Nsp Impact Report 2008

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  • Pages: 24



“After I helped one of my clients, who had been hopping from one homeless shelter to another, find a job, she looked me straight in the eye and said, “Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me. Now I can get my life back together again.” - NSP VOLuNTEER


NSP’s mission is to combat poverty in our communities by engaging our nation’s college students in this effort. vision

We envision a day when all people in our country will have the opportunity to achieve economic security and pursue their aspirations.

table of contents Letters from the CEO and Chairman.................. 2 Program Year Highlights................................... 3 Our Model....................................................... 4 10 Years of NSP.............................................. 5 Timeline......................................................... 6 Alumni: Where Are They Now?.......................... 8 Clients: Where Are They Now?........................... 9 Volunteer Statistics and Profile......................... 10 Client Statistics and Profile.............................. 12 Financials....................................................... 14 Thanking Our Donors....................................... 15 NSP Directory................................................. 20

2007-2008 Impact Report | 1

The most valuable insight I have gained as an NSP volunteer is that everyone has the capacity to change their lives and their circumstances.

Letters from the CEO and Chairman Dear Friends,

Dear Friends,

I never could have imagined that at this moment – 10 years into NSP’s history – we would be facing the greatest test of our mission in our organizational lifetime. I have to confess that it has been hard for me take the time to reflect on all that we have learned and accomplished when I feel so focused on how much more we are going to need to accomplish in the next 10 years.

It has been a decade of remarkable growth and accomplishments for National Student Partnerships. As one who was present at the very beginning, I am both gratified and inspired that over these past 10 years NSP has helped more than 30,000 families pull away from poverty and homelessness, while graduating over 5,000 student advocates into its alumni ranks.

As the immediate sting of our nation’s financial crisis settles into a longterm reality, the recovery battle will need to be waged on two fronts. The first undoubtedly will be at the highest levels of government and finance. The second front line will be drawn from community to community across the United States as more families face unemployment, poverty, and homelessness. It will be organizations like National Student Partnerships manning that front line, helping families create a plan of action and providing hope and moral support through the tough times ahead. The good news is that our nation’s young people are activated and ready to serve now. This is NSP’s moment.

As I reflect on what NSP has achieved over the past ten years, I am more convinced than ever of the power of its mission to combat poverty in our communities by engaging our nation’s best and brightest college students in this effort. The individuals profiled in this report, both alumni and clients, prove that NSP has achieved success in beginning to execute this mission. We have also proved that the need is great, and I am excited and encouraged by the way NSP’s management team is meeting this challenge – deepening our presence in our communities, bringing in critical support like New Profit and Monitor Group to engage in rigorous growth planning, and making sure our brand reflects the depth of our local impact.

This report is really an extended thank-you letter to all of our supporters. Now, more than ever, we need your support not only to sustain, but to deepen and expand NSP’s ability to serve families in the next 10 years.

I look forward to working with all of our valued supporters in the year ahead as we craft a vision for NSP’s next decade of service. With deepest appreciation for your commitment to NSP’s important work,

Words cannot express my gratitude for your support of NSP,

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Kirsten E. Lodal

Marne Obernauer, Jr.

CEO and Co-Founder National Student Partnerships

Chairman National Student Partnerships Board of Directors

No one is too young, too old, too uneducated, too marginalized to make enormous impacts on their lives and the lives of others. - NSP Volunteer

program year highlights

2008 Annual Leadership Summit

The Annual Leadership Summit, held February 8-10 in Washington, DC, was a huge success. Over 250 students, alumni, community partners, clients, supporters, and special guests came together to share insights, challenges, and best practices as they pursue NSP’s mission. Attendees also had the opportunity to hear remarks from such inspiring keynote speakers as General Colin Powell; Alan Khazei, CEO of Be the Change; and Dean Furbush, President of College Summit. Annual Washington, DC Benefit

In May, NSP honored Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and Senator Edward Kennedy with the “Leadership in Service” award at its annual DC event. 150 of NSP’s strongest DC-area supporters gathered to celebrate NSP and the work of the Congresswoman and Senator. The two were presented with the award for their commitment to promoting volunteerism and to strengthening low-income communities both in their home states and across the country.

General Colin Powell addresses NSP volunteers and supporters at the 2008 Annual Leadership Summit in Washington, DC.

Re-naming and Re-branding

Looking ahead to its 10th Anniversary, NSP officially launched an initiative to better match its external brand with the power of its on-the-ground work. In March, NSP was one of the first DC-based nonprofits to be awarded a “Naming and Visual Identity” grant from the Taproot Foundation. Taproot works to strengthens nonprofits by engaging business professionals in pro-bono service in the areas of marketing, HR, and IT consulting. Working with a Taproot creative team—as well as other critical thought partners— NSP’s goal is to produce a new name, logo, and overall look and feel for the organization. Local Office Support

Proposed in PY’08 and formally starting in PY’09, NSP is increasing the number of Program Managers from three to five, and moving them out of the National Office and into the field. To further increase the impact of the Local Offices, NSP has moved to recruit and place two Site Coordinators in every Local Office.

NSP client Anthony Newlon, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, and CEO and Co-Founder Kirsten Lodal gather at NSP’s 2008 Washington, DC benefit.

2007-2008 Impact Report | 3

We are a method of breaking down barriers between universities and their host communities. I tell everyone about the work we do and they all think it’s incredible. - NSP Volunteer

our model What We Do

NSP operates a national network of resource centers (Local Offices) staffed by a dedicated corps of student volunteers from area colleges and universities. Working one-on-one with low-income community members (clients), NSP volunteers provide on-site and referral services that enable clients to: locate employment; further their education; become computer literate; secure affordable housing; and receive the information and skills necessary to pursue their long-term goals. Perhaps most importantly, NSP volunteers provide clients with hours of listening and support services that are rarely available in other service agencies. NSP has no eligibility requirements and provides all of its services at no cost to its clients. How It Works Students

NSP is a student-driven organization. Student volunteers—with their compassion, resourcefulness, and determination—undergo leadership trainings which empower them to become knowledgeable advocates for those less well off in their communities. Clients

NSP’s clients are typically individuals aged 18-65 who lack sufficient access to the employment opportunities and social services available to them. NSP’s clientele is generally low-income and/or homeless, an even mix of males and females, and diverse in race, language spoken, religion, and ethnicity. Local Advisory Boards

All NSP offices are supported by Local Advisory Boards made up of community leaders within the human services, government, education, and private sectors. NSP’s Local Advisory Boards ensure that each Local Office responds to its host community’s culture and priorities. Community Partners

NSP enlists a network of local specialists through both its partnerships and its Local Advisory Boards to connect clients to necessary services.

