Otisville Pto Minutes 092408

  • October 2019
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Otisville Elementary PTO Meeting Minutes September 24, 2008 Julie welcomed everyone to the meeting. She introduces herself as the President. Co-Chairs are Kelly Fedrizzi, and Beth Capria, Treasurer Kris Crance and Secretary Josephine Whitehurst. Principal’s Report Alice Reh reported on the following items: Thanks everyone for coming and loves the great turn out we had. Alice talks about the new building. Everyone is adjusting very well. K - 2 Playground opened on 9-23 and 3 - 5 just needs wood chips. Arrival and dismissals are working much better. Pinwheel for peace was a huge success. They all used the town soccer field. First week of October is Fire Safety week. School pictures are coming up October 14. Book swap Halloween Parade for K-2 and Fall Harvest for 3-5. Information is always available on line. Vice Principal’s Report Vincent Biele Reported on the following items: He spoke about the new wooden bench we are getting in the hallway as well as the center court. The Baseball field will be ready for the spring. The Gym should be done by the end of October. We are getting a digital sign for outside of the school. It will display up coming events etc… The black plywood on the staircases, are being replaced with Tempered Glass. For security purposes swipe cards are coming soon. YMCA Kids Club-Elaine Lybolt spoke about the YMCA Kids Club. asked and answered.

Questions where

Treasurer’s Report- Kris Crance went over the budget for the year. We have $1086.79 available to spend now. We also have $6359.48 in the playground fund. There were questions and answers. Motion made, seconded and approved. Meeting minutes- Josephine Whitehurst briefly discussed the highlights of the meeting minutes from June. No questions. Motion made, seconded and approved. Old and On-going Business Box tops for Education- Cindy reported that there is a collection box in the cafeteria that the kids will place their paper’s in . There will be special prizes for the class that has the most. She is hoping to raise $3000. Hannaford Helps, Target Charge Card, and Ink cartridge recycling program- Cassie and Valerie discussed that in Sept. we received a check for $18.00 from the Target credit cards, and $402.00 for the Ink cartridges that is coming in 4 weeks. Welcome back Faculty & Staff Breakfast- Janet thanked everyone for donating a wonderful spread for the teachers. Birthday and Book Program- Wendy talked about the book swaps dates, there is a max of 5 books per child. She is in need on Chapter books for the older grades.

Yearbook- Beth and Marissa They are in need of pictures from up coming events. They are going to be starting a Yearbook Club with the kids from the 5th grade. The yearbook covers all the grade levels. Also, they will be doing the PDA(public displays of affection) in the back of the book. Game Night and Craft Night- Beth would like to thank everyone for coming out to game night, they played Bingo and had a really good time. Next Game night will be October 17, at 7pm. She does need HELPERS for Craft Night, the first craft night is being held on October 6, in the PTO room. Beth will also take care of writing “Thank you notes” for all donations given. Young Gentleman/Special Lady Roller Skating- Josephine & Dina, this is being held on October 25, at the Roller Skating Rink in Matamoras, PA. The time is from 47pm, it is $30.00 per couple and the cost includes skating, a slice of pizza and a drink. Young Lady/Special Gentleman Dance- Gina And Mary, The date is November 5, for the girls in 3-5. It is $20.00 per couple and $10.00 each additional person. They are in need of food, PLEASE donate! Ident-a-Kid Program- Mary reported that you receive 4 cards for $10.00 and the class that has the most participation gets a pizza party. They also raffle off a bicycle. PTO Membership dues- Kris advised that dues are due by November 30. You must be a paid member to vote butt all parents are always welcome to join the meetings. Author Day for the students- Candice Sheerer advise that she has someone coming in on Oct. 17 and that he is not charging anything. Maybe the PTO can donate? Julie Thanked all the Teachers, Staff, and Parents for coming out and supporting the PTO. Boo Hoo Breakfast- Julie, thanked everyone for coming. Fall Fundraisers are due Friday Sept. 26. School pictures are on October 14, we are in need of volunteers to help the kids do hair etc.. K-2 will have a Halloween parade at 1:45pm. Grades 3-5 will have their Fall Harvest at recess. We are allocating $700.00 for the DJ and other games. Motion made, seconded, and approved. We have budgeted money for Author’s and Theater Company’s for the year. We would like to buy 2 camera’s that we can use for yearbook photo’s. allocate $300.00 for them. Motion made, seconded, approved. This years THEME


We will

To commemorate a new beginning for everyone!!

Julie Musial adjourned the meeting and thanked all for coming.

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