Nsp Impact Report 2006

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Impact Report 2005-2006

Our Mission

To direct the energy and innovation of young people toward ensuring that all community members have access to the services, opportunities, and attention that they need to pursue employment, self-sufficiency, and personal success.

Our Vision

Mobilizing a Generation of Leaders NSP is dedicated to strengthening our communities and developing the leaders who will care for them. Understanding that the youth of this country will soon be responsible for its safekeeping, NSP seeks to unite a national movement of students dedicated to direct service now, so that the systemic challenges we inherit do not become ones we will pass on.


Letter from the CEO


Experience NSP


Client Testimonial


Experience Results


Experience Commitment


Experience Innovation


Volunteer Testimonial


Experience Partnership


Partner Profile


Thanking Our Donors


NSP Directory



Letter from the CEO Dear Friends, I am delighted to share with you this year’s Impact Report, which revolves around the idea of the NSP Experience. As you read on, I hope that you’ll notice the commonalities between the experiences of different NSP stakeholders—our clients, our student volunteers, our partners. Above all else, the NSP Experience hinges on the idea that our destiny is intertwined with that of our neighbors. To underscore this point, you’ll notice that we never refer to the NSP Experience of community members or of students in isolation. This report focuses on what unites our clients, volunteers, and partners—results, commitment, innovation, and partnership. Our 2005-2006 program year is best summed up by the idea of community immersion. We drilled deeper into the communities we presently serve, expanding the portfolio of services that we offer to clients. Our numbers of meetings per client and services rendered per client saw impressive growth over last year’s numbers, resulting in our highest-ever rates of job and housing placements. Similarly, our volunteer base and the hours they served grew substantially, which undoubtedly enhanced the quality of our client service and the overall impact of the NSP Experience on the lives of the young people who serve with us. Financially, 2005-2006 was marked by sharp increases in private revenue, which we hope to repeat in the year ahead; we believe that the more diverse our base of funding is, the more sustainable NSP will be. We owe special thanks to Tom Brokaw, General Wesley Clark, and Senator Arlen Specter—three long-time NSP supporters who generously stepped up to bolster NSP’s funding activities this past year. Most importantly, we continue to work hard to make sure that you—our valued individual supporters— experience the impact of your investments. I hope that the following pages will allow you to see your support come alive, and I look forward to building upon our shared NSP Experience in the months and years ahead. With gratitude,

Kirsten E. Lodal CEO, Co-Founder



experience NSP WHAT WE DO

NSP operates a national network of resource centers (Local Offices), staffed by top student volunteers from area colleges and universities. Working one-on-one with low-income community members (clients), NSP volunteers provide intensive on-site and referral services that enable clients to: locate employment; secure affordable housing, health care, childcare, and other services; and pursue long-term career and life goals. Perhaps most importantly, NSP volunteers provide clients with hours of listening and support services that are rarely available in other service agencies.


NSP Local Offices are located in impoverished areas (accessible to campuses) that exhibit high levels of unemployment, homelessness and other pervasive barriers to work, education and service access. Local Offices are open to the community from 40-50 hours each week. Offices are typically situated in community centers that house several other agencies.


NSP’s target client base consists of individuals aged 16-65 who lack sufficient access to the employment, educational and social services opportunities available to them. NSP’s clientele is generally low-income and/or homeless, an even mix of males and females, and exceedingly diverse in race, language spoken, religion, and ethnicity. NSP has no eligibility requirements and provides all of its services at no cost to its clients.

Community Partners

NSP enlists a network of local specialists through both its partnerships and its Local Advisory Boards to ensure clients are receiving comprehensive services. For example, while NSP conducts job searches and writes resumes, we do not provide childcare. Each Local Office forms partnerships with area childcare providers to ensure NSP clients who need those services can access them.


Local Advisory Boards

NSP offices are supported by Local Advisory Boards, made up of community leaders within the human services, government, education, and private sectors. NSP’s Local Advisory Boards ensure that each local office reflects its host community’s culture and priorities.

Volunteer Leadership

Each NSP local office is staffed by: • 2-4 Local Directors—Student leaders who are appointed for one- to two-year terms and provide management and vision for an office. • 1 Site Coordinator—A full-time fellow (funded through the Corporation for National and Community Service AmeriCorps program) who provides capacity building support to each Local Office to ensure NSP’s community impact. • 15-50 Student Volunteers—Students who work directly with NSP clients to provide services and identify appropriate resources.

NSP National Office

NSP’s National Office, based in Washington, DC, provides Local Offices with the full-time supervision, management resources, financial support and tools that they need to provide consistent, high-quality client service. The NSP National Office performs the primary financial management, training and quality assurance functions of the organization.


client testimonial: Rafael Cabrera Back home in Puerto Rico, a beautiful little island, I owned my own café. However, a high cost of living and slow economy made life as a storeowner a daily struggle. When this coupled with a family crisis, I lost my business and most of my savings. At age 48, I decided it was time to make my life better. I wanted to finally pursue my passion of environmental studies. In April, with 100 hours of college credit and my remaining savings, I left my parents to head to Chicago—a place where friends said opportunities laid around every corner. Little did I know the difficulties I would instantly face. The move proved more expensive than I could’ve imagined; I didn’t have enough left to afford an apartment. With my job search producing nothing but dead ends, I landed on the streets, devastated, a situation that makes it nearly impossible to build a new life. How had I gone from a storeowner earning college credit to a homeless man living day to day? Without as much as a telephone number, no one wanted to help me. But, after a week of searching, I was directed to NSP. Barely across NSP’s doorstep, volunteers welcomed me in. They were eager to listen and

bring hope to my situation. My cash was running low; we had to prioritize my list of goals. In my first meeting, we located a homeless shelter and applied for food stamps. Next, we tackled employment by writing a resume and enrolling in a job-training program. Less than a month after coming to NSP, I secured a job at a cosmetic factory. Despite being temporary, it allowed me to start saving money and offered opportunities for growth within the company. A week into the job, I took my work ID to NSP so I could show them that our hard work was paying off. Three months later, I earned my first promotion when the company offered me a position as a machine operator. However, difficulties in accessing my transcripts from Puerto Rico put my advancement on hold. At this point, my temporary job had ended, and I was fearful of having to go back to square one. When NSP learned of my newest challenge, they quickly stepped up as my research headquarters. The students diligently worked over the internet to find my transcripts, helping me secure the position. On September 21, I started my first full-time job in Chicago with benefits!

