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Wednesday Morning 4 weeks ago


Swabbed the deck Captain! JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Well, I have nothing new to say, but I wanted to be close to the top to post on the new month, lol. Crazy Casey is still guilty, will always be guilty and that's it. Nothing has changed. She is still a murdering psychopath. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Bella Vita Casey enjoy the room at the inn., you might even have company from the rest of your family that lies. Thank you, Wednesday, the decks are so clean again. I hope things are going better for your family. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago Swabbed so clean I just ate breakfast off of it. Wednesday and everyone, I hope you all have a great weekend! JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago No news on Casey, but prayers out to Lindsey Baum, Haleigh Cummings and all the other missing kids out there. May the person or persons who took them, and/or harmed them, burn in hell. (sorry, but that's the way I feel). Numarama profile image Numarama says: 4 weeks ago Hi all! Just popping in - I guess there is no news lately except that Crazy's trial is delayed - no surprise there...and ditto what you said, JMo! There is a special (extra hot) place in hell for people who harm children. I guess the upside of not much news is that Wednesday can take a little break from cleaning up after us so much :) BTW, looking good, Wednesday! Happy weekend, catch y'all soon. linn says: 4 weeks ago hey all. I did a post about 5 minutes ago and got an error message and my post disappeared. In fact there was nothing on the page but the cheeto butt, lol, and pics. No posts. Forgot what i wrote other than to thank Wednesday for the clean

deck... :) JMo says: 4 weeks ago Well, we will have to keep an eye on the deck ya know. The squirrels are running all over the place and you heard about that awful smell they can leave around (you know, the one that smells like a damn dead body). Thanks Wednesday for the clean up. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago Twisted has 5 new posts up. Yahoo Hi everyone, Hope you guys are all doing great! Been MIA due to reality calls but I do try to find time to read all of you posts. Thanks for keeping me updated on the latest news. All the news stations seem to have a one track mind on the Michael Jackson case. I'm over it. He died of a drug overdose & the only ones to blame are his enablers & himself. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Caylee Anthony – Michelle Bart Back In The Picture?Posted on July 12th, 2009 by Simon Barrett and read 617 times. The Caylee Anthony case is a very strange place, peppered with strange people. There are certain names that just keep coming up, and one of those names is Michelle Bart. You may remember her as the spokesman for the Anthony family, finally handing the baton to Mark NeJame/Brad Conway. Of course she also had dealings […] RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Take a listen to this Michel Bart is supposed to have the Ants on and some expert to talk about the Autopsy Report the 15th of July. This is a crock of crap they are going to say there is no evidence we know that. OMG, they are starting the investigation on Haliegh Cumming over, I cannot believe that one! Nordie profile image Nordie says: 4 weeks ago Rascal, between you, me, and the other shipmates, I don't think Michele was ever off the case. I think they just found a way to pay her. As always, follow the money. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago “BRACE” Profile of Casey Anthony: She correlates positively with Jeffrey Dahmer RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Nordie, They are all just hiding in there corners sneaking around doing what they do best, Lie, Cheat, Deceive, Cover Up. And play the Alibi Game. When I look at the players on the Ant's side and the class of people they are, I am sure glad I do not know any of them. Who needs friends like that I know I do not. I have always made better choices in my life. JMo profile image JMo says: 4 weeks ago Ok, not sure how I found this, but here is a report about Casey having an "Evil Devil Scratch" on her forehead. This is the first I heard of such a thing. Maybe Satan has come for her soul??? Eeeerrrrieee, eh? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Caylee Anthony Murder: Psychic From TexasJuly 14, 2009 by: Express Do these Phychc's come out of the wood work. profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Take a look at these links very interesting. Here is some more on the Psychic RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago Now here is a good use for Duct Tape JMo says: 4 weeks ago What a bunch of garbage! They need to get this over with, really! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago That psychic wrote that after the remain of Caylee were found, if you noticed she talks about Haleigh being missing. Yes it is a crock of BS, they all want there 15 mins of being on the news. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago 5-year-old Nevaeh may have been buried aliveJuly 14, 2009 by: Express This is so sick that someone could bury her alive or even harm her, there are so many sick people in our world. linn says: 4 weeks ago I don't read anything physics write or report. I can say I have a bad feeling about today. if the roof caves in I was right. lol. They just talk hoping something will sound credible if it even remotely matches any evidence. I say it is all bull.. Wonder if NG will ever put that two part show on about Sindy? I am SOOOOO sick of MJ.. It is still on all day, every day but the weekends.. If it is that great of news why is nothing ever said on the weekends? I also can't watch videos or youtube.. i have to wait for you all to report what it says.. lol. A 45 second video takes me 15 minutes to watch. One word, nothing for minutes.. then another word or two, then nothing. Too much losingit says: 4 weeks ago Hello everyone. That's so terrible about Nevaeh. So sad. Linn, remember when it was discovered that Caylee was discarded between two houses one owned by a Gonzales and the other by a Zaneida? That's what the videos were about. That, and possibly some other clues Casey was giving to Lee. Personally, I think that all of it is just a coincidence. I think she's too stupid to be that smart, and it also just makes for more questions. If ZG was a clue to where Caylee was, then what about the real ZG from Sawgrass? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago I believe those two names of Zaneida and Gonzales were clues that Casey was trying

to tell Lee where Caylee was, Casey kept telling Lee she was close to home in the jail house visit. JMo says: 4 weeks ago I think Casey is a major league game player! Plain and simple! I think a lot of things are coincidental...just like my discovery of 8905 her birthdate being the same as the address found. There is no other 8905 in the area close to home and she kept mentioning the birthday. I guess I could make a video and say Casey was giving Lee clues, but in reality I think she is full of bs and so is her game playing bro Lee. Both psycho's playing a mind game around the death of little Caylee. Sad. losingit says: 4 weeks ago I don't think she was trying to tell Lee anything. found so why would she tell him where she was? Did media and attention) that he would move her or try this be something her team will use by saying that she was to scared to just come out with it and was on her clues? Argh!

She never wanted Caylee to be she think (even with all the to hide her better? Or will the kidnappers told her, but just hoping Lee would pick up

I read this on the computer today and it made me think of you guys, "I'm confused. Why are the nuts throwing squirrels at me?" Well, bedtime now. Sweet dreams all. JMo says: 4 weeks ago Linn, that was too funny. Now I do wonder, why are the nuts throwing squirrels at me? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Haliegh Cummings: Father Wants Mother/Family Investigated July 15, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago New Anthony CD, Me, Me, Me, RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Haleigh Cummings- Circus HaleighPosted on July 14th, 2009 by Stone in Op-edRead

1,047 times. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago Death of Fla. girl Caylee Anthony still captivates 7/15/2009 8:29:00 AMAssociated Press/AP OnlineBy MIKE SCHNEIDER ORLANDO, Fla. - The story of a Florida mom accused of killing her 2-year-old girl has become a soap opera of sorts over the last year, with plot twists and turns. There are the grandparents, George and Cindy. The phantom baby sitter. The bounty hunter. The meter reader. At the center of it all is the toddler Caylee Anthony and her mother, Casey, the petite 23-year-old charged in her daughter's death. It's been one year since the toddler was reported missing, and while her body was found six months ago, authorities still don't know exactly how she died. That's one of the many unknowns that has kept the public's interest over the last year. Viewers tune in to the cable television news show hosted by Nancy Grace, who dubbed Casey the "Tot Mom," to find out about every development. People chat on parenting Web sites about her chances of a fair trial and debate over her innocence or guilt has filled talk radio. "It certainly has the makings of a made-for-TV movie or a soap opera," said Bob Longo, news director of WESH, which like other Orlando television news stations has relentlessly covered the case. "I think people have opinions on the characters in the saga. They identify with them or against them." The story started as a mystery, centered on finding out what happened to Caylee. But soon, Casey Anthony became the chief suspect and the image of a sympathetic mother morphed into that of a party-loving club-hopper. The stories she told detectives and her parents about where she worked and where she had dropped off Caylee with a baby sitter were lies, police said. It turned out Caylee had been missing more than a month before Casey Anthony told her family. After her arrest, she told police she had been conducting her own investigation into her daughter's whereabouts. George and Cindy Anthony, the grandparents, were used to seeing the little girl almost every day. But beginning about mid-June 2008, Casey and Caylee just weren't around. When the grandparents inquired, Casey said she was traveling with Caylee around central Florida. Cindy began to worry, though, and called her daughter frequently, demanding to know Caylee's whereabouts. There were always excuses: Caylee was with the baby sitter or at the beach with friends. In mid-July, George and Cindy picked up their daughter's car from a towing lot and noticed a stench from the trunk. Cindy Anthony confronted her daughter, who initially said Caylee was with the phantom baby sitter. Then, Casey finally admitted the little girl had been missing for a month. "There's something wrong," Cindy Anthony said in a 911 call. "I found my daughter's car today and it smelled like there's been a dead body in the damn car."

Casey Anthony was arrested the next day on charges of child neglect and providing false information to authorities. She continued to tell law enforcement that Caylee had been left with a baby sitter, whom she identified as Zenaida Gonzalez. That's when the story switched from a private drama of domestic tensions between parents and a daughter to a very public tale. Reporters camped outside the Anthony home for weeks and protesters with "Baby Killer" signs picketed their street. Casey Anthony maintained her innocence throughout. "I'm not in control of this because I don't know what the hell is going on," she tearfully told her parents during a jailhouse visit last summer. "My entire life has been taken from me. Everything has been taken from me." Leonard Padilla, a cowboy-hat-wearing, California-based bounty hunter became part of the narrative by posting her bond last year. He thought having her out of jail would aid in finding Caylee, but he turned on her when she proved uncooperative. He made frequent appearances on television talk shows in the following months, offering unflattering commentary. Meanwhile, hundreds of volunteers scoured woods in south Orlando in search of clues to Caylee's disappearance. In mid-October, a grand jury indicted Anthony on first-degree murder charges, even though Caylee's body hadn't been found. She has been in jail ever since. Prosecutors didn't have a body until meter reader Roy Kronk became involved. In August, Kronk thought he had seen a bag in the woods near a road where he had stopped to take a break. He called authorities three times over the next three days, but when they finally came, they found nothing. It wasn't until December, when Kronk returned to the woods, that he discovered a bag with Caylee's remains inside. Detectives said residue of a heart-shaped sticker was found on duct tape over the mouth of her skull. Along the way, there have been other subplots. A despondent George Anthony attempted suicide in a Daytona Beach motel room in January and then was committed to a hospital for several days. A spokesman for the Anthony family was dismissed after the family accused him of taking payments for booking their television appearances. Another spokesman who never showed his face to reporters turned out to be a fictitious creation of the public relations firm used by Casey Anthony's attorney. As much as Casey Anthony's story has transfixed viewers, Lezlie Laws, a professor of nonfiction writing at Rollins College in suburban Orlando, worries that the discourse about the case hasn't been constructive. "What is it about us as a society that would cultivate a human being that would be capable of doing that? What are we doing wrong? Where do we need to put our time, attention, money and social services?" she said. "I don't see that being raised," Laws said. "Instead, it's just a sensational, spilled guts on the concrete, kind of 'Look at this, isn't this gross?' story." A service of YellowBrix, Inc. Associated Press/AP Online

RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Society was not responsible for Casey, George and Cindy were. They never made her responsible for her actions of Lying and Stealing. Had they of turned her in for all the money she stole maybe it would have taught Casey this is not acceptable behavior, but instead they covered up and it never stopped. They had to of known she was not working when they kept giving her money. In my opinion Cindy allowed this because she did not want to piss Casey off, and have Casey go off with Caylee. Children need to learn to be responsible and this is the job of a parent. They need to have parents that set a good example, Casey did not have this from her parents. They let her behavior slide by, it was no big deal to them. There for the behavior escalated to what occurred and the death of Caylee. All the Anthony's have done is help Casey, they have never stood up for Caylee which they claim they loved so much. Now what is wrong with this picture, there moral standards are much to be desired. They did everything they could do to make money off of Caylee's death to help Casey and pay there bills. They have no intentions of working they want a ride on the Gravy Train. This is just my opinion of the Anthony's. The public is not going to stand for this, we want Justice for little Caylee who never had a chance in this family. losingit says: 3 weeks ago Exactly Rascal. Cindy knew all along that something was seriously wrong with Casey. They just didn't want to piss her off. Casey did need help and Cindy just denied it. Cindy certainly must know of many avenues she could have gone through to get help. We are all society and it's not our fault! Most kids and teens watch violent movies and lsten to vulgar music. It doesn't make them murderers. That is just an excuse to remove any responsibility and blame. Give me a break. After we blame society, then we usually blame the parents. In this case, I think that is bang on. I don't think Casey is petite anymore. Is she going to court anytime soon? I'm wondering who is winning the battle- Cheetos or bulimia. I agree with the article that this is like a soap opera. In the beginning I actually thought it might be. But, it's been too boring lately. More antics please. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago losingit, the last time I seen the back end of Miss Cheeto (__!__) it is the Cheeto's that are winning. I have not seen anything on the next Court apperance for Cheeto butt. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Letter: Cops used wiretaps in Sandra Cantu killing probe Associated Press

