied by a former FBI agent and a former Tampa police officer on the flight to Lexington, Ky. The Saudis then took another flight out of the country. The two ex-officers returned to TIA a few hours later on the same plane. For nearly three years, White House, aviation and law enforcement officials have insisted the flight never took place and have denied published reports and widespread Internet speculation about its purpose. But now, at the request of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, TIA officials have confirmed that the flight did take place and have supplied details. The odyssey of the small LearJet 35 is part of a larger controversy over the hasty exodus from the United States in the days immediately after 9/11 of members of the Saudi royal family and relatives of Osama bin Laden. The terrorism panel, better known as the 9/11 Commission, said in April that it knew of six chartered flights with 142 people aboard, mostly Saudis, that left the United States between Sept. 14 and 24, 2001. But it has said nothing about the Tampa flight. The commission's general counsel, Daniel Marcus, asked TIA in a letter dated May 25 for any information about "a chartered flight with six people, including a Saudi prince, that flew from Tampa, Florida on or about Sept. 13, 2001." He asked for the information no later than June 8. TIA officials said they sent their reply on Monday. The airport used aircraft tracking equipment normally assigned to a noise abatement program to determine the identity of all aircraft entering TIA airspace on Sept. 13, and found four records for the LearJet 35. The plane first entered the airspace from the south, possibly from the Fort Lauderdale area, sometime after 3 p.m. and landed for the first time at 3:34 p.m. It took off at 4:37 p.m., headed north. It returned to Tampa at 8:23 p.m. and took off again at 8:48 p.m., headed south. Author Craig Unger, who first disclosed the possibility of a post- 9/11 Saudi airlift in his book House of Bush, House of Saud, said in an interview that he believes the jet came to Tampa a second time to drop off two former law enforcement agents from Tampa who accompanied three young Saudis to Lexington for security purposes. The Saudis asked the Tampa Police Department to escort the flight, but the department handed off the assignment to Dan Grossi, a former member of the force, Unger said. Grossi recruited Manuel Perez, a retired FBI agent, to accompany him. Both described the flight to Unger as

http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/sptimes/649189841.html?MAC=379c428ed9c693b3n3453f2... 6/25/2004

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There is No Future Like the Present I was on the verge of putting together this welcome editorial when the tragic news came in that Prince Ahmed bin Salman had passed away. It isn't my intention to take away the devastating impact his tragic loss will have on his family, friends and associates, but his unexpected death even turned my world upside down. As recently as July 12, a group of us from California Thoroughbred—Doug Burge, Debra Ginsburg, Deanna Sparks and I—had made the short trip to the prince's 20-acre Thoroughbred facility in Bradbury Estates. The purpose of the visit was to put together the "CTBA Member Profile" for August on Richard Mulhall, president of Salman's widespread and successful racing and breeding operation. The Thoroughbred Corporation. Even though Prince Salman was not present, both the subsequent tour of the farm and the interview with his racing manager provided us with the sense that this larger-than-life man's presence was all pervading. We even ventured to ask when Ahmed was due to return to this region and were excited to find out that it was to be in the near future. Sadly, a meeting with him, something that I was really looking forward to, will now never transpire. Under the circumstances, it was decided that it would be most appropriate not to publish the finished article on Mr. Mulhall. Instead, we have replaced it with a tribute to this popular and influential member of the local, national and international Thoroughbred community. Prince Salman will truly be missed, in the same vein as Georgia Buck Ridder, Audrey SkirballKenis, Charlie Comiskey, Frances 'Pat' Santeramo and Bargain Day, all participants in our local industry who receive mention in this month's issue. So, because I always try and look on the bright side of life, let's move on to what you readers can look forward to in this magazine. At the head of affairs are the features on our Broodmare of the Year and Valkyr Trophy winners for 2001/2002, as well as a review of California-bred Sky Jack's gutsy win in the grade I Hollywood Gold Cup. There is also a final preview of what to expect at this year's eagerly anticipated Del Mar Yearling Sale— from the best hip numbers on offer to the latest stallion updates to the 'where, when, what and how' of the whole event. Furthermore, there is our mainstay "News Bits" section which leads off with details of California Thoroughbred's fine showing at the recent American Horse Publications annual awards competition. Then we have editorials on California's promising freshman sires, the Blane Schvaneveldt Ranch and Julie Krone's scheduled appearance at the upcoming Harris Ranch Seminar. Additionally, the local 'legends' Katey Barrett, Chris McCarron and the aforesaid Bargain Day are also spotlighted, while Snow Chief is the sixth horse to be featured in our "Cal-bred Millionaires' Row" series. Our racing reviews for California, both north and south, highlight the many excellent performances by our locally bred horses of late, while there's an interesting piece on the Pacific Classic, documenting the fortunes of the 2001 field since the running of last year's event. As usual, there are the latest "Down on the Farm" and "Horse Care" articles aimed at informing and educating, along with the always entertaining "Greener Pastures" piece. That's not to mention all those regular departments dealing with sires, maidens, seasons, etc., which are sure to keep our statistical experts busy. In closing, I would like to point out that whatever our deadlines are, whether it Is a particular one like this magazine calls for, or one just in general, keep in mind that they are not the be all and end all of life. Following the example of the ever-ebullient Prince Salman, remember that we only have one life to live on this earth, so let us all enjoy it while we can. Have fun this summer, especially at Del Mar.


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©California Thoroughbred 2002 (ISSN1092-7328) 201 Colorado Place, Arcadia, California 91007 Telephone: (626) 445-7800 or 1-800-573-CTBA (California residents only). FAX: (626) 574-0852. E-mail address: infoOctba.com Owned and published by the California Thoroughbred Bleeders Association, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the production of better Thoroughbred horses for better Thoroughbred racing. Opinions expressed in signed articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect policies of the CTBA or this magazine. Publication of any material originating herein is expressly forbidden without first obtaining written permission from California Thoroughbred. All advertising copy is submitted subject to approval. We reserve the right to reject any copy that is misleading or that does not meet with the standards set by the publication. Acknowledgment: Statistics in this publication relating to results of races in North America are compiled by the Daily Racing Form. Charts by special arrangement with Daily Racing Form Inc., the copyright owners of said charts. Reproduction forbidden.

OFFICERS President: WESTON L. FITZPATRICK Vice President: DANIEL Q. SCHIFFER & FRANK VESSELS Treasurer: JOHN H. BARR Secretary: JOAN ROGERS Executive Vice President and General Manager: DOUG BURGE DIRECTORS - John C. Harris, Jeanne L. Canty, Leigh Ann Howard, John H. Barr, Weston L. Ftopatrick, Daniel L. Harralson, Trudy McCaffery, Dr. Dennis M. Meagher DVM, Keith E. Card, Suzanne Pashayan, Joan Rogers, Frank Vessels, Clydene Boots, Gail Gregson, Daniel Q. Schiffer, Patrick J. Hurley Ex ORicio: John C. Hoover, E. W. (Bud) Johnston ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Chief Financial Officer: James Murphy MIS: Kellie Hale Sales Coordinator: Cookie Hackworth Raujslrar and hcentive Program Manager Mary Ellen Locke Membership: Rosemary Stringer Assistant Registrar: Dawn Gerber Executive Secretary/Events Publicist: Debbie Winick Web Site Managing Editor: Ken Gurnick Librarian/Receptionist: Vivian Montoya Sales Assistant: Loretta Veiga RACETRACK LIAISON: Tom Bunn CALIFORNIA CUP Co-Chairs: Sherwood C. Chillingworth, John Barr Coordinator: Cookie Hackworth MAGAZINE STAFF • Editor Doug Burge Managing Editor: Rudi Groothedde Editorial: Debra Ginsburg Advertising Manager: Deanna Sparks Production Coordinator: Joanne Tober Art Director: John Melanson Production: Chariene Favata Subscriptions: Rosemary Stringer CaUbmia Thoroughbred is published monthly in Arcadia, Calif. Periodical postage is paid at Arcadia, Calif., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the California Thoroughbred, P.O. Box 60018, Arcadia, CA 91066-6018 SUBSCRIPTIONS -$45.00 per year domestic $60.00 per year foreign. CTBA on the Internet — http://iiiniiiw.ctba.cam

California Thoroughbred

Buck Stops Here: Saudi Flights

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The Buck Stops Here FRIDAY, J U N E 11, 2004

Saudi Flights

"Your website is terrific!" Michael Barone "I like it...." Glenn Reynolds There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person. O.K. Chesterton

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An article from the St. Petersburg Times recounts how a plane carried three young Saudi men from Tampa to Lexington, Kentucky, on September 13, 2001, when most flights were supposed to be grounded. The Saudis then flew back to Saudi Arabia. They were accompanyed by a former FBI agent on the flight.

