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The details Casey Anthony didn't want you to know

Discuss the details This hub was started due to the mystery surrounding the disappearance & death of little Caylee Anthony that has captured the world's attention. Caylee Marie Anthony was reported missing July 15, a month after the toddler disappeared, according to her mother, Casey Anthony. Suspicion has fallen on her mother, who investigators say told a string of lies. On Dec. 19, officials with the Orange County Sheriff's Office announced that a child's remains found a quarter-mile from the Anthony home were those of Caylee Anthony. This is a place to discuss current topics as well. We dedicate this research & the friendships created here to the memory of little Caylee Anthony. Rest in peace sweet child. This is an area for discussion. Welcome!

Cheeto Butt Herself

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Twisted Mystery Writer Nancy Grace WESH TV Orlando Sentinal MyFox Orlando Timeline of events Bored? Try target practice with our favorite inmate Sign the Petition

• Archives: October 2009 • Archives: September 2009 • Sign the Petition here! For those of you that are concerned about the rampant cases of child abuse, kidnapping and murder of...

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Comments RSS for comments on this Hub RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Bill Shaffer Blog traces of Chloroformm. linn this one you can read, good thing I looked before I went out the door. Thank you for clean ship Wed. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Anthonys Familys' P.I. Deposition Postponed Posted: 12:18 pm EST November 10, 2009 Updated: 12:40 pm EST November 10, 2009 JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Ahhhh, nothing like a clean deck! RascalBrat says:

4 weeks ago

JMo, I know I said I would not read Diane Fannys book but I have heard it is very good. Well Captn Steve it is a womans right to change her mind, LMAO . Chapter 2 says the car seat and the white back pack with the monkeys was in the back seat. I do not remember hearing before where that back pack was found. Will let you all know how I like the book. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, you go girl! Haven't you read enough lately? I'll wait for the dvd version. LOL Damn bad luck, if only someone had taken the car right momster? RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Threw chapter 6 an I do half to say this is a well written book and does not favor Casey as I thought it might, just the oppisite. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Casey swore to tell the Goepal truth to LE, can you imagine that one, lol JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the Gospel truth, eh? Casey is a fool. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, actually this is a very good book, much to my surprise. Casey does not know how to be truthful. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

I try to look for the good in everyone. But for 17 months I am still looking! That is one bad mama jama. And so is SINdy. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Steve, do not strain your eyes or brain you will never find the good in either of them. Back to finish the book. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Ok I love the end of the book. I also sent Diane Fanning a email to let her know what I thought of the book. I hope she write another when Casey is convicted to finish this. Great Book. the book is 337 pages so it does not take long to read. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

5-year-old missing in Fayetteville, another ,missing child she is cute, lets pray they find her fast

losingit says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, how does the book end??? I hate to always argue, but why did LE find the backpack in the car? I thought Cindy took most of the stuff out of the car. Seems funny that she left the backpack in there. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. If I ever come across it, I'll read it too. You will need a vacation by the time this is over. Wednesday Morning says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, I'm glad you decided to read the book. I plan on reading it too. I just don't have the spare time these days. I don't think there's any harm done by reading it. The book profits certainly don't go to the Ant Clan and it doesn't seem to put Casey in a very good light. I say Read On Shipmates! Interesting link someone posted the other day about the gatorade bottle. That's very damaging evidence for Casey. I sure wish this trial would start already. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

losingit, now that would spoil it if you intend to read it, lol But Diane goes in to the fact that Casey ruled the house with her mouth and her attitude and parents allowing it. She is in no way on Casey side, that is all I will tell you. And talks about Casey feeling she is intitled to what ever she wants. Wednesday I am glad I did also, a lot of it I already knew but the way she words it is great. I definatlely is not a writer and can I express my self that well. But I half to say I am glad I did read it. Oh it definately does not put Cassey in a good light at all, in fact just the opisite. I also wish that go to trial, it just seems to keep draging on and on. At this rate I will be a great great grandma. LMAO Not one dime went to the Ants that is why I broke down and purchased it. linn says: 4 weeks ago

OK, just why does DC get to have more time to "prepare"? He has had months and months. They know he does not want to testify, so they are giving him more time to do what? I mean prepare how? Mistruths or half-truths? I just do not get why they keep letting these people run the show. Rascal, THANK YOU! :) So nice to read stuff. Now I have Bill Sheaffer's blog site bookmarked. Have to laugh, but he needs to learn how to blog faster.. lol..Funny but in reading the comments, they all were saying how Cindy follows them around on all blog sites. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

linn, DC has the name Casey so maybe he fells he is intitlted to special treatment also. My guess is he needs to work on his story with the Ants and see if they can keep the half truths the same. I like his videos with Kathi Belich so I hope he also continues with them. Like Bill said he is from the old school this is a first for him. It just takes time he will be a old pro soon so lets give him a break. I love the way he explains things in the case. I and love the questions Kathi asks him right to the point. He is still getting over his surgery so I am sure it will just take time to pull it all together.

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Hey, here are some 'funnies' that I read today. So does the National Enquirer actually have a pipeline into Casey Anthony? ...........Why not, she and that magazine have a lot in common, they’re both trash. Casey's attorney is denying that any of the information printed by the National Enquirer is true. ..........But then again the same attorney is saying his client is not guilty. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

losingit, the car seat was in the car, but I had not heard of the back pack being found before. I remember George saying Caylee had a back pack when they left the last time he saw her. Sindy took the car seat out when it was brought home from the tow yard so I am presuming she also took out the back pack. JMo, good one. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Caylee Anthony, Liquid may be from cleaning fluid not Chloroform. says: 4 weeks ago

Lab Analyzes Syringe Found Near Caylee RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Video of Disney Bag report. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Personally, I don't care if they found that stuff at the site or not. Whoever put it there, probably didn't even know there was a dead body in a trash bag near by! They have plenty of evidence to hang Caseys sorry ass right now. I hope she was paying attention last night when the DC sniper went nighty night! That is her fate! RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

This is probably a report from the defence, who knows. I feel the same JMo. They have evidence we have not even seen, that is why DP back on the table. Plus I do not trust who ever did this report, junk science They came to this conclusion by reading the report. I noticed Bill Shaffer never changed his blog to go with this report. RascalBrat says:

4 weeks ago

Check this out!!! RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I am not going to think to much of the Chloroform since it was in the car. There is so much other items that link this to the Ants house. so what will be will be. We know they all lied and covered up and that will be proven. Then of course the 31 days and Casey neveer reported Caylee missing is very telling. Casey is going down for this. linn says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal..It took me forever to figure out how to blog! I like Bill. He does great work. I also really like Kathi B. but never get to read her work much as she seems to be on video mainly. She used to be on NG a lot, but now rarely. I truly do wish that the Ants would stop be given special treatment. I know if *I did the crappola they have/are doing, I would have charges against me. WHY do they keep getting away with all they do/have done? To me that is such a mystery. And I guess DC is getting his special treatment. Gee, he has had almost a year to come up with his story. Now he gets another month? Again, if this were me I would have had to testify the day I was ordered to. The FIRST time! Gee these fruits get my dander up.. haha JMo says: 4 weeks ago

So, is that a picture of the rug that had stains on it? I (just my opinion) think that Casey may of tried to 'roll Caylee up in a rug' to put her in the trunk. But that didn't work so well. What do you all think? JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Well this one is totally shocking to me. A father and his 4 sons all sexually abused these kids (and possibly others). These are their "own" kids. They hid messages in jars and buried them in the yard. The one 12 year old girl said she got pregnant and had an abortion. This is the sickest thing Ive heard in a long time. What is wrong with these people?????? DP for all of them!!!! I will even push in the syringe myself and the state won't even have to pay me to do it. Check this story out. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

linn, I think we would all be in trouble if we kept trying to get out of a depo and ask for special treatment. I am not sure why they are intitled to special treatment it is BS. linn it tooke me awhile to do a screnn saver years ago, they people told me I coukld ot get sound to it, that was way before we had better equipment. I work and work and finally got it then saved to a flopy took in to a computer guy and he wanted to know how the hell I did it, I laughed at him and said you figure it out. I did tell him about a month later but he sure shook his head. JMo, yes that is the rug that LE took from the Ants house, I do not know if Casey tried that. But we will see when they test it.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, I seen that it was in Missouri unbelievable. Sick SB's JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Ok, my above post is a video, but this link is the story. These guys used beastiality with the kids, sodomized them etc. and they say dead bodies are buried around there. This is so shocking. sorry. JMO says: 4 weeks ago

OMG, it gets worse and worse as I read it. Three of the five men are lay ministers in the Community of Christ church whose licenses have been suspended, church spokeswoman Linda L. Booth said. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

The news can not get things straight I guess, DC has his depo postponed. Depositions in Anthony case Thursday Updated: Wednesday, 11 Nov 2009, 5:07 PM EST Published : Wednesday, 11 Nov 2009, 5:07 PM EST More depositions are scheduled to take place Thursday in the case against Casey Anthony. The girlfriend of her brother Lee, Mallory Parker, and a private investigators will be deposed Thursday. Mallory Parker will give her deposition Thursday morning and when she is done Dominic Casey will be deposed. He is the private investigators who worked for George and Cindy Anthony. Caasey Anthony has pleaded not guilty on charges that she killed her daughter, 2-year-old Caylee Marie , claiming a babysitter kidnapped her toddler. Caylee was last seen in June of 2008, but she was not reported missing until a month later. Her remains were found in woods near the family's home in December. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

So many sick minds out there really scarry. DC is scheduled for a depo on the 16th. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

If you go to this link you can read Sindys blogs she goes by orlando east, dam she really likes that Kool Aid, lol

CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

I just love how the Heene's get off with a slap on the wrist. I am thinking about hatching a plan to make myself more marketable. Sorry if it will put peoples lives in danger but I have to land this reality gig A.S.A.P. If I get deported back to the Bronx, oh well!!! Ah, our justice system hard at work. Next thing they will tell me is they are letting momster out and she is going to sue the state of Florida. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Steve, I agree that pissed me off also, what a joke our justice system is. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Man charged with kidnapping missing 5-year-old Shaniya Davis CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

For some reason I think Orlando East is just someone who is bored and has too much time on their hands and likes to throw shit out there and see if it sticks. I do not think it is SINdy. It reminds me of these loonson that site Baptists for Brown. Some real winners over there! We all know that justice for Caylee will be served and then we can sit back and say what we want. You have to either have an I.Q. of under 50 or know nothing about evidence to think that she is not guilty. The only thing she is not guilty of (YEAH RIGHT) is being an over worked, good mommy who loves her family! LOL......... OY VEY JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I wish they would of said what led them to that suspect? I know they found her blanket and clothes in the trash cans, but what links anything to this guy. I just hate incomplete stories. JMo says: 4 weeks ago Aha, he is the boyfriend of the girls mother and was spotted taking her out of the trailer park! WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

HEENE THE WEENE: Lane said the couple agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors because Mayumi Heene is a citizen of Japan, and any felony conviction or certain misdemeanor convictions could result in her deportation. "Unfortunately, the prosecutors insisted upon a package deal where Richard would have to fall on his sword and take a felony plea despite the fact that he made no incriminating statements to law enforcement and Mayumi's statements could not be used against him," Lane said Thursday.

Lane said Mayumi Heene's statements likely couldn't have been used against her husband because of marital privilege, which can keep a a person's spouse from testifying against them. "Upon reviewing the evidence, arguably, Mayumi could have possibly ended up being deported and Richard could have proceeded to trial and had a good chance at an acquittal," Lane said. "This, however, would have put the family at grave risk of seeing a loving, caring, compassionate wife and mother ripped from the family and deported. That was not an acceptable risk, thus these pleas." It was unclear whether the pleas would affect the couple's custody of their children. Lane said avoiding Mayumi Heene's possible deportation and keeping the family together was one of the main reasons for making the deal. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Thanks for the link JMo, omg the boyfriend I agreee what is wrong with these women think more of a man then there child . JMo says: 4 weeks ago

She is an absolute beautiful child. Why put a child like that on a couch in little pink panties where some pervert could see her and snatch her away. That mother needs to be horse whipped and thrown in the cell with Casey! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I wonder where they will find her little body. You know she isn't alive. He dumped her blanket and clothes in the neighbors trash, probably to throw investigators and the scent dogs off track. What a pig. I hope they find her alive though. God, wait till Nancy talks about this one tonight!!! RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

We will never understand people like that, she was so cute. Why not put her back in her own bed, that is where she belonged or was she to lazy to walk in there. I am afriad he did something really bad to her. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

They are done deposing Mallory CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Mallory does want another bowl of SINdy's chili so I expect the ranks will not be broken RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Mallory better say what the Anthonys want her to say, or the chili is off limits. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Steve did you see the 5 from same family on HLN that had sex with the kids, this is sick even the grandpa. jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

If you don't have time to read the court documents or are having trouble understanding the info, the Hinky Meter is a good site to go to. The latest post explains what was in the Crystal lite bottle found in the trunk. Valhall is spot on with this analysis. Everything she says is backed up by the FBI reports contain within documents just released. BTW Tony Pipitone works for Click Orlando/Local 6 NOT for the defense. They hired a private chemist to review the FBI report on gatorade bottle & syringe. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, on my planet where I am judge, jury, and executioner it is off with grandpa's hinky meter if ya know what I mean.It is as if families these days are trying to one up the last sick, crazy family. What the hell is up? RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Steve, go for it, LOL JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Yes, I posted the link to that story above. It shows all their faces! SICK. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I seen them on HLN news, yes very sick. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Shaniya Davis, Missing Fayetteville Girl, Seen At NC Motel RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

2nd Arrest Made In Shaniya Davis Case, Girl Still Missing JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Thank God that the hotel manager was paying attention. She was probably "sold" to someone. That's what it sounds like. They pass through hand after hand after hand. They all get a payoff. Slime Scum. DP for everyone of them. They are probably out to make a buck! JMo says:

4 weeks ago

What a sickening picture of that freak carrying her in his arms on the elevator. No telling what he did to her! I bet her parents are freaking out! I don't even know what I would think if that was my child and I saw that man with her like that. My mind would race out of control. I would want to kill someone. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Prosecutors to release documents to Casey Anthony's defense linn says: 4 weeks ago

JMo..The odd thing is that, that creep, is the sister's ex b/f. He was only at that hotel for one hour, then left. There are things we are not being told, but something really tells me the mom is involved. They had the dad on TV. Bawling his eyes out, while the mom is refusing to speak or make a plea for her child. The father is white with almost red hair. Of course the mom is black and I wonder if Dad was going for custody due to mom's choice of boyfriends, etc. So they took her so he could not have her. As they said in the pic, the little girl looks like she knows him, which she did. She does not look afraid. Callers into NG had very good questions, but the police are not releasing anything but what we saw. I truly believe the mom AND sister are involved somehow. Most sure seem to be lately. Sad to say. I wrote 3 posts last night and everytime I hit post, it went to the top of the screen and my posts never appeared. I am holding my breath when this gets posted. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

linn, I have been folloring that case also, I think the mom is involved, they said she was being qestioned sure pray they do not hurt her. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Well one thing for sure, there is most likely drugs and money involved. Yep, hopefully they were just taking her somewhere to keep the dad from getting her and she is ok. I hope they get her back soon. That is what I think happened to Haleigh too. But who knows. I wish they would investigate Crystal more or whoever she knew...... RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

PDF on the Coffin flys in Caseys Car, I say jack pot!!! lynn, you can read this. linn says: 4 weeks ago

Thanks Rascal, but I could not even read it. Tried 5 times. Adobe reader makes me nervous. Every time a doc is opened using this, it says I have to update. Well, I just did that the other night. says to update to what I have. I thought if you said to do it later it would still work, but no such luck.