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For example, NSP does not provide childcare, but each NSP office forms partnerships with local childcare providers to ensure NSP clients who need those services have access to them. Volunteer Leadership

• 1-2 Site Coordinators—Full-time AmeriCorps-sponsored fellow(s) provide(s) onsite supervision and management, thereby ensuring efficient volunteer performance • 2-4 Local Directors—Dedicated student leaders appointed for one or more year-long terms to provide management support • 15-50 Student Volunteers (per semester)—Students who work directly with NSP clients to identify and access appropriate services • 2-3 Student Summer Directors—Full-time AmeriCorps-sponsored fellows provide onsite client service during the summer months NSP National Office

Headquartered in Washington, DC, NSP’s National Office provides Local Offices with the supervision, management, training, financial support, and tools that they need to provide consistent, high-quality client service.



A look back at the evolution of a revolution to fight poverty

I sincerely appreciate the work and help that this organization provides for people like myself who are desperate and need help to achieve their goals. - NSP Client

2000 1999

The First Offices


NSP Founded After seeing the impact of their work with New Haven, CT residents, Yale students Kirsten Lodal and Brian Kreiter found NSP. With the generous help of Marne Obernauer, their model becomes a reality

First Annual Leadership and Training Summit

New Haven serves as the first Local and National Office. The National Office soon relocates to Washington, DC

NSP hosts its first leadership and training conference in Washington, DC

One America Conference

With the help of three technology companies’ products and services, NSP launches the CORI (Central Online Resource Index) System as its method of tracking clients and services rendered

NSP sends a delegation of student leaders to the Welfare to Work Partnership’s OneAmerica Conference, where NSPers meet with President Bill Clinton

CORI Rollout







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U.S. Department of Labor Grant The U.S. Department of Labor awards NSP a $1 million grant to expand and professionalize its model

Summer Director Training NSP welcomes its first set of Summer Directors at a training in Washington, DC




Client Service Manual

NSP’s first nine AmeriCorps*VISTA members assume their roles as Site Coordinators in the Local Offices

NSP creates its Client Service Manual to bring client service to social work standards



First issue of “NSPeople,” NSP’s newsletter, is published

*NSP-North Philadelphia


*NSP- West Philadelphia

Thank you for being here—it is the most help I’ve gotten in the last five years. - NSP Client


Growth Strategy Plan



Jefferson Awards On behalf of NSP, Kirsten Lodal and Brian Kreiter accept the prestigious Jefferson Award in recognition of Greatest Public Service by an Individual 35 Years or Under

Client Satisfaction Survey NSP introduces a new qualitative evaluation measure, the Client Satisfaction Survey



First “Hill Day” As a complement to NSP’s Annual Leadership Summit, student volunteers meet with Congressional Representatives from their Local Office communities to convey the needs of their clients

Alumni Engagement NSP alumni formally organize efforts to remain engaged anti-poverty leaders

NSP Featured on NBC Nightly News NSP’s achievements are highlighted on NBC Nightly News’ “Making A Difference” series

AmeriCorps*National Direct Awarded to multi-state models meeting a community need, the AmeriCorps*National Direct grant gives NSP the support to staff two Site Coordinators in every Local Office


New Profit Inc. Investment New Profit Inc., a national venture philanthropy fund that provides financial and strategic support to growth-oriented social change organizations, awards NSP a $1 million, four-year investment

Working closely with consultants, NSP begins the process of better defining its theory of change and evaluating how to grow its program and revenue plan

Renaming and Visual Identity Initiative With the help of marketing and design professionals, NSP launches a rebranding effort to produce a name and image more reflective of its work


Looking Ahead NSP will implement its “go-deep” strategy in five core geographies— Boston, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC— and expand its two Site Coordinator model to effectively serve more clients in these regions

2007-2008 Impact Report | 7

NSP was the first place I felt like I really knew what I wanted to do. I was inspired to continue working in similar communities... Dave Westervelt Currently: Working for the Peace Corps in Mauritania

Svea Stromme Currently: AmeriCorps NCCC alumna, graduate of Washington University '07, MSW, Assistant Study Director at the Center for Survey Research at the University of Massachusetts, Boston

Where are they now? alumni student experience surveys consistently report that over 80 percent of student advocates pledge committment to Public service or nonprofit work following their nsp tenure. we wanted to highlight some of those who kept that pledge... dave westervelt (NSP-Pittsburgh, Local Director, '02-'03) What insights did you come away with after completing your time with NSP?

Fanta Waterman (Northwest Philadelphia Local Director '04) Currently: Adjunct Lecturer for the CUNY Bronx Community College (Health Education, Policy and Research, with a focus on minority and underserved communities)

Daryl Levine (NSP-DC Site Coordinator '05-'06)

“NSP showed me how much a local difference can mean. I always felt pushed towards the greater world, global thinking, global integration... but NSP brought me right back to the community, and showed me what was happening at home while I worked to make a positive change.” Svea Stromme (NSP-Baltimore, Site Coordinator, '03-'04) Did NSP influence your career path?

“A question often asked in job interviews is, ‘What is one thing you have done that you are most proud of?’ My work with NSP is always my answer...I spent one more year in AmeriCorps, then returned to school for my Masters in Social Work. My time at NSP helped me realize that I am a social worker.” Kunal Modi (NSP-Evanston Volunteer '04-'06, national Office Program Associate/ AmeriCORPS*VISTA '06-'07)

Currently: Public Policy Specialist with the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA)

What do you find unique about NSP’s work?

Molly Day (NSPEvanston Local Director '06-'07) and Kunal Modi Currently: Co-founders of campusCATALYST, a consulting corps for nonprofits

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“NSP defines grassroots change; [it] understands climbing out of homelessness or unemployment to achieve self-sufficiency will take more than a three-point plan or filling out the right form. We ’re out there side-by-side with our clients — attending city council meetings, knocking on the doors of landlords, waiting in line for food stamps, visiting job fairs— fighting for the future of our clients and our community... At the end of the day, NSP is about people— a group of people more broadly defined than volunteers and clients— but rather a community that’s working together on behalf of one another.”

...to assist others in finding their own empowerment. It has shaped the human being I have become today. - Leah Hilsey, NSP Alumna

Where are they now? clients NSP ultimately desires to see our clients achieve long-term stability and security. we spoke with two clients to hear their success stories.



Jeffrey Richberg

Jeffrey Richberg grew up in East Harlem. After finishing high school, he was in and out of trouble, bouncing between jobs, and struggling to support himself. After seeing a television ad for the NSP-Bronx Local Office, he contacted the volunteers for help with a Section 8 housing application. “The housing authority was prolonging my case as long as they could. The volunteers looked right into it for me and made phone calls,” Jeff says. Jeff was able to settle into his new apartment and reached out to NSP to express his desire to volunteer. Site Coordinator Danielle Egic referred him to CASA, a community organization that protects tenants rights, where he now serves as a volunteer. Jeff has remained active with NSP-Bronx, continuing to visit and speaking with freshmen at Fordham University. He also continues to spread the word about NSP: “[NSP] helped me out and I thought they could do the same for other people...I would recommend [NSP] to anyone in a heartbeat.” Sharon Daniel

Eight years ago, Sharon Daniel left her home in Trinidad and immigrated to Washington, DC. With three children in tow and another on the way, Sharon ended an abusive relationship and was evicted from her apartment. When a health clinic referred Sharon to NSP-DC, she was living in a shelter and had just given birth to her daughter. NSP volunteers worked with Sharon to tackle the overwhelming number of obstacles before her. She located legal assistance for her custody issues and her children’s immigration issues. NSP volunteers referred her to a partner childcare center, which allowed her to enroll in a food-service training program. After completing the program, Sharon secured employment with Starbucks. She credits NSP with much of her success, saying, “It was NSP that brought me to the point where I am now. NSP helps you see that you can achieve whatever you reach for.”

