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* The details Casey Anthony didn't want you to know

The details Casey Anthony didn't want you to know By Wednesday Morning Discuss the details This hub was started due to the mystery surrounding the disappearance & death of little Caylee Anthony that has captured the world's attention. Caylee Marie Anthony was reported missing July 15, a month after the toddler disappeared, according to her mother, Casey Anthony. Suspicion has fallen on her mother, who investigators say told a string of lies. On Dec. 19, officials with the Orange County Sheriff's Office announced that a child's remains found a quarter-mile from the Anthony home were those of Caylee Anthony. This is a place to discuss current topics as well. We dedicate this research & the friendships created here to the memory of little Caylee Anthony. Rest in peace sweet child. This is an area for discussion. Welcome!

Wednesday Morning 5 weeks ago


Clean slate. Chat away Mateys! Status: Approved Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 5 weeks ago


Added new pictures in celebration of Cheeto Butt packing on the pounds this past month. Rascal Brat, I have a brand new appreciation for the work you do...It was tough getting Casey's fat head into that bath tub. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago Wed, I liked her new car that I delivered to her cell also. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 5 weeks ago


Thanks Rascal, Off topic for a bit: I've been busy with 2 brothers in surgery. My older brother gave a kidney to my younger brother. A few complications, but all is good now. 1 came home from hospital today, the other on Thursday. My daughter is still battling her illness, but we're getting it under control & to top it off...my jaw locked a few weeks back. Turns out I had an infection in my jaw bone. Been on antiobiotics 3 weeks & starting to get better. What a crazy month! Everythings getting back to normal now though. Well, as normal as life gets anyway. :-) Thanks for the prayers! Sure do appreciate it! Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 5 weeks ago


Saw that! Nice ride! :) Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago Wed, I am glad things are getting somewhat better for you. Wow what a gift from one brother to another, may you all be blessed. And happy to hear your daughter's illness is under control. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago This way Casey can ride her bumper car off the wall's, her head.

I would rather see her use

Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 5 weeks ago Ok, the Cheeto Award...because it's all about you bitch, is the funniest ever! Breaking news....The DUHfense team is now asking the Judge to delay the decision about the response video. They want to give the Amazon woman ample time to catch up on the case. Hmmm, I thought she would of figured it out by now, lol.

Anyway, on this site is the video of the women who said the ANTs chased them. F'n sherrifs dept. I swear they are no good crooks. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breaking Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 5 weeks ago I know what I would of done if someone thought they could chase me down the street like that, stealing my property and then pinning me at the end of a cul-de-sac. They sure the hell would NOT be getting away with it! I almost want to send this woman money for an attorney. I hope she continues to press charges! (Teeth or no teeth). Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago They could cement a Cross into the ground but Cindy would take her trusty hammer and knock it down. It is obvious she doe's not want anyone to do a Memorial for Caylee. She wants to keep Caylee close in jewelry and that teddy bear. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago This just makes people hate the Ants more, shows what asses they really are. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago I am sort of loving the fact that it is not all momster all the time since that defeats the ANTfarm purpose I.M.O. Sinster has to keep the focus on this and not let anything die down between now and D-DAY. P.S. What would have happend if the lady was packin heat and in "self defense" fearing for her life let a couple of rounds discharge into the Sinster? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago Steve,She would probably be in the Orange County jail, sad when the cops will not do anything to the Ants, they did not say a word about Milstead using a light on his vehicle to make it look like they were cops. That is illegal to use. Status: Shown ip: linn


5 weeks ago Delay the video decision? Well gee now. When was it shot? Like months and months ago? And how long before this judge decides on anything! He is like the turtles on the Comcast commercials. Usually when a judge wants to think and rule later, it is not months later! And if Brad Conway can help chase down people, why is he not well enough to have the Ants do their depo? As for the sheriff who did nothing to them, makes you wonder doesn't it? WHY? Clearly they have NO right to remove anything. It is not their property the cross was on, unless they bought it. I haven't heard they did, so what gives them the right to do this? Too bad the owner could not have them arrested for trespassing. he doesn't seem to mind the memorials. Also, never heard of anyone EVER that would tear down memorials for their loved one who passed. Here we see them all over. could even be for a pet that got hit. They are never taken down or touched in any way. Whomever made the comment, "This makes you hate the Ants even more" was dead on. I truly hate them more and more. I sure wish Zenida's lawyer would push for the depo's. I so want, even more than ever, to see Sindy lose it again and be told TOO F'N BAD, answer the question!Wednesday, sorry for all your family's problems, and I hope everyone is doing fine soon. You have two great brothers! Hugs to you Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago linn, I would be the farm not one of the Ants could pass a polly, none of them! All they know how to do is lie, no wonder Casey is like she is, she believes her lies. They are dreading answering the rest of the depo that cat wlll be out of the bag. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 5 weeks ago Ok, watched NG tonight. Bombshellllll: they found a beer can tossed on top of little Nevaeh between her and the cement. What an asshole, whoever did this! They said they found a pair of gloves too, but not sure if they are connected to the crime. They kept showing an empty bag of cement, but didn't say if that was found at the crime scene. They are checking the can for DNA right now. I hope they nail the freak(s). The mom said that the body was "so decomposed" that they would not allow the family to few her and that they would be unable to identify her. How sad for them. I thought NG did a good job questioning the mom, but the show was not the tear into her the way she did. The woman just learned about her daughter. really appropriate the way NG behaved. I think she can ask the questions, didn't have any reason to be an ass about it. It didn't prove anything or anyone and the woman is not on trial or even a suspect.

place to Not but she help

Then there is the 17 y/o that took the 5month old. Geez, these people have such backgrounds and stories full of holes, don't they? Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 5 weeks ago I'm wondering how it is that the Ant's don't get their butts in legal trouble? Do you think LE is afraid to muddy the waters for Crazy? Maybe give her "an excuse" for her actions.. you know.. look at her parents? How is it some people can get away with murder and others can't jay walk without going to prison? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago Good morning, I listened to NG last night, according to reports the father of kidnapped baby has been in custody for 2 years. The Mother is 16 the baby is 5 months, so how is it his kid, did she get preg at the prison time does not make sense to me. And she live on her own another welfare case paying for a teen pregnancy. But the do have the baby sitter on video with the baby she boarded public transportation with the baby. She has the baby a stroller and diaper bag with 2 diapers in it and no money for formula. I hope they find them soon and the baby is safe. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago The Ants are so special, so they think. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago W.M. :My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago 911 Call Released on George & Cindy Anthony Chasing Women June 9, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/911-call-releas Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Shelly is right. Big Mouth ShellyIt’s Time To LaughHome About Nancy Grace is Pi$$ing me off !!!!!!!!!!!! http://bigmouthshelly.wordpress.com/ Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago This picture by John say's it all about the Ants. LMAOROF Midnight Memorial Madness June 6, 2009 by johninflorida http://johninflorida.wordpress.com/ Status: Shown ip: jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago Defense team is accusing the state of leaking info to the press to make their client look bad. http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment_tv_ Casey doesn't need any help making herself look bad, she has done that all on her own. What mother doesn't report their child missing but shacks up with the BF, cooking his meals, watching movies. hitting the bars & stealing from friends to shop at Target. And all this time she was in fear for her & her families lives. Give me a break only a moron would buy that crap! I think someone need to explain the Florida Sunshine Law to the defense team. I don't remember seeing anyone from LE or the State Attorneys office on the news talking about the case like the defense has. Bozo has been on local news, the Today Show, & Fox News with his friend Geraldo. Note to the defense team: Bozo, Miss Piggy & Miss I might really be a man,If your client is so INNOCENT, stop the whining, ask for a speedy trial instead of delaying & crying foul to any idiot that will listen to your BS. Lets get this circus over with. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Jo, Bravo I vote for speedy trial. But we know they will keep on delaying this and whining and the Circus will be in town for a very long time. It will be along time until Caylee really gets justice and it will not be from the Ant farm.. It will be from the Jury that throws Casey in prison where she belongs.

Status: Shown ip: jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago Rascal, You are right & the longer the defense delays the better it is for them. They need to play this circus out for as long as they can so they can make more money on the movie & book deals. Plus I think once Casey is found guilty & goes to prison or death row the Anthony money grubbing train will be derailed. I really doubt many people will donate to the foundation now but when this is over & the state proves that their daughter is the guilty one & they enabled her behavior not even the most gullible will donate even the pennies those protesters where throwing at their house. Haleigh Cummings info site shut down. According to Crystal Sheffield's attorney the closing of the Haleigh Bug site is due to medical issues. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/19699661/detail.h Status: Shown ip: jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago Found this posted by someone at Scared Monkeys. Too funny & so true. http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr43/jo1031/pur Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago The search for Nevaeh Buchanan June 9, 2009 DNA test makes a positive ID: It's Nevaeh's body Updated at 4:40 p.m.: Police have identified the remains of the little girl found Thursday as those of 5-year-old Nevaeh Buchanan, officials announced today. http://www.freep.com/article/99999999/NEWS05/90605 Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago 5 month old baby, Cortez L Rose, found about 400 mile from him with the baby siter. The baby is safe. :) Status: Shown

ip: linn says: 4 weeks ago well, now add to our list of sicko men and even sicker mothers, the one that met a sexual offender in jail, the second he gets out she leaves with him AND her 3 year old daughter. Are these women so desperate for a man and some sex that they will put their children in danger? This man, cough, does not want this mom, he wants the 3 year old. They say the little girl, sigh Haylee, is in extreme danger. what has this world turned into? And really, why are the ants allowed illegal flashing lights on their car? Makes no sense! Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 4 weeks ago In case they need to rush off to a missing child emergency???? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago The illegal flashing lights was on Milsteads vehicle. The light is probably to go pick up donations to support the Ants and Milsteads, People are sure suckers to donate to them. They need to get honest jobs. I think any Mother that put her child in danger with a sex offender needs to loose custody. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 4 weeks ago Rascal, IMO she needs to have more happen than loose custody -- it is a crime!!! Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 4 weeks ago I think a lot of people need to lose custody of their kids mainly because they just should not of had them in the first place! Well, I guess we can say that George is no longer suicidal....he is running free out in the streets at night playing spy and cop with the Milsteads and their fake police car. Cindy is along for the joy ride and to be the brave one who throws everything in the trunk (quickly in the dark). Hmmmm, do we see a family trait here? Sneaking around and throwing things in the trunk....no wonder Casey did what she did. She learned from Cindy! Status: Shown ip:

SadieSkye says: 4 weeks ago Tick Tock...Tick Tock...Tick Tock...Tick Tock...Tick Tock... Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 4 weeks ago Did you see that the man of the Craigslist rape case killed himself? http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-national/2009 Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 4 weeks ago Well, unfortunately it wasn't the recent one Philip Markoff!!! Now he is a freak. I just wonder how many little kids he did stuff to. They are still investigating him for that. He claims this all started when he was 14...yikes. Status: Shown ip: imacynic2 says: 4 weeks ago From "Hal" How did Casey Anthony react the day she learned, in jail via television, that a child's remains had been found? Anthony wanted to watch the news, a corrections sergeant said in an April deposition. WESH-Channel 2's Bob Kealing reported the deposition details this evening. The officer, Billy Richardson, had escorted Anthony to a nurse's station on Dec. 11. On that day, a child's remains were found -- they were later identified as Caylee. Anthony is charged with the first-degree murder of her daughter. Anthony's defense team is trying to block the release of a jail video of her reaction on Dec. 11. In his deposition, Sgt. Richardson said Anthony was listening to a radio in her cell on Dec. 11 and wanted to know more about what was happening. Her reaction to learning more from television? She became sick to her stomach and felt like throwing up, Richardson said. Anthony attorney Jose Baez has asked Judge Stan Strickland to delay by 60 days his decision whether to release the tape. Status: Shown ip:

JMo says: 4 weeks ago Too bad the biotch didn't just go ahead and throw up and then choke on it! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Caylee Anthony: Vigil Planned For Anniversary Of Caylee’s DeathJune 10, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/caylee-anthonyStatus: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 4 weeks ago


As far as what time it gets dark near Detroit... (from the debate between loud mouth shelly versus Nancy Grace) ... This time of year it gets dark between 99:30, but in another month it won't get dark until closer to 10:30. I'm used to it, but when people come from out of state to visit they feel like the days are soooo long because we have so much daylight. Just wanted to put that argument to rest. Nancy was wrong. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Wednesday, You are so right I am in Oregon and it is close to 10 when it is dark. Nancy can be very rude to people she needs to knock that off, I am surprised she even has a guest on her show. If they do not agree with her watch out. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 4 weeks ago California here, and it is super dark by 9:00 PM..At the present time, 6:48 the sun is starting to go down, but at 8:30 it is pretty much almost dark. Really dark at 9:00. Odd how each state seems to get darker sooner. now here, maybe anyway, could it be because we have so much fog? Gee at almost noon today it felt like it was almost night time. Our fog can be super thick and looks like rain clouds. Regarding NG, she was most likely wrong about the time, YET I think she was already furious at the answers the mom was giving. Could not look out her window to see if her 5 year old was OK, did not check to even see if the child was still with the friend upstairs, when told she was in the street *and they are now having to confirm she was even told this* she took forever just to put her shoes on. Most would just walk outside or at the very least, she could have seen her from her window.

Sorry if this is just me here, but I think the mom is just as guilty. maybe not for murder, but for allowing these sex offenders near her 5 year old, for letting a 5 year old out at 6:30 at night, unsupervised, and then for defending the sex offenders!! She has not shown any true remorse for her behaviour, nor for her daughters death. None I have seen or heard from her anyway. She acts like Casey did. Even her commet "I am innocent"!!! Well, why spout that? And the grandmother is the one who had custody of the little girl. Nevaeh, you are now in Heaven. Rest in Peace, and may the people/person who did this rot along with all the other trash that commit crimes against children.. Final note, there is truly something odd about the mother. Really odd...And how long are they going to let the ANTS get off on the depo's??? I am surprised that Zenida's attorney is not pushing this. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 4 weeks ago


I didn't see much on this case, only the clip from Nancy Grace. In my opinion, the mom was a lousy shady men around her child. What a in her yard, ride her bike or walk All those little things so many of

supervisor & was definitly at fault for having shame that a little 5 year old girl can't play to a neighbors house without being preyed upon. us take for granted. It's just so sad.

Nancy Grace really is a drama queen. The ratings must prove that it's working for her though. Linn --- depends on where you're at & how close to the zone change. I'm in Michigan, so we're eastern zone, but we're so far mid west, we could really be central time. So it could be 10 pm here & just getting dark, but on the east coast (same eastern zone) it may have been dark for an hour or better already. & in central zone, it's 9 pm, when it's 10 pm here. So it's getting dark at a "normal" hour. Does that make any sense?? lol Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago Nancy Dis-Grace can be as wrong as the day is long. And I have never heard her apologize for anything. EVER! She still holds firm about the Duke players and stands by the lying stripper. All in the name of the ratings. Sometimes I think that she makes Bill O seem like someone I want to buddy up with. Can't believe I just thought and typed that one. Linn, it seems as if June gloom will never end! But just wait. In about 6 weeks when it is 108 at 10:00 A.M. we will wish for these days. Status: Shown ip: imacynic2


4 weeks ago I have three children living with me, 7, 6 and 4 and I would never let them play outside by themselves in the front yard. They do play outside by themselves in the back yard which comes with a six foot privacy fence, a gate that I can lock so no one can get in or out and one medium and one large loud dogs who aren't letting anyone in the yard without announcing it. You just never know what can happen when there is no safety boundary Status: Shown ip: imacynic2 says: 4 weeks ago Casey Anthony: George, Cindy fight release of Caylee's autopsy posted by halboedeker on Jun 11, 2009 12:19:40 PM Discuss This: Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | Linking Blogs | Add to del.icio.us | Digg it George and Cindy Anthony want the autopsy of their granddaughter sealed until the murder trial of their daughter, WESH-Channel 2 reported at noon today. But the toddler's autopsy will be made public tomorrow as part of normal discovery disclosures, the state attorney's office told WESH. Casey Anthony, George and Cindy's daughter, is charged with daughter Caylee's murder. Brad Conway, the attorney for George and Cindy, filed a motion that the autopsy will cause "great anguish" to the Anthony family, WESH's Bob Kealing reported. "This request certainly begs the question: What's in that report that the medical examiner did not make public when she announced back on Dec. 19 that Caylee's death was as the result of a homicide and the decomposition was so advanced that they could not make a definitive determination on how she died," Kealing said. "Quite a bit could come out tomorrow," WKMG-Channel 6's Mike DeForest said at noon. The state will release a thousand pages of new evidence on Friday. "As soon as we get it, you'll get it tomorrow," WKMG anchor Erick Weber promised. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Families of Caylee and Haleigh gather Sunday night marked the nationwide "Vigil of Hope" for missing Seem like the Ants can not keep there face off the news, to bad they can not find time to do there Depositions. http://www.myfoxorlando.com//subindex/news/cumming

Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago not cold Updated: Thursday, 07 May 2009, 5:38 PM EDTPublished : Thursday, 07 May 2009, 5:33 PM EDT Most of central Florida, glued to the TV whenever there's a Haleigh Cummings update. Sadly the 5-year old has been gone almost 3 months now but the case in Putnam County is not cold. Cops are still hopeful. Steve Gehlbach shows you why. http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/cummings_case Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 4 weeks ago What pisses me off is that Caylee was NEVER missing. They need to get over their Pity Party! It's becoming sickening. Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 4 weeks ago Hey all. Hooray for a doc dump tomorrow! I've been going crazy for lack of things to read...only so many times I can re-read the same old docs and depos.. How surprising that Georgie and Sindy have found something else to whine about. Haven't they already seen the autopsy results? I would think the ME would share this info with the family. So why would they use the 'pain and anguish' excuse? Maybe pain and anguish over more evidence against Crazy? Or were they hoping to sell the autopsy results to the media themselves? UGHHHH… I hope the docs are juicier than last time! If the ANTs are causing a ruckus about the autopsy then there must be something that in it that doesn't look good! Re: the ANTs attending the vigil….JUST SHAMELESS and disgusting! If I were a parent of a missing child at that vigil, I would throw a fit about them showing their faces! Not only was Caylee never missing, but the ANTs being there means that attention is focused on them instead of the children who are actually missing!! Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE


4 weeks ago I wonder what Misty would say as to why after 10 interviews with L.E. they still find problems with her story. Again I say that she is either not with us or someone sold her into slavery and she is on the other side of the world. If in the first couple of days she crossed the border into Mexico she could and would be anywhere within the next few days I am sorry to say that but $$$ and certain people are a dangerous combo!!.P.S. the only thing missing at the ANTfarm is truth and justice. We will get the latter in a little bit I am thinking. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Steve, I see you are ready for the new Doc's!!!! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 4 weeks ago How cute. Capn Steve, that should be your photo picture. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Sure glad I decided to make a crock pot of Chili, now I will not half to cook tomorrow when the doc's are up. This has been a busy summer so far for me. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 4 weeks ago Can someone tell me why the Ants even have the right to ask that the results not be released? Isn't Casey still Caylee's next of kin? I can understand if the defense doesn't want it released, but why does Brad (being a third party) think he has any sway in this? What more anguish are they talking about? They've already been through hell, they believe Casey is innocent, so any more evidence should just help them prove that. Unless, of course, there is something so damning it was what put the DP back on the slate. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago I think they do not want the public to know exactly what Casey did to Caylee. I do not know think they really have a right to ask not to release the doc's.

It is not going to do them any good, I am sure they will be up in the morning. Remember the old saying you can ask but it doe's not mean you will receive. Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 4 weeks ago Judge Orders Temporary Stay of Caylee's Autopsy Results http://www.wftv.com/news/19725145/detail.html (darnit!!) Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago I AM READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago There is something in the Autopsy, they do not want the public to see, that is the only reason for a delay. Numarama, that is not the word I used about the delay. You are sure looking spiffy in uniform Steve. Status: Shown ip: jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago The Ants & Brad Conway need to stop wasting time on motions to withhold evidence that will be seen eventually. If the autopsy results are not released to the media under the sunshine law they will definitely come out at trial. If they don't want to see them or hear what is in the report they don't have to. Maybe they should turn off their TV, computer & stop the money grubbing, then they might be able to find some time to go out & look for the real killer. In all the interviews on TV, not once did they say anything about looking for the person that took the life of Caylee. Why did they never make an appeal to the public for any info to solve the crime. If I believed my daughter was innocent I would be out trying to figure out who actually was responsible & not trying to start a foundation that promotes itself as helping others. You can't help others when you can't even help yourself. They seem to be only interested in money & promoting the lies about mother of the year. They all know she is guilty, every last one of them. They have known it from day one. Status: Shown ip: jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

According to My Fox Orlando site the new docs will included interviews with Leonard Padilla, Rob Dick & Tracy (the woman who worked for Padilla & spent time in the Ant house with Momster). http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/orange_news/0 Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 4 weeks ago From what I can tell, the ANTS don't want the public forming opinions or gossiping about the autopsy report findings. They want them released in court so the coroner can explain them as they go. However, i suspect that George is gonna flip out if he hears the words "remains" again. Truly though, they got the jewelry with the remains in it, so I never could figure that out. How can they on one hand be worried about hearing the word 'remains' yet wear her 'remains' as a constant daily reminder? Freaks!!! So, there must be something in the report that the public can interpret on their own and the ANTS don't want that happening. People have already speculated on how she died, so I'm not sure what it matters at this point. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago JMo, The Ants are going to testify which they will not be in the Court unless they are on the stand. No witness is allowed to be in there until they are done teatifiying. And if they think they might be rrecalled they may not get to sit in there at all. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago There is a statue in Florida that exempts autopsy reports until trial, so we may not see it till trial. Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 4 weeks ago Well I see where Casey got her manipulative theiving ways. These people are the poster children of manipulative theiving behavior. Casey is only behaving the way she was taught. Maybe someone in that judicial system will wake the hell up and put a stop to all of it. Did anyone find out if the Milsteads are living with the ANTS? Did their house foreclose? Did we find out 'for sure' if the dirt from the crime scene matched that found on Casey's shoes in her closet???