Several bits of info are interesting: For nearly three years, White House, aviation and law enforcement officials have insisted the flight never took place and have denied published reports and widespread Internet speculation about its purpose. But now, at the request of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, TIA officials have confirmed that the flight did take place and have supplied details. ** * The Saudis asked the Tampa Police Department to escort the flight, but the department handed off the assignment to Dan Grossi, a former member of the force, Unger said. Grossi recruited Manuel Perez, a retired FBI agent, to accompany him. Both described the flight to Unger as somewhat surreal. * ** Perez, the former FBI agent on the flight, could not be located this week, and Grossi declined to talk about the experience.

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"I'm over it," he said in a telephone interview. "The White House, the FAA and the FBI all said the flight didn't happen. Those are three agencies that are way over my head, and that's why I'm done talking about it."

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7. No flight of fancy The New York Daily News It's been fodder for conspiracy theorists since 9/11: While the nation's airspace was locked down, Saudi royals and relatives of Osama Bin Laden were whisked out of the country. Yes, said the government, six airliners flew 142 people, mostly Saudis, out of the U.S. But no, it said, one supposed flight from Tampa didn't exist. Only now, it seems, it did. Officials at Tampa's airport told the 9/11 commission last week that a Learjet picked up three young Saudis and flew them to Lexington, Ky. There, they met up with others and left for London on an airliner with Arabic markings. Now, there's nothing mysterious about the Saudis arranging safe passage. And, it seems, the flights were legal because airspace was slowly reopening. But for three years, the feds denied there had been a Tampa flight. The 9/11 commission, having concluded there was nothing fishy about the six airliners and that the FBI properly screened all passengers, is now looking at the mysterious Tampa flight. It needs to. The flight is one of those small details that should be nailed down, ending conspiracy theories once and for all.

*FULL TEXT*** 1. 9-11 Probe Up in Air on Osama Kin Flights JAMES GORDON MEEK The New York Daily News The 9/11 commission is no longer certain that Saudis - including members of Osama Bin Laden's family - did not fly out of the country immediately after the terror attacks when all aircraft were grounded, officials said yesterday. In recent weeks, the panel's investigators have scrambled to re-interview current and former FBI leaders about the flights at the request of lawmakers, sources said. "In trying to get to the bottom of [the Saudi flights], you find a lot of difficulty navigating that murky, sludge-filled bottom," said commissioner Tim Roemer, a former Democratic lawmaker who is leading the renewed effort. "There are just not a lot of solid answers on this." The FBI officials have been pressed in private by Roemer and staff investigators to say if the Saudis were given special permission to fly around the U.S. and out of its air space before it reopened to commercial planes on Sept. 13, the sources said. "They're exploring both possibilities," said one source who has been quizzed by the panel. The FBI's former counterterror chief, Dale Watson, and former Acting FBI Director Tom Pickard were among those re-interviewed by the commission, sources said. No evidence has been presented publicly indicating the Saudis were allowed to fly before the air space was reopened. But one lingering issue concerns private investigators who were hired to fly Saudis on Sept. 13 from Tampa, Fla., to Lexington, Ky. At the time, only commercial planes were allowed to take off, not private planes. FBI officials have said that air space restrictions forced the group to drive to Lexington, where Prince Ahmed, owner of the Thoroughbred War Emblem, waited. Tampa International Airport released electronic records yesterday that they gave to the commission indicating the Saudis did indeed fly from Tampa. "We identified the aircraft the commission was asking about," said airport spokeswoman Brenda Geoghagan. FBI officials indicated that they were unconcerned with the departure of the Saudis, including Bin Laden's family members. The FBI repeatedly had dangled a $5 million reward in front of Bin Laden's siblings who were living in the U.S. before 9/11 for help in tracking down the terrorist. "We started every conversation with, 'Hey, how'd you like to make $5 million?' They'd just look at us, like, 'Are you kidding?'" said a top FBI source. The wealthy family members convinced the feds they had no information about their brother and at least one even encouraged them to nail Bin Laden.

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bmall Voices of Septembet 11th 19] Mum Street,

OF S E P T E M B E R 11™ New York Daily News


Thursday, June 10th, 2004 WASHINGTON - The 9/11 commission is no longer certain that Saudis - including members of Osama Bin Laden's family - did not fly out of the country immediately after the terror attacks when all aircraft were grounded, officials said yesterday. In recent weeks, the panel's investigators have scrambled to re-interview current and former FBI leaders about the flights at the request of lawmakers, sources said. "In trying to get to the bottom of [the Saudi flights], you find a lot of difficulty navigating that murky, sludge-filled bottom," said commissioner Tim Roemer, a former Democratic lawmaker who is leading the renewed effort. "There are just not a lot of solid answers on this." The FBI officials have been pressed in private by Roemer and staff investigators to say if the Saudis were given special permission to fly around the U.S. and out of its air space before it reopened to commercial planes on Sept. 13, the sources said. "They're exploring both possibilities," said one source who has been quizzed by the panel. The FBI's former counterterror chief, Dale Watson, and former Acting FBI Director Tom Pickard were among those re-interviewed by the commission, sources said. No evidence has been presented publicly indicating the Saudis were allowed to fly before the air space was reopened. But one lingering issue concerns private investigators who were hired to fly Saudis on Sept. 13 from Tampa, Fla., to Lexington, Ky. At the time, only commercial planes were allowed to take off, not private planes. FBI officials have said that air space restrictions forced the group to drive to Lexington, where Prince Ahmed, owner of the Thoroughbred War Emblem, waited. Tampa International Airport released electronic records yesterday that they gave to the commission indicating the Saudis did indeed fly from Tampa. "We identified the aircraft the commission was asking about," said airport spokeswoman Brenda Geoghagan. FBI officials indicated that they were unconcerned with the departure of the Saudis, including Bin Laden's family members. The FBI repeatedly had dangled a $5 million reward in front of Bin Laden's siblings who were living in the U.S. before 9/11 for help in tracking down the terrorist.

http://www.voicesofseptll.org/91 lie/061004.html



17:21 FAI

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United States Senate WASHINGTON, DC 20510

June 16,2004 Inspector General Glen Fine Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 Dear Inspector General Fine: Recent revelations concerning apreviously unreportcd flight carrying Saudi nationals, possibly including a member of the Saudi royal family, between Tampa, FL, and Lexington, KY, on September 13, 2001, has brought into question previous Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reports concerning such flights. I am writing to urge you to conduct an immediate investigation into any failure of the FBI to disclose information related to the existence of flights by citizens of Saudi Arabia into and out of the United States immediately priorto and following the events of September 11.2001. In order to ensure that any remaining questions about these flights' passengers and purpose are addressed, I also urge you to prepare a comprehensive report for submission to Congress containing all information relating to the approval and conduct of domestic and international flights transporting Saudi Arabian nationals in the week prior to and following the terrorist attacks of 9/11. It has recently been reported that a LearJet 35 aircraft carrying six individuals, including three young Saudi Arabian men, one of whom is speculated to be a member of the loyal family, flew from Tampa to Lexhigton just two days after the terrorist attacks of September 11,2001 in order to allow the Saudis to board a flight from Lexington to London. These reports directly contradict the FBI's version of the events in which they claim that these individuals drove from Tampa to Lexington. It has also been reported that mere is no manifest for the 9/13 flight and the Tampa International Airport Police Department has said that its records indicate no member of its force screened the plane's passengers. I am troubled that such a flight could have been allowed to take place just two days after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and it is absolutely essential mat the information regarding the circumstances under which this flight was approved and why its existence was not previously disclosed are brought to light The failure of the FBI to disclose the existence of this reported flight also raises the possibility that previous FBI disclosures regarding post 9/11 flights were incomplete and that information regarding as of yet undisclosed flights and related matters may still exist Revelations that the FBI did not fully disclose information directly related to such an important and sensitive topic can only serve to heighten doubts about previous statements concerning these flights and the forthrightness of the federal government. In order to dispel these doubts an information regarding these flights must be disclosed so that Congress and the American people can understand why these flights were allowed to proceed.