With the excitement still fresh, I received more good news. I was eligible for a room in an interim housing program that aims to find permanent housing for residents within 120 days. I am so grateful for NSP and how far they went beyond my job and housing search, even helping me to find a low-cost eye care program when my glasses broke. Yet, my time with NSP is just beginning. I still come to work on my career goal of doing environmental work that brought me to Chicago. Additionally, I have started a financial literacy program and hope to enroll in more college classes. Now, I am able to give something back to the community that has given me so much by volunteering in the NSP office as a Spanish translator so that others can experience similar successes. I have found a new family at NSP, and things are getting better every day.



experience RESULTS

NSP pairs volunteers with clients to effectively address the tough social issues that so many Americans face—unemployment, homelessness, under-education, lack of healthcare and general poverty. With a focus on comprehensive solutions, we aim to enable long-term success for each and every client. While responding to immediate policy changes, we also teach volunteers and clients to advocate for change in their own futures and communities. Our results are not captured in just one statistic but in the lives we affect and the leaders we create.











Service By The Numbers







10,000 1

Meetings per client

Services per client 2005

“They really take their time with you. They don’t do the work for you. They walk you through it, which helps you learn as you go.” NSP Client


Services rendered 2006

Identifying teamwork as a driver of success, this year NSP challenged volunteers and clients to learn from each other’s experiences—to more fully explore the root of each problem, to dig deeper into available community resources and to devise solutions that promise long-term sustainability. In the past twelve months, volunteers and clients met more frequently and volunteers provided increased services to clients relative to last year. This work resulted in a 52% increase in housing secured this year, a 28% increase in job placements and more connected communities.


Volunteer Hours per Year National Average


Number of volunteers


Volunteer hours served


Valuation of hours

$1,088,353 Source: www.independentsector.org



NSP volunteers serve nearly THREE TIMES as many hours as their college peers. Source: Corporation for National and Community Service

By engaging students in our active leadership model, NSP empowers them to advocate and make decisions—for themselves, their clients and our communities. This year, a growing volunteer base achieved an unprecedented level of service. Our students value volunteerism and make consistent service an integral part of their daily lives. With their commitment, NSP saw better results for our clients.

“NSP changes one life at a time. In doing that, you are changing our communities and our country.” David Eisner, CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service



experience COMMITMENT

We believe that the answers to our communities’ challenges can only be reached through open discussion, mutual respect and a willingness to learn. NSP clients and volunteers commit to learning about their community and growing as its change agents together. With their dedication, NSP turns dreams into plans and ideas into actions.


of volunteers report gaining confidence in community resources

“I credit NSP for getting me to the place I’m in now. I feel confident in my ability to make change. NSP has given me the tools to feel I can make a difference.” NSP Volunteer


of clients affirm that NSP helped them create a plan for success

With an understanding that success requires work and commitment, clients come back to the office an average of three times to ensure lasting solutions.


of volunteer plan to spend their entire college career with NSP

“NSP has shaped my college experience—through NSP I discovered my passions, enhanced my academic experience, had my first ‘real job’ and met some of my best friends.” NSP Volunteer




of volunteers express commitment to public service after NSP

“NSP taught me that service doesn’t end after graduation and no matter what career path I choose I always have the opportunity to actively contribute back to my community.” NSP Alum


alumni made a financial contribution to NSP or attended an NSP social or service event this year

NSP alumni pursue a cross-section of careers, from advertising and banking to teaching and art. No matter their life’s work, our alums continue to impact their communities through ongoing commitment to NSP. Engaging their friends and other like-minded individuals, NSP alums organized social events and service days, provided career advice to current students and increased our access to corporate support through their work places.

Sources: 2005-2006 NSP Client Satisfaction Survey, Volunteer Experience Survey & NSP Alumni Association Report



experience INNOVATION NSP maximizes results for our clients by utilizing technology. We move beyond the physical constraints of a Local Office to communicate, collaborate and share information with the entire NSP community. A client walking in to a Local Office is met by one student, but has behind him or her the training and experience of over 500 NSP volunteers in our connected network. NSP’s award-winning Central Online Resource Index (CORI) and our document sharing medium, NSPedia, are the crux of our technology structure.

CORI is a proprietary case management technology that measures impact, tracks

progress and manages the portfolios of NSP’s clients, volunteers and community partners nationwide. This year, each Local Office used CORI-compiled statistics to assess their impact, project their goals and identify areas for growth in the year ahead. Driven by student demand and innovation, NSP launched NSPedia in the fall of 2005, a document sharing intranet run with Wiki shareware. NSPedia allows volunteers from each NSP office to post information, tools and templates about industry trends, innovative client service projects or relevant news articles to the web for any NSP volunteer to access. NSPedia heightens inter-office communication and promotes volunteer network collaboration, connecting volunteers from any one of our 40 partner universities as well as NSP alumni. By allowing our network to communicate, share resources and exchange ideas we enhance our ability to serve clients and build a virtual library of on-demand resources. NSP’s technology-based service model increases tech literacy among our volunteers and clients, a skill critical to success in today’s online world. From writing a resume to conducting a housing search, NSP clients utilize technology to achieve self-sufficiency. This year, NSP provided clients with over 3 times as many technology services as last year by being an access point to technology for 3,995 clients and teaching 693 of these clients to use the internet and email.



volunteer testimonial: Danielle Egic Since the age of two, I have been driven to be active and involved - it didn’t matter if it was dancing, Girl Scouts or starting a chapter of Amnesty International in high school. With an older sister who left big footsteps, I was constantly striving to equal all that she did. In our close-knit family, we encouraged taking on new challenges, while also valuing those moments when we could step back and enjoy life. During our Long Island falls, we always set aside the time for relaxing activities like pumpkin and apple picking as a family. However, two years ago as I entered college, the cooling air and falling leaves ushered in a permanent change in my life.

Through NSP, I have discovered a way to start closing the gap by giving my time, attention and knowledge to community members. I can connect on a human level before tackling the logistics of creating a technical plan to complement dreams. I believe that this personal, yet purpose-driven approach creates lasting change. I’m not providing a temporary fix, I’m developing relationships and educating people to the fact that real change takes time and together we can get there. I have seen the results that NSP is capable of, whether it is a job or a boost in self-confidence; my clients are proof that lives can improve. Also, the change isn’t just in their lives; it’s in mine too.

As a freshman at Fordham University, I came eye to eye with the social gap that existed between university students and Bronx community members. I discovered that an overwhelming number of families had no escape from their environment of constant worry over making ends meet, securing their next meal or making rent this month. It frustrated me that people who grew up only 45 minutes away from me suffered at this level. With barriers to resources in the Bronx being both visible and symbolic, I became focused on a desire to erase the disparity and to share the opportunities I had found at Fordham.