No news today on Shaniya, or the mother that disappeared taking a shower at Mom's. I know they found her body and arrested her brother in law.. another sicko. Gee, he was married to her sister!! But really, how come on weekends they do not update anything? Seems even if they found the little girl we would have to wait until Monday. I SURE DO hope they find her, but sad to say I am no longer sure she will be found alive. I DO think good ole Mom is involved. I hope she is found and given to her daddy. He broke my heart. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

linn, look on your computer it should show you where to up date it, that is probably why is it not working right. I always do them right away and get it over with. No news on the 5 year old, I have looked about 6 times today, wish they would say where the heck she is and hopefully safe. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

They arrested Shaniya's mother. Charged her with human trafficking among all things!!!! She sold that little girl. She should be burned and sent to Hell. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Just updated 20 minutes ago.... RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

OMG, what the hell is going on in this world, what a sick bitch. Hope they throw her ass in there forever. JMO, this link is working, but they did not say the have her back yet.,2933,575166,00.html RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

She probably sold her for drug money this is so sick. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

She is not in this country any longer is my guess. If she gets Henne's attorney mom will not even serve any time in jail. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

People are sick, now here is one that should never get out. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Yeah, the jamaican looking dude carrying her in the elevator knows the mom and has been at the hotel with the mom before. Thank God for the alert manager. The little girl looked real comfy with him. He

is pleading NOT guilty. The mom probably USED him for her own gains. Told him that the daughter would be waiting for him on the couch to be picked up that evening. The mom is the one that probably had strewn her daughters belongings around in the trailer park to throw off police. Even the moms boyfriend (Coe, the one they first arrested) said that "she NEVER put that child on the couch, so go figure!" He probably dropped her off with someone else and she has probably been passed between 5-6 people by now. I'm sure, like I said a few posts above, drugs and money are involved. The poor father of this child, crying his eyes out and pleading for her return. Burying them all alive...that's what I would vote for! They deserve nothing less!!!! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Sick of the Heene Weene's. Deport the ignorant mom, jail the dad and get the kids some help! How awful! Shame on Colorado!!!!! RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I totally agree, can you imagine what those boys will be like later in life. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Well Rascal, JACKPOT is right when it comes to those coffin flys in the bitch's trunk! I think they need to stick them in her cot with her and let them eat her flesh alive! How f'n gross that she used paper towels to wipe up her babies leaking body fluids! Then has the stupid idea to put fabric softner in the trunk. Her moron parents will never forget that smell of their rotting, decomposing grandbaby (er, I mean squirrel pizza). I hope they smelled it the entire time they were hootin it up on the cruise. That is the sickest, most disgusting thing ever. I hope they did it because they know they are going to probably be in jail for a very very very long time. They need to stuff George, Cindy, Lee, Baez and Casey into the trunk of that white car, pour chloroform all over them and then let them all rot in the hot florida sun for a week. Then haul the car to the wrecker yard for a good ole fashion smashing! (I hope that dumbass Cindy is reading this too). That might deter some other moron from ever doing anything like this again, and prevent those who try to defend them when they know she killed Caylee!!! Awful, just plain awful. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

That is the best idea yet use the same car, then they can see what it is like to suffer like that. It just gives me the chills to even think about it. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Linn, send me your email address and I will send you the file that Rascal posted. I saved it in a word document so you could read it. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, she can send her addy to you threw the hub that is the safe way. Never post it on a blog, unless you set up one just for that then deleate it after. JMo says:

4 weeks ago

An eye for an eye..... That would stop some of this bad behavior. It's just a matter of who would be willing to enforce it or give them what they deserve in return? I imagine there are some people out there that would be willing, tee hee. We could put Heene and Weene up in the balloon and drop them from 30,000 feet with no parachute. That might make people decide not to act so stupid in the future with stunts like that. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Yes, that is what I meant. send me your email address (through the hub). RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

We do not want to give him any press coverage, or he would think it was worth it. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Tee Hee, so true. Linn, I signed in, so you can click on my name or picture to send me something. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Been so long since you had the pic up forgot you had one, LOL JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Gotta run right now. Catch you all later tonight or tomorrow. Yeah, its the squirrel that Cindy duct taped to the back door as an excuse for the smell in her house and garage. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

See you tomorrow night. losingit says: 4 weeks ago

JMo that reminds me. The owners of the farm house we are in the process of buying came for dinner the other night. They told us a story of an eagle snatching a kitten out of the yard, flying way way up high and then dropping it. The poor kitty did not survive the free flying lesson. I was only worried about coyotes getting the little dog, but now I'll have to be even more careful. I don't know anything about the new cases you guys are discussing. But guess what? Casey is still a murdering bitch and I hate her for what she did to Caylee. Please, please, please just give me one piece of evidence that would even cast doubt on her guilt. Anyone? Anyone? Okay, good night everyone. Bed time for me. Wake me up when they release MP's depo. LOL RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

losingit, There was a little dog like mine up on a island in wa, and a eagle swooped down and took it out of the owners arms, so be careful. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Mother of missing 5-year-old Shaniya Davis is charged with human trafficking Make sure you click on page 2 also to get full story. This story will make you sick. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, that is what I posted last night. She was charged with Trafficking among other things. How could she do that!!! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Those creeps know exactly who they sold her to! I hope she comes back safe. It goes to show that child trafficking is alive and well in our country (she is probably out of the country by now like Capn said). When these people do drugs, they will do ANYTHING for money, ANYTHING! That includes the family of little Haleigh. These people do not value the principle of life. Sad, just sad. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, but they added more to the story on page 2, so just wanted to update it. I do not understand anyone that could do that to a child, it had to be for drug money. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Absolutely. The mom is a prostitute, so I'll bet my paycheck (if I had one) that her pimp is involved because she owed him money. RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I feel sorry for the Dad he is not involved, I pray they find Shaniya fast and no one touched her. Well I need to do some things here then off to pool today bb later tonight. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

It's a blizzard here, so no pool and definitely no bbq. lol JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Here is the latest updated video from HLN. They say this guy is not telling anything! He is probably 'fearful' for his life from the big time traffickers in this country who would kill him if he ratted them

out. New pics of Shaniya and this creep in court. I hope they arrest the mothers sister too....she is most likely involved too. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

These people who traffic children are what is known as "the mob" You do not rat them out if you care about you or your own family. They have your family on a list with their address, phone #, place of employment, etc. You know going in that if you get caught you take your punishment behind bars. End of story. If she is out of the country which is usually what happens within the first 24, she went to Mexico and then was transported to one of a half dozen or so places. Many hands get involved in the payoff befor their final destination. This is not a small time operation I think especially if the mom is a prostitute. linn says: 3 weeks ago

Yep..The weird looking Jamacian dude is the sister's so-called, and I say that because I believe he is STILL the b/f of the sister. I do not believe he is an ex. I heard in the beginning they had an infant, but no one could say for sure. That makes sense now too. Odd, but she has a sister and brother. Why just choose Shaniya? I wonder how many children have gone missing by this outfit of creeps? JMO and Rascal. JMo, I clicked on your pic, but could find no place for e-mail. I wanted to send you and Rascal my e-mail address but could not find anywhere to click. I am not as you can tell due to a lack of a pic, computer savvy. So if someone can let me know how, many thanks. Only thing I could think is do you all have to be signed in or on? You wrote it last night, I think, but I just tried it now. Thanks all. I DO hope they find this little girl this week, ALIVE and give her right away, after seeing to her health, to Dad. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Just read that they are now going off of a tip and will be searching for her in the morning.... A tip led investigators to search the N.C. Highway 87 corridor between Spring Lake and Sanford, about a 26-mile search area. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

This evil woman admits to it, but doesn't know where she is?????? According to arrest documents cited by the newspaper, Davis "knowingly provide(d) Shaniya Davis with the intent that she be held in sexual servitude" and she "permit(ted) an act of prostitution." That is 'pure evil'. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

No way Jose is now 'announcing' that the chloroform syringe is insignificant and was blown out of proportion AND then compares it to everything else in the case being blown out of proportion. The only thing blown out of proportion is his thinking he knows what he is doing! LOL. I don't think anyone cares anymore what that moron says. RascalBrat says:

3 weeks ago

Wonder how he will explain the coffin flys.. Did they come from Cindys Chili. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

Rascal, didn't you know in the ANTfarm world those came from the rotting pizza that Zanny left in the car. Come on Rascal, I know it's Monday but.... RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Oh yea I had a senior moment it was the Pizza, how dumb of me LMAO RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Police now searching for body of missing NC girl By ALYSIA PATTERSON Associated Press Writer Posted: Monday, Nov. 16, 2009 This is not looking good. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

linn, just click on JMo pic and you will see where it says to contact JMo. They she can send you the file she has to read. You can also contact me the same way. much safer then posting your addy on a blog. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Authorities Find Body of Missing 5-Year-Old North Carolina Girl,2933,575304,00.html I can think of only one punishment for all involved with this case, I will give you all one guess!!!!! gayesday says: 3 weeks ago

I have read the's everything we have heard but some things we have forgotte. I really liked it. It has several e-mails from Rick P. to his sister Cindy. It's only $6.99, I spend that on lunch. I like to skim thru it when I have a question going thru my mind. And....not one red cent goed to any of the Anthony's. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

welcome gayesday, I also enjoyed the book. I have read every doc on this case but still found it interesting. And the best part as you said none went to the Anthonys.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

DCF Visits Anthony Home To Investigate Cindy Posted: 6:11 pm EST November 16, 2009 RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

I think Cindy had the child in the house to make herself look like the loving Grandma for the camera for 48 hr interview. Why would anyone send there child to the house of horrors,, Holloween is over. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

People would send their child there because they LOVE DRAMA! And Cindy and her side show can provide plenty of it!!!! People are SICK. The person that put that child in that house is just as sick as Casey and Cindy.] As far as Shaniya, I am sickened and heart broken! They both should die (that is after being tortured endlessly). There must be someone else involved because someone gave them the tip on where to find her. Makes me want to go to the woody areas and wait for someone who might be carrying a child in there to do harm and blow their f'n head off with a shotgun or better yet, blow a gaping 4 foot hole out their backside from a shot through the front side of their crotch! JMo says: 3 weeks ago

And people still question the DP. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

Ouch JMo, although not a bad idea. How long do you think Cindy will wait to divorce Georgette once all the dust has settled? I'll bet her hot body (LOL) has already made plans to ditch him once this is all over. She's probably only staying with him in the meantime to make sure he sticks to the story. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, that is what I would vote for, when I said you had one guess you won!!!!! JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Cindy's family has been trying to get her away from George for years! She won't listen. She won't even listen when they tell her that Casey is a freak who murdered the grandbaby! However, when this is over, I think Georgette will maybe realize what a true piece of shit she is and dump her! Maybe he will make another suicide attempt to try and get away from her?? It won't be long. Soon after the trial, he will find no reason to stay with the psycho bitch from hell.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Thank God they will take the baby away from Shaniya's Mom, I hope none of the family has custody of the new baby. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, well he better find a new meal ticket before he leaves, would hate to see him standing in line for a meal at a homeless mission. Maybe he can file for divorce and make her support him to the style he is acustomed to, hmm crab caskes at the ritz. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

The boy is is state custody, she will have the new baby in jail or prison according to how fast this trial goes. Maybe she has not figuried out how this preg thing works. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

George will be wasted away again in MargaritaVille with Jimmy Buffet living on 'crab cakes', watchin' his 'skin bake', lol, lol, and watchin' Casey 'fry in hell'. rotflmao I am saddened that the judge told that freak she was looking at 40 years in prison for selling her baby (latest is that she sold her to that guy...I thought maybe he was a go between). She deserves more than that! I wonder if we will ever see what the video looked like when he carried her 'out' of that hotel room? She looked pretty calm going in when he was carrying her. I wonder how he got her out? Her lifeless body 7 miles from the hotel. WTF! Burn him slowly at the stake! Then shotgun blast his genitals up through his throat while he is still alive. I'm so mean, aren't I...teee heeee. Can you imagine what is going to happen to these two in jail????? I can't wait!! JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I must be in a vindictive mood tonight. These creeps irk me. It's a damn good thing I'm not the judge! They would never have a chance! linn says: 3 weeks ago

Ahhh..Well, a sad, sad day. I so wanted Shaniya to go home to Daddy. Can you imagine the guilt he is feeling now? He wanted to give, gag, Mom a second chance and now his little girl is gone. He apparently has raised her since she was born?? It said 5 years and she is 5. I cannot even think of punishment severe enough again for the gag, mom. DP is too good. How about sliced all over with razor blades, left spread eagled in the desert, covered with honey and left on a fire ant hill with water 5 feet away. Just as many feet away as her daughter was in age. Sick and twisted I know, yet nothing compared to her. I think, when she was left at that hotel room, someone was waiting there for their sick fun and it got out of hand. She was found on the highway not far from the hotel.. This is all getting way too depressing for me. I started watching HLN for Caylee. I never dreamed there were so many perverts out there. Male AND Female!!

Rascal and JMo I did click on the picture and it took me to JMo's site, but there was nothing there that said email or even close. I will check it out again. I am now a fan of JMo's :) OK, as for Cindy and George. He might have made a decent husband to a normal woman. Seemed caring, scared enough to do as you say hahahah *don't read that Steve*, and not a bad man. Cindy took him over. He truly seems afraid of her. As now for the catty part. Cindy does look better than she did, minus the hair. You can tell she now works out. Before she was just Grandma Sindy. Not bad in the body department, but you can see in her bikini she has had lipo or she works out. Hmmmm, Crazy on the other RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, that was just for charges of trafficing the little girl for sex, she will now be charged with the death of Shaniya. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

linn maybe Wednesday can send the info to JMo, you might ask her. Just leave her a message on the blog. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Well, I tried to save that to word document and it will only save a page at a time, UGH. I think best to download the latest Adobe reader and go from there. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

linn, I read that! JMo, I guess I know where the bullseye is. OUCH!! George, get the heck out while you still can!!! RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Something was said about how they got Shaniya out of the Motel. Now I am wondering if someone worked there and took her out in one of them laundry carts since they do not have her leaving on video. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Surprise, Surprise I figured this all along. Crystal Sheffield: Mother Of Missing Haleigh Cummings And DrugsPosted on November 16th, 2009 by Simon Barrett in crimeRead 2,217 times. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Of course Crystal does drugs. Just look at her! It's not rocket science. That girl was so stoned out of her

mind in her interviews on TV that she didn't know what day it was. Sorry, but I still think she was involved in this. It's a matter of time and the cops are waiting it out. This is why Ron/Misty/etc, have not been arrested or charged. I think the cops know something and we will have to wait and see. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Rascal, it makes you wonder if she was stuck in a laundry cart and if that is the person who ratted this creep out because they know where he took her? She was buried in those woods under brush and trees, etc. Someone saw this and this is how he got caught I bet. The cops said it was a reliable source that told them. This stuff just makes you start to feel very ill, doesn't it? RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, yes it does make me wonder, I laid in bed last night thinking about how they got Shaniya out of there, and that is what I came up with. Funny how someone just happened to know where she was burried. It has been confirmed it was Shaniya, but we all knew that. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

When Shiniya was found all she had on was a T shirt, that is very telling. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

God, please punish these people immediately! RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

We can only hope. Now all I can say is Thank God they will take the baby away when she delivers, there will not be another one to sell. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

White trash 7 days a week. You can't pick your parents speaks volumes. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Anthony's Cry Harassment for Paid Public Footage The famous PI is following this poor guy and throwing gum wades, he is not on the hate list!!! They will also go after us bloggers, what are they going to do duct tape our fingers. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

Not to say that I would ever want that lady watching my kids but I really wouldn't want anyones child in her care if she suddenly got one of her suicidal thoughts. I only imagine that she has memories of what once was while she is babysitting for a little girl. To think, wasn't there anyone, anyone, anyone

else that could have watched their child? This was the same person (you know that one person in Orlando) that thinks this family is normal. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

The only thing I can see Cindy watching is the Coffin flys and maggots. Never a child. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Watch out Mr. Darrah they are out to get you. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

CONway says he is out to get those who are spreading lies about the ANTS. What part of this was a LIE Brad???? She was watching a child and is known to be getting disability from the state. DCF checked it out the same as anyone else they get a complaint on. Looks like Brad and Cindy are playing Media Whores again, then crying about the attention. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, they will say anthing to keep them self in the news. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH That is the sound of them crying and I can hear it clear across the country. Someone send them a bill for the Advil that I have to take. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Do you think they will remove these kids now, this is a diaster waiting to happen. DCF: Mom who left kids with pit bull was already on our radar RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Crack Mom works for DCF, leaves 1 year old alone. This is a person that makes decisions on other children, WOW Police: Mom was smoking crack when child wandered away 11-month-old left unclaimed for 29 hours

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Hey mates! I just got back from my honeymoon, and it was so nice to ignore reality and not watch the news for a few days! It's so depressing to be back and see news about yet another dead child. I am just sick to my stomach over little Shaniya. I know many of us here have said this before, but why oh why aren't there any restrictions on who can have children?? Seriously. You have to pass a test to drive a car, you should also have to pass a drug test and background check before you can become a parent. I'm all for Big Brother staying out of my life and away from my uterus, but if it would prevent the murder and abuse of children I would be all for just makes me so sick, especially when there are GOOD people out there(who would be amazing parents, if given the chance) who cannot have children. It just seems so unfair. God bless little Shaniya, who is now playing with Caylee up above in a sunny field of flowers!