Posted: 07/14/2009 11:26:47 AM PDTUpdated: 07/14/2009 05:41:25 PM PDTThis is a case where I am very glad they did wire taps, good job! JMo says: 3 weeks ago I hope they do focus on Crystal and her family. Totally suspect to me, without a doubt! If the investigators can just quit getting side tracked by their games, I bet someone could figure out where little Haleigh is. I think she is alive still. Melissa Smuckabee is claiming not guilty but was sure saying how sorry she was for what she did. How can you do both....oh, that's right, she was 'insane' at the time. Like I said before, they didn't even find Dahlmer insane and look what he did. Casey, well she is a waste of valuable air space and needs to go! She has no remorse for anything....she just sits smiling and trying to look important before the t.v. cameras in court. That's enough to give her the DP for in my opinion. What a slap in the face to everyone, especially little Caylee. Rid the world of people who harm children. BTW, did you all see where the kid who claimed MJ molested him has now came forward and recanted? He said it was a lie made up by his parents to gain money from MJ. How sad that the moron could not of told on them 'before' MJ died and cleared his name with those who labeled him without truth or conviction. losingit says: 3 weeks ago I didn't see that about MJ. That's really sad he waited until it was too late. I hope they press charges and make the parents repay the money to MJ's kids. Oh wait, they spent it all I'm sure. Then they need to sell everything acquired from the deal and half their pay cheques until all and interest is paid back. And then they need to go to jail. Scumbags. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago More discovery (pictures) to be released at the end of July against momster. Status hearing in January 2010. Mike Brooks does not think the trial will be next year. Rot Rot Rot.......... One year ago was SINster's 911 call. JMo says: 3 weeks ago Yeah, the guy said he was under a gag order from the judge and a confidentiality agreement since there was a "deal" to settle with his family for $20mil. The lawyer said two things. One is: Just because MJ died, doesn't mean you can break the agreement. {The guy thought differently and can now be sued by the Estate to regain all the money and all the money paid to the attorneys}. The lawyer thinks that the information could help clear MJ's name, so they may not sue. However, here's the kicker...they can still sue for the fact that he did not disclose the truth at the time or since the time the fraudulent suit was filed. This was 15 years ago, and he was a little kid. He said his parents are the one that filed the complaint. It was never proven and they settled out of court. However, the public began making their own opinions, etc. etc.. The guy feels badly now.(as he

should). I say sue him and his family! That is upsurd that people can get away with stalking, blackmailing, etc. these celebrities, just because they are celebrities!! We now have a woman who is claiming she was raped by one of our football celebs back when they were younger and in college. It's terrible. Who knows if it really happened or not, but people with power, money and fame, do not want all these allegations brought on them by crazy people and ususally use their money to make them go away and be quiet. I guess MJ's money kept his accusers quiet all this time, but it went against him after all. All for the sake of trying to not tarnish the name of neverland. Anyway, enough about MJ. I bet the Anthonys wish they had the money to pay people off. I think we would of seen more drama and scandal if they did. Just look what has happened around the money issue with the lawyers and that damn boat!!!! Hey, we may not have Caylee Marie, but lookie everyone, we have a boat named after her!! (Not to mention T-shirts and buttons for sale.....). Meanwhile, Casey is eating cheetoes and m&m's in her cell, reading her bible which is torture, and studying law. They all need locked up!!!!! losingit says: 3 weeks ago I was wondering about that JMo. Just because he died the kid can't now say, "Ha, ha , fooled you guys. We made it all up." This brought on a lot of problems for MJ. He was the butt of jokes for years. How many fans did he lose? If I had been asked the first thing I thought of when I heard the name MJ, my answer would be child molester, and that's before singer or dancer. What a shame. How much of his addictions were brought on by this? I'd say a whole lot of it. A lot of Casey's problems seemed to be centered around money. If the Ants had a ton of money, this probably wouldn't have happened. A real nanny could have looked after Caylee when Casey wanted to party. Casey wouldn't have had to steal or pretend to work. George said that they looked after Caylee 99% of the time when Casey was at work. So, except for weekends, Casey pretended she worked nights when her parents were home. Then she pretended to work whenever she wanted on the weekends when they were home all day. But on Monday June 16th, George claimed Casey was off to work and dropping Caylee at a nanny's he had never heard of before. So how do we know he was totally lying? #1 Because she had never taken Caylee to a nanny's prior to this and he didn't think it was strange. #2 If he had seen them leaving that day, Casey would have pretended it was a day off since she didn't need them to babysit. Cindy made George say this to make herself look better and to make it look like Casey didn't leave in anger. And, to tie the whole nanny story to the tale Casey was telling. This story really bugs me. It puts a whole different spin on the actual facts of what happened. I know I've bitched about it before, but it really bugs me. Stupid liars hindered the investigation. I am the worst liar in the world. I've never been able to do it. I have too many real things to remember. I like all the information my brain holds now and I'm saving the extra space for awesome new things. I can't clutter it up with half truths and try to remember what I've said to some people and what I've told to others. I also can't keeep secrets. If you are planning a surprise party, it had best be a surprise for me too. If anyone asks me what I got them for Christmas, I'll eventually just tell them. Oddly enough though, I am a very good poker player. I wonder if right after she killed Caylee and hatched the nanny kidnapper plan if she was ever going to ask for ransom money. I'm watching again, on JVM, the story of the murdered parents of all these special

needs kids. What a horrible story. It's fantastic that one of the dipshit ninjas forgot to turn off the security cameras. Oopsy daisy maisy! Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


Interesting about the kid coming forward & saying MJ never molested him... I have mixed emotions over this... I'm one of those that tends to believe a child when they say someone touched them inappropriatley, Especially since MJ didn't deny he let the boy sleep in his bed with him AND the boy described in details certain things about MJ's private parts that only someone who saw them would know about... That's damning evidence. Also, a grown man, (at the time in his mid 30's) that invited 12 year old boys to sleep in his bed with him would & should be questioned. MJ was a lot of things, but normal was not one of them. He had a lot of weird things about him that should throw up red flags. To name a few... A black man who acts & looks like a white woman, feminine voice, facial mutilations, sleepovers with preteens, the whole neverland ranch is effed up, it's far from a bachelor pad. Buying his children, litterally! With all the weirdness in this mans life, I really don't believe it's a stretch to think he was also a pedophile. He was obviously an emotional wasteland. Someone who had everything in the world at his disposal, but it wasn't good enough, he wanted more & more and he especially wanted what he couldn't have. (like being a white woman!) Almost like the forbidden fruit. In my opinion, Michael Jackson is the greatest American tragedy. Someone who could have been so happy with himself & his talents, yet he never really seemed happy or content. I'm confident much of it stems from his fathers alleged abuse. I say alleged thanks to Nancy Grace, but I'm fairly confident a child with a wonderful upbringing doesn't turn out like Michael Jackson. As far as the kid coming forward... I haven't seen the report yet. It seems really odd that the kid would wait until now, just a few weeks after MJ's death to come forward with this news. Makes me wonder if there's more to it. It seems like certainly the boy could be brought up on filing a false report at the very least. This isn't going to end well for him. Oh the tangled web we weave... Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


The Billings Family murders. What a tragedy. Those thugs are the worse. Killing the parents with their children in the home. I feel so bad for those children, They've been through so much already now they're orphans. Such a horrible thing to happen to such kind people. linn says: 3 weeks ago The only decent thing in the Billings murders, is there is a trust set up for the children still at home and young, and they will all be staying together with family members. Sketchy on details, but seems someone in the family is willing to take all 8 or 9 left home and raise them all together. That made me feel so much better about those poor kids. That some of them witnessed the murders was sickening. I am just grateful the scum that did this did not kill the kids for being witnesses. So much murder of children lately! Seems to have started with Casey though I know that is not the case, just seems so. More and more is coming

out on the family murders.. Every day new people are arrested and more bizarre details come out.. Sad losingit says: 3 weeks ago You watch. I'll bet with this lot that murdered the Billings, they'll say they it was important to them to never harm the children. Oh, you heroes! One of the kids ran to the neighbors for help. That kid might not be special needs? Poor kid. I hope the other kids that witnessed it don't even understand what they saw. I just hope they are not sad. What did seven-plus robbers expect to get from this robbery? Even if these folks had a million dollars in their home, that's only maybe 100 grand each. Probably they didn't have a milion bucks in their house. Who does? So what did they expect- a grand each or maybe ten grand? I hope they all fry. JMo says: 3 weeks ago I wonder if they really planned to kill them at all? Maybe they thought they could be ninja's going in quickly, hitting the targets, then getting out quickly before even noticed. I wonder if an alarm signaled in the house? How horrible that these morons could not even think about the children or what would happen to them afterwards. I have to say it is a 'very scary' and 'chilling' ordeal when you can get this many people to go in on a plan like this. Who did they think they were? Ocean Eight? They all deserve the DP. JMo says: 3 weeks ago Here is yet another sicko on children.....makes me want to puke! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Casey Anthony: 1 Year Ago Today - Arrested July 16, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Even special need kids know when they are love and will miss the Billings, that is so sad that anyone could do that to anyone. The Billings were special people to adopt kids with special needs, not everyone can handle the every day living with a child with special needs. I hope every one of them get the death penalty, they do not deserve to live. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

I know this is off subject but if anyone of you are interested in health care please take the time to view this video. I do not always agree with Michael Moore but this video sure tells me a lot about the Health Care Systen and Insurance.. Wednesday please forgive me for posting this. JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago I wonder if No Way Jose and that strange woman he hired really think that the public will just forget about Crazy Casey and how she murdered her daughter. The more we know about Casey being a sociopath, I really do think she was planning the murders of George and Cindy too. Her friends better be glad they came through all of this alive too, because I wouldn't have put it past her to plot out their deaths too. It is sort of eerie to think of, but being a psychopath, she gets rid of what ever is in her way. Even her car became a burden to her (with the damn dead body smell and all), so she got rid of it too! Or, thought she did. I bet if the prosecutors investigate more or if Crazy ever talks, I bet they uncover other plots she was thinking of carrying out. She just was in the process of setting the stage when she got caught (i.e. 'f'n arrested on a whim'). RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Casey Anthony: New Evidence To Be ReleasedJuly 16, 2009 by: Express JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago I say move the trial to east or west Texas! They love the DP!!!! However, slow suffocation with duct tape and a plastic garbage bag should be the way she should have to go! (In my opinion) Cap'n Steve, the squirrels went to Walmart this evening to purchase the duct tape and plastic garbage bags. They want to have it on board, just in case Casey gets turned loose and they have to hunt her down. They should be strolling in late tonight, so keep an eye out for them. Seriously though, you have to wonder how many people would be out to get her if she got turned loose, don't ya? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago It would be the Squirrel Attack!!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I am saving all the Acorns from the tree and building a catapult, sending them to Real Crossing to throw at Casey's cell.

JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago One on One with Jose! I think he's been eating some cheetos too! SadieSkye says: 3 weeks ago Its been one year since the murder of Caylee... no one has been the same since.. not even us.... too bad it took such a horrible event to bring all the shipmates together... Casey-- bet ud give anything to be floating on a raft in the old doughboy huh? even with the "snotnose" screaming in your ear... that is only a memory that haunts you in your nighmares now... Tick Tock Bitch!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Defense Seeks To Block Leonard Padilla’s Testimony July 16, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I have never heard of a bail bonds mans signing any kind of a agreement like Bozo is referring to. They post the bond that guarantees the Court you will show up and not skip bail. Also I think LP has more integrity they to try to hid evidence if he actually knew were the Remainswere hidden, yes Georgie I said Remains, or do your prefer me to say the Body that was left to rot by your daughter, your perfect little mother of your Grand Child. The grand Child you are not trying to find Justice for, instead you stand behind your Mobster you raised. Bozo does not want LP to talk about Casey coming home from Jail and cooking and fixing Brownies for LP's crew. What Mom could do that if her child was really missing. Food would be the last thing on my mind. What Grand Parent would go right out and buy a Cell Phone for Casey to use so the Cops could not trace the calls or bug the cell. What was there to hid if you are innocent that the cops could not hear your conversation, what were you all hiding. I say they were hiding a lot of information. When all the dirty laundry come out, the Tide Company will not have enough soap to was the Ants Dirty Laundry, there Laundry stinks I can smell it far away. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Rascal: Are you telling me that you think the ANTfarm has not been kosher for the past year? RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Capn Steve, I know you are bright enough to figure that one out, LMAO No wonder Casey can not tell the truth, she was never taught right from wrong with parents like that. JMo says: 3 weeks ago Baez is showcasing one of the rings in his 3 ring circus. It's to distract us while they hide evidence under our nose in the big top! I've had just about enough of his shenanigans! He does nothing but incite further hate for his client. (which is good for us). I think that man, I mean,,,,uh, er woman he hired to help him needs to reel him back in. What a bunch of clowns. I can just picture a circus with all of them there. Casey is in a cage in the center being fed cheetos. George in his little El Jebel cop suit and miniture car going around and around the ring. The judge is the ring master (sort of cracking his whip). The state is hudled together whispering about what they are going to do. Baez is in a flaming red fuzzy wig, polka dot pants, yellow suspenders, and big green shoes, doing backflips. Cindy is the evil doer with her little dog trying to bite everyone. She's not allowed near Caseys cage. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago New Motions Filed In Casey Anthony Case Posted: 5:52 pm EDT July 16, 2009Updated: 2:31 pm EDT July 17, 2009 RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago BAR TESTIMONY: Motion | Brief | Exhibits - Privacy Agreement CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Walter Cronkite died today. 1916-2009 The best of all time! Everyone else was and is 2nd best at best. There will never be anyone like him. A true pioneer! Did I say the best of the best? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Steve, my son and I were just talking about that, he was the best. linn says: 3 weeks ago