2007-2008 Impact Report | 9

NSP is a little different than I expected and even a little bit harder...

10 years of: volunteers

Number of Volunteers




562 520

500 399




300 235




100 0










Program Year

At any given college involvement fair, the typical freshman is bombarded with an array of service organizations—Hunger Help International, Protect the Environment, Promote Peace, Save the World—but rarely are students encouraged to devote themselves to causes in their own backyard. National Student Partnerships is one of the few organizations that recruits college students to take on the very real problem of domestic poverty plaguing the communities directly outside their often ivy-covered walls. NSP breaks down the “town-gown” divide and puts volunteers and low-income community members in the same place and on the same level. Teaming up with clients, NSP volunteers navigate tedious housing applications and bureaucratic tax forms. They tackle employment searches in a struggling job market and they advocate for clients to landlords, lawyers, and a variety of social services offices. NSP volunteers come face-to-face with the harsh reality of poverty. They experience the red tape and the frustration that comes with it, but also the immense relief when that hurdle is cleared. NSP volunteers also see how a community can struggle when caseworkers are overburdened and public programs are under-funded. By collaborating with area partners and participating in local events and politics, NSP volunteers become more than temporary residents; they become engaged citizens.

NSP-Cambridge volunteers work with clients to improve their computer skills. In Program Year 2008, volunteers completed a total of 52,100 hours of service in all 12 Local Offices.

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NSP encourages student volunteers to take this awareness and spread it, but more importantly, NSP empowers student volunteers to take this experience and change it. NSP ultimately seeks to cultivate a new generation of informed leaders and advocates with the direct exposure, the insight, and the compassion to ensure that the systemic challenges they inherit do not become the ones they pass on.

...but along with the help I am giving people, I strongly believe that I am also being helped. - NSp Volunteer

Volunteer Profile


Swati Shah came to NSP through a different avenue than most volunteers. Two years of working as an intern


with a large banking firm gave Swati, an Economics and Community Health major, professional experience, but the opportunity to do something more hands-on was what attracted her to NSP. “With NSP, you feel a sense of your own power. There is no hierarchy because everyone is working toward the same goal. You become a leader, you’re making a difference, and you’re making a change that you can actually see.” The Tufts University sophomore landed the position of Summer Director in the NSP-Somerville Local Office and set to work bringing about that change. To her surprise, Swati found that one of the most important changes she witnessed was the change in her perception of poverty. “Originally I assumed that most low-income or homeless people brought their [situation] on themselves,” she confesses. After struggling to help clients with great resumes find employment, she realized that a life in poverty was not always created by personal fault or mistakes. “We had a Harvard graduate who couldn’t fill out an application on her own. That could be any of us. It was shocking,” Swati says. Swati’s NSP experience led her to realize that poverty can be a result of economic depression, lack of public housing or other benefits, rigorous regulations and slow bureaucracy surrounding public assistance, or lack of family support. As the daughter of immigrant parents from India, Swati knows how crucial family support was to her parents’ success upon arriving in the United States. She also saw the role physical and mental disabilities played in clients’ daily struggles, causing her to reevaluate the country’s mental health care system and the adequacy to which it addresses the population’s needs. As she advocated for clients facing these obstacles, placing numerous telephone calls and writing letters to housing authorities, employers, and offices, Swati found that “the community was out there to help.” The solution to a problem was often a matter of putting the right people in touch. This year, Swati will continue to put more people in touch with the right resources as she leads a partnership program with the Tufts Office of Sustainability and LiveCooler, an energy assistance provider that helps low-income residents exchange light bulbs for compact fluorescent lamps to save on energy costs. Swati knows that the ability to lead will be something she looks for when choosing careers. With a growing interest in health policy, she plans to use her NSP experience as a reminder to take all community members’ views into account, saying, “In my future I see myself always looking at the other side of the coin.”

2007-2008 Impact Report | 11

They motivate and give you a sense of confidence. You feel that they are working with you because they want to, not because they have to. - NSP Client

10 years of: clients served

Total Services Rendered

16% Other

15% Housing

11% Listening and Support 36% Employment

from left to right:

2% Public Benefits 0.5% Immigration 3% Health Care 1% Budgeting 1% Clothing 3% Legal Services 3% Transportation 3% Food 0.5% Childrens Services 5% Education/Job Training Sources: “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage: 2007, U.S. Census Bureau; National Center for Children in Poverty

Sally needs a job. How does she apply for a job? Submit a resume. How does she create a resume without a computer? How does she return an interview call without a phone? How does she interview without proper business attire? How does she get to the job without a car? How does she find childcare for her two sons for the hours she works? Over 37 million Americans struggle with these questions on a daily basis as a result of living in poverty. Those with jobs still face an uphill battle making ends meet. Even if she secured a full-time job at $8 an hour, with no work supports, Sally and her two sons would face a gap of over $27,000 between income and basic living expenses residing in the city of Chicago. The myriad issues that contribute to a life in poverty are not easily overcome. NSP understands that triumph over these issues is not found in a “bandaid” solution, but rather in creating a comprehensive plan to address both immediate needs and larger goals. NSP volunteers work one-on-one with clients using a strengths-based approach. In a friendly, professional, and judgment-free environment, clients are encouraged to highlight their existing skills to address their own situation and needs. By linking clients to necessary tools and resources, student volunteers provide the support; clients provide the work. This system of partnership empowers clients with confidence in their own abilities to contend with future issues. By applying for Earned Income Tax Credit, public health insurance, and a childcare subsidy, Sally can foreseeably retain over $800 a year after expenses. With job training, she can improve her career skillset and earn a higher wage. These types of stepping stones are the keys to escaping poverty and the changes NSP volunteers seek to bring about in their clients’ lives.

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[NSP is] the best human resource organization I have had contact with in a lifetime. The kindness and efficiency are tops.” - NSP Client

Client Profile


In February 2007, Faye Crump suffered a severe accident, hitting her head and injuring her right arm. The physical damage affected her memory and her full range of motion, and though capable of working, she was let go from several jobs. “Employers did not want the risk of employing me,” she says. In need of employment to pay her mounting bills and overwhelmed by the situation before her, Faye sought help from Life’sWork of Pittsburgh.