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Congratulatios Numarama, glad you had a wonderful time. linn says: 3 weeks ago

LOLOL! I asked you NOT to read that part Steve.. linn says: 3 weeks ago

Numarama.. CONGRATULATIONS! Hope you had a great time! Rascal, what? They duct tape our fingers to our keyboards? HAHA.. They are so pathetic. Did you all hear Shaniya's gag, mom, 911 call? So frantic at first then all calm. Plus she mentioned, I think JVM counted, 16times that Shaniya could unlock the door, then at the end said the door was locked. OK "oh brillant one" she walked through a locked door? I know the baby will be taken if when it is born. GREAT!!! Who is the father? I heard the first arrested suspect, her b/f, went to visit her in jail. She rats him out, and he goes to see her. Is HE the father? If so, DO NOT give him the baby!! Good gosh. It would have a .01 chance if born a boy, but I even doubt that. They raise their kidss with drugs and sex. Take the brother away, take the new baby away, and get rid of the rest however is fastest.. they all make me sick. This is one of the sickest cases yet. Next to the 6 or 7 men pervs that are on now.. Now that will be too much for me to watch. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

ha ha linn do men really listen to us gals. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

linn, this case makes me sick also poor little Shaniya. None of us understand people like that. Look at the other links I posted on women they are diasters waiting to happen. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

linn, the first guy that was arrested named Coe is the father of the one she is preg with. He is the one that was going to go see her. He said he went because he is concerned about the baby she going to have. JonG says: 3 weeks ago

You guys scare me sometimes. It's almost like you want to see the guts. The situation is horrible, but do you really need to describe in too much detail how to torture & maim people? Seems morbid. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

JonG, no one is forcing you to read any of this. Im sure there are other sites that may be more suitable to your taste. By the way, we don't tolerate any bullshit on here either! Have a nice day. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Rascal, I didn't see the part where they said the mother was a DCF worker....? JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Article about mom being FSSA worker....YIKES. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Sorry, meant to post the link. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Kronk is being deposed on Thursday: Also, other Casey news...The ANT family is trying to build a case of doubt. Sounds more like Obstruction of Justice and Butthole Baez is at the top of the list. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, It was said on the news she had just started working for DCF. I see we had a visitor. I went to bed early and missed the fun, lol CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

To the "pirate" who obviously came into the movie during intermission.... What we are after is JUSTICE. Nothing more, nothing less. And now you know! Good morning all.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Good morning Steve RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer on Casey Anthony Case jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Latest news from CF News 13: Baez talks defense strategy with reporter Adam Longo On Monday of last week Baez client Rafael Contreras was found not guilty of attempted 1st degree murder. Mr. Contreras was charged in February of 2008 after an incident in a Kissimmee bar. 99.9% of the story is Baez patting himself on the back & nothing about defense strategy in the Anthony case. From reading about the Contreras case I can see where a jury would have trouble convicting him but comparing this case to the Anthony case is like comparing apples & oranges. Love his final statement to CF News! "that with her & with all of his clients, if the state wants to convict his clients, they will have to work harder than they ever have before". All I can say to the defense is the state has done their homework. I believe they could take this case to trial today & win without breaking a sweat. I'd bet my paycheck that he called every local news media outlet to get this story out & CF News 13 was the only one interested in doing a story where Baez didn't answer any questions about the recent document dump. Why didn't they ask him about the bug evidence & duct tape? Because he didn't have an answer for any of that. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Hopefully I sent our little pirate away. I think I was tactful, which of course is a rarity for me, lol. Here is a story out on Casey possibly having 'celebrity' status. Mostly due to her taking the spotlight and flaunting herself once caught. She sees it as a chance to feed her ego and nurture her narcissism (kinda like Cindy does too). Most people would be in shame when caught. But, not the sociopaths. They love the attention. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

15y/o is being tried as an adult. She murdered little Elizabeth Olten, 9y/o. She dug two holes, then led her to the site. Strangled her, then slit her throat and buried her. This folks, is PURE EVIL at work. I don't care how old she is, she deserves the DP!

CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, I love the fact that they are in the news less and less. That makes a sociopath very angry that no attention or not enough is being paid to them. That is why I hope they put this trial off for a long time. Suits me fine! 15 year old should get life without parole at the very least. BOBO, maybe when the time comes I will understand what in the hell you are talking about. Until then, we are still from 2 different places. JonG says: 3 weeks ago

I'm here to see justice served too, but I don't get off on describing how someone should die. This site has been worthless for months. I won't be reading any more of your sick deranged comments. Its ok to hate the crime but when you set here and describe in great detail how you would like to murder the criminal then your mind is no better than the criminal mind. You should get your priorities straight. You come on here to say "people are so sick to do such a thing!" then you dream up crazy ways to torture and kill someone yourself? That's insane. Maybe some of you have taken this crime fighter thing a little far. Maybe it's more than just "justice". Maybe you do get off on the twistedness of the criminal mind. Not many of you seem too bright either. One moron can't spell "have" and "half", "there" or "their" yet he goes on and on like he's a know it all. I think he's a moron and skip over every one of his posts. and I also think that dog is ugly. Yeah I said ugly. No one cares about your grandkids, your financial problems or your daily activities. They're here to read about the Caylee Anthony case. You don't have to worry about me leaving comments any more. I HALF to get out of here before you people corrupt my mind. Bunch of nuts. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

4 new stories from Twisted RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, Just do not pay attention to comments like that, they love it when you argue. Personally it is not woth my time, and nothing can spoil my day today it is a wonderful day!!!! CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago



Well, I must say, I had to laugh at that fruitcake! I was amused at the fact that they said they had read us for months. Obviously didn't learn a thing. And certainly after ushering their dumbass off the boat nicely last night, they seem to be the one who is not very intelligent, as they couldn't understand a 'nice' hint to "go away". What a poor pathetic soul. Anyway, just so you know,(I greased the plank last night, so they should slide right off). LOL. jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Anthonys say they only want the truth from Kronk Snipped from WESH article: On the eve of Roy Kronk's deposition, George and Cindy Anthony's lawyer said the couple does not want to see Kronk dragged through the mud. The Anthonys' attorney said Kronk's personal life and the circumstances of discovering the remains are different things. George and Cindy Anthony's attorney said all they want is the truth from Kronk and not dirt about his past. "They have been vilified unfairly. They know what it's like to be under a microscope unfairly and they don't want that to happen to someone who found their granddaughter," attorney Brad Conway said. "Personal issues versus what happened to discover Caylee's remains are two different things They want him to be full and complete about what happened," Conway said. Read the rest of the story here: Guess the Ant farm couldn't let Baez hog all the head lines today or Conway is doing damage control because of Cindy & Dominic Casey's emails showing they spent lots of time trying to dig up dirt on Kronk & anyone else that they felt might be a good alternative patsy. linn says: 3 weeks ago

Hmmm.. JonG? As in Jon Gosselin? LOLOL.. And yes! Why not give these creeps the same justice they gave their innocent victims? Or do you feel they should just get a slap on the hand? And please, just cause we wish to do so, does not mean they would allow it.. lol. Really JonG, it is not as if these monsters did anything morbid to their young victims now is it?

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

This site is dedicate to discussing anything that has to do with children that are abused and murdered. I am sorry Jon G, doe's not like what are discussing when it comes to punishing the people that cause torture and killing of little children. Jon G children are a gift from God and should be cherished and loved and nurtured to maturity to some day lead this World. All children are precious no matter what ethnic back ground they come from. I am sorry you do not agree with some of the comments, but here we do not critize each other. We may not agree all the time but we keep it to our self. Now if you happen to wonder in you are welcome but please keep any tacky comments to your self, and let us hear any constructive comment you may have. This blog welcomes anyone that can act like a adult. This is just my opinion, others may feel different then I do. And finally there is a Petiton toward the top of the blog that you may want to read and sign if you truly care about children. Oh and if you are Jon Gosselin, please do not ask me to baby sit any of Octomom's kids or the people here may be discussing how to punish me. LOL Wednesday Morning says: 3 weeks ago

Well, well, well... Looks like our old friend JR has blessed us with her presence once again. JonG? JR? One in the same? Sure sounds like it. I have JonG's IP address logged, so will keep an eye out in case he decides to comment under a different name in the future. I will admit, some comments do get a little gruesome by way of description of punishment. But apparently jail time isn't much of a punishment for these criminals. In Saudi Arabia they recently found a man guilty of killing 4 children so they cut of his limbs & hung him in the village for 30 days. Their crime rate is very low in Saudi Arabia. Any idea why? :) If we would actually punish the criminals here in the U.S., we would have a lot less of this senseless acts of evil. But instead we give them a bank account so they can eat cheetos & get a law degree while waiting for their trial. Our court system needs to be restructured. Stricter punishments equals less crime. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Wednesday, hope you did not mind my remark to JonG? lol RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago


To me thi story does not make sence, because of the time of decomposition in the trunk. Wednesday Morning says:

3 weeks ago

hahaha. It's the national enquirer...they have eye witnesses who saw aliens give birth to sea monkeys the same day. :) RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

I could not pass on posting that one. :) RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Kathi Belich on Roy Kronks testimony Wednesday Morning says: 3 weeks ago

hahahaha Capt. I couldn't even read that without saying it out loud. (((No soup for you))) [insert accent here] jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Click Orlando is reporting that a new member has been added to the defense team. Mort Smith a Chicago based Private Investigator was seen walking into court today for Roy Kronk's depo. According to Click Orlando Mr. Smith has been looking into Mr. Kronk for the last couple months to uncover info to discredit or cast doubt on his testimony. Mort Smith's web site: I could be wrong but I think this man has been in court behind the defense table at several of the hearings. If the only defense Baez & team have is to discredit the person that found Caylee's remains then they are pretty desperate. I guess when Mr. Conway made his statement yesterday he knew that Baez had taken over where Cindy & Dominic Casey left off in trying to make Kronk the fall guy. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

Is my post in here?? jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Defense files new motion today after completing their first day of questioning Roy Kronk. Depo is scheduled to continue tomorrow morning. New Motion: Defense team wants the judge to allow them to introduce prior bad acts & other circumstantial evidence pertaining to Mr. Kronk. They claim Mr. Kronk has a history of abusing & restraining women with duct tape in addition to holding them against their will. New motion also cites Mr. Kronk as having a history of inappropriate behavior with young girls. The material in the motion is

based on defense interviews with ex wives & his son. Looks like when all else fails you have to go with the SODDI defense. All I can say is HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Next thing they will be saying is Roy Kronk is Zanny the Nanny. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

I'm looking forward to reading Kronk's depo. The officer who did not investigate properly appears more suspicious than the poor meter reader. It is strange how he found Caylee, but who knows. There are rumors that he was tipped off, but I doubt it. Casey has never told anyone anything. If he was tipped off, why wouldn't he tell the whole story? Are they going to say Zanny tipped him off? Only the killer knew where Caylee was, and why would they ever want her found? Stupid. It makes no sense. Are they going to say Kronk is the murderer? Did Kronk kidnap Caylee from kidnapper Zanny? This is so stupid. Steve, I have not seen your missing post, but I will keep an eye out for it. Did you check lost and found? PS, there is no such thing as an ugly dog. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Shaniya Davis was raped and suffocated and burried, the monster will be charged with 1 degree murder. Just announced by Fayvillle police, NC. Steve, Maybe that female Doberman that wears the Pants came in and ate it. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

When you are grasping at straws you throw everything on the wall to see if anything sticks. Lots of luck no way Jose. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Motion: Kronk Could Have Killed Caylee Anthony Posted: 7:05 pm EST November 19, 2009 OMG they are all on that dam Kool Aid!!!!!!!!!!! They had to of had this motion ready to file, Just drag 3/4 of Orlando down with Casey, ruin everyones life Bozo. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

This just in... Kronk saw BOBO kill Caylee! BOBO needs an attorney!!

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

It is about time he needs a attorney, now will Cindy sell something to make money for Bozo or start a fraudation? CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

What is it BOBO, THE NANNY or KRONK? Make up your mind. Next week BOBO to announce that it was either SINdy or Georgie. The week of Christmas is was either Dr. Henry Lee or Lee! When I have more info you will all know!! Except you, JonG RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

I am still not believeing this Lame motion, what a waiste of time of the Court. I bet Judge Strickland is about ready to blow a cork with Bozo and his team. linn says: 3 weeks ago

LOLOL STEVE!!! I say it WAS JonG!!! Wednesday, I know my punishment was harsh, haha, yet it was taken out of a Native American book on a punishment they did to a man who raped and pilaged *sp* their women and children, so it seemed fittin'. I will try to refrain. But again you were right. Maybe if we had harsher sentences these morons would think twice! Did you see where the man who murdered Shaniya had shot a man in the face and other areas, yet got probation? I mean come on! Then he violated probation so he had to serve some years. But for the actual crime, probation! Now, I thought that by a certain date, the duhfense had to hand over their EVIDENCE that someone killed Caylee, but not totmom. SOOOOO, if they have EVIDENCE why are they still shaking every bush they come too? I have Never heard of Roy Kronk being anything other than behind in his child support. Don't you think the police would have come across this same evidence? I mean they have more means via LE that a private eye does. Gee, this is a joke. I mean here we never get ANY news anymore at all. So to hear this stuff out of the blue makes my blood boil. Oh, JonG>>>>>>>>>>lOL RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Watch out Santa Clause, next Bozo will say you did it!! jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Found this at WFTV posted by TRaSHLiNG: "The public hates the Anthonys & their defense team more & more each day...this will be the jury reaction every time one of them opens their mouth". I don't know about the rest of the public but I know I grow to hate Camp Crazy more each day. Not one of them every thanked Mr. Kronk for finding those remains, which was bad enough but to accuse him of being the person responsible is reprehensible. This has to be an all time low even for the

Anthonys & Baez. Roy Kronk didn't even know Casey or Caylee Anthony. How are they going to explain how he had access to the Ant home & Casey's foul smelling car? They aren't because their is no reasonable explanation for anyone other than Casey being responsible. I could shoot holes in this baloney all day long. Wonder if Joy Wray is still in the wings to say that the body wasn't there in August when she searched with TES. I'd be willing to bet that she will be part of the defense strategy to frame Mr. Kronk. Joy Wray candlelight vigil parody: JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I think it is sad that Baezzzhole is allowed to make a complete joke out of the legal system. Seems to me that Judge Strickland needs to shut down this nonsense. Besides, it is disrespectful to little Caylee (bless her soul). It is like they are making a game out of her murder! There is no search for Justice when people like him are allowed to make fools of themselves and run everyone's life into the ground because of this skanky ass bitch casey that has no regard for human life. I hope that bitch burns in hell and her parents along with her. Evil, pure evil on earth. However, JonG might want to save them? LOL. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Somer Thompson’s mother wants to help family of Shaniya Davis

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Baez & Lyons appeared on NBC Today Show this morning & talked with Matt Lauer. NBC highlighted the segment as "The Blame Game". Lauer didn't let them off easy either. He asked them about the insects found in the trunk of Casey's vehicle. Baez told him that they were prepared to dispute those FBI reports when the case goes to trial. He also added "Just because the police say it's so doesn't mean it is". Lyons tried to beat up on the State attorney's office again claiming that they were only seeking the DP so they could get a pro conviction jury. Mostly a lot of the same BS. They must operate under the illusion that if you say something enough times that will make it true. When they were asked about the 31 day delay in reporting the kidnapping & the party pics, Baez used that worn out statement again saying that everything will be explained at the trial. All during the interview NBC featured pics of the devil in the blue dress dancing the night away on her stripper pole. NBC actually made them look like idiots.

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Looks like the ream team was real busy this morning. Linda Kenny Baden appeared on CBS Early Morning Show. Here's the link for the story & you can scroll down & watch video. The defense also provided CBS copies of the video interviews they did with Mr. Kronk's ex wives & ex girlfriends daughter. Judge Strickland needs to derail this run away train. These are the same people who accused the state attorney's office of leaking info & trying the case in the court of public opinion. Maybe if the defense team stayed in their offices instead of flying on over the country to libel & slander innocent people they would be ready for trial. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

Hey BOBO, just because 100% of us here on the S.S. Momster Mash think that you are doing one heck of a bad job doesn't make it so. And I am sure the F.B.I. seconds that!! JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Oh yes, Mrs. Kronkfire (doubtfire..aka Kronk) was pretending to be the Nanny (aka...Zanny). Kronk (dressed as an old hispanic woman) told Casey years ago that his name was Mrs. Kronkfire. He wanted to babysit Caylee. All went well till his slip up of accidently putting Caylee out with the trash one day, then out of guilt tried to report where she was located, but no one listened. He then had to go into his real identity (Mr. Kronk) and tell the authorities where he threw Caylee. All the while, Casey was so confused. Mrs. Kronkfire planted coffin flies in Caseys car and told her to 'go party' and that she would take care of finding Caylee for her. Baez is an F'n idiot and I hope when this is over that the Bar Association disbars him for good, him and Lyings. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

And here we go again with the Media, nothing like getting on TV and making a complese Ass of your self go for it Lyons and Baez. Have they lost there marbles completely saying that Kronk is a much of a suspect and there Client. Is this Kindergarden 1 Lawyering. LMAOROF This is to dam funny. I can see the State Attorneys laughing. Talk about Baez and Lyons being desperate, who will be the target when they finally get to court. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, if Georgeie calls MS. Kronkfire a 10 now we know he has taste for shit. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Yeah, I guess Casey would not of called Ms. Zanny Kronkfire a, I tuess there is another hole in the Defense's theory. This is auch a joke! What are those morons doing except trying to cast doubt. I can't even imagine a jury falling for any of this, can you? Speaking of, I am on Federal Jury duty all the month of December. Sucks. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, It could be worse you could be sitting on Casey case and half to listen to Baez and all the BS they will come out with.. But since you bloged you would not get on. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

As much as I would like to, I would grow increasingly frustrated with the bullshit and then accuse Baez and his office of putting Caylee there after Casey went to jail. I'm sure they worked on some Alibi's while she was spending 8 hours a day in his office in short shorts and that low cut top. What lawyer is able to spend that much time with a client? Someone needs to investigate that. I think it would be an absolute hoot if Baez was put on the 'suspect' list. He had just as much opportunity as anyone else. Maybe someone in his family was the Zanny and he is covering up the whole thing? Hmmm, I could make a case out of that one, and I'm not even a slimebucket lawyer!