I think we might find out on the autopsy something within Caylees bones (like a level of chlorform or a drug residual that settled somewhere in the marrow). But best would be if they could prove Caylee's neck was broken (matches the computer searches on Caseys computer). Or even better, (and I know this isn't autopsy stuff) but maybe Casey left behind a clue or evidence inside the laundry bag and blanket? Maybe her hair was found next to Caylee within the blanket? or stains on the laundry bag match those stains found on Casey's clothes in her closet? I hope the State has more evidence they aren't releasing. Something changed their mind to the DP. Good for them for keeping quiet and not buying into Baez's taunting to prove something. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago I know Jo looked it up and Milsteads house was foreclosed. I am not sure where they are living to say for sure, but wouldn't that be a cosy 4 some. They can spin there wheels and figure out more ways to rip people off. On the last docs there was no residue on the shoes they took, but did she throw them away and buy more at Target, who knows. I think she threw the back pack away that George talk about, we have not heard anything about it. Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 4 weeks ago Personally, I think they need to do some more searches for evidence near her cell phone pings at the airport area and around. I think she threw away a lot of things to get rid of them, but who knows. I also wish someone would come forward and say they saw her when she was leaving the car at the Amscot. We already know she had her ride pick her up down the block. Why? Because the car stunk like hell! and she didn't want them to know she left her purse in there and unlocked hoping someone would steal it or at least steal her purse. I truly think she was hoping that and then she could claim that someone stole her identity and committed crimes.....ooops, that little plan failed too didn't it. Not to mention her hoping someone would take the car and she could pin this whole thing on them.....Her plans just fell through all the way around. Dumb bitch, give her the DP and lets get it over with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago If you had a car that stunk like decomposition why would you want to hang around it, you would dump it like she did. She did not want to be seen around it, she was hoping someone would steal it and say they took Caylee and they are the one that killed her. Oh and they just happen to know where to throw her little body and use the bedding from her own bed. Oh yea maybe she left them instructions on how to set it up, give me a break. All her shopping after Caylee dissapeard not one thing she purchased was for Caylee, she knew she was not coming back ever. Status: Shown ip:

linn says: 4 weeks ago Wednesday.. Thanks for clearing up the time line for me! I have never lived anywhere but here, where it can be foggy at night making it get darker than other places, but even like now on a super clear evening, it will be totally dark by 9:00 PM.. dark enough by 8:30! And I believe after the first day of summer coming up, it will then start to get darker each day by one minute. But fun to know! I never knew other states stayed light later than we did. Just assumed all states got dark at the same time. Minus Alaska that is.. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Linn, there is no excuse for a child being unattended light or dark, hell when we lived in Ventura, Ca I would not let my Jr high scholl kids walk alone. i drove him to his Boy Scout meeting that was 5 blocks away and picked him up. To many things happen even to teen ages. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 4 weeks ago Ah Capn Steve! You must be inland or closer to Sacremento.. Did I spell that wrong? We are next to San Fran.. Well, about 120 miles west i think. Can anyone tell I can't tell directions? Anyway, our fog will last until about September. It just cleared up here about 2 hours ago. Actually that was not bad! This morning it looked like rain, and the fog was so thick it was a mist. But we never get hot weather. It is super rare except in Sept, Oct, we get a couple hot days. Actually I cannot take anything over 70.. haha.. With a cool breeze! However, this fog is so gloomy you don't want to do anything. By the time it clears up, who cares??? Oh Lord, do not let it get to 108!!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago I am getting a good down pour, Steve is south of you linn, I have Asthma and since I moved from Calif, I am so much better. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 4 weeks ago Rascal.. lol.. thanks! I just know San Fran is north of us. That is all I know! Even if asked for directions to a street here I am stumped. uh, go by this store, turn right, uh.. lol. Poor people then ask how to get to that store. Talk to my kids!! They used to whine non stop that I would not let then stay out in the dark, come home in the dark, or light! I was always fearful about what could happen and my kids resented me for it. now that they have their own, well my payback is

getting to them! Would she let Libby say out until midnight and walk home? Uh, don't think so! And the hard thing was, most parents WERE letting their kids do what I would not do. It was hell for me listening to them, but would have been worse sitting and worrying, or EVEN worse, having them never been seen again. I am glad I stuck to my guns. My son still laughs that at 16 his curfew was 5PM.. haha. OK, I let up a little on that. I just wanted everyone in the house where I could see them. And that was a few years ago. Now there are even more perverts out there, or they are just getting braver. Sicko's. And I was wondering when the post would come about the delay in the autopsy reports.. sigh.. They said on TV the judge wants to give the media a chance to demand they be released. I did hear several lawyers today say they most likely will be released after the press makes there demand. And who gives a rat's behind if the ANTS would be distressed? They look fine and dandy now! And really, what is the holdup on them having to do their depo's over? No one is asking that on the news.. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago I know everything is delay, delay, delay that is what is wrong with the justice system. No wonder all these States are running out of money. I am not sorry I was strict on where my kids where or who they were with. My son is just like I was, Now the youngest son has small kids and a new one on the way next month. i noticed he sets rules in the house on behavior just like I did. so I know he will not let them run loose either. To me when you set rules that is a parent that cares, not one that says get out of my face and do not bother someone else. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago I am in Sherman Oaks and I do not think I've seen the sun for 2 weeks now. Remember the song It never rains in Southern California? When we moved here back when I was 14, back in the 70's it was January 8th and it rained for 17 days straight. I am not joking. Now when it does about 3 times a year it is what we call "acid rain" Rascal, this state of mine is out of $$ thanks to the Terminator who did just that! Perhaps he should ask his inlaws for a loan? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Steve, my parents moved from Pennsyvlinia to get away from snow, out to Calif when I was very young. The first winter we were there it snowed, I can not repeat what my Dad said. Of course it was nothing like back east, Is the Terminator still flying his jet back and forth to work at the states expense? Status: Shown

ip: linn says: 4 weeks ago It is sunny here now Steve.. But who cares? It gets sunny around the time NG comes on.haha.. I don't think she brings sunshine to our "sunshine state".. that is a joke. The last true rain we had was during El Nino.. Spelling? I loved it! I love rain, hate fog. While it is only 64 degrees, the fog makes it muggy. Very unpleasant.. From my room I can see the ocean with a nice fat layer of FOG at the base.. So, same ole same ole tomorrow.. And it will be dark here in less than an hour. The sun is almost down already. I am not into politics at all, but can Arnold run again? Good gosh I hope not! What a mess CA is in.. When it rains here, we say "is it raining or heavy fog".. LOL.. Hey, you all hear about Crazy trying to act "crazy" in jail? This was a good one. I guess she is going for insanity but too late! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago That insanity act is not going to fly, like her story of the Nanny did not fly. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Maybe that Bumper Car I sent Casey has her bouncing off the walls, hehe Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Well, here is something I read today: "The Orange County medical examiner cannot prove how Caylee Anthony died, but Dr. Jan Garavaglia tells Local 6 she has a strong opinion about what happened to the toddler," So, I think the ANTS are afraid of the Medical Examiners "Strong Opinion" of how Caylee died. Too f'n bad! I would take the medical examiners word over Caseys. Anyway, what about that stupid Dominic Casey? Didn't he refuse to go to the Zenaida hearing? Shouldn't he be held in contempt? He needs to be charged! Maybe he is afraid they will ask him if he has ever spent the night with Cindy or if Cindy has ever confided in him as a lover about Casey.....and he doesn't want to be found out...lol. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I always wonder too how much George uses his past as a cop to get his way about things? I mean, I bet he has a lot of dirt on some of those corrupt cops. Hmmmm....just how far will they go? I didn't hear anything about Casey try to act Crazy in the jail...what happened? Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 4 weeks ago Rascal, I had to edit the word I used here when I saw the judge issued a stay on the autopsy! *sigh*...it's annoying but all they are doing is delaying the inevitable. Let them have a few more months before sh*t really hits the fan! The truth will come out soon enough. Anyway, if there really are interviews with Padilla released tomorrow, that should be interesting! I am just excited to have new stuff to read - and on my day off too! lol Off to bed for me! P.S. - I am loving the rain/clouds/whatever is blowing this way in AZ. We have temps in the mid-90s right now instead of the 100s, and I am enjoying the 'cool' weather :P See y'all tomorrow :) Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 4 weeks ago Wow! I really thought I'd hear a lot more about the insanity defense on the ship today! That's what really stood out to me. There are claims that Crazy will wake up in the middle night screaming Caylee's name. They also said she would be very active doing sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks and the next few days she wouldn't talk to anyone just stay engrossed in her law books. It was even mentioned on NG that Ants might have been trying to establish a pattern of crazy way back when George was "trying (bullshit) to commit suicide." The Dr said it was interesting that Cindy would make a point of saying she had considered it also... showing a pattern of mental problems in the family. Everyone on NG thought it was bs, but they did say it looks like that's what they're trying to establish on Crazy's behalf. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago New Documents Released In The Case Against Casey Anthony Posted: 12:38 pm EDT June 11, 2009Updated: 10:13 am EDT June 12, 2009

http://www.wftv.com/news/19725145/detail.html Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago I am really tired of the delays and the Ants!! Now they will fight it out in Court on the docs. Sure wanted more then the depos we already heard. will keep checking to see what else is loaded for you all. Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 4 weeks ago Hi Rascal and Snoopy. I'm ready to read! :) Come on, docs! There should be some good stuff in the 1000 pages, even w/o the autopsy. Interesting that the ANTs have declined to see the autopsy report...they probably know that if they read it it would be even harder for them to keep up the 'we stand behind our daughter' act. Deny, deny, ignore, ignore! As for the insanity defense - not surprised that they are trying hard to establish that now. Everyone knew that would be her 'best' shot. I still don't think it will work though. She should have been acting insane (not nonchalant) when she was arested/in the public eye. Jailhouse reports and her family trying to act unstable is too little too late I think. And please correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't there already been a psych eval done on Casey which doesn't show that she is anything such as schizo, bi-polar, delusional or anything like that? The only thing she is for sure is a narcissist and sociopath, but that doesn't make a person legally insane. I don't think they'll be able to label it post-partum depression either! I truly feel that one of the main reasons Caylee died is because Tony Lazarro didn't want any female children and Casey was more worried about being with him than anything else! I bet he regrets those words for the rest of his life. Whoever said bravo to the prosecution for keepin their damning evidence under wraps - I agree. There has to be something that put the DP back on the table. At the same time, I'm not sure what that evidence will be. If Casey's hair is on the laundry bag or on Caylee's body, that could be easily explained away by the defense. I think it will all come down to cell phone + computer records, witness accounts and her own odd behavior - because those are the areas where she wasn't careful (dumb b*tch!). She was obviously 'smart' enough to not leave fingerprints on places where you'd think we'd find them. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago There are some new depos, but I need to run to the store so will check on more when I get back. Need a break from all of this, have fun reading. I will catch up when I get back soon. If you hit refresh on the link I posted it will show you the new docs as they are posted. Status: Shown

ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 4 weeks ago Thanks Rascal. Happy reading to all... btw I just saw this article on wftv...(ugh!) Book About Casey Anthony to be Released http://www.wftv.com/news/19735957/detail.html Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 4 weeks ago


In related hubs to upper right, I found this little nugget...Very interesting reading...I had never heard of this case. http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Lizzie-Borden-Murders Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Well so much for a fast trip to Wal Mart, needed one thing on my list shopping cart was full and was told to leave cart and evacuate the store and get off the property. So we had to walk from the front of the store all the way to back get car and off we went to redo all the shopping. I guess this was the second bomb scare at our store, I did not know about the first one. Wed, there was a movie on Lizzie, years ago. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Bill Sheaffer on autopsy reports being held back http://www.wftv.com/video/19738543/index.html Status: Shown ip: redmark profile image redmark says: 4 weeks ago Hi all , if anyone is interested to pay your respect ....Nevaeh Amyah Buchanan Funeral? Services, Obituary and Guestbook:

http://www.merklefuneralservice.com/life_stories/? Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 4 weeks ago Numa, the book about Casey and Caylee is called "Mommy's Little Girl". Isn't that just awful? I wonder if Casey was doing interviews with the author. This doesn't even make sense. Casey is a constant liar, so is this book just full of her nonsense? WTH, this really pisses me off. We don't even know how all this will end. Why on earth would I buy a book that rehashes all the garbage we already know? I might consider buying a book that is a REAL Anthony family tell-all, but with a title like that, I can see which way this is going. What a joke. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago losingit, I know I will not buy it or read it, Mommy's Little Girl, I remember Casey on cell calling Caylee the Snot nose kid. What a joke the title of the book is. I bet Sindy has something to do with the title. Redmark, I went and signed the book for Nevaeh, ty for the link. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Hopefully 'mommys little girl' is a 'sarcastic' title......who knows. Anyway, I love the Lizzie borden story. When I was in grade school, we used to say the poem over and over on the playground. I guess I'm old. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Caylee Anthony: Cause of death still ‘homicide of unknown origin June 12, 2009 by: Express There is something in the report they do not want the public to see, They have a good idea of what caused Caylee's death. http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/caylee-anthonyStatus: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 4 weeks ago I have watched "Dr. G" on television, and I have always been impressed with her

desire to find the "truth" no matter where it leads or what it says. She is highly regarded in her field, and when she has an opinion, it is well received because of her extensive background. And that is IMO why the Ants don't want the autopsy report released. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 4 weeks ago Diane Fanning, author of the book - taken from Amazon. What this seems to me is bs, but hey, she's written a lot of book, none of which I have read and none of which I will read. BiographyI am an Edgar Award nominated author for my book WRITTEN IN BLOOD.I am an experienced non-fiction, fiction and commercial writer. I earned more than seventy Addy Awards in the twenty years I wrote for radio, television and print. I worked as an Executive Director at non-profit organizations for more than a dozen years. In that capacity, I served three terms by appointment of the Governor of Texas on the State Advisory Committee and received the 2002 NACG Freedom Fighter Award.I have two completed books at publishing houses: a true crime book, UNDER THE KNIFE(St. Martin’s Press,… Read more I am an Edgar Award nominated author for my book WRITTEN IN BLOOD.I am an experienced non-fiction, fiction and commercial writer. I earned more than seventy Addy Awards in the twenty years I wrote for radio, television and print. I worked as an Executive Director at non-profit organizations for more than a dozen years. In that capacity, I served three terms by appointment of the Governor of Texas on the State Advisory Committee and received the 2002 NACG Freedom Fighter Award.I have two completed books at publishing houses: a true crime book, UNDER THE KNIFE(St. Martin’s Press, April 2007) and BITE THE MOON (Five Star Mysteries, July 2007).I have been featured on Court TV, the Discovery Channel and local TV channels and have been interviewed on dozens of radio stations coast to coast. My expertise is even acknowledged in the courtroom. In 2006, I was scheduled to testify in two criminal cases. once for the prosecution and once for the defense.I was born in Baltimore, Maryland, lived more than two decades in Virginia and now live in New Braunfels, Texas with my husband and a cat with an attitude. Status: Shown ip: Marie RN profile image Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago The good thing about the book on Casey/Caylee is that it will totally piss the ANTs off! And they won't get a dime. However, I don't think she knows anything about this case that we don't know, and probably less. Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 4 weeks ago Hey y'all! Hope everyone is having a great weekend :) Re: Diane Fanning - I don't plan on reading her book either! At the same time, I can't really find fault a with a crime writer for writing a book on Casey/Caylee -

there are probably tons of people out there who will end up reading it. And Marie, I agree that it will piss the ANTs off, and that is fine with me! Most of these 'true crime' books seem to be unauthorized and basically reiterate things we already know. If anything, Fanning may try to dig deeper into Casey's background and find motive or a sign of tragedy to come...either way I'm 100% sure the book will make Casey look bad! I wonder if the release date is significant somehow (Nov 2009) - it's coming out in the same months as Andrea Lyon's book. Maybe everyone's thinking that the trial will be over by then?? Who knows... Did anyone read the new docs? I found nothing too interesting - most of it was the ZFG depos that we've already seen. But... *spoiler alert* I found it interesting that in Ricardo's interview, the police were kind of trying to grill him about photos of Casey and Caylee that he sold to the Globe. Disgusting. But I wonder why they were so interested in whether or not he sold the photos...were they trying to figure out if he had a motive or was in cahoots w/ Casey somehow? Hm. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Numarma, Yes a lot of them we already knew about. I do not think Ricardo was involved at all but saw a chance to make a few buck like the Ants were doing. Not the right thing to do, but they all did it and the Ants are still trying to make money. What we want it the Autopsy reports, I hope we do not half to wait till trial. Nordie, I trust Dr G. opinion also she has a good idea of what happened to Caylee. The only one that can really say for sure is Casey and she will take that to her grave. It may drive her nuts in the mean time, with night mares. It has to be eating at her for what she did, if she has any kind of a conscious at all. Then again she may be worried that she is going to be locked up for ever. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 4 weeks ago Rascal, regarding your comment above, I vote for your last comment! She is afraid she will be locked up forever. however, all the time that has gone past her, just being alone with her thoughts, she just might be having Caylee nightmares. She could be seeing that over a hissy fit, she killed her child. One that hindered her lifestyle, yet now that it has been close to a year since she last saw Caylee alive, it just might be hitting her that she DID love her and that being alone is not that bad. OK, this might be me thinking! I would just like to think that she is at least regretful for what she did. She will never admit to anything, and if she got out right now, she would be in some guys bed in a couple hours, but I still would like to think she does miss Caylee at least. it will be interesting to see what the ANTS do on the last day they saw Caylee alive? Sell some bears, go fishing? I also must admit at todays point, I hate the Ants more than Casey. Maybe because we have not seen/heard much about her, but the Ants refuse to get their ugly mugs off the media! Status: Shown ip:

RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago linn, Casey only thinks of Casey, I do not see remorse in her at all, just just want out of jail to enjoy her good life that she had after she killed Caylee. And I never see the Ants admitting that Casey did it. I see them sticking to there story she was framed. And someone else did this, not there daughter. Casey is having night mares of Caylee, and she always will. i do not believe she misses Caylee, she misses her life style and is a selfish bitch. This is the kind of person that should never have a child, they do not know what true love is. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago This just in.....MOMSTER IS STILL GUILTY AS HELL!! Oh yeah, and a bi-polar sociopath with a nasty cheeto habit to boot. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 4 weeks ago


re: The book. How I understand it, this book is not about Casey. It is a fictonal crime story based on the crime & mystery of a childs disappearance & the mothers presumed guilt. Quite honestly, I would read it. I read all kinds of mysteries. Many of the books I've read have a disclaimer in the beginning "the names & characters portrayed in this book are fictional. If there are any similarities to a true life crime it is by coincidence, yadda, yadda, yadda" Many of the crime writers novels are totally based on a certain crime, but they won't admit it due to liability. The nice part about THIS author writing the story is that the Ants won't get a dime from the sale of it & they have no say in how the "mother" is portrayed & how the story concludes. As far as the name goes... It sounds like she's an excellent author just by the title. We're already speculating on what the title might mean. Mystery right from the get-go. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Volunteers needed for Tuesday’s Caylee Anthony memorial vigil.... Looks like Jesse Grund is scheduled to speak! Well this will certainly piss the Anthony's off. what are they going to do? ....Hop in the 'fake cop car' with the milsteads and disrupt the vigil with their flashing strobe lights and try to steal everything? I can't wait!

http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Casey 1 Year Ago: Crisis Created Remember her claiming her Dad had a stroke...yada yada. Poor George wanted to know where the cops had heard that information (when they asked him about it and he denied any such thing). Ahem, ahem, let's see if I can explain this to George. Casey is a LIAR! She makes things up! She fabricates stories to cover other stories. She murdered Caylee and continues to make up stories, after stories, after stories.........Sorry George, do you get the picture now? http://www.clickorlando.com/news/19748072/detail.h Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Good Morning, The Ants have the picture but they do not want to admit it. The bad part is they are also adding to the lies, dam do you think this runs in the family. Now we know where she learned it by example, kids follow lead by the adults around them. Even that is not excuse for Casey, I can see, the nasty temper of George and Cindy in Casey. I also seen it in Lee tearing down the memorial in the front yard were people left things for Caylee. Yes the entire family are LIAR"S. Jesse Grund has my respect he truly loved Caylee. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago JESSE JESSE JESSE JESSE JESSE... You are welcome on our ship anytime! My, how he is going to piss them off with this. The Grund family has taken the high road all along over the past year and they have every right to speak up and out. I hope the Grund family gets their 15 minutes of fame with Larry King and others to perhaps provide a real "stroke" to George and SINster! Hey momster, did you hear your folks both had a stroke last night? Status: Shown ip: SadieSkye says: 4 weeks ago lnn-- where do you live again? Im right in the middle between San Francisco and Sacramento.. 45 minutes each way... Hey Everyone!!!! Happy Sunny Sunday!!!