Life’sWork put Faye in touch with the volunteers at NSP-Pittsburgh. Local Director LaTrenda Leonard met with Faye to discuss her situation and together they mapped out a plan that complemented her activities with Life’sWork. She enrolled in a job training program and started meeting with NSP volunteers regularly to revise her resume, apply for jobs, and seek disability assistance. Faye also sought advice on making her housing more affordable. Together, she and LaTrenda explored rental and utility assistance programs, as well as alternative housing options in the area. “She came in every day and was so committed. She was always asking, ‘What can we work on today?’” LaTrenda says. LaTrenda recalls how Faye’s attitude changed over the course of their meetings. “She had so many problems and felt like she had no direction. After we laid out her goals and she saw real tasks to be completed, her mood brightened. Once we started getting the tasks done, it was a total change.” Faye secured temporary work this past August and soon visited the office to inform the volunteers that she had been hired as a full-time housekeeper. Faye enjoys her current job immensely, saying, “I’m so happy right now. I wake up every morning and know I have a job. I’m so thankful for that.” She continues to visit NSP-Pittsburgh regularly to update volunteers on her progress, joking that she has become “somewhat of a fixture” in the office. She recently shared her story with members of NSP-Pittsburgh’s Local Advisory Board. What Faye remembers most about her NSP experience is the feeling of support she received from volunteers. “They genuinely care about people. They had never even met me and they worked with me like they had known me for years,” she says. Faye’s future plans include improving her computer skills and eventually enrolling in school again. “I never understood computers before, but after I got on one, I liked it. I thought, ‘Hey, this is easy!’” She acknowledges Life’sWork and NSP-Pittsburgh’s contributions to her overall improved sense of confidence, saying, “[NSP] turned my life around. I am so happy, so positive...I am so proud of myself.”

2007-2008 Impact Report | 13

Before NSP, I did not have a lot of interest or experience in community service, but now I’m planning to get a job in nonprofits when I graduate...

revenue and financials Revenue Individual........................................................................... $625,777 Foundation ........................................................................ $490,900 Corporation........................................................................... $95,000 AmeriCorps*VISTA............................................................... $103,750 AmeriCorps*National Direct ................................................. $284,564 In-kind Contributions ............................................................ $72,012 Other Income........................................................................ $14,219 Total Revenue: ........................................................................ $1,686,222 Members of the Global Printing team attend NSP’s Washington, DC event, “A Spring Celebration,” held at the Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company in May 2008.

Expenses Program Costs.................................................................. $1,257,445 Management and General..................................................... $188,687 Development ...................................................................... $199,298 Total Expenses.......................................................................... $1,645,430 Change in net assets....................................................................... $40,858 Net assets, beginning of year ....................................................... $201,915

NSP-Bronx client Valerie Lopez poses with her family at NSP’s New York event, “City Lights,” held at the Ailey Studios in May 2008.

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Net assets, end of year ................................................................ $242,773

...because I feel the need and the responsibility to do work that makes a difference in the world.” - NSP Volunteer

thanking our donors


National Student Partnerships is grateful for the support of the following individuals, foundations, corporations, government agencies, and universities whose significant contributions help to make our work possible. This list reflects all gifts received between September 1, 2007 and August 31, 2008.


Government Partners

The Lily Auchincloss Foundation

David Parker and Marian Davis

Arturo and Hilda Brillembourg

The Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area

Bank of America

Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC

John and Amanda Cali

The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation

David and Susan Rahm

George Chopivsky and Clara Brillembourg

Wayne and Melodie Oldenburg

Peter and Suzanne Romatowski Eugene and Iris Rotberg

Citizens Bank

Arnold Penner

Michael Ryan and Lili Lynton

Melvin and Ryna Cohen

Smith Rothchild Financial

James and Mary Connelly

Paul Sohn and Sarah Schulze

Dominic and Rita Cusimano

William and Lee Perry, in honor of the wedding of Kirsten Lodal and Jeff Himmelman

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

John and Pat Deutch

The Corporation for National and Community Service/ AmeriCorps*National Direct and AmeriCorps*VISTA

investment partners New Profit Inc.

The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Lee and Mindy Foley The Gray Charitable Trust Richard and Carol Hochman The Charles Jacob Foundation

Provost Club ($50,000-74,999)

JPMorgan Chase

Global Printing

Jan and Elizabeth Lodal

The Goldhirsh Foundation

Kevin Downey and Michele Jolin

Charles and Anne Mullany, in honor of Lucy Mullany Mark Penn and Nancy Jacobson

Dale and Kay Pittman Easton Ragsdale and Wendy Lee William and Cassie Rahm

Cum Laude Partners ($2,500-4,999)

Tim and Elizabeth Dugan

Modestus Bauer Foundation (Marc Lawrence)

Carl and Tammy Allegretti

Steven and Judy Elbaum

Daniel and Susan Christman

Marne and Peggy Obernauer

John and Marie Evans

The McCormick Foundation

Bob and Sara Cusimano

The Prince Charitable Trusts

David Fischer

CVS Caremark

Valedictorian Circle ($25,000-49,999)

Verizon Foundation (Richmond)

FBR Capital Markets

Phil Deutch and Marne Levine

Virginia Non-Profit Housing Coalition (Bob and Anna Lou Schaberg)

David and Andrea Goldman

ExxonMobil Corporation

Lawrence and Lorna Graev

Kenilworth Union Church

Harold and Bonnie Himmelman

Henry and Charlotte Kimelman Rick and Nancy Kreiter

Mark and Karen Holzberg, in honor of Jeff Holzberg

Marc Lawrence

Timothy and Debra Howard

Robert and Marilyn Mazur

Ellen Howe

Michael Sobel and Elizabeth Milbank

Laurence and Susan Hirsch

Anonymous The Bromley Charitable Trust The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

Wachovia Foundation (Philadelphia)

David and Debra Eichenbaum

Matthew and Tina Ripperger Larry Robbins Charles and Barbara Rossotti Christian Salomone and Suzanne Fine Darryl and Alicia Sargent Guillermo and Cecilia Schultz Brent Scowcroft Walter Slocombe and Ellen Seidman Stephen and Martha Smith

Capital One

Wachovia Foundation (Richmond)

The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia

Magna Cum Laude Partners ($5,000-9,999)

Rod Smith

Abraham and Geetha Joseph

Arlo and Carol Sorensen

Brian Kreiter

Mark Sullivan

ECMC - Educational Credit Management Corporation


Southwest Airlines David and Anna Steinhardt

Jack and Lisa Langer

William and Randa Gerrity

James and Carol Leavelle, in honor of Cannon Leavelle

Donald and Barbara Tober, in honor of Marne Obernauer

Pierre and Amy Chao

Lance and Lisa West

John and Rachel Rodin

Anderson and Mae Grennan

Samuel Lehrman

Robert and Margi Vanderhye

Margie and Nate Thorne


Honors Partners ($1,000-2,499)

Wendy Makins

Anonymous (5)

Paul Wallace and Saundra Whitney

JHL Capital Group LLC

Summa Cum Laude Partners ($10,000-24,999)

Richard and Amelia Bernstein

William and Lynda Webster

Eugene Keilin and Joanne Witty

Michael McCurdy and Lisa Ripperger

Robert and Nancy Blank

Thomas and Eileen McIntyre


Peter and Martha Kellner Walter and Monica Noel

Joseph and Christina Bliley

Michael McNamara

Don and Anne Ayer

Catherine Tyler

Kevin Werner Bob Woodward and Elsa Walsh

2007-2008 Impact Report | 15

It was not enough for me to spoon a bowl of soup for the homeless—I wanted to understand why they were homeless and how I could help them escape this cycle...

Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project

Armon and Barbara Kamesar, in memory of Rabbi Daniel Kamesar

John and Sally Simms

Janet Barlett

Mary Brophy

Warren and Florence Sinsheimer

Thomas and Patricia Barron

David Karabell and Paula Moss

Joel and Karen Sirkin

Brothers of the Christian Schools, Narragansett RI

Sharon Karmazin George and Bicky Kellner

Warren and Susan Stern, in honor of Marilyn and Robert Mazur

Maury and Fran Baskin, in honor of NSP-Evanston and Marcy Baskin

Peter Keogh

Todd Stern and Jen Klein

Tony Blinken and Evan Ryan

John and Susan Landau, in honor of Katherine Conway

Dennis and Shirley Bloomquist

David and Katie Leavy

Kevin and Susan Brandmeyer David and Helene Buchen

$500-999 Anonymous (1) Masud Akbar Kenneth and Darcy Bacon

Jon and Susannah Budington Henry and Jessica Catto Justin Cohen and Olivia SerafiniSauli

Amir Broumand

William and Janet Beatty

Ashley Brown

Charles and Emilie Stetson

Randy and Laura Beddoe, in honor of Christine Minutolo

Sharman Brown, in honor of Gini Christman

Elizabeth Ann Stribling Kivlan

John and Caroline Bellinger

David Browning and Nancy Lax

Howard and Lorraine Tischler

Thomas and Judy Bello

Edward and Marnell Bruce

Lenzner Family Foundation

George and Judith Truesdail

Robert and Katherine Brundige

David and Karen Levites, in honor of Lauren Levites

Philip Turbin

Ben & Jerry’s Carytown Scoop Shop, Richmond VA

Jim and Betsy Lewis, in honor of Anne Romatowski

Darrell and Ann Wells

John Lynch

Antoine and Emily van Agtmael Sidney Werkman and Nancy Folger

Sultana Bennett Michael Beresik and Beth Brummel

William and Nancy Brundige, in memory of Bob and Betty Brundige Abigail Burke

Kenneth and Dorothy Woodcock

Allen Berg, in honor of Brian Kreiter

Michael and Caroline Burns

James and Suzanne Woolsey

Samuel and Susan Berger

Salvatore Zizza and Patty Theis

Trey Caldeyro

Debbie Berger Fox

Sharon Cascone

Brian and Carole Berke

Richard and Heather Cass

Andrew and Kathy Berkman

Steven and Beth Catlett, in honor of Samantha Catlett

Robert and Jamie Craft

William Maguire

Donna Cusimano

Jacqueline Mars

Richard and Andrea Danzig

Marcia Mayo

John and April Delaney

Stanton and Lindsay McCullough

David and Stephanie Deutsch

Jason and Deborah McManus

Ricardo and Isabel Ernst

Amreesh and Asmita Modi

Anonymous, in honor of Phillip Legge

Kenneth and Diane Feinberg

Edward and Linda Morse

Anonymous (22)

Michael Feldman

John and Gail Nields

Nancy Berman, in honor of the wedding of Marni Weil and Jon Pastor

Matt and Mary Adams

Howard and Joan Oestreich

Murrayl Berner

Julian Flannery and Suzanne Rasmussen

Mark and Carolyn Agnew

Lee and Wendy Chaikin

Souren and Carol Ouzounian

Rob Bertrand

Blair Albeson

John Chappell

Frederick and Suzie Fletcher

Brett Alessi and Kate Bennison

David Bigelow, in honor of Carrie Hutnick

Sam Chasin

Fred and Susan Forman

p.45, Chicago IL (Judy Keller and Tricia Tunstall)

Stanley Freeman and Cecilia Parajon

Shelia Penrose and R. Ernest Mahaffey

Robert Alexander, in honor of the wedding of Marni Weil and Jon Pastor

Robert and LouAnn Frome

Robert and Linda Piazza

Rodolpho and Claudia Amboss

Elizabeth Gaffney

Clifford Pollan and Peggy Kriss, in honor of Lisa Pollan and in memory of Jerome Pollan

Regina Anderson

Bryan and Laurie Garlock Stephen and Lynn Glasser Joshua Gotbaum and Joyce Thornhill Michael and Marcia Greenberger Patrick and Sheila Gross Tom Hardart and Virginia Shore Jason Herrick and Lindsay Smith Stephen and Dale Hoffman Roger Horchow Paul and Teola Jones, in honor of the wedding of Kirsten Lodal and Jeff Himmelman Thomas Kahn and Susie Sanchez

16 | National Student Partnerships

Peter Price


Stanton and Carrie Anderson Susan Andrews Susan Lucia Annunzio

Ben and Karen Binswanger

William and Betty Busey

Sony and Mabel Chacko, in honor of Shilpa Joseph

Peter Cherukuri and Emily Lenzner

Richard and Suzanne Bissell

Pramod Chetty, in honor of Nisha Joseph

Steven and Cathy Bokoff, in honor of Jen Bokoff

David Chung

Joel and Joanne Bonner, in honor of Anne Romatowski William and Irina Booth, in honor of Stan Freeman

Haejin Chung William and Elizabeth Clark, in honor of the wedding of Jaime Beuhl and Bill Reichard

Warren and Sue Ellen Appleman, in honor of Richard Hochman

Roger and Susan Bottum Nick and Catharina Braden

Wes and Gert Clark, in honor of the wedding of Kirsten Lodal and Jeff Himmelman

Bonnie Roe

Elyse Arezzini, in honor of Katherine Conway

Ben Bradlee and Sally Quinn

Donna Cloninger

William Rosenberg

Bruce and Laura Brancheau

Brian Auld

Kenneth and Elizabeth Close

Eric and Laurie Roth

John and Jane Brickman

Carrie Baizer

Louis and Bonnie Cohen

Philip and Janet Rotner

Sophie Brickman

Sarah Baker

Matthew Cohen

Lawrence and Pepi Rubin

Lawrence Balaban, in honor of Lisa Pollan

Stephen Broache and Miriam Boyer, in honor of Molly Broache

William and Catherine Colglazier

Daniel Brodhead

Alicia Conway

Robert Broeksmit and Susan Bollendorf

Trina Conway

Jeffrey Quinn Wayne and Wendy Rhodes William and Susan Rifkin

James and Heather Ruth Roy and Sara Schotland, in honor of Marne Levine

Eugene Bang John Barker and Anne Witkowski

Jeanne Connaghan

Lindsay Copeland and Carol

...In National Student Partnerships, I discovered an organization that would satisfy not only my idealism, but also my pragmatism. - NSP Volunteer Goldberg, in honor of Liz Copeland