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

I wish they would find out who the secretary that worked in Baez office and quite because Casey spent so much time there. That is the story that was out there, I want to know if it is true. Something went on in that office for her to be there 8 hrs a day. And the fact that she was on a computer in the conference room. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Oprah to interview Shaniya's dad. I'm still so sickened over this. Looking at that man carrying her into that hotel room. She was an 'exchange' for a 'drug debt'. Are you f'n kidding me? The guy was a scumbag drug lord. They don't care, they just don't care. And then he has the nerve to plead not guilty. Hey, JonG....I say lets tie Mario and Antoinette side by side naked, to the bumper of a pickup and drag them to death slowly down main street for everyone to see. That's after they have been raped by a few men, etc. Hope you got a visual. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Jon G is JR, remember that one from the old blog. Wednesday verified from ip addy. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Yep. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Let her go back to the shipwreck. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Some of our people have not been on, but not because anyone ran them off. I think they are just discouraged by all the BS. I wish they would get back on. WOW just looked no post on old blog for 5 Months. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Well, some just lose interest when things move slowly. I just don't want to lose sight of that scumbag Baez and the tricks he is pulling. Someone needs to watch this guy...I too wish someone would investigate what went on in his office. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer on Casey Anthony Case Why Is State Attorney’s Office Not Charging Anthonys With Perjury? CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

Rascal, perhaps BOBO has thrown FUTY under the bus? RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

CAPN STEVE, I think Jr did that months ago when she ran everyone off. I am so glad Wednesday started this blog, peaceful here. And the deck is always clean. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Bill Schaeffer is the smartest guy around. Too bad we can't let him get in there and take care of things!!! JR/JonG or whomever else this person thinks they are, must be a poor pathetic soul with nothing better to do. Sounds like they need help. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Bozo and Linda kenny Baden were just on tru tv spewing more BS on Kronk. Nothing like hitting a guy when he is down, lost his job now want to hurt him with this line of BS. They make me sick.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

I hope Judge Strickland reams the ream team a new one, this is the most discusting thing I have heard of yet.. They have no defence so they are going to make one up. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Who is Andrea Lyon? Will she save Casey Anthony? JMo says: 3 weeks ago

There is NO SAVING Casey! The Devil has done taken her soul! She is burning in hell as we speak. It is just a matter of time before we are rid of her sick pathetic ass. DP all the way for this sociopath! RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, You are so right her soul left when she took Caylee's life. Only 2 things left for her to look forward to the Guilty Verdict and the DP, and each day that passes she is one day closer. Wednesday Morning says: 3 weeks ago

BOMBSHELL: America's Got Talent! [just not this American] Perhaps we can book her for a regular on the lido deck captain? It's my job to scout talented acts for our viewing pleasure, yes? JMo says: 3 weeks ago

We need to rid our society of these people. They are destroying others lives and it is not ok. I know we are to have compassion for others, etc. and help them find their way, but some of these people are down right evil!!! and should not have the same rights as the good does! It seems like the evil is getting more and more rights, especially over the victims. That is messed up! RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Wednesday, I promise it that comes on I will fall over board. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Maybe we could grease up the flagship pole? That was hysterical Wednesday. Sad part is that there are so many kids out there just like that. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Casey Anthony Defense: Meter Reader Roy Kronk Killed Caylee Anthony

This is the 48 hr site on this crap, about Kronk RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Casey Anthony: TV stations study defense team's media blitz -- WFTV legal analyst decries 'despicable act' by defense posted by halboedeker on Nov 20, 2009 1:45:49 PM Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Found this about the bs with Kronk these people never stop! RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Bill Shaeffer socks it to Baez RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Hi Nordie JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Sorry, I can't bring myself to read the negativity on Kronk. These people are beneath ignorant. I love the part about it being a 'pathetic attempt' by the defense Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Hi Rascal, I am so busy and tired. But, it could be so much worse and all in all life is good. Hell, I could have had Sindy for a egg donor and momster for a . . . can't even say it. See, life is looking up already. Have been reading, just not posting. jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Bill Sheaffer's latest post: Does Casey Anthony's defense team have no sense of decency? In one word, NO!! I hope that Kronk gets his lawyer to file a law suit against this bunch right after he calls the state bar.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Good to see you Nordie. I am planning a trip to Tex and see the grand children and 1 of my Great Grand Sons for Christmas. Mike will watch Rascal for me so I know she will be loved. I did not want to take her because they have had Parvo down there and spraying yards so why expose her to that. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

My boys did this trip as a surprise for my Christmas, what a wonderful thing. Long story but I just found them after many years. They also tried to find me. Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Rascal, I am so excited for you!!! What a wonderful thing! Think that's what I need -- something to look for-ward to doing. I am so happy for you!!!! RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

We now talk on the phone and messenger, we spent about 4 hrs between both cell phones. When she called me I started to cry, she said now grandma do not cry, and told Greg I knew she would cry and then we laughed. I am still on cloud 9 so happy. None of them have house phones and niether do I so we could not find each other. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Nordie did you get the pic I sent? Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Yes, I just checked -- how wonderful!!! Good looking kids!! I know you are overjoyed -- thanks for sharing with me. Just read Bill Sheaffer's latest blog -- he is so right on. I just wish the Judge would put a stop to this madness, but I don't know how. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

I like Bills blog but really enjoy his videos, he is right on. I also wish this crap from the Defence stops, he wants the trial moved but he is the only tainting the Jury with all his BS. Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Hey all! Happy Friday! And a belated thanks for the congrats Rascal and linn! Honeymoon/wedding were awesome and so is my new husband! Ok, enough mushy stuff from me :) LMAO @ 'Nanny Krokfire'. Poor guy...Bozo & Co. truly blow my mind with their shamelessness. All I can do is shake my head and say 'wow'...really?! I think it's telling that their pointing the finger at Kronk has put the case back in the spotlight and on national news; there was even a clip about it on our local news this morning. I think everyone who has half a brain cell is just dumbfounded by the

audacity/stupidity of the DUHfence. I just hope they don't succeed in casting reasonable doubt, maybe that's all they're really trying to do? I think if they weren't so dumb and arrogant they may have been able to subtly (somehow) show reasonable doubt, but they are a bunch of a$$holes and their stupidity will come back to bite them all in the ass. It's only a matter of time til the Karma Police come down on Crazy and her evil family and lawyers! Only a few more weeks til the check fraud trial starts and IMO that's when things will really start to go downhill for them! Can't wait. Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Wednesday, I just watched the video -- darn! you should have warned me, go to potty first! Thank goodness I could stop it (the video)before an accident teehee. Numna, belated congratulations! RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Nordie did you read the comments under that video? WOW Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Yes, good gravy, what language. I just watched the video of the woman trying to get out of a $190 ticket by offering sex to officer. Duh! double duh! duh! RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Numarama, I think the Defence has dug them self a big hole and fell in. They have a problem they forgot how they will get out. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Nordie should we say potty mouth, LOL Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

We would, but that would give "potty" a bad name!! RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Years ago that was normal for some men but I can not get used to it on women. Maybe that is what they call equal rights! linn says: 3 weeks ago

You're welcome Numarama :).. Biaz was on JVM tonight. Does he have some sort of facial injections that keep that smirk in place no matter what? Anyway, why do these people come on? Just to toss guilt towards innocent people, then say "that will come out at trial, can't really speak about that at this time".. Why bother AND are they on some media tour?

I will go back up and read Bill's blog. Thanks Rascal.. whaaaaaaaaaaaaa for saying how great the video was.. hahaha On JVM, Mike Eiglarsh *sp* was saying on with all what Biaz is doing they could create doubt in just one juror. HUH?? To ME, this made it worse for Crazy. It makes her dumb team look so desparate that they next will say Jose did it to become the first Hispanic Lawyer! Really, it made my blood boil. And how about Kronks ex saying when she first heard about this case and Ronald, her first thought was HE did it.. LOL. I mean, huh? I hated my ex when we first divorced. He is not my best bud now, lol, but in truly thinking about it, if I was asked this question I would have to have said no, he is not capable of murder. I, personally, wonder if the BoobTeam paid these exwives to talk such stupid trash. And how can you put Kronk And Casey together? They never met. Gosh sakes. I feel a temper tantrum coming on. Where is JohG, I mean JR? LOL RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

linn, I just love to watch him explain things, he knows what he is talking about. So much different then Baez that does not know his butt from a hole in the ground. I do not thinnk Casey has the brightest Lawyer just my opinion. Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Rascal, she will get an automatic appeal for incompetent attorney. I can see it now, a new book titled "I Was The Momster's Idiot Attorney." Wouldn't have to write a page, just be an empty book. End of story. RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Well I am not buying that one, but I did enjoy Diane Fannings book. I would not buy anything that would give the Ants money or Baez. Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Me either. I won't even watch them on tv. Night to you and Rascal. Nordie is ready for bed. He doesn't sleep with me, but he won't settle down till I do. jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

WFTV takes withering look at defense latest move. Quotes snipped from Hal Boedeker the TV Guy at the Orlando Sentinel article. Reporter Kathi Belich said, "His bitter exes have accused Kronk of almost everything but the Kennedy assassination and the 9-11 attacks," Belich said. "But they were not questioned under oath. And the defense did not provide any evidence to support any of the allegations." WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said it's nothing new for angry former spouses to lash out and seize a chance at fame. Belich said, "Sheaffer points out that if the defense team repeats unsubstantiated allegations like this

outside of court, they could be sued. They didn't during their morning network blitz, which tells him they have no evidence to back them up." Kronk's attorney told Belich that the defense team never raised these allegations during a deposition yesterday. Sheaffer sees that as another sign of a media stunt. IMO, This will be the straw that broke the camels back. This is the biggest mistake the ream team as made so far. This only makes them look desperate & confused. It's also enraged the general public that has been following the case. I predict that next week we will hear that either George, Cindy or Lee should be considered suspects as well. Actually any of those 3 would make much more sense than Roy Kronk,Jessie Grund,Richard Grund,Tony Lazzaro,or Amy. All the Anthonys had access to the car. Any one of them could have been on the computer looking up the questionable info & setting up the fake myspace page. Any one of them could have taken the duct tape, blanket & laundry bag.All of them refused the polygraph. But I think Baez would be wise to pick George as they could spin his suicide to further their agenda. jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Yesterday the defense once again attacked LE for not considering anyone other than their client as being the guilty party & went as far as to say they should have checked into Mr. Kronk's past as he would be a key witness in the case. But it looks like they need to practice what they preach. A blogger at Valhall's site found this on one of Mr. kronk's ex wives. She was the one on the video that the major networks showed claiming that she thinks he did it. Defendant Name: KRONK, JILL RENEE Race: WHITE, CAUCASIAN, ASIATIC INDIAN, ARAB Sex: F Height: Weight:DOB:03/09/1957 Address: 3038 CHAMPIONS DRIVE City: MARYVILLEState:TNZip Code:37801 – 0000 FORGERY-PRIV DOCUMENTS UTTERING FALSE DOCUMENT THEFT:$300 PLUS VALUE THEFT:LESS $300 VALUE THEFT:$300 PLUS VALUE This women seems to have a lot in common with CMA. Is she also a pathological liar? Nannie27 says: 3 weeks ago

I just watched the video of Kronk's ex - I just wanna reach out and grab her and as for Baez - what a CREEP - I can't stand the sound of his voice!!!!! He is over and above SLIMY.....................

Nannie27 says: 3 weeks ago

OMG it just gets worse - and why does it keep cutting in and out - its like they just selected certain part to show in here. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

Kronk has nothing to worry about. He needs Zaneida's lawyer to help him sue the ex. The State just needs to take the lead with this and when addressing the jury, they need to say how Bobo will try to drag many innocent people into the mess to try to cast doubt. Of all the innocent people, Kronk is the one with no motive. Even Jesse (sorry Jesse), has a tiny bit of motive. But Kronk? Are you guys reading the hinkymeter blog? I really enjoy it. Today I was reading about the Blanchard Park scenario. It sounds like Casey told the Sawgrass story and stuck to it. The Ants came up with the Park scenario and Cindy told it to Casey when Casey went to shower after getting out of jail. Then she came out of the shower and told the story to LP who called BS and was kicked out of the house. Now this makes sense. I always wondered how/when/why she changed to this story. It was just out there all of a sudden with no real explaination of whom she told this to. I heard rumors of it, but it wasn't really confirmed until Lee's depo. Of course it's all BS, but how will Kronk be tied into it? CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

SINdy is the states best witness! The Mountain of evidence is the icing on the cake!! JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Yes, Psyndi is the best witness. She knows exactly how Casey sweetheart thinks and acts! (cause she is the same way). LP said this over and over in the beginning that Casey got all of her behavior from her mother. And Psyndi has done nothing but prove him right. One lie after another. When Casey said, I will lie, cheat, steal or whatever.....I think she meant it. And I think Psyndi is the same way. She will stop at nothing to prove Casey innocent, lie, cheat, steal. Which leads me to this possible theory, since the latest craze is to point fingers at guilty parties.... What if, just WHAT IF, Psyndi figured this all out, "after she called the cops" on Casey and decided she better act fast to cover for her. We know she destroyed evidence, purposely hid evidence, lied, lied, and lied. Maybe one of those late nights when Casey was home, she told Casey that she covered for her and would get her off the rap. Casey promised to continue to act stupid and never rat Cindy out (as long as she got her off the hook for the murder). Thus Psyndi working so hard at doing so, by lying more, misleading the police and public, etc.. Psyndi pulled George into it by threatening him if he didn't help her to save Casey. George is so whipped, he has been going along with it. I think they are all going down, because when Casey gets the DP sentence (or LWOP), she is gonna rat out mummy and dada! This crazy bitch is not going down alone on her sinking ship, that is a guarantee. She will go as far as to say Baez molested her in his office on those long hot summer 8 hour days. This aint over. Why? Because Casey is not going to let it be over. She will be the victim here, whether she has to lie, cheat or steal. After all, it's all about her. Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, you are so right. It will be all about her. She will do anything to be a victim. If she's a victim, I'm

tall, and I ain't and never will be. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

Hi Nordie, if she's a victim, I'll not get my flu shot that I am entitled to come Monday and I'll lick the plank. "Come Monday, it will be all right, Come Monday..." RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

We all know who the victimms are first of all Caylee Marie, who was killed. Caset has tried to make fools out of everyone. Jesse Mr. Grund Mrs. Grund Amy Zenida Tony L And every other boy friend she drug in to this mess. And the Taxpayers of the State of Fl with this ridicilous Not Guilty Plea JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Interview with Crystal Sparks. Where do they get these people from? They are lacking in common sense. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Poor little Shaniya. This has got to be the saddest story ever. Poor baby. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

What the hell does Kronks marriage have to do with Ccasey's case, this is ridicilous tor bring that crap up about him. No the Anthony's do not want to drage him threw the mud, yea right what BS. I hope Kronk joins Zenida and take there ass to court. We all know who is behind all this crap. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Let me tell you a story about what a wife did to a guy, she had her 3 kids that lie in court that he was abusive to get a restraining order on the guy. This was so she could get control of everything and in the divorce he did not even get all his opersonl things back he had one hour to acuire what he could that she did not hide on him. She remarried for the 7th time one day after the divorce was final. Then 2 years later she died her kids went to the guy and told him they lied becaue she asked them to. They guy

had spent all his money building a new home for her and the boy's. And did all the labor he got nothing. Now tell me how vindictive X's can be. linn says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal..Add Tim Miller to the list above. Look at the way Sindy treated him and his staff. Repulsive. Like I said before, our divorce was not nice. I mean I never had anyone lie or anything like the case above, but I did hate him. Still don't like him.. lol. BUT even on day one of the worst part, I never could have told LE my first thought when I heard a child was found dead, would/could I say my first thought was my ex did it. Good gosh! And truly I could not stand my ex and what he did, but he is not capable of murder! Especially a child he never met? Most kids are killed by someone we know, as we have all seen on HLN's lately. Even little Shaniya knew that creep. Elizabeth knew that nut 15 year old that killed her.. List goes on and on. That woman looked evil and bitter. And BoBo thinks bringing her on makes his client look better? Give me a break RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

linn, Yes Tim Miller and LP both got the shaft from the Ants, sorry forgot them. I am sure there is more I forgot. If your do not agree with Cindy you get put on her S--t list, that is what my Dad used to call it, lol JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Yes, you know that evil f'n witch is behind all of this. She is probably hated by everyone just as much as Casey is. She needs to stop before she burns in hell right here on earth....of course, it would serve her right. Like I said before, we need to rid the earth of these people. She sold her soul to the devil the day she forgot all about little Caylee!!!! RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Former Volunteer To Be Questioned In Casey Case JMo says: 2 weeks ago

She's another moron looking for fame. What an idiot. How many stories do we hear that the area was already searched and nothing found and then it is there. Even with little Shaniya this happened. These people will burn in hell for their LIES. And Kronk's ex wife is another one.... RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

OMG look at this site!!! RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 is using Twitter. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Joy Wrap Transcript RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Shaffer on Video of Lyons RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

this is what Lyons thinks of her self, LMAOROF I may never get up off the floor!!! Bashing Judges Sorry linn, All video, I am trying to get my summer cloth put together for my trip going to see my Grand kids. JMo, if you have time pleae let linn know what it is about.