While volunteering with NSP, I have learned about the hidden treasures of the Bronx—its rich history and its thriving culture. My clients have exposed me to the grassy, green areas that break up the Bronx city landscape. Every day on my walk from campus to the NSP office I pass by a community garden, where everyone pitches in to cultivate a shared crop of fruits and vegetables. The garden is a place to hang out, read a book or mingle with neighbors, and it has let me develop a deeper appreciation for the Bronx and the lives of my clients. This knowledge can’t be found in a textbook and has

changed me at a level I have never experienced before. During my semesters and summer with NSP, my future has taken shape. Raised in a family where community involvement was a basic value, I have always known that I had a passion to work for social justice. But now the desire has intensified. The inherent nature and founding mission of NSP have inspired me to live out my dreams and to take the initiative to be a leader. I can’t wait to continue to address the issues of poverty and unjust class distinctions that have been so ingrained in my experience as a NSP volunteer. What NSP has taught me is not something that I will forget after finals—these lessons are molding my life.



experience PARTNERSHIP Partnering with NSP is more than a donation; it is an opportunity to actively shape your community. From sitting on an NSP Local Advisory Board to participating on an event Host Committee, our partners provide the expertise and support that make our programs possible. With a lean cost structure and strong sense of fiscal responsibility, NSP ensures that every dollar donated, every in-kind gift made and every hour of time contributed has meaningful impact in our communities. Together with our partners we identify community challenges and make effective plans to address them.


increase in overall private revenue from FY’05 to FY’06

NSP focuses on sustainability, both in the lives of our clients and in the staying power of our programs. This year we diversified our funding base to make certain that NSP is not reliant on a single funding stream, thus reducing our vulnerability in a turbulent funding environment and ensuring each donor dollar has lasting impact.


increase in event revenue from FY’05 to FY’06

Helping us achieve record high event success this year, individual donors deepened their commitment to NSP, joining us for fundraising events in New York, Chicago and DC and inviting new friends into the NSP family. From $20 for resume writing supplies to $20,000 for leadership training, individual donations like yours comprise the base of NSP’s support network.


increase in foundation and corporate funding from FY’05 to FY’06

We believe the increased investment of foundations and corporations locally and nationally is critical to our ongoing success. This year, foundations and corporations responded to our call by supporting NSP’s clients and volunteers at the highest rate to date.


National Student Partnerships, Inc.

Statement of Activities for Fiscal year ending 08/31/06. Audited financial statements available upon request.


Contributions and Private Grants Government Grants (DoL) In-kind Contributions: AmeriCorps*VISTA Other Other Income Total Revenue


Program Costs Management and General Development Total Expenses Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year

639,261 454,264 432,480 4,710 9,471 1,540,186

1,071,707 95,085 164,096 1,330,888 209,298 (127,669) 81,629

“Once a person learns of NSP’s efforts to improve the state of American poverty, I cannot imagine why he or she would choose not to invest.” Trey Taylor, Taylor Companies, NSP Board of Directors


partner profile: Tufts University The partnership between Tufts University and NSP began in 2003, a year before an NSP office existed in the neighborhood. Realizing that Tufts students were so compelled by NSP’s mission that they regularly commuted to NSP-Cambridge to volunteer, a core group of Tufts faculty and administrators began working to bring NSP to their campus. In early 2004 with the faculty’s support, a team of 20 determined Tufts students began recruiting like-minded peers to the movement. Efforts were propelled when then-senior Muzammil Mustafa joined the ranks and took on the fledgling NSP-Somerville as his Scholar project with the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts, a program designed to promote student civic engagement and involvement in the community. In a matter of months, the astounding student response convinced the NSP National Office to include the site in expansion plans and the doors were opened full-time. Since providing initial seed money to get the office going and connecting NSP with leaders at the Somerville Homeless Coalition where NSP is now housed, Tufts staff has been integral in maintaining the vitality of the Somerville office. Members of Tufts leadership have helped NSP

develop as part of the community by spreading the NSP name among local businesses and organizations, conducting a tour of local service agencies for NSP volunteers and sponsoring interns through Tisch College. Over the past year, collaboration between Tufts, Tisch College and NSP has resulted in a community health fair and a financial literacy program, which not only addressed the needs of community members but increased the volunteer knowledge base of resources.

On October 25, 2006, the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Center (MRC) recognized NSP-Somerville and its Tufts volunteers for their commitment and assistance with the MRC’s Job Club and other initiatives that helped Somerville residents with disabilities find employment. Program Manager Meg Newman (left) and Site Coordinator Sarah Mengel (center) accepted the award on behalf of all NSP volunteers. Lisa Brukilacchio of Tisch College (right) attended the event in support of NSP.

According to Lisa Brukilacchio, Community Engagement Specialist of the Lincoln Filene Center for Community Partnerships at Tisch College, involvement with NSP exposes students to on-the-ground social issues, while providing a valuable service to the community.

stronger communities,” said Lisa, who has been with NSP-Somerville since its first anniversary.

“Students are changed by this new knowledge and wisdom. They return to campus and start to truly reflect on issues of privilege and power. However, true change comes when students then translate this new perspective into responses and actions. The meaningful, productive community-based experience provided by NSP ensures the fulfillment of the Tufts’ goal of preparing graduates to be committed public citizens who take an active role in building

Currently, staff members of Tisch College and the University’s Community Relations office serve as advisors on the NSP-Somerville Local Advisory Board and are among the key liaisons between the University, the community and the students. Together NSP and Tufts are creating results that not only have immediate, local community effects but are also empowering students to be effective public advocates for the future.



Thanking Our Donors National Student Partnerships is grateful for the support of the following individuals, foundations, universities, corporations and government agencies whose significant contributions help to make our work possible. Thank you for being our partner in these efforts! Listing reflects all gifts received between September 1, 2005 and August 31, 2006. Government Partners The Corporation for National and Community Service/ AmeriCorps*VISTA The U.S. Department of Labor President’s Council ($75,000+) Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation Provost Club (50,000-74,999) Global Printing, Inc. Dean’s List ($25,000-49,999) Verizon Foundation Wachovia Foundation Valedictorian Circle ($15,000-24,999) The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Peter Kellner Summa Cum Laude Partners ($10,000-14,999) Bank of America Capital One FedEx Corporation William and Randa Gerrity The Gray Charitable Trust Richard and Carol Hochman Jan and Elizabeth Lodal Marne Obernauer and Peggy Culver The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Smith Rothchild Financial


Virginia Non-Profit Housing Coalition (Bob and Anna Lou Schaberg) Magna Cum Laude Partners ($5,000-9,999) Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP Tom and Meredith Brokaw Edgar and Clarissa Bronfman The Charles Jacob Foundation Philip Deutch and Marne Levine Generation Engage Laurence and Susan Hirsch Eugene Keilin and Joanne Witty Rick and Nancy Kreiter Pfizer, Inc. Polk Bros. Foundation Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville, P.C. Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Cum Laude Partners ($2,500-4,999) Anonymous George and Mary Anne Boyd Pierre and Amy Chao Robert and Linda Cutler The Fannie Mae Foundation Foley Maldonado & O’Toole Thomas and Eileen McIntyre Charles and Anne Mullany Navigant Consulting David Parker and Marian Davis David and Susan Rahm Rotberg Comens Booth Foundation