Except for Crazy of course..... Tick Tock..... Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Capn Steve, I think it is a shame how the ANTS like to spread their pity party and they have no thoughts of anyone else. Did they ever once stop to realize that maybe Jesse had feelings too? I mean, he had accepted Caylee as 'his child' till he found out differently, but still loved Caylee and skank ass Casey. I bet not once have they even considered how devastating it is for him to lose his child, did they? They make me sick!! Selfish, self-centered, self-indulgent, selfrightgous peeps indeed! I hope Jesse makes it a meaningful memorial. Nothing the ANTS have done will ever come close. Not even that 'big display' of self-attention they called a funeral for Caylee would match. Someone putting a cross on the side of the rode has more meaning than what that did. It was a way for them to get on national tv, show off their "caylee remains jewelry' and beg for money....oh, and for Lee to contact and send messages to CMA. They should all be hung for what they did! It's no wonder the public hates them. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 4 weeks ago Sadie.. I live in Monterey. From here, it is 120 miles to San Francisco. I think, but not sure, it is farther to Sacramento. All around though, it is a super nice drive either way if you take the long way. The senic route. I never leave this city only because my car is unreliable and gas is on the rise. Rascal, you are right yet think about it. It is like with me. I had a super crabby grandchild today. That baby whined and cried over nothng all day. I admit when her mom came home from TRAFFIC COURT of which ruined my one day, Sunday, she immediately left for friends. I could not wait for that baby to leave! LOL.. yet one hour later I miss her. however if she came home now, I might cry. Make sense? In other words, maybe now that Caylee is gone, and she is stuck in a cell, she is starting to remember the happy times she had with that little girl. Even when she first killed her i am sure she was like PARTY ON!!!! but alone? She had to think of what she did. Even though with any crime, at first you can still be relieved that person is gone! however, after a while you start to miss that person. Even when my ex left. Gosh I was so happy!!!!!!!! yet after a couple months, I actually started to miss him. No, I never wanted him back ever. So I wonder if this is Casey. Misses Caylee, regrets what she did, but if she was out and free she would go back to the partying ways. As for the Ants? I TRULY thought they so cared about Caylee! I defended them in my mind. Now, I truly see they could not have cared about that little girl. Again, if my daughter killed my grand child, I would still love her, though not sure how, yet I would stand up for the person that could no longer speak. My grandchild.. No way can anyone understand the Ants!! Defend the daughter, but not at the expense of the grandchild she murdered! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago linn, That is just my opinion, watching Casey the way she talks to her parents, everything is all about her. I just do not think she is sorry for what she did. She wanted her freedom. But now she does not have that freedom to run around and do what she wants. It has really hit home she is not going any where. Like I said just my opinion. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago Mine 2 Rascal. Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 4 weeks ago I wonder too if Casey has any remorse for what she did...she looks worse and worse every time she comes to court; she definitely looks like she isn't sleeping much. No matter how cocky she may have been at first, the situation she's created has to be getting to her at some level. And as much as the ANTs try to cover and lie for her, Casey probably still thinks of her family as being against her - remember that first call she made to the house from jail? Sociopaths always think others are out to get them, because they are always out to get others! Her grandmother and uncle think she's guilty. She knows that she doesn't have any friends - in fact, her closest friends are the ones that the DUHfense team is trying to frame. I'm sure she's aware that she is right up there with the most despised people in America...she is all alone and ironically she killed the one person who loved her unconditionally and didn't judge her or tell her that she was a failure or a bad person...the one person she didn't have to lie to to make herself feel better. Sleep tight, Casey... I'm not sure what to think of her 'jailhouse nightmares'. Those nightmares she had last June when sleeping over at Tony's (when Caylee was already gone?) - she told him that she was having nightmares about the state of their relationship/their future. Either she was really having nightmares about Caylee and said they were about something else OR she pretended to have nightmares for attention. Tony did say that during these nightmares she would wake up in a cold sweat. I think that would be pretty hard to fake - maybe she was having nightmares about what she did. You can control your thoughts when you're awake but not so much when you're asleep. That's all from me for tonight :) catch y'all again soon! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Join a live discussion tomorrow.....

http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 4 weeks ago Anyone awake?! Did I misread about the memorial? I thought Jesse's father was speaking, not Jesse. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Good morning Snoopy, Jesse is speaking at the memorial for Caylee. Maybe his father will be there also I am not sure. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Casey Anthony 1 Year Ago: Crisis Created June 14, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/casey-anthony-1 Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago What goes around, comes around June 11, 2009 by johninflorida http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 4 weeks ago Rascal, the link JMO posted says that Richard Grund, father of Jesse Grund will speak. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I know I think it is Mr. Grund but Jesse will be there I am sure. Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 4 weeks ago I feel bad for the whole Grund family. How ridiculous to get pulled into this and then treated like trash. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago I agree Snoopy, The Ants do not care who they hurt as long as Mobster gets off, I hate to tell the it is not going to work. Casey is Guilty and she will pay. The ants and the Clown defence are a joke trying to blame anyone else but Casey. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago What I read is that Jesse is the one who is speaking. I didn't read anything about his father. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Here's a nice recap of Crazys happenings in this mornings paper. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breaking Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 4 weeks ago Richard Grund is scheduled to speak at the vigil. Grund is the father of Jesse Grund, Casey Anthony’s ex-fiance. Casey is charged with the first degree murder of Caylee. This came directly from the link you posted, JMO. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Facebook group to hold vigil for Caylee Anthony. Richard Grund, the father of Jesse Grund who was once engaged to Casey and at one time believed Caylee was his daughter, is scheduled to speak at the vigil. The vigil will take place at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16 at Jay Blanchard Park. Status: Shown ip: justice says: 4 weeks ago Hi wednesday, nice blog! RascalBrat, please remove johns picture from your photo bucket account. They are all copyrited and it is illegal to copy. Thank you! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Johninflorida’s Weblog Some great pics on the Anthony's, take the time to go look. He has some great thoughts on the Ants. http://johninflorida.wordpress.com/ Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Copyrighted pics? Hmmmm, on the internet?? There is a way to make them "uncopiable" (if that's a word). I suggest any picture put on the WWW for all to see should be password protected for copyright, otherwise its free game to anyone who wants to right click. Or at least put the copyright notice at the bottom or inkmark the pictures....hmmm. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago JMo, no problem i just put the link, I never removed the name on it and said it was Johns, I did not throw a fit when HLN took one of my pics that I created remember, Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago Justice is served. LOL LOL! No soup for you!!

Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago No soup and none of my great Chili. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago You ever hear the ol story about closing the barn door "after" the horses run out? Well it's too late baby now it's too late, though we really did try to make it, something inside has died and I can't hide it, and I just can't fake it, Oh no, no, no, no........ Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago ISSUED BY DALLAS POLICE DEPT.Daisja Weaver Now Mother confesses the boyfriend threw the baby in a lake with sand bag attached to the baby. And she is pregnant with another baby. http://beyondmissing.com/bm?p=Lookup&ID=1263 Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago One hour of JVM is enough, but now she is filling in for NG, help us please. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago That's really a sad story. http://www.examiner.com/x-12837-US-Headlines-Exami What about Haylee Donathan, the 3 year old, with a sexual offender....along with the mom? The dad and uncle helped the creep escape. He is a level 3 offender on small children. What idiot parents! The father was yawning when he was talking about the guy having his daughter. He acted like he could care less. WTF, WTF, WTF!!!!! These guys need castrated at best. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat


4 weeks ago I agree with you JMo. I thought that was a wierd story when I first heard it, and again no tears from the Mom. That Mother should never have contact with Haylee again, how could a Mom put her kid in that danger. He was in a half way house and she really did not know him how could she take off with him. I believe she knew he was a sex offender. The newest tape of Wal Mart she shop lifted black shorts. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago Once they find them and they will somewhere out west I think, she will not be going home with her daughter. The grandma will get her again. Pray that she is well since the video of her is over 2 weeks old. I love how grams let the world know about her daughters drug problem and poor decision making over the past thousand days or so. Hey SINdy, take notes. This is a grandma that LOVES and CARES for her grandchild. You? NOT... Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Maybe Grams should have known more about where the Mom was going with the Daughter. Grams had custody,from what I heard. From what I am hearing most of the relatives should not been around her, a lot of sex offenders. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago I do not think she had custody at that time. I may be wrong so don't hold me to that one. I got one word that would solve most of this.... CASTRATE Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 4 weeks ago Hi shipmates! Have spent a lot of time in my prayer closet today, thanking God for saving precious Caylee from the evil people. I would like to think they were careless, unaware, etc., but all of their conduct since Father's Day of last year = just plain evil to me. I am glad Caylee is so far away from the horrible ordeals that assuredly were going to become a part of her every day life. Only God knows what was done the road for that precious baby. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago Capn, I don't even think that would solve it. They are perverted in their minds. They all need to be sent to the same prison and let them figure out some kind of pecking order (pun intended). Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 4 weeks ago


Capt Steve, please remove those lyrics from your post. They are copyrighted & it's illegal to sing them in a blog... (grin) Sadie, I love when you *tick, tock*... just wanted you to know... :) Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago There is the one story about the mom who had her child (5 yr old) around a sex offender and now the daughter is missing. The grandma had custody and she was the drug using daughter. mom and dad are separated from each other. This is a new case where the mom and the 3 year old daughter are with the sex offender traveling and camping. The dad of the girl and her uncle, helped the sex offender escape from the half way house. I'm not sure who has custody, but she has a mom and dad who are together. Its all so crazy!!!!!

We don't let our kids out of our site for one moment.

Today my daughter in law was at the gas station filling up and had the 6 yr old boy with her. Some man came up to the car, looked inside and said, "Oh, I'd like to take him to Las Vegas with me!". She played it cool and got out of there. My grandson kept saying, "Im going to Las Vegas". He had no understanding that this man could of been dangerous. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Geeee, and I thought Capn Steve wrote that song himself since he typed the words here! Darn. Guess he fooled me. lol Status: Shown ip:

JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Is my profile pic copywr.....nevermind. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Good morning all. George And Cindy Anthony Appear On TV Show Posted: 8:57 am EDT June 16, 2009Updated: 9:00 am EDT June 16, 2009 The Ants just can not keep there face off the news. http://www.wftv.com/news/19765683/detail.html Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Yeah Rascal, they are still insisting that Caylee was missing, aren't they! Idiots! Complete Idiots! Lets do another TOP TEN GAME. This one can be: You know your child has a serious problem when...... .......her car smells like it has a damn dead body in it. .......she uses routing numbers on grandmas checks to get her money. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago When your Grand daughter has not been seen for over 30 days. Do we need to copy write this game? Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Oh my gosh, I hope not!

You know your child has a serious problem when...... .......she pretends to go to a made up work place every day and work. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago You know you have a problem when your daughter rules the house and is the boss, and you allow it. You allow your daughter to tell you to f -off Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 3 weeks ago G'day mates! You guys are hilarious :) I'll play! I'll play! You know your child has a serious problem when…© …her only talents consist of lying, stealing, Facebooking/MySpacing, sleeping around and pole dancing. As for the ANTs appearance on TV today - at least they are admitting that some families of [actual] missing children wouldn't want their help due to the 'controversy' in this case. That's the first remotely intelligent thing I've ever heard them say! Did anyone catch Conway on GMA today? I'm not a fan of Brad Conway but I do think he has some sense of right and wrong. I don't think he would stay on as the ANTs' lawyer if they continued to lie and cover up. I just watched the GMA clip and was surprised by what Conway had to say. To admit that there are no theories out that that DON'T implicate Casey? Wow - to me, that's huge. And to say that Casey is the only one who knows the whole truth? Double wow. He also says that all the ANTs are trying to do is make sure Casey gets a fair trial. I really feel like the ANTs (through Conway) are realizing that they are witnesses for the prosecution, like it or not, and they can't continue to actively lie and cover up without either getting in trouble themselves or making things worse for Casey. The lines have already been drawn and Casey is one side and everyone else is on the other. One more thing: according to Conway, Casey will most likely have to take the stand. I wasn't sure if that would happen. Woo hoo! As soon as she opens her mouth she's as good as convicted!

Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know you are in trouble when you try to cover up for your daughter, with a alibi tour. The storie he told today on video is not the story he told the dectives, he said they came out of the bedroom and walked out the door. There was nothing about George feeding Caylee breakfast. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when…© she refuses to eat pizza anymore. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when…© she has money from an "imaginary" job Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago This is the page of his transcript where he says there were both leaving with back pack, dam they can not keep there lies straight. But what else is new with the Ants. And there is nothing that was said he took Caylee to Caseys car. http://media.myfoxorlando.com/photogalleries/11060 Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know you are in trouble when you can not keep yoiur lies straight. Keep flapping your gums Ants. Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Wow - I didn't even notice that, Rascal! Maybe I am being too generous in thinking they may have changed their ways...obviously George is pulling stuff out of his butt. My question is, why would he lie about feeding Caylee breakfast and putting her in Casey's car that day? What's the point in making that up? I don't understand these people!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Nordie, they are compulsive liars, anything to make them self look good. I read the doc's more then once and I remembered that was very unusual for a child that age to sleep that late. They did not come out of the bedroom until about 10 min to 1. I really do not think they were at the house after the fight. Also George could not remember if Casey's car was there when he came home the night before. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know you are in trouble when you are sitting in the Orange County Jail, gee there must be a reason for that one! Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago You see the story on texting? Prices are about to double if you plan on texting someone instead of calling them. Prices have gone from .01 to .25 depending upon the text. They are calling it the Casey Anthony Law. LOL LOL! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Steve, yes she was the texting Queen of Florida. she probably texts in her sleep, LOL I have that feature on my phone for many years now and have never used it prefer talking to my friends and family. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago The only thing Casey is missing! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra Status: Shown ip:

RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Results for "Do you follow the Caylee Anthony case?" http://www.cfnews13.com/default.aspx?id=84#iPoll Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when...... ....she has to steal gas cans from her own house. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when...... ...she borrows the neighbors shovel for burying your grandchild. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when...... ...when she chooses a name from the obituaries to be the 'baby's daddy'. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know you have a serious problem when your daughter looks for your 2 year old grand daughter in a bar. Status: Denied ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when...... ...she can't remember who she had sex with the night before.

(I love this game, can you tell?) Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Good one Rascal!! lol. You know your child has a serious problem when...... ...she can't remember who she had sex with the night before. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know you have a serious problem when your Grand daughter is wrapped in trash bags and bedding from your house and thrown away like trash, And it is very close to home, and the place where your daughter burried her pets. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago They probably need DNA from most of Florida, to ever find the Daddy. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago I do hope that is the one thing that comes out of this....is that Casey really knows who the daddy is. Can you imagine? I still say they need to test George's DNA for such. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago I also hope that all of her screaming out Caylees name is because Caylee is coming back to haunt her!!!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

I am sure it is why she is screaming. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know you have a serious problem when they find the book Mr Fuzzy Paws at the dump site, Caylee's favorite book. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Brad can manage to be on TV so why not do the depositions, what's your problem now Brad do you need some WD40 for your wheels. You seem to manage to do everything else the Ants want to do. If you need help I will come down and push your chair, And I promise not to go off and leave you stranded. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Sorry the Book is called Supertime for Fredia Fuzzy Paws Status: Denied ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when...... ...you refer to her as a sociopath with bipolar issues. Status: Denied ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when...... ...you refer to her as a sociopath with bipolar tendencies. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago

You know your child has a serious problem when...... ...you refer to her as a sociopath with bipolar tendencies. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Good one, JMo I think the Ants have that problem also JMo, they do not know how to tell the truth! Now we can see where Casey learned it. Status: Denied ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when.... ....her own brother tries to pressure her to have sex with him. Status: Denied ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when... ...her own brother tried to pressure her into having sex with him. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when... ...her own brother was tested for being the baby's daddy. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Just hope the guys that touched her get tested!! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo


3 weeks ago Now that's a whole lotta testing, eh? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Brad Conway thinks Casey will take the stand, LMSOROF , oh yes I worked at Universal I swear to that, Oh yes I took her to the Nanny at Saw Grass, whoops no Blanchard Park. Oh yes they gave me a note to follow. Oh I did not think the note was important got rid of it. Oh I had lots of phone numbers for Zanny, all disconnected. Yes I emailed Zanny. OMG stick the needle in her she is done. Well if you were a guy and had sex with her would you not get tested? Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Why yes I would! And then I would be forced to take a drug test, an I.Q. test, and my family would disown me after changing their last name and moving out of the country! Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


Rascal, If I was a guy & had sex with her... I would get tested for mental sanity, STD's and then think about swinging the other way. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I just read this from a blogger on Caylee daily, Tony Lazarro Lawyered up, he does not want to give Bozo his cell records. Are they going to try to throw Tony under that big yellow bus now. LMAO Wed, I can sure understand that one. the only decent looking guy she had was Jesse, not we know what he was thinking with and not hiis brain. Steve, you are to funny! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Well, I was reading a study about legal proceedings and they say that if a person

takes the stand, they are seen as "having nothing to hide". If they don't take the stand in their own defense, then they are seen as "trying to hide what they really know". If Crazy takes the stand, then I think it is a legal ploy to put those thoughts into the juries mind. Remember, its all a game between the lawyers to see who can win. They will tell the jury....'see, Casey has nothing to hide. She will answer anything you ask her'. In reality though, Baez will be seen as inappropriate for subjecting his client, blah blah blah.... Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago That is not going to work in Casey's case, they will see her for the lies she tells. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Momster taking the stand = Prosecution hitting the powerball lotto!! Please oh please oh please!!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I feel the say way, and pray she does it. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago We do not get the see the jail house video of Casey when she found out that Caylee's remains were found. It is sealed until trial. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Casey Anthony Likely to Take the Stand? Jail Video Will “Not” Be Released June 17, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/casey-anthony-l Status: Shown

ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Thank goodness we've moved past the d___ video. Now moved on Bozo. We already know what it shows, duh! You know you child is in serious trouble when . . . thousands of strangers know her birth date and send her cheeto cards! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Nordie, that is great!!! LMAO Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Nordie, I would love to see NG devote a program to the Ants Cindy telling the truth about decomposition then next one it was Pizza, and each clip after that with all there Half Truths! Now that would be a funny one for all to see. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Biteboy-Concert for Casey Anthony, warning some bad language. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWvEKg0bztw Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Biteboy Casey Anthony benefit concert for Caylee. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aahL3ZvEF1c&fea Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I have a feeling Judge Strickland looked at the report and thought this would be

the nail in Casey coffin in the publics oppinion of her being guilty.. This will be the shocker in the Court Room. Just my opinion, there has to be some damming evidence in the. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago From what I heard last week after she flipped out, calmed down, flipped out some more, she started up a conversation about football. Yes my dear friends, this one was dropped on her head a few times when very young and drank the stupid juice that SINster provided to her on a daily basis. She thinks she is smart but boy is she about to look like more of a moron if sge takes the stand. They have questions all lined up for that situation that we have not bounced off each other. Which will occur more, SINdy shaking her head or Momster lying under oath? Nothing to lose at this point considering she will not get in more trouble. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Judge Seals Jailhouse Video Of Casey Anthony Posted: 12:54 pm EDT June 17, 2009Updated: 4:49 pm EDT June 17, 2009 I think when you read Judge Stricklands comments on the sealed document you will agree, Notice the word "Hardened" attitude in Judge Strckland comment. http://www.wftv.com/pdf/19779284/detail.html Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago This is going to be good when it starts, I can see now I will grocery shop in weekends or evenings. I do not want to miss the trial. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


JMO--------- not sure why but the filter keeps flagging your comments as "spam". I've seen that happen before when someone posts lots of links in seperate posts, one after another, but you wern't doing that so not sure why it flagged your comments. I "unflagged" them & they all show now. If it happens again & you can't see your comment right away, send me an e-mail. I'll fix it right away. Sorry about that! Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning


3 weeks ago Was last nights episode of Nancy Grace a repeat??? It was with that weird lady hosting who looks like Lileth from the show "Cheers". The ticker read "awaiting results of Caylee Anthony autopsy". I haven't been watching Nancy Grace lately, but thought someone on here said the autopsy was sealed until trial. Am I wrong? Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 3 weeks ago Thanks Wednesday. I noticed that happening last night. Weird. Anyway, You know your child has a serious problem when... ...her cell phone pings put her at the murder site at the right day and time. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Wed, I posted the link for the doc from Judge Strickland, they are very interesting. yes a lot of re run stuff on NG Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Maybe now with Casey in jail Cindys charge card will get paid off, and no more gas stolen or money. Oh I forgot Georgie is still there to use cards. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago RAW INTERVIEW: Legal Analyst On Order Sealing Jailhouse Casey Video WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer talks about a judge's order to seal a jailhouse video of Casey Anthony. (06/17/09) http://www.wftv.com/pdf/19779284/detail.html Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Poor Georgie is always in trouble. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra Status: Shown

ip: JMo says: 3 weeks ago Rascal, you better copywrite that picture or those creatins from the other sites will be snooping around over here and stealing it claiming it as their own. lol Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I do not care I do it for fun, I really can not be that petty about it. And I am smart enough to know if it say copy write on it, that can be removed with right soft ware. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I see you have a problem last night, I did also. So loged off and then back on and it worked. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when . . . her lawyer is dumber than she is. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know your chikld has a serious problem when... her lawyers are a bunch of clowns Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I wonder if Dr Lee will pull the a disappearing act with any of the evidence. Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I was just teasing about the copywrite... You know your child has a serious problem when... ...she accepts money from strangers for candy and chips. Status: Approved ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when... ...people sell a voodoo doll of her on E-bay. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Its doing it again Wendy....what the heck? You know your child has a serious problem when... ...people sell voodoo dolls of her on E-bay. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I know you were teasing Jmo, I put initials on one pic just for fun. I like the voodoo doll and chips and candy. I heard Orlando Sentinel is going to the higher court to still try to get the video released. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


Got ya "unflagged" JMO. Wonder why it only does it to your posts?? Weird. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Don't know but it is strange. Maybe Casey heard I was making fun of her and decided to put a curse on me, lol. Ive said before she is an evil witch, so maybe it's true.