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Linn, I snipped this from Orlando Sentinel article by Hal Boedeker. Reading what she said is a lot easier on the eyes than having to watch those videos. I couldn't even get through the first part of her lecture. Not only is she hard to look at but when she starts talking it only gets worse. "Before she joined Casey Anthony's defense team, death penalty expert Andrea Lyon made some harsh, patronizing comments at an Orlando conference last year." WFTV's Kathi Belich summed up the highlights: "She bragged about being thrown out of courtrooms. She said judges are only worried about voters and called them ugly. She called jurors killers. She called victims' advocates awful, and worse, for interfering with her efforts to make inroads with a murder victim's relatives. And Lyon made a very crude comment about female prosecutors and their femininity after calling them uncivilized." Belich broke up that litany by inserting Lyon's cutting comments on those points. Lyon's audience could be heard laughing. Belich later said that Lyon wouldn't talk to the station about the audiotapes. WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said of Lyon's comments, "It is certainly not something that a true professional, whether you're defense or a prosecutor, really tries to do."

Belich also previewed another report at 6 o'clock on Lyon's comments that could explain the attorney's approach in the Anthony case. "She tells lawyers to get emotional, make jurors feel guilty and make up theories," Belich said. In that report, Belich explained that Lyon "calls jurors killers, tries to delay trials as long as she can and drags out closing arguments as long as she can." Analyst Sheaffer explained Lyon's approach as "I don't care how I win as long as I win." And Sheaffer added, "We have seen the defense take a turn since her entrance into this case." On an audiotape, Lyon can be heard telling local lawyers about manipulating jurors: "I want this jury to feel it. I want them to feel guilty. I want them to be worried about what they're going to say to their pastor." In another bit of audiotape, Lyon can be heard demonstrating how to turn on the dramatics to win over jurors. "That old closing argument of Andrea Lyon's sounds suspiciously like a scene from the romantic comedy 'Notting Hill' starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant," Belich said. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Hey Lyons if the kids can not mention God in the Schools, then you better never mention God in the Court room. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Joy Wray must have a Marshmello for a brain and she can walk on water, hehe. People that lived close by even said that area was under water, Tims Miller said the same thing. Now I know who to believe and I am sure you do also. linn says: 2 weeks ago

LOL..Rascal, I read about it being video and was whining to myself when you then said you tried.. haha.. THANK YOU! I know most stuff is on youtube or video, but even if I had the right tools to use video, I like to read it. That way I can go back or stop. jo, THANK YOU, I think..haha..I tell you, I can't STAND that Lyon woman! I mean, she can use foul words to describe prosectution lawyers *female apparently*, but does she know how the public feels about Manly FEMALE DEFENSE lawyers? I hope, but doubt it, that the prosecution could play those clips of her going on about making the jury feel guilty. Sorry, but this is one case where nothing she does will make them feel sorry for Crazy. Add her nutty family to the mix and her goose/turkey is really cooked! Rascal, I am sure we forgot tons of people, just everyday people that should be praised. But Tim Miller and yes, LP should most definately be on the top. She, Sindy, was furious at Tim for saying Caylee was no longer alive. I am actually amazed she has not accused HIM of Caylee's murder! Thanks again jo and Rascal. Appreciate everything thrown my way :) CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

Her undefeated record on D.P. cases will come to and end and when it does she will blame it on the state where only a majority is needed, not a unanimous jury. So sorry! But do not fret, the ANTfarm will begin to blame you and BOBO when they start the appeal.

Does everyone remember that fixed game show, Jokers Wild? They remind me of it daily... JOKER,JOKER,JOKER. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Steve, believe it or not never had the tv on when the kids were at home. To much house work, now I can sit and play on the coomputer and have the tv on, makes a difference when they grow up and move off on there own. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

EVIL. They will all burn in hell. That is all I have to say! JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Lyings and Baden are trying to make Casey out as the victim. Basically, that the State is punishing her for "not reporting Caylee missing". Are they f'n stupid???? They refer to her as "a poor young girl". Unreal! They say she is "scared and terrified"....hmmm, maybe like little Caylee was when Casey killed her??? JMo says: 2 weeks ago

I hope one of those idiots are reading these blogs or they have some other moron working for them that tells them what is said here. No one buys the 'poor little Casey' routine. No one feels sorry for her. She is a "SOCIOPATH". If she doesn't get the DP, I won't be heartbroken. In fact, the bitch deserves to rot in her jail cell till she dies. Either way is fine by me. They should try thinking of Caylee and how "scared and terrified" she was that her mother was duct taping her mouth and putting her in the trunk of the car to bake in the hot florida sun, while she partied her ass off. Where were all of you do gooders then? Where are the people defending Caylee????? Why would anyone give Casey more rights than Caylee? She was and is the victim here. Not that lying skank piece of shit in jail. JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE....I wish she had a lawyer in all of this!!! jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Here's the link for the story & video of Tony Pipitone's interview with Linda Kenny Baden & Andrea Lyons. The interview was done on Friday the day after the defense filed the new motion in reference to Roy Kronk. I believe that they thought Mr.Pipitone of Click Orlanda/WKMG was pro defense because of his report on the gatorade bottle & syringe but now they know differently. He was professional & didn't seem to have a bias to either side. The interivew was just over 16 minutes long. Highlights of interivew not covered by WKMG article. Tony Pipitone aked: 1) Are you aware that RK took off from work on the day before he found the body because he had to

have the clutch in his truck repaired & that he has a receipt to prove it. (The defense has lead the media to believe that should have been a big red flag to LE) 2) He called them on their claims that foreign DNA was found on the duct tape by saying that the FBI reports clearly stated that the DNA was identified as belong to a lab tech. 3) He counter their claims that RK had as much circumstantial evidence pointing to him as Casey does by asking if they had found any evidence of decomposition, coffin flies, or bad odors in any of his vehicles. 4)Since your clients original story involved Zenaida Gonzalez are you alleging that RK had a connection to her?............(major pause)......then LKB ask him to repeat the question. TP repeated the question by asking "are you alleging that RK kidnapped Caylee from Zenaida????" (At this point it seems like he is attempting to make them realize how ridiculous their attempts to fit RK into their clients original stories sounds) 5)One of the things you attacked from the beginning was the local media coverage even going as far as requesting a change of venue yet at the same time you are going to the national media. Are you not doing the same thing that you are claiming the state is doing? 6)Is it possible that this time next year that Casey Anthony could be walking the streets of Orlando a free woman?.............Pause & looks of total shock by LKB & Al before AL says "that depends on what the jury does doesn't it". Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago

Wouldn't you think as butt ugly as Lyons is that they would do something with her to soften her a little like they did with the singing sensation from Brittain? She just sickens me. She's like a big bulldog. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Hey Snoopy good to see you. Now how do you sofen King Kongs bride, lol CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

Just remember, they have to try and win at all costs. Whoever is left in their wake it falls under the "too bad" catagory. Do not let it upset us! We will win just like we are winning right now and have been for many days. Momster is locked up where she belongs. It is going the way it should be. Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago

Hey Rascal!! No kidding!! LOL!! She's downright scary looking! Cap'n Steve: I keep having a nagging worry about "it only takes one juror". You know how some people just have to get the spotlight. Wouldn't a conviction require EVERYONE to be on board? RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Snoopy from what I understand it only has to be the majority in FL to convict her. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

One week till I leave for Texas, I just can not wait, all packed and ready to go. Padra Island I hear is beautiful, and I can not wait to get warm. Damp cold and rainy here and just do not feel like I can even get warm. It will be so good the see the kids, I have missed them so much all these years. God does answer prayers he helped me find them, and this all happened in less then 2 weeks the wish of my lifetime. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Capn Steve, you are the voice of reason. I swear when I hear the BS these idiots try and pull, it just irritates me to no end. But you are right, justice will prevail and Casey will get hers. It should be against the law the way they are dragging other people through the mud. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Lyings face....well, it truly does look like a "slapped ass" Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago

JMO: What a hoot!! You nailed that one!! Rascal: Have a great trip!! How wonderful for you! RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Snoopy, I know I will have a wonderful time, it has been a long time since I was on a plane. Going to be smart and just do a carry on bag last time they lost my bag I was not a happy camper. lol RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

OMG I just got a email from Iraq from my middle grand son that is on assinment from the navy. This brought tears of joy what a shock. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal, I feel you. Snoopy, only a majority will do in Florida. BOBO, your team acts like the team that we beat 14-4 last week. Sore losers that wouldn't even shake our hands after the game. The only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer on Casey Anthony Case Witness for the Prosecution or Fall Guy for the Defense? Hey, linn you can read this one. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Richard Hornsby RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey’s Attorney Says Casey is “sad, grief-stricken and she’s terrified Sad, she can not shop at target! Grief Stricken she got caught! Terrifeid she will not be able to get the chance to give Cindy the Bird! Give me a break she is none of the above, she murdered her child and know's she is going down. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Source: Forensic Trail To Connect Anthony To Remains Souces Points To 3 Key Pieces Of Evidence CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

BOBO's crew will go to work on not defending their client using the Zanny defense since that is almost comical, but to make sure the jury feels good and guilty if they are the ones who are responsible for putting Momster to death. As I said before, I am quite sure that momster did not intend for Caylee to die, whether it was in the pool or somewhere inside the house. I do not know. I was not there. I did not witness it. I do know however that from the moments after it occured, the attempt at any cost to cover it up started. Her normal behavior being a sociopath was to lie so that came as natural as cream cheese on a bagel.One lie led to another and before she knew it, it was all over. Perhaps even before she tried to get the car stolen before it got towed. No crap BOBO your client is scared. She is also very mad, very jealous, very hateful, etc. etc. I hope that more and more evidence comes up so the summer 2010 trial gets put off into 2011. Let BOBO keep going to jail to give her that bit of news. I love it! I am sure she (being the victim if course) gets pissed off when he leaves. I hope the state just keeps pushing papers and putting this off. And to all a good night! losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Casey’s Attorney Says Casey is “sad, grief-stricken and she’s terrified Sad and grief-stricken would be a normal feeling for someone that had lost a child. Terror is only something one would feel when faced with impending doom. I am sad and grief-stricken that Caylee is gone. I am not terrified. I remember misbehaving as a child. My father would calmly send me to me room and tell me to wait for him. I would be terrified. When the waiting would begin, I would hope he never came upstairs. Then, as the wait lasted longer and longer, I would go half mad, I would try with all my mental powers to will him up to my room. When he finally arrived we would have a lovely conversation. I always thought I had managed to talk my way out of it. But, it would always end with a spanking or some form of a prison sentence. So, that being said, I agree with Steve. The longer she has

to wait, the better. She must be absolutely terrified of the unknown. I think she should sit there until she talks. If she tells the story, take the DP off. Let it then go to trial and they can blame Cindy for driving her to commit this crime of weird passion and she can be sentenced to LWOP. I think LWOP would be a relief to her, but she can sweat it out forever for all I care. Caylee is gone and nothing will change that. Casey is now suffering the worst punishment ever. The Ants never punished her for anything. She was never grounded, phone shut off, nothing. In fact, Cindy wouldn't even allow George to question her or give her shit. Well, now every consequence she should have faced are being enforced all at once. Sucks to be her. I don't know how long a person can live like this. Terror and constant surges of adrenalin can not be a good thing. Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

Hi mates. Thanks for the links, Rascal, jo & JMo. Ewww Andrea Lyin' is just hideous in every sense of the word, inside and out. I understand really believing in something (i.e. being against the death penalty or being pro-life) but you can't lie and do other terrible things in order to defend what you feel so strongly about...killing an abortion doctor because you don't believe in abortion doesn't make you any better than what you despise so much. Telling lies and dragging innocent people down because you want to save someone from the death penalty is JUST PLAIN WRONG...and using Casey's own words...Lyin' thinks the 'end justifies the means'. Two of a kind! UGH! Cap'n, I am really happy to hear that FL only requires a majority for a verdict. SIGH of relief! (I was worried about the 'one juror', too Snoopy!). WHEW In case I don't make to back to the ship soon, I hope everyone has a very happy Thanksgiving. And have fun in TX, Rascal! Goodnight! linn says: 2 weeks ago

You are an adult at either 18 or 21, depending on what you what to do. Casey was not a scared girl, but an adult knowing full well her actions. I am with Steve here. I do NOT think she meant to kill Caylee. However I do think she drugged her before and it worked so why not continue? However, the baby is older and talking. Time for something to really knock her out. Choroloform *sp*.. This time, it killed her. What I cannot comprehend is the fact she NEVER reported her missing. Her so called mom did when she found out. That happened to be 31 days. If up to Casey, we still would never know. That is pure, evil guilt to me. I could have accepted the accident. She would have got prison time but nothing like she will get now due to her actions. In this aspect, I think Sindy should get equal time. Crazy was spoiled, not ready to be a mother and this was the result. I was 18 to the day. I was not ready to be a mother and had my moms help, but never would I have hurt my child. I stayed home if Mom would not watch her and cussed my mom out under my breath. But again, would never think of taking my child and drugging her to have fun. I stayed home Thanks Rascal for the reading update. I so hate PS..Beginning to have odd thoughts about Shaniyas' dad. I think he wanted to be relieved of parent duties due to his job, and having so many kids by so many different mothers. My radar is kicking in. Someone who has had full custody and knows what she was like, does not just had over a 5 year old that you have raised since birth. Maybe just me, but it was just not right to hand her to this nut. He knew she was what she was. losingit says: 2 weeks ago

I agree with you too Linn. I think it was a bad accident. The neck breaking searches are worrisome

though. I don't know that there is any proof though that Casey did these searches. Perhaps Geo or Spinny were looking up ways to kill Casey or she was looking up ways to kill them. Caylee was learning to talk. She could repeat and sing songs. It was only a short matter of time before she just started to talk. According to Sindy, Caylee could talk quite well and told her about Zanny's dog. I also believe Casey did the chloroform thing one too many times and it killed Caylee. Casey was probably smart enough to know it would be found in her system, thus not reporting it. She was probably more scared of Sindy than anything else. I also agree that an adult is either 18 or 21, but I was reading some comments on another site today and someone commented that her parents are responsible for her until she is 24 and therefore, they will be responsible to pay her debts until then. So, the 15,000.00$ Zaneida is sueing for will be their responsibility to pay. Also Linn, I was the same age when I had my daughter. My Mom helped me too. I appreciated every minute of it. Occasionally I would want to go out, she said no, I stayed home. I pouted. My Mom held my daughter before I did. Ahhhhhh... I was getting stitched back together and had not slept for many many hours. Thank God for Mom being there to do what I was not able to do. And, I thank my wealthy Mom for organizing birthday parties. Thank you Mom for everything you did for me and my daughter. I would also like to thank Rascal, Jo, JMo for all of their links and posts. Thank you guys for all of your hard work and commitment. And, thanks to Wednesday for providing us with this place to discuss these issues. I am so happy that I found this ship nearly a year ago. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Hey all. Well, I think Casey 'purposely' killed Caylee. I think she 'premeditated it' all the way. There is too much evidence against her for her to get away with it. I just feel sorry for Kronk and hope he sues Baez and his ex family for slander! Anyway, I was reading the script from when Oprah had on Shaniya's dad. He said that the mom raised Shaniya for the first year of her life and then decided it would be good if she came to live with him. They civilly agreed that whenever the mom wanted to see her, that she could visit. He wanted Shaniya to have a healthy balance, etc. Then when he was on a business trip, that would last 5 weeks, Shaniya was staying with her Aunt. The mom called and wanted to see Shaniya. She had reportedly changed her life, had a job, missed her baby. So who is he to deny her from seeing Shaniya. I think he was doing what he thought was right. The aunt dropped her off and was to get her back once he returned from the business trip. The whole thing is so sad. What about the 1 month old stolen from the mom's running car while she ran into the post office? Sickening and I hope they catch the person soon. Casey needs to have another cheeto and quit being sad. She needs to accept the fact that she will never party, go to the beach, drink at club fusion, text her friends, play beer pong, get high or cook breakfast for the guys ever again. So sad Casey, lol. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

I agree let Casey stay in her cage and suffer thinking about what is to come. The far and few between visits of her Lawyers. The trial and the verdict that will come down. And very few visits in prison, from anyone. The only visits she will have nightly is the vision of what she did to Caylee. None of really know how she did it but we know she did it in some way shape or form. I honestly do not think it was a accident or she would have called for help! To me this is very telling to not call 911, 3 little numbers that even a chid can dial. Just my thought on it being a accident, NOT CAPN STEVE says:

