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August 2009 RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Sandra Cantu: Huckaby grand jury duties done There is no doubt in my mind the Grand Jury Indicted Huckaby Wow wednesday the deck is clean!! Thank you hope all is well with you and family. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I turned on NG she is all over the lady draggging her kid by a back pack leash. Yes it is wrong to do that!! But I did not hear her get all over Robert Manwill's Mom for fracturing the skull of a 9 month old she claims she was trying to Burp, Just when you think you heard it all a Fracture from burping a baby. Now what is wrong with this picture, even the Dr said it took a lot of force to cause that Fracture. Cut the Drama and put it where it really belong in these cases. The idea that this mom could get 20 years for dragging her kids, and the mother that fractured a skull got 29 days work release and a 75.00 fine is ridicilous. Slap her on and hand and say NO NO. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Rascal, that was a $75.50 fine. LOL! Again I ask the judge to have this lady watch their kids for a week or so and get back to me on how that went. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Steve, the Judge can afford a good Zanny the Nanny a real one not the fake one like Casey. Lets face it the do what ever they want it is not there kids being abused. Just when you think a Judge will do what is right for the kids you see cases like this, makes me sick. linn says: 3 weeks ago regarding the lady dragging her kid. sorry, but I sort of thought it was funny.. I mean, my kids would have loved that. And he was not being drug around by the leash on his neck. It was the backpack strap. I have had kids just fall to the ground like that. I never used those harnesses but I would drag them by the hood of their shirts. Try spanking the rear of a kid throwing a temper tantrum. Now you will get arrested. I mean, lol, I am not or ever was a child abuser, but neither of the things mentioned is child abuse. Fracturing the skull of a baby IS child abuse. Kids can get to you. You are tired, they are and parents are human. A tap on the butt is just a what? I never really spanked my kids because my hand would hurt as they laughed. I thought the dragging case that NG DID OVER AND OVER was a joke. 20 years? Murderers get out in 7 years.. And there were people saying the little boy was laughing and loving it. And they wonder why kids are out of control? You are only allowed to give time outs'.. spank a bottom, go to jail CAPN STEVE


3 weeks ago 35 years ago it was called discipline. In 2009 it is called child abuse. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago linn, that was my point they patience. Kids do need to be have that in her life she is needed, and they say to this feeling more then anything. RascalBrat profile image

dramatize things. Wait till NG has her kids try her corrected, we seen the result of one that did not called Casey Marie Anthony. I corrected my kids when day it was not abuse, a tap on the rear hurts there

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago There is a difference between abuse and disciplin, I think that is what is wrong with a lot of the kids now day no disipline. losingit says: 3 weeks ago My daughter and I were talking about the dragging thing too. She used to love that sort of thing. When I look after my nephew, he always wants to do stuff like that. We drag him around in a blanket and swing him in it like a big hammock. But, yeah, I don't think I'd ever do it at WalMart. That story and the one about the barefoot baby at Burger King just made me shake my head. People really need to just use some common sense. Meanwhile, I really need to get some sleep. Across the alley from me, a big dog is barking his head off. We are getting a storm and I think he's probably scared. I hope his owners come home soon and let him in. It's driving me crazy! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Fourth Birthday of Caylee Anthony: Today I thousght I would share this and hope all of our shipmates will lite a Candle For Caylee. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago losingit,I can see why Burger King has that rule. I was in my my friend one day and there was a lady that had a baby sitting on the table with out shoes. I swear that baby did not look like she had a bath in lord know when, it was filthy and on the table where people eat. The rule is for health reasons, they can not say to one family your child is not clean and let another child in with out shoes. There fore everyone needs shoes. They sit them on the table in diapers not in a seat, who knows how clean the table is after they leave. I love children very much, but it is a health law, so I guess I am saying I see both sides and the health dept does not put a age limit on the rule.