I heard the vigil went well for Caylee yesterday. I am so glad it did and that the ANTS didn't show their ass trying to protest it. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a very serious problem when you have parents like that. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago lol, if that ain't the truth! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when... ...she doesn't report her child missing before 31 days. Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago JMo, I was really surprised not to see anything about the memorial. Do you know where I can read about it? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Good morning, Snoopy I was really surprised it was not larger and some live coverage. The Caylee Daily Makes Orlando News Remembering Caylee http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/the-caylee-dail Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Pictures of Caylee Anthony Vigil - by Caylee Daily Commentator http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/pictures-of-cay

Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago Thanks Rascal. I wish more attention had been paid to it. It was good to see the article and pictures. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago The press ws more fixed on mobster and C & G as usual. They take the spot light off the important things in life. I hope Sindy puts a choke chain on Georgie to keep him in line. Tie the sucker to his dog house. You know you have a problem when niether one of your parents can tell the same story Status: Approved ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago The judge will decide tomorrow about Caylee's autopsy report. http://www.wesh.com/news/19788891/detail.html Also, I guess the inmate who witnessed Casey seeing the news about finding Caylee, is now talking again and telling how Casey went beserk and had to be strapped down. I imagine that there is much more that goes on in that jall that we will never know. Status: Approved ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when ...the State puts the Death Penalty on her twice!. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


You know your child has a serious problem when you google her name & 3 billion pages of websites match your request.... Status: Approved ip:

Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


You know your child has a serious problem when millions of people all over the world are fingers-crossed that she gets the needle.... Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


You know your child has a serious problem when bloggers are discussing when she bought her last box of tampons... lol Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


You know your child has a serious problem when she's compared to Melissa Huckabey & OJ Simpson.... and YOU can see the similarities too! Status: Approved ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Lol, I like that last one Wednesday. It kicked my last post off again. Hopefully this one goes through.....It's possessed. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know you have a problem when bloggers make funny pictures of you and family. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


LOL... Just had to throw my 2-cents in as well...


JMO --- Is your profile linked to a website by any chance?

Status: Approved

ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


Rascal Brat, Updating yours: RascalBrat says:2 minutes ago You know you have a problem when bloggers make funny pictures of you and family and they get posted by National News Outlets! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago LMAO, It is bad when you wake up at night and get a idea on a pic, and start working the next morning. Personally I was proud when HLN took my pic and put it on National News. I have no problem with that at all. If we would all share more would get out. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


You know your child has a serious problem when EVEN OPRAH hates her guts.... You know your child has a serious problem when she makes the cover of more tabloids than Jon & Kate! ... You know your child has a serious problem when she has 10 highly priced, world renowned attorneys and even they can't stop the needle.... Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


ok, ok, I could do this all day! But lots to do, so can't stick around. Have a wonderful day my friends!!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

You know your child has a problem when your daughter makes more tabloids then Octomom. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know your child is in trouble when she is never off the daily news. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


You know your child has a serious problem when people who hate Nancy Grace watch her show religiously every day just to see what trouble your child is into now... You know your child has a serious problem when Nancy Grace has coined your child as "TOT MOM" & every forensic scientist in the USA knows who she's talking about.... AND FINALLY.... (drum roll please) You know your child has a serious problem when "Real Xing" is standing outside the jailhouse with a WEED WHACKER! vroommmm-vroooooomm-Vrooommm! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago To funny! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a problem when even the Squirrels hate her, and want her to walk the plank on the ship. And Capn Steve greased the plank for her. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Oh yes I did! I opened up a new can just for her cause she's special. Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago You know your daughter has a problem when she thinks "she" is the victim instead of the murdered child! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know youir child is in trouble when she no longer can shop at Target. I went shopping for baby cloths today and had a wonderful time. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago No ties to a website Wendy. Like I said, I think it is hexed!.... You know your child has a serious problem when your child disrespects the American flag and the picture becomes famous. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know your daughter has a serious problem when she is kissing other girls and touching them in inappropriate places, sick sick sick. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago I can't remember if I did this one or not? You know your child has a serious problem when she is the topic of a top ten list. Status: Approved ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago You know your child has a serious problem when whatever she does becomes the latest 'bombshell'. Status: Shown ip:

JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Ok, Wednesday. Sometimes it does it and sometimes it doesn't. What gives? Too strange for sure. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago JMo, did you stick a pin in one of the voodoo dolls? Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago You know your daughter has a really big problem when all of us combined in almost a year has never said ONE good thing about her. Not even once! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago RAW INTERVIEW: Legal Analyst On Autopsy Hearing http://www.wftv.com/video/19794253/index.html Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Hearing Scheduled On Release Of Caylee Autopsy Results Posted: 11:26 am EDT June 18, 2009Updated: 7:04 pm EDT June 18, 2009 ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Caylee Anthony's grandparents will try to convince an Orange County judge that he should not release their granddaughter's autopsy report. A hearing is scheduled Friday at 11:00am on the release of Caylee's autopsy results. Casey Anthony is not expected to attend the hearing. Casey, 23, is in the Orange County jail facing first-degree murder charges. She is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Neighbor: Casey Anthony Borrowed Shovel

June 19, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/neighbor-caseyStatus: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Home WATCH LIVE: 11:00am Hearing On Release Of Caylee Autopsy Resultshttp://www.wftv.com/video/19799920/index.html Video Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Judge Strickland will released the Autopsy report! There will be no pics or x rays and I agreee with that, just my opinion. Bozo asked for a 48 hour stay and Judge Strickland said no, I have ruled.. Bozo is still objecting and whinning, what else is new. The report will be released today. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago The above live link is no lomng working I am surfing for a new one for you all. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago The Video is now working on Judges Strickland's ruling. http://www.wftv.com/video/19801086/index.html Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago After listening to Bozo again and his objection, I believe the Ants and Brad Conway are working in conjunction with the defense. As soon as the Judge made a opinion Bozo stepped in with his 48 hr delay. There has to be something in there that they do not want us to see. Now this is just my opinion. Well Bozo you

objections did not work go back and cry in your office. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Here are the PDF file from autopsy, wow that was fast! http://www.wftv.com/pdf/19801498/detail.html Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Those are the best two video's I've seen in awhile. Bill Shaeffer puts it real plain and simple "Casey is the killer and she knows where she dumped the body after she killed Caylee". It's just really unbelievable to me how everyone has bought into her manipulation, lies and sociopathic behavior!! George really put on a show too (crying and whining), but the prosecution was quick to point out how many talk shows he is going on to expose the issue too. Notice how he can shut his whining off with a flick of a switch and become a frickin ahole to the prosecution? He is so defensive one minute and whining the next. Unstable for sure and they need to up his dose of prozac! (hope his psychiatrist was watching this one). I can really see where Casey got her craziness now! And we already know Cindy is as whacky as whacky can get. They all deserve each other. Even Lee is out there in his own strange way. I hope he gets therapy, at least for the sake of himself and his family (new baby). Bottom line, Casey has painted herself into a corner and no one and I mean no one can get her out! That precious baby is gone forever and suffered at the hands of a sociopath who was supposed to be her protective, loving mother. I see now why the state has put the DP back on the table. Not only did she plot this out and do it, she partied her ass off afterwards and celebrated it and then has wasted state time and money with more games. I don't think they can continue to pay for her to stay at the prison or put up with her duh-fense's shananigans. It's too costly. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago JMo, and in the pdf files the plant growth tells a lot, that body has been there early on. I see what the defense is trying and I am sure others will also. There is only 11 pages to Autopsy but they are telling to me. We will get the rest when it goes to trial. I did not want to see the pics anyway so that is fine with me, want to remember Caylee as a pretty loving little girl, not bones.

Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago What I never knew was what the lettering was that they found. Now we see it was on the shirt. The letters BIG, SMALL,TROUBLE, and COMES. How "pathetic" that Casey would kill her and bury her in that shirt. I think you guys know the one, (if you have kids or grandkids)....the one that says: Big Trouble Comes in Small Packages. Well it sure does Casey!!!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I am a pretty good Judge on people and I never from the beginning believed Casey. And now I know I was right, everything that came out of her mouth was a lie, and for her to sit and tell her parents on the jail video the Dectives got all the information from her is a travisty. She never gave them anything that was truthful to help. I do not care if she rots in her cell she deserves what ever they do to her. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Here is a link to what the Tshirt looks like. Seems like the lettering size matches it too.... http://cgi.ebay.com.my/BIG-TROUBLE-SMALL-PACKAGESStatus: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You know your in trouble when your daughter kills you grand daughter because she think she is to much trouble to raise. And she only care about Me Me Me. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Whatever sliver of sympathy I ever had or hoped to have for the Ants and completely disappeared after reading the autopsy report. I pray they plaster that report all over their house and then keep on convincing themselves how much they loved Caylee. I hope for the worst possible night mares and day dreams, bugs coming out of their ears, vegetation growing out of their noses, etc. I didn't

think I could get so angry, but I am. Capn, you better ban me to my bunk cause I'm ready to take that ole trip we talked about some time ago. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I would love to be there in the Court room during the trial, expecially for the verdict. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago It's hard to believe that two people like George and Sindy could be so stupid and such "selfish peeps" (as Lee informed us they were). All they can think about is "their emotional pain". If I could tell them, I would say: Get over yourselves!!!! You have a murdered grandchild and a daughter who murdered her! Stop trying to destroy crosses in Caylees name or block memorials of her. Quit defending your daughter who took her away from you and from the world. Stick up for Caylee for once. I just can't see what these people are doing! They need to stop!!!! I bet you anything that Lee will stay as far away from them as possible too! On a different note, I loved the way Judge Strickland is instantly annoyed with Baez. He is another one who has 'created his own circumstances' and then wants everyone to listen to him whine about it. I would tell him to Stop also. Enough. Let's get Justice for Caylee. A darling beautiful baby girl who had her (my opinion) mouth ductaped (so Casey didn't have to hear her crys) and her neck broken, stuffed in garbage bags in the trunk of the car to bake for 2 days, all so her 'selfish peep' mother could party party party! Too bad no one raised suspiciions about Caylee not being around before Cindy got ahold of her! Sorry, I am venting, but this whole autopy report just brought up a lot of feelings. I think Caylees shirt (Big Trouble Comes in Small Packages and She Hated Her Mother more than She Loved Her Child) will be two sayings that they will use in this trial to eventually get Casey convicted. I think back to those jail house tapes and her saying "what about ME!!! Im a victim too!" At this point, I seriously think that Casey (as manipulative as she is) can get on the stand and convince them of her torturous childhood of being with Cindy the winch and the strict Cop dad that Never let her have fun or do anything! They forced her to have a child she didn't want and then tried to choke her and kill her one night to get custody of Caylee. She was driven to do what she did. I can see a jury sympathizing with her, I really can. Not that I agree with that, but I can see people getting sucked in. I think she will also get on the stand and claim she had a miscarriage and that this was a result of post partum psychosis, blah blah. She is certainly getting on that stand for a reason. And it has to be to try and appeal to the jury and get them to see her side of what happened and how she is not 'totally responsible'. She will blame it on her parents, life, circumstances, abuse and a miscarriage. I can't wait to hear her

lame ass stuff. It makes me ill. Ok, I'm done for now. I have to stop reading this stuff and looking at little Caylee's big brown eyes and sweet smile. Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 3 weeks ago Hi everyone. Just finished reading the autopsy report. It made me cry...I know there's nothing really new in it, but it was really hard to read about the insects, decompostition, trash bags and duct tape. That poor little girl. Casey, hell has a really, really hot spot saved just for you! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago The thing I got out of the report is that that body was there from the beginning. It was not dumped later. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Oh yeah, she thought she had buried her deep enough that no one would find her, ya know with all the trash dumped out there. But then along came hurricane katrina and washed the ground around a little and up her little body came. It layed there in all that rot with bugs and animals eating away. Now the Anthonys can't even honor her by putting her to rest somewhere decent. They have to make jewelry of her and flaunt it around their neck. Sick. Remember Casey saying in the jailhouse tapes that she "hopes to be able to go visit Caylee"....she knew damn well where she put her. It threw her into hyperventilation and vomiting to find out she was not under the cold ground anymore and all she could do is yell "I'm pissed, I'm pissed". What a bitch. She's probably yelling Caylee's name at night because Caylee has come back to haunt her! I hope someone bigger and stronger is helping Caylee haunt Casey too for the rest of her worthless life. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago So, does anyone think that Casey had help in burying Caylee? Sure makes you wonder, doesn't it? I can't imagine her doing this by herself. I always wondered about the two guys who saw her there with the trunk open (wearing a straw hat and sunglasses) and some man standing near the rode talking on a cell phone.

Different note: I think they need to test George's DNA against Caylees. I also think Casey will claim frequent rapings from her brother while growing up at the trial. Anyway, who could guess what that psycho will say next. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I do not think Casey had any help, she did this by herself. Back on the jewelry with the ashes, along with the Bear that was on the Alter by Caylee's Picture. I can not imagine putting a loved one ashes in a Stuffed Bear. I know they make that bear for that purpose. My husband was cremated at his request, but he is buried at the VA Cemetery. I can also be buried with him when my time comes. I sure as hell do not want to be in Jewelry of a Bear. They are very strange to me to put Caylee in a Bear, just my opinion. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago It was done by momster and Zanny in case you are all still wondering. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Ah ha! I forgot about Zanny, lol. Casey will try and blame the Nanny for helping her. I just still wonder if someone else knew about this....hmmm, seems to be what Baez is going after with all of his 'phone call checks' on people she knew. I wonder what she is telling him????? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Bozo after court today http://www.wftv.com/video/19802786/index.html Brad after court today http://www.wftv.com/video/19802786/index.html Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Dr. G's opinion is that the Duct tape was put on the mouth before decomposition,

that is why the Jaw was still attached, there was 3 pieces of tape on Caylee. This shows it was deliberate. The test from FBI are part of the docs that are with held. The roots that were growing threw the body shows it was there for a long period of time, they feel since she was missing. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


OFF TOPIC: That link that you posted for the "Big trouble" shirt on e-bay... The description says "no holes or stains", but clearly the entire front of the shirt has dark oil stains on it... lol....made me chuckle. I guess the seller didn't think anyone would notice? hahahaha Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Listening to the news tonight the tape was on very tight over the mouth and nose several layers, that baby was suffocated what a horrible thing to do to Caylee. wed, I looked at that shirt link that JMo posted could it possibly be a shadow? Status: Shown ip: lee says: 3 weeks ago HELLO ALL, its been awhile and have to say I LOVE THE FREAKN CHEETOES PIC it trully fits her CHEEEZY ASS! Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


Rascal, I don't think so...It looks like a stain to me. Welcome back Lee!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Psychologist: Caylee Anthony Murder Act Of Rage June 20, 2009 by: Express Cindy and George you need to read this, it sure describes Casey

http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/psychologist-ca Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I had a thoght last night, George, Cindy and Lee gave there finger prints. The Duct tape was sent to FBI on the 18 th of Dec 2008, we have not seen the report from FBI, George Cindy and Lee were ruled out, they have Caseys prints, they put the Dp back on the table what does that tell us. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Maybe this would be better then a needle in Casey's arm!!!! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


Interesting thought Rascal... I think you're on to something... Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Yep then she can see how Caylee felt. Status: Shown ip: Saito says: 3 weeks ago I read the autopsy online and was wondering about that duct tape. I also remember reading about the slight scent in the trunk of the car. A movie came to mind named Jawbreakers. Originally released in 1999, the prom queen is murdered "accidently" by putting a Jawbreaker (candy) in her mouth, then placing duct tape over her mouth. Afterwards, she was put in the trunk of the car. A short drive later, when the trunk was opened, the prom queen was dead in the trunk because she had swallowed the Jawbreaker candy. A 2 or 3 year old would not be able to chew on such hard candy if placed in her mouth and then duct tape over her mouth. It would cause her to die in the trunk.

Since Casey rented some "weird" movies the day before everyone saw Caylee alive, perhaps her boyfriend already had the movie titled Jawbreaker at home? Or perhaps they gave it on cable, tv, or Casey has that movie? Reason I was thinking these things is because of the duct tape found on Caylee, and it seems she was also in the car trunk before taken to the woods / hangout... Seems like Casey or the killer may have seen the movie Jawbreaker and thought of it as a "quick kill". That could explain the duct tape around the mouth... Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Very good thought, I also though maybe Caylee got sick and with mouth taped shut that could have done it. We may never know the truth, I do not think Casey will get on the stand she can not keep her story straight. Then again she may try to stick to original story the nanny. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Rascal, you're right. We will probably never know the truth. If I read the autopsy report correctly, the duct tape was put on before decomp. There is a window between death and decomp of only a few minutes. But I have seen enough people die to know that many have their mouth agap. I think the tape was used to keep the mouth shut. But again, who knows. momster was so angry with SINdy it's hard to tell. Caylee may have been crying when they left, calling for SINdy, and that may have just through momster over the edge. SINdy should feel guilty. Whimpy GeorgeduhJungle man should feel guilty, he didn't intercede. But the ultimate responsibility rests with momster, and I just pray for Justice for Caylee!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Nordie, you are right the tape was put on Caylee before decomposition started, that was to shut her up. So sad she had to of suffered. Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 3 weeks ago The thought is tear jerking! Rascal, I bet you are right about the fingerprints and the DP!!!! It makes sense to me. Way to go with that thought! It seems to me that it did have to be a fit of rage. Caylee got in the way no doubt and most likely was crying for Cindy (aka f'n bitch). Why didn't Casey just leave her there and take off somewhere? I wonder if all the repeated phone calls

to George and Cindy that day (that they NEVER BOTHERED to answer) was calls for help from Casey? Maybe she knew she was losing it! She may of tried to say come get her NOW! The rage was too much! That might be when she duct taped her to shut her up and Caylee died. How sad!!! Not answering the phone will haunt Cindy (aka f'n bitch) and George (aka f'n know it all whiner) for the rest of their lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago We do not have the reports from the FBI testing yet, I wonder what is in there. This was to punish Cindy, she did not care about Caylee, Casey was tied down and did not want the responsibility. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago The other thing we are missing in the reports from FBI is the dirt that was tested, combination of some sand, dirt and what came from Ants back yeard. And the tests on Caylees hair from FBI. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


Hope everybody's safe & sound at home. We have flash flooding here. Cars & trucks under water. They're expecting the river to rise another foot before tomorrow night. None of my vehicles have been affected...yet. Hopefully the rain will let off soon. If not, maybe we'll end up with an indoor swimming pool in the basement? ;-) Be safe all. *********Happy Father's Day Captain Steve!!!!!!**************** Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago For those that may have some questions on the Autopsy report her is a good explanation. http://marinadedave.wordpress.com/2009/06/20/would Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Wed, I sure hope you do not have flooding problem in your house. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Thank you Wednesday!! Sorry about the floods. I hope you and everyone else has a great one tomorrow and everyday for that matter. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Good Morning, and Happy Fathers Day CAPN STEVE, from all your Squirrel friends. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Zenaida's Attorneys File Motion Against P.I. Posted: 4:30 pm EDT June 19, 2009 And another one Lawyer's; UP http://www.wftv.com/news/19803807/detail.html Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago A Happy Day To All!! Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago We give thanks today for all the great fathers and other men (many who have been like a father) who have helped us be the people we are today! Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago And also the great mommys that made us who we are!! Not you SINster or momster!!! Status: Shown ip:

JMo says: 3 weeks ago I hope they do charge Dominic Casey. He flat out refused to go to that hearing. They have him quoted as saying he didn't see how his testimony would solve anything. 'Lawyer up', my ass! (not sure how that sounds without the quotes and comma, lol). He had no plans to hire an attorney. He thinks he is too good. I think they need to make all rules apply where they should be applied. Sweet little Caylee was spending Father's day last year being hugged and cuddled by her Great Grandpa. What a sad thought. George will never get that privilege again either and Caylee will never ever get to know who her Father was. And Caylee's real Father will never get to know her or hold her. The ANTS will look at this day in a whole different way for the rest of their lives. I hope dumb ass Casey figures out this is ALL HER FAULT. She has destroyed so much! However, one thing positive is that Caylee is being held in the loving arms of the Father above. Happy Father's day. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago And the only hope that Lee is going to be a dad is in the adoption field. If any female knew who his folks are, not only is pregnancy out of the question but a 2nd date is proboly out the window as well! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago If a girl knows who Lee is related to they would be crazy to go on first date. I know I would stay as far away as possible I it was me. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 3 weeks ago Hello everyone. I've been away for a week and just finished reading through all the posts I've missed. Rascal, I'll bet you're right about the prints on the tape. Wouldn't that be fantastic? Did she borrow duct tape from her friend? If so, do you remember why? Wednesday, I hope you're staying dry today. Happy Father's Day Cap'n. Have a great day. I wonder if Cindy went to visit her Dad today? I can't imagine anyone in the Ant clan will enjoy themselves today. What a pathetic sorry bunch. Every holiday will now just be marred with sadness for them.