2 weeks ago

I want to wish everyone and their family and very safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Sometimes we can not see the forrest threw the trees, but when the jury puts all the pieces of this puzzel together, that forrest will be so clear she will be convicted. Casey knows that is going to happen! Casey just does not know which sentence she will get yet, LWOP or DP. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Steve, thank you and You have a wonderful and safe Holiday also. Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago

I am sooo relieved that the lone juror hold out will amount to nothing in Florida!! Yay!! Did we ever find out if Bozo was letting crazy use his laptop during visits? Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving will be shown on ABC Thursday night at 8:00pm. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

More trouble for the Croslins RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Snoopy, This information was not confirmed, unless LE nows who the Secretary is that was working for Baez. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Well, first her brother, then her mother, now her father....what a line of losers! Another loser out of Florida...we need to just rid the state of their trash... linn says: 2 weeks ago

Losingit..As for age and paying for everything, that sounds like a divorce agreement.. lol.. I had a friend whose ex had to pay until the kids, lol, were 24. Had jobs, finished college, etc. In real life, a 24 year old will be paying their OWN huge settlement. I mean this is not a store tab. This is her punishment for commiting a crime. So she will be held to pay up. With what, our gutter minds can only think. OK, MY gutter mind. I still to this day, cannot say for sure if it was accidental or on purpose. I do not think on purpose because even she is not that stupid. She knew she would get caught and I don't think she wanted Caylee dead, just out of her hair so she could party. Another thing is a cute 2/3 year old can come in handy. Again this is where Sindy has to have guilt. She was what? Was Sindy

jealous of her daughter to the point where she did not want her to have guys, go out, look good? So to punish her she refused to watch Caylee? Sounds right to me. Now it is almost as if Sindy is living Crazy's old life. Tats, laying in the sun, a stud muffin with earrings.. haha.. OK, that would not work. And yes, Mom kept me home, yet later on DID take over my daughter. My mom was only 37 when my daughter was born. Slowly she took over and I won't go into to the tons of resentment laid on me just years ago. I was a very young/immature 18 and they worked me. Anyway, I do not speak to my daughter thanks to her and my mom to this day. Mom passed and that ended the relationship with daughter. Never saw it coming. So I could see this as far as Sindy/Crazy. But to kill your child? NEVER! Have to wonder. Do Sindy and her oldest son George, have anyone left to say spend Thanksgiving with? Do they have any one that trusts them? Will they go visit Crazy? On the last one, question that is, I have to wonder. WHY NOT? I know I might be careful in my words, but I still would visit my kid. OK, I hope I would want to. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL! JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Wonder how dry Casey's turkey is today? Her mashed potatoes probably have someone's spit in them. Ick. No tellin whats in the chocolate pie. RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Happy Thankgiving all Today as we sit down with family and friends please say a Prayer for all the service men and wommen serving our Country. They are away from home fighting for freedom. We may not agree with what is going on in our World, but these young men and women are doing there duty. God Bless All and be Safe. losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Happy Thankgsgiving to all my American friends. Enjoy the day! Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

Blessed Thanksgiving to everyone! We opened our church hall for dinner and had 15 -- what a joyful time. Be safe my friends. Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

Linn, read somewhere that the Ants will not be visiting the momster today. They can -- all they have to do is call and be put on the list for visitation. Of course they would have to be careful what they say. But in my mind, Bozo is not telling momster everything that is happening and I think he is afraid the Ants would spill the beans.

Sorry to hear about the relationship with your daughter and late mother. They made choices and it is unfortunate the choices they made were wrong. It sounds like you have come to terms with that and I applaud your sensibilities. Blessings. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Not sure if you all have seen this or not, but... UH-OH BOZO...He might be going to JAIL! Seriously. The BAR is investigating his latest antics. We absolutely have to throw a Chili Party with fusion drinks and pole dancing for this one! Party is ON! Set up the pong table and send the squirrels into town to get the keg (oh, tell them to watch out for a little white car looking to run them over). JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Orlando Florida mistrial likely if Baez charged after a jury is impaneled JMo says: 2 weeks ago

I guess Baez is no stranger to the BAR, so lets see him weazel his way out of this one! ROTFLMAO! Maybe he will get a cell next to Crazy and they can share licorice and ?? through the jail bar. He will feel right at home, I'm sure. losingit says: 2 weeks ago

JMo, I read this article, but I don't fully understand what it means. From what I think I understand, Baez has committed no crime unless he compels the exes to lie on the stand. If he does this he can be charged? Then a mistrial is likely? What does that mean? Okay, off to google something. BRB. A judge may cancel a trial prior to the return of a verdict; legal parlance designates this as a mistrial. A judge may declare a mistrial due to: The court determining that it lacks jurisdiction over a case, Evidence being admitted improperly, Misconduct by a party, juror, or an outside actor, if it prevents due process, A hung jury which cannot reach a verdict with the required degree of unanimity Disqualification of a juror after the jury is impanelled, if no alternate juror is available and the litigants do not agree to proceed with the remaining jurors. A declaration of a mistrial generally means that the court must hold a retrial on the same subject. An important exception occurs in criminal cases in the United States. If the court erroneously declares a mistrial, or if prosecutorial misconduct forced the defendant into moving for a mistrial, then the US Constitution's protection against double jeopardy bars any retrial; so the prosecution must be

terminated. Okay, I feel safe again. As long as the prosecutors do nothing wrong or erroneously declare a mistrial than all is good. I can't see either of these exceptions happening to terminate the prosecution. Now, a retrial I can see happening due to evidence being admitted improperly, but so what? Casey just sits and waits a couple more years before they prove how innocent she is. Nice. Two more years for her to make herself sick worrying about her impending doom. She has a lot to worry about: the immediacy (and just the fact that she will know the day she will die) of the DP, LWOP in prison, and eventually the fact that she just might die of old age and spend eternity in hell. And note to George and Sindy, go visit your daughter. Tell sweetheart you love her and believe her. Show your support. We will see it and we will talk about it, but so what? You will all have the last laugh when the truth comes out right? So, go see her. Just don't talk about Caylee. Casey doesn't like that. And Sindy, keep your composure so Casey doesn't have to ask George why you're crying. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Andrea Lyings has opened her trap just a little too far this time.... JMo says: 2 weeks ago

The DEVIL is on the loose in Florida. I can't believe this story...this guy killed his family members and even killed a little 6 year old girl while she was sleeping in her bed....OMG. I mean really, WTF!!!!!!!! JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Another Death Penalty deserving freak! Andrea Lyings better get her fat ass busy if she wants to save them all! She can have them all to her house to live! linn says: 2 weeks ago

Wonder how Lyings would feel if some nut tortured, raped and killed her child, mother/father? I bet death would look just fine to her then. She sickens me. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

Lyings would defend the person! JMo says: 10 days ago

She sickens me too! And you are right, she would probably defend the person, lol. Which just goes to show you, she is trying to make a name for herself, that is all. She wants to please the Devil for sure. She probably owes a huge debt to him, lol. She is probably trying to save all the Devil followers she can!!!! linn says: 10 days ago

Oh she has made a name for herself, and it is not flattering! Does she have any children? Anyone know? She does not seem to have an ounce of motherly affection. Hmmm, no wonder she gets along with Crazy so well. JMo says: 10 days ago

I hope we get some news tomorrow about Crazy. I at least hope that Baez and Lyings are being investigated by the BAR. I know Lyings sure has made a lot of people upset with the stuff she said on that video. Stupid. JMo says: 10 days ago

Everybody must be sleepin' off their turkey dinners, or something??? JMo says: 9 days ago

Oh good grief! Now the dp for Casey is 'unconstitutional'. Give me a fricken break!!! losingit says: 9 days ago

LOL. I was thinking the same thing. WHERE IS EVERYONE? It's been so quiet here and everywhere. I guess with the holiday and the weekend that's to be expected. Doesn't time fly? Tomorrow we are already into December. I feel so fortunate that October and November were mild here this year. It knocks two months off a long six month winter. I wonder how long this can hold out. I really hate that it starts to get dark here at 4:00pm. Oh well. RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

Hi all, I stopped by and read but have not have time to post anything, lat minuite thing. Getting my hair trimed and the dog groomed since she is staying with my son and I know he would have time to take her and pick her up. What the hell is so special about Casey and the DP unconstitutional LMAO. What about Caylee what happened to her does she have no rights! Go to Hell Casey you are certainly not special in any shape or form. JMo says: 9 days ago

AMEN! linn says: 9 days ago

Well, guess we will now have to go dig up all the people killed through the "death penalty" since it is Good grief but I am beginning to hate that Lyings woman more than Sindy! SHE is the reason defense attorneys are so hated. Nope, everyone get ready for at least a week of Tiger Woods hitting a tree, but being above having to answer any questions on why? I'll tell you why.. haha..Domestic altercation and looks like his wife slapped his face, cutting his lips, then took off running after him with a golf club. Just her luck he had hit the tree so she was able to beat the BACK window out of his car to get him out of the front? Hmm sounds odd to me. Like they said, why not just get the extra keys? However, she has given 2 different

statements. Wonder about all this coming hours after the report of Tiger having an affair? Plus, what was he doing driving at 2:30 AM with NO shoes? Now, that is the story, but it will be on 24 hours a day for at least this entire week. If a new drop of news drips out, add next week too. For some reason, they are not discussing the Ant case at all, even with some pretty harsh stuff out there. And usually I have no thoughts on my own. I respond..Can we say L A Z Y? It has just been so quiet here I have not had anything to comment on. Losingit, I too hate it getting dark at 4. I am so sleepy by 6 and if I fall asleep too early, I wake up all night and then am tired all day! OK shipmates! I have bored you all enough. I so dread all this Tiger talk. RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

Grrr, on tiger let them work out there own problems, if he ws messing around with another woman I say good for his wife Bitch slap him. Then throw him out, I would never put up with a man that did that all the money is not worth the problem. Of course that is just me, some stay for all kind of abuse for the money. Happiness and trust means more to me. linn, I also hat this time change rascal want to go to bed when it gets dark. I have been going earkier akso then up before the Roasters. JMo says: 9 days ago

Well, I have to laugh. My first thoughts were...hmmm, domestic violence. She found out about the affair, took a good swing (or two) with the golf club, busted his lip and put a bump on his noggin. He ran out, jumped in the car and was dizzy from the hit. She went chasing him with the weapon (golf club) again! He ran into the tree or fire hydrant or whatever he wants to call it, seeing how there was most likely alcohol involved. She smashed the back window to let him know she meant business. He got out just fine. His little car accident had nothing to do with those injuries and that is why he won't talk to police. First of all he thinks he is above the law and second of all, he doesn't want a DUI or a domestic violence charge. Mark NeJame is his attorney...not sure if you all saw that or not....interesting, eh??? Anyway, just another liar and cheater. What's new???? RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

JMo, omg we were thinking alike, lol The demostic fight would of been against his wife. He is the one with marks, and do we really need to hear it on the news anyway that is there business. NG has nothing else to talk about so here goes the dirty laundry. This accident happened on Private property and as long as he pays for any damages he does not half to talk to the cops. He can sign a couple of golf balls for them. Ha Ha JMo says: 9 days ago

It's all about the money, eh? losingit says: 9 days ago

I do not care about TW and his affairs. I suppose his wife must really love him because she probably stands to gain millions of dollars if they divorce. RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

I am sure TW wife signed some sort of pre nep so she can not clean him out. And if he realy cheated I do not feel sorry for him if she does divorce him, once a cheater always a cheater. One more trip to town today to get the last minute things I need. Then lunch out with my friend will be back later. I want to know when they are going to charge Shaniya's Mom with murder there is one that really deserves the DP. JMo says: 9 days ago

Well, I kept looking at that picture of his car crash. Seems the 'drivers side' was not even touched. So, why couldn't he just get out on that door? The wife had to bust two back windows? They say that his injuries didn't come from the crash...and then the neighbors say he was laying out in front of the car on the ground? His wife said she heard the car crash and went running (with a golf club) to help him? The crash was 3/10 of a mile away on the other side of a neighbors house!!! Give me a break. No wonder he doesn't want to talk to the police. They are both lying through their teeth!!! I think it is a shame that he lies to his fans and portrays himself to be all perfect and endorse me, endorse me for a billion dollars to go in my pocket. Meanwhile, my wife found out I'm really not what I portray to the public. Im a cheater and my wife busted me! You know she was probably in that car or chasing it and busted those back windows out, causing him to crash. I hate people who think the public is so stupid to believe their lies. Sorry TW, but you are not the role model that a lot of people thought you were and he will probably lose some, if not all of those endorsements. (of course, that is probably all he is worried about anyway)! JMo says: 9 days ago

Richard Hornsby is calling Lyings, Casey's new mother figure. ROTFLMAO...just what the bitch needs, another mother. JMo says: 9 days ago

Can we say "more cookoo's out of Florida"? losingit says: 8 days ago

Re: "more cookoo's out of Florida", wow, just wow. This stupid woman was so scared of losing her job over her mistake that she called in a bomb threat. That must have been a great job. When I was in college it was almost a given that on at least one day of finals, a bomb threat would come in and delay the tests for a day. I remembering this happening three times. As far as I know, the callers were never found or charged. I wonder how much more these idiots learned given 24 hours of more study time.

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

losingit, we had that happen at Wal Mart, I had one thing to get yet in the cart and had to go off and leave my cart. needless to say I was not a happy customer. And it was because someone did not want to come to work. I heard that was the second timme since the new Super Wal Mart opened. I missed where the story was but something about 2 boys missing and bodys being burned in a back yead, this is sure gettig sick each day. Like Media please get of the TW stories, there are other stories that need attention, and we need solutions. linn ask Santa for A External DVD for you lap top plug in and play. linn says: 8 days ago

GOJMo!! LOL..You were cracking me up! Did you all hear all TW had was two busted lips? BUT no blood on the steering wheel? I also had no idea this dude was worth over a billion dollars! She would get a ton of money even if a prenup was signed as they do have 2 kids. And now there are more women coming out of the woodwork. One even has his messages on her phone. said they split up 3 days before the accident. And also heard he had no shoes on.. hahahaha. I bet the wife was really swinging that clup. Trying for a hole in one? HAHA.. Gee, I could really use some Crazy news. TW is about as boring as it comes. Got a kick out of I think NG last night where she said Shaniya's dad was finally breaking his silence. HUH? He was and has been on all the morning talk shows. I do think he is partly to blame. He knew what she was, never checked up on her and knew the mother was a druggie. You can give them a second chance, but you keep eagle eye's on them until they prove they are worth the trust. He just handed her over. That I don't get. Also did not like the way he walked into his son's interview, when he said he did not want to talk. You could tell it really through the son off his thoughts. I really thought that was so odd. To just walk out in the middle of your son's TV interview after saying you didn't want to speak..I mean he really didn't, but it was like he was trying to make sure the son said nothing, or to just what? I really thought that was odd. OK Rascal. I will go sit on Santa's lap and ask for an external hard drive. Now to go look up what it is.. haha. I do really need to get that video thing to work. I am so far behind the times. Funny thing is my laptop says I have plug and play. Oh well, I don't mind hunting down Santa's. Lets see how the almost 2 year does on Santa's lap.. lol JMo says: 8 days ago

My ex called in a bomb threat to the court room where we were to have court. They never caught him though. He also called a bomb threat to a restaurant where I was to meet his ex fiance (the one he dated after me). Coincidental that I am at two places with a bomb threat within a 2 week period. I gave his name to the cops as a suspect. They could never prove it, but they sure kept their eye on him. He did some really weird stuff and still does to this day. I so wish now that he would of been busted for that. Ok, my take on the Crazy thing....Momma Lyings is gonna try to get Crazy to do the plea bargain deal. Say it was an accident that Caylee died and she freaked out and went into a psychosis. That way, the jury will have pity on her poor stupid lying skank ass and give her LWOP instead of the DP that she so deserves. However, I think Casey will keep up her 'Im as smart as a fox' routine and won't take their advice. She

will not let down her guard and admit anything. It is too important to her to look totally innocent. She is a psychopath, so she does not understand anything outside her narcissism. It's all about her and she wants it to continue that way. I honestly think that all these false runs and accusations that Baez is doing, is to show Casey that he has 'tried' and that he did his job. She is the boss, ya know. He is out to make a name for show that he will go to great lengths for his clients to help them. He knows that Casey doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell and he really doesn't care either. He cares that the public sees what a 'great defender' he is. This is about him and his reputation, that is all. Same with Lyings, it is about her ability to get Casey from getting the DP, nothing else. But meanwhile, she has to prove her worth through doing her job defending Casey. Poor little Caylee is at the expense of their reputations, while she gets no justice for what was done to her. Casey knows that she is in control of this show, and she is going to make sure that if she goes down, then everyone else goes down with her! She is the child that probably went around crying that life wasn't fair, that she got the short end of the stick, that she had it worse off than anyone else,..... I think the lawyers have played enough games (on Caylee's time) and that judge strickland needs to say enough is enough. I hope the BAR investigates, fines and jails everyone of them for their unprofessional, unethical, illegal and absurd behavior. Baez and Lyings will be a bunch of 'washed up has-bens' after this is all over! RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Accident my butt, you do not wait 31 days on a accident. Oh I forgot again she is not the one that reported that. Party after the so called accident. Forged checks after the accident. Cover up on the smell before the accident. Searches on the computer before the accident. I do not think LE woulld buy into that Story but we will see. It would have been so much easier if Cssey had told the truth in the beginning for all. But Casey does not know how to tell the truth. And of course the cover up by the family sure has not helped. Oh and throwing the body of Caylee away like trash was that a accident also? CAPN STEVE says: 8 days ago

Rascal, what are you getting at? RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Joy Wray funny Video this is funny, sorry linn RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Steve, hmm I guess that Casey is a liar and a killer, and this whole case is BS. RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

You half to watch towards the end of this Video, Lyons plops down in the chair net to Casey it sounds like it broke.