Steve, I just now saw that Walter Cronkite died. I truly liked him, even as a kid. He seemed like such a nice man to a kid. As an adult, he still seemed like a nice man and the last of the true journalists/reporters. You know, what is up with NG? I mean she is usually for the kids. So far there has been new updates on Crazy, new news on Haleigh, shocking news on Sandra, Jada Justice, but all NG has on except for her showing Heros',is MJ.. There is nothing new, just non stop repeats. I am so tempted to write her website to say ENOUGH!!! I mean, NG was/is supposed to be about kids and crimes against people. Women, families, kids, men, etc. I am so sick of the MJ stuff. Part of me feels for him when I see photos of his father, but he was a 50 year old man who did not seem to care much for his kids, cough, or he would have tried to seek help for his addiction instead of knowing his kids seen him in that light, they were raised by nannies, hid under masks, and then just so into cheating death many times knowing his family was nuts, and his sicko dad would try to make money off and take over those kids for the money. He had to have known this. And it does not say much for his mother he gave guaranship to that the kids want to live with his sister, Janet. Sad thing is, what if Janet does not want them? However, I am just tired of the non stop repeat of his hair on fire. And they keep saying breaking new video. How many days have we seen that video? 3 I figure. I did see LP as far as what he had to say today on Mike Galanos show. NG is stuck on MJ and of course being friday, she is never on. But come on, MJ all day over and over repeats on every channel. Yet most channels are putting up new news. NOT NG! Same thing we watched all day long she puts up last and acts like it is breaking news. She has not put up anything regarding the above kids mentioned. Just sick of it and venting.. It was actually nice today to see Leonard!! LOL linn says: 3 weeks ago I see we all deserted the ship? LOL..Sort of a stunner to get on board and see I was the last person to post almost 24 hours ago. Did we sink and no one told me? Hope everyone is having a great weekend! BORING here today. The more you do nothing, the longer the day feels and boy, did today feel about a week long. major plans when I got up, then ended up doing nothing but make dinner at 4:00 PM.. lol. I will be hungry now by, well already hungry! Raviolis do not feel me up but was even too lazy to make a decent dinner. So now that you are really bored like me, I hope tomorrow is more productive for me. Unless we are on the bottom of the ocean and I just haven't headed towards the "light" yet JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Have no fear, JMo is here! Poet and didn't know it! Yes, the news on Casey is slow. I wonder if they are still allowing her to live in her sick delusional mind. It will be interesting still to show what her psychological tests showed and if she has refused medication. Sometimes, once these psyho's take meds and get halfway straight, they totally freak out at what they have done and want to die. So, maybe if that happens, Casey will request the DP for herself, lol! We can hope, can't we? Wonder what George and Cindy are doing this weekend? Maybe out fishing on the Caylee Marie? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

The Ants are probably on boat, thinking of a way to make money. Next they will seell there recipe for Cindys famous Chili on ebay. Chile that Casey will never taste again, along with Casey Kool Aid. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago What no one going to bid on Cindy's Chili from her kitchen, oh that is right her frige smells like decomposition. YUCK JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Every time I think of those jail house tapes, it makes me sick. Here is a woman whose baby is "supposedly" missing....all she can talk about is how no one thinks about her or cares and how she was thoroughly digusted having to read her bible all day. She moaned about G & C having people over for chili, etc, etc, etc. She never once mentioned Caylee. Those tapes alone should hang that bitch's ass! How could her parents sit there for that 45 minutes and 'chit chat' with her about total bullshit?!!! I mean, what was going through their heads? Did they not realize that Casey could care less about Caylee and where she might be, or did they really find it normal to sit there and listen to her ramble on and on about nothing? What f'n idiots they both are. They should be ashamed of themselves even playing her psycho games! I still say, put the whole bunch of them in jail, George, Cindy, and Lee. Morons that don't deserve to breathe the air! Where do people like that come from? Under rocks somewhere? But, I guess all in all, they helped nail the coffin shut on Casey by providing that small piece of evidence...not to mention the 911 call about the damn dead body. I wonder if they even miss Caylee or if she has faded away in their mind?? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago JMo, I am not sure if they miss her or not, but they sure are not telling the truth to give Justive to Caylee and rember her life. The sad part is they only seem to care about Casey now, they do not want to loose her to. Well I hate to tell them they lost her a long time ago bye not applying tough love when she needed it. They allowed her conduct and condoned it. Well the Court will sentence her and the Ants are not going to like the verdict. To bad Casey you earned what ever they give you. Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


Rascal Brat, the edit feature seems to be working ok for me. I just edited this message from it's original text. linn says: 3 weeks ago you know, a scary thing happened. I was thinking.. lol..OK, boring day again. But really, IF Casey came home, then what?? Let's face it. The Ants KNOW she did it, but maybe have guilt for allowing it to happen. They won't admit this, yet their bizarre actions speak loud! So, if she gets off and I have to do myself in, what

will life be like in the Ant Farm? Just life without Caylee carried on as if nothing happened? I wonder if they have truly felt how it would be if she walked back into that house? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Thank you Wednesday, it did not come up earlier but rebooted and it is working now. It must of been Cindy putting a hex on me, I made that remark about her firge, lmao JMo profile image JMo says: 3 weeks ago Linn, I don't think that they think past square one. They are 'selfish peeps' and they only think about themselves and what they want! They don't care what anybody says about them either. G & C are on their own agenda....hmmmm, just like Casey. Again, they all need put away somewhere. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Casey Anthony’s attorneys fight back on fraud case trial date July 19, 2009 by: Express is one Arrogant Attorney, I bet Amy does not feel this is a waist of time. Bozo paid the bank back, wonder where he got that money. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago By paying the Bank back that is a admission of her Guilt, I think the video also proved that Mr. Dumb Shit. Opps he pleaded her not Guilty. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago Bozo has to be the worst lawyer on the planet. First he pleads his client not guilty to fraud when she is caught on two different videos using checks that belong to someone else. Then he pays the bank back the cost of his clients fraud. I think the Florida Bar should revoke his license based on his own ignorance of the law. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Jo, the longer this goes the better for Bozo making $$$, he may even be able to catch up his Child Support they say he is behind, After all of this he is not the one sitting in that little cell Casey is. LMAO CAPN STEVE


3 weeks ago Jo, remember in momster's world someone elses check, credit card, or cash is the ONLY way! Maybe that is how she is paying BOBO? Oh, yeah I forgot, the taxpayers are paying him!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Monday All. This week on Nancy Grace...... Michael Jackson! Next week, you guessed it... JMo says: 3 weeks ago Someone needs to start a petition to the Florida Bar about him and his incompetence. He claims that the public is so ignorant and that this case will decide future cases like it blah blah blah. Yeah, he will be around to see how many other clients he can screw when this is over! Another poor choice by Casey. First killing her daughter and second is choosing Baezhole for an attorney. No judgement at all!!!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago This is what I wish Casey's cell looked like, no Martha Stewart decorating for her!!!! Nancy Drew says: 3 weeks ago Hi everyone! Aren't we expecting new docs any day now? Most of them to do with Jesse Grund? I will bet alot of money that the prosecution has her fingerprints on that duct tape and are saving the best evidence to be released last. :-) RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Nancy, they should be coming out anytime, I have been looking and not seen them posted yet. They have something really good, that is why DP went back on. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago I'd love to see what Casey and Caylee's rooms look like now. . . RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Just from what I have seen from Cindy, Caylee's room is probably the same so she can take over and rule a Grand Baby of Lee's. Surprised she has not put it all on Ebay to make more money. JMo says: 3 weeks ago She can't change anything. She charges for tours of the house, don't ya know!

linn says: 3 weeks ago RASCAL..I have not heard or seen one thing about Mallory having a baby! I have mentioned that on the blog before, that no where is it ever mentioned. At the memorial she did not look pregnant at all, and that was months ago. According to my calculations, she should have delivered by now. Do you have any links or anything regarding her being pregnant? Only reason I really want to know is to then obsess over keeping that baby away from Sindy! I can just see Sindy in the delivery room taking the baby and holding it first like she did with Caylee.. If I was pregnant, perish the thought! But no way would I want Sindy anywhere near me. Odd to that she and Lee would not get married. Unless Mallory is smarter than we think. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago linn, I have not seen anything about Mallory being preg either. At the Memorial she was sitting down so you could not tell. I am sure if she really was we would of heard. I personally do not think she was preg. Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago Wow! Slow day on the ship again! Come on document dump!! Does this really mean that Crazy is laying low?!! How is that possible?!! ROFL!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Crazy is going to be laying low until next year, a long time from now. She can sit in her little cell and look at the wall's and bar's and enjoy the scenery. Enjoying her Bologna Sandwich and Slaw. And of course her Bags of Cheeto's. The next time we see her she will be popping the buttons on her blouse, unless Mommy goes to target and buys a larger size for her. Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago Rascal, did we get an update that the trial is definitely moved until 2010? If so, do you know what month? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Snoopy it supposed to be 2010, forgot what month I posted it. What is to say they do not get another delay, motions and delays is what Bozo is about. This is the only infor I found. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat


3 weeks ago Bozo does not care that Casey is sitting in Jail, the longer this case goes the more money he makes. So why should he be in a hurry, he will just rack up as many hours he can and get paid by the Tapayers, it is called ride the Gravy Train. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Rascal, you are so right. It is called gravy train. I haven't heard anything about his hearing before the Bar Association either. Have you? Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago oops, don't know where in cyber that went. Anyway, I agree Rascal, it is called the gravy train. Have you heard anything about any hearings before the Bar Association? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Hi Nordie, I have not seen anything or heard anything about that on the news. They are still stuck on MJ, so I have been watching other programs instead. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago In my opinion I am positive Bozo could see Casey was lying and he did not care. He firgured he could milk this case, and not take a plea and make boo hoo bucks. He does not have Caseys interest in mind he had bucks in mind. He should of had her take the plea deal. He had his own selfish interest in mind. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Baez Cuts Check In Fraud Case Defense Seeks To Delay Anthony's Check Fraud Trial POSTED: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 UPDATED: 4:27 pm EDT July 21, 2009 ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's attorney has repaid a bank for checks Anthony is accused of stealing in an apparent effort to put off her check fraud trial. According to a letter from Bank of America dated July 10, defense attorney Jose Baez mailed the bank a money order to reimburse them for funds Casey Anthony allegedly stole. A bank official said the bank has no intentions of dropping its criminal case against Anthony. Surveillance videos from last summer allegedly show Anthony making purchases with

stolen checks. She has pleaded not guilty to charges that she stole her best friend Amy Huizenga's checkbook. Baez sent a money order for $664.25, the exact amount Anthony is accused of stealing. The defense team is no longer commenting publicly about the case, but Local 6 reporter Mike DeForest said based on court documents, it appears that Anthony's lawyers may have mailed the money order to the bank in hopes of getting Anthony's check fraud case postponed until after her murder trial. In court documents requesting the delay, the defense points out that Huizenga has been reimbursed for the theft by the bank, and the bank has been reimbursed by the defense. "There is no urgent need to resolve the alleged check forgery case," the defense's court filing said. Meanwhile, the state attorney's office has requested the transcripts from a sidebar conference between the judge, the defense and the prosecution during a March court hearing in the murder case against Anthony. At that hearing, Judge Stan Strickland ruled that the defense was not improperly profiting from book or movie deals. The conference was held in private but was recorded by the court reporter. Strickland granted the prosecution's request and the court reporter must provide a writer transcript of the conversation by Thursday. Anthony is charged with murder in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago At first, Bozo denied he had sent the bank any money. He really does think everyone is as stupid as he is. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Bank fraud is the minor leagues vs. Murdering your child which is the major leagues. Good luck hitting that curveball out of the ballpark BOBO! We know, we know, it was the nanny....................................... RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago If they can convict Casey of Bank Fraud, they this will go against her witness that want to say she has never been in trouble. can not imagine the people that want to say she was such a perfect person. Then they can say at trial she has been convicted of a felony, that can be used against her. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat


3 weeks ago The ship mates are not stupid like Bozo thinks, we can actually think for ourselves and figure things out, we know who the real morons are, LOL Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Oh, you're right Capn -- that was the Nanny in the video using the checks, well,,, actually it was. She is her and her is she. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago LOL now I think I should get my eyes checked, what did that Dr do all I see is Crazy. Must of been them eye drops. linn says: 3 weeks ago Rascal you are so good at photostuff, lol, can't think of the name, that maybe the defense will say you photo'd Casey's head at the bank and Target onto the "real" killer, the NANNY!! Hope they don't come for you, but if so we will row faster than ever before! lol.. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago LMAO linn, Yes they just might do that, but then again the defense has a video that the Bank had. That they can not blame on me. I will take the blame for other photos, that is fun. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Tomorrow my 12th Grand baby will be born, so I will have a special photo of her. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Rascal: AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Here she is #12, Mom and baby are great!!! linn says: 2 weeks ago Good gosh Rascal! She is supersized! LOL. love the name and she looks so ripe! She

is just beautiful! I just love new babies when they don't come home to live with me! Truly though, congrats to Grandma and Mom.. Grandma's come first! And take credit for your photostuff! I can't even get pics up on e-bay! HAHA!! I love your work. At least you are safe from prosecution regarding Casey and her head on others bodies.. hahaha. did that make sense? Amd number 12? I can never beat that one. I have 4. Course they are all still young, my kids that is! Gee, one glass of wine.... RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn, the main thing is Sara is doing great after the c section, and the baby is healthy. It was worth getting up so early to be there. I got to hold her after my son had his turn, lol. I am not to sure about that first name I will probably call her Niki. Where do these kids get some of these names, LOL. i have 6 Grand kids that are over 18 and up and the rest younger of course. The first thing I did was put the pic i did for the blog up then email the rest to my son. Yes the baby was big, no wonder Sara waddled, poor thing. I did not stay to long after I seen the baby I figure she needed some rest. Son said he did diaper duty and feed the baby before he left to go eat something tonight. JMo says: 2 weeks ago She is beautiful! I love big babies. Mine were 10 and 10 1/2 lbs. They were good babies. About Casey....geez, I didn't know that's how things work. Let's see, you commit a crime and as long as someone reimburses the money, all things should be forgotten? This is the mentality we are dealing with when it comes to criminals, but to think it comes from those in the legal area who are supposed to know what they are doing is a f'n joke! That lawyer for Crystal Sheffield and her husband doing the same thing. Where do they get these lawyers? Is the bar investigating anything these days? What happen to professionalism, truth, honesty and justice? It's gotta be out there somewhere.....Baez gives other lawyers a bad name. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago JMo, It is not going to be forgotten or dropped Bank Of America is still going forward with charges. Bozo makes me sick he thinks he is so smug with his smirk, I hope someone wipes that off his face. Talked to son this morning he went to hospital early changed and fed baby just to help. Then off to work and will go back tonight. Thank you linn and Jmo, partial Grandma here thinks she is beautiful to,lol RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Casey Anthony Is a Negative Impact on Missing Children July 22, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Caylee Anthony: 1 Year Ago Today July 23, 2009 by: Express profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Video about loee's Tube SOX this is funny! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Cindy Anthony stars in The ... RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Ist Anniversary of Caylee's Murder - Casey tells the truth HannahsNana profile image HannahsNana 2 weeks ago