But, enough about them. Can we have a BBQ tonight? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago losingit, Casey borrowed the Tape from Amy to hold the American Flag on her skanky body. But the tape on Caylee was matched to the Gas can at the Ants house. To cool her to BBQ outside today so I am cooking something in oven, that helps keep it warm in here. I hate putting heat on when I can do it that way. This is supposed to be summer. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Of topic, the movie with Dezie Arnez and Lucille Ball is on the Long Long Trailer have not seen that in years. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 3 weeks ago Rascal, I just bought a trailer a few months ago. Ours is 21 feet long. I think the one Lucy bought was 40 feet. I bought the movie shortly after buying the trailer. I was camping all last week and watched the movie again (for about the 10th time). By far, this is one of my favorite movies. When they are creeping up the mountain hauling all her rocks, when poor Desi has to back it into the relatives and when she's trying to make supper while rolling down the highway are my favorite parts. I love love love this movie. I can relate to a lot of it. It really bugs me that her name was Stacy though. It's LUCY! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I sat and laughed at the movie just as much as the first time I seen it. I love some of the old movies, as least kids can watch the old one with out being parental control. Much better for them, family movies. Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 3 weeks ago I thought Great grandpa died, didn't he? Now it is just Great grandma and she is not particularly fond of selfish peep Casey. She made the statement: "Casey hates Cindy more than she loves Caylee". Those words will come back to haunt them all. So will the words on Caylee's shirt: "Big Trouble Comes In Small

Packages". BBQ on deck tonight (weather permitting)! There will be Chili and lots of food on deck too. The squirrels will be making fusion shots and Purple Neutered Squirrell drinks (open bar)! Pole dancing is open on stage. Beer pong in the back room for those of you who have kids along. Remember, anything but clothes!!!! See ya at 8:00pm. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago JMo I did not hear anything about Great grandpa passing, he was in nursing home. Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 3 weeks ago Right. I thought he died though? Maybe someone can check to be sure? If he didn't, I bet he is missing little Caylee today. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago He is still in the nursing home, he did not pass. Yes he has to be missing Caylee. Great grandma is going to testify for the prosecution, not to sure how Cindy feels about that. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago JMO, I too don't think he has passed, though it's a wonder, considering he was probably the last one to hold her lovingly and sing to her. But maybe that's given him extra strength to see the trial to the end. My prayers are with him and the Mrs. Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 3 weeks ago Ahhhh...for some reason, I thought he died last August. Well, I am sure Casey doesn't like anyone who crosses her or puts holes in her story. Personally, I don't think she had any respect for 'anyone', period. Otherwise, how could she of stolen money from them? I think G and C are gonna look back and think, hmmm, we should of got the manipulative lying little bitch some help! Not that they could of, but I wonder if they even think about that? Surely they have to take some responsibility for her behavior? They allowed her to act like that...at least up

until the time Cindy "woke up" and kicked her stupid ass out. That was the best thing she could of done for Casey. But, problem was, it was too late by then. Caseys anger turned to hate and hate turned to rage. Caylee became the focus of that rage. Duct taping that baby's face and hair three times!!!! Can you all imagine if she had actually buried Caylee under the doll house in the back yard. That would of been traumatic for sure. Oh well, instead she decided to toss her like a bag of trash! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago The Great Grandpa was very ill after this all happened and they kept him medicated to settle him down, but he did come threw the stress. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 3 weeks ago hello all and happy Father's Day Capn Steve! Hope your boys treated you well today...lol.. I have boys and they are not the best at doing secret treats. I had my grandson make a card for my son, his dad. He has been out of school for only 2 weeks and seems to have forgot tons of what he learned. He is only 5, but next week for 30 minutes a day we are back to basics for the summer. Letters and numbers. Anyway, he ended up putting his dad and uncle who is like a dad to him, on the card. They had to share but it was cute and I almost pulled my hair out trying to get him to follow directions. Good gosh, can we see what he will be like in 6 more weeks? Summer vacation is not good for a kindergartener. On to sick subjects. Crazy... I USED to feel sorry for the Ants, and in the beginning George's whining would have worked on me regarding the autopsy report. Now it just made me sick. Reminded me of a kid whining, then storming out of the room when they did not get their way. And Sindy having her hand shake. My daughter can do that on key. Maybe and I guess I am sure that was hard on them. however, at this point with all they have done, no one has sympathy for them anymore. Now they are just plain sickening. Amazing, but I realized today that in less than 2 months, Caylee would have been FOUR years old! The difference between a 3 year old and 4 year old is large.. They age fast in maturity and a four year old girl is so sweet. how can Casey have her picture on her cell wall? She was an adorable girl. How could any one keep up a childs photo that they murdered? I just cannot fathom it. If she was killed by someone else I could see it. But to be the one to murder your child, then have her picture up? Uh-uh, NO WAY for me!\ Another thought. When in the world are they going to make Sindy and George come in and finish the depos'? I don't get the delay, then to read the PI is going to be forced to come in. Why in the world are these people taking so long. I mean Zenidas lawyers.. And does anyone know when Lee's baby is due? I never ever saw the g/f Mallory, even look pregnant but everyone says she was. According to the amount of time I have heard she is preggo's, she should be about do. Did anyone at the autopsy hear George talk about the locket placed around his

neck? That it was for Caylee and she will always be close to him??? iS he too wearing a locket with her ashes in it? gross, but does anyone know this? And I find it odd we know about this, but NG or any of the other news shows seem to not know a thing about it. She has never even had a burial yet. They mention that. Wish they knew she is all over the place, and I am sure there is nothing to bury. It is all in jewerly and bears. Gross again, but that is my opinion.. Status: Shown ip: Etta profile image Etta says: 3 weeks ago Hello All!! It's good to be back on the ship! The dang squirrels were holding my computer for ransom and I finally forked over the dough. Happy Father's Day to all! Hope everyone had an awesome day! Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 3 weeks ago Good morning, all! Hope everyone had a great Dad's Day :) I don't have to be up for another 3 hrs but I can't sleep! So just catching up here. I was also wondering about fingerprints on the duct tape around the skull. A few months ago I remember hearing that there were no fingerprints whatsoever on the tape, but then I remember hearing that G, C, and L's fingerprints were not on the tape (and no mention of Casey). I also think I remember LP saying that Casey's prints WERE on the tape (?). As I recall there was conflicting info about this, and I also think that the defense specifically made a statement saying that there were no prints on the tape. Would the defense have any reason to knowingly deny something that would come out anyway at trial? Or did they find prints and the prosecution is keeping that under wraps for now? Wouldn't it be awesome if the defense thinks there are no prints but there actually are? (Is the prosecution allowed to withhold that evidence from the defense...?). Anyway, so go my 4AM ramblings... Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago State Requests Picture of Casey Anthony’s Tattoo June 22, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/state-requestsStatus: Shown ip: losingit says: 3 weeks ago

Good that they are getting a picture of the tattoo. I can't wait until they ask her why she got a tattoo saying "the beautiful life" when her daughter had been kidnapped. Was this part of the instructions she was following? Casey, how did you pay for this tattoo? I'm pretty sure that all on board here agree that Casey killed Caylee. So, what makes it even nuttier is that Casey got this tattoo after killing her. How can that be explained? How insane is that? She had absolutely no remorse or anything afterwards. She killed her sweet little girl and then figured she could just fool everyone about her whereabouts the way she had bamboozled everyone about her job. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I hope every day she looks at that tatoo, and looks around to see her good life now. That must be nice to see where she is and will be the rest of the days she has left. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Rascal, I agree. The good life, yeah right Cheeto butt. But what do I know, maybe she is making some cell buddies (sorry no photos) -- we know how she loved to frolick with the ladies. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Nordie, I do not think they like baby killers in there, I say turn them loose on her and let them Duct Tape her dam mouth. She will get her Justice and she is not going to like it, And she will be yelling I am the Victim, yea right what about Caylee, Casey she is the true victim. But George and Cindy can not see that. Wonder what there story will be when they read the Autopsy report are they still going to say someone else did it. Oh yes maybe the Gremlin this time, the Nanny story did not go anywhere, or the Jessee did it story. They are getting deeper in the pile of BS I put them in. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I really hope the people that have been sending Casey money in Jail to grow that Cheeto Ass, read the Autopsy Report and stop sending her money. I just will ever understand anyone sending her a dime. You would half to have a sick mind to support someone like that. Just my opinion. Status: Shown ip:

RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Good for you Amy, are the Ants going to say it is not Sinister, it is the Nanny cashing the checks.State Wants To Proceed On Casey Anthony’s Check Fraud TrialJune 22, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/state-wants-toStatus: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago SINster will say that it is not momster who is on tape cashing the checks. Just someone that looks exactly like her, but not her. She swears on the bible that it is not her! Oh SINster......................... Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Every one of the Ants should be ashamed to mentions God, and how they believe in there faith. They do not know what it is to live like a person that has faith. They are hypocrite's, that is my opinion of them. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Hanging a necklace with a cross on it does not make you a Christian SINdy. Nor does have a Bible in your cell momster. God does not expect perfection from us, but he assuredly expects honesty. HE knows the truth, without any excuses or spins. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago You have that right Nordie. and God knows when we are honest and live right and treat others as we would want to be treated, I have no tolerance for people like the Ants that treat everyone else like they are 2nd rate people, because they do not agree with them. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago All the bling with Caylee's ashes does not give Caylee Justice, if you truly loved Caylee show it and support Caylee not Mobster.

Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Rascal, you are so right, I can say I'm a multi-millionaire, but that doesn't make it so. I can even try and act like one, but that doesn't make it so either. I have not seen one thing they have done for Caylee that deserves any of my respect. Unless I do, I will not respect them. Do I hate them? No, I won't make room in my spirit for that. Instead, I have made room to love Caylee forever, and I do mean forever. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago That whole scenario with GeorgeduhJungle man and Caylee's picture turned my stomach. He needed a picture to remind him why he was there? Oh, just kiss your bracelet! He had it turned one way until he realized the cameras where shooting him. What a hypocrite!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Georgie has a locket , Lee has the Bracelet, and Malory has a locket as does Cindy, Cindy must be into wearing all that bling. That just makes me sick. Where is there mind to wear Caylee and not burial for her. Someone might dig her up, have they lost there mind altogether. Give that child a decent burial. I will never forget Caylee either, and the horrible death she had. But God will forever watch over Caylee. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Nordie, yes I did notice him turning the pic toward the camera, anything for attention on them. Look like the weeping Grand parents when they are supporting Mobster and making money. Go to work Ants, Status: Shown ip: linn says: 3 weeks ago too bad NG show cannot be informed about their "jewerly".. I know they have no idea. He sobbing telling the judge he was wearing a locket to remind him of Caylee. Sickening. Wonder what the judge would think if he knew Caylee was IN the locket? As for the picture, does he think the entire world has not see that photo? I mean they sold it for a fortune! I used to really feel for George, but that

stunt in front of the judge was the final nail. Blubbering, then when he did not get his way he stormed out of the courthouse. Even forgot to get his bitty bride.. A I love lucy saying from an old show. I LOVE Lucy and quote her all the time, from the shows and now I have to find the Long Trailer DVD! Forgot all about it. I had it on VHS, but need to upgrade. I also loved Driving Miss Daisy. Need to reget that one also. So, I asked this yesterday I think, but does anyone know when Mallory's baby is due? I have never seen her look pregnant so just wondered. I truly hope it is a boy. If a girl, Sindy will do her girl baby damage. Shame Caylee was "missing" for only 2 weeks when Crazy got her beautiful life tattoo. Now, except her, name one person who would think it is a beautiful life when their child has supposedly been "kidnapped"... No wonder the prosecution wants a photo of her with her tattoo. Even the tattoo shop owner tonight said she acted all happy and care free when she got the tattoo. Was supposed to bring in Caylee that Saturday to get another tattoo. I think she was arrested before she could get the tattoo, but how much you wanna bet Caylee would have had a great time with Zanny that weekend? According to Liar Casey. If I was Casey, I would hope it takes forever to have the trial. This was she is safe, kept away from others, and not in prison. YET. Once she goes to the big house, she will be in trouble. No wonder she is having nightmares! Did anyone see Madea Goes to Jail? LOLOL!! Anyway, if you did, did you see the HUGE white chick with the voice of a man? That will be waiting for Casey and she won't have no Madea to help her out. Status: Shown ip: jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago I just started reading the FBI Lab reports released on June 19th with the autopsy info & found something new. On page 7 of pdf file there is a report on the findings of the paper towels found in Casey's trunk. Fatty acid ratios detected on paper towels are QUITE consistent with those identified in human & pig decomposition studies. Sorry if you have already seen this info. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2009Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago linn, I have not heard anything about Lee or Mallory, I hope they moved as far away from them as they could get. No Idea about when a baby is due either, maybe that is just rumor who knows. Status: Shown ip: losingit


3 weeks ago I just looked at that Jo. It's kind of funny that they also found cannibis matter on the towels. Status: Shown ip: jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago Losingit - I also noticed that they found sand in the remaining pieces of garbage bags. I wonder if they can tie that to the back yard, maybe the sand will be consistent with the kind found in play sand boxes. I'm sure that those woods had sand along with dirt being that it's Florida but the type of sand used for sand boxes is not the same. Kidfinders aka Dennis Milstead has a new scam, a shelter for teenage girls. Why not just teenagers? If you click on proposal you can see the kind of money he is hoping to collect. Don't forget to donate while you check out his web site. LOL http://www.thehouseofpurpose.com/ Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago yeah, I got my checkbook handy. Oh, no checks? pity NOT Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Interesting Jo! Kidfinders....sicking. Also, the person who wrote the stats on the right side of the page does not know proper English. They may want to run spell check for sentence composition, consistency in writing of numbers, spacing, capitalizations, punctuation, etc., prior to fully launching the site. Otherwise, they look really stupid. No one's perfect, but it's on a national website for cripes sake! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Ok, here's a real treat boys and girls. Check out Brad CONway talking on the TODAY SHOW about.......you guessed it! The Autopsy Report!!! You know, the one the Anthonys tried to block being released because they "didn't want it spewed all over the media". What a bunch of f'n morons! They apparently have changed their minds and now "do want it spewed all over the media". The judge needs to smack their ass in jail!!!!

http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Ok, this is how the conversation probably went down: George: Judge we don't want the media to get ahold of the autopsy report. (really saying: we want total control over everything) Judge: Why is that George? (Really saying: Too bad George.) George: But it will hurt me and Sindy and cause us pain beyond belief if this happens. (really saying: it hurts that we won't get the attention we deserve) Judge: I am ruling that it can be released. (really saying: It's not about you George) George: Quick Brad, schedule something for Monday morning TODAY show so we can get the attention on us. Brad: Ok George, right away. (should be thinking: hmmm, I will surely look like a f'n fool because I just filed a motion to block this). Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago Did you notice that the Ants are communicating with the witch through bobo? Conway also said his clients are communicating with their jailed daughter, Casey, through letters delivered by her attorney, Jose Baez Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Yes Snoopy, and he reads the letters Casey sends to them, and if he does not approve of what she writes they do not get them. Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago It doesn't seem right that a lawyer can bring things in and out without any kind of restriction. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago No it does not seem right he could bring in anything. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago My favorite part was where CONway said that the ANTS would love to visit and see Casey every day if they could. WHHHHYYYY? She killed their granddaughter!!! She has ruined everyone's life. Status: Shown ip: Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago JMO: No freaking kidding!!! How can the Ants play both sides of the fence like that? Do you think they're intimidated by their monster or just plain stupid? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Would Aspergers Syndrome Explain Casey Anthony? No one understands Casey Anthony’s behavior. Is that because she has an atypical neurology? http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/casey-anthony-c Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Casey learned her attitude by example at home we can see that in the parents. She is a Sociopath. When we see the parents not telling the truth, this tells me a lot about them. Oh excuse me just Little Half Truths as Cindy calls them! I guess Cindy never learned the difference between a Lie and Half Truth so did not know how to teach the children. Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago It's very simple, it's either the truth or a lie. Facts, however, do not always tell all of the truth. They are merely true facts or lies.

Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Asperger’s Disorder is a milder variant of Autistic Disorder. Both Asperger’s Disorder and Autistic Disorder are in fact subgroups of a larger diagnostic category. This larger category is called either Autistic Spectrum Disorders , mostly in European countries, or Pervasive Developmental Disorders (”PDD”), in the United States. In Asperger’s Disorder, affected individuals are characterized by social isolation and eccentric behavior in childhood. There are impairments in two-sided social interaction and non-verbal communication. Though grammatical, their speech may sound peculiar due to abnormalities of inflection and a repetitive pattern. Clumsiness may be prominent both in their articulation and gross motor behavior. They usually have a circumscribed area of interest which usually leaves no space for more age appropriate, common interests. Some examples are cars, trains, French Literature, door knobs, hinges, cappucino, meteorology, astronomy or history. The name “Asperger” comes from Hans Asperger, an Austrian physician who first described the syndrome in 1944. An excellent translation of Dr. Asperger’s original paper is provided by Dr. Uta Frith in her Autism and Asperger Syndrome. This is not Casey Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Casey has the Anthony Syndrome, Liar, No Responsibility, Skank, Thief, Selfish and Suffers from the Me, Me, Me, Syndrome. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago NOT GUILTY! Nostradamus predicted a verdict in the Casey Anthony murder trial http://www.yourworldreport.com/casey/nostradamus_p Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago Hmmm. That link Rascal fails to mention what quatrain that is in. I just read through all of them and couldn't find any that resembled that. I did find a few others that I can bend into her dying a fiery death. This sounds like something Cindy posted. If someone can actually find this in Nostradamus's predictions, please correct me. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat


2 weeks ago I just posted it because it was amusing reading, yes I wonder about that also. I also wondered who posted that, I think it is BS. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago I thought about this a while ago. What if one of the wacko's sending her money decides to save her butt by saying they did it? There wouldn't even be a defense would there? Would he just plead guilty and get sentenced? And then she goes free???? Ahhhh! I hope she gets a huge jail sentence for stealing the cheques and I hope this happens before the murder trial. There might be some wiggle room in the murder trial, but I can't see any in the cheque theft. I'm just watching on NG about the one day old baby abandoned in the apartment lobby. It's so sad that the mother thought this was the best thing to do. At least she did this much and didn't harm her. Luckily, it sounds like the baby girl will be okay. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago With so many safe places to drop a baby off, to just put them in a box is so wrong, if that baby did not make any noise it could have been a bad ending. Just do not understand anyone dumping a child. If the boyfriend did not want it DUMP Him. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Capn Steve, come set the crew straight on Casey's guilty verdict! She did it, we know it, she knows it and everyone knows it. She is going DOWN. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago She has been charged for the crime that she commited. She is guilty and will be found guilty. Asbergers? No way. My youngest has more symtoms than momster and he was found not to have it although sometimes I think otherwise. She is a sociopath and will always profess her being set up by others. With mommy not far behind leading the cheers. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Thanks Cap'n. I agree, no Asperger's for her. Besides, Aspergers is not an excuse for meditating murder and carrying it out by duct taping the mouth of a 2 year old till she suffocates, trying to bury her in the back yard, stuffing her in plastic bags and letting her bake two days in the Florida sun (in the car trunk), only to toss her out on the side of the road like trash hoping the hurricane will wash her away! Sorry, she is a SOCIOPATH and shows all the signs and symptoms perfectly!!! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Look up the word sociopath in the dictionary: there is Caseys picture! Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


Oh that Nostradamus prediction is a hoot! & complete Bull Shit as well. If you push back to the root of that web address, it's http://www.yourworldreport.com where some of the other "BOMBSHELL" stories include... End Times Stunner: Devil crushes God in terrifying new poll! ... and... New Wave of Angel Sighting Sweep USA!!!!!!!... and... Florida nudist camp bans Hillary Clinton but says Michelle Obama is more than welcome!!! ... Oink! Pig-Out Diet really works!!! Complete rubbish not worth reading. Ahh another waste of good internet space... Who makes up this shit anyway?

Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


Oh I forgot the headline... Here it is... New Spring tradition for women and menWear Your Thong to Work Day 2009!!! LOL. Some world news, huh? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat


2 weeks ago That is what I thought when I read it also Wed, I just wanted everyone to see the BS. We know Casey is guilty and going down. I hope they put a copy of Caseys tatoo on her wall then she can see the good life in there every day she spends in her cell Bumping the walls in her little car. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago Oh my. Is it a thong underneath the outfit or just the thong? I'll stick to thongs on my feet thank you very much. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I heard on another blog today the the Ants are involved with the Link Jo put on yesterday on the Milsteads. They said the Ants are involved up to there eye balls, that would not surprise me at all. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Hey, we can make up another game to play.....what would be "weird BOMBSHELL" headlines for Casey's situation? Something like: BOMBSHELL: Inmates report red horns growing out of the side of Casey's head!!! BOMBSHELL: Casey found trying to telepathically text aliens from her cell Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago Well, they're not finding any missing kids so maybe it will be easier if they just open up the doors and let the "lost" ones come to them. If it is true about the Milsteads being in foreclosure, maybe they should just throw in the towel and all go find real jobs. They ae all capable of working and would probably make a lot more money at legitimate jobs than they're making trying to come up with all these scams. They seem hell bent on being lazy unemployed thieves. Remind you of anyone? Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago Bombshell: Prosecuters, acting on a tip, examined Miss Anthony's Italian tattoo yesterday and found a tiny cell phone hiddden in the sparkles that she has been using to secretly communicate with Italian boyfriend.

Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I also heard the gal that was in Jail with Casey that says she witnessed Caseys break down when she heard they found Caylee is back in Jail. Hope she is close to Casey maybe she can sing you are my sunshine and torment her. And maybe mention what a great time she has at Target. Losingit, Casey is to busy eating Cheetos, she wants to look good at trial!! LMAO Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago If I remember correctly, she was in jail for passing bad cheques too. She kinda seemed reformed during her interview. She was probably paid for that interview too. Probably not a whole lot, but probably enough to get a fresh start. Too bad for her. Bombshell: Reformed inmate breaks probation to get more juice on Casey. Realizes interviews pay better than petty crimes. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago From her original booking picture she looked like she had a drug problem to me. So maybe that is what she does to make money for a habbit. Either way hope she is close to Casey. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago I know, that mug shot pic looked like a totally different person. Definately looked like a drug problem to me too. Hopefully she's out soon with more tales to tell. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Casey's ex-jailmate back This story tells what she did, finally found it.in trouble She is not in the Jail just back in touble http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/investigative Status: Shown ip:

losingit says: 2 weeks ago http://americaspeaksink.com/2009/06/the-states-cas Cute Casey Justice picture he has. I hate to agree with this guy, but he does have a point about her right to a speedy trial and the cheque thing slowing things down. But, on the other hand, can't it be argued that she has a right to a speedy trial for those charges as well? Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago BOMBSHELL: Casey Voodoo dolls mysteriously found in the trunk of Baez's car Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago Oh, that is a mystery. Is he the one selling them or is he buying them all up? I assumed Kidfinders was the ones selling them. LOL. JMo, you mentioned yesterday all the mistakes on that website. I am convinced I have an OCD about things like that. I was going to post about that before you did. I type fast and make mistakes here, we all do- who cares, but on a professional site like that, it makes me crazy. I am convinced my calling should be as a proof reader. The side note about the pregnant thing made my head spin. Then I went back and found all the other mistakes. Ya. OK. I give you my money where? Send cash thru mail? OK. I live in a town with a population of about 10,000. Our town paper comes out every Sunday. Sunday mornings I do the NY Times crossword and Sunday evening I read the local paper and correct all their mistakes just for fun. This Sunday was the greatest ever. Our local paper won an award for excellence and I found about six mistakes in the article bragging about it. Now, I know I made errors in this post. That's okay. I'm not OCD about that. I'm not perfect. But, if you want me to give you money, you do need to be professional and perfect. Attn: Cindy Anthony Re: All the mistakes on your web page I'm think I would be a huege asset to your company. I a'' m organized, efficient ,, and a hard worker team player. I streive for excellence in all everything I do. I have a very seriously eye for details. please peruse my resume ay your convenience. Thank you for your time and foe my consideratuion. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago That is too funny! Yes, I am OCD about that too, lol. Oh well. Yes, there is this little thing called 'spell check' on the computer. They should try it. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago The worst thing for me was the pregnancy bit. I don't even know if spell check would have caught it. It was just all so wrong. Even the thing about the stats of boys and girls, It was just so clumsily written and awkward to read. It makes me crazy. JMo, if you are ever bored read some of the articles in the Hinton, Alberta Parklander. This is my local paper that I correct each week just for fun. I really should apply for a job there. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


hahahahahaha!!!!!!! OMG Loosingit, you crack me up! Love that little exerpt at the bottom. Priceless! & my little local paper makes major mistakes too. I once placed a 6 line ad in their paper, which cost me $45 & they made 3 typos. One of which was hyphenating my website. Another was using .net instead of .com. It was a disaster! But I guess that's what happens in small town papers that only cost 30 cents an issue. lol I just ticked & was really hoping the readers didn't think I made those typos. Of course they offered to run the ad again with the corrections, but they would not use a disclaimer stating "we're sorry for the mistakes in last weeks issue, it should have read...blah blah blah". I really wanted the correction pointed out. Oh well. Gotta go check out that site you're all talking about now... haven't seen it yet. :) Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


http://www.thehouseofpurpose.com This is the link for it? Not working? Maybe they pulled the site because of the grammatical errors? Does it work for any of you? Status: Shown ip: Etta profile image Etta


2 weeks ago Something that has been really bothering me: LE has interviewed everyone under the sun. Family, friends, x boyfriends, x "lovers"...etc. Why haven't we heard from Lee's girlfriend Mallory? She been mentioned several times by numerous people and we have yet to hear what she has to say. If anyone knows what creepy Lee was up to, it would be Mallory. I would love to get my hands on her cell phone and text message records. Wednesday--The pathetic house of purpose website link works for me. Just a legal way around the illegalities of a pervy grown man spending time with young girls...IMO Status: Shown ip: Etta profile image Etta says: 2 weeks ago What really made me laugh about the House of Purpose is their goal..."to reunite families." But of course they also have that wonderful aside of "Teen Runaway Statistics" which talks about parental substance abuse, being beaten by caretakers, and forced participation in sexual activity. They may want to rethink their goal... I guess when you can't find any kids in the first place, the next step is hoping they come to you. Maybe they will get lucky and be able to pass off a homeless kid for a missing kid.

Status: Shown ip: Etta profile image Etta says: 2 weeks ago The Anthony Family Father's Day: Cindy searches the Orlando area phonebook for someone she can pin Caylee's murder on while George warms the car up for another latenight round of cross bashing. Conway ,who is forced to hold Cindy's hand/hoof 24/7, thumbs through the Idiot's Guide to Excuses for Obstructing Justice for ideas he can pass off as his own. Meanwhile, Lee is writing CMA a nice tear 'jerking' letter reassuring her that they are all better off without the snot head and pledging his undying luvt (love/lust) for her. Crazy will later read this letter while jerking off Bobo and trying to decide which photos of Caylee will bring in the most cheddar for some more cheetos. Does anyone think Crazy will dress in the ol' red, white, and blue for old times

sake this 4th o' July? Or perhaps a nice, tasteful jailbird tattoo? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Good morning, Casey will be in her dress blues with her red horns and the white of her eyes, that is the closest she will be to red, white and blue. And of course orange fingers from her cheetos. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago She will have a guard (gender need not matter) lick em clean. Morning mates!! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago OMG you guys are cracking me up! Etta, good point about Mallory. Hmmm, certainly could be a twist too. Casey might try to say the following: Mallory was expecting and was jealous over the attention that Caylee got, so she killed her. Mallory wanted hers and Lee's baby to get all the attention so they got Caylee out of the way. Lee is forever grateful to Casey for not telling on Mallory. So he says 'I will keep my promise to you CMA and never forget you' all the while knowing that Casey is taking the fall for Mallory and Lee so their baby can have the attention. Can we say PSYCHO? BOMBSHELL: "Psychics tell Casey in a dream that Mallory killed Caylee due to jealousy" Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Mallory was not even pregeant at the time Caylee was killed. Casey killed Caylee to spite her Mom, I don't want her never did want her and you can not have her. I am the Spiteful Bitch. Yes Lee knows the truth and promised to never tell on her, I will keep your secret CMA. Just my opinion. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Haylee Donathan Found June 24, 2009 by: Express Good news she is unharmed http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/haylee-donathan Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Sending Mail to InmatesRules & Requirements Recently we all heard where Bozo is passing mail from Casey to the Ants. all mail is supposed to go threw the jail system. So why is she being treated so special. http://www.orangecountyfl.net/cms/business/jail/in

Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 2 weeks ago BOMBSHELL: "Mallory has a year and a half long pregnancy and is carrying a child that looks like Baez" Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago BOMBSHELL: "Casey claims aliens in the shape of giant cheeto puffs visited her in jail last night" Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Hell that gave her more to eat!! Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago Mallory pregnancy rumours have been around for a long time. I wonder if that is even true. I think we can safely assume Casey is not with child.

Bombshell: Kidfinders find a kid! http://scaredmonkeys.com/2008/11/18/according-to-w I just found this and I'm sorry if you've seen it before. Judging by the dates on the comments it was posted last Novemberish. While on their recent late night cross bashing expedition he used flashing lights and the women thought it was the police. How did he get away with this AGAIN? I didn't know he had been in trouble for doing this before. Status: Shown ip: Etta profile image Etta says: 2 weeks ago At the very least I'll bet that Mallory knows that the Anthony's KNEW that Caylee was missing. She was with Lee when he went to the Dragon Room to drag Crazy home. Sure Lee can lie to LE about his reasons for being there, but Mallory will know the truth. I also bet that Mallory and/or Lee also knew that Crazy didn't have a job. As an event planner anyways. Lee was probably covering for Crazy's escort gig. THANK GOD LITTLE HAYLEE WAS FOUND SAFE! Also good to hear that her POS mom is going to jail. Justice will be painful for the both of them...hee hee... I think if you figure out when Crazy got her veneers, it will be around the same time she started escorting...which also makes me think maybe she did have another cell phone that she used for work. Or a pager maybe. There's a hint of truth in everything. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Casey had them in the high school year book that was sold on ebay. You could see them, teeth straight and very white. Wish we had a pic of er in Jr High School and could compare the teeth. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Escorts make money, if Casey was escorting guys then why was she stealing from everyone and where did the money go. This is the part that does not make sense to me. I think she was using the stolen money to buy the things she wanted, and to have money to party all the time. But she did not want to spend that money on gas, that would be weak steal the gas from Dad. Her brain does not function like most people that steal, they would not hesitate to buy gas out of there stolen money. She was even stealing food from her moms house. Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago Hi all! I wish we had some more news besides the little tidbits here and there. The Nostradamus article posted yesterday was very interesting! I find his 'predictions' fascinating - but if no one can find that actual quatrain about Casey then someone probably made it up. It almost seems TOO specific to be real. As for the Mallory factor - I thought she dumped Lee in those first few months when s*it hit the fan! I was under the impression that they were broken up until his ZFG depo when he was asked if Mallory was still his gf and he said yes. My guess is that they might be off-and-on, or decided to stay together for the baby (if she's really pregnant). She is on the state's witness list anyway so I'm sure she will have some unflattering things to say about the whole damn family. If she was disgusted enough to break up with him over the way he and his useless parents reacted to the whole situation, I'm sure she won't try to cover for anyone when she takes the stand! Oh, and - BOMBSHELL: Casey's evil twin Zanny and her entourage of squirrels are spotted pole-dancing at Fusian! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago You mean to tell me our ship mates are at Fusion wait till I tell the CAPN, I bet he will put them on deck duty. They better have a good reason for being in that tack place. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Numerama and Losing it, you guys crack me up...Kidfinders find a kid, lol and Casey and her evil twin Zanny, ROTF! Yep losingit, we are all wondering how he got away with the flashing light thing again too! Who's suckin who, is what I always ask! BOMBSHELL: The National Intruder names Casey "Slut of the Year" Calling all squirrels to get back on deck! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Bombshell, it was not any of our crew. It was the imaginary Squirrel that Casey ran over, checking out the sluts club.

Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago BOMBSHELL: George pulls some strings and sneaks Casey home for a chili dinner with close friends Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Bombshell, does she have any left!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Bombshell, Bozo puts Casey in a big envelope and snaeks her out of Jail he is the new mail man. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago Does anyone want a very cute, striped, neutered, kitty named Tommy? He is nearly thirteen years old. He is the perfect pet for any one that needs to be up between 5 and 6am. He will awaken you every morning with a therapeutic scalp poking. If this fails to rouse you from your sleep, he will then commence to constant howling. This will continue for 10-15 minutes. After this, he will begin to flick (one at a time) everything on your nightstand on to the floor. He does this very slowly and stares at you the entire time. If you get up and give him a can of Fancy Feast he will leave you alone for about an hour. After the hour is up, the indoor cat will start asking to go outside. He has never been out there but he is determined everyday might just be the day he finds out what is behind that door. Anyone? Anyone? Hmmmmm... What to do with an old kitty that's driving me crazy? I love him so much. Well, as long as he keeps doing his business in his assigned box, I guess I just put up with him. But, again, if anyone is looking for something like this, just let me know. I'll pay for all his food and litter as long as he lives. Anyone? Anyone? Pictures are available upon request. LOL Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago BOMBSHELL, Dominic Casey sends the Ants a bill and he gets paid! Status: Shown ip:

losingit says: 2 weeks ago BOMBSHELLBOMBSHELLBOMBSHELL: Casey Anthony has accepted a plea deal. She will plead guilty and accept LWOP to avoid the DP. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Good ones you guys! BOMBSHELL: "Casey and Jose to wed in secret jailhouse ceremony" BOMBSHELL: "Red Twizzlers mysteriously found inside Casey's cell" Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago BOMBSHELL: "Ultrasound reveals a large growing cheeto in Caseys uterus" Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago Ewww. And it has a licorice cord. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Ewwwwww Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago BOMBSHELL: for Zanny)

"Alien ships have landed at the Sawgrass Apts." (they are searching

Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago BOMBSHELL--- Nostradamus and Zanny to open an Orlando Day Care Center. Wait, this just in... Kid Finders and The ANTfarm to also open one directly across the

street. Damn those Anthony's!! Losingit, re. cute loving kitty kitty. My addicted 18 year old fancy feast lover will start the wake up call exactly at 6:03 every morning. P.S. BOMBSHELL --- my cat knows how to tell time!! Damn those Anthony's!! Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


**********Bombshell: Casey Anthony crowned "Mother of the year"! First runner up, Melissa Huckabee. ************** *****************Bombshell: Casey Anthony's new book "50 ways to make strangers hate you" hits newstands today! **********Bombshell: Nancy Grace was the mastermind behind the "disappearance" of Caylee Anthony. The child has been found alive & has been renamed Lucy! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Good morning, ah it is so nice to sleep in once in awhile, Rascal doe's not get up early she is such a good baby. LOL Dam it this in the water down there, or is it Casey kool aid being served. High Profile Accused Baby Killer In Same Jail As Casey Anthony June 25, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/high-profile-ac Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Charlie's # 1 angel is now in heaven! Bless her soul. Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 2 weeks ago Casey Anthony case: 'Mommy's Little Girl' author defends title, book http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breaking Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago Micheal Jackson died today too.

Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago He sure didn't seem like a 50 year old. Time is a thief shipmates and if today isn't a kick in the gut for us all to again love the ones we are with and let them know it then no day is! Whatever one might have thought about him (me included) a true talent, legend, and icon is not with us. What a day... Status: Shown ip: Etta profile image Etta says: 2 weeks ago BOMBSHELL: Fusian nightclub has reviewed their parking lot security tapes and were surprised to find Crazy Anthony wrapping duck tape around her screaming daughter's head. It's unclear if there is any connection to her daughter's murder. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Bombshell, The delivery of Cheetos did not make it to the Orange County Jail. Casey was heard screaming, I am pissed, I am pissed. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 2 weeks ago losingit.. I have one of those. Now, my pees any where. Forget the litter box. I was at the table dealing with a mess of mine, paperwork, and picked up a pile. Good gosh, it even ran down the papers. It was on clothes, papers, a bag, the lid of a box. sigh. I will trade you LK2 *little kitty number 2*, lol, mom had number one, but I will trade him for your kitty. Mine is about the same age and is not spoiled like your and Steve's kitty.lol.. He will eat friskies and he does love to sit on the arm of the couch so he can pop his nails into your shoulder.. No?? BUT WHY??? LOL. Steve, I so agree with you regarding Michael Jackson. As a man, sort of, I did not like him. I did not like his character, yet what talent!! I dislike what he did with his life, yet he had a hard childhood. No, it does not condone the things he was into, but I can see how it would help turn him into an odd person. However, he was a human and had tons and tons of talent. I just wish he would have lived his life better. I think that is also what pushed him into an early death. I heard he was given a shot of demoral right before he collapsed. I think, just like with Elvis, the doctors were to blame in feeding MJ drugs that killed him. Heard to he was anorxic. he ate one small meal a day, or he ate nothing a day. Anorxia can kill, add major drugs?? But gosh what a shame. It is also a shame that as horrible as his passing is, no one now is even giving Farrah a mention. I mean we knew she had little time left, but I truly liked her. She was wacky at times, but a great actress and just likeable to me at least. What a day, to lose 2 great people. I

just now am worried about MJ's kids.. The mom, gag, has no rights, and good gosh do not let them around MJ's dad! So where do they go? Sad sad... So, now when are they going to go back and make George and Sindy do the depo's over? Never? And now I need to know! LOL.. IS Mallory pregnant or not? I must say I have never heard it mentioned except on our ship. I need to know so I can start to worry now about that baby. However, she did not look preggos at the memorial service and I have never heard anything about it. I would think if she was, Sindy would already be trying to figure out how to take the baby away.. What a day! A sad day... Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Did anyone hear that Ed McMann died yesterday? Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Also sad today is that they found a body and think it is that of Jada Justice...the 2 year old that went missing with the 18y/o babysitter. http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 These people need to burn in Hell! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago BOMBSHELL: "Casey confesses to other crimes in the Florida area, clearing up many old cold cases" The only part of that bombshell that I wouldn't believe is the fact that she confessed, lol. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago News about jada justice Jada Justice Found Dead June 26, 2009 by antonio http://www.makli.com/jada-justice-found-dead/ Status: Shown

ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Jada's body found near site of '03 murder-suicide By Marisa [email protected], (219) 662-5333 | Friday, June 26, 2009 Three people involdved in this case http://www.nwitimes.com/articles/2009/06/26/news/t Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


Whoa whats with the trifecta of celebrity deaths yesterday!?? Grim day for us "80's kids". I must admit, that although Michael Jackson was considered the "King of Pop", I had no room in my heart for him. As far as I'm concerned he was just as bad as Casey Anthony, but with a helluva lot more cash! Sad to admit, but money buys verdicts & his acquital was a slap in the face to every child who has suffered at the hands of a pervert. I have no sadness regarding his death. Gruesome & brutal, but I actually felt a little giddy when I heard the news. I find it repulsive that so many media outlets are memorializing him today. They are celebrating the life of a repeated pedophile??? What's wrong with this picture????????? On the other hand....As far as Farrah Fawcett & Ed McMahon go, They are true celebrity icons that were decent role models for many decades. They will be missed.It's so very sad that the media is consumed with MJ's death & not giving them their proper farewells. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Well here goes, I have not said a word on Michaels death. I seen Michael in person at Disney land when he was a young boy, I truly enjoyed his music. However he changed threw the years with his costumes and grabbing his crotch, which I thought was very tacky and turned a lot of people off.. At that point my son's would not even watch him or play his music. I also feel he got away with abusing boys, it is not normal for a man to have boys in his bed. There was more to it then we will every imagine and he did get away with it. I do not wish death on anyone. He was a true artist in his own way. Yes money talks we all know that, and see it to many times in the Justice System, and this is Sad, .Just my opinion. Now on Farrah Fawcett and Ed MCMahon, I will truly miss them, They will be greatly missed. There family will miss them as will the rest of us. Status: Shown ip:

JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago We think the ANTS are enablers to Casey....check out this psycho mom and what extent she went to for her daughter. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31564799/ns/us_news-cr Status: Shown ip: jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago Latest news on the Haleigh Cummings case: Law enforcement searching areas in Baker County where Crystal Sheffield lives. HLN said this search was based on a tip they received. http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/topstories/news Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 2 weeks ago Happy Friday to all. Very sad about little Jada. What is wrong with people!!! And Billy Bob Thornton's daughter was just indicted re: the little girl she babysat who died....I'm almost afraid to have children in the future unless I can stay home and care for them myself! On another note - I thought you guys might enjoy this story…I'm originally from Tennessee and I found this hilarious…gotta love my home state ;) http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5 P.S. - we should write to the OC jail and tell them to not allow Casey to have any more Cheetos, since they can somehow be used as weapons! LMAO Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Numarma, that is to funny! Num, I can count the number of time I left my kids and it was with my Mom no one else, I was luck enogh to stay at home and raise my kids and I love every minute of it. I had all the joy of raising them, and keeping house. Status: Shown

ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 2 weeks ago Haha, I thought you might like that! That's great that you were able to stay home with your kids, Rascal. My mother did the same thing with us...she didn't go back to work until my youngest sibling was 12. It is truly the hardest job in the world, IMO, but I'm so grateful for the sacrifice she made so that we'd be safe. I'm sure your children are just as thankful! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Yes the boys are working so hard so there wifes can stay home, and raise the kids. They often say how lucky they were. Status: Shown ip: Numarama profile image Numarama says: 2 weeks ago Proud to be on a ship where everyone knows how to be a good parent, period :) working hard at home or outside the home or both! Good role models for me for when I become a mom someday. Well, I am being dragged on a camping trip this weekend - no internet til Monday! What I'm I gonna dooooo?! LOL. Have a great weekend and I'll see you next week. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Hmmm, I think the sherriffs dept is trying not to start rumors or media stories. 40 people, back hoes, digging up ponds, looking under the house, etc. Ok, yeah, just routine. I call Bullshit!! Something isnt right with the mom and her mother. They just never seemed to react the way I thought they should of to this. Funny there is an 'intense' search of their property at this point. Anyway, I hope they find out something soon. Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


Wow Numarama, that sounds like it could have been one of our little "bombshells* we've been dropping here. Cheetos! That's a riot! Thanks for sharing the link. Have fun camping! Status: Shown

ip: linn says: 2 weeks ago That was so sad to hear about little Jada. I truly hoped she would be found, alive. was the babysitter involved at all? Why did she park the car on the dark side of the store, and not lock the doors. Better yet, why didn't she take the girl out of the car!! I never ever leave my kids in the car period. Well, if I am pumping gas I will leave them in the car, but there I am pumping gas yet I still lock the doors. As for MJ, I was not a big fan of his music, except the Thriller album maybe. Did not like Jackson 5 at all and never owned any of his music. I know he had a horrific childhood and I think that helped make him what he was, more reason to not let his parents get his kids. But who should? The mom? NO! And the youngest is not related to the older 2, so spilt them up..NO!.. What a mess there, and I was just watching a clip of the jury that aquitted him of molestation. Two jurors said he was guility!! Why didn't they stick to that if they felt it was right? If so, justice would have been served, and Michael might still be alive. i was also sickened and saddened today that they are making a circus out of this. One minute on Farrah, 10 seconds on Ed McMahon, 1 short sentence about Jada.. I was wanting to hear about Farrah's last moments and to hear from Ryan. I wanted to hear for sure it was Jada found. Here all we got was "they think", then right back to the Jackson thing. I bet a month from now it will be all over still. And why wasn't NG on? She had another person sit in for her. i wonder if it was because the entire show was going to be about MJ? I had to keep asking my daughter what time is it? It was like one long MJ show all day long. And funny too, they did not even have there 15 minute long commercials. He was talented, but also a very troubled, sick man that was into young boys. I have noticed no one is at least saying that was not true. Like OJ, he got off but everyone knew he was guilty. Not to mention the fact that he paid the one boy millions of dollars to keep quiet.. And ED MC. He was an icon yet nothing! I was shocked at first on the MJ death, but now the non stop coverage is making me mad. Enough! Poor little Jada. I heard nothing but it was possibly here. What is going on with all these baby killers??? Did Crazy start a trend?? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago 2 charged in death of missing Ind. toddler 06/26/2009 It was Jada, here is the story, The sitter and boyfriend did it. They encased her little body in cement and sank it in water. http://www.whas11.com/sharedcontent/APStories/stor Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago

BOMBSHELL: "Casey sees the devil's face in her bowl of cheetos" Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago That is awful about Jada. Now the 27 year old confesses!! The 18 year old babysitter hit her in the head over and over till she fractured her skull???? They had to be on heroin like they said to have done the things they did to that body. Plastic bags, attempted burning, concrete encasing, dumping in a swamp. For God's sake, DP for both of their crazy asses! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago The 18 year old is a relative of the Mom, hard to believe no one knew she used drugs. Yes they do deserve the DP, I really feel sorry for the parents. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago The boyfriends face caught fire when he tried to burn her little body. Here is today's story and what his burnt face looks like. (He deserves that and more) He will have to live with the fact that his face has that baby's burned body on it. Creepy for sure. http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Mommy's little girl should of been titled Mommy's little snot nose. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Better yet, it should of been "Mommy, living 'la vita belle' without her little girl" Here is the tattoo guys talking about her coming into their shop. She didn't blink an eye when they asked "Where's Caylee?" (she was already dead for two weeks by this time)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRzCg68Z_yM Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Where is everyone today? Status: Shown ip: linn says: 2 weeks ago Hey Jo.. I am here.. lol. It is quite today. I am not sure I want to go read that story about Jada. She was so pretty. I am not sure I feel yet for her parents. They, I believe, knew this girl was on drugs, she was only 18, and for me another odd one of a mother showing no emotion about her baby missing. The father neither. Sure both said the usual we just want her back, and all, yet no tears.. Nothing. And to leave a 2 year old with an 18 year old for more than an evening is something I would never do. Of course in all my kids lives, they never had a sitter! I was it. If I had a doctor's appt, or the rare day of getting my hair done, grugenly *sp* my Mom would watch them. The bad times were when Mom came with me and the kids to the doctors. NEver failed the doc was running late, and I was sweating bullets knowing Mom was not happy out there.. lol. I used to wonder why she came? I mean, I never went anywhere after, just back to get the kids. Anyway, not one of my kids ever had a sitter except grandma... I didn't trust anyone but grandma.. They should give them both a "bad" shot of herion.. That would end it for them and save a lot of money for taxpayers. I wonder if little jada wanted her mom and they went off? I guess we will have to see if she was sexually assulated. What a horrible way to die, but for a 2 year old? The terror she must have felt Status: Shown ip: linn says: 2 weeks ago oops! I mean JMo Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Yeah, I can just imagine this heroin freak 18y/o hitting this kid in the head to shut her up, most likely. Kids that age always cry for mommy or daddy, especially when they are tired, etc.. I don't understand the mom leaving her 2 y/o for more than a few hours with someone...I really can't understand that at all, no matter what. I think they said the mom was taking a vacation??? Anyway, plain and simple, it was the case of another child being in the way of what the adult wanted to do. Meaning the babysitter wanted to party and do heroin and Jada's own mother wanted to go on her trip, etc. (remind us of anyone?). And what is with a 27 y/o boyfriend??? He should of known better than try and help an 18 y/o burn and bury a baby's body. He said he was telling the 18y/o to stop hitting her....what the fuck

is wrong with him that he would of let it happen the first time???? Yes I agree, give them both an overdose of heroin and let them die in what they thought was worth taking that babies life for. Sickening. Too many of these selfish, me, me, me people out there today. Should not be having kids, for sure! Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


Wow, this gets really depressing...I know this sort of thing has been happening forever, but with the age of electronics we hear about all these sickos so much more frequently now. I don't log in very much these days just for that very reason. Life brings along enough sorrow, sometimes it's too much for me to read about the crazy people in our world. Poor little Jada. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago T.V. pitchman Billy Mays died today. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Too much tragedy.....but people like Casey Anthony and her family make me sick. Who do they think they are? Do they think they can get away with murdering that beautiful child and then trying to cover it up with lie after lie and protect one another???? Really! I have no sympathy for any of their crazy asses. They are a waste of taxpayer money and a waste of good breathing space. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 2 weeks ago Steve.. I saw that today. Odd thing was, I was watching Madea's Family Reunion, hilerious, but there was Billy with the other new guy doing a funny commercial. I was laughing at it, and then I sign on later to see he died? My sister said he was on some flight and I am not sure. Turbulence maybe, but he hit his head somehow on the plane. Complained to his wife of not feeling that great and went to bed at 10:00 PM.. Then is dead? Sounds just like Natasha Richerdson hitting her head on the bunny slope and dying. sad no matter what. I was thinking heart attack until I heard about the hitting his head.. I guess we will see. Regarding the a** boyfriend of the a** 18 year old. You mean he just stood there as the 18 year old beat the 2 year old and just said "you should stop that"? I don't believe that for a minute. He could have slapped her down and picked up that baby. He is involved and trying to put all blame on the herion addict 18 year old. I think with this becoming so common lately, they should be given death. Within a month of being found guilty. NO APPEALS, NO DELAYS.. They admitted doing it. They

need to die along with that poor baby. Same with Casey, same with Huckabee... same with any of them. maybe then they would all think twice before they did this. Fry them as soon as the guilty verdict is read. I am FED UP with these people murdering these babies.. This was sickening.. Can you imagine the fear and pain that little girl felt. And I feel NOTHING for her mother. I saw no emotion in her at all. No tears, nothings. Sorry too, but i saw the same thing in gee, can't think what case. now THAT is sad!!! That there is so many I can;t remember them all. Did you all see the man and his g/f that somehow got his son, that he had nothing to do with since birth, but they beat him to death. Fathers day. He finally died Tuesday. Beaten to death by a father he did not even know. No mention of the mom, but seems grandmother had the boy, but he somehow tricked her into getting the son. Memorial day. Fathers day he beats him so bad it his head leaves a dent in the wall or on his head. They sure did not make that clear, not that it matters. The dad and his g/f beat that lttle boy to death. Can you just imagine? Beating a child to death? So far that is Jada and this lilttle boy. All about the same time. People seem to be so sick lately. I am about to join Wednesday Morning and give up on news period. AOL news, CNN, HLN.. IT seems lately to be about beaten kids.. Don't understand. If you can't take it, give them to someone who can? And to use lies to get the boy, then just to kill him? SICK... Just SICK! Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 2 weeks ago I agree, it is so very upsetting. Mays was on a United Flight that landed roughly due to a flat tire. Falling stuff from above whacked him in the head. He didn't get treatment....probably had a concussion with cerebral bleed. Sad. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Good morning, Just listened to blogger news, Crystal Sheffield was due in court the day that Haleigh Cummings disappeared, Crystal was 12.000 in debt for Child Support to Ron. A Benefactor in Texas sent Crystals Attorney a check for that amount so Crystal would not end up going to Jail. Now she only has to pay for RJ the son. Still no Haleigh found. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 2 weeks ago I heard she was 4,000 in arrears for CS.. 10 dollars in arrears is bad enough, but I did hear it was 4,000.. I doubt she was expected with no job to pay very much, but still..... ON a side note, I cannot take much more of the non-stop Michael jackson news. They act like the Lord came down and was giving interviews after parting the oceans. I mean good gosh! Over and over and over and over. I want to scream and it is on every channel. I ended up watching the food channel. Only about 2 minutes on

little Jada, about the same for Billy Mays, and even less for Farrah and Ed McMahon.. Nothing on the little boy beaten by his dad. I truly thought NG would have something on all these kids and Farrah at least, but nothing. I guess for the next several months this will be the only news. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Blogger news, that vbountyhunter has the information on it. It was what I said check it out. Click on the radio broadcast. http://www.bloggernews.net/ Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago I am sickened by these details of what happened to little Jada. http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 Also, both of these murderers have "low set ears". I have always been told that people whose ears are low set are 'slow'. Anyway, I looked it up and here is what the medical book says: (I wonder if they both suffered from something listed below???) The following common conditions are associated with low-set and malformed ears: Down syndrome Turner syndrome Rare conditions associated with low-set and malformed ears include: Treacher Collins syndrome, Potter syndrome, Trisomy 18, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Trisomy 13, Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Oh wait, there is one thing left off that list above: The "murderer syndrome" Status: Shown ip:

lee says: 2 weeks ago Wednesday morning is that really your Pic? Shipmates I have to admit that you guys are a committed Bunch!! Hey JMo tell you this much CASEY "wont" be celebrating the 4th with the rest of US normal folks! Happy 4th to all of you..... Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Well, at least we know she won't have another chance to degrade the American Flag! No party for you Casey!!! She will be lucky to get mustard on her hot dog that day. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Poor Casey, the menu at our house is home made chili, bbq baby back ribs with my special sauce, potato salad and home made bread then we will top it off with home made ice cream. Big celebration my son is coming home from job out of state. And we fly the Flag we do not wear it. Personally I hope they give Casey, Bologna and Slaw. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 weeks ago Hi everyone. Tomorrow is Canada Day (142 years old). Your menu sounds good Rascal, I just might copy it. I too will be flying my flag and not wearing it. I love my maple leaf flag. The other day, on the radio, some nut job woman was going on about her mission to change our Canadian flag. She said that a red maple leaf is a dead maple leaf, blah, blah, blah. Good luck with that crazy lady. Yup, Casey, we will all be out in the sunshine enjoying a beautiful day off with friends and family. Enjoy your day in your cold cell with your shrine of black roses. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago The Casey case has no "cost limits". Its the taxpayers who are getting screwed due to this psychopath who thinks she is special. Anyway, the cost is going up as this bullshit goes on and on. Give her the DP and get it over with!!!!

http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/caylee-a Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Contrasting story to Casey's of what a loving caring and heroic parent is. They give their life for their child, not party because their child is gone. Warning this is really sad. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breaking Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I have not even watched NG tired of hearing about Michael Jackson, when there program stops on that subject will go back and watch again. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago I haven't seen NG in a long while (mainly cause I don't have cable). I just wish they would "ALL" stop profitting off of poor little Caylee and get this over with. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Hopefully the public can see what liars the Ants are and what they are up to with all the money grubbing hands. They could not even show respect to give Caylee a decent burial. Or stand up for and tell the truth.. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago So true. But I think the lawyers are gonna rape the taxpayers and get as much as they can out of this too! They are all scum! Poor Caylee. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

Casey Anthony: Nancy Grace plans two programs on Cindy Nancy must be listening to her bloggers, a lot of us have been asking for this. Take the Gloves off Nancy, go get her. June 30, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/06/casey-anthony-n Status: Shown ip: lee says: 10 days ago Mustard, bologna, slaw!!!! heck I think she might enjoy it add some chips, dip & SLOPPY sauce to that menu. As much as I hate hearing the on going details of Micheals Death, it must be driving CASEY crazy not be the daily news topic. I cant tell you how gratifying it is knowing that CASEY lives for Holiday parties although she wont be attending any of them anytime soon.......Ha Ha Haaaaaaaa party on Chubby. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 10 days ago Rascal, I am not to, to get excited over NG's stories on Sindy. It is her usual Friday off and I think what we are going to see is all re-runs of Sindy. Like the tapes a while back of Crazy.. It is just clips of her in all her glory, but Nancy I am sure will be on her 4th of July vacation. It was supposed to be on last Friday, but the Michael Jackson was the news. Notice though that even though that was big news THEN, NG was still not the newsperson on her own show. Jean was. So Nancy already had plans to not be on the air and just do re-run clips of Sindy since the beginning. I will watch it but I sure hope it is interesting. Anything at this point besides MJ.. And little Haleigh Cummings had the Turner Syndrome? The low set ears she did have, but I never would have noticed if they did not point it out. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 10 days ago Hey, do I suck? I actually love bologna sandwiches and coleslaw. I love slightly burnt weiners cooked over a fire too. Yummy, hotdogs with ketchup and mustard. Thank goodness I've been camping all week and was spared the MJ shows. I'm 39 and kinda grew up with him. I did like him. I liked his music and thought he was an incredible dancer. As far as all the other stuff? Yeah, he was never said to be guilty, but I think it was true. He was weird, no question. Does he deserve all this? I don't think so. I mean, his music was good, but many musicians are good. Really, all he taught me was the moon walk. When I was about twelve, my Grandpa bought me a tape player and two tapes- Rick Springfield and Blondie. I accidently left the tapes at my grandparents when my parents came to fetch me. My Mom had two tapes in the Suburban-Abba and The Beatles Greatest Hits. I listened to them over and over. I fell in love with both of them. Then I fell in love with The Who. In order, my loves are: Beatles, Abba, Who, Meatloaf. I used to be weird in my age group because of my love for these groups, but now it's just ordinary. My daughter is nearly 20 and they are her favorites too. WTH?

Linn, hold off on buying "The Long Long Trailer". I'm trying to figure out how to burn my copy, and then I'll send you one. http://anakerie.blogspot.com/2009/05/cindy-anthony I found this in the comments of Rascals last link. This blogger e-mailed Cindabitch and she e-mailed her back . It was, as usual, one of Cindabitch's ignorant responses. Kind of funny though and hopefully no one has seen it yet. It's getting really hard to find new stuff. I loved the bloggers letter to Cindy. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago linn, I did not expect NG to be on Friday night and did not expect her to cover all the hoop la on MJ, she had no use for him. losingit, I buy the New York Hot dogs and like mine the same way well done, mustard relish and of course onion. And I also love Slaw, I make mine with a little sour cream, mayo, touch of sugar and viniger, yum yum. I read that letter to Sindy and I loved it. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 10 days ago Losingit: Now your talking my language. I love my hot dogs with ketchup, mustard and even some relish but the key for me is they have to be so well done that they jump off the grill by themselves and say to me, hey CAPN, where ya been for the past 15 minutes? As far as music goes, I can go from sitting front row at a Van Halen concert or Sade and everything in - between. I love music!! Take care everyone, I am hitting the pillow cause my battery is real low!! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 10 days ago 10 year old missing http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Casey Anthony: Profile of a Sociopath July 1, 2009 by: Express

We all figured this out a long time ago!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/07/casey-anthony-p Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE 9 days ago


Momster a socipath and a baby killer and every juror that will sit on this case knows what I just typed. Good luck momster! And as far as your guy BOBO wanting your "day in court" do not fret, we are all one day closer to his wish being granted. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Bombshell! Sales at Target went down this last year, Casey has not been there to shop!!! hehe Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 9 days ago Looking in Websters for the definition of Sociopath....oops, there's Casey's picture! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


JMo, After wednesday clears the blog I have a pic of the Spciopaths for you!! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 9 days ago The story of 10 y/o Lindsey Baum (they keep showing her friends picture for some reason). I checked out her myspace page and then the one that belongs to this picture and it is a girl names Kayla. Anyway, I then checked one of those myspaces belonging to another girl who wrote a message that it showed Lindsey as being online. I reported it to the Washington police last night. They emailed me back and thanked me for noticing the information and bringing it to their attention. (So, apparently this little girl has been on her myspace since she went missing....hmmm, sounds like a runaway to me! She has a "pretty rough" myspace profile for a 10 year old.)

http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


JMo, that is great hope it helps to find her. Status: Shown ip: jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 9 days ago Great detective work JMO! Orange County commissioners agreed to pay another $2,500 for Roy Kronk's defense bringing the total the county has paid for his lawyer to $15,000. This case is going to cost the tax payers a pretty penny before it's over. Bozo & Momster are going to be sorry they turned down the plea deal. Jurors are not going to like the fact that they will have to put their lives on hold & that this has hit them in the pocketbook when Momster could have fessed up back in July. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/caylee-a Status: Shown ip: linn says: 9 days ago Losingit! Thank you!! I forgot about that movie until one of our posters mentioned it. Now why can't they make movies like that anymore. Rascal, i never thought NG would go on and on and on about MJ.. But she is there too. No mention but a sentence on the sickos that killed little Jada. I thought NG was for missing children and women? And who else has noticed this? Now I am in CA.. Steve?? It used to be 2 exact back to back hours of Mike Galanos, then Jane V. Mitchell, then NG, the Lou Dobbs. Now the same two hours of Mike, then Jane, the NG, but then JANE again!! All about MJ.. I am so sick of hearing about him. Just because you are said not guilty does not mean you did not do it. Uh, OJ? They were worried about another riot and again, money gets you off. course it does not save your live, not keep you from doing stupid crappola like OJ doing what he did on TAPE! LOL.. Uh, hear about OJ? They are thinking of letting him out on bond while he waits to appeal? UH, i heard he had no chance of getting an appeal. All this started before MJ passed away. It is like nothing else in the world is going on now. the earth has stopped since MJ died. Only person I feel for is the same as it was all along, even when he was alive. HIS KIDS! Or those he paid for. I do feel for the kids. He, I think, did treat them very well. I hope.. I also hope they find that little 10 year old girl. It was heartbreaking to hear how afraid of the dark she was. She wanted to get home before dark.. Sad.. Status: Shown ip: losingit


9 days ago Good work JMo. It's pretty bad that a trained detective didn't think to do that. Our girls post on facebook from their phones about once an hour. If any of them went "missing" I wouldn't even worry unless the little addicts stopped posting. I'm secretly "friends" with all of them. I know about any plans they have the minute it pops into their heads. The oldest one has been home alone all week while I've been camping. NO ONE is allowed over if I'm not home. Well, I know everyone that was here and how long they stayed. I'm back home to TV today. I see what you guys are talking about. It's all MJ all the time. Are there people out there who are actually glued to their TVs and can't get enough of this? I admit that I was like this when Casey was all the frenzy. But really. I've been gone for nearly a week and it's basically still all the same stuff. MJ died, he was probably on drugs, kids go to his Mom or Diana Ross, exwife gets nothing. His Mom was spotted at Target (okay, I'm not sure what store it was) buying sleeping bags for the kids. Does MJ's Mom not live in a mansion with a few extra bedrooms or even a bit of extra bedding? Are the kids camping on the floor in the living room? This just seems strange to me. Okay, I'm sorry to talk even more about it. Actually, most of my posts lately seem to be off topic. It's getting hard. We need more family antics or better yet, the trial to start. What are we going to do with ourselves if everyone is behaving and this doesn't go to trial for another year? Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 9 days ago Well, tonight on NG they said that the dogs could not pick up that little girls scent. Yet the one guy said dogs can pick it up for at least a month. Her one little friend that she was at her house (and the mom said no, you have to go home) said she walked her 1/2 way home down the street and that was the last she saw her. Hmmm, the dogs picked up no scent. My thought is her little friend down the street is not telling the truth!!! Either this gal is a runaway (maybe with a boy) or we have another melissa huckaby on our hands. I think her friend is covering for her or for someone else. God, please let her be a runaway. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 9 days ago Most likely the DP for the 18y/o cousin that killed little Jada. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Jesse Grund: “Caylee Lit Up Your Life” July 2, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/07/jesse-grund-cay Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE 8 days ago


Hey BOBO, remember the babysitter did it! And who was the babysitter? Why that would be momster NOW WOULDN'T IT?? Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 8 days ago Somehow, I hope Baez or Cindy or Casey reads our blogs! These three stooges have to realize that they are all idiots and that no one likes them or respects them. Casey deserves the DP, Cindy deserves to be locked away and Baez deserves to lose his license! Happy 4th you morons!!! Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 8 days ago On a lighter note, I hope all the shipmates have a great 4th. Be safe!!! Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 8 days ago http://www.myorangeclerk.com/mycl...c-0bfd8889c20b Notice of Hearing 09/09/2009 3:15pm 7/1/2009 Notice Appearance of Counsel for Anthony Lazzaro Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 8 days ago JMO, please don't believe everything NG has to say -- two witnesses saw Lindsey making it about 2/3 of the way home. There has been scent, then poof~ sadly, it is looking like an abduction. I hope everyone has a good weekend, remember to hug your kids, your matey, your doggie or whoever and be proud we live where we live! Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 7 days ago

Wednesday, I hope your family is doing well, they are in my prayers. Taking off for a couple days -- yeah!! Status: Shown ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 7 days ago Wednesday, I saw a picture like yours -- are you a model, if you don't mind me asking? Just beautiful! Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 7 days ago I hope that little girl was not abducted. I do hope there was a scent...but the detective she had on said that they couldn't pick anything up. Hopefully they did by now. I wonder if its a case of another melissa ICKabee. I wish they would put the right picture up of this little girl. From her myspace, the one they are posting is her friend, Kayla. Her myspace page was a bit dark and rough for a 10 year old. It makes you wonder if someone found her out or connected with her on there???? How sad. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE 7 days ago


Nordie: No kidding but I didn't want to be the first one to throw that out there! Happy Holiday Weekend Mates!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


A Prayer for the Fourth of July Gods of liberty, goddesses of justice,watch over those who would fight for our freedoms.May freedom be given to all people, around the world,no matter what their faith.Keep our soldiers safe from harm,and protect them in your light,so that they may return to their familiesand their homes.Goddesses of liberty, gods of justice,hear our call, and light the sky, your torch shining in the night,that we may find our way back to you,and bring people together, in unity. God Bless Our Troops and all of you. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 7 days ago

I KNEW IT!!! Good ole NG has MJ on again tonight!!! I knew that would happen. Twice now saying Sindy will be on tonight, and monday, yet MJ is on again. Like what new news has there been on him? NOTHING. Sorry shipmates, I am so mad over seeing MJ on ng I could have screamed in frustration. I am so sick of MJ being on 24 hours a day, yet nothing is new.. He was a performer, not God. Well, I say MJ will be on Monday too.Forget the Sindy tapes for at least another month HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY TO ALL!!!! Uh, are we doing fireworks? No place around here is allowed to, and for the first time ever, our city is too poor to set off the city fireworks. so what to do? Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE 7 days ago


