November 2009 Pto Minutes

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Sunrise PTO Meeting Meetings Tuesday, November 17, 2009, Guidance Office Attendees: Kristin Caravella, John Schultz, Barb Carpenter, Michelle Roberts, Diane Wittman, Chrisy Gralapp, Carleen Biesterveld, Lori Briggs, & Adam Gordon. Absent: Melissa Fontaine,

A. Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting (if no additions/corrections) - no corrections or additions to the October 20th minutes.

B. Officer’s Reports a. President 2009 – 2010 PTO Goal The group reviewed the PTO goal for this school year and the direction to achieve the objective. Our focus for the 2009-2010 school year is on parent involvement & bringing Sunrise families together to strengthen community. Coordination of family fun nights and the artist-in-resident program are some ways we’re trying to achieve this goal. As PTO members, we can further strengthen this objective by working together as a team during board meetings (listening, sharing ideas and providing constructive feedback) and in public settings as PTO “ambassadors”.

b. Budget Review, Share Drive Diane reviewed the 2009-2010 budget discussing the final results of the fundraisers and the placement on the financial worksheet. When the final expenses were deducted for the Cookie Dough sales, the net profit was $4,208.00. With the Teacher Snack Box item continually in flux, the entry on the financial document will appear as negative. However with the review of the current prices paid to restock the item assortment in the box and the realignment of the price currently being charged, the cost is recouped in the end. In addition, the group tracks the products that move, takes advantage of sales and only stocks products that are under $.50 a piece. The Fall Harvest Dance generated $472.85 in revenue with a good turnout of approximately 300 students. Concessions (juice boxes, water, and fruit snacks) expense was $57.59. Popcorn about $33.50 and glow necklaces and bracelets $142.98. The DJ cost was $150. Miscellaneous expenses included ice and balloons at a cost of $10. The final numbers for the Artist in Residence event will be provided to Diane to close the remaining entries on the document. Diane purchased 2 USB drives for a cost of $29.76. One will house all of the financial information which will remain in Diane’s possession and the other for information on fundraisers, committees and miscellaneous topics which Kristin will retain. Folders will contain all the information in a useable format for past, present and future school years. PTO members can e-mail Kristin information that they would like to have stored on the drives. The group also discussed a future need to increase the PTO budget expense. Future consideration will be given to the $100 budget allocations to the 4 remaining Family Fun nights. Based on past events additional funding may be needed.

c. School Update-Principal John Schultz John shared with the group that the WKCE-CRT testing conducted the first 2 weeks of the month has been successfully completed. Attendance was at an all time high which helped to limit the number of make-up sessions.

Conferences went well and John took the opportunity to share with the group the nice comments he received regarding the potluck provided for the teachers. The teachers were very appreciative to have warm food, large selection of items and the care taken to put it all together. This event is always very well received and appreciated by the teachers. The Veterans Day program on November 11th was a huge success with many in attendance. This was a great tribute to those that have served and are serving to protect our country. Holiday programs are scheduled: November 23rd

Grade 1 @ 6:00 p.m. Grade 3 @ 7:00 p.m.

December 1st

Grade 2 @ 6:00 p.m. Grade 4 @ 7:00 p.m.

Sunrise student body will be receiving a new Sunrise T shirt in their gray folders this week. An explanation was provided in the Sunrise newsletter thanking the PTO for the gift. It also stressed our focus “to try to promote and support building character and community at Sunrise.” Barb expressed concern with how the sizes of the shirts were running and the rationale that was used to pick the shirts for each student. She will discuss with John his thoughts and ideas to ensure that each child has a shirt that fits and can be utilized for a longer period of time. One idea would be to have the student try the shirt on before they are taken home. John contributed funds so shirts could also be ordered for the staff. PTO members stressed the importance of having Sunrise T-shirts also so that they have proper attire for school events. Barb was going to look in to the PTO t-shirt request. The Home Alone program is a training session/seminar scheduled for 2 consecutive nights in March. It will be offered to families in all 4 elementary schools who have children that are responsible and old enough to be left alone. It is designed to help families develop plans regarding computer safety, fire drills and police protocol. Finally, John is in touch with Safe Routes Initiative contacts to further this program at Sunrise and will report his findings at a later meeting.

C. Committee Reports a. Fundraising: With the end of the year coming, the group discussed ideas for new fundraising opportunities and current fundraising events. The Entertainment book was the only current fundraiser that was in question. However, due to the amount of work needed with the results provided, the event will stay at this point. PTO members were asked to e-mail Diane with any new fundraising ideas. This is important due to the amount of time it takes to plan, coordinate legal ramifications and sign necessary contracts, time is of the essence. This topic will be added to the agenda for January. b. Family Fun

Night Updates/Evaluations: • Fall Harvest Dance-October 27th (Kristin)

The dance attracted about 300 Sunrise students and the response was very positive. Even though the D.J. had problems with his equipment he still did a good job making the transition seamless. Juice boxes, water, & fruit snacks cost $57.59. Glow necklaces and bracelets were $142.98 and the DJ cost was $150. Topics discussed which will be considered when planning this event for next year was: 1. Request songs that require group/family participation (i.e. chicken dance, hustle…)

2. 3.

Review song choices to ensure age appropriate music Review sound levels and lighting to maintain safe environment 4. Maintain healthy concession choices: positive feedback on water (sold out) & juice boxes.


Glow items popular, but make announcement that they are not to be swung.