Rascal: You're new grandaughter is Beautiful! Congrats to you, Mom and Dad! I LOVE being a grandmother! Mine are so special to me (although the redhead is getting to be a handful - almost 4 and has she got a temper!) RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago A message for Casey Anthony! After looking at my innocente Grand Daughter yesterday is her first hour of life, and how a babys needs protection it has made me more determined to see Casey punished. This is our job on earth to protect all the babies. We may get bored with the news that is coming out, but I will keep digging stuff off of the net. Thank you for saying she is beautiful. Yes most red heads do have a temper, LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat


2 weeks ago Liar Liar Pants on Fire - They're All in it Now (Casey Anthony) losingit says: 2 weeks ago Wow. I lost the internet for a week. It's good to be back. So, hello everyone! Rascal, that's a lovely girl. Congrats to you and your family. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Thank you losingit, I am on my way out to go see her right now, just moved so slow this morning. I am not used to getting up at 4am to get ready like I did yesterday. bbl have a great day. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago What I loved about Bozo was that he first denied having sent the money to the Bank. Duh! Smoochs to that new grandbaby, Rascal! Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Anthonys May Be Back In Court Friday Posted: 4:54 pm EDT July 23, 2009 ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The case against Casey Anthony is headed back to court Thursday. George and Cindy Anthony, Casey's parents, could be back in an Orange County court for a hearing Thursday. The State Attorney's Office wants a judge to force George and Cindy to provide more information about their daughter. The attorney's office says the Anthonys are not being cooperative. Lawyers in the civil lawsuit against Casey Anthony are also making similar claims. Casey Anthony will not attend Thursday's hearing. She is facing first-degree murder charges for the death of her daughter, Caylee Anthony. linn says: 2 weeks ago Rascal. I didn't know she had a c-section..I can see why if they knew the baby was so large. I thought my 8.4oz babies were large! And JMo.. GOOD GOSH! I loved to eat when pregnant so I waddled, but then my grandbaby, the last one so far, was barely 6 pounds. I admit I was afraid to hold her! She was so tiny. And I like the baby's name, but I admit i would be like you and have a nick name. My grandbaby is named Olivia, but I have a niece Olivia that is not much older, so I call our

Olivia "Libby".. And just where are these odd names coming from? My son and his g/f were expecting but she lost the baby. They were going to name it Aubrey if a girl. I had never heard of that name until then, but now I see it all over the place. And yes, the most important thing for any baby is to be born healthy. She was/is adorable and CONGRATS again! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn, Sara's first baby was only 6 pounds and she had to have c section, she would have never had this one natural it was automatically set up for c section. I went in and held her today and gave her lots of kisses. And of course more pictures. The other Grandma was there and she does not want to lay her down wants to hold her all the time. I can see Sara having trouble already. You can not hold them all the time. thank you, linn OMG I just looked up her first name it came from Lord of the Rings Movie losingit says: 2 weeks ago I've very some sure

never heard the name Arwen before (I don't watch LOTR movies). I think it's a pretty name and definately not too out there. I was watching Jude Judy or judge show a few weeks ago and there was a girl on named Aquanetta. I'm very I used to use hairspray called this.

Linn, my Mom wanted me to name my daughter Olivia. I wasn't too sure. I think I would have if I had thought I could call her Libby because I love that name. Anyway, I ended up naming her Vanessa. I thought I was so original. I think every year in school there was at least one other Vanessa in her class. Oh well. It is way too hot here. Everyday they tell us we will get evening thundershowers, but they lie. Please, please rain. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Hearing Cancelled As Anthonys Provide Documents Posted: 4:54 pm EDT July 23, 2009 Updated: 11:15 am EDT July 24, 2009 RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Here is the letter from Bank Of America to Bozo Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

NEW BLINK POST: Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Baez Blasts Team Padilla Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago By the way, I think Olivia is a wonderful name - hmmmmm someone I know was named after her greatgrandmother. Her nickname is Liv or Livy. Greatgrandmother's nickname was "Lee" as there was an older spelling of "Oleavia" RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I know a special person that has the name of Olivia. I like it to. Nordie the baby rolled over in her little basinet last night about 8 o'clock unbelieveable how strong she is. The nurse was even standing there. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Nordie, that is a very interesting link you posted, to bad George did not get the truth from Casey. I bet that was one heck of a arguement between the two of them. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago You know sometimes I like to mix things up a bit. Happy Friday to all!! YouTube JK Wedding Entrance Dance. Truly a classic way to celebrate a wonderful moment in time. JMo says: 2 weeks ago The ANTS and Conway should be arrested and thrown in jail immediately for Obstruction of Justice! I've never heard such garbage lies in my life. This really pisses me off and is a waste of taxpayers money and the courts time. When is Strickland going to grow a pair and stop allowing this nonsense to continue! JMo says: 2 weeks ago Conway says "The Anthony’s computer has been down, and they have not been able to produce certain documents.” I call Bullshit! Unbelievable! Do they really think people are going to beleive that their computer has been 'down' all this time and suddenly it begins working on the day of the court hearing. They all need arrested in my opinion. Scum of the earth!

Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago It really sickens me the way the Ants seem to be able to push things farther and farther back. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Please let Conway know that my computer is NEVER down. Perhaps Jungle boy George took a hammer to it. I expected to hear them say someone that has one of the sets of keys took it and they have called the police but as of now it is still lost. Now that's par for their course. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Rascal, rolling already -- wow! She's a strong one! That's great. JMo says: 2 weeks ago Well, we (and I'm sure the potential jury) see where Casey gets all of her 'game playing' from. They are all alike. I am beginning to wonder if they were in on this somehow now.....never would of thought that before, but this sort of behavior sure makes them look suspect. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago JMo, I have always thought they were in on trying to cover up. I do not think they had anything to do with killing Caylee, that was Casey on her own. but cover up yes, they will protect her till that Gavel comes down with Guilty. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Casey is stil out of the news NG is still stuck on MJ sick of hearing that one. He made a choice to take drugs. Caylee did not make the choice to have her mom kill her lets get back to that and all the other innocent kids, that is more important. linn says: 2 weeks ago LOL.. Oh my gosh Rascal!! LOL.. Lord of the Rings? I am not into those type movies, same with Harry Potter, but that is just too funny. Kids nowadays name their own kids such odd names. Do they realize that years from now when the kids are in school people will have a hard time pronouncing it, make fun of it, make rhymes out of it? It is not a bad name though. Just different, could even be for a boy.. If they have them read this book, and I believe Lord of the Rings was a book first, then she will be a star!! I have been lucky. I am the ONLY grandma. The 5 year old has another one just miles away, but his own mom has not seen him in months, the grandma could care

less about seeing him. Sad but I don't have to share, selfish I know but I have had nothing but problems with that person since Kaleb was born. I hope the other grandma does not drive your daughter crazy. I most likely would, lol, but mine all live with me but the oldest two. I admit, if I was around your new granddaughter, I would not put her down either! linn says: 2 weeks ago Nordie...My daughter got the name Olivia from Law * Order SVU.. haha.. On that show she is mainly called Liv.. I got Libby from the Waltons.. Age difference? Nah..I am not even sure that is what the mom was called. I just like Libby and it is a form of Olivia. Her middle name is Lee! Libby Lee. I liked it and that is what Grandmas are for! To create confusion.. haha.. linn says: 2 weeks ago BTW, even if your computer is down, like when my hard drive went out, I was still able to go use one at the library. Just sign on to AOL, and go right to my documents. Even used the libraries printer. Just WHY is this judge letting them get away with so much? And I truly cannot stand NG lately. ALL MJ stuff. Non stop and she just repeats the same things over and over. Other shows have about 10 minutes max on him lately, but that is all she is doing. And again, the same thing over and over. She could get it done in 10 minutes like the rest, but she dedicates an hour every day to just repeating old news. What yesterday?? About 1 minute on the missing 11 year old? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn, I would love to sit and hold her all the time, but I do not want Sara to suffer for it and the baby. Lets face it the baby will be unhappy and cry because this has to stop.. Ok here is a good one my sons middle name is after a great looking actor by the name of Anton, LOL It is my daughter in laws mom, and she is leaving on Tuesday and my daughter in law is glad. Last night she told my son he had to get rid of his cat, animals do not belong in the house. Well I can tell you that did not go over good with him. He let her know in a nice way that is his house. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Had my first born been a girl I wanted to name her Shea after Shea Stadium in New York. Great memories for me with my dad! But alas, I have a Jason and his middle name is Ryan. Now Jaon who will turn 11 in September has been wanting me to adopt a baby girl for his birthday. And he is serious about it for the past year. OYE VEY!!!!!!!!!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Steve that is so sweet, I bet he would make a great big brother. Raniah and Gavin held there little sister and they think she is great, of course my son was sitting right next to them. Great pictures for later. I seen the other babys in the

nursery and she looks like she is 3 months old compare to the others. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Capn -- how sweet! You're such a good Papa, you to ask him how old he would like this sister to know. I'm available. I know my mannners, I make play and climb trees, I squeal at snakes, but I Nordie profile image

should consider it. You might want be. If he says 60 or more, let me my bed if I have to, I like to make good cup cakes. Let Me Know!

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago PS You can even call me Shea or Stadium either one :>) linn says: 2 weeks ago LOL at all the comments and names! Steve, when I hear Shea I think of shea butter.. hahaha.. One of my must haves. And Rascal, I bet she was glad to see her go! I mean, my cats are part of my family and that thing about cats and babies is to me, and old wives tale. I have had a cat my entire life, and seems to me kids my entire life. If anyone suffers, it is the cats! Steve, just how to you pronouce your son's name? Jaon? Rascal, she does look 3 months! I admit I would hold her to death, but I also have to say I have a short attention span.. haha. Once they do get given back, I usually walk out with a spring in my step! I LOVE babies, but it is so nice to hold them till you get your fill, then go home babyless! I have a fat cranky 16 month old here and the thrill of new baby left 15 1/2 months ago! Steve, your son NEEDS a sister! Get busy! However, my son really wanted his sister, and they never liked each other after the first year.. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago What a busy day baby is home and doing great, the cat is not going anywhere. They told her if she did not like the cat get a Motel room. I could not imagine anyone telling me to get rid of Rascal, I would say do not let the door hit you in the (_!_). Our pets are our babies, and this is there home. Yes linn that is a old wifes tale. The secret is enjoy the babies at there house then we can leave and go home. Nordie I needed a good laugh that is to funny! CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Sorry about the typing error. It is Jason not Jaon. Everyone calls him J since from his days in diapers that was the nickname I gave him. Thanks to everyone and their kind words!! The wedding dance video is a viral sensation I see. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Does anyone one know how to do a rain dance, this 100 degree weather is killing me. Hard to just sit in the house and not get out, it is giving me cabin fever.

CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Rascal,Can't help you. Sorry! We have been at a constant wave of heat here in the San Fernando Valley for about a month now. I am only having baseball practices at 6:00 P.M. so the kids only have to endure the high 80's at that point instead of the 100's which seem to be at gametime in the afternoons. Besides, have you seen me dance? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Now Capn Steve, there is enough ship mates here to teach you how to dance no excuses. We always tell our kids you can do anything if you try hard enough, so you are no exception I have faith in you. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Steve, I promise we will not put you in one of the too too's, that should make it easier for you. LOL linn says: 2 weeks ago Gee, it has been super foggy and cold. Today was about 58 degrees. I love it! And Steve, Jaon I thought was a fancy way of spelling John.. lol. I could not live in super hot weather. I have thought of moving from here to a place more afforable, yet it is the weather! I was born here and to get used to heat is impossible. Add humidity and I would not live long. Plus I hear air conditioning bills are HUGE. yet i would have it set to 65.. Well shipmates, who guesses another week of non stop MJ? Odd too as there is nothing new at all. They will just repeat everything. I wonder how many viewers they are losing? I know they lost me for now. And according to polls, it is about 90 something percent that are sick of the non stop coverage. I voted :) CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Is it just me or does anyone else miss the ANTfarm antics. Yes, they are absurd but I am missing them in a bigtime way now that Nancy and M.J. have been going steady know for a few weeks. Georgie, SINster, SLEEzy, Momster are you out there??? Hello.... I miss you!! Intervention, here I come!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Yes I miss the Ants mainly because we do not see what they are up to, hate it when they are quiet in the corner. linn, I spelled my sons name Jon liked the spelling. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Criminal Profiling: Duct Tape Damning Evidence for Casey Anthony?