Rascal and everyone: God bless our troops!! America is NOT at war. The U.S. Military is at war. America is at the mall. If you don't stand behind our troops, PLEASE feel free to stand in front of them! Remember, Freedom isn't Free, thousands have paid the price so you can enjoy what you have today. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 7 days ago Happy 4th of July to all my American friends! You guys are awesome. You must be so proud of your country and all she does. I hope you all have a wonderful day and weekend. Thank you for all you do. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 6 days ago losingit.. are you from Canada? I know someone on our ship is, if not more than one. I think you mentioned someone wanting to change your leaf flag. Thank you for your words regarding our country. Most Americans are extremely proud of our country. you always have those with a lot of bashing, that also love to use the rights and freedom we do have. Meanwhile bashing the troops, but taking advantage of the freedom they achieved for us. I never ever understood the way the Vietnam vets were treated. I was young then, well as far as war goes, but Rambo said it best.. have to laugh, but in the scene where he said they were sent over their to fight for our country, and came home to being called baby killers, spit on.. I never even back then could understand why.. Still don't. And the ones who say this would never fight for our country, but are the ones who demand their "rights" the loudest. If I had to, I would defend my country. Not too sure how effective I would be, but I would do what is needed so our kids keep the life we have grown so accustomed to. Being free. Although sometimes I wish they would curb some of the freedom of speech and all. Seems to give many the right to bash in the name of the "Constitution" Anyway, hope everyone, you too losingit!, had a great holiday and just a great

day! Fireworks here have dwindled to nothing, but I get a great show every year from my bedroom so I am waiting. Son took 5 year old to his friends for bbq and fireworks. Problem is, he gets drunk. The only day of the year he drinks. So 3 beers and he is drunk. Last year his friend drove them home, 5 year old NOT in a car seat, friend drunk too but not like my son gets. Fine for all of them, but not the 5 year old. I told friend to CALL, and we will come get them. Even he said good idea. Bad side is just waiting for the call to get them. Small price to pay for me not freaking out over it all. HAPPY 4th TO ALL!! Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 6 days ago Linn, Yes, I am Canadian and very proud of it. Very, very proud of it. I love my country so much. My Grandpa served in the Royal Canadian Armed Froces. I miss him so much, he was my best friend. I think about him everyday. He died about fifteen years ago. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 6 days ago


Tattoo Artist on Casey: It Was Definitely, Definitely Strange July 4, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/07/tatoo-artist-on Status: Shown ip: linn says: 5 days ago losingit.. I think Canada is BEAUTIFUL!! That is on my wish list to visit. I watch a lot of those home shows.. i was surprised to see many were filmed in Canada and I was like, ohmygosh! Where are they finding those houses.. lol.. then I saw we were in Canada. Winter looks chilly, lol, but like a post card. And I saw pics in spring, the flowers! And pics in fall, the leavess!.. My dad passed 13 years ago.. Seems like a week ago. Do you remember Dudley Doright? *sp*.. The mounty cartoon.. Even on the cartoon it looked beautiful. I hope everyone is proud of their country. Can you imagain living in a place you are not proud of? I love being an American, but will admit Canada would be my other choice. I would love France or Italy, but laugage barriers would stop me. Your grandfather sounded like he got to live quite the life. Someday I would love to visit Canada.. maybe start off in the spring.. haha Status: Shown ip: JMo says: 5 days ago

Experts say Lindsey Baum likely abducted by someone she knew. I sure wish they would find this little girl! Why do the ANTS get all the attention? Status: Approved ip: Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 5 days ago


Happy 4th my friends! Sweet compliment Nordie & you too Captain! No, just a mom with a camera. I'm usually on the other side of the lens. I'll get on here soon to swab the decks. Busy, busy, busy holiday weekend. JMO, nice work on the MySpace catch. You're awesome! Rascal, Can't wait to see what you've cooked up for us. Hopefully I'll get this updated by Tuesday so you can post your latest & greatest. Night all! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


Anthonys' Attorney Comments On Autopsy Reaction Posted: 11:01 am EDT June 22, 2009Updated: 1:52 pm EDT June 22, 2009 http://www.wftv.com/news/19822164/detail.html Good morning shipmates, what a weekend the BQQ went well, considering I could not get on the net, the server was down. Then to top it off the tree grew obstructing my view on the Direct TV so I had no TV, Now that really made me feel like I was camping in the boonies. I usually watch TV when I go to bed then fall asleep with it on. Instead I Rascal decided to entertain me with her snoring, not appreciated by Mom, after rubbing her tummy she was quiet again but it did give me a good laugh. Even with all the trivial problems we are so lucky to have the freedom we have in our great country. Bad enough no Internet, but take the TV also that was the Pitts. I finally found a spot for the dish and reset it and I have TV again. Considering all of this what did we ever do with out Internet and TV, Gosh I am a little to old for a scooter made out of skates and a produce box and some old board. And I do not remember what I did with my Yo Yo. Hell I do not even have a can to kick around. But it was still a wonderful weekend and stopped and said a prayer for our boys over seas, that were not so lucky to be around family like the rest of us. Have a great day all. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


You need to go listen to who paid the child support that Crystal Shiefield was behind, her Attorneys husband. Whooooo!!!! http://www.bloggernews.net/ Status: Shown ip: imacynic2 says: 5 days ago What did Anthony Lazzaro need an attorney for? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


I was wondering the same thing, seems like everyone in this case has a Lawyer, I do know he did not want Bozo to have full access to his cell records. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 days ago Imacynic2, I think that anyone involved in this case needs a lawyer! Casey has managed to destruct everyone's life that she has come in contact with and has manipulated the system to make everyone appear suspect. Even if you did nothing wrong, she has found a way to make everyone look guilty but her. It is sad, but everyone must protect themselves from her and that nut case Baez who can't seem to see the forest for the trees when it comes to Casey's lies. He is like her puppet and goes after whoever she tells him to. Anthony Lazzaro might find himself on the cutting block if he doesn't protect himself from Casey. I think Baez is wanting all of his phone records, so that tells you that he is trying to pin something on him or show he was part of this. I feel bad for all the people she twisted into her web of psychosis and continues to try and suck them into her guilty behavior. Besides, it's a 'lawyer game' now. One of money and time. These lawyers have no respect for the system, their clients and much less for themselves. They are after money and fame. They create the circus to keep all the other lawyers in business. Status: Shown ip: imacynic2 says: 4 days ago Ah - there was a hearing date listed too, so I didn't know if he was in trouble for something or what was up. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 days ago Interesting about who paid that back child support, eh? Maybe her husband is

trying to help her out with the case? Seems a bit fishy and a conflict of interest to me....which can get the judge to throw her off the case as Crystal's attorney. LOL, I'm convinced that these people are either all related or have something on each other!!!! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


If you listen to blogger news you will hear a lot about that Attorney Kim, talk about some shady people lawsuits up the ying yang on her and hubby. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE 4 days ago


In case you have been either stuck in your cabin (because of faulty door knobs) or on a ship to shore leave (adding to ANOTHER economy) and have not heard the news.... The ship has an attorney located on the lido deck. One never knows these days and I figured we might have the need. Do not ask how we paid the retainer for such a person. Please don't ask! Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Darn Steve, I think we need to declare to pennies we collected out of the penny bubble gum machine I installed. and yes I still own one of them. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 4 days ago Thanks Linn. It's quite lovely where I am. I'm in a small town in Alberta about with beautiful mountain views. Winters can be brutal and summers scorching. Today is just grey and rainy. Why is it a conflict of interest if the lawyer paid the child support? If they want to give Crystal money (to pay support or for whatever) are they not supposed to do this? It sounds a bit sketchy, but is it actually wrong? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


1 Year Ago: Casey Anthony At 4th Of July Party July 6, 2009 by: Express Tony was the most important thing to Casey there is not mention or concern for Caylee.

http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/07/, Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 days ago Losing it: When I had an attorney, the opposing attorney told the Judge that my attorneys husband had done some contract work for him with roofing. The judge made me get a different attorney. I think it is some sort of professional code. Kind of like a boundary thing. They have definitely crossed boundaries, lol. Maybe they are all related...? Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


JMo, it is called conflict of interest, that should never have been done. No wonder they said anonymous Donner, LMAO. Just more HALF TRUTHS, or as my Dad would of said half assed truth., is this a thing with Florida Attorneys. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


I should of added they did they learn this from the Ants!!!! Status: Shown ip: linn says: 4 days ago losingit.. it sounds lovely!! I am not used to any weather.. lol.. Summer is foggy in the morning but got to 68 today. HOT.. Winter is beautiful and about the high 50's to low 60's.. we get an Indian Summer and it can get to 90 but that is rare and only last about 3 days.. And that is that. Summer mornings are foggy until about 4 PM, winter is beautiful and so clear. no fog. fall is warm..70's, maybe a little higher. So I have never seen snow, so I think if you say brutal, I would be a snowman. And scorching? Uh, NO! lOL... I could do winter better. Still sounds like a lovely place and I would love it, in the spring!.. How did everyone's holiday go? Really, really quiet here. Son went with grandboy, daughter and baby were here but in bed. Old son with g/f.. Almost no fireworks which I usually get to enjoy. I think people just could not justify setting money on fire. PS.. SICK OF MICHAEL JACKSON!!!! SICK I SAY! Status: Shown ip:

losingit says: 4 days ago Okay, but if I was a lawyer representing what might be a huge case, I might want to show how nice I am. Let's get this issue of child support out of the way and get on with things. I understand where you guys are coming from, but is what she/husband did really a crime? I know nothing about what can happen between clients and attorneys. If Casey is fined say 5000.00 for stealing her friends cheques, can Bobo pay it Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 4 days ago Linn, I spent the winter a bit north of where I am now and I was actually snowed in for days at a time. If it wasn't too cold to even attempt to start the car, the snow storms had all the roads shut down. It was either -40 or -30 and snowing for most of january and february. I said earlier that today is grey and rainy. It's weird. It's been pouring rain here for hours. It usually doesn't do that that here. i actually love it. It's so uncommon. It's supposed to last all night and for a couple more days. I just converterted to your temp it's 50 F outside and and 75 F in the house. I have no idea what that means in your language. In mine it means it is cool outside and just a wee bit warmish in the house. Pouring rain. It's humid which is rare. Probably doesn't help that I steam cleaned my carpets today. It's so uncommon to hear rain here. I'm totally loving it. Caasseeyy, do you remember what rain sounds like? I rarely hear it and to me it sounds beautiful. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 days ago The only thing that sounds beautiful to Casey is leading her Bella Vita with some guy! (and no Caylee around to be in the way). I think the biggest part of this story (which used to be interesting due to her being a 'female' sociopath) will now be how she was able to manipulate the system with her sociopathic behavior after she was caught! It makes every damn one of them look stupid. She has made a fool of the police dept, the judge, her friends, her parents and some of the public. How obvious can it be? Why did these people need to be hit in head to wake up and see what she is doing? What idiots for allowing her to manipulate them like she has. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 4 days ago Casey's new home......not quite what she expected! http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss263/2009JMo/C Status: Shown ip:

losingit says: 3 days ago Still all MJ. Hopefully this will be over tomorrow. I haven't even been watching any of it for more than a minute or two, but still I've heard JVM mention how she covered MJ's trial at least a dozen times. I've also heard her say a few times (regarding his drug abuse) that she has been sober for 15 years. Awesome, wonderful, congratualtions, but I heard you the first time. Haha JMo. Bella Vita sounds like it could be a tranquil rehab facility. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 days ago Yep, the Bella Vita Correctional Institute. Ran by Squirrels! I hope Casey has dreams of squirrels attacking her. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 days ago Calling on Capn Steve and all the shipmates....this just in! Casey's trial has now been set back to NEXT SUMMER! What will we do? Drift at sea or dock for awhile? Hopefully evil Sindy and George will keep us somewhat entertained with their antics? I don't think I can wait that long..... http://www.miamiherald.com/news/florida/AP/story/1 Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 days ago I bet Casey and her family are just loving the fact that Andrea Lyon's teaching schedule takes a priority over Casey's life!!!! Sorry, but that says it all for me! I guess Casey can just rot in the jail cell till she gets a trial, or so her lawyer thinks so.....hmmm. Seems if she thought she could get her out, or if she was so innocent, then Lyons would do this quickly. Casey does have a right to a 'speedy trial' doesn't she? Its probably another "attorney ploy" to drag this out and hope the public forgets the facts! Not a chance Casey....we all know you murdered Caylee and we won't forget!!!!! http://www.abcactionnews.com/news/local/story/Case Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat


3 days ago I really expected that not a big surprise to me at all. Enjoy Bella Vita Casey, then get ready to move to the big Bella Vita and they will not be nice to you there. Oh and on the way to your move there will be no Fusion or Target, That is if they can get your big Cheeto Ass out of the cell by then. But never fear they will cut the bars if they half to, to remove you. Are you still bumping in to the walls Casey and having the night mares, yahoo the Squirrels wish they never stop. Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 3 days ago Uh, no thanks to anything that has a minus in front of it! My favorite thing in the world is listening to rain. We get maybe 14 inches a year, on a great year! Usually about 11 maybe. So when we get it I am thrilled. For one thing, no watering of my potted plants. Not sure about your temps. It is 62 degrees outside, but warmer inside. new windows just might be working. SUMMER?? Good gosh! Casey will be pushing 30.. haha.. I really can't see her even being happy hearing that. However, she could demand a speedy trial and Lyons can go to her den. I just can't see Casey wanting to sit there another year, and that is just for the trial to start! We know she thinks she is smarter than the average bear, so I am sure she wants it to start now so by next summer she can be in the hot body contest. I just really cannot see her happy knowing she has another year to just sit and wait for her lawyer. BTW, didn't Lyons know her teaching schedule before she took on the case? She can't multi task???And please let the MJ stuff be over. YES, JVM always talks about her sobriety and covering the MJ case. A lot of people on HLN covered MJ AND the OJ trial. Big deal. I am starting to not like JVM.. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but never married and no kids. I heard from someone, and I will admit that someone does not like her, but they heard JMV was gay.. She sure does not look almost 54 Status: Shown ip: linn says: 3 days ago losingit!!! SO SORRY! I wrote the post above, NOT LOSINGIT!! I was writing a reply to her, and accidently wrote her name in the name spot, not my own name. So the post above, AND this one are mine. I need to start signing in!! So sorry Losingit and all on board :*( Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 days ago Oh my, I'm confused. I'm going to bed. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Media Will Fight for Release of Casey Anthony Video July 7, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/07/media-will-figh Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 3 days ago Well, they will have plenty of time to do it, since the trial is set for next year!! I can't believe the Judge is that stupid to allow Lyons to play her games!!!!! "It conflicts with my teaching schedule" OH GIVE ME A BREAK! All teachers know that they have to teach...what is the big unknown here when she took on this case. It's another Low life, lawyer STALL tactic. Hoping the public will ease up and forget about Casey the skank and she can get a more naive jury come next year. Is this woman insane? I don't think next year is gonna matter one bit! She deserves the DP Now and she will still deserve the DP come next year, and the year after, etc. Surely this woman doesn't think the public is that stupid. Is this how she goes about winning her cases. Not very impressive if you ask me. Status: Spam ip: losingit says: 2 days ago Oh Linn, you scared me. I was reading that post and not remembering writing it. LOL! Hahaha! Thanks for clearing that up before I had myself committed. Too funny! Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 days ago I just had a post vanish right before my eyes. Anyway, Linn, I was reading that post and not remembering writing it. LOL! Thanks for clearing that up before my hypochondria set in. Too funny! Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE 2 days ago


2010, 2011, 2012, who gives a _ _ _ t? We know where she is going to be long after that. I bet the ANTfarm changes the "we won't visit game" now that they are on hold. My guess is 4 visits between now and New Years Eve. Any other predictions. Momster must NOT be thrilled that she has to wait and wait and wait. I would love it if sometime in early 2010 they announce that it is put off for another year. I would hate to be BOBO that day delivering that vit of news. BOBO, a word of advise... be on the other side of the bars for that one!! Status: Shown ip: losingit


2 days ago I soooo wish they would go visit her. I just don't see it though Steve, unless it's a perfectly rehearsed and orchestrated performance by all the players. I don't care about her sitting in jail and waiting for trial. Good for her. Is there anyway possible that her lawyers are infringing on her rights for a speedy trial? What might be the outcome of that? I still worry about her getting off on a technicality. I trust the state though and I'm sure they are smart enough to know and understand all the stuff that worries me. Again, I don't care that she has to sit in jail and wait, but someone needs to think about us. If a trial isn't happening soon than I demand more Anthony shenanigans to amuse us! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago I agree, we need more entertainment by the ANTS. I personally don't care if Casey rots tomorrow or 75 years from now. I just don't like Lyons using it as a tactic to hope for an "untainted jury pool" . Status: Shown ip: losingit says: 2 days ago So, this case was huge. As huge as the biggest cases I can think of. Even if memories fade, they are going to fade with "guilty Casey". Jurors will go to trial thinking guilty Casey. The majority thinks she is guity. The minority will be convinced by trial. She will be convicted of murder and be sentenced to LWP. That will be the dealio. I don't even care . It's almost better if she gets something like 40 years. See ya when you're in your early 60's. There is still sexy at 60, but it's not your bod. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago Well, she can keep staring at that fricken tattoo she got while Caylee was dead and rotting in a pile of garbage bags. Yeah Casey, its a Bella Vita alright! Enjoy....you murdering psychopath! Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago Lets don't forget her diary where she does all but admit it and hopes she 'made the right decision' because she now has awesome friends to hang out with. She is so done!!!! Status: Shown

ip: Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 days ago Hi all, sorry have not been here for the excitement or lack thereof. My youngest sister had a major stroke over the weekend, and I found her Monday at 11:30 a.m. Please pray for her, Connie. Thank you shipmates. In the meantime, collection being taken for more cheetos :>) Status: Shown ip: linn says: 2 days ago Losingit.. lol.. I tried to fix it before it posted. It used to give you a few minutes after it posted and let you fix things. now it doesn't. I was like ACK!!!! noooooo!!! LOL.. i did immediately write and warn you though.. lol.. I also went to bed right after! I was thinking your name, and since it starts with a "L", I just typed it in the name part. I admit to being too lazy to sign it. I actually forget until I am already on. I also hate that those lawyers can pull such obvious tactics to delay, and the judge has to know that is what it is. A delay tactic. I think he shouldh have said "you are just now, today, finding out about your teaching schedule".. If she must say no, he should have said request denied. She will be sitting there anyway, but I miss the fun stuff on TV.. Are they ever going to put the 2 part special about Cindy on? MJ is STILL ON TV ALL DAY!!! ACKKKKK!! I just wonder, were they told they cannot show it? Legally or something? I mean, MJ is on every channel. So why would NG not want to be first and do something different? I am so sick of the coverage already on MJ. He has been dead over two weeks, still not buried, and I think the family is at some sort of war on where he should be buried, so they are just going to keep him in that casket? Someone mentioned cremation, but if that is so, why the 25,000 casket? Who cares? I mean he is gone, bury him already! This must be hard on the kids knowing he is still around somewhere. It is just all the kids murdered and missing lately, and even NG can't do anything but repeat what is on all day long about MJ. She is so late with the news it is almost laughable. Breaking News:. UH, we heard that 8 hours ago Nancy. Status: Shown ip: Nordie says: 2 days ago I am So sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she makes a full recovery. My grandmother had several strokes in her 80's and recovered from every one. And she was close to 90.. I will pray for your sister, you and your family. Status: Shown ip: Linn says: 2 days ago OK Nordie.. lol.. I am SO SORRY AGAIN!! Now I am thinking this is not my fault. I am finding my laptop arrow is going all over the place and even sending when I do not hit post, and I can't control the arrow. I just fixed this laptop 2 weeks ago.

I am SO SORRY again for putting your name on my post, especially when it concerns your sister. I truly am embarassed.. I am signing in tomorrow and checking out for the night before I screw up anything else.. Sorry losingit and Nordie Status: Spam ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago Sorry to hear about your sister Nordie. I will say prayers. Status: Shown ip: JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago So sorry about your sister Nordie. I will say prayers. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


Casey has nothing to do but look forward to Bella Vita in her 8 x 8 cell and stuff her face with Cheetos. So let her rot there for another year. If Bozo and the Ants think this is going to make people forget what she did and the publicity will die down it is not going to happen. This was a horrific crime and we will never forget what this Bitch did. We may not have as much news on the case but for get we will not. Caylee will always be remembered and Justice will prevail. So Casey stich you Bella Vita where the Sun doe's not shine, and enjoy it. Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE 2 days ago


We all need to smile for one minute (EXCEPT YOU MOMSTER) and I think you will enjoy this. You Tube Evian Roller Babies international version. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 30 hours ago Steve, here is the link to what you posted that is so cute!!! Thank You http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/34136_Vide Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 29 hours ago

Haylee Donathan will not be allowed to live with her Grand Mother, she will go to Foster care. This should keep her away from the sex offenders in that family. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 29 hours ago Seldom-used law may force Casey Anthony to trialJuly 9, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/07/seldom-used-law Status: Shown ip: CAPN STEVE says: 15 hours ago Too bad for Haylee! Foster care here in California is the worst thing that can occur. Most foster parents are in it for one thing and one thing only. The $$! Most homes have one or two kids too many and there is a lack of supervision that takes place (sex, drugs, and rock and roll.) Even though I love the latter, it is the other ones that have the bad effect on children of all ages. Also, the national statistics on children placed into foster care are scary. Drugs, jail, and other horrible things are much more likely with these children as they become older. The Grandma must not be clean in one of two ways, either with a drug problem or the live scan turned up something re. criminal history in her past. What about other family members coming to the aid of her? What a shame. Status: Shown ip: RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 15 hours ago That is so true Steve, but there must be a good reason they are afraid to send her to the Grand Mothers. We know the Grand Mother works, so who would she leave Haylee with when she is working, not another pervert. We keep hearing from grandma, the daughter did not know about the guy, well that was not true she did know. Status: Shown ip: linn says: 3 hours ago That is one of the reasons Grandma is not getting Haylee. She lied when she said her daughter did NOT know this creep was a sexual offender, AND didn't want to, but finally admitted her own son is also a sexual offender. He and, forgot the creeps name, but the one Haylees mom, gag, left with knew her brother. Think they were in that half way house together. So what's not to say that the brother would get out and go home to Moms house? I feel for her as far as foster care, yet i still think she is best off there instead of going back to Grandma. didnt grandma have some sort of custody of her in the first place? But the daughter lived there too? Or was that another one of these sad stories? If Grandma proves to be fit, and really she does not seem like it to me, then after they investigate she would go back. BUT they must have more to put her in foster care. They did some investigation but we will never know what is was since NG is going to keep the MJ

saga on for at least another year. maybe Casey's case will start by then, but if MJ is still in the news she will put MJ on air, not the Casey updates. Heard today and it is sickening, that Joe Jackson is saying he will be raising those poor kids with his wife. She has not denied it!!! If that is the case, good ole test tube Rowe would be a better choice!

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