linn says: 3 weeks ago I made the mistake of channel surfing and up pops NG going on and on about the dragging the kid thing. I mean she gave minutes to Jada Justice, but this story, JUST on her show, is a 20 year felony? Sorry, but I guess I should have been locked up years ago. Steve, you are so right!! And they put these ideas in the kids head. I loved it when I was trying to disapline my, at the time, 16 year old brat of a daughter. She said if I touched her she would call the police and have me arressted. Sad thing is, I most likely would have been. For killing her after that remark, but it does stop you in your tracks. I was not going to beat her, until that remark, lol, but I was grabbing for her cell phone and she got a tiny scratch from my fingernail. Sad to say, I put a mark on her so I would have been sent to jail while she got to go out with her friends!! Of course no way would she have been allowed back home, then I would have been arrested for that too! I thought of poor Caylee today. She would have only been 4. Between almost 3 and 4 they change SOO much! Sad, wonder if the Ants took the boat out today in her honor? Sick people RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago linn, that is why so many kids are in trouble the parents are afraid to discipline them. That is another reason they talk to there parents they way they do, no respect. It is very sad when you can not raise you kids in a proper manner. I am not saying abuse kids but there is such a thing as disipline. I am glad my kids are raised, and they do have respect for me. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Abuse is never the answer! As crazy as it sounds, (and sad)I have found myself using these tragic cases that seem to be in our face daily as a parenting tool. Everything from momster to M.J. to Cantu, etc. etc. Boy times have changed in only a few decades when I used to be able to be out in the street playing ball with my friends and come home for dinner only to go back out again to continue playing. Now, I must be there or I would worry too much about the dangers. Not to mention the hundreds of molestors that are within a 5 mile radius. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago So true Steve, things have changed I am older then you and I can remember riding my bike to the park during the summer, I had to be home before dark. One summer I entered a ping pong tournamment and it did not end to almost dark, but my parents let me do it. Things have changed so much, kids are not safe even in day light now. My boys used to get a little upset that I would not let the walk to the show 3 blocks away or to a boy scout meeting, as time went on they certainly understood why. Yes it would have been easy to sit on my butt and watch tv, or do something I wanted to do, but my kids were my life and I wanted them safe. Then of course there were the sports, so mom had to be there in case one got hurt, but I enjoyed every minute of them growing up and would do the same today if I had young kids. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

Your children were and are lucky Patricia! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Steve, So are your boy's very lucky to have a Father that cares about them. They are your life and always will be. All of the children in this world are the futher and need to be loved, and how to show love to others. Abuse and hatred does not solve anything, it is just a visicous circle and needs to stop. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Secret Audio Recording of Casey Anthony Made By Police Sunday, August 9, 2009 RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago The Anthony's were rebaptised at there Church yesterday for Caylee's Birthday. Instead of Holly Water Casey Kool Aid was served!!!! CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago And they drank it. AGAIN!! Putting aside that whacked out babysitter defense, the only thing that we will hear from BOBO and crew is that since there was no eyewitness to momster and "the deed" there is no proof that she did it. They will try to provide such a wide smokescreen to try to cover up those 1945 lies that she told. I do not think so. And George being the star witness against her with his statements and remarks must be killing SINster every single moment. Do they suspect that they bugged their home by now? Of course they are going to change their tune from the initial remarks. But those remarks were already out there and you can't close the barn door after the horses have run out now can you? Everyone knows you all are lying but that is alright cause we know the end result, momster being found guilty and you all still blaming everyone but the culprit. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago I guess the is/isn't Casey pregnant question is answered RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Casey Anthony Back In Court Next Friday Monday, August 10, 2009 RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Anthony's Tattoo To Be Photographed Hearing In Case Scheduled For Next Week POSTED: Sunday, August 9, 2009 UPDATED: 1:14 pm EDT August 10, 2009 Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


Just wanted to share a parenting tip that's proven to work for me over the years... yelling doesn't get their attention or respect as well as WHISPERING. Sounds moronic I know, but it actually came about on a day where my oldest was really trying my patience & he was relentlessly attempting to get his own way. Instead of following my instincts & shouting at him, I took a deep breath, then walked over to him & got real close to his face & just whispered my response to him. It was something like "I've given you my answer & I want you to respect my decision. This conversation is now over." To my surprise, he accepted that & the conversation was REALLY over. Since then I've done this with all my kids from time to time & I'm finding that whispering gets their attention a lot quicker than shouting. And it also keeps me from getting worked up over a situation. And of course sometimes I throw in a bit of a guilt trip with "You know I love you & the way you're acting right now isn't showing that you love me." That's always a heart-wrencher for them. But as parents, we're entitled to a guilt trip every now & again. :-) Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago Speaking of kids, I'm on the way to the courthouse with my boys and I would appreciate any good words to the man above that they get a fresh start today. Good thoughts!! Thanks, shipmates!! CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Wednesday, so true! Never yell. Some guilt only or else you have my Jewish mom. LOL LOL! Only kidding mom, I love you!! Snoopy, my thoughts are with you all on a new beginning of soets. Please share with us when you have time about the day. Anyone ever had a cheeto omelet? CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Snoopy, that would be sorts, not soets. losingit says: 3 weeks ago I wasted a lot of time yelling at my daughter. Over the years I've learned so many better ways of dealing with things. I would make a big deal about little things. She would want to sleep in her Brownie uniform or wear a bathing suit under her clothes to school. I would go crazy arguing with her. If it was now, I would explain how hard it would be to pee at school with the bathing suit on, but