17:21 FAX

Accordingly, I urge you to prepare a comprehensive report for Congress containing all previously disclosed flight information as wen as any new information that may have not yet corae to light. In addition, to passenger screening information, manifests, and destinations, the report should include a description of who was responsible for approving these Sights, an explanation for the failure of the FBI to disclose the Tampa flight, and all existing information relating to these flights that has not previously been disclosed. In oiderto gain a complete comprehension of the terrorist attacks of September 1 1, 2001, as well as the events and decisions that took place in their aftermath, it is crucial to learn why these flights were allowed to take place and why information regarding these flights has been so closely guarded. I thank you for your attention to this important matter. Sincerely,

Charles E. Schuraer United States Senate

June 20th, 2004 2:00 pm

The New York Times: Will Michael Moore's Facts Check Out? By PHILIP SHENON / The New York Times Michael Moore is not coy about his hopes for "Fahrenheit 9/11," his blistering documentary attack on President Bush and the war in Iraq. He wants it to be remembered as the first big-audience, election-year film that helped unseat a president. "And it's not just a hope," the Oscar-winning filmmaker said in a phone interview last week, describing focus groups in Michigan in April at which, after seeing the movie, previously undecided voters expressed eagerness to defeat Mr. Bush. "We found that if you entered the theater on the fence, you fell off it somewhere during those two hours," he said. "It ignites a fire in people who had given up." The movie's indictment of the president is nothing if not sprawling. Mr. Moore suggests that Mr. Bush and his administration jeopardized national security in an effort to placate Bush family cronies in Saudi Arabia, that the White House helped members of Mr. bin Laden's family to flee the United States after Sept. 11 and that the administration manipulated terrorism alert levels in order to scare Americans into supporting the invasion of Iraq. Mr. Moore's previous films generated a cottage industry of conservative commentators eager to prove sloppiness and exaggeration in his films; a handful of mainstream critics have also found flaws. But if "Fahrenheit 9/11" attracts the audience Mr. Moore and his distributors are predicting, Mr. Moore may face an onslaught of fact-checking unlike anything he ? or any other documentary filmmaker ? has ever experienced. After all, White House officials and the Bush family began impugning the film even before any of them had seen it. "Outrageously false," said Dan Bartlett, the White House communications director, last month when told about the film's assertion of a sinister connection between Mr. Bush and the family of Osama bin Laden. The former president George H. W. Bush was quoted in The New York Daily News calling Mr. Moore a "slime ball" and describing the documentary as "a vicious personal attack on our son." So how will Mr. Moore's movie stand up under close examination? Is the film's depiction of Mr. Bush as a lazy and duplicitous leader, blinded by his family's financial ties to Arab moneymen and the Saudi Arabian royal family, true to fact? Mr. Moore and his distributors have refused to circulate copies of the film and its script before the film's release this Friday; his production team said that as of last Wednesday, there was no final script because the film was still undergoing minor editing ? for clarity, they said, not accuracy. After a year spent covering the federal commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, I was recently allowed to attend a Hollywood screening. Based on that single viewing, and after separating out what is clearly presented as Mr. Moore's opinion from what is stated as fact, it seems safe to say that central assertions of fact in "Fahrenheit 9/11" are supported by the public record (indeed, many of them will be familiar to those who have closely followed Mr. Bush's political career). Mr. Moore is on firm ground in arguing that the Bushes, like many prominent Texas families with oil interests, have profited handsomely from their relationships with prominent Saudis, including members of the royal family and of the large and fabulously wealthy bin Laden clan, which has insisted it long ago disowned Osama. Mr. Moore spends several minutes in the film documenting ties between the president and James R. Bath, a financial advisor to a prominent member of the

^Number Inquiry

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Tampa airport officials confirm post-9/11 jet flight to Lexington


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Posted on Thu, Jun. 10, 2004

Tampa airport officials confirm post-9/11 jet flight to Lexington SAUDI PRINCE THOUGHT TO HAVE LEFT U.S. WHILE AIR TRAVEL RESTRICTED STAFF, WIRE REPORTS After nearly three years during which federal officials denied the story, officials at Tampa International Airport have now confirmed that a small jet flew from Tampa to Lexington just two days after the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to a published report. Details of the flight, supplied by the Tampa airport at the request of the national Commission on Terrorist Attacks, indicate that the plane picked up three young Saudi men there and left for Lexington's Blue Grass Airport. The men, one of whom was thought to be a member of the Saudi royal family, were accompanied by a former FBI agent and a former Tampa police officer on the flight, according to an article in yesterday's editions of the St. Petersburg Times. In Lexington, the plane is believed to have picked up Saudi Prince Ahmed bin Salman, a horseman who had been attending horse sales at Keeneland, according to an account in a recent book, House of Bush, House of Saud. The book says the party then traveled to London. The story of the plane, a LearJet 35, has been a subject of Internet speculation and conspiracy theories for several months. Some, including the book's author, Craig Linger, suggest that the quick evacuation of Saudi nationals was a political favor extended by the Bush administration at a time when most air travel was restricted. Fifteen of the 19 terrorists who hijacked airplanes on Sept. 11 were Saudi. As far as Lexington's Blue Grass Airport is concerned, spokesman Tom Tyra said that commercial flights were cleared to resume on Thursday, Sept. 13, shortly after noon — hours before the Saudi plane apparently took off. The first flight left Blue Grass, bound for Atlanta, at 12:50 p.m. that day, he said. Lexington was the 12th airport in the nation given clearance to resume flights after the terrorist attacks, Tyra said. While small private planes remained grounded for some time after Sept. 11, Tyra said it's his understanding that larger general aviation aircraft, such as corporate jets and "special circumstances" flights, were given clearance to leave Blue Grass Airport and other airports on a case-by-case basis by the FAA. The Saudi plane wasn't the only one to leave on Sept. 13 and through the weekend immediately following Sept. 11, Tyra said. Other large private planes - from places such as Dubai, France and Spain — were at the airport for the September sale at Keeneland. Many of them left on Friday and during the weekend, Tyra said. However, getting a flight out of Tampa might have been more complicated. The St. Petersburg Times' story quoted FAA spokes-man William Shumann as suggesting that air travel was being limited at the time to paid charter flights, but not private, non-revenue flights. The legality of the LearJet flight "hinges on whether somebody paid for it," Shumann told the newspaper. "That's the key." For nearly three years, officials with the White House, the Federal Aviation Administration and law enforcement have insisted that the flights did not happen. The FAA declined to comment to the Florida newspaper about the Tampa airport's disclosure. So did the FBI and the 9/11 commission.

http://www.kentucky.com/mld/kentucky/news/state/8885976.htm?template=contentModul... 6/14/2004

Aircraft For Charter Details: LEARJET 35A

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Commercial and charter flights to The Abacos

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Travel News - Advisory Air Florida and Air Sunshine