Rotberg Comens Bray Foundation John and Adele Simmons George and Christine Stonbely Honors Partners ($1,000-2,499) Anonymous Ariel Capital Management Don and Anne Ayer Weston and Barbara Burnett Michael Carpenter Pat Cave Daniel and Susan Christman James and Mary Connelly Robert and Jamie Craft Jack Davies Dana Devereux and Deborah Hensley, in honor of Michelle Devereux Kevin Downey and Michele Jolin William Drayton Tim and Elizabeth Dugan Kenneth and Diane Feinberg Frederick and Suzie Fletcher Four Lanes Trust (Wendy Makins) Lawrence and Lorna Graev Ellen Howe Kenilworth Union Church Henry and Charlotte Kimelman Jack and Lisa Langer Anthony and Burks Lapham Marc Lawrence Robert and Marilyn Mazur Evelyn Nef Wayne and Melodie Oldenburg Arnold Penner Bill and Lee Perry

Robert and Linda Piazza Powell Goldstein, LLP Frederick and Diana Prince Easton Ragsdale and Wendy Lee Peter and Suzanne Romatowski William Rosenberg Charles and Barbara Rossotti Fred and Stephanie Shuman David and Anna Steinhardt John and Toby Taylor James and Stephanie Toback Rock Tonkel Carl and Lina Treleaven The University of Richmond Antoine and Emily van Agtmael John and Joan Van Der Aa Charles and Donna Ward Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project Senior Partners ($500-999) Andrew and Harriet Berkman The Sybiel B. Berkman Foundation Richard and Amelia Bernstein Robert and Nancy Blank Tony Blinken and Evan Ryan William Broyles, Jr. Susan Burk William and Buffy Cafritz Rob and Chris Carmona Henry and Jessica Catto Krishna and Kumari Chintamaneni Philip and Carolyn Cohan Melvin and Ryna Cohen Susan Cohen Stuart and Betty Cotton Creative Consortium, Ltd.

(Mary Beth Berkoff) Robert and Sara Cusimano Andy and Celia David Dirk and Caroline Degenaars Max and Megan DeZara Fuad and Bonnie Farah Lee and Mindy Foley Fred and Susan Forman Stanley Freeman and Cecilia Parajon Stephen and Lynn Glasser Armando and Maria Gomez John and Sherri Goodman Joshua Gotbaum and Joyce Thornhill Patrick and Sheila Gross Kenneth Handal and Mary Francina Golden Gregory and Alyssa Hertzig Jeff and Karen Holway Benjamin and Gisela Huberman Jerry and Isabel Jasinowski Vernon and Ann Jordan David Karabell and Paula Moss John Keh, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Kip and Sara Kirkpatrick Ronald Lambert and Heather Ross Nick and Gardiner Lapham Terry and Margaret Lenzner Marion Lynton Melanie Madigan Jane Maggin R. Ernest Mahaffey and Sheila Penrose Fred and Harriet McClure Michael McCurdy and Lisa Ripperger McKinsey & Company, Inc. Jason and Deborah McManus

Robert and Mary Jo Milbank Daniel and Wea Nichols Phillip and Marjorie Odeen William and Pilar O’Leary Russell Palmer William Passmore and Caroline Krass Joaquin Perez-Arrieta Michael and Monica Peterson Rob and Sally Petroelje Franklin and Wendy Raines Matthew and Tina Ripperger Guy Robinson and Elizabeth Stribling Larry and Marcia Ross Eugene and Iris Rotberg Eric and Laurie Roth Philip and Janet Rotner James and Heather Ruth Christian Salomone and Suzanne Fine Paul and Betty Lou Saltzman Darryl and Alicia Sargent Ted Schell and Rita O’Connor Roy and Sara Schotland William and Rebecca Senhauser Erica Simmons John and Sally Simms Warren and Florence Sinsheimer Joel and Karen Sirkin Terry Slease Walter Slocombe and Ellen Seidman Albert and Shirley Small Stephen and Martha Smith Rod Smith Michael Sobel Steel City Media Warren and Susan Stern John and Katherine Stookey Mark and Katie Sullivan

Gerald and Eve Tarre William Terpstra Anne Thompson Robert and Margi Vanderhye Jim and Milde Waterfall Sidney Werkman and Nancy Folger Kenneth and Dorothy Woodcock Bob Woodward and Elsa Walsh Todd and Holly Wright Salvatore Zizza and Patty Theis Junior Partners ($250-499) Betty Sue Adelman Mark and Carolyn Agnew Tom and Barbie Alt, in honor of Rick and Nancy Kreiter Mark Anderson Susan Lucia Annunzio Joe and Sandra Arangio Charlene Baizer Robert Baizer Howard Balikov and Lisa Rosenberg John Barker and Anne Witkowski William and Janet Beatty Nancy Beer Tobin Anne Benoist Allen Berg Stephen Berger and Cynthia Wainwright Brian and Carole Berke Stuart Bernstein Ben Binswanger Andrew Block Thomas Block and Marilyn Friedman Dennis and Shirley Bloomquist


Marian and Clyde Brandt Georgiana Brooks Michael and Merle Cahan Scott and Irene Cho* Kenneth and Elizabeth Close Kevin Conlon John and Kellie Cronin Steve and Nancy Crown Dominic and Rita Cusimano Lynn and Judy Deason Lyle Dennis Todd Dimston Tom and Barbie Donnelley Ronald and Beth Dozoretz Michael Edwards and Jennifer Urquhart Robert and Jessica Einhorn Scott and Laura Eisen Mark and KC Elander, in honor of Cate Elander David Fischer Jeffrey and Susan Freed Richard Fuchs and Judith Hochman Cory and Tara Gaffney Lee Glazer David and Onnie Goldman Steven and Jill Gomberg Doug and Mary Clare Gourley Ethan Gray Marc and Jill Greitens Eric and Suzi Gurry Robert Hamerslough and Rhonda Greifinger Nancy Hearon Stephanie Hinshaw Robert Hodges Linwood and Jinks Holton Lewis and Shawn Ingall Adam and Hannah Isles Christopher and Christine Jennings Jesus House Michael and Jennifer Johnson Catherine Jones Paul and Teola Jones Peter and Beverly Jost Elizabeth Kivlan Martin and Carol Kolsky Nancy Kriz Gary Lachman Anne Ladky Emily Lenzner Hilarie and Morris Lieb Edward and Dalya Luttwak

