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Subject: | | Fwd: From Sally Regenhard



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Hi Sam, / I was just reviewing some old emails and I just wanted to check if you received the forwarded email below. Also, I referred to an "old gent" a former member of FDNY whom I plucked from relative obscurity, and who became the sensation of the NIST open hearing last week at the Marriot, on West Street. Anyway, he is not on line, but this is his information.

I think you would benefit from all of the people listed, below. Please let me know what happens. II (PS: The FDNY desperately needs to be reformed - inside out, top to bottom, with new leadership, people, and those from outside of NY for starters. No one can be the impetus for this except the 9-11 Commission. If you can do this, it will be the first time that the FD has been reformed in perhaps 100 years! That is scary, isn't it? // PS: Would anyone like to interview me, or do you feel that you basically have my gist? // All good wishes,



Contact Name: Neil Winbe Home Phone:! Notes

Sally Regenhard, Chairperson Skyscraper Safety Campaign

http://us.f419.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?Search=& YY= 13462&order=down&sort=...


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'--." Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2004 03:05:40 EST

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Subject: From Sally Regenhard


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Hi Sam



How are you?Re your previous message re people to testify, First of all, can you give me an email address (this one?) and a phone number so that potential witnesses can contact you themselves? I have 5-6 people who would like to/give information re FDNY to the Commission. 1) Gerard Baptiste - lost son at WTC (FD);Vvants to tell about circumstances of his son's death. Will give you insjght. He is one of about a dozen victims families of color, who up to now, have not spoken/up. He speaks with a heavy French accent (he is Haitian, educated, was an accountant for the City of NY) Testified at NIST on 2/12 / / Contact Name: Gerard Jean Baptiste I Title: lost FF Son Gerard / / Company:[ JH) Screen Cellular: Notes: Ladder 9-I JMr Gerard Jean-Baptiste

2) John Napilitano - (former NYPD) lost son, and Leonard Crisci - lost brother. Both testified at NIST. They seem to have a lot of information. I think they are very credible re FDNY information. Testified at NIST 2/12 Contact Name: John Napolitano

http://us.f419.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?Search=&YY= 13462&order=down&sort=...


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Title: lost FF son on 9/11 Company: bst.frnd lost bro:Lenny Crisci E-mail 1 :l I 3) Leonard Crisci Contact Name: Leonard Crisci Title: lost FF broLt John Crisci -Hazmat Unit E-mail1:L J 4) William Rodriguez- Claims to be the last person to escape one of the towers. Worked in bldg maint in the WTC. Helped FF's try to get into locked doors. He was the only one who had "the key". Is.credible, but I don't know if he is embellishing or not. But it would be good to speak to him. Contact Name: William rodriguez ., Title: ....-;:>;/9/11 Personal Privacy Compan Latino Victims Assn. E-mail 1: Cellular: 5) Al Fuentes - ret'd Captain, F.DNY, Hqrbp.r.ilnit, buried under rubble, was in coma for weeks, very smart, excellent source Very dedicated. Contact Name: Capt Al Fuentes Tltle:l Company:] Screen Name! 6) Did you ever get to speak with/Chief Mike Telesca (FDN Y, ret.) ? Contact Name: Michael Telesca Screen Name:l E-maillJ Notes: Sally, I'm a retired Chief from 9/11 who would like to talk to you. Please give me a call. Michael Telesca /

He is a home run. 7) I have a senior gent, former FF who was in the FD when the WTC was proposed, and during the construction. He talks a lot, but is very credible and knowledgable. As soon as I locate my notes, I will give you contact info. No computer set up as yet.

Sally Regenhard, Chairperson Skyscraper Safety Campaign

http://us.f419.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?Search=&YY=l 3462&order=down&sort=...


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Subject: Additional People who want to testify TO:

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Date: Frl, 27 Feb 2004 20:26:13 EST






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The following people want to testify re 9/11, fssue^, .including emergency communication & radio issues and other FDNY and emergency management issues: ,..-••"' /-'' // / Richard Nogan, current FDNY (was buried in .the Marriott) ( he also has others who wish to testify) / /


Capt. Al Fuentes, FDNY( ret.) (also bu.ried in V\ C) Contact Name: Capt Al Fuentes /

(cl Screen Name:|_ Work Phone: 718-429-2215


Please tell them that Sally Regenhard of the; Skyscraper Safety Campaign referred you to them. Thank?. /

Sally Regenhard, Chairperson Skyscraper Safety Canjpaign B: Cell: Fax: 718-671-6007 Email: j_ Website: S^sc ChristianRegenhard.com Pelete } Reply J ^J

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Date: Frl, 12 Mar 2004 13:04:10 EST Subject: Impt. referral from S. Regenhard

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Hi Sam,

/ i

\w are you? I would like to refer an excellent perso

of Psychiatry, NYU Medical School to be interviewed re the 9/11 Emergency Response of the City of NY, etc. (cell:| / j |or| } Dr. Gittleman is well known to many of.-the families of the victims, as he has had a hands on role since Sept 11th, in the aftermath of the WTC. He is very well versed in the coordination of emergency services in the aftermath of a disaster. In our brief conversation today, he mentioned interacting with the Giuliani Administration, and FEMA, etc, and has a I0t of very pertinent and useful information re what happened and how it could be improved. His evaluation of the emergency response of the City .is very pertinent, and he is a very willing candidate. / i I think that you would be very pleased with; the testimony of a person of his professional expertise. Please let me know if it works out. I am looking forward to the hearings in May.

Sally Regenhard, Chairperson

\ Safety Campaign


Cell: 718-671-6007

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