July 26, 2009 by: Express This story is really good and like I said before in my personal comment, making money for Bozo that is what it is about not Justice for Caylee. Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago When everyone was talking about names it made me wonder what my shipmates would think of my situation. I have 3 boys and 1 girl. The boys have wanted to change their names for probably 3 years due to the fact that their father was never interested in them. They wanted to have my maiden name (I never took their father's name when we got married). Before they were born their father said they'd have my name because he had two children from his first wife. That changed when the first birth was a boy instead of a girl like we'd been told. We're going to court on August 11 to legally change their last names to mine. All of a sudden their father wants to be part of their life! It's a matter of control and ego in my opinion, but I wondered what everyone else thought. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Snooppy, if that is what your kids want to do go for it. I can certainly understand if there bio dad is out of the picture. Like you said control, to bad he has missed out on there life he is the one that will regret it. I wish you and kids the best. Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


Rascal, You need rain? Quick fix: Plan an outdoor party and don't rent tents. You should see the clouds start to billow within hours of your guests arrival. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Wednesday I need cooler weather and rain it is 104 today, sure glad I have air in here. The only thing I go out the door for is to take Rascal out then we are right back in here. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Well Capn, I see from the silence I don't need to change my name to Shea, oh well! :>) Snoopy, I will be praying this goes well. The courts are not blind. Many times they will listen to the children. I will mark my calendar for the 11th for good judgment to happen. Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318


2 weeks ago Nordie: Thank you so much for your support. My children have been through a lot with their father, and they came to me saying it would make them feel like they were starting all over. Thanks again for your prayers. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Snoopy: Let the court have their say (for now) In a few years down the road they can change it to what they want and the court will have NO say. And neither will Daddy dearest!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago If you want to see a funny pic of Georgie, Sindy and Milstead go to the link and scroll down, they are in a cop car on water. I am still LOL JMo says: 2 weeks ago Now that's some funny sheite. linn says: 2 weeks ago I have had just about enough of this MJ crappola. It is non stop repeats. About 2 minutes is newish news, the rest is stuff we have heard about 100,000 times! Tonight they said breaking something or other, and I had to laugh as they already said and showed it Friday! The little 8 year old boy that went missing. They have said ALL day that NG was supposed to talk about him tonight. NOPE! She is not even on her own show, AGAIN, and it was ALL MJ again. It is like just kill me now as I can't take any more of it! I tell you, if the president was killed they would not have this coverage and I am sick of it. Speaking of the president, is it just me, or does anyone else think with our economy as it is, it was sort of a bad move for him to go rent a 20 million dollar house for their "vacation".. Snoopy, I understand how your kids feel. Odd, and maybe the court could be tipped off, that the dad has not been in their lives due to his own choice, until he heard the kids want to change their name? Also though, Steve is right. Once they are old enough daddy will have no say so in it. I need to find a good book.. lol. i think this MJ will still be the only news on HLN for at least a year. Funny to as there have been so many kids go missing, and there has even been updates on the Ant case. They could do the "new" news on MJ in about 5 minutes a day and that is giving them 3 repeats even. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn, I think that is a slap in the face of the taxpayers to rent a home for that price. Kind of like the governer in Calif flying his jet back and forth to work at the taxpayers expense when the are out of money. Talk about a waist of money. I have tightened my belt enough not sure about the rest of you.

CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Nancy and M.J. sitting in a tree ................ Wake me when it's over! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago We may all feel like Rip Van Winkle until this is over, I have not even turned the news on for over a week. Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


Maybe we need some pretend Bombshells? Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago PRETEND BOMBSHELL - Capn's sons want Nordie as new sister! Ha! Ha! Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago PRETEND BOMBSHELL - ng & mj promise never to do repeats and will discuss all the missing children every night! Another ha! ha! The first ha! ha! would happen before this one, translation -- never! JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago The March 25 Conference transcripts do not exist: (hmmmm) Also: Read defense deposition of Lt. Uncer who saw Casey Anthony's reaction to Caylee's body being found Also: Read defense deposition of officer who took Casey Anthony to infirmary after Caylee’s body found I wish they would get this over with already!!!! JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago Bombshell: Casey comes to the realization that just because her Daddy is a cop, doesn't mean she can get away with murder! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Deception Analysis of George & Cindy Anthony July 27, 2009 by: Express Duh Deception, I think we figured that one out a year ago. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago “”"Horrific Murder”"” of Baby Scott Sanchez July 27, 2009 by: Express What is with these Mothers, is the Casey Kool Aid spreading all over our Country. Why wouold this sick woman be allowed to take a baby home from a Hospital, the family knew she was sick. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Bombshell, NG said no more news on MJ, yea right we should be so lucky. Oh my going to be 106 today,, another stay in the house day. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Bombshell Georgie still can not find his pants, Cindy took they away. Like what doe's Georgie need pants for anyway, he has nothing to put in them, all he needs is his Loafers. He found his calling after all these year's how to make a living off of Caylee. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Bombshell, Milstead has the kidfinder's boat out looking for Georgie's Pants. These men sure stick together. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Sorry, no BOMBSHELL..... SINdy was wearing Georgies pants. In fact, they can't

even be pryed off at this point! Stay cooooooooooooool Rascal!! Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago Truer words, Capn, truer words were never spoken!! LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I am staying in the house to keep cool, it is so dam hot outside. Even Rascal does not like it out there. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago State Prosecutors Depose Casey Anthony’s Mom July 28, 2009 by: Express Will Cindy Anthony Tell The Truth?? Now this truley is a Bombshell!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I love that Cindy can not take her Video Camera and say she is not going to answer the Questions. She is not going to run this deposition like she tried with Zanedias attorneys. To bad Cindy you are not wearing the pants on this one!! Now Steve we now see Cindy lost Georgies Pants they were pried off of her, LMAOROF Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago read. JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago Very interesting read. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Was there one person that momster did NOT lie to? If someone can come up with one name they will win a prize! Nancy Grace to continue on with the M.J. story until M.J. lets her know all the facts. Stay tuned... RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I can not take any more of MJ, so I will not be tuned to that one. I thought they might have something different to night so i did go the HLN and same crap. So glad I have many channels to choose from. linn says: 2 weeks ago I have turned to cooking shows.. lol. I love them, but not all of them. I evens suffer through the ones I don't like. BOMBSHELL>>> MJ spotted with Elvis at Denny's!! stay tuned to NG for 2 months of details repeated every 2 minutes! Rascal, just where do you live? LOL.. Phoenix? It was 59 here today, but that muggyish fog. No sun yet while the temp is low, it does not feel that low. Just sort of muggy and gray. I will turn my fan, YES fan, towards you! OK, who is going to compete in NG number ONE fan contest? Hmmmmm? LOL. I do have a few things I would love to say to her. I wonder, if everyone stops following the non stop MJ stuff, would her show notice? About 1 minute on that poor missing little 8 year old boy. I am really getting disgusted with NG and CNN, HLN, JVM is not as bad, nor is Mike Galanos. And gee, NG is on vacation AGAIN! But there have been updates on the Ant case, yet NG is stuck on MJ and to hear her couple sentences that are "new" replayed over and over for the entire show is enough. now she has more used up air time. "SAFETY TIPS".. what, are we in elementary school? And she spends about 2 minutes a night promoting her new book. Now that is a BOMBSHELL! NOT!! CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago The DUKE lacrosse team and their families are NOT her #1 fan. Todays jounalists (making the news instead of reporting it) have Walter Cronkite turning over in his grave. God bless you Walter. I for one will always miss you!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn, I live in Oregon. looks like this heat is here to stay the rest of the week. Steve, yes Walter was # 1 in my book also. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I am wondering when Georgie wil be served and Mr. Tube Sox, they will get there Supeona's. Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


Bombshell: Judge Strickland has been removed from the case. Judge Judy will be presiding. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago Rascal, here is the answer to your question: Cindy Anthony, mother of accused murderer Casey Anthony, will beback in court on Wednesday at 9 a.m. Casey's father George will bequestioned by state prosecutors in the afternoon and brother Lee isscheduled for questioning on Thursday. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago JMo, I knew it was coming that they would all be deposed. Anthonys to be deposed by State Prosecutors July 29, 2009 by: Express profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago If only they would of stood up for Caylee in the beginning and told the truth, this Circus would not have gone on this long. The spiteful Bitch would be where she belongs and people in America would not of lost respect for the Anthony's. They not only lost Caylee they lost there self respect. I can not say they lost Casey she was gone many years ago when they allowed her to get away with her obnoxious behavior. If the truth be know Casey was like this in school with a attitude of ME, ME, ME,it did not just happen over night. Look at the way she was allowed to talk to Cindy, I would have never in my life time have talked with such dis respect to anyone like that. The Anthony's allowed it. I will always remember the Anthony's with the saying Liar, Liar Pants on Fire. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago Oh and by the way Cindy is back today so she did not plead the 5th, which means she did not give them the bird. Wonder if they all got imunity? What a encore this must be for Cindy. CAPN STEVE says: 10 days ago 1500 pages coming out in the morning!! Get ready. SINdy is such a good witness. FOR US!!!!!!! BOMBSHELL... BOBO went to visit momster and let her know that her mommy is the states #1 witness against us. Now she really wants to kill her!! Watch out George, your better half is on her way home. Your welcome. Just looking out for you George. linn says: 10 days ago Rascal...I just saw today on the news that it is Oregon with the heat wave. I did think you lived there, but was not sure. Gee, I was wanting to move to Oregon! no way could I take over 100 degree heat! Odd too, but didn't you guys get snow this

past winter? I do LOVE Oregon, but I will wait until the heat goes away! Stay cool :) Wednesday Morning! LOLOL!!! Now do we all agree Judge Judy would not let the Ants get away with this garbage? LOL.. That was priceless as I love Judge Judy. I tell my kids all the time SHE should have been their mom.. haha. at least it makes me look good.. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago kinn, Yes I had snow in the winter I love it here beautiful country and the love the wild life. And the river rafting is really nice. Looks like heat the rest of the weekend no let up. And the fishing is great also. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago linn, I can get tags for my car that has personalized plates for 2 years for under 100 bucks no sales tax here insurance is cheaper here also so are property taxes. It has a lot f good things here and we do not drive in pot holes like some of the states they are always imporving our roads. losingit says: 10 days ago It sounds great Rascal- except for the heat. You said the other day it was 104. That means nothing to me. I live in a Celcius world. I googled it and HOLY SMOKES! I thought I had it bad with a week of 95 and no end in sight. I wish I had A/C. It usually doesn't get this hot and if it does it's only for a couple days, but this is crazy. It's not much cooler in the house either. I have a huge ceiling fan in the bedroom so at least I can sleep at night. Good luck. Let's try not to melt. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago lodingit, my air went down today both of my sons were out here to fix it for me, it only needed a capicitor, tg. They watch out for me, good sons. It does cool off at night here that is one good thing. JMo profile image JMo says: 10 days ago Too funny....Baez thinks Cindy was being explanatory. Hornsby says she is so inconsistent with her stories, that they have to try and pin her down on what is true. He also said that the jury will not warm up to her and that Baez will make her the Villian and the reason for Casey's behavior, thus not guilty. What a circus. Baez maybe thinks everyone will buy the old "It was my mother's fault" excuse. I know a lot of people who hate their mother, but it doesn't make them kill a beautiful child. JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago How low can you go????? Thieves steal angel statue made for murdered Sandra Cantu I hope these morons proudly display it in their yard and get caught. It is so sad to see this child's picture and know what she endured from that sick bitch Huckaby. I hope she is getting the death penalty and soon. JMo profile image JMo says: 10 days ago Update on the one and only Philip gets worse.... ....and to think, his parents are "sticking by him". Are they related to the ANTS???? JMo profile image JMo says: 10 days ago This guy "hurled his 4 yr old daughter off of a 120 cliff to her death" to avoid paying child support! WTF? Why is this stuff happening??? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


It is a sick person that would steal a Angel statue, I also hope they get caught and get punished. As fas a Huckaby she needs the Dp. Markoffs parents must be in La La Land to stand by him. What is wrong with a parent to throw a 4 year old off a cliff, so he would not half to pay child support that is so sick. So many in the world like that, where does it stop. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


DOCUMENTS RELEASED 7/30/09 There is a doc where Georgie, Cindy and Lee refused a polygraph, Now did we really think they would do this Hell no, not when you are covering up evidence!!!

JMo says: 9 days ago “A lying witness doesn’t help the defense,” Sheaffer commented. ROFLMAO....well now, that would be CASEY, wouldn't it! (Not to mention the rest of the manipulative lying clan) RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


JMo you have that right. CAPN STEVE 9 days ago


Rascal, remember what I said a year ago. BOBO did give momster a poly in his office that she failed with flying colors. Had she not failed it he would have been on every news show screaming to the gods above about her passing a poly that was administered. But alas, the truth (now that is a funny word with that clan) came out. And at that point they mounted their looney defense. Good luck with that! Again, I can only hope that she is enjoying herself at that all inclusive grey bar motel, where nothing changes, not even the weather. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Steve, We knew she would never pass that Poly. And yes if she had we dam well would of heard that from Bozo. Mr. Tube Sox has his Depo coming wonder if he will laugh during that one. He laughs because he is nervous, gosh I wonder why that is when you lie that happens. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


I feel sorry for Jessee bring out he had expired tags on his car, omg what does that have to do with Murder Caylee, he truly loved her. CAPN STEVE 9 days ago


BOBO's quote of the day... If the tags are expired, the jury must be inspired. Poor Jesse. He now regrets ever meeting momster! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


To funny, Steve. Now we know what he will sound like when the Trial starts. A real cock roach. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


In the docs Cindy says Caylee has blue eyes, Duh they were Hazel is this woman drinking the Casey Kool Aid that she can not even remember what color eyes her Grand Daughter had. CAPN STEVE 9 days ago


If the eyes were blue, the jury knows what to do! Man, I am on a roll. Make that a bagel with lox and cream cheese. I better go eat lunch before I get even mas estupido!! Darrell in Denver 9 days ago


The Cheetos for the murder Girl - Her story is enough to make you hurl ! ; } RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Welcome back Darrell RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Now Casey the Duct Tape looks better on this.. CAPN STEVE 9 days ago


Hey Darrell: Welcome back to the ship! Your city looking for a dog hating quaterback? I know of one that is most available as I type. Let me know... RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