Laura MacCallum Rodd and Jodi Macklin Brown McCullough Stanton McCullough Michael McNamara Craig and Claudia Mengel Robert Miller Tom and Janice Milone Kevin Morgan Doug Nash Eugene Newman and Maryellen Cunnion, in honor of Ruth Cunnion John and Gail Nields Steve and Ilene Novack Howard and Joan Oestreich Violet Oldenburg Ted and Susan Oppenheimer Mark Penn and Nancy Jacobson Joe and Kara Petrosinelli Barry and Marilynn Preston Jon and Stephanie Reckler Jason Redlus Richard and Barbara Rindo Roger and Fran Rooney Selwa Roosevelt Oren and Barbara Root Jeffrey Rose and Elizabeth Bloch Holly Rothschild Alan and Hillary Rubin Lawrence and Pepi Rubin Dennis and Maureen Ryan Joan Saltzman Betty Sams Philip and Rosemary Sanborn Elizabeth Sands, in honor of Cynthia Sands Emilio and Carol Santi Eric and Jaclyn Savolainen, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Mark Schrifin, in honor of Stan Freeman Catherine Schrupp John and Cheryl Seder Brian Sharrock Peter Smith Meredith Soren Freese David and Robin Sproul Howard and Janice Stoodley Frank and Maria Techar Isaac and Anne Tripp John and Janet Tysse

Robert Victor and Lexa Edsall John Villa William Volpe Mary Waite Roger and Judy Wallenstein Leon and Mabel Weil Joshua and Gail Weisberg Fred and Linda Wertheimer Robert and Patricia Wilburn Kerry Williams and Christine Dibartolo Edwin and Kathe Williamson David Wilson and Ariane de Vogue Ellis Wisner, in memory of Christopher Makins Paul Wolff and Rhea Schwartz Richard Zisook Ted and Amy Zook Sophomore Partners ($100-249) Anonymous (2) Anonymous, in honor of Patricia Perez Kazark and Niyi Abdul Matt and Mary Adams Bonnie Agnew Olumbunmi Akintade Robin Perry Allen Irwin and Chickie Alter Jane Andrews Warren and Sue Ellen Appleman Kirk Arnold Laura Ashman Brian Auld, in honor of Brian Kreiter Charles and Susan Baby, in honor of Rick and Nancy Kreiter Edith Balbach* Thomas and Patricia Barron Maury and Fran Baskin John and Karen Bates David and Susan Baur David and Susan Beck Thomas and Judy Bello Marti Belluschi Zachary Boisi, in memory of Luke Boisi Steven and Cathy Bokoff* Esther Bokoff* George and Trish Bolian

Elizabeth Boyd Jack Brady and Gail Griffith Bruce and Laura Brancheau Edward and Jane Brandwein John and Jane Brickman Mary Brophy Edward and Marnell Bruce Peter Bryant David and Helene Buchen William and Judith Buechner Josh Burden Stephen and Donna Calk Amy Camassar* Michael and Josephine Camilleri Douglas Campbell Stephanie Campbell Robert and Mary Kate Cary Lee and Wendy Chaikin Bruce and Mary-Ann Chamovitz JC Chang John and Kathy Chefas Chemcraft International, Inc. Michael and Martha Cheshire John and Trisha Christman Michael Chung* Ada Ciniglio Louis and Bonnie Cohen Rosalind Cohen Matthew Cohen Brian Coleman William Coleman William and Catherine Colglazier Charlotte Combre David and Dera Cooper Esther Coopersmith Albert Copland Raniero Cortina James and Jane Cosgrove Margaret Cowley, in honor of Lee Wells Jon Cross and Rachel Whiteside Keating Crown Donna Cusimano Kenneth and Marcia Dam Dean D’Angelo Wayne Danley Evan and Mary Davis Rudy and Cynthia DeCanio Gary Dibianco and Sczerina Perot Jack and Robin Doerge

Floyd and Judy Domer Michelle Donegan, in honor of Craig Wiggins Dennis and Sherri Dorman James Doty David and Angela Duff Larry Einbinder Ricardo and Isabel Ernst Tom and Kristine Evans Corinne Fetman Annette Findling Dennis Fischman Julian Flannery E-Ting and Chen-Hui Foo, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Michael Geary David and Anne Gergen Bert and Susie Getz Roger Gill Sol and Robyn Gittleman* Mark Gold David and Felice Goldman* James Goldman* John Goodell Michelle Gonzalez John and Marilyn Gordon Lee and Dana Gordon Steven Graver Andre and Mae Grennan Jason Gross Marc Grossman and Mildred Patterson Jody Haile Daniel Hamerslough, in honor of NSP-Evanston Helaine Hamerslough, in honor of NSP-Evanston Andrew and Camille Hamilton Julie Hamos Al and Jackie Harris Dana Hart A.A. and Donna Hartman Deborah Minor Harvey Wallace and Janet Hayward Brendan and Susie Healey Brian and Pamela Henjum, in honor of Matt Henjum Cindy Hettinga Martha Heyman Adrienne Hiegel Jeremy Himelfarb Jeff Himmelman Ken and Caroline Himmelman

Steven and Sharon Hinshaw Fred and Mary Hitz Kevin Hodges and Andrea Miano Michael and Leslie Holling Gerry Holmes and Jennifer Ludden Hopewell Ventures Eric and Tiffany Hunsader Gary and Ann Hunt Jonathan and Ashanti Hunt Stephanie Hurlbert Marc Hurwitz William and Evelyn Hyland Dick and Connie Hyman Michael Iannuzzi Anthony Imamura and Bryan Slater Jerry and Ann Jaeger Melissa Josephs Jennifer Juzaitis Lesley Kagan Gerald and Priscilla Kane Brian Kane Wendee Kanerak Joe and Jennifer Kanosky Mike Karegeannes Peter and Janice Kari Richard Kasper and Kendra Cunningham Peter and Stephanie Keehn Sheila Keeshin Victor and Renee Klatt Tom and Melinda Knuppel Borka Konte Lucile and Henry Krasnow Mitchell and Edie Kreiter Alan and Kusum Krishnan Kimberly Kroll-Wolfberg Linda Kroll Peter Kroll and Torrie Flink Gail Kruzel Ronald Kurz Naomi Lam, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Gardner Lane Michael Lawrence Rebecca Lee Robb and Rachael LeMasters Alexandra Leonard Barry and Terri Lind Carolyn Little Lord and Taylor Ernest and Janice MacVicar John and Holly Madigan