Pablo Eisenberg


Richard and Shirley Jaffee


James and Shari Erwin

Thea Handelman

Jerry and Isabel Jasinowski

Nick Eubank

Caroline Harmon, in honor of NSPBaltimore

Robert Jenkins

Ambia Harper

Jon Cross and Rachel Whiteside

Loie Fecteau, in memory of David Conway

John and Pamela Jenusaitis

Roland and Donna Harris

Geoffrey and Barbara Crowley, in honor of Jaime Crowley

Stephen Fee

Dana Hart

Richard Fiesta

A. A. and Donna Hartman

Collister and Carrie Johnson, in honor of the wedding of Kirsten Lodal and Jeff Himmelman

Heather Finn

Garry and Kathy Johnson, in honor of Megan Johnson

Daniel Lehmann

Dennis Fischman

John and Julie Headland, in honor of Sarah Mengel

John and Catharine Fisher

Brendan and Susie Healey

Henry and Franny Johnston

Amy Fleming

Brian and Pamela Henjum

John and Peggy Jopling

Steven Lerner and Nancy Lerner, in honor of Claire Costantino

Susan Flynn

Grant Henley

Ancy Joseph

George Levin

Frank Henneburg and Sharon Frey

Bernard and Laura D’Avella

Jim Fogel and Beth Jacob, in honor of Anna Fogel

Melissa Josephs

Judy Herbstman

Peter and Beverly Jost

Michael Levinger, in honor of Lisa Pollan

Andrew and Celia David

Nelson and Cecilia Ford

Judi Nardella Hershman

Jennifer Juzaitis

Miriam Davidow, in honor of Hillary Shayne

Derek Fox and Erica Brindley

John Hickey and Susan Epstein

Tina Kamalanathan

Michael and Cynthia Gaertner

Michael Higgins

Brian Kane

David Gaudet

J.D. and Amanda Hilburn

Megan Gentzler

Ken and Caroline Himmelman

Richard Kasper and Kendra Cunningham

Bert and Susie Getz

Fred and Mary Hitz

Thomas and Donna Gianino

David Hodges

Sam Glass

Kevin Hodges and Andrea Miano

David Gleave

Ann Hollick

Juleanna Glover

Michael and Leslie Holling

Jessica Goad Julia Goldberg

Gerald Holmes and Jennifer Ludden

Michael and Karen Goldberg David and Felice Goldman, in honor of Jen Bokoff Steven and Jill Gomberg

David Howe

John and Sherri Goodman

Hunt and Janet Howell

GoodSearch LLC

Kevin Huang

John and Marilyn Gordon

Benjamin and Gisela Huberman

David and Elizabeth Gould

Gary and Ann Hunt

Kate Greene

Robet Hurley and Heather Wicke

Rhonda Greifinger

Megan Hustad

Marc Grossman and Mildred Patterson

William Hutnick

Sean Corrigan and Devon McElwee, in memory of Frank McElwee Robert and Margaret Crocco

Edward Cunha Walter and Didi Cutler Ivo Daalder and Elisa Harris Warren and Ava Dahlstrom Steve and Nancy Dankof Anthony D’Avella

Lauren Davis Marilyn Day Dorothy de Chadenedes, in honor of Katherine Conway Rudy and Cynthia DeCanio Thomas and Barbara Decker Andrew Della Ratta Ida Mary Detweiler Pasquale Di Benedetta Todd Dimston Rosemary Disney Miles Dissinger Jack and Robin Doerge Jonathan Doft Charles Doheny and Catherine Decker Lina Dostilio Thomas and Mary Beth Doughty Andrew Dreskin and Maria Raven Andi Drileck Michael Edwards and Jennifer Urquhart Norma Egic Sara Ehrman Robert and Jessica Einhorn Antony Einson, in honor of Shilpa Joseph

Henry and Machita Eyre

Robert and Debbie Guy Stephen and Sharon Haberfeld

John and Joyce Jenusaitis

Billy and Ann Kaye Sharon Kim Donald Kimelman Merrie King Matt Kirby Kiwanis of Fordham University


Zach Landau Terry and Margaret Lenzner

Lawrence Libera and Corrine Husten, in honor of NSPWashington DC Richard and Susan Liblong Sarah Licht, in honor of Katherine Conway Quinnie Lin, in honor of Yunxue Xu Stephen and Marcie Lindo Terry and Eileen Lipps Larry and Lainie Lipsher Carolyn Little

Sean Klimczak

Elliot Lobel, in honor of Annie Lobel

Linwood and Jinks Holton

Matthew and Sandy Kline

Ilene Lockman

Jesse and Madeleine Holzberg

Tom and Melinda Knuppel

Emily Horgan

Sharon Kornstein, in honor of Allison Kornstein

Susan Lubman-Edwards, in honor of Hillary Shayne

Robert and Jean Hutnick, in honor of Carrie Hutnick

Alan Kornstein, in honor of Allison Kornstein

Robert and Paula Lucas, in memory of David Conway Edward and Dalya Luttwak

Ross and Kaye Kory

Ernest and Janice MacVicar

Jay and Ruth Kraemer

Madam’s Organ Restaurant & Bar, Washington DC

Harry Kreiter Alan and Kusum Krishnan

Tom Mahony and Cynthia Gaffney, in honor of Katherine Conway

Toby Kriss, in honor of Lisa Pollan

Jay Mai, in honor of John Rodin

Peter Kroll and Torrie Flink

Luis Mancilla

Gail Kruzel

Mary Marsh

Ronald and Nancy Kurz

Lauren Mason Michael and Gloria Masterson

Mitchell and Edie Kreiter

Natalie Hahn

C. Powell Hutton and Joanne Hutton

Thomas and Ruth Hamilton

Iggie’s Pizza, Baltimore MD

Cheryl LaFleur

Julie Hamos, in honor of NSP-

Adam and Hannah Isles

Elisabeth Lamotte

David Mausner and Gale Zemel

Will Lamson

Theodore Mayer

2007-2008 Impact Report | 17

“NSP has been the defining experience of my college career. I have found the experience integral to my development...