Air Florida Express grounded by FAA over safety violations Posted November 26 2003 Air Florida Express, a charter firm that flies from Fort Lauderdale to the Bahamas, has been ordered to cease operations after being accused of falsifying weight and balance forms and failing to have enough flotation devices for each passenger, the Federal Aviation Administration said Tuesday. The company, based on the north side of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, is appealing to have its air carrier certificate reinstated. The company's certificate was revoked last month after a flight from the Bahamas to Fort Lauderdale on June 17 in a single-engine Cessna 208 Caravan, the FAA said. Although 10 passengers were on board, weight forms indicated only eight passengers, the FAA said. One of those passengers was seated in the front right seat, next to the pilot, which is not allowed in a Cessna 208 unless only eight passengers are on board, the FAA said. Further, the FAA said, the pilot, P.J. Khan, the principal owner of Air Florida Express, conducted the flight without completing a required annual proficiency check of his skills. Khan could not be reached for comment on Tuesday. Air Florida Express is also known as Air Florida, the FAA said. On Tuesday, Air Florida employees said the company continues to fly using the planes of a separate company, Aero Leasing, but declined to elaborate. FAA spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said she didn't know the relationship between Air Florida Express and Aero Leasing, but noted, "As stated in our emergency revocation order, Air Florida Express should not be flying." Air Florida Express appealed to the National Transportation Safety Board, which will hear the company's case next month. South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Air Sunshine may be barred from Bahamas flights By Ken Kaye - Staff Writer As published in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel - http://www.sun-sentinel.com Posted July 22 2003 Earlier article posted July 192003 Whether Air Sunshine will be allowed to continue flying to the Bahamas hung in the balance on Monday night, as government officials there weighed the company's appeal to allow flights to resume. Bahamian officials had notified Air Sunshine that it would have to cease flights to the island nation as of noon Monday, after a plane crash near Treasure Cay on July 13 that killed two. On Monday, company officials pleaded with the Bahamian Ministry of Transport Aviation to lift the



ur Florida



In the Matter of: AIR FLORIDA EXPRESS, INC. FAA Order No. 2002-9 Docket No. CPOOSO0004 DMS No. FAA-2000-7260^ Served: April 16, 2002 ORDER DENYING APPEAL[2] Air Florida Express has appealed from Administrative Law Judge Burton S. Kolko's order assessing a $7,500 civil penalty, dated November 1, 2000, against Respondent Air Florida Express, Inc. (attached). The ALJ based the order assessing civil penalty upon Air Florida Express's failure to file an answer, which he construed both as a constructive withdrawal of the earlier-filed request for hearing and as an admission of the allegations set forth in the complaint. The ALJ explained that in either case, there was no need to hold a hearing. Air Florida Express's appeal is denied. On March 23, 2000, the agency attorney sent Air Florida Express a Final Notice of Proposed Civil Penalty, informing it that the FAA proposed to assess a $7,500 civil penalty. Air Florida Express then sent a written request for a hearing to the agency attorney. The agency attorney filed the complaint on April 11, 2000, in accordance with 14 C.F.R. § 13.208(a).^ Under 14 C.F.R. § 13.209(a) and [4] 13.21 l(e). Air Florida Express had 35 days or until May 16, 2000, to file its answer. Air Florida Express, however, did not file its answer until November 15, 2000. Section 13.209(f) provides that "a person's failure to file an answer without good cause shall be deemed an admission of the truth of each allegation contained in the complaint." 14 C.F.R. § 13.209(f). The Administrator has held that a late-filed answer will only be excused if good cause is shown for the delay in filing. E.g., In the Matter of Stevenson. FAA Order No. 2000-29 (December 29, 2000). Air Florida Express's attorney argues as follows on appeal: AIR FLORIDA was initially represented by its President, Pervez Khan. The undersigned interviewed Mr. Khan who advised that he had received no response to the initial request for hearing served on March 30, 2000, and was therefore unaware of his need to file a response to the Administrator's Complaint.



Order 2004-1-1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on the 2nd day of January, 2004 Served: January 5, 2004


Docket OST-01 -9214

for authority to conduct scheduled passenger operations as a commuter air carrier under 49 U.S.C. 41738

ORDER DISMISSING APPLICATION On March 20, 2001, Air Florida Express, Inc. d/b/a Air Florida (Air Florida), an air taxi operator based in Ft. Lauderdale, filed an application in Docket OST-01-9214 for authority to provide interstate scheduled passenger operations as a commuter air carrier under 49 U.S.C. section 41738. Air Florida proposed to provide daily scheduled flights between Ft. Lauderdale and Marathon, Florida. Air Florida accompanied its application with the fitness information required by section 204.3 of our regulations. The carrier filed information supplementing its application on several occasions. During the course of our review of Air Florida's application, we learned from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that, on August 10, 2001, the Miami Flight Standards District Office had initiated enforcement action against Air Florida and sent the carrier a Letter of Investigation alleging various violations of the Federal Aviation Regulations in connection with an accident that occurred in Punta Gordo, Florida, on February 14, 2001. At the same time, the FAA initiated two enforcement cases against Mr. Pervez Khan and Mr. Hanif Butt, key persons with Air Florida.1 Mr. Khan was the pilot and Mr. Butt was co-pilot at the time of the accident. Each case alleges numerous violations of Parts 119 and 135. Because of the seriousness of the allegations raised by the FAA in these enforcement cases, we advised Air Florida that, since one of the areas we review in determining an applicant's fitness to hold commuter authority is its and its key personnel's disposition to comply with applicable laws, the outcome of the enforcement cases would have a definite 1 Mr. Khan served as a consultant for Air Florida and was the husband of Saulat Khan, Air Florida's owner and President. Mr. Butt served as Air Florida's Chief Pilot.

The commission holds its 12th and final public hearing next week. It will focus on the Sept. 11 plot and the national emergency response. Democratic commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste said members remain hopeful they can produce a unanimous report, although some are holding out the option of inserting editorial notes if commissioners disagree on certain points or want to flag a particular individual as blameworthy. "The failure to thwart the 9/11 catastrophe was in part the result of the failure to communicate both internally and externally about information collected by our intelligence agencies," he said. "Had there been effective use of the information, the possibility exists the 9/11 plot could have been disrupted."

2. TIA now verifies flight of Saudis JEAN HELLER The St. Petersburg Times Two days after the Sept. 11 attacks, with most of the nation's air traffic still grounded, a small jet landed at Tampa International Airport, picked up three young Saudi men and left. The men, one of them thought to be a member of the Saudi royal family, were accompanied by a former FBI agent and a former Tampa police officer on the flight to Lexington, Ky. The Saudis then took another flight out of the country. The two ex-officers returned to TIA a few hours later on the same plane. For nearly three years, White House, aviation and law enforcement officials have insisted the flight never took place and have denied published reports and widespread Internet speculation about its purpose. But now, at the request of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, TIA officials have confirmed that the flight did take place and have supplied details. The odyssey of the small LearJet 35 is part of a larger controversy over the hasty exodus from the United States in the days immediately after 9/11 of members of the Saudi royal family and relatives of Osama bin Laden. The terrorism panel, better known as the 9/11 Commission, said in April that it knew of six chartered flights with 142 people aboard, mostly Saudis, that left the United States between Sept. 14 and 24, 2001. But it has said nothing about the Tampa flight. The commission's general counsel, Daniel Marcus, asked TIA in a letter dated May 25 for any information about "a chartered flight with six people, including a Saudi prince, that flew from Tampa, Florida on or about Sept. 13, 2001." He asked for the information no later than June 8. TIA officials said they sent their reply on Monday. The airport used aircraft tracking equipment normally assigned to a noise abatement program to determine the identity of all aircraft entering TIA airspace on Sept. 13, and found four records for the LearJet 35. The plane first entered the airspace from the south, possibly from the Fort Lauderdale area, sometime after 3 p.m. and landed for the first time at 3:34 p.m. It took off at 4:37 p.m., headed north. It returned to Tampa at 8:23 p.m. and took off again at 8:48 p.m., headed south.


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CNN LIVE AT DAYBREAK Post-9/11 Security Lapses; FBI, Justice Department to Face 9/11 Panel Aired April 13, 2004 - 06:30 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.

CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning to you from the CNN global headquarters in Atlanta. I'm Carol Costello. Here are the latest headlines for you at this hour. Testimony at the 9/11 Commission hearings today will center on the intelligence agencies and law er Attorney General John Ashcroft and former FBI Director Louie Freeh are among those expected to te Eight hostages have now been released in Iraq. The five Ukrainians and three Russians had been se residence in Baghdad yesterday. And the Associated Press is reporting that a U.S. Apache helicopter has gone down in flames near F Apache apparently was brought down by a rocket fired from the ground. There is no word on the con< man Apache crew. The U.S. military has detained a top aide to radical Shiite leader Moqtada al-Sadr. The Shiite leader i spearheaded most of the attacks against coalition forces. The aide was taken into custody during a rr leaders. And about two hours ago, Vice President Dick Cheney arrived in China for some high-level meetings China's president to discuss the situations in Iraq, North Korea and Taiwan. (WEATHER BREAK) COSTELLO: We know the 9/11 Commission will zero in on that now- famous declassified memo. But Saudi question? That's what "Boston Globe" reporter Craig Unger is wondering this morning. He say; evidence that at least 140 Saudis were flown out of the United States two days after 9/11 at a time wl grounded by government order. If that's true, why? And did the president allow it? Craig Unger is joining us live from New York. And, Craig, you call this the single-most egregious security lapse related to the attacks. How so? CRAIG UNGER, "THE BOSTON GLOBE": Well, it's quite possible. Remember, this is after Septembi people can argue about how much terrorism should have been on the president's radar screen befon immediately afterwards, it appears that the White House authorized the departure of I found a total ol stopping in 12 American cities, taking 140 passengers, most of them Saudis, many members of the n members of the bin Laden family among them. And there was a potential treasure trove of intelligenc



Why Can't We Have An Answer?