whatever go ahead if you want. Now, I would let her get away with those silly things and let her learn for herself that sleeping in brown leotards would get all twisty and uncomfortable. I guess what I'm saying is that I'd pick my battles better and be less of a control freak. Things would have been much more peaceful if I'd realized these things earlier. She just laughs at me now. I let my neices sleep in forts in the living room. They eventually get hot or cold or kicked and stumble off to their own beds. I let them have chocolate milk in their cereal because what's another bit of sugar in already junky cereal? I cut the crusts off their sandwiches. I actually give them money to buy things out of those gum ball/toy things. It's nice to be able to say YES sometimes. I know they will go home and not overthrow me. Good morning everyone. I hope you all have a great day. Rascal, I can't open the link to the secret audio recording. Is it the one where they talk about the roach in the car? losingit says: 3 weeks ago I hope everything works out for you today Snoopy. Good luck. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago I learned to pick my battles. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago losingit, express was having a lot of problems yesterday, it does work try again. Snoopy good luck today and I will say a little pray for you and boys. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Pictures of Injury Marks on Caylee Anthony Tell a Story this one pic first came out I enlarged it, I can except one mark on a child we all know they can fall and get hurt. But after seeing these other photos, I really am wondering. Now I have seen a child that did trip and fall alot and get marks like that, it was my nephew and I know there was no abuse there, so I will save my judgement for another day. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I can remember my oldest son falling and hitting the coffee table, my husband had sent me to the store for something. Well needless to say I cried when I got home I could not eat dinner I was so upset, but the baby ate. His eye was so black and blue, and some lady looked at me like I was a child beater. I was so embarased I went home and said I am not going out with him till it is gone. No one could of loved my kids more then I did. You can not keep a child from getting bumps and bruses that is part of life, we have all had things happen to our kids. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I looked at the pic of Caylee, looks like it may be cigarett burns to me not sure. linn says: 3 weeks ago my grandson is covered in bruises all the time. He is pencil thin and runs up the hardwood stairs. if anyone wanted to examine them, they would match up to the stairs. my oldest son took him to the park on his birthday, and some older boy pushed him and he had about a one inch scrape next to his eye. He was wrestling with his dad and cut his lip.. dad faired worse.. but kids do get injuries non stop unless they are in a bubble. it is the KIND of injuries they get that are the question. I saw the marks on Caylee too but could not figure out if they were just boo boos or deliberate. I would think if burns, she would have said something, yet who knows? My grandson did not say one word about the park/eye incident. I had to question him. Kids can just forget about injuries once the crying is over. From what I heard, Casey was good to Caylee. That is what was so odd. Not one person ever said she abused her at all. Just killed her I guess. Sick sick woman. And the more I hear and read about the Ants, the sicker they make me. Good luck Snoopy, I cannot even count the amount of trips with my kids, boys and girl, I had to the courthouse, probation dept, juvenile probation dept. From the time my oldest who is 33 was 16 until about 2 years ago. All 3 of them for years. You have my thoughts. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Legal Analysis: Casey Anthony’s Tattoo An Admission of Guilt RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Disturbing Details Released in brutal murder of 4-year-old RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I did not find it personally but it is being said they found the following in the Anthony's Garage. Is this one of the reasons the DP went back on the Table. What is grave wax? Adipocere (grave wax) forms in fatty regions of the decomposing body including the cheeks. Photo: I.Dadour Grave wax, or adipocere, is a crumbly white, waxy substance that accumulates on those parts of the body that contain fat - the cheeks, breasts, abdomen and buttocks. It is the product of a chemical reaction in which fats react with water and hydrogen in the presence of bacterial enzymes, breaking down into fatty acids and soaps. Adipocere is resistant to bacteria and can protect a corpse, slowing further decomposition. Adipocere starts to form within a month after death and has been recorded on bodies that have been exhumed after 100 years. If a body is readily accessible to insects, adipocere is unlikely