Hearing Slated In Anthony Case JMo says: 8 days ago

Ok, the latest circus act has come to Baez wants all the jail video's of Casey and her whacked parents destroyed. Are they kidding? That will show evidence of how guilty she is. Laughing about grits and flat tires while Caylee is dead in the trash!!! Screaming that it's all about her, etc etc and lets don't forget talking about football when Caylee's little bones (remains, george, remains) were found. Puuuuhhhhleeeeze! This defense team is just as crazy as she is! Oh, due in court Dec. 11. JMo says: 8 days ago

LOL, sounded more like Casey put a 'whoopee cushion' in her new mommy's a way to connect on a joking level. I think Casey would fess up (possibly) if she didn't have all these freaks wanting to protect a child murderer!!! RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

JMo, Or Casey let loose from all her Bean dip at just the right time, lol JMo says: 7 days ago

lol...yep, great timing and blamed it on Lyings! Something Casey would do....blame someone else, lol. RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Deliverd the dog to my son's for then to baby sit, I felt so bad never left her before. Now off to get a few hrs sleep before we leave for the airport. Hold down the fort JMo, I will be off to Texas see you all when I get back. linn says: 7 days ago

OK, once again I posted my post, hit post comment and it goes back to the top and my post is gone. I am even signed in. it was a great post too.. sign. I will try it again, the short version and just wish Rascal a wonderful trip, your baby will be fine, and you will have a great time too. And why does this post thing keep happening. The other day it happened 4 times before I gave up. I even cut and copied so I would not lose the post, but it would never post. losingit says: 7 days ago

Enjoy your trip Rascal. Your girl will be fine. She'll miss you a lot, but this is much safer for her. I've only left my boy a couple of times and it breaks my heart because he loves me so much. JMo says: 7 days ago

My posts have done that too, then weirdly show up at times. Oh well. I usually just have to log off the computer and reboot to stop it. We need to think of a new game to play on here.... JMo says: 7 days ago

Ok, let's try a TOP TEN list game for Casey. How about...The TOP TEN reasons that Casey won't get anything from Santa this year? Be creative... losingit says: 7 days ago

The Ten Commandments You shall have no other Gods but me. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy. Respect your father and mother. You must not kill. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour. LOL JMo. This was honestly the first thing that came to mind. JMo says: 7 days ago

That is hysterical....she has broke every one of them, eh? JMo says: 7 days ago

Casey won't get anything from Santa this year because..... Santa is really Zanny in disguise! JMo says: 7 days ago

Casey won't get anything from Santa this year because.... target gift cards won't work in jail! CAPN STEVE says: 7 days ago

Momster won't get anything from Santa this year because... G_D forbid Santa gets something from Momster!


LMAO...good one Capn Steve! JMo says: 7 days ago

Casey won't get anything from Santa this year because.... he won't believe her lie that she's been a good girl all year. CAPN STEVE says: 6 days ago

Thank you, thank you very much... linn says: 6 days ago

LOL at all of your ideas. Casey won't get a new boy because Santa's boy mold broke due to too much Casey use. I always have said all her b/f's look alike. Casey won't get anything from Santa as Mrs. Claus found out about last years gift. Maybe we could all chip in for an online WeightWatchers online program? lol.. Can you imagine spending your second Christmas in jail? And odd. Jail is SO nothing compared to Prison. Now I have this going through my head. Maybe next start a thread of what she should get from Santa. I just hope she does not slip poor ole Santa some of those little blue pill. I know Georgies has a stash. JMo says: 6 days ago

So true Linn. Casey won't get anything from Santa this year because.... Mrs. Claus found out Casey wanted Santa to 'slip her something between the bars'!!! JMo says: 6 days ago

Well, since they want the jail house video's blocked, I wonder if that includes all the written text that has been published from what she said. How will they keep that out? I'm sure it all has to do with her little 'outburst' towards Cindy that no one lets her talk and of course the one of when Caylees (remains) were found. Of course they want them blocked. They are very damaging and provide proof of her guilt. losingit says: 6 days ago

What should she get Linn? Okay, this is what Santa should bring Casey. A real cell phone that can not make outgoing phone calls with no internet access and can only receive calls sent from this ship. A real laptop with no internet access or games that she can only read negative comments about her on. A shiny new camera that doesn't save or produce any of the pictures. A booklet of temporary tattoos

stickers that only last a day and hurt as much as the real thing. An electric pole. A bitch slap from me. A jug of champagne that gives her a hangover but doesn't get her drunk. A good looking young guy for the night who does nothing but berate her and tell her how gross she is. A constant stream of the new car smell she had. A CD player with only a CD of Caylee singing. A new TV and DVD player that only shows videos of Caylee. An I Pod that is only filled with Cindy's voice. Wow, there's a lot of things I wish Santa would bring her. Any other ideas out there? JMo says: 6 days ago

I must say I like the 'electric pole' and the 'new car smell'! How about some household weapons she can play with and some nifty plastic bags with yellow ties? How about a little white car that no matter where she turns the wheel, it keeps going to Suburban Drive where Caylee was found. I'm surprised that no one has made a Casey Board Game yet. losingit says: 6 days ago

Oh JMo, That's a great idea. ATHONOPOLY!!!!!!! "George says he saw them leaving, take three steps back." Bozo files a new motion - lose one hundred dollars. Community chest- deposit 50 bucks into Casey's account. etc etc etc.... Come on play the game. I'm the old metal gas can guy on the board. Who's the stripper pole? Who's the squirrel? Who's the stinky white car? JMo says: 6 days ago

I wanna be the squirrel. We absolutely have to have a deck of cards with the "You Aint Gettin Out of Jail Free Casey" card in it, lol. Roll a 7 and you win a night at club fusion! Roll a nine and it's a round trip ticket to Tampa! Every fifth space, you have a chance to win a free Target gift card. Snake eyes, you go to Jail. Only a LP card can bail you out! Roll an eleven and it's a week's stay in the Anthony house of horrors. lol.... JMo says: 6 days ago

I think Richard Hornsby is Soooooo Very Jealous of Bill Sheaffer!!! He is now trying to 'steal the spotlight'. What a moron! I think he is jealous of Kathy Belich too. Richard, if you are reading this, your little beady green eyes are glowing and your horns are protruding, not to mention that long tail with the pitchfork on the end of it is dragging on the ground. JMo says: 6 days ago

Another EVIL child, murdering a child (his own 10 year old brother who begged him to stop). linn says: 5 days ago

You guys are on a major roll! LOL..Losingit I think you have a huge money making with the Athonopoly Game!LOL.. And JMo, if you are the squirrel you are the "dead" far I might have to be a hammer..haha. I don't want to be a pole Casey was on if you know what I mean, I

don't want to smell her car so I will be Sindy's hammer.. As for gifts. She should get a video of all her friends. Each one's lives as they are now. Tony and her other b/f's with their new g/f's, chili parties with all her ex friends toasting her to hell, a must will be her parents cruise and nice dinners given to them thanks to Casey. All her club spots on a Saturday night with all her friends there on hot body night having a great time. In between each scene they need to have shots of Caylee as she was. Everything she loved but does not have. Mainly her guys and booze. Oh add a check made out to Amy but put Casey's signature on the check. At the end of the video, she should get to see Caylee's remains as they found them. Maybe that is going too far, but she still seems to have no feeling towards her. Amazing. Time fades pain I suppose, IF she ever had any to begin with. She would not be so hated if she would at least shed ONE tear for her daughter. She never did that I know of... Now to go see who this richard person is. I love Bill. Can't have anyone trying to up him. JMo says: 5 days ago

Yeah, not only is Richard trying to one up him, he is putting him down. What a jerk, a jealous jerk at that! I'm not really a 'dead' squirrel. Casey just made that up. She never ran me over and I was never stuck to the grill of her car. I know she tried to blame the pizza box too, but we all know that it smelled more like a damn dead body than anything else. Yes, us squirrels are alive and well. JMo says: 5 days ago

Amanda Knox sentenced to 26 years in Italy prison.... Wednesday Morning says: 5 days ago

#1 on Casey's List the game of Clue. JMo says: 5 days ago

Lol. I could just see her playing that game too. Casey wishes santa would bring her a lifetime supply of licorice and cheetos! JMo says: 5 days ago

Heck, lets all pitch in and send the bitch a roll of duct tape and some yellow tie plasic garbage bags. She can use them on herself! It is all about her, ya know. JMo says: 5 days ago

Prosecutors shoot down the defense motions that are trying to say that Casey has too many check fraud cases....hmmm, I guess if she hadn't of done it, then there wouldn't be charges, now would there? The defense wants some of the charges thrown out on the grounds that Casey shouldn't face multiple

charges for each check she's accused of stealing from her former best friend and cashing them. ROTFLMFAO! Yeah, right. But prosecutors say each charge is a separate crime, with separate evidence, and should stand. JMo says: 5 days ago

George and Cindy Anthony and attorney to testify at next week’s court hearing....hmmm, this time maybe 'under oath' might mean something to them?? Good ole Brad CONway will be taking the stand too...this should be good! Stay tuned boys and girls. JMo says: 5 days ago

You have to wonder if this Knox chick is not another little sociopath like Casey. She thinks she is so smart and she blames everyone else. I just don't think the Italian courts wanted to put up with her nonsense and the protraying of her as a goody goody two shoes. I'm sure we will never know, but something sure made the jurors convict her, and I doubt it was the media (ahem, ahem, Casey's team is also claiming that to be an issue....NOT!). RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

Hi Ya'll from Texas, I am having a wonderful time with the Grand kids and the Great Grand son is talking my head off where is the excedrin #99, haha. I am watching my Grand daughters husband working on his awsome computer learning a lot from him. But I did teach him something this morning when he wwa working on mine, Even he had wo shake his head and say Grand ma you are right on. See you all by next Friday when I return. CAPN STEVE says: 5 days ago

Howdy Rascal. Enjoy your family. We all are very happy for you!! JMo, under oath means the same as over oath to The ANTfarm. losintit says: 4 days ago

Hi Rascal. I'm happy you are having a good time. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that you are missed on board here. I'm sure your weather is better than mine. Yesterday and today we recieved about two feet of snow. Hello winter! linn says: 4 days ago

OK, my usual brilliant long post, hit post comment and poof. Post disappears. Just not up to writing even a portion of it over. Rascal, hope you are having a great time! Any snow there? Freezing here lately and I love it! JMo says: 4 days ago

Well, I guess Baezhole is learning something from to be a I want I want person! He wants

the fraud case delayed further and the videos of jail sealed! Now, I think he has truly lost his mind all together! I mean what makes him think that any of that would happen???? JMo says: 4 days ago

Nothing new happening with Casey today. I guess we have to wait for Monday to get any news....unless the bitch chokes to death on a cracker or something before tomorrow morning. CAPN STEVE says: 3 days ago

Ritz crackers to cell block 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! losingit says: 3 days ago

Mmmmm. Ritz crackers with Cheese Whiz. Copy and paste this recipe. Have any of you ever heard of this before? Apparently when there was a great apple famine, folks made apple pie with Ritz crackers. I can't imagine. I am not American so I think it's okay for me to say that I don't like apple pie. The thought of eating apple pie made with crackers and not apples makes me want to gag. Oh, on a sad note, the temp here has dropped to minus 30. My farm cat is missing. We fed him a nice warm dinner every night and let him in to warm up, but he refused to stay in the house once he was done eating. I hope he has found a nice warm place. JMo says: 3 days ago

Sad that scum like Casey are staying warm and getting 3 hots and a cot, and there are animals (and people) suffering out in the cold, no place to sleep and are hungry. Capn steve, can you add some very dry cheetos to that cracker order!!!!! losingit says: 3 days ago

Right on JMo, it's so not fair. I wish my farm cat was safe and sound in a jail cell. We found him here as a little kitty when we moved here. I think the old owners just left him. We have an indoor kitty and doggie. We invited farm cat in and fed him very well, but he was too scared to stay in the house. I would love if he was safe and warm in Casey's cell and Casey was somewhere on my farm trying to stay alive. The first day we moved here, we were exploring the property and we found this little kitten basking in the very hot sun in the pumpkin patch. In the last three months, the temp has dropped 60 degrees. Poor little guy, I hope he's okay where ever he is. linn says: 3 days ago

Losingit..being a farm cat, is he fixed? If not, they can leave for days, then just show up. And surely you did not say MINUS 30? I wanted so much to whine over our 45 degrees and now, well, it just is not the same.. lol.. Warm thoughts sent your way, and I do think your kitty will show back up. I am hoping anyway as I have always had cats. Mine were all inside and do whatever they please cats, but if they were 15 minutes late I would freak. However all my male cats are fixed so they don't go far from

the lady who feeds them. And you all know what? I would not be surprised if Biazed gets his motions. I know, I I am so worried about this case as I still have OJ in my head. But it does seem Biazed gets a lot of his crazy requests granted. I still want to know why Dominic Casey gets to keep postponing his depo. I know I would be dragged in court or arrested if I said no. And the Ants! I mean again, I would be arrested if I did the crap they are doing, yet again, nothing. Losingit am proud to be an American, but I proudly can say I do NOT like apple pie. However, the pie you are talking about is a very old receipe. I know there is another one that uses vinegar. Even regular apple pie is not my favorite. Now, I do love apple dumplings. Apples with the core taken out, raisins, brown sugar and walnuts in the center, then pie crust wrapped around the apples. That is excellent! I think for me it is the nuts. Then again I am on JMo's team. The SQUIRRELS! Let us know about the kitty. I am a cat lover. RascalBrat says: 3 days ago

Hello all I finally crawled out of my bunk, I am so tired I think we will just vege today. trying to do a lot of catch up with the kids. And Grand son in Afganistan by emails. I do half to say to all this has been the best year in my life time finding them. In answer to your question linn no snow here but it has been unusually cold and rainy. We had one beautiful day and it looks like another today. Snoopy9318 says: 3 days ago

Linn: That OJ thing has me a little nervous too. Rascal: Merry Early Christmas!! We had snow on the ground here in Indiana this morning, but it disappeared pretty fast. We've been hitting the 20s and 30s lately, but love it! Since the news is slow, could you all do me a favor and keep your fingers crossed for me on Wednesday? I have a one year performance review and it will make or break me as far as a raise this year goes! So far, I think it looks good, but I'm a worrier! Does anyone know if Friday's hearing will be televised? RascalBrat says: 3 days ago

Thank you Snoopy thought I would jump on came down stairs for the laundry and had to see who was on. Two nights ago it was so dam cold here and rainy. I teased the kids I brought it with this weather with me. I will be home real late thursday night. Doc dump is supposed to be Friday can not wait to see if anything is exciting. God has truly blessed me finding my Grand kids,and Great Grand kids , you all know I surf the net a lot and this really paid off. What a joy they are and what a wonderful reunion this has been my Grand daughter is already talking about me coming back this summer. Oh how I hate air planes but it is the only way time wise. I guess this all happened at a great time since I do not want to miss so much on the Casey case. I will try to drop by tonight unless we go to play pool, my grand daughter wants me to whip her husband, LMAO I can not promise to be kind to him when we go, that is just the little devil in me. haha

Snoopy9318 says: 3 days ago

I'm so happy for you, Rascal!! I know how you feel about your dog. My dog breaks my heart everytime I leave for work!! She truly is a member of our family. Do you know if the courtroom drama will be televised? Kick some pool butt!! :) RascalBrat says: 3 days ago

Snoopy, I really expect the case to be on Court TV, we will see this one for sure. And the Drama Queen Lyons will do her acting hoping for a reality show, yuck. And the rest of the Circus act will sit up and beg for attention. I may throw them a doggie bone. losingit says: 3 days ago