I say send MV in to Casey's cell Steve, maybe he can torture Casey. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Robert Manwill little boy from Idaho that is missing, was visiting hit bio Mom she has aabusive past. She fractured a 9 month old brother head. Why the hell did she have any contact with the kids. CAPN STEVE 9 days ago


The children's court system in our wonderful country is all about the word reunify. I for one can tell you that if you look into the past you can get a good indicator on what will happen in the future. Rehab? Yeah right! I do not believe in it. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat 9 days ago


Steve, My feeling is if you hurt a child you should never be reunited or allowed around children. CAPN STEVE 9 days ago


From your lips to the judges ears. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


They need to go harder on people that hurt kids, no matter what kind of hurt the caused. There is no room in my world for this abuse to innocent children. I once turned a lady in at the Wal Mart parking lot that beat her little girl. She litterly punched her in the face, looked like around 4, I felt like going over to her and punching her but guess who would have got in trouble. but the cop did take her in. linn says: 9 days ago Rascal.. A few years ago I was determined to move. I actually flew out to Oregon. I was told by a friend to look at, hmmm. Port something? Next to I believe Coos Bay? The Port Orford maybe, anyway it was just TOO isolated. I had a 16 year old at the time and I remember on a Sunday it was like a ghost town there. Loved Coos Bay if that is the right name, but again too isolated for her. Not me and at night, just lovely. I remember waterfalls coming off the mountains, freaking out driving next to HUGE trucks with HUGE logs. I really liked Portland and the smaller cities close to Portland. I remember thinking I am moving here! I also remember a gas station attentant freaking out when I got out to pump my gas.. haha. I had no idea I was not allowed to do that. Here, you do it or pay double. I loved Oregon and it is still on my list of places to move when the economy picks up. Nothing is selling in CA at all but your heat wave is scary! According to our news, you were supposed to have a cooling off period towards the weekend. We know how reliable they are! One of these days though I just might be a Oregon resident. My other place I loved was Colorado. And Arizona, but nix that due to heat. Once you get past this heat, you will be lucky again! I truly was in awe of that state. JMo says: 9 days ago They reunite children with the parents because the system is overloaded and there is no one else to take them. The judges, social workers, etc. are left with no choice but to do the best they can with the situation. It will be interesting to see if dumb ass Lee giggles like a little girl this time or if he takes the fact that a child was murdered seriously! What an idiot! linn says: 9 days ago All I picked up today from the 1400 pages of docs, was that Sindy is STILL

sticking to the Nanny did it defense. Down to shoving tons of toys at the LE saying something, yet a quickie on this again as MJ is SOOOOOO much more important than anything, but something about toys that Zanny had, and to test for fingerprints, which of course they would have. NOW, don't ya think if Zanny's prints were there we would have heard about it? I am SO sick of all this MJ stuff. now a "love child".. Sure I saw him at the memorial, but the 25 year old even denies being MJ's son, yet good Old, gag, Joe Jackson is saying he heard he can dance and YES he is Michael's son. HUH? Why would the young man deny it, yet why was in in the row at the memorial with the family? Again, I really don't care! He was talented, a freak, an addict with no regard for his kids, not to mention other things he liked. I just cannot see him fathering the real way a kid. I heard btw, the Crazy trial might not start until SUMMER of 2010.. She will really look hot by then! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


linn, there is a water fall here where I live, remember the movie Grizley Adams well that it the water fall. I did not want to live on the coast i am inland and love the area here. This is not a giant town but the people are very nice. Oh yes the gas thing, took me awhile to get used to that not pumping my own gas, LOL that is a state law we are not allowed to do that. I really like it now, and one day when I was out of state I wondered why don't them come pump my gas then remembered, light bulb when on I can do it here. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


JMo even the people on NG blog is sick of MJ, I know it is alll I can do the listen to JVM something about her voice makes my head hurt. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Baez Denies Defense Withheld Anthony Evidence July 30, 2009 by: Express Oh I love this one!!!!! JMo profile image JMo says: 9 days ago I hate to even think or say this but here goes... Cindy and George better watch their backs. If they get Casey released somehow, they will be next on her list to kill off. What in the hell are they thinking!!!! JMo profile image JMo says: 9 days ago I bet they truly believe that Casey is just a mixed up confused girl that has been victimized and that someone is trying to frame her for the murder. They think that there is no way that psycho Casey could of done this, that someone else had to of

and that her mind has just been so tortured that she can't think straight. In a way, I hope Baez does show that Cindy was a villan and was the one who victimized Casey and pushed her over the edge. Maybe that will get Cindy to shut the hell up with her guilt ridden lies to try and side with Casey. Sometimes I think Cindy is much more psycho than Casey. How were these people ever allowed to breed!!!! I hope Lee never has a child either. Stop the madness with that families genetics already!!!!!!! Nannie27 profile image Nannie27 says: 9 days ago Hi everyone-I haven't seen the documents but I heard there is a lot about Jessee and I just remebred that at the beginning of all this Cindy said she believes that Jessee or Aimee could be Zanny. NOW........WHY would she say that if she really believes there is a Zany............she can't have it both ways. To be a good liar you have to have a good memory inorder to keep your stories straight Cindy. Actually I am SOOOOO worried that somehow they are gonna manage to blame Jesse!!!! Darrell in Denver 8 days ago


hey Rascal- hey Steve - We welcome anyone here except anyone with the name spelling of Sindy or George of Duh Jungle and or the "Secret Agent Man- Lee" and no Boboheads!! Darrell in Denver 8 days ago


hey Rascal- hey Steve - We welcome anyone here except anyone with the name spelling of Sindy or George of Duh Jungle and or the "Secret Agent Man- Lee" and no Boboheads!! Darrell in Denver 8 days ago


and i do have to admit that all of this drama with the Ants started when Sindy discovered that Casey's penis was bigger than her's- it all started going down hill at that point ! : ) CAPN STEVE 8 days ago


SINdy played the cards exactly how the state wanted her to. They can't come up with one fact that there was yet they stick with that story. And they never met her, had a legit address for her or had a phone # for her?? That seems odd to the rest of the world but not to the ANTfarm. P.S. did she have a key SINdy? Jesse is in their crosshairs and I understand because if it wasn't him it would be someone else. I hear the blame game already in my sleep as they find momster guilty. By the time this trial begins momster will weigh in at 200lbs. at the rate of junk she is eating. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


Sending her some Cheetos special delivery tomorrow. LMAO

RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


Attorney for Casey Anthony’s brother Resigns July 31, 2009 by: Express Mr Tube Sox, no longer needs a Attorney. CAPN STEVE 8 days ago


8 year old may have been injured (or worse) by mom who he was visiting at the time. This is the same lady that hit his older brother so hard she fractured his skull. And she had unmonitored visits? I hope I am wrong but it seems that she did something to Robert. How tragic! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


Search for Boise boy takes grim turn as police search mom's apartment, suggest 'tragic event' This is not looking good, Steve she fractured the 9 month old babys skull. That is what I was saying why the hell do they send them back to a woman like that. And the child she fractured will have problems the rest of his life they say. JMo profile image JMo says: 8 days ago I can just hear it now: State: Lee, raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, ..... Lee: Tee hee, ha ha, Well, I, tee hee, you know, uh, ha ha, tee hee, uh, uh, gosh, what was the question again? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


Mr Tube Sox is on diet of feathers, tell the truth that family does not know what that means. linn says: 8 days ago Rascal. I have a friend that lives in Eugene Oregon. She loves it. Has a very afforable large rental where she does daycare. has a chance soon to rent a large 100 year old house with a huge yard. I loved the mountains and I went in February. They all said it was never like that, but when I was there is was so sunny and nice! I had frost on my car window, but it was sunny and beautiful! I admit all the mountains and raging waters were sort of scary to a drought raised

Californian, but I love the towns. I think there was one called Garden something? Seemed to be mainly young families at the time but I liked it. The mountain part was dark and again, scary to me. I loved Portland! But the houses I liked were too expensive. I love the old craftsman type houses. But it is on my list if this housing mess is ever over. I love rain! BTW, you should be getting cooler weather by Monday.. lol. Love how they say the weekend, but when the SEE it is not cooler they move the dates up. Said about 85 Monday. To me that is a heat wave still! Regarding the little 8 year old boy, something happened that is not good. You can tell by the way they use their words. I think they know or found something bad. Blood or something. This is one that will not turn out well. And yet NG spent about 5 minutes on it, and again, 55 minutes on MJ. OK 50 minutes. 5 full minutes trying to promote her book. I refuse to watch ANY MJ news. It is not news. It is non stop repeats of what we all know, and what other channels report. At least other channels spend just about 15 minutes or less. NG spends 50 minutes or more. ENOUGH! He was a weirdo, he did drugs with NO regard to his kids, he was selfish and spoiled and too bad he is dead, but he is. wait until you know the facts, they put them out there. this stupid guessing game is too much. I am on the cooking channel, and like someone posted, the baby channel... lol RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


linn, My son owns a jet boat, it was scary the first time but like it know, and I do love rafting. Several years back when white water rafting in WY it was so much fun. I never want to live anywhere else love it is. I am in Southern Or. Yes I know it does not sound good about Robert Manwill, I have this feelinng his Mom had something to do with this. The police know something just the way they are talking. Another sad case that he was not protected and sent to stay wiht her. But you know she was approved by our get Court system. JMo profile image JMo says: 8 days ago So very sad. I think they found blood also of the boy that suggests he was hurt or other evidence at the scene. JMo profile image JMo says: 8 days ago I think he died and she has tried to stash the body somewhere. She probably didn't clean up the evidence too well.??? Who knows, could of been a psycho boyfriend too. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


Yes something is wrong there, the cops know something. CAPN STEVE 8 days ago


I think they found DNA evidence in her home snd car and are working her behind the scenes to get a confession as to the location of the body. Reunify? And this is the end result in Idaho. Out here in Cali. a C.S.W. has a 5 year old girl go visit her father in prison for a visit. He is in prison for molesting her. What is it, the system being broke or the people who run it? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


OMG he should never be able to see her in his misserable lifetime. I am sure that is not what she wants to do is see her molester, what the hell is wrong with the system. Let the dam judge go visit chester the molester. CAPN STEVE 7 days ago


From the judges right down the chain which includes the childs attorney, therapist, and childs social worker I say again, it is a combo of the system and the people running it that need a change. You hear that Mr. President... it's time for a change! And you too Nancy Grace!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


Casey Anthony IMs Reveal Woman Pushed to the Edge August 1, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


Steve, Yes we certainly do need change to protect the children or anyone that has a violent crime against them, but especially that children that can not protect them self. JMo says: 7 days ago I hope I never get involved with someone and they bring up my personal IM's or text or vm or emails or blog comments, etc. Can you imagine? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


Bill Shaffer on video about Casey, this is very incouraging. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


Missing Boy May Have Met With Tragedy, There is something they found in Moms Apt. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


98 degrees today and it is raining, ty for who ever did the rain dance, wish it would have been earlier. LOL Well that did not last long, must of only been a small 2 step dance. linn says: 7 days ago Rascal, that was my granddaughter!! LOL.. She was dancing in circles today shaking her fairy wand.. haha.. It was supposed to be cooler though. I will have her work on a "cooling off dance".. I can just FEEL something is very wrong with Robert. I think when he wanted to go to that party and Mom said no, he got mad as 8 year olds do, and mom did something moms are ever supposed to do. I do think they know he is dead, but want a confession or the body. Sad...He did not in any pictures, look like a happy 8 year old boy RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


Ilinn, i really do no think there was a party, I think it was a story they made up to say he dissapeard. I think Robert was abused and killed so sad. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


They did check out the apt and took a suv for testing. She would punish himm for even asking a question. How many times do little kids say why Mommy, I can sure remember a lot. Kids have questions that is how they learn things. Twll your GD ty but please make the circles larger and longer. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


Whoops that was supposed to be TY grand daughter. CAPN STEVE 7 days ago


They know mommy lied. Gee, a trend with killers. Perhaps the $77.50 fine and probation was not the proper sentence!? Who was her judge Walt the janitor!? At least Walt gets a good nights sleep now, so we can all feel better now. Reminds me of the judge that we have, judge Downing who is a democrat according to her google info and was appointed by our wonderful Governator. Now isn't that strange. Heck, she only continues to put my kids in harms way and it was no wonder that my soon to be 11 year old after his latest abuse by mommy dearest told Downing where to go and how to get there right after he asked her why she wants to keep putting him and his brother in contact with the person that always abuses them. Fee your honor, 5 abuses aren't enough? How many are your honor? Now that was a wonderful scene. And this was when he was only 9. She too, can sleep well at night.