to form. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Did we have a mutany on board, where the heck is everyone? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago BOMBSHELL, Casey was re baptized, this is as close as she will ever get!!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago This is exactly what I have said all along. And there was a video of Casey in a motel parking lot, you could see her car but no Caylee. Casey was talking on her phone. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago Hi Rascal, I see you were the only one steering the ship today. I have been real busy today and am getting ready to coach a baseball game in one hour in 98 degree weather. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Wow Steve, I thought everyone left me forever, LoL. Glad to see I am not lost forever. Oh the poor kids playing in such heat, hope you have a lot of water with you. GL and have fun. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago SOS I am lost at sea, lol RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Caylee Anthony: 1 Year Ago Today profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Hi all -- have been busy, two more funerals in less than a week. Came home yesterday and slept for 12 hours. Here's the latest I have found. I don't think it was already posted. If so, sorry. HannahsNana profile image HannahsNana 3 weeks ago


Hi- Been on vacation to visit family and attend niece's funeral. Thanks for keeping me up to date on the momster. JMo says: 3 weeks ago Looks like the pot is stirring up again on Casey. Numarama profile image Numarama says: 3 weeks ago Hi everyone! Just dropping by to check what's going on in Casey-land. I'm getting married in about 7 weeks (AHHH!) so between work and finalizing wedding stuff I'm pretty much going crazy. Thanks to my parents, the guest list is now up to nearly 400 people (half of them I don't even know/remember!). I'm looking forward to the wedding being over and being married already...LOL. I'm about to go listen to the secret audio tape and read the Amy H. texts. I'm guessing there are no 'B-WORDS', but at least it's something to feed my obsession! Hope everyone is well! See y'all soon :) Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 3 weeks ago


I read the text messages but I was left feeling confused. Does anyone know if those were all from Casey? or were they from anyone she received a text from during that period? I hate how the dates were all over the place. I wonder why they didn't go in order? Very confusing to follow. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Wednesday I just went threw the text calls, they were all set from Crazy to other people. Another words incoming calls to other phones, some of the calls the people were not even in her phone book. Amazing how she can remember number of others but not of the one that supposedly took her child. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Casey Anthony: Something Stinks & It’s Not The Trash Friday, August 14, 2009 RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I went back to some interesting docs, I am posting them you might want to see some more of Casey's lies. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago The Murder trial of Casey Anthony: Timeline and Evidence - Updated 06/13/09 Take a real good look at the names that are listed. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Cindy Anthony 7/22/08, The Nurse of Decomposition of 2008 in her own words. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I just came across this interview of Ryan Pasley, he had been a friend for many years, he states in the document Casey admits doing pot and anything else that is around. Why doe's that not surprise me. This is one doc I had not seen before. profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Zenaida Gonzalez & Annie Leigh Downing’s Excellent Adventure: Zannie and Annie Go to Traffic Court RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago CAPN Steve, I need a pay raise this overtime is killing me steering this ship!!! LOL At least get me GPS System since I do not know where I am, hell I could end up in China in Jail. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

snoopy, how did you make out? Have been praying for you and your children. rascal, you're doing a good job. I think we are just going in circles :>) RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Hi Nordie, It is sure good not to be alone on this lonely ship, lol. I have been busy digging thing out on posting here. Next Friday will be interesting to see Crazy back in Court. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Rascal, after catching up with reading, glad you're steering the ship. Did Capn bump his head -- a cheeto omelote, aargh! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago No he is really busy and then of course we all half to remember the boy's keep him busy. I certainly understand that. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago quote Capn: "Anyone ever had a cheeto omelet?" that's why I wondered if he has bumpbed his head or playing too hard with those awesome boys of his. (He still won't adopt me -- sigh Shea) CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago I am alive!! The past few weeks I have been going non stop with work and baseball and still trying to get 6 hours of sleep. Usually August and September are my busiest times and this year seems to be par for that course. Congrats to you Numarama and your "better half". Rascal, in case you missed it we had our stimulis package discontinued because of financial difficulty. We do however have plenty of alcohol on board to sooth your aching arms. LOL LOL! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago CAPN Steve, The alcohol is still here I do not drink. May have a glass of 1 glass a wine once a year. Actually have not had one drink in years now. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Rascal, where I live we have steamed crabs - yummy -- and then I usually have a

