November - December Prayer Letter- Colour

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  • Words: 1,096
  • Pages: 2
Miriam Ford, InterAction Worker – Brussels November-December Newsletter Avenue de la Couronne, 162, 1050 – Ixelles, Brussels, BELGIUM [email protected]

+32 470 579270 +44 7738 356096

Hi again!! Wow prayer letter number three!! Thanks for sticking with me so far!  I’ve been so encouraged this month by seeing and or hearing from people, from being back in England for a weekend, to just finally being able to open my letter box!! November was pretty crazy busy, but brilliant!! I’ll try and catch you up on what HAPPENED as well as what will be HAPPENING in

Bruxelles-central: the guy who came to the social, tour of Brussels, evening, hasn’t been back, but is apparently going to a church quite regularly, so please keep praying for him that he’d be faithfully presented with the Gospel, and might realise his need of Jesus for His Saviour! The studies in Mark are going well and there are usually at least 6 of us present each week. We’re hoping to have a “soirée noel” on 15th Dec and Lucy will be giving her testimony. Please pray that we’ll be bold in inviting people, that they’d come, and that Lucy would be able to faithfully and clearly present the Gospel.

Woluwe lunch time: we’ve finished the studies in Habakkuk in the lunch time group and are now studying passages in Luke in the run up to Christmas. Praise God for one girl in the group who felt ready to lead the study for the first time last week, and please pray that she would continue to grow in her love for Jesus, and continue to be willing to serve in the GBU. Praise God that each week I feel more and more comfortable in this group, but please pray for opportunities to get to know the students better, and especially opportunities to do one to ones. There’s a

Woluwe evening: PRAISE God that some other students have been able to come at last!! We’ve started the studies in Habakkuk, and have been meeting in the group leader’s dorm. Please pray for wisdom about whether or not to change from Monday to Wednesday evenings. For the studies to be prepared and lead well, and that there would be opportunities to organise evangelistic events.

guy for whom it would be great if you could pray. He’s the student leader of the

biggest GBU group in Brussels, but for many complicated and very Belgian reasons… he has to find somewhere new to study asap or his student visa won’t be valid anymore and he’ll have to leave Belgium. Please pray he would get replies from the places he’s applied to soon, and that he might be able to stay in Brussels because he is super enthusiastic about the GBU and doing evangelism, the GBU needs more people like him!

It’s been really encouraging to hear people saying they can see that my French has improved this month, however the course I’m doing finishes the first week of January, please pray that I’ll be disciplined and keep spending concentrated time studying the language without the structure of classes to help me. Thank God that I’m feeling more and more at home in the church here each week. I spent a day with people at an annual event called ‘la convention’: a day of teaching for evangelical churches in Belgium, and was asked to prepare the meal for last week’s young people’s meeting. It was brilliant to be back in England for a weekend and to go to my home CU’s house party, the teaching was great and I felt really challenged about being satisfied and content to serve God in Belgium, knowing that my situation here is not a mistake. It also really encouraged me to see my friends, make some new ones and share about the work here in person. Please thank God that going back has helped me to not miss home so much, rather than making life here more difficult as I had worried it might. Thank God that I have had several opportunities to spend time with my English erasmus friend!  Unfortunately she’s going back to England for good in a couple of weeks. Opportunities to talk about Jesus haven’t really come up so please pray that they will before she leaves. We’re hoping to go to Bruges together to the Christmas Market in the next few days. Please pray that God would present opportunities to talk about Him, and that she’d be open and interested, and that I’d speak the truth in love. (UCLan CU house party!)

Dates for your Diary Sunday 6th Dec: Prayer meeting for the GBU Saturday 12th Dec: FOCUS “How to Read the Gospel of John” – speaker: Erwin Oschenmeier. Weds 16th Dec: Soirée Noel at GBU Central Thurs 10th Dec: Bruges Christmas Market with English friend 17th Dec – 4th Jan : Back in UK for Christmas Holidays!

Please keep 

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Word of the month: “frapper” / “frappant” = to hit/strike / striking (useful bible study terminology!)


That evangelism would be a priority for students, and that studies would be aimed at encouraging the each other to share the Gospel. For the opportunity to do a one-to-one with someone from January. For Christmas events going on, that Lucy would speak faithfully and clearly, and students would invite friends, and that friends would COME. For students going home to non-Christian families over Christmas, that they’d would be a powerful witness. Thank God for the opportunity to have monthly prayer meetings, pray that more students and supporters would come and be committed to praying for the GBU. That I would love the students here more and more, and that both I and they would be being transformed into being more like Jesus, for His glory!

Thanks again for reading! And thank you so much for praying, on my own I know that I am weak and useless, it’s only through God that anything can be accomplished through me!! As always, find out more about IFES at or more specifics about life in Belgium for me at . Love, Miriam xx “But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

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