CAPN STEVE 7 days ago


That was gee your honor, not fee. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


I just wish the judges would listen to the kids, that are old enough to tell them what is going on with a abusive parent. JMo says: 6 days ago Reportedly Lee spilled his guts out to the State since what he says now can't be used against him if different from earlier, since he gained immunity. However, he apparently gave the same lies??? These people are frickin nuts! Numarama profile image Numarama says: 6 days ago Hey everyone! Long time no see - wow, has it been slooooow lately with ANTfarm news. I'm very much looking forward to catching up on what I've missed the past few days. P.S. - TMW has four new posts covering June/July and is of course as twisted and funny as ever... I tried to post her new entries separately but Hubpages didn't seem to like that! Sorry for any double posts! Catch up w/ y'all again soon... JMo says: 6 days ago I will try to post them separately. I think you have to left click and open then copy the URL. No right clicking on her stuff. The Saga Continues August 1, 2009 Say Anything July 2009 Crappy Anniversary, Weeks three and four June 2009 It takes a village (idiot) Weeks one and two June 2009

Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 6 days ago


If you post a lot of links, hubs thinks you're spamming & will deny your posts until I get in here & approve them. Just letting you know why your posts were disappearing. :-) JMo says: 6 days ago Thanks. I didn't go back and try to put them in, because i thought something like that might of been the reason. Thanks for coming to the rescue!!!!!!!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


We know Lee got immunity, but no where have I found that the Ants got it. If anyone else has that information please let me know. Maybe they are not done with the Ants Half Truths. Do you think they will decorate a cell for Sindy and Georgie we could only wish. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


Haleigh’s Parents’ Attorneys Withdraw From Case DCF finds no abuse in Haleigh Cummings case, there was no abuse from the family. JMo profile image JMo says: 5 days ago It's good to see they worked some things out. I bet Crytal's attorney dropped her as a client because of all of the lies she told. There is a reason that girl doesn't have custody and apparently she still can't get it! In my opinion, I continue to think Crystal and her mother had something to do with this and knows where Haleigh is. It could probably make the 'believe it or not' history books. People have been known to steal their kids and hide them out. I think this is exactly what happened....but then again, it is just my opinion. Maybe it's because I don't want to think of that child harmed or dead. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


JMo, I do not think she is harmed either they have her hid some where my feeling also. We know it takes a lot to have a Judge take visitation away when we see Robert Manwill little brother with A FRACTURED SKULL. Robert should of never been in her care for visitation, the father has no say in that decision. If he refused he is in comtempt of Court decision, so sad. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat 5 days ago


If we really stop and think about this, if both kids would have been taken it would have been so dam obvious of who did it. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


They found a body in the cannel, they think it is Robert Manwill. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


Georgies depo postponed, omg we half to get the story straght with Sindy. Oh Georgie sit up and beg for the doggie bone wehn you get the answer in line with Sindy. Remember Georgie it is back to the doggie house for you if you screw up again!!! woof woof linn says: 5 days ago I am about to send a blasting letter to NG. I mean AGAIN with the NON stop MJ.. Today a home video. Special? My ass.. lol. I counted about 5 minutes that was played over and over and over until the show ended. Those kids were told to follow the script and it was so phony. They had on mikes and told if you don't do the "dance" no more presents. Yet Jean Casaras &sp& went on like it was the most touching moment of the century. NOT ONE WORD about the boy, Robert. I have had it. I refuse to watch JVM or NG anymore. They are stuck on MJ when there is no new news. What about the children she is so for? The abuse victims? MJ was NOT an abuse victim.. The only part of the video where he seemed like a true dad, was when he wiped Prince's nose at the party. That was it. The rest was made to make it what? Like he wanted them to already perform? Since when has he gone to a super loving dad? I mean a dad that loves his kids does not willing do the amount of drugs he was doing. He was warned he could die, but drugs meant more than his kids. I was hoping to see more on poor little Robert. But I guess for the next 10 years, it will be the same tired out video's of MJ.. By then his kids will be old enough to cause NG to have more material.. BTW, this is the second week she has been off air. Wonder why? They should tell their viewers I will be off for two weeks, see you when I come back! No need for explanations, but this just makes people wonder. She sure makes sure everynight her book is plugged RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


I am sick of it also NG certainly is not listening to her followers, well I have taken a different road linn. There are other news stations and of course I can look on the web for the news. We know our Justice sytem is screwed for sure if the let OJ out on bail, what next will they do I pray they keep him where he belongs. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


Robert Manwill investigation: Details of mother's past emerge What a BS story I was burping my child and I accidentally hit his head on the table, OMG and if you believe that I can write my bills on a ice cube instead of a check and pay them. There is no way in hell you could fracture a childs head that way, it is dam delliberate.nnI am fumming they they bought that story. The live in boy friend is banded for life for being alone with the daughter, gee what does that tell us!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


Sorry ship mates that story just has me fumming, such a lite punishment and the bs story she gave. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


BOISE - The Ada County Sheriff's Office has found the body of a young male in the New York Canal in Boise. It was found near Deer Flat Road and South Cloverdale. That canal flows near where eight-year old Robert Manwill went missing ten days ago. However, the body cannot be identified as Robert. Until an autopsy is performed Tuesday, we will not know the identity of the body. Police have indicated at Monday afternoon's press conference that the description of the body is similar to that of Robert. JMo says: 5 days ago Yep, I bet mommy or boyfriend got rough, killed him and dumped him in the canal. What will she say about this one...hmmmm, I was putting him to bed and accidently hit his head to hard and he died? Makes me sick. Also, Rascal, if both haleigh and her brother had been taken, you are right, it would be obvious who took them. However, this goes back to my original thought and that is that the plan was to get them both, but Missy woke up and foiled the plan. Plus, I bet they thought both kids would be asleep on that bed on the floor together and they weren't. Ooops, could only grab Haleigh! That's my thought. It will come out someday I think. JMo profile image JMo says: 4 days ago They still don't know if the body found is Robert. So sad. I betcha it is him. I mean, how many kids that fit his description, size, etc are gonna just happen to be floating dead down the river near his home? One article I read said that the police are being really tight lipped about the investigation because they have crucial evidence and if it is released now, it could blow the case. (Maybe they heard about how Caylee's case was handled and don't want that to happen there?) RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat


4 days ago Roberts size and description it has to be him, they do not have any other little boy in that area missing. Yes I am looking at the Mom and Step Dad no doubt in my mind. Why are such evil people allowed around kids. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


There has to be a way to inforce stricter laws about abusive parents. And if children services are so swamped they can not handle it, why not use retired volenteers to help moniter these familys. I think they need spot checks not a date set up when everything is in order, I mean a drop by check for safty. So many are on assistance and they do not use the food program for what it is meant for. They sell the food and buy drug and alcohol then the kids go with out the needed food. I know of so much abuse to this program threw the years I have seen it. Right now where I live there is a lady that is on disability she get a check fromm the state for 800.00 her mom sends her another 800.00and pays her car insurance and her brother sends her 800.00 that is 2400.00 a month wow could I live good on that. She gets her med for free because of her income because the only part that the state knows about is the 800.00 they send. She also get food stamps and she sells he methodoine meds for. She also visits the food bank 3 times a month. Most of her money is spent of the lottery, and alcohol. Now does anyone see what is wrong with this picture, I sure as hell do. How to rip off the goverment. the majority of us seniors live on what we get honestly and see this abuse going on. They lie cheat and steal from the goverment. How can this be stopped we know the taxpayers are really getting screwed by this kind of person and believe me there are so many out there. This lady does not have kids hers are grown. But there are so many with kids doing the same thing. Why do some in our society sit back and say let them take care of me. CAPN STEVE 4 days ago


Let me tell you a little story. This is the story about some, and I do say some case workers here in California that are in it only for their weekly check. On top of that there are some that do things like take supplies for their own use and take things that are meant only for the foster care system but are used for their own personal use as well. These people are known as criminals to you and I but this is a widespread problem that has been going on for a long time. I have known 8 case workers in my time and out of 8 I would say 2 have been qualified to do the job. The other 6 on a good day do a crappy job. And by me saying crappy, I have elevated them. I could write a book about the past 4 years that my children have experienced and if I did people would be shocked. In a real bad way. If you think the people that make the choices for families care, I would say you are dumb and blind. And I again have elevated your status! I think the abusive parents should get a gig watching the judges kids!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Steve, I believe it I have seen it happen myself. I can remember years ago a older lady that got food stamps and and there was a social worker that came out and went threw her cubbards and if she had extra to survive on they took her stamps away. I have also seen a person that was turned in for abuse to children sexually and the kids lies because they were afraid of the father, case was closed and the kids

were returned in his care. These kids were so brain washed and in fear they were afraid. What can be done in a case like this, children need to know it is wrong to let this abuse to continue, they are scared for life. The mother knew it was going on and let it happen she did not care as long as she had the good life of him supporting the family and a fancy house with a pool. Life is nbot fair to children sometime when they have parents like that, they half to be scared for life. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Where is our ship mates?

JMo profile image JMo says: 4 days ago I am here, does that count? I hope once they get the autopsy on this child, they piece it together quickly with what was found in the home. Did you guys see the history on the boyfriend? OMG! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


JMo yes you count, lol. I really hate talking to myself, rascal looks at me really funny. Yes I posted about his back ground what they put out but it did not say why he was in prison or why he can not be around the girl. That leaves me one thought in mind. CAPN STEVE 4 days ago


He was on LOL LOL LOL! I think his momma gave him a 2nd helping of the stupid juice when he was little. (right after she dropped him on his head) It is this type of garbage that makes me agree (somewhat) that those laws in other nations might not be such a bad thing! Cut off a hand, a foot, another body part if you catch my drift. OOOUUUCCCHHH..... P.S. da da da da da da da da, today's my birthday! JMo profile image JMo says: 4 days ago For reals, today is your birthday? Then Happy Birthday! Mine is Friday! Woooooo hooooo. We must have a party tonight on deck.....Free Neutered Purple Squirrel drinks and Fusion Shots. Maria, grease the poles, Rascal round up the squirrels, Wendy, alert the media so that Casey knows we are partying, Linn, get the alcohol, Numerama, cook up the chili, Darrell, tend bar, and losing it, crank up the tunes, Nordie and Snoopy, set up the beer pong, Hannahsnanna, bring the snacks and Nancy Drew, you keep a look out on the ship! Me and Capn Steve will be drinking! The rest of you (hope I didn't leave anyone out)

just show up and party! Remember, anything but clothes!!!!! losingit says: 4 days ago Hurray! A party tonight! Happy birthday Capn! Now.... what to wear? Hmmmmm. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 4 days ago Hi shipmates, as some know, have been dealing with my youngest sister who had a massive stroke July 3rd (we think). Long story, but she is in rehab and I try to go every other day. Time is of the essence, she cannot speak or walk, but by golly she will!! Also was ready to bring ex back to the house (he's been in the nursing home) I have for him, went in yesterday to turn on refrig etc and house is full of mold. the idiots who cleaned the carpets did not leave ventilation -- anyway, everything has to be washed and scrubbed. But you know what, I still feel blessed and am ready to par tay. Happy Birthday Capn -- Thinking of you, Shea :>) Nordie profile image Nordie says: 4 days ago I'm looking for the biggest beer pong I can find. As the quality control officer, I get to go first, sorry Capn. I'm going to be a farm girl (lots of sun bonnets, covering lots of things) so when Marie's Jigsaw shows up, I'll have some hay for him. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Capn Happy Birthday to you and many more. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


losing it, definnately cloths!!! LMAO Ok now I am talking to myself again here. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Please take a few minutes and say a prayer for Robert Manwill the little 8 year old, he is with God now never to be abused again. linn says: 4 days ago Happy Birthday STEVE!!! YAH!! What 29 this year?? I have been that age for well, ages.. lol. Got the drinks ready, and Losingit it is a "ANYTHING BUT CLOTHES PARTY"~ HURRAH!!

On a sad note, at least little Robert is in Heaven and NG did almost the entire show for him. She really would have looked bad if it was all MJ again after todays tragic news. I still say, that little boy never looked happy. It is in his eyes RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Yes linn finally back to the important things on the news not MJ. Maybe NG will be back to real business. losingit says: 4 days ago Oh, too bad, I didn't even bother with NG tonight. I just assumed it would be more MJ. I haven't heard very much about Robert besides what gets posted here. Poor little guy. I had a rough sleep last night. I'll be the one wearing the cozy flannel jammies at the party. Cheers Steve. I hope you had a great day. CAPN STEVE 4 days ago


Anyone see my clothes? If anyone threw them over the side I swear I will turn this ship around! Thanks everyone for your well wishes! We just got back from a great dinner. On a greater note... Mr. T who I am sure most of you know from T.V. and the movies uses the services at the place that I have my P.O. BOX and from time to time over the past several years I run into him there. Today of all days was one of them and my oldest boy who loves Rocky 3 was with me. Let me tell you a few things about this person. First off, he loves his mother like there is no tomorrow. He is always sending her stuff that he gets and from a few stories he has told me she has always been his heart. He has always taken the time to talk to me and every month he helps serve food to the homeless with his church. This guy is as golden as that jewelry that we are used to seeing him wear. Today I was sending an order out to one of my accounts in Hawaii and my boy was next to me. Mr. T came into line behind me and I asked him, are you sending something to mom? He smiled and said "you know me too well." My boy looks up to me and mouths is that MR. T? I said yes. I let him know that my soon to be 11 year old loved you in Rocky 3 that was on Spike T.V. this weekend. He spent the next 10 minutes talking one on one with my boy and at the end of it he reached into his pocket and gave my son a gift. It is a Mr. T in your pocket keychain that has 6 of his catch phrases from "I pity the fool" and 5 others. Let me tell you all how wonderful a moment in time this was for my boy. Mr. T is a credit to his race. The human race! My son was so happy when we walked out that he was almost in tears. Talk about the old saying, timing is everything. A few minutes earlier or later and that would have never happend. God bless you sir for the feelings that you instilled into my boy today. And may God bless all of you that are here each week. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Oh Steve I know that made your sons day, I have never met Mr T but have heard what a kind person he is. Now as far as your cloths I am really sorry I have not seen them. It sounds like you and Jason had a wonderful day. That 10 minutes that MR T spent with Jason will impress y0our son the rest of his life he will never forget. I know because I had a Grand Pa figure like that, he is always in my heart even

though we were not related. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


George Anthony Being Deposed By Prosecutors It is Georgies Day now lets see if he looses his temper!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago

says: of Bill Shaffer this really explaind why the State is taking these Depos. JMo says: 3 days ago I feel sorry for Richard and Jesse. Watch this video. (The reporter is not very good at interviewing, but Richard does ok). RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


I really do not know how Bozo sleeps at night, tear a young mans life apart is totally wrong. This makes me dislike the defense with all my heart. I know they will never admit what this spiteful Bitch Casey did and stop the blame game. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


I would love to see public records on Bozo, How long it took him to finish law school, His divorce records, the amount he is back on child support, the hours he has spent on this case, where is the money coming from, and how much he has made to date. Air his dirty laundry. JMo says: 3 days ago I agree. He is true scum of the earth. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