Fred and Marlene Malek Rick Malnati Andrew Marks and Susan Esserman Carol Marlantes Kenneth and Louise Marshall John and Gail Marshall Michael and Gloria Masterson Matthew Mazur James and Mary Jane McCann Matt and Kim McCue Edward and Gaye McCullough Andrew McKey and Marcia Ely Daniel McLaughlin Claudia McLaughlin Meagher Insurance Agency, Inc. Martin Michaelson Eve Miller Kris Minor Marty Moe and Lisel Loy Rob Muller and Sally Sachar Christopher Murphy Todd and Meg Myers David Myszkowski Rich Nicolaides Thomas and Jane Nigra James and Emmy Noorigian Richard and Vicki Noorigian Ralph and Jane O’Connell Dolapo Olunuga Temitope Omoniyi Harry and Ann Oppenheimer Tom Orszulak Helen Park* Jonathan Pastor, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association William Patterson and Nancy Jaffee Connie Pendleton Pentecostal Tabernacle Ritha Pierre Donald and Barbara Pilling Phil and Nina Pillsbury Stuart and Francie Pinkwater Roger and Nina Pitkin John and Lynn Pohanka Dale Pollak Nicole Rabner Steve and Susan Raetzman J.M. Ramsay Robert and Deborah Render, in honor of NSP-Evanston Bill and Sally Richter Ross and Irene Robbins



Elizabeth Robbins Betty Rohde Piercarlo and Jennifer Romano Adam Rosman Hope Ross Ronald and Sandra Rossmann Doug and Amy Rowe Jane Sahagian Hartzell and Voni Schaff Michael and Carol Scheffler, in honor of Madeline Scheffler Daniel and Lisbeth Schorr Joseph Schotland and Nicole Stata Robert Schuckman Jody Schwartz Michael and Abigail Scott Dan and Joan Senese, in honor of Margaret Senese Stephanie Shuchart, in honor of Carrie Shuchart Ralph Siciliano Simon and Nancy Sidemon-Eristoff David and Diane Sigman Harry and Suzanne Silver, in honor of NSP-Evanston Talbott Simonds and Carter Brooks Rebecca Sive William and Nancy Smith Steven Solow and Jean Simons Charles and Nancy Southwick Laura Southwick Robert and Barbara Speir Gus and Cameron Speth Robert Spillane John and Patricia Stack Kent and Nancy Stansberry Kenneth and Alice Starr Taylor Stearns* Donald and Isabel Stewart Ted Stonbely Edwin and Mona Strassburger William and Jane Strauss Sarah Strauss Robert Sugarman and Surie Rudoff James and Terry Svenstrup Alexander and Diane Tachmindji William and Julie Taft


Derek Tarsy Susan Tattershall Allison Tepley Kenneth and Kathleen Thomas Michael Thomas Lauren Todd, in honor of Carrie Chefas Jennifer Tracey, in honor of NSP-North Philadelphia Andy and Benjye Troob Robert and Mary Trousdale T’s Restaurant and Bar UNC Student Activities Fund Tony Valasek Kathleen Valasek Lee Vasilatos Jenonne Walker Stuart Walker and Nicole Bagley Wayne and Allison Warner Carole Weaver Harris and Myra Webber Ricky and Lynne Weber Richard and Rachel Wells Ward and Karen Werner, in honor of Katelyn Werner Mark and Debbie Werner Craig White David White Glenn Wilcox Jeremy and Becky Wolsk Mabel Wonodi Ken Woodrow and Denise Grant Joanne Wyman Brian Yablonski and Priscilla Dodge Courtney Young Lawrence Zhou, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Freshman Partners ($1-99) Anonymous (5) Anonymous (3)* Anonymous, in honor of NSP-Cambridge Anonymous, in honor of Henya Kamesar Olaide Adebowale Kunle Adelekar Opeyemi Adewole Oluseyi Agbabiaka Katherine Aguero Reyez and Georgine Ahmad

Deji Akinyemi Tony Alawode Brett Alessi Robert Alexander, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Allan and SueAnn Alson Jim and Terry Anderson, in honor of Janelle Rae Cindy Andrews Mercy Arrieta David and Carol Ashworth Christina Askins Patricia Astle Oyinda Awoniyi Taiwo Awosika John and Joan Bachman Lawrence Bacow* Bill and Karen Barr Muriel Baumgart Scott Beale and Courtney Krammer Peter Behroozi, in honor of NSP-Cambridge Angela Marie Beier Matthew and Rebeka Bennett Victoria Benson Leonard Berman, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Marv and Syril Beskin Laura Bethune Avis Bohlen and David Calleo Marc Bokoff* Shari Bomke Caroline Bond Jason Bordoff and Michelle Greene Frank and Kay Borkowski Roger and Susan Bottum William and Ruth Botzow Ron and Barbara Bowie Joseph and Debra Branch Jim Brandt Emily Brennan Andrew Brodey Denise Brodey Marilyn Brody* Daniel and Honey Bronson, in honor of Jennifer Bronson Katherine Brooks Doug Brown Matt and Allison Brown Ben and Jen Bruckart Jeremy Burnette and Kevin McClelland Michael and Caroline Burns

Kevin Carr Sharon Cascone Kyle and Christie Cavanaugh Helen Chamovitz Kristy Chapman Nathan Cheney Marissa Chiarella Christopher Clearfield Jim and Bonnie Connors William and Mickey Cooney Richard and Sue Anne Copeland Lindsay Copeland and Carol Goldberg Matt Crowl Geoffrey and Barbara Crowley Cynthesis Consulting Chris Damianakes* Clint and Gina Davidson Lauren Davis* Joseph and Pamela Davis Thomas and Barbara Decker Christopher Demko Carol DeVine Katherine DiSalvo Lindsey Doerr Gunther and Nan Doerr Jim Dolson Margo Doolittle, in honor of NSP-Evanston Sisera Dowdy David Dresser Elizabeth Drobiarz* Timothy Dukes Christy Durden Stephanie Dyer Elizabeth Eavey Jeremy Edwards and Amy Nakamoto Raquel Edwards Robert Egger Joseph and Sylvia Eisenberg, in memory of Natalie Eisenberg Jim and Shari Erwin Eleanor Esmond Andrew and Stacey Evans Abimbola Fasosin Stephanie Fetzko Richard Fiesta J. Nicholas and Colleen Filler Kenneth and Kimberly Fischburg* Gary and Jane Fletcher

Susan Flynn Olumbunmi Folayan Nelson and Cecilia Ford Beth Gaffney Suzanne Garaffa Allison Gearhart Timofei Gerasimov, in honor of NSP-Cambridge Sam Glass Raymond and Laurie Gonzalez, in honor of Nathan Render Monique Gonzalez and Marjoie Choy Jan Goodell Dee Gray Sarah Green, in honor of Jen Bokoff Mary Green Donald Green Lauren Gudritz Tomas Guillen Stephen and Sharon Haberfeld Jill Habig Bob and Margie Hake Petrina Hall Susan Hamsher Gregory Harm, in honor of NSP-Cambridge Edward Haugh Tom and Melissa Hay Thomas and Gretchen Herman Thomas and Nancy Heydinger Amy Hickman Andrea Hillis Scott Hinshaw Steven and Wanda Hinshaw William and Ellen Hogue Christopher Horton Dawn Hudson Randall and Linda Hughes David Hutchinson and Shari Galiardi Trinh Huynh Dean Inada Robert and Michelle Jackson Linda Jenkins Steve Jenning and Linda Kramer Jo Anne Jennings Nicholas Jimenez Virginia Johnson Dick and Jackie Jones