• Rain Forest Live!-November 12th (Kristin) Sunrise had the pleasure to collaborate with Westside & Woodland elementary schools on this event and the night was a success. There were 586 tickets sold for the evening presentation and the families were very pleased with the show. Sunrise families learned about different animals in the rainforest and how we need to take care of the rainforest. The message was how can we “recycle, reuse and conserve and during the night of the show, the PTO provided parents with information on being green, and conserving resources. Reusable shopping bags were provided by Kohl’s and Festival Foods. AT&T provided fliers which listed conservation ideas. In addition, students were given rainforest themed coloring sheets. During the week prior to the show, the PTO also whetted the student’s appetite by providing questions regarding rainforest animals that they could complete and submit for prizes. There were 111 students that responded with 10 prizes being awarded. The group discussed looking at events such as this for next year; incorporating ideas into the classroom, tying event into curriculum, looking at all the arts, science, history etc to address a wider range of interests and engage more students. • Deck the Walls/Family Arts and Crafts Night-December 3rd (Kristin/John-chair, Barb/Carleen-snacks, Adam-P.R.flyers) Sunrise students will be creating a holiday project in art class to “Deck the Walls.” These projects will be displayed on dividers for parents to view during the night of the event. Later they will be moved to display points in the school for others to see. The PTO group discussed different ideas to display the artwork, methods for it to be moved easier and different venues for the art. Kristin shared with the group different ideas for arts and crafts projects and requested any additional ideas that members may have. Ideas were shared on how to design each work/art station, possibly premade bags to streamline the process and make it easier for the volunteer manning the table. To ensure that enough supplies will be purchased for the event, a flyer will be sent home with the students to get an idea of the number that would be interested in attending. Depending on the projects selected and the headcount, components would need to be painted or partially constructed in advance. Refreshments for the event will be hot chocolate, apple cider and candy canes. • Sunrise Night at YMCA-January 17th (Barb Carpenter, Carleen

Biesterveld) As was previously discussed, the cost for the use of the YMCA is $40.00 for the first 50 students and $3.00 for each person there after with YMCA members admitted free. The group discussed ways to recoup this expense and still keep the cost to Sunrise students low. Ideas were shared such as; all students would pay $1.00 to participate, students would be free and revenue generated from the concessions would cover the cost of the event. Barb and Carleen shared with the group that the Y would provide lifeguards for the pool with a maximum of 150 students. There will be 4 inflatable items in the gym, geared towards all age groups at a cost of $45. The PTO will sell their own concessions and there was a discussion as to the breadth of products that will be sold. Items such as beverages, fruit snacks, popcorn and possibly hotdogs depending on how the event is priced to the students and family. A flyer will be sent home with the students the first week of December to gauge the number that would be interested in attending and help finalize the admission price and concessions. A contract for this event has been signed with YMCA contact Kent Ellington.

• Movie Night-Feb. 11th (Chairs-Barb Carpenter, Carleen Biesterveld)

Movie selections were discussed and different ideas were provided. Additional movie titles can be emailed to either Barb or Carleen for consideration. With the endless number of great movies, the suggestion was to provide the students with 3 approved movies and have them select the one that they would be interested in seeing. Diane shared with Barb that Sunrise is covered by a license that is purchased by the district to cover films, movies, TV shows etc which should cover the $75 contract fee. Barb will contact Laura Brigman to discuss the district license, the protocol that needs to be followed and if we are covered.

• Roller Skating-April 15th 6:00 – 8:30 (Chairs-Chrisy Gralapp, Michelle

Roberts) Skate City has been contacted and the price quoted was $3.25 per person. The group provided names of other facilities that may offer a more competitive price rate or other options. In past years, students were given a dollar coupon for a concession item of their choice. The group discussed the possibility of eliminating the coupon and lowering the price or other variations. More to be discussed after other locations have been contacted.

b. Teacher Potluck Diane shared with the group that the potluck was a success both nights with many food items to choose from both warm entrees and side dishes. The teachers were very pleased with the opportunity to have a great meal at their fingertips. Diane e-mailed thank-you’s to parents who provided food.

c. Snack box Price Increase-(Carleen/Michelle) The group is doing a great job keeping the box stocked and shopping for the items that are in high demand. Diane shared with the group the cost of the items and how they are priced to ensure that expenses are recouped. Popular items like candy bars have a higher cost (.43 - .49) which we sell for $.50 however the cost is recouped with other items that cost .14 - .23. This discussion helped to ensure that we have equal funds going in and out. There was an agreement to readjust the cost from $.60/item to $.50/item. The group is making sure that the box is filled on a regular basis and that excess inventory is hidden away. They also track the products that move, take advantage of sales and ensure that stock levels are manageable.

D. Old Business a. Sunrise Wear (Barb) PTO members stressed the importance of having Sunrise T-shirts also so that they have proper attire for school events. Barb was going to look in to the request since the printers have the set-up ready to produce additional shirts. (Additional items shared above)

E. New Business

a. General Staff Holiday Gift Diane explained the rationale for why this event was established including staff/parent expectations. John suggested that next year’s PTO board look at staff gift giving across the board (teachers and general staff) and consider changing our current practices. With this in mind, the group agreed to keep the event the same for this year. Moving forward, there have been many different ideas shared such as; in lieu of collecting money from parents for general staff gifts, it was suggested that a gift of service be provided by the Sunrise student population or that an “adopt-a-staff member” by class program be considered. This would be a great opportunity for students to demonstrate their appreciation of the services that all Sunrise staff provides.

b. PTO Directory (Adam Gordon) Adam shared with the group the idea of putting together a PTO directory, putting a face to our names, for the Sunrise families. This concept could be contained on the school web page & PTO newsletter. Discussed pictures to be taken at upcoming PTO meeting so look your best!

c. December PTO Meeting With all of the PTO committees running smoothly and all business (old and new) being attended to, the group agreed to cancel the December meeting and reschedule for January 12th.

Next Meeting is Tuesday, January 12th 5:30-6:30 p.m.

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