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By Alexander Bolton, The Hill 18/5/04 May 19,2004, 12:46 The Bush administration has refused to answer repeated requests from the Sept. 11 commission about who authorized flights of Saudi Arabian citizens, including members of Osama bin Laden's family, from the United States immediately after the attacks of 2001. Former Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.), vice chairman of the independent, bipartisan commission, disclosed the administration's refusal to answer questions on the sensitive subject during a recent closed-door meeting with a group of Democratic senators, according to several Democratic sources. However, former Navy Secretary John Lehman, a Republican appointee who also attended the meeting, said in an e-mail to The Hill that he told the senators the White House has been fully cooperative. Democrats suspect President Bush, who met privately with the Saudi Arabian ambassador, Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, on the morning of Sept. 13, 2001, may have personally authorized the controversial flights, several of which took place when all other U.S. commercial air travel had been halted. The White House communications office did not immediately respond to a request for comment. If Bush or members of his inner circle are shown to have approved the flight of the prominent Saudi Arabian citizens, it could be damaging to Bush, who has staked his re-election campaign in large measure to his carefully built image as the steady leader of the war against terrorism. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said she asked Hamilton and Lehman if they were able to find out who in the administration authorized the Saudi Arabian flights. "Who did this? Why would the Saudis want to get out of the country? They said [those questions have] been part of their inquiry and they haven't received satisfactory answers yet and they were pushing," Boxer said. Another Democrat in the meeting who confirmed Boxer's account reported that Hamilton said, "We don't know who authorized it. We've asked that question 50 times." Boxer said she obtained a commitment from Hamilton that the commission will state in its final report if the White House refused to answer questions about who authorized the Saudi flights after the 2001 attacks. Hamilton, who was traveling to New York for commission hearings scheduled for today and tomorrow, could not be reached for comment.

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Saudi Arabia - US Relations Newsletter - Prince Bandar Interview Meet the Press

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Saudi-US Relations Information Se Newsletter






MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2004


Issues in Context: Prince Bandar Meets the Press

Editor's Note: On April 25, 2004 His Royal Highness Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulazi Press" hosted by Tim Russert. Prince Bandar followed Bob Woodward, aut which chronicled the Bush Administration's preparations for the invasion of I questions about the book's revelation that Prince Bandar was briefed on allegations about crude oil prices. The interview moved on to cover a wi developments in the US-Saudi relationship. The transcript that follows, prep provided as an item of interest and includes links to statements, reports, artic that were discussed during the "Meet the Press" interview. Prince Bandar was appointed Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia America by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd bin Abdulazi: 27, 1983. He is currently Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in the United States, was promoted to the rank of Minister.

Tim Russert: Prince Bandar, welcome to "Meet the Press." Prince Bandar: Thank you.



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Firehouse.com Article: Lexington, Ky. Museum to Honor Police, Firefighters

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Firehouse.com - Printable Article The Web's Source for Fire, Rescue & EMS Click Here to Print This Page

Lexington, Ky. Museum to Honor Police, Firefighters MICHAEL FEENEY Lexington Herald Leader via the Associated Press Fund-raising for a new public-safety museum on the first floor of the Lexington History Museum will begin Sunday at the second annual Tribute to Lexington's Heroes memorial service and concert. The new museum is a way of paying tribute to police, firefighters and corrections personnel, said Becky Estep, an aide to the mayor. Estep, who is responsible for special events, plans to showcase the history behind the public safety division, displaying such things as uniforms and pictures. "The museum will be strictly volunteer-driven," Estep said. "We're not using any money to staff or pay for janitorial services." The public-safety museum, which was proposed to the mayor's office by police Capt. Mark Barnard, would be a first for Kentucky. "It's a great idea," police Sgt. Rick Curtis said. "It's just going to be a lot of work." Estep said plans are still in the early stages. "The biggest problem is we are probably going to outgrow the space we have." The public-safety museum will occupy four renovated rooms on the first floor of the Lexington History Museum in the old courthouse on West Main Street. The rooms were originally renovated for the Downtown Development Authority, but it did not move in. "We will cooperate with them," said Ed Houlihan, executive director of the Lexington History Museum. "Hopefully we can work together." The museum has potential sponsors, Estep said, but she said she could not announce them yet. Donations from the public are welcomed. Estep has not set an opening date for the museum or a fund-raising goal. "A lot depends on how many volunteers and how much funding the project will have," she said. Printable version may be for personal use only. Content many not be duplicated, re-used or otherwise replicated without expressed, written consent from Firehouse.com and/or the original author/source

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'Thoroughbred Corp. Dispersal Sale

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Mar 3 2004 It was the end of an era Tuesday night at the Barretts auction in southern California as the last of the late Prince Ahmed bin Salman's Thoroughbred Corporation horses were dispersed. A total of 52 horses were sold, mostly Sale topper Cat F horses of racing age, with the top price of $1,350,000 going for recent grade brought $1,350,0i 2 stakes winner Cat Fighter. The 4-year-old filly, who won the La Canada expected. Stakes (G2) last out, was purchased by Hill 'n' Dale Farm owner John Sikura Tina Hines in partnership with Richard and Audrey Haisfield who recently purchased a farm in Kentucky. Sikura was surprised to get her that cheap. He said, "I thought she Em was a $2-million-plus filly, and I didn't expect to be able to buy her. She's a wellPitt credentialed filly, and she's well-bred. She had a great performance in her last start, and she's on top of her game." Cat Fighter will remain in training with Bob Baffert. The Haisfield's also purchased the $700,000 second highest priced horse, 4-year-old filly Atlantic Ocean, for their Never Tell Farm along with the Tale of the Cat filly Honest Answer for $510,000.

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They plan to put together a band of 1012 quality broodmares for their farm. Atlantic Ocean was bought by Thoroughbred Corp. for $1.9 million in the 2002 Barretts March 2-yearolds in training sale, setting a record for a juvenile filly sold at auction. She has so far earned $678,210, winning 5 of her 19 career starts.

Following the dispersal was a 2-year-old in training sale where hip #81, a filly by Awesome Again out of a Saratoga Six mare, broke Atlantic Ocean's record sale price when she was purchased for $2,000,000 by John Ferguson Bloodstock. Overall, 79 juveniles were sold for a total of $13,728,000, an average of $173,772 each.

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The 52 horses brought a total of $6,453,200, an average of $124,100 each. Trainer Kristin Mulhall, daughter of Thoroughbred Corp.'s top advisor Richard Mulhall served as the consignor for the sale. She said, "It all has to end sometime, but I'm happy

The.5 Anal} Belm




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The Thoroughbred Corporation races Thoroughbreds on a global basis, which it principally breeds in the USA and Europe or purchases at the world's leading Thoroughbred auctions. The corporation, which was established in 1995, is the holding company organized to manage the Thoroughbred assets of HRH Prince Ahmed bin Salman and those horses he races or owns with partners. The goal of The Thoroughbred Corporation is to race at the highest level of international competition, to syndicate, stand or sell top male horses for stud duties and to retire suitable females to its broodmare band. Opportunities to purchase Thoroughbreds will sometimes arise. Please check our listing and we would recommend, if you are not familiar with values in our industry, that you refer your interest to our office through a Thoroughbred trainer, agent or advisor.