Christopher and Stephanie Joseph John and Joan Joyce Robert Justus and Pauline Hodges Daniel Kahn, in honor of NSP-Cambridge Dennis Kantor, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Harvey and Barbara Kaplan, in honor of NSP-Evanston Marty and Laura Kaufman Buryl and Iris Kay Patrick and Jennifer Keenan Melinda Kelly Alan Khazei and Vanessa Kirsch Linda Khoshaba Merrie King, in honor of Caitlin King Ira and Martha Ann Kirschbaum Keith and Barb Kizziah Daniel and Jeanne Kleinman, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Mary Kokumo Susan Kopicki Elizabeth Koster Brett Kreiter Lawrence Kreiter Sarah Kremsner Elena Krieger, in honor of NSP-Cambridge Joanna Krynski Diana Landes* John Larsen Delores Lashley Cannon Leavelle Juyeon Lee* Seong and Jae Lee Amanda Leissoo Maia Leppo* Tiffany and Fernando Little Yvonne Liu* Ilene Lockman Lisa Lombardi Patricia Long David and Anne Loucks Donna MacDonald Craig MacPherson Marjorie Mahan Kehenile Majolagbe Viola Malone Sarah Malouf

David and Kelly Mangel Elizabeth Manno* Peter Manzelli Frank and Suk Massey Rob and Lisa Mathias MaryDana McCann Elizabeth McCann Douglas McClure, in honor of NSP-Cambridge Matthew McCulloch Megan McDonald Peter and Tracey McDowell Martin and Julia McGirt Diana McGregor John and Carolyn McHugh Jason McLawhorn Janice McLeod Sunnie Mealey* Dan Meyer Charles and Sylvia Meyers Christopher and Jeannie Miles Mark Miller and Anita Weinberg Corey and Katie Minturn Mary Mocny Donald and Nanci Moore Sebastian Morello* John and Julia Morris Sally Mullany Anna Mullany Luke Mullany Mark Nahin Thomas and Katie Nahrwold Randolph and Nancy New Lisa Nguyen* Nuance Hair Design and Day Spa, LLC Michael and Nicole Ochsenhirt Dave and Anne Oglevee Afolake Ogunduyile Dewunmi Okupe Segun Olatunji Olamide Oloko Chinyere Olyuide Sean O’Neill and Julia Bissell Joanna Opot Jean Parechanian Greg Park and Jung-Eun Lee* Scott and Susan Patterson Claudia Pazmany Alison Pedersen Jerry Pekow


Joaquin and Clemen Perez-Febles Eric and Jennifer Peterson Michael and Ashley Petry David and Nancy Pond Gene Pokorny and Beth Lodal Habib Pourfakhrai* Jeff and Mary Powell Andrew and Shelly Prince, in honor of Karen and Elliot Cohen Progressive Democratic Club Steph and Rick Quinn Christina Quinn Earl and Barbara Raney Andrew and Donna Reed Noelle Ruth Regner* Greg and Kate Rekett Henry and Barbara Render, in honor of Nathan Render Tom and Billie Rhyne Kathy Richards Mike and Dani Richards Francis Rivera Robert Robinson Vicente Rodriguez and Ted Culler Ann Romich Michael and Deborah Roosevelt Andrea Rosner, in honor of NSP-Evanston Eric Ross, in honor of NSP-Evanston Nicholas and Rebecca Ross Donald and Carol Rubin Laurence and Lori Rubin Roberta Rubin Rebecca Sacks, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Camille Salame* Marsha Savolainen, in honor of Noah and Anna Ellen Savolainen and Emily Bayles Marsha Savolainen Caroline Schalles Lloyd Schmeidler, in honor of Brenda Edwards Eugene and Julie Schnitzler Joe and Lauren Schwab, in honor of NSP-Evanston Allen and Ellen Seagraves James Seferis and Anne Moudon

Janet Seibel Beverly Seiford, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Hillary Seltzer* Michael Seo Barbara Shapiro, in honor of Nathan Render Robert and Margo Shayne Paul and Diann Sheridan Erica Shipow* Hannah Sides Sarah Silverman, in honor of Kirsten Lodal Tim and M’Liz Simonds Terri Slater* Edwin Sledge and Aida Pacheco Sarah Smith Laura Smolowe, in honor of Kirsten Lodal Lori Spivey, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Kolala and Veena Sridhar* Bernard and Sally Stein Gary and Nanette Stinnett Emily Stone, in honor of Jen Bokoff Ben and Lois Strickland Scott and Heather Strickler Rebecca Sullivan Dottie and Charlie Sykes Alan Symons Jean Tameling Michael Tarre Leola Tattershall Rebecca Taylor Elliot Tertes, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Jordan Thomas* Evan and Osceola Thomas Douglas and Laura Thompson Catherine and Robert Tiegs Bruce Tilton Rita and Pearlie Treadwell Glenn and Anne Trout Ed Valasek Chad Valerio John and Rosa Verchot Jane Volden Alice Waldron Jeff and Janice Walkowitz Stephanie Wang Gene and Glenna Wasko Scott Weaver

George and Jenna Wedemeyer Josanna Weeks, in honor of NSP-Cambridge David Weil, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Brian Weitz Christopher and Karen White Lynton White W. Little and Constance White Rick and Nancy Whitfield Charlie and Kate Wise Michael Wise Elvin Wiseman Jim and Sandy Woodruff Robert Wordlaw Selena Wunderlich* Robert Young Emily Zimmet Matthew Zummo

Patricia Foo Peter Groves Jeffrey Holzberg* Joanna Huey, in honor of NSP-Cambridge Kate Janeski Megan Johnson Elizabeth Milbank Annie Moyer Muzammil Mustufa, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Candace Otto Thomas Saunders, in honor of NSP-Cambridge Carrie Shuchart Gardner Tripp Shawn Westcott Alex White, in honor of NSP-Evanston Jessica Wyman

NSP would especially like to thank its alumni, students and clients who have made financial contributions this year.