Matthew Mazur

Brighid O’Shaughnessy

Amy Sande-Friedman

Michele Stephenson

Geoffrey and Bonnie Weck

Sean McBride

Michael Paige

Pablo Sanfrancisco

Brooke Stetson

Craig and Shari Weil

Bruce and Suzanne McClintock

David and Lesley Parker

Emilio and Carol Santi

James and Rose Stoller

David Weil, in honor of Marni Weil

Matt and Kim McCue

Jahn and Renee Pothier

Shanti Sattler

Leon and Mabel Weil

Brown McCullough and Laura Ross

Xanthe and Zoe Scharff

John and Ann McDermott

Christopher Patusky and Kiernan Slater

James Stoller and Susan Lieberman

Laura Schiller

Walter and Sheryl Stoller

Joshua and Gail Weisberg

Peter and Tracey McDowell

Doug Perkowski

Joseph Schotland and Nicole Stata

Howard and Janice Stoodley

Jane White

Junius McElveen

Robin Perry

John and Katherine Stookey

Daniel McGee

Amy Peters

Joe and Lauren Schwab, in honor of Blair Schwab

Nathaniel Storch

Kevin and Judith White, in honor of Evelyn Satalla

Andrew McKey and Marcia Ely

Gregg and Julie Petersmeyer

Richard Scott

Thomas Storch

Dana Wiggins

Daniel McLaughlin

Michael and Monica Peterson

John and Cheryl Seder

Sarah Strauss

Robert and Patricia Wilburn

Kim McMurray

Joe and Kara Petrosinelli

Tod and Kate Sedgwick

Charles Sussman

Jacqueline Williams

Ross McWilliams

Thomas and Alice Pickering

Paul Selden and Karen Singer

James and Terry Svenstrup

Zach and Michelle Williams

Daniel Mehlman and Margaret Shirk

Jeffrey and Mary Pidot

Laura Semine

Leon and Hercilia Wilson

Justin Pidot

William and Rebecca Senhauser

Lisa Sweet, in memory of Bobby Winslow

William Methot and Margie Conway

Donald and Barbara Pilling

Rachna Sethi

Zosia Sztykowski

Paul and Susan Wojcik

Michael and Mia Meyer

Roger and Nina Pitkin

Lois Shapiro

Robert and Hope Taft

Jeremy and Becky Wolsk

Charles and Sylvia Meyers

Points of Light Institute

Jonathan and Alisa Talisman

David Wyman

Robert and Mary Jo Milbank

Rachel Pollack, in honor of Yunxue Xu

Kristin Shelden, in honor of NSPWashington DC

Douglas and Laura Thompson

Eileen Shields-West

Suzy Thompson

Amir Yazdanpanah and Dima Zalatimo

Elinore Pollan, in memory of Jerome Pollan

Barbara Shiers, in honor of Julia Sternman

Robert Tichio Suzanne Tingley

Joshua Young and Christiane Lemieux

Albinas Prizgintas

Joe Shipley

Carl and Lina Treleaven

Ameer Youssef

Eugene Puffenberger

Isaac and Anne Tripp

Michael Zeldin

Matthew Raifman

Sarah Shrewsbury, in honor of Kirsten Lodal

Matt Zeller

Kay Ray

Amandeep and Jasmeet Sidhu

Glenn and Anne Trout

Andrew Silver

Everett Truttmann, in honor of NSP-Washington DC

Lauren Zucker

Jason Redlus Joseph and Kate Reeder

Richard and Linda Silverman

Tracy Tyner

Pat Richmond and Gina Rogers

John and Adele Simmons

Carter Vaden

Andrew and Elizabeth Right

Mary Singer

Stephanie Vallejo

Guy Robinson and Elizabeth Stribling

Larry and Rebecca Sipos

Phil and Melanne Verveer

Albert and Shirley Small

William Roe

Elmer Smith

Chris Visser, in honor of Katherine Conway

Catherine Romatowski

Peter Smith

Eric and Helen Rosenberg

William Smith and Erin Simmons

Carroll and Nancy Voss, in honor of Alix Brown

Caroline Rowley

T. Reginald Solomon

Timothy Voss

Roberta Rubin

Duncan Sparrell

Carol Wait

Donald and Carol Rubin, in honor of Arianna Rubin

Charles and Libby Speth

Bradley Walker and Valerie LoCascio

Haley Ryan

John and Patricia Stack

Kris Minor Deborah Minor Harvey Antonio and Felice Minutolo Evelyn Minutolo Eric Misbach Joonyoung Moon Colin Moran Andrea Moss Edward and Sarah Mundy Timothy and Jacqueline Murphy David Myszkowski Max and Ann Naylor Brenna Neal Michael Nemeroff and Sharon Leininger John Nesbitt Randolph and Nancy New John and Elizabeth Newhouse Eugene Newman and Maryellen Cunnion Adam O’Byrne and Laura Smolowe Kathy O’Hearn William Okun William and Pilar O’Leary Sean O’Neill and Julia Bissell

18 | National Student Partnerships

Dennis and Maureen Ryan

James and Cameron Speth

Elizabeth Walker Jenonne Walker

Rick and Claudia Rys

Kent and Nancy Stansberry, in honor of Elizabeth Lodal

Peter Sakon

Kenneth and Alice Starr

Roger and Judy Wallenstein

Bernard and Sally Stein

Faye Walsh

Paul and Bettylu Saltzman

Stuart Walker and Nicole Bagley

Fredric and Lynne Weber

Ari and Charlotte Weinberg

Molly Woehling

NSP would especially like to thank its alumni, clients, students, and staff who have made financial contributions this year. Michael Arnst, in honor of NSP-Baltimore Rita Axelroth Amy Baker Marcy Baskin Adam Benforado Shawn Benham Sarah Bertozzi Jen Bokoff Josh Bolian Elena Boyd Molly Broache Alix Brown Mike Buchwald

...as a professional, as a member of my community, and as an individual.” - NSP Volunteer Laura Bumiller Nidhi Chaudhary

Harvey and the VISTA Class of 2006

Delatour and Jacqueline Spriggs, in honor of NSP-Baltimore

Reginald Ellis Machita Eyre


Caroline Chefas

Lauren Libera

Jackie Stewart

Famous Dave’s, Richmond VA

Meg Coady

Josh and Cory Logan

Svea Stromme

Katherine Conway

Matthew and Candace MacDonald

Mary Svenstrup

David Freeberg / A&D Custom Framing, McLean VA

Liz Copeland

Lena Makaroun

Rachael Swanson

Beth Gaffney

Kirsten Cornnell

Juliet Manno

Laura Timko

Tom Cosgrove

Lover and Tizgel High

Emily Treleaven

Georgetown Cupcake, Washington DC


Claire Costantino

Brant Mayo

Gardner Tripp

Global Printing

The Tombs, Washington DC

Megan Curran, in memory of Anne Coyne

Melissa Mazur

Paul Vande Stouwe

Harvard University, Cambridge MA

Christopher and Nina McIntyre

Fanta Waterman

Tufts University Oxfam Café, Medford MA

Anna Day

David McNelly

Kimberly Wenke

Illinois Employment & Training Center, Evanston IL

Molly Day

Christine Minutolo

Craig and Marian Wiggins

Heather Decker

Kunal Modi

Rebecca Wolff

Khyati Desai

Bethsy Morales-Reid

Michelle Devereux Patrick Donohue

Annie Moyer, in honor of NSP-New Haven

Jessica Wyman, in honor of the wedding of Jaime Buehl and Bill Reichard

Danielle Egic

Shannon Murphy

Darwin Yeung

William Fettweis

Muzammil Mustufa

Lisa Fishlin

Meg Newman

Patricia Foo

Pearl O’Brien

Chris Foreman

Mike O’Donnell

Jennifer Glasser

Crispina Ojeda

Artist & Craftsman Supplies, Cambridge MA

Peter Glowatsky

Gregory and Elaine O’Loughlin

Barnes & Noble, Washington DC

Peter and Sameena Groves

Jon and Marni Pastor, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association

Joseph and Christina Bliley

Wren Haaland, in honor of NSPBaltimore

Patricia Pérez

In-Kind Support The Agenda for Children, Cambridge MA

Boloco Inspired Burritos, Medford MA

Jessica Hamerslough

Verena Phipps

Joanne Heisey

Adrienne Piazza

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Washington, Washington DC

Elyse Heyman

Sue Porter

Cecil and Melanie Brown, Jr.