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January 26, 2003

• By the time you read this, in all likelihood, Azeri will be Horse of the Year for 2002 which will, of course, reflect well on her trainer, Laura De Seroux. This is by way of introduction to a few words that may be judged harshly by some readers. Some may accuse me of ageism, others of antifeminism; still others may charge me with reverse snobbery. Rather than waste time refuting such baseless accusations I shall simply say, So be it," and proceed. Yes, Laura De Seroux did very well by and with Azeri and several other exceptionally fine horses. But what has she done lately? Initially I was skeptical of De Seroux, thinking that it doesn't hurt to have a world-class bloodstock agent as a husband, to travel and hobnob with racing's elite, to have done some time as one of Charlie's angels (Whittingham, that is), and, not least, to have the Paulson estate horses. What could go wrong? Well, almost nothing as it turns out. It became evident that she did know a thing or two about horses and she did nothing wrong with any of her charges. I overcame my initial suspicions and actually came to admire her. And I confess I was partial to her body language when she interacted with the horses. Her love for them was very obvious. She was particularly adept at placing them where they could win culminating with the Breeders Cup. But what happens now? De Seroux had but one win at HOL and is winless at SA. Furthermore, the Paulson progeny, who seem barely to know one end of a horse from the other, have decided to sell off the stable so Laura has lost her best animals. (Ahh, if only Madeleine of the Hats had inherited the entire stable!) Judging by some of the fancy names attached to her more recent entries, I suspect her husband has been doing some schmoozing on her behalf but unfortunately they are not winning. Now, despite deciding that I like Laura herself, I find myself back to my original skepticism regarding her training. I do hope I am wrong. • The other object of my skepticism is young Kristin Mulhall. And yes, I know some of you may have scored the tasty $72 Mulhall exacta in the Exceller on Saturday the 25th. I acknowledge this as a nice score by young Kristin, and I do mean young. Only nineteen when she got her trainer's license she may be all of twenty now. And yes, her name is familiar. Her father is former trainer Richard Mulhall, now the racing manager for The



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Prince Ahmed bin Salman dead at age 43

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Prince Ahmed bin Salman 1958 - 2002 Date: 07/22/02 On Monday, July 22, 2002, the racing world was stunned by the announcement of the death of 43-yearold Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, the principal partner of the Thoroughbred Corporation, from a heart attack. His green and white striped silks are well-recognized worldwide, most recently in his four consecutive Triple Crown victories with Point Given taking the Preakness and Belmont last year and War Emblem capturing the Kentucky Derby and Preakness this year.

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The nephew of Saudi Arabia's King Fahd was bom on November 17, 1958. After studying in both the military and the University of California at Irvine he went into business, eventually becoming chairman of Saudi Arabia's Research and Marketing Group, a publishing company with offices in Riyadh and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and also in London, England. With his college friend Richard Mulhall as trainer, he got into the racing business initially as Universal Stable. In 1994 when the operation resurfaced as The Thoroughbred Corporation, with Mulhall retiring as a trainer and taking on the job of racing manager. Mulhall is currently the president of the operation. The pair would go on to racing greatness, both with sales purchases and homebreds. The Thoroughbred Corp.'s roster reads like a who's who of racing in the past decade, with such greats as Sharp Cat, Lear Fan, Jewel Princess, Windsharp, Military, Royal Anthem, Anees, Officer, Habibti, Spain, 2001 Horse of the Year Point Given, and this year's dual classic winner War Emblem. The Prince also had success in Europe, starting with his very first horse, Hays, who won the Mill Reef Prince Ahmed celebrates War Emblem's Stakes and Oath who won the Epsom Derby. win in the Preakness Currently Thoroughbred Corp. has approximately 60 horses in training mostly stabled with Bob Baffert, D. Wayne Lukas, and John Shireffs, along with 45 broodmares, mostly at Mill Ridge Farm in Lexington.


His name will always be associated with War Emblem, his one Kentucky Derby http://www.horse-races.net/library/aa072202.htm


National Review/Digital September 29, 2003

Page 27 of 97

the academy, and politics, because they share this distrust of U.S. power, especially during a Republican administration. These dubious arguments hold general sway in the public debate, while developments that would tend to support U.S. policy tend to be overlooked. Little attention has been paid to the evidence, outlined by Amir Taheri in the New York Post, that Syria is already responding to the "demonstration effect" of Iraqi freedom by modest steps toward liberalization and the ending of the one-party state. But this merely underscores the need for the U.S. to argue its case better, and to stay the course in Iraq. Are there then no valid criticisms of administration policy? Certainly there are. The "swagger" element in the Bush foreign policy has been grossly overdone; a firm policy can still be advanced in soothing diplomatic terms. The vulgar undifferentiated attacks on "the Europeans" have distorted the reality of strong support for the U.S. in many European nations and alienated potential supporters across the Continent. At the same time, the failure to develop a serious long-term policy that would prevent France and Germany from conscripting the "New Europe" into an anti-American coalition will weaken the U.S. Nor has the State Department, in its dealings with the U.N., employed public diplomacy to explain why the U.S., as a constitutional democratic government rooted in accountability to the voters, cannot accept the exaggerated claims of transnational organizations, NGOs, and "soft" international law to embody the will of the "international community." And so on. The U.S. has quietly acquiesced over the years in the construction of a set of transnational rules, practices, and organizations that are hostile in principle to an international system based on nation-states and thus to the U.S. as the single most important state in that system. It is then unreasonably surprised when, in a crisis like Iraq, these transnational forces object to America's pursuing its interests without due deference to the new structures. In thinking about U.S. policymakers, I am reminded of a remark about the Hapsburgs, by my old boss on the Daily Telegraph, Colin Welch: "They always fought in the last ditch. Never in the first."


The Great Escape (Cont.) How did assorted bin Ladens get out of America after September 11?



National Review/Digital September 29, 2003

Page 28 of 97

BYRON YORK Last year, on the first anniversary of September 11, there were serious, unanswered questions about the Bush administration's decision to allow members of the bin Laden family living in the United States to leave the country in the days after the terrorist attacks. Now, on the second anniversary of September 11, there are still serious, unanswered questions. But ever so slowly, new information is emerging. The basic story has been known for quite a while. Not long after the attacks, the Saudi government, saying it feared retribution against Saudi citizens, worked with the bin Laden family to gather up more than 100 family members and other prominent Saudis for a flight to Jeddah. A chartered jet made pickups in Los Angeles, Orlando, and Washington, D.C., before making a final stop at Boston's Logan Airport, from which it departed for Saudi Arabia. But the Saudis required permission to leave the country, and it has never been clear who in the U.S. government gave it to them. In interviews with National Review last year (see "The Great Escape," Sept. 30, 2002), a State Department source said Foggy Bottom "played no role" in the matter; an FBI spokesman said the Bureau did not have the authority to make that decision; and the White House declined to answer questions. Recently, however, Richard Clarke, the former head of anti-terrorism at the National Security Council, gave some answers while testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on terrorism. "I do recall the State Department coming to us that week [after September 11]," Clarke testified, saying that the Saudi Embassy felt that in the wake of the terrorist attacks, Arabs in this country, particularly Saudis, might be victims of retribution attacks, and they wanted therefore to take some Saudi students and the Saudi citizens back to their kingdom for safety, and could they be given permission to fly, even though we had grounded all flights. Now, what I recall is that I asked for flight manifests of everyone on board and all of those names need to be directly and individually vetted by the FBI before they were allowed to leave the country. And I also wanted the FBI to sign off even on the concept of Saudis being allowed to leave the country. And as I recall, all of that was done. It is true that members of the bin Laden family were among those who left. We knew that at the time. I can't say much more in open session, but it was a conscious decision with complete review at the highest levels of the State Department and the FBI and the White House.