Freshman Partners ($1-99) Rita Axelroth, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Marcy Baskin, in honor of NSP-Evanston Steve Barrows Neeraja Bhavaraju Elena K. Boyd Flora Cervantes Nidhi Chaudhary Gini Christman Alison Connor Khyati Desai, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Andrew DeTurck Michelle Devereux Cristina Dominguez Parker Farrington Katherine Fennell Patrick Fitzsimmons Chris Foreman Emily Garlock Robin Hodges, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Peter Keane Susan Lee Mike Lee Una Lee Brant Mayo Melissa Mazur Laura McNulty* Bethsy Morales Rajeev Nath

Cum Laude Partners ($2,500-4,999) Will Yu Honors Partners ($1,000-2,499) Kevin Simmons Junior Partners ($250-499) Caroline Chefas Lover High and Tizgel Mark Brian Krieter Josh and Cory Logan Mali Petherbridge Billy Rahm Adrian Talbott Freeman White Sophomore Partners ($100-249) Richard Amoako Rob Banaszak and Wade Wilson, in honor of Kirsten Lodal Jenny Beahrs Tom Cosgrove Toyin Fabayo

Josh Noble Gregory O’Loughlin Morgan Oldenburg John Persinger Adrienne Piazza Kiki Pirgousis Greg Rice, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Dahlia Rockowitz, in honor of NSP-Evanston Elizabeth Ross Rachel Sigman Jordan Seltzer, in honor of the NSP Summer Directors ‘05 Krish Subrahmanian Jackie Sumner, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Martine Tariot Joan Turadek Marni Weil, in honor of the NSP Alumni Association Darwin Yeung, in honor of NSP-Cambridge Francisca Zizumbo In-Kind Support ACCESS Community Health Network, Evanson IL Nassar Al-Hanna Athena, Chicago IL Aveda, Washington DC BabyBuggy, Bronx NY George and Mary Anne Boyd Carmen’s Pizza, Chicago IL The Case Foundation City View Pizza, Philadelphia PA Jamie Cohen Consumer Health Coalition, Pittsburgh PA Dirk and Caroline Degenaars Max and Megan DeZara Finemondo, Washington DC Fleet Feet, Washington DC John Gillanders Giordano’s Pizza, Chicago IL Richard and Carol Hochman Jewel and Dominick’s, Evanston IL Jan and Elizabeth Lodal Moët Hennessy, New York NY Timothy and Jacqueline Murphy Patricia Perez

Regal Cinemas, Washington DC Saint Rita’s Immigrant and Refugee Center, Bronx NY Mark Smith and Judith M. Chambers South Bronx Healthy Families of Saint Barnabas Hospital, Bronx NY Vera Sturm Starbucks Coffee, Chicago IL Taylor Companies, Washington DC Temple University, Philadelphia PA Thomas Pink, Chicago IL, Troy MI and Washington DC The University of Richmond, Richmond VA University of Richmond, Richmond VA Webster Wallpaper and Paint Company, Bronx NY Women’s Business Development Center, Chicago IL

Matching Gifts Bank of America CA, Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc. Fannie Mae Foundation JPMorgan Chase Foundation Kaplan, Inc. The Lubrizol Foundation RBC Dain Rauscher Starbucks United Services Automobile Association WellPoint Foundation *in honor of the NSP National Student Advisory Board





NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROB CARMONA President, CEO, STRIVE GARY FLETCHER Executive Director, Richmond Workforce Investment Board STAN FREEMAN Principal, Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville P.C. LEE FOLEY Partner, Foley Maldonado & O’Toole, LLC MARCIA GREENBERGER Co-President, National Women’s Law Center RICHARD HOCHMAN Chairman, Regent Capital Management Corporation PETER KELLNER Managing Director, Richmond Financial BRIAN KREITER NSP Co-Founder, Chair McKinsey & Company

NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF MARNE LEVINE Director of Business Development, Cibernet Payments


MEGAN NEWMAN Program Manager

ELENA K. BOYD Director of Development and Communications

KAREN PERRY AmeriCorps*VISTA Communications Associate

MARNE OBERNAUER Chairman, Beverage Distributors Company

HEATHER DECKER AmeriCorps*VISTA Leader Program Associate

JANELLE RAE Program Manager

BILLY RAHM Principal, Centerbridge Partners, L.P.

DELESE HARVEY Program Manager

SOHIL SHAH Student Representative to the Board, Northwestern University

MAYA SOBLE AmeriCorps*VISTA Development Associate

LINDSAY JOHNSON AmeriCorps*VISTA Development Associate

RACHAEL SWANSON Director of Programs

TREY TAYLOR Co-Chairman, Taylor Companies

CANNON LEAVELLE AmeriCorps*VISTA Development Associate

KIRSTEN LODAL Co-Founder, CEO, National Student Partnerships

MARNI WEIL President, NSP Alumni Association Consultant, The Boston Consulting Group

MARIAN WIGGINS Director of Finance and Operations

KUNAL MODI AmeriCorps*VISTA Program Associate

NSP LOCAL OFFICES NSP-Baltimore c/o The PEACE Center 325 East 25th Street 2nd Floor Baltimore, MD 21218 (410) 235-4585

NSP-Cambridge c/o Multi-Service Center 19 Brookline Street 1st Floor Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 349-6338

NSP-DC c/o The Perry School 128 M Street, NW Suite 335 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 289-2525

NSP-Bronx c/o Refuge House 2715 Bainbridge Avenue Bronx, NY 10458 (718) 733-3897, ext. 19

NSP-Chicago 4750 North Sheridan Road Suite 371 Chicago, IL 60640 (773) 303-0700

NSP-Evanston c/o IETC 1615 Oak Street Evanston, IL 60201 (847) 864-3530 x208


NSP-New Haven 178 Temple Street Suite 33 New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 624-5877 NSP-North Philadelphia 2123 North Gratz Street Philadelphia, PA 19121 (215) 236-0727

NSP-West Philadelphia 6048 Osage Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143 (215) 474-1807 NSP-Pittsburgh c/o Life’s Work 1323 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 682-3501

NSP-Richmond c/o Richmond Career Advancement Center 201 West Broad Street Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 780-4146 x120 NSP-Somerville c/o Somerville Homeless Coalition 237A Highland Avenue Somerville, MA 02145 (617) 623-6111, ext. 224

“I’m looking at the world with new eyes. NSP has changed the way I view what’s possible.” NSP Volunteer NSP University Partners American University Baltimore City Community College Bryn Mawr University Carlow College Carnegie Mellon University Catholic University (Washington, DC) Community College Baltimore County DePaul University (Chicago) Drexel University Duke University

Duquesne University Fordham University George Washington University Georgetown University Harvard University Illinois Institute of Art Johns Hopkins University LaSalle University (Philadelphia) Loyola University of Chicago Manhattan College Massachusetts Institute of Technology

North Carolina Central University Northwestern University Quinnipiac University Southern Connecticut State University Temple University Trinity University (Washington, DC) Tufts University University of Chicago University of Illinois (Chicago) University of Maryland—Baltimore Campus University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill

University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Richmond Villanova University Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia State University Virginia Union University Yale University

Mobilizing Student Leaders To Strengthen Communities

National Student Partnerships (NSP) National Office 800 7th Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20001 www.nspnet.org

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