Jeff Himmelman and Kirsten Lodal

Sangeeta Prasad

Carrie Hutnick

Janelle Rae, in memory of Marilyn Eigelbach

The Cambridge Multi-Service Center for the Homeless, Cambridge MA

Latrice Jones Nisha Joseph Nathan Kamesar Peter Keane Caitlin King Gina Kline Kimbrick Knox Mark Kurtz and Amy Hustad Khelen Kuzmovich, in honor of Meg Newman Cannon Leavelle Daryl Levine, in honor of Delese

Gerald Jackson Megan Johnson Jones Day, Washington DC Kleinbard Bell & Brecker LLP Joseph Knox Kroger, Richmond VA

Bank of America

Market Basket, Somerville MA

The Boston Consulting Group

Michael Masullo

The Capital Group Companies

Middle East Restaurant, Cambridge MA

Diamond Management and Technology Consultants

National Beer Wholesalers Association, Alexandria VA


National Women’s Law Center, Washington DC

Goldman Sachs

Oxfam, Medford MA Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC, Washington DC Randolph and Nancy New

Robert Rios

City of New Haven State Administered General Assistance Support Center, New Haven CT

Peter and Suzanne Romatowski

Sarah Shubitowski

Community Action Agency of Somerville, Somerville MA

Carrie Shuchart

CVS, Cambridge MA

The Somerville Community Growing Center, Somerville MA

Lia Silver

Khyati Desai

Maya Soble

Danaher Corporation

Margaret Senese Sohil Shah

Whole Foods Market, Washington DC

Matching Gifts

Robert and Linda Piazza

Kate Selden

Chris Visser

Lesley Bailey Johnson

Charles River Web Connections, Medfield MA

Blair Schwab, in honor of NSPEvanston

Ukrop’s Super Markets, Richmond VA


New Canaan Kitchens, New Canaan CT

Katie Robinson

Tufts University Jonathan Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Medford MA

Jan and Elizabeth Lodal

The Cambridge Citywide Senior Center, Cambridge MA

Alexander Renner


Saxby’s Coffee, Washington DC Jordan Seltzer

Follett Corporation Google JPMorgan Chase Kingdon Capital Lehman Brothers Merrill Lynch & Co. Northern Trust The Pew Charitable Trusts PNC Bank United Services Automobile Association W.W. Grainger, Inc.

Southwest Airlines Starbucks Coffee, Richmond, VA STA Travel, Washington DC

2007-2008 Impact Report | 19

nsp directory Board of Directors

National Office Staff

Jon Budington

Amy Baker, AmeriCorps*VISTA, Development Associate

Amy Hustad, Chief Operating Officer

Alix Brown, AmeriCorps*VISTA, Special Assistant to the CEO

Kirsten Lodal, CEO and Co-Founder

Tony Brunswick, Director of Programs

Ben Reuler, Program Manager

CEO, Global Printing

Rob Carmona President, STRIVE National

Michelle Devereux NSP Alumni Association President, 2007-2008 VP, Account Group Supervisor, Cline Davis & Mann LLC

Lee Foley Managing Partner, Foley, Maldonado & O’Toole

Stanley A. Freeman

Katherine Conway, AmeriCorps*VISTA, Program Associate Heather Decker, Program Manager Meghan Donaghue, AmeriCorps*VISTA, Development Associate

Principal, Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC

Colleen Flynn, AmeriCorps*VISTA, Communications Associate

Susan Hirsch

Delese Harvey, Deputy Director of Programs

Cannon Leavelle, Development Manager Shannon Murphy, Program Manager Anne Romatowski, AmeriCorps*VISTA, Program Associate Marian Wiggins, Director of Finance and Operations We also extend our appreciation to former AmeriCorps*VISTA Nisha Joseph for her work in Program Year ’08.

Richard Hochman Chairman, Regent Capital Management Corp.

Brian J. Kreiter (Board Chair 2001-2007) Co-Founder, National Student Partnerships Manager, Research Analytics, Bridgewater Associates

Marne Levine Director Product Management, Revolution Money

Kirsten E. Lodal CEO and Co-Founder, National Student Partnerships

Marne Obernauer, Jr. (Board Chair) Chairman, Beverage Distributors Company

William D. Rahm Principal, Centerbridge Partners, L.P.

Elizabeth Riker Partner, New Profit Inc.

Arianna Rubin NSAB Student Representative to the Board, 2008-2009, Tufts University

20 | National Student Partnerships

NSP Local Offices NSP - Baltimore c/o The PEACE Center 325 E. 25th Street, 2nd Floor Baltimore, MD 21218 (410) 235-4585 NSP - Bronx c/o Refuge House 2715 Bainbridge Avenue Bronx, NY 10458 (718) 733-3897 NSP - Cambridge c/o The Cambridge Multi-Service Center 19 Brookline Street, 1st floor Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 349-6338 NSP - Chicago 4554 N. Broadway, Suite 329 Chicago, IL 60640 (773) 303-0700

NSP - Evanston c/o Illinois Employment and Training Center 1615 Oak Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 (847) 864-3530 x208

NSP - Pittsburgh c/o Life’sWork of Western PA 1323 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 682-3501

NSP - New Haven 254 College Street, 2nd Floor New Haven, CT 06510 (203) 624-5877

NSP - Richmond c/o Daily Planet 517 West Grace Street Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 433-4394

NSP- North Philadelphia c/o OIC Building 1231 North Broad St., 4th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 765-3430

NSP - Somerville c/o The Family Center 366 Somerville Avenue Somerville, MA 02143 (617) 591-9400

NSP - West Philadelphia 203 S. 60th Street, 1st Floor Philadelphia, PA 19139 (215) 474-1807

NSP - Washington, DC c/o Perry School Community Services Center 128 M Street, NW, Suite 335 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 289-2525

2007-2008 Impact Report | 21


National Student Partnerships 800 7th St NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 phone:

202.289.1151 |



[email protected] | www.nspnet.org

Printing and Production:

Design Consultation:

Compilation and Edits:

Global Printing Inc.

Julie Sherman

Colleen Flynn

3670 Wheeler Avenue

J Sherman Studio LLC

Alexandria, VA 22304


Communications Associate/ AmeriCorps*VISTA


[email protected]

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