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Phantom Flight From Florida by Kathy Steele The Tampa Tribune October 5,2001 http://web.archive.0rg/web/20011108145853/http://www.tampa (removed) TAMPA - The twin-engine Lear jet streaked into the afternoon sky. leaving Tampa behind but revealing a glimpse of international intri, the aftermath of terrorist attacks on America. The federal government says the flight never took place. But the two armed bodyguards hired to chaperon their clients out o] state recall the 100-minute trip Sept. 13 quite vividly. In the end, the son of a Saudi Arabian prince who is the nation's del minister and the son of a Saudi army commander made it to Kentuc a waiting 747 and a trip to their homeland. The hastily arranged flight out of Raytheon Airport Services, a priv hangar on the outskirts of Tampa International Airport, was anythir ordinary. It lifted off the tarmac at a time when every private plane nation was grounded due to safety concerns after the Sept. 11 attacl Local and federal authorities will say little about the flight. "It's not in our logs ... it didn't occur," said Chris White, spokesman Federal Aviation Administration's regional office in Atlanta. For private investigators Dan Grossi and Manuel Perez, the bodygu the Lear, it was a trip they can't forget. A Special Situation Grossi said Tampa police intelligence detective called him about 11 a.m. Sept. 13, needing help with a special situa They had been watching three young Saudi men - at least one a stuc the University of Tampa - at their south Tampa apartment, and the 1 scared and wanted to go home. Jim Harf, director of UT's international programs, confirmed one ol




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http://www.democrats.com/view2.cfm?id=14289 27-May-03 Saudi Defense Minister Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz is being sued by families of the 9-11 victims for personally approving millions of dollars of Saudi government funding for terrorist front groups. Amazingly, bin Abdul Aziz arranged for his son to be flown from Florida to Kentucky on 9-13 - a flight the Bush administration denies ever happened, on the second day when ALL civilian flights in the US were prohibited. To make matters worse, bin Abdul Aziz and his Saudi co-defendants hired James Baker's law firm to defend him against the TRILLION dollar 9-11 lawsuit. Could this trial expose the deep Saudi connections to Al Qaeda, and the Bush connections to both? Is a Special Prosecutor needed? Is it even possible to investigate the Bush-Saudi-AI Qaeda ties? Stay tuned...

The Secret Saudi Flight on 9-13 Could be the Key to the BushSaudi-AI Qaeda Connection By Catherine Arnie About a month after the September llth attacks, I read an article in the Tampa Tribune by Kathy Steele entitled "Phantom Flight From Florida." The intriguing report told the tale of a flight out of Florida that allegedly took place on September 13 - a day when ALL civilian air traffic in the United States was grounded. "This was out of a Tom Clancy movie," according to a retired homicide detective who was hired for the flight. Its mission was to spirit the son of a Saudi prince, the son of a Saudi army commander, and another unidentified Saudi from Florida to Kentucky, because "there was a perceived threat, and the family of the person wanted him home right away." The "person" in danger was the son of Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, who is no minor figure in the Saudi Royal family. Rather, Prince Sultan is the kingdom's minister of defense, the third-ranking position in the Saudi Government, whose powers exceed those of even America's super-powerful Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Dan Grossi and Manuel Perez were the two Floridians who were hired to serve as private bodyguards on the flight. According to the article in the Tampa Tribune, Dan Grossi is a retired Tampa cop who worked in internal affairs and homicide. Perez is a retired FBI man whose experience was in counter-terrorism and bomb-making. Perez now runs a detective agency and the two men provided security for the National Football League at Raymond James Stadium in September of 2001. The article reported that shortly after the September 11 attack, Lexington police Lt. Mark Barnard received a request from a prominent Saudi Kingdom official for the protection of three young Saudi men in Florida, at least one of whom - Prince Sultan's son - had been studying English at the University of Tampa for three weeks. (Tampa police records listed Sultan Bin Fahad as the individual who specifically requested protection for the three men. That is probably Prince Sultan Bin Fahad, head of the Saudi General Presidency of Youth Welfare. In family-run Saudi Arabia, there is apparently a whole Ministry devoted to keeping Royal youth out of trouble - something the Bush family elders no doubt dream of copying.) Apparently Barnard then contacted the Tampa police department and two "off-duty" Tampa



fouse of Bush, House of Saud


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The Boston Globe, April 11, 2004

Unasked questions by Craig Unger The 9/11 commission should ask who authorized the evacuation of Saudi nationals in the days following the attacks

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IN ITS TOUGH QUESTIONING of Richard Clarke and Condoleezza Rice, the 9/11 commission has already shown itself to be more resolute than some skeptics predicted. Many Americans now realize that multiple warnings of an Al Qaeda attack on American soil crossed the desks of Bush administration officials in the months leading up to 9/11. The administration's previously unchallenged narrative has begun to unravel. But when hearings resume on Tuesday, we may learn exactly how tough the commission is prepared to be. This time the stars will be Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI director Robert S. Mueller III, among others. When they testify — especially Mueller ~ we will see whether or not the commission has the stomach to address what may be the single most egregious security lapse related to the attacks: the evacuation of approximately 140 Saudis beginning just two days after 9/11. This episode raises particularly sensitive questions for the administration. Never before in history has a president of the United States had such a close relationship with another foreign power as President Bush and his father have had with the Saudi royal family, the House of Saud. I have traced more than $1.4 billion in investments and contracts that went from the House of Saud over the past 20 years to companies in which the Bushes and their allies have had prominent positions ~ Harken Energy, Halliburton, and the Carlyle Group among them. Is it possible that President Bush himself played a role in authorizing the evacuation of the Saudis after 9/11? What did he know and when did he know it?




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Exclusive Excerpts Salon.com has just published four excer House of Bush, House of Saud.

Part i; The Great Escape Part 2: Did the Saudis buy a Pres Part 3; The Arabian candidate Part 4.: Lost in Transition

Let's go back to Sept. 13, 2001, and look at several scenes that were




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He was also one of the Watergate prosecutor and Ben-Veniste was the Democratic coi at the Whitewater hearings.

"Six Degrees of Richard Ben-Veniste" December 20—world exclusive by Daniel Hopsicker copyright MadCowMorningNews may not be reprinted without permission At the same time Wally Milliard's Venice flight school was training dozens of terrorists fly—including both pilots crashing into the World Trade Center— the owner of Huffmar Aviation in Venice Florida was also involved in a murky aviation transaction with a mu millionaire Texas oil-man who played a prominent role in the Whitewater Scandal. Truman Arnold, chief fund-raiser for the Democratic Party in 1995 when the scandal b was investigated for a variety of dubious money-raising schemes ranging from renting the White House's Lincoln Bedroom to selling tickets on Air Force One. He was also fingered for procuring cash (read hush money) for convicted Clinton friend Web Hubb( Arnold, who played golf with Clinton regularly, coordinated payments to Webster Hubt from businesses controlled by old friends of President Clinton and campaign donors th included the Lippo Group, organizers of a multibillion-dollar development in China thai received the endorsement of the Clinton administration. Now Truman Arnold's name has surfaced in connection with the investigation into the Venice FL flight schools made infamous by the September 11 terrorist attack. In a curious aircraft transaction discovered while probing the tangled business affairs < Wallace J. Hilliard, 70, of Naples, FL, Truman Arnold appears to have 'loaned' Hilliardonly a dollar—a Beechcraft King Air 200 worth over $2 million. Moreover, it wasn't until almost a year later that Hilliard finally got around to arrangin financing to pay for the plane, according to documents obtained from the FAA by the MadCowMorningNews.

"Being connected means never having to say you're sorry." On December 10, 2000, Truman Arnold engaged in his act of munificence with Wally Hilliard, owner of two flight schools which beginning in 1999 induced hundreds of Arat men to leave their desert kingdoms and come to American shores to learn to fly... Wally Hilliard's newly-discovered association with a benefactor at the heart of the American political process raises anew questions about whether the appearance of Mohamed Atta and his terrorist buddies in Venice, FL. was— as the official story has it just a matter of mere happenstance. Wallace Hilliard, it is clear, has ties extending well into the upper reaches of American






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On September 13th, 2001...a day in which ALL private and commercial aircraft were grounded in the US... a solitary Lear jet left Tampa International airport, I out of Raytheon Airport Services (Carlyle Group ISR Solutions-provides Security I for Raytheon and Tampa International Airport) withthree significant and very infamous passengers...! According to an artilce by Kathy Steele, in The Tampa Tribune, Sunday, October 5, 2001, 'The Phantom Flight From Florida" two body guards, a retired FBI Agent and a retired Tampa police detective, reported that clearance for the escape from Florida came from the White House. One of the passengers was the son of the Saudi Minister of Defense, Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, the 3rd ranking member of the Saudi GOvt. His son and two other "Saudi students had been in Florida for the three weeks prior to 9/11 TAKING ENGLISH LESSONS! on a Student Visa.

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According to an article by Catherine Arnie, in Veterans For Peace, May 27, 2003; (www.veteransforpeace.org/The_secret_saudi_052703.htm) who indicates that Tampa is near Venice, Florida where Mohammad Atta took flight lessons. The Veterans For Peace article states that the 2 other Saudis on the flight were the son of an inidentified Saudi military commander and the 3rd unidentified Saudi.