Linn, yes it's really that cold. This morning was -40. We have a couple feet of snow. Hubby has a big truck and was able to get it started to get to work this morning, but my little car won't be going anywhere until it warms up a lot. Hopefully sometime before April LOL. The farm cat wastn't fixed. The previous owners had abandoned him here. He's friendly and lets you pet him, but he won't come in and there is no way I could get him into a carrier to go to the vet. I very much wanted to so he wouldn't start spraying on the door or something. The nearest farm is about half a mile away. Hopefully he's over there. I was trying to think positive like maybe he belongs to them but just comes here for extra free food. Good luck Snoopy. I'll be thinking about you on Wednesday. I'm so happy for you Rascal. Enjoy your visit. JMo says: 2 days ago

-10 were I am. Brrrrr JMo says: 2 days ago

ok, meant to say -10 'where' I am. Brrrr See, so cold that I am skipping keys. RascalBrat says: 2 days ago

OMG I got to tell you all we went out for Pizza the other day, I thouight I got Peperoni and mushroom it was halipenos, choke choke my Grand son has to run over and get me some water. Let me tell you I have been careful since. People here eat them like pickles, lol losingit says: 2 days ago

Yeah, -10 is pretty cold. That's about where we usually are for the winter. At least the car will start at that. this -40 thing is just stupid. There's been very few vehicles out on the highway today, but a

ambulance has been running up and down the highway with lights and sirens on all day. I haven't heard that anything has happened, I think they are just out there just in case someone breaks down. Boy, it wouldn't take long to freeze out there today. RascalBrat says: 2 days ago

My kid emailed me tp tell me single digets in oregon where i live and he was worried about my place. Duh Mom is not dumb enough to go off and leave the heat off, I knew it was going to get cold. losingit says: 2 days ago

Well, so far so good with this cold snap. We are in the process of buying this farm. The house is 2300 SF with no basement so I was worried about the pipes freezing. Last year we were renting a house trailer and it got down to -50 with no problems, so I'm glad this big house is holding up. Also here we have a huge wood stove. So it's good to know we won't freeze to death or starve if something does happen. I live in Northern Alberta and the winters are brutally cold and the summers are brutally hot. Hubby is a heavy duty mechanic and hot and cold are when machines break down. We are here for the work. Ideally, I would want to live in Vancouver or maybe northern Washington. The temp is so much milder, and I love rain- probably because we get very little of it here. Another thing I hate about it here is the crazy amount of grasshoppers. This summer, the whole province had a mass infestation. On the farm, it was gross to walk outside. I'm talking like probably a dozen every square foot. I can't even imagine how many of the creepy little things I killed with the riding mower. There are brown ones, green ones, red ones and any combination, and they are big. Ewwwwww. linn says: 2 days ago

Rascal, glad you are having a wonderful time! I was not sure if you were in Houston where they got all that I would think snow in Texas would be up with snow in hell.haha.. I would move to Texas JUST for the food! I can live on Tex-Mex. We can eat jalapenos here too, but I can only take pieces of them on my nachos. Snoopy! Hey! yeah, the OJ thing will never leave me. Even though everyone got nervous when they saw the jury. not their color which was mostly black, but you could see them just staring at OJ with this look. I heard, and some rumors you just know are true, that OJ was not surprised at the verdit. He had already been told he was going to be found innocent. But Casey is sort of different. She is a no one, she KILLED an adorable child, her own. And there is tons against her, but I will not feel safe until I hear "guilty". And losingit..-40? That should be They should have global heaters. I mean it is 44 here and miserable. I would much rather have cold than heat. I cannot do heat NOR humidity. I think humidity is a sin. :) However in our defense, we get that cold Pacific ocean wind mixed with cold air. It rained here yesterday and all night. Gee i love the rain, but after a rain it is really cold here. Bone chilling cold. Our heater does not seem to be working, but I have noticed if I turn the oven on for 30 minutes I am dying and the heat stays in. Our heater takes hours just to get the top floor to 68. The bottom floor does not heat up no matter what and my bill is unreal. I do think one day you will walk out and there will be Farm Kitty. I had one disappear for 3 weeks once. I was past the mourning stage even. If they do televise the Casey trial, I doubt it will be all day here like OJ was. it will be clips and they will tell you to go to their website. WELL, we know what good that will do me! OK, all that was boring!

RascalBrat says: 2 days ago

linn. There has been talk that Court TV would cover the Casey case and we will get all of the proceedings. I would love to send Casey a lump of Coal for Christmas. Do I feel sorry for her in Jail hell no. losingit says: 2 days ago

Wow how many years ago was OJ on TV? I remember dropping off the baby girl at day care, buying a newspaper and coffee and coming home with the intention of studying. I'd open the books and accidently only watch the court that day. RascalBrat says: 2 days ago

losingit, it was 1995 I ran to the bank and the girls were watching it at the bank as ther verdict came in. They were not happy and I was not happy. RascalBrat says: 2 days ago

I sure hope there is no rain tomorrow, but I half to say it not as cold even with this bad weather. JMo says: 2 days ago

Ok, one burning question for the night.... WHERE is the TIFFANY RING???? JMo says: 2 days ago

There's a rumor that Zanny was cited at the Mall of America with Elvis and she was wearing that ring! losingit says: 2 days ago

JMo I changed my mind. My Athonopoly token is not the old metal gas can, it is Tiffany Ring! 1995 eh Rascal, I thought it was sooner, but who cares? I was not happy either. I was very unhappy. SadieSkye says: 2 days ago

Hey guys!!! Im not gone.. I check in and keep up... But dont tell me the problem is back.. Ignorance isnt always bliss.. Thanks for taking such good care of the vessel... looks fantastic.. feels great to talk to u alll .. xoxo RascalBrat says: 2 days ago

losingit, OJ was arrested on the murder case in 1993 but the trial did no go forward until 1995, delay as usual from the dream team. JMo says: 2 days ago

Well, this has to be the most absurd thing I have ever heard in my life (well, almost the most)... NG caused someone to suicide....Are they f'n serious? How stupid. CAPN STEVE says: 2 days ago

JMo, yes it is stupid. In the article it says she subjected her to metal abuse. I guess that is when one is forced to listen to too much Metallica in one sitting. This Harvard person obviously knows nothing about N.G. nor has ever watched her show. On some nights it seems as if she is about to make her own producers cry because how she acts toward them. Now if you want to talk about a lawsuit, let's talk about those poor Duke lacrosse players, their coach, and their families whom she dragged over the coals every night and took the side of someone who was less believable than Misty Cummings. She painted them in such a horrible light every night for weeks it was as if they raped the girl with a broken bottle. Or so it seemed Sorry about that visual! JMo says: 34 hours ago

Yikes. Well she is a former prosecutor that never lost a case. I guess there is a reason for that. Some people are hard to crack and others arent. Did they ever think this woman committed suicide because she was guilty of something?.....Im just saying.... linn says: 34 hours ago

Well, OWIE Steve! However, I have seen just that visual on Law * Order and they do take from real life. A good episode was with the father from Family Ties. Good gosh I bet he is so hated now for that Sure showed what an excellent actor he is. As for NG, she is what she is. Then again, like Judge Judy, apparently in real life, she is very nice. But she takes her job seriously and will beat anyone with a club if she wants answers. Even her own producers and those visiting attorney's. However, notice they all come back? I think, like Judge Judy, a lot of her harshness is for show ratings. I know she did believe those Duke guys did what they were accused of. I was not watching NG then. Odd, but I turned her on after years the second day of the news about Caylee. I was glued to her during OJ. I DO hope they televise the case here as it is not even news here. I sure hope I get Court TV. Have to have my kids see. Got that forced upon new cable and I can't figure out the remote.. And good one JMo about the ring. What DID happen to it? I bet she pawned it for money. losingit says: 33 hours ago

It was about an $80.00 ring wasn't it? I doubt she would have got more than $15.00 for it. It is a mystery why Cindy even asked about it. I wonder what made her even think about it. Do we know where she got the ring? Was it from a boyfriend and Cindy was sneaky trying to ask her something? I'll laugh if one of her girlfriends saw that video and thought, "That's what happened to my ring". I just read somewhere that Jeff gave her the ring. Was this real friend Jeff or the old work guy (the famous Juliette Lewis's friend too)that hooked her up with Zanny? LOL. Well, I don't think NG could upset me enough to stop searching for my missing child unless, of course, I knew where my child was. I believe she murdered her son, and it's unfortunate that she didn't leave a note just so the family could find him and have some closure. I'd rather know the truth than have to wonder everyday if he's hungry, safe, cold, scared, etc.

RascalBrat says: 33 hours ago

Hi to all, Or did they find the ring in with Caylee and are holding back that info. Steve, What you described happened to a high school girl in Oxnard Calif, I will never forget what a bunch of guys did to her and they only got sentenced to youth authority. losingit says: 33 hours ago

That would be interesting Rascal, but Casey was probably too greedy to do that. She told Cindy that she hadn't seen it for a long time. It's suspicious though. LP said Casey was a hoarder, and I believe it. But it appeared as though she was an organized hoarder. Cindy knew Casey wasn't wearing the ring, but also knew it wasn't where it was usually kept. So, it seems odd that she would just lose it.

RascalBrat says: 33 hours ago

losingit, Jo and I have wondered about that ring for a very long time, it was just a thought. losingit says: 31 hours ago

It's a great thought. I wouldn't be too surprised if it was out there in the woods. This is a pretty farfetched idea, but maybe Cindy had DC plant it out there knowing that no one would believe Casey would ever throw something of value away on her own. Maybe Cindy had stole it from Casey a couple months prior to prevent Casey from pawning it. Now Jeff is the prime suspect. He stole the ring back and killed Caylee because of his crazy love or hate for Casey. If that ring was found out there, this would be a major advantage for the dream team JMHO. Perhaps the dream team has the ring, had it all along and was just waiting for a place to insert it into their arguement. Like, lookie what we found when we were finally allowed to look in woods, a ring that someone stole from Casey a long time ago. JMo says: 30 hours ago

I think Cindy knew that Casey did something with Caylee and that maybe she had talked about passing the ring on to Caylee some day? She probably wondered if Casey placed it with Caylee in her final burial ground. Maybe she lost it in the yard while digging a grave for caylee with the neighbors

shovel? I too seem to think that the prosecutors are holding it as an ace in the hole. It's only one of the million dollar questions. It's not the prosecutors first rodeo and I think they know to keep their aces in the hole until trial time comes. That is part of what is driving Baezhole crazy. They are letting him hang himself, so to speak, because he is acting frantically to find a way for Casey to get out of this. It's like he hears a train, he feels a train, he sees the train, and he knows its a train, but he (and Casey) won't get off the track till it hits them. they are out to take their chances that there will be that one chance in a million that she will get away with it, that is all.

JMo says: 29 hours ago

Authors and Publishers are aiming to cash in on Casey!

JMo says: 29 hours ago

Well here is another dumb one out of the woodwork...Tiger's mistresses..... has hired Brad Conway....what a ditz! RascalBrat says: 22 hours ago

Good morning, Well my last day I half to leave tomorrow My Grand daughter said Grandma you are coming back this year. And I love her husband since he is really into computers and does that for a living, Grand daughter love it because her other grand mother gave up learning and gave her computer away. She laughs when we get into computer talk, lol. JMo, I would not hire any of them lawyer for anything, in the first place she should of not messed around with someone elses husband. Can not wait to see how Bozo goes forward with not guilty plea on the check fraud, this should give us some idea of how he will defend this murder case. Snoopy9318 says: 15 hours ago

whoo hoo!! I just got an alert stating "New photos among Casey Anthony Documents!" Go to You can click on the link in the middle to see the pictures!! Yay! Although the pictures don't seem to show anything remarkable, they are kind of hard for me to look at knowing the outcome of that gorgeous baby.

RascalBrat says: 13 hours ago

Snoopy. Thank you oh love the one of Caylee in T Shirt, the one Cindy claims Caylee never had one

with writing on it, lol. But look at the one next to Casey where she has the guitar. Caylee has a glazed look this is at party. JMo says: 13 hours ago

Prominent Florida Psychiatrist says that Casey confessed her guilt through the song "The Past". She claims to have had it in her head the whole time in jail (it was her favorite song before jail too). JMo says: 13 hours ago

Go here to see the new documents released!!!!

RascalBrat says: 13 hours ago

JMo, that does not surprise any of us, Casey knows what she did but I do not think she will ever fess up to it. And Cindy and George will say she was framed and innocent. But the truth ill come out in Court, and we know who the Guilty party is.

RascalBrat says: 12 hours ago

I half to get up at 2am to get my flight back, it has been wonderful seeing the kids and they are going to get me back for the summer. I have my laptop and thank you for the wireless world this is cool. Oh my Grand Daughter husband is a tech and he loves me because I know what he is talking about and know computer. He called his friends the first night he called his frinds to say he had the coolest Grandma I had to laugh at that one. losingit says: 10 hours ago

It looks to me like Caylee is wearing a nightie that says, "Big Trouble Comes In Small Packages"". IMO this proves that she was killed or died during the night of the 15th. Maybe she is wearing a little nightie for her or a big t-shirt of Casey's. Or maybe it's just a pair of PJ's. I wonder what night those pics were taken. The night of the 15th before Casey pretended to put take her home, but put her in the trunk maybe? And, G and C are off the hook because they never saw a t-shirt like this because it was a "jammie" top they saw all the time. JMo says: 10 hours ago

We all know that Cindy and George like to play 'word games'. I can hear Cindy now in her testimony. Court: Cindy did you ever see Casey in a shirt that says Big Trouble comes in Small packages? Cindy: Nope! Court: Did Caylee have a shirt that said Big Trouble comes in Small packages?

Cindy: Nope! Court: How do explain these pictures of Caylee with this item on? Cindy: You said 'shirt' and that's not a shirt. That's a top or a pullover. Therefore I am not lying. Cindy is a constant game player and the word game is one of her very favorites! This shows her level of immaturity and psychoness. I hope they nail her and george to the wall in that courtroom. They surely have to know that they have caused a huge amount of the media circus that has convicted casey in the public eye. What terrible people and downright irresponsible, awful parents!!! JMo says: 10 hours ago

meant to say Caylee, not casey. linn says: 9 hours ago

However, if they could finally figure out HOW to ask Cindy questions, they would have a easier time. Instead of saying did Caylee ever have a shirt like this, they need to ask "Did Caylee ever own an item of clothing like this"? Then if she said no, no way could it be a "mistruth" or say she did not lie. Sometimes I wish they would hire a professional question asker for the Ants. They do get around the truth by asking questions just like JMo said. They need to be so precise as to not get one of her around the question answers. I almost want to take bets that Friday's court hearing will be postponed again, or not mentioned on HLN. I mean, come on!! Tiger Woods is the most important news ever, next to MJ.. I am so sick of him. I feel for his wife, however I think she knew he did this all along. I heard on NG they destroyed a hotel room to the tune of $16,000 dollars after some other "woman".. I best not hear he is a "sex addict".. Yeah, right. He feels he is entitled and that is that. losingit says: 9 hours ago

Have a look at the Hinky Meter today regarding the laptop. Very interesting. I commented for the first time there last night and asked him about the ring and directed him over here to see what we were talking about. Val just said there is very little info about the ring. LINN!!!!! Today we were at about -10. I have been checking the back door for farm cat, and he was there this afternoon! He ran in and ate some dry cat food. He was pretty dirty, so I think maybe he has a den or something. I kept him in for about an hour until I couldn't stand him crying to get out. Besides dirty, he looked pretty good and didn't seem to be too cold. He survived at -40 so he must have a cozy little place to sleep. I was so worried that he had been trapped in or under something by feet of drifting snow. Happy dance! He never wants to come in to eat because it's just to scary for him. So hopefully if I can keep him in a bit longer everyday, he'll just get used to it. Today he came in! It's so cold, that I'm sure all he's doing is sleeping out there. There's no squirrels or birds to chase anymore. I think he just came in because he was bored. My water cooler gurgled a couple times and he jumped three feet. I figure he'll be about one year old in April. Hopefully by then I can have him tame enough to crawl into a carrier baited with tuna. Then off to the vet we will go for a very crappy neutering day (for him). losingit says: 9 hours ago

Yes, an expert question asker like anyone here is what they need. I think the ants will be charged in the end, but charges will wait until after they testify. JMo says: 9 hours ago

Well, I just heard the weather report on the news. We are now at -14 to -20 with the windchill and will get down to -25 to -50 with the windchill tonight. I think I, for one, will stay indoors. I have the heat up to 71 and I am still cold. Burrrrrrrr. (Im sure Casey is nice and warm tonight, eh?)

Numarama says: 7 hours ago

Hey ladies! I'm shivering just thinking about how cold it is where you are. Really sad, but it's in the 40s here (positive, not negative, lol) and I have the heat blasting, am wrapped in my Snuggie and have on 2 pairs of socks! I am not cut out for the cold anymore after moving from east to west! I looked at the new pics but didn't try to read the water level report that was in the new docs today. I will have to save that for another day when my brain feels more functional. Or maybe I'll wait til valhall explains it in layman's terms - p.s. I'm 99% sure that valhall is a woman - I recall her mentioning her husband and being a mom in one of her post comments. Girl power! :) Catch you guys on Friday - wondering what sort of antics the DUHfense have up their sleeves (or butts). Good night and stay warm!

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