And what about all the crap on Casey life we have not seen her past, school records you name it lets get it all out there. Slam her just like they did Jessee. Oh and her credit report. Comments from employers also. losingit says: 3 days ago

Casey can act intelligent, but I'll bet as far as she did get in school, she cheated, copied and lied to teachers. She seems too lazy to have done anything on her own. I can see Cindy as the mother that always blames the teacher and defends her own kids. Her credit report might be better than you'd think since she was just stealing Cindy's credit cards and money to pay for things. Employers? Wasn't there just Kodak or whatever that was? I can't remember or don't know, was she fired from that job or what happened there? Rascal, I just heard this today. What is a Shih Tzu?.... A zoo with no animals. LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


losingit, I can tell you mine is so darn spoiled. I bbqd a steak last night and as soon as I took it off the grill she was ready to run in and have her share. i would still like more infor on Casey since the defense is after Jessee. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Shih Tzu's have this thing about them they can sit and stare at you, it is like saying Mommy if you do not feed me I will tell everyone you are a unfit Mommy. They are the most loving little dogs I have ever had, she never snaps and loves everyone. And as soon as someone one is here I sure know it, she so happy to see everyone. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Attorney Won't Deny Anthonys Have Book Deal Posted: 5:47 pm EDT August 5, 2009 Updated: 7:08 pm EDT August 5, 2009 We knew this one was coming, never seen such a family that wants to make money off of little Caylee losingit says: 3 days ago My little boy is very well behaved too Rascal. My Dad was telling me this morning that over the weekend he had BBQ'd a pound of bacon outside (I'm not sure why he did this outside and I didn't ask). Anyway, he had the perfectly cooked bacon draining on a paper towel and ran in the house for two seconds. When he came back out, the bacon was gone, the paper towel was blowing across the yard and his Golden Retriever was a very sick dog for the rest of the day. Naughty doggie. NG mentioned that MJ has been on ice for 41 (I think) days. What about Caylee? We suspect she was made into jewelry. All of her? And what if we are wrong? Where is she? RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat 3 days ago


in Jewlery and a Teddy Bear that is where she is. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


I can remember a firend of mine, her Cats stole the Turkey off the table and it had not been sliced yet. They walked into eat and the cats were chomping away at it. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Why are the Ants still wearing the Caylee Buttons, Caylee's remains are found Georgie, yes Georgie I said that word so get pissed and shut you computer down or throw the mouse I really do not care. Your daughter that was such a good Mom dumped her there like garbage, and the sooner you people realize what your daughter really is the better. You will feel better when you can understand the truth of how selfish she really is. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


CIRCUS SMIRKUS - EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION, I hear Georgie wants a job, I found one for him. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Sindy could lead Georgie on a leash and have him do tricks, I can see it now!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Robert Manwill's death being investigated as homicide Justice will not be denied" for Robert Manwill, said Boise Deputy Chief Jim Kerns in a short 6 p.m. press conference Wednesday. The Ada County Coroner's autopsy showed that the 8-year-old boy's death was "not an accident," he said. Police "will determine how and when Robert died, and who is responsible," Kerns said. He said that no evidence exists that Robert was abducted by a stranger. Ada County Coroner Erwin Sonnenberg said Wednesday that dental records confirmed that the boy found Monday in the New York Canal was the 8-year-old.

Robert was reported missing at 10:11 p.m. July 24 from an Vista Avenue-area apartment complex. Kerns said the criminal investigation would proceed "with urgency," but he said the police would "compromise the legal procedures" and the integrity of their case by prematurely releasing details. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 days ago Capn, I think you clothes got put on the masthead, not saying if I saw anything or know for sure :>) I think a letter writing campaign may be in order to Simon and Schuster. If they print a book(s) by the Anthonys, I will boycott their publishing house forever, and that's a long time. What say you shipmates? linn says: 3 days ago Well Rascal, ole NG was back on tonight. Nice to have her working hours and YES, we had to hear more MJ crappola. I have been really sick, gosh hope no one gets whatever is going around here, but something about NG was too much tonight. I had watched about poor little Robert and well when you are sick it all just seems to make you sicker. I will bet mom and creepy boyfriend are behind his death. As for the Ants writing a book? Well, I will read that when I pick up my copy of MJ's book they are reprinting.. lol. They used to gather a tiny bit of sympathy but now just disgust and loathing. I do with they would release the depo's, but they say it might not happen? Why? Because it is the state that questioned them? I mean these depos were not done by Mr. Morgan, were they? And if not, WHY? when is he going to be allowed to finish, or did the state take over? There has been almost no news on the Ants anymore, so I just wonder. WHY don't they look into where Caylee is? They might just have some "BOMBSHELLS" for the Steve, I have heard Mr.T is a wonderful man that does many charitable things for kids in need. I remember watching that show.. hmmm, did I give away my age? LOL.. Loved it, the van sliding sideways and all. Shows back then were shows! No boobs all over the place, none of this reality TV.. One reason shows like I Love Lucy to this day are still highly popular. They were just funny, clean and clever. Maybe our brain cells died and the powers that be that decide the shows we would LOVE are probably in their late teens. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 days ago [email protected] Gentlemen and Gentleladies, It has come to my attention you are considering publishing books by the people associated and/or related to Caylee Anthony. Be assured, if you do, I will boycott any and all books published by you. That this family will make money off the murder of their granddaughter is beyond comprehension. That your reputable company would have anything to do with them, makes me question my previous support of your authors. Sincerely,

RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


There is a message board at this link and you can sign in and leave a comment to the company and everyone can see it. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


linn, Sex and the little blue pills took over, I loved the clean family shows when my kids were growing up. We spent family time together. Now days they send the kids to there room to watch tv and a lot of the adults watch the garbage on tv, but jr is in the other room watching the same things and no one paying attention to that. What has happened to our worl as we knew it. Even Rascal would be embarased to watch that trash. There are very few programs I watch, I try to stay on forennsics, law and order and programs like that to stay away from that trash. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


Missing girl's dad arrested for burglary Ron you should of stayed out of trouble!!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


Good morning shipmates, time to climb down out of your bunks. Steve, Nordie (Shea) told you were your clothe are get dressed first please before you emaerge from your Cabin, Can not imagine how she knew where they are. LOL TheTheorist 2 days ago

says: For all your Crazy Anthony humor and speculation. Free Message Board JMo says: 2 days ago Read the story on Ronald Cummings. Very confusing and disconnected. I don't even get if the title of the article is correct. The media can screw up so much stuff and twist so many facts. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


JMo, sounds like they were at his house harrasing him, the only thing I can think of is he was at there house first and took something. I was nnot sure either but he was the one arrested, all is not fine with that family. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


Update: Misty Croslin-Cummings Posts Bail for Ronald Cummings In the middle of the page you can click and see the entire story. I am still not sure what they mean by burglary, unlkess it is the fact he entered Croslins car with out permission. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


Thank you for contacting Simon & Schuster. Please be advised that Simon & Schuster does not and will not have a book deal with George and Cindy Anthony, or anybody else associated with this case. Any reports to the contrary are inaccurate. One blogger recieved this reply as to the book deal!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


Huckaby grand jury duties done RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


George and Cindy there is a application for work at this link please feel free to print it off and fill out and send in. It would be greatly appreciated by the public. They you can make a donation to the State of Florida to defend your daughter that is costing the residents here a bloody fortune. Looks like your book deal is screwed, solve your money problem by getting a job!!!! Thank you Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 days ago Rascal, I got the same reply: Thank you for contacting Simon & Schuster. Please be advised that Simon & Schuster does not have a book deal with George and Cindy Anthony, or anybody else associated with this case. Any reports to the contrary are inaccurate. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat


2 days ago I am so glad, and I sure hope no one else touch's a deal with the Ants with a 10 foot pole, yahoo one for the bloogers. The Ants can join the circus if they will hire them. linn says: 2 days ago well, in reading about Ron's arrest i had to laugh. The parents and brother of Misty I believe. Even the grandmother sort of agreed to the way it happened. I do believe he hit Misty as she said she got hit, but only because she tried to break up the fight. Don't believe it. I do think that is why her parents went to the house. She got hit, was upset and wanted them to come get her. Then Ron must have done a good threat on her, as when the showed up she told them to just go home, everything is fine and it's late. What was so funny, was Misty's story to the police AND when Ron decided to talk. Now that was funny. He pushed the brother and the brother started swinging. Everyone says Ron was on something and even the police knows he keeps guns on his property. Great with a 4 year old boy. I think Ron was high, Misty mad him mad, he started hitting her, she called her family to come get her, he threatened her, they came, she took it all back but too bad for her, the police came and believed the parents. I DO fear for that boy. A drugged up armed wacko of a father, and except for armed, a 17 year old step mother willing to leave the boy to get away...I know many do not feel the way I do about this, but just look at Ron's latest problem. Guns, beatings, drugs and a 4 year old with a 17 year old stepmother who is not quite all there. JMO RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


linn, I half to agree something in wrong in denmark, just a saying. I do not think either side of the family is all there. Take a good look at them, they all look like they use something to me. I was right about the burglary in my guess, he got in the car uninvited. LOL CAPN STEVE 2 days ago


This just in.... the police added up the brain cells of all involved and came up with 18. In 3 weeks me thinky the # goes down even more! P.S. This clan makes SINdy look sane!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


Steve, I recorded that program from Law and order and watched it again about the missing baby. The more I look at that it reminds me of Sindy. The temper it has to be her evil twin. Any one could look sane beside Sindy. at least the Grandma in Law and Order knew her daughter was involved. Steve did you get your uniform on, naughty Shea, was hiding it. That will teach you to go to a no cloths party. hehe Oh Sindy with a hammer looks sane, she looked pretty crazy to me. CAPN STEVE 2 days ago


Yeah I found them. Not funny! Payback is a _ _ _ _ _! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


I am sure glad you did, it is not proper for our CAPN to be in public in his birthday suit. lol RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 32 hours ago Criminal Profiler: I think Casey will finally get whats coming to her RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 32 hours ago New Maps, Pics In Casey Anthony Case Friday, August 07, 2009 10:10:20 AM RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 31 hours ago I made a comment the Anthony's knew where Caylee was and they covered up. I hope some of you rememeber that. I think this is going to be proven in Court. They did everything they could to delay this evidence and the remains just rot away, how sick is that. I still say they should of been charged with obstruction. They did everything they could to protect Casey, and the hell with Caylee, that tells me where there love was and is. This is one sick family. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 31 hours ago George, Cindy Anthony To Testify For State Anthony Family Attorney Discusses Depositions On 'Today' Show RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 29 hours ago

Casey Anthony case discovery forensic reports released August 7, 2009 RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 28 hours ago Video of who refused polygraphs RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 28 hours ago CASEY ANTHONY FAMILY CIRCUS RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 28 hours ago Caylee/Casey Anthony Case Bombshell: Proof George Anthony Lied RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 26 hours ago More Severe Charges Sought In Couple Slaying Posted: 3:10 pm EDT August 7, 2009 CAPN STEVE says: 26 hours ago Say what?? The lied?? What is this world coming to?? Refusing to take a poly when you know you are telling the truth?? OY VEY!!!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 25 hours ago Go to page 2 there is a single print, wonder if this is a opps monemt no information on it or who it belongs to. I bet Bozo is wondering the same. CAPN STEVE says: 24 hours ago One of my favorite things in all of this with their Nanny did it is that momster can't provide one telephone or email communication in the hundreds and hundreds of days that she "watched and cared for" Caylee. Good luck with that one BOBO... They are certainly planning a new theory for trial! CAPN STEVE says: 24 hours ago Billy Mays had cocaine in his system when he died. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 24 hours ago I was just sitting here thinking of the Cash for Clunkers program, to bad Cindy can not trade George in. I heard that Steve, what kind of a example is this in our world for kids to see. Sad linn says: 19 hours ago Rascal, I agree. They all look like they are on something. For starters. what mother would let her 16 year old move in with a man with 2 kids? I believe I heard she was 16 when they first started together and she moved in within days.. The stories were so far off it was hard to follow, but even Ron's grandmother gave the same recall of it as did Misty's brother and for her to blame her dad? Sick.. And lol at they make the Ants look sane! Priceless laugh for me. It was shocking to me that Billy Mays had cocaine in his system and that it helped kill him. I would have thought he was squeaky clean.. It does just go to show you how many people are walking around high on drugs! Gosh, it could be a kids teachers, a fireman, librarian. You just never know. It is the ones you never think of that startle you. I mean we knew MJ did them, Lindsey Lohan, etc.. The obvious is just that. I am still stunned at hearing about Billy RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 19 hours ago linn, several years ago there was a teacher in medford oregon that was dealing drugs to high school student. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 8 hours ago Interesting info on Georgie and Cindy amd Casey. CAPN STEVE says: 7 hours ago Great info!! What I can gather from it is that the truth is that momster lies!!!! It is going to take the prosecution 3 months of time in trial just to point out the 1975 lies that she has told. That's alright with me cause I have all the time in the world for that one. I love it that as the weeks go on the ANTfarm realizes that in the court of public opinion they are white trash scum for their actions in all of this. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 7 hours ago I wonder why people would have that opinion, do you think it is because all the Ants have lied to cover up Casey's lies. LMAO I have a very low opinion of all of them. At least the relatives tell the truth. I truly enjoy digging uo everything I can on the net about them. The more we all know the more we can understand there

behavior. Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 53 minutes ago


Ready for deck swabbing? Later tonight I plan to start a fresh page. :-) RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 38 minutes ago Found this on the Robert Manwill story, this is why the 9 month old was removed from the home. Roberts Mothers story to the Court was she was burping the baby and that is how it's little head recieved a fracture. (BS) Yet the Court said Robert had to visit this woman, the Court put him in danger by sending him back to that woman. The Moms boyfirend has a shady past also. h

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