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In an unrelated article, there is also an indication that a son of Osam Bin Laden was also extracted from Florida on or about September, 13th, 2001.

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After 9/11: the Saudis Who Slipped Away When the 9/11 commission resumes its hearings Tuesday, it will be fascinating to see whether it addresses what may be the most serious security failure related to the attacks: the evacuation of about 140 Saudis almost immediately after 9/11. Think about it: U.S. intelligence knew that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi. Analysts also knew that Saudi money was a major force behind Al Qaeda. And, of course, Osama bin Laden, the perpetrator of the worst crime on American soil, was Saudi. It is standard practice in murder investigations to interview friends and relatives of the primary suspect. One of the highest U.S. security priorities should have been the interrogation of Bin Laden's relatives and other Saudis who, inadvertently or not, may have funded him. "Certainly it would be my expectation that they would do that," says Oliver "Buck" Revell, former associate deputy director of the FBI. And it should not have been difficult. U.S. airspace was almost entirely locked down. Virtually no one could fly. Nevertheless, the Saudi Arabian Embassy was able to organize a massive operation to evacuate these citizens from the U.S. It began with a chartered flight from Tampa, Fla., to Lexington, Ky., on Sept. 13. Soon there were at least eight planes stopping in 12 U.S. cities to fly Saudis out. About two dozen passengers were related to Bin Laden. Because of the lockdown, the initial flight required authorization from the highest levels of government — and specifically from the White House. Former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke said he was a party to such conversations in the White House. Except for Clarke's brief testimony before the 9/11 commission, however, the issue has received scant attention. The FBI has said "unequivocally" that it played no role in facilitating any flights. Both the Federal Aviation Administration and the White House claim the Sept. 13 flight did not take place. But it did — as did the subsequent flights. How do I know? For my book, I interviewed two men, Dan Grossi and Manuel Perez, who were on the plane that took off from Tampa as security guards. I spoke with FBI agents who identified Saudi passengers boarding the flights but said they did not have lengthy interviews with them. I talked to sources who helped orchestrate the operation. And I obtained passenger lists for four of the flights. (The documents can be seen at http://www.houseofbush.com .) Out of several dozen passengers on those lists, the most astonishing name was that of the late Prince Ahmed Salman. Best known as the owner of War Emblem, winner of the 2002 Kentucky Derby, Ahmed was a prominent Saudi prince, but his presence is of interest for another reason. As reported in Gerald Posner's "Why America Slept," Salman allegedly had ties to Al Qaeda and even had advance knowledge that it would stage a major attack in the U.S. on 9/11. Posner's report is based on sources who were in a position to know details of the CIA's interrogation of Abu Zubeida, a high-ranking Al Qaeda operative captured in Pakistan in 2002. Not long after Zubeida's startling allegations about him, Salman died of a heart attack at age 43. That leaves the questions of why the FBI did not appear to be interested in Salman or the Bin Laden relatives or the others on the flight, and why the White House went to such great lengths to expedite the departure of a potential treasure trove of intelligence. The 9/11 commission should ask FBI Director Robert Mueller and Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft why such a man was allowed to leave the country immediately after the attacks. Did the president play a role in authorizing the evacuation himself? The Bush family has a long, close relationship with the House of Saud. I have traced at least $1.4 billion in investments and contracts over the last 20 years from Saudis to companies in which the Bushes and their allies have had prominent positions — among them, Harken Energy, Halliburton and the Carlyle Group. Did these relationships persuade the Bush White House to turn a blind eye to the Saudi role in terror? At a time when millions of Americans were numb with terror, was the Bush administration delivering favors to its Saudi friends? If the commission addresses these questions, it will probably be accused by Republicans of politicizing this historic investigation — in an election year, no less. But if it does not, it risks a far worse fate: betraying the thousands of people who lost their lives that day.

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Did Magic Dutch Boy's Boss Slip Saudis out of Raytheon? by Daniel Hopsicker

December 26-Venice, Florida. Everything you need to know about the corruption of America that left this country defenseless on Septerr be gleaned today from stories coming out of Jeb Bush's Florida, the hub of the plot. There the climate of ir created by the commodities being traded so casually in that state's over-active black market allowed 19 A desert kingdoms to wander about with the ease of Jimmy Buffet fans after a concert, looking for a bar ser\.

Let's begin with a story in the Tampa Tribune of a twin-engine Lear jet, which took off two days after the S attack, at a time when every other private plane in the nation was grounded due to safety concerns. "The Phantom Flight from Florida" Because the federal government says the flight never took place, the paper headlined it the "Phantom Flic Florida." It carried a Saudi Arabian prince, the son of that nation's defense minister, as well as the son of? commander, and it flew from Tampa to Lexington, Kentucky, where Saudi princes had been purchasing ra Bluegrass Country. From there, they flew a private 747 out of the country. But if no one in the government would acknowledge happened, the two armed bodyguards hired to get their clients out of the state were only too happy to recj remembered vividly. The Trib's reporter said the story revealed "a glimpse of international intrigue in the aftermath of terrorist a America." It also offers a glimpse of the privilege accorded these foreign Saudi nationals that was denied American < "Everyone's got deals with the Saudi's," protested a Special Forces Commander at McDill AFB, where the was run, when asked about the trip. "Why point a finger at this one incident?" Because, we told him, we suspected that the initial pilot training of Bin Laden's Air Force at the tiny Venice

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Title: Terror Flight School Owners Flew Saudis on "Unsupervised Flights" All Over The Country

Lepathon Time

Source: www.madcowprod.com URL Source: http://www.madcowprod.com/index.html Published: May 3, 2004 Author: Daniel Hopsicker Post Date: 2004-05-03 12:41:53 by honway 33 Comments

Rep. Pastor gets PNC post (La Raza alert) U.S. Warns Of Al Qaeda Threat This Summer [Shukrijumah. Siddiqy Sent By Khalid Mohammed ]

May 3~Venice,FL. by Daniel Hopsicker A federal complaint filed April 5 in Ft. Myers, FL. accusing flight school owners Wally Milliard and Rudi Dekkers of flying numerous "unauthorized and Unsupervised flights" during April and May of 1999 makes no mention of the clients on the illegal flights, who, according to several aviation sources, were Saudi nationals. The unauthorized flights took place on three separate Lear jets owned by Wally Billiard of Naples, FL., the self-same 'retired' 71-year old Midwestern insurance executive who bankrolled the flight school attended by both Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi. Also named in the complaint is "Magic Dutch Boy" Rudi Dekkers, whose criminal activities, according to court documents filed in his native Holland, once put him at the center of "a web of intrigue," from which he has not since emerged. "They were flying for the Saudis," said an aviation executive familiar with the operation. "They were ferrying Saudi princes all over the U.S." The federal complaint reveals that the flights took place during April and May of 1999, raising questions of whether the two men had stillundisclosed ties with Saudi nationals before terrorists began arriving at their two hastily-purchased flight schools. Saudi Princes "not germane" to 9/11, Say Feds "All their getting is a slap on the wrist," said the aviation executive dismissively. "But you can go to jail for the kind of things they're charged with. What they were doing is blatantly illegal. Without a Federal Aviation Administration air carrier operating certificate, the Government has no idea where those planes went, or even who was on board. Whoever they were flying for didn't want anyone to know." Of course at this late date any move by the FAA to curb the suspicious aviation activities of financier Hilliard and "Magic Dutch Boy" Dekkers raises the question: "Why start now?"


Sanchez will be replaced as commander in Iraq Report: al-Qaida Ranks Swelling Worldwide Kerry 46% Bush 44% - The Rasmussen Reports Presidential Tracking Poll America's Black Budget and the Manipulation of Mortgage & Financial Markets Report: TERRORISTS Planning Summer Attack! Hackworth: Voting With Their Feet AP Interview: Army sergeant who talked about Abu Ghraib prison disciplined by military Spanky the clown arrested on porn charges AP: Terrorists may strike U.S. this summer New intelligence suggests terror operatives in U.S. for major attack C.I.A. Bid to Keep Some Detainees Off Abu Ghraib Roll Worries Officials (WHO WAS "JAMES BOND. SOS. AGENT IN CHARGE"AT ABU



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