nice cold beer. We are cheap dates lol. I'll get the bengay for your aching arms, or maybe we will chip in and send you the a nice spa. losingit says: 3 weeks ago Steamed crab and cold beer sounds wonderful. And, yes, Rascal deserves a spa day for all she does on board. I thought that scared monkey link Rascal posted earlier was very interesting. The comments after are great too. Keep up the great work Rascal. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Oh I love Sea Food, you are all very welcome love helping out on here. I mostly enjoy finding the links for all of you to keep informed on what is going on. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago We certainly half to keep up Cheeto Butts image, LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I half to admit, I put the ship on auto steer the other day and went in to play with the new baby, she is so darn cute. She smiles at her Grand Ma. losingit says: 3 weeks ago I'm sure she's adorable. My neighbors have a new granddaughter and she's over there visiting right now. They're sitting outside. I can't see them, but I can hear the baby laughing. I can't think of any sound that makes me happier. It's actually making me LOL too. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago I know you just want to cuddle them so much. If she was here with me I definatley would not be on keyboard and mouse. She was 9 1/2 lb when she was born and a hand full for me, heck now that I think of it she weighs more then Rascal, lol linn says: 3 weeks ago Good gosh, no cute kids for me today. The 5 year old came home from school at 2:30 and whined and cried for 3.5 hours! He is asleep. The 17 month old is into giving you these evil looks, and hitting and whining. She was on a roll today along with the 5 year old. The only thing funny was the bulldog was hiding by her crate behind her blankets. She could not understand it. Today was meltdown day! School started Monday, the 5 year olds mother, who is only mother during fun events, took the 5 year old to the fair after school Wednesday. He got overly tired and really

sunburnt. He has been tired ever since. I am so glad he can stay home tomorrow and do nothing. Here, every Wednesday is a short day. Sure makes life easy! NOT! Anyway, he asked if he got to stay home all day, not just a short day. This week has been hellish.. However, I would still love to hold Rascals little pumpkin.. lol. I could give her back! Hey Steve!! has the Santa Cruz mountain fire affected you all any? Gosh, we are 40 to 50 miles away and our cars are covered in ash, it is muggy and dark gray/yellow out. Looks like the world is coming to an end! Ok, going to read posts. I went nuts trying to read Amy's text stuff. I think it was Amy's records as someone kept asking if Casey was going to be there. Anyway, it was making my brain hurt so I gave up. I can view youtube, so I will read whatever was posted. Gosh, TGIF!!!! sneakorocksolid 3 weeks ago


Dear Heavenly Father bless all our days with the laughter of happy babies. Peace. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago Amen to that!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago linn, it sounds like you have had better days, I can understand you dog hiding by the blanket. Good gosh if I was there I would hide also, lol :) Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago Me going to hide under blankie myself. Good night all. Yes, the cooing and laughter of babies and children are some of the sweetest sounds in the world. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Linn, it made the sky that eerie orange color 2 days ago but no ash down here. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago CAPR Steve, linn or sky was like that in Oregon also. I had not heard about the fire till yesterday. Really have not had the news on lately. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

NeJame, EquuSearch Join Search For Haleigh Cummings Tim Miller will be working on this also, he is such a nice man. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago George Sweats Decomp! Personal Hygene According to Cindy Blame Georgie, Blame the Frige, maybe Hazmat need to check out Sindys Frige. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Watch this video in a new windowI wonder how they got this info on the tantrum.. Sindy have I lied to any of you yet!!! Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


Glad Rascal is here as co-captain of the ship. Thanks for the links. This is my busy time of year as well with 2 athletes in the family. Football season is in full swing now. I may not be on much, but will try to clean things up & do the archiving at month end. Someone mentioned Cheeto Butt will be in court on Friday. What is the court hearing for? I haven't been keeping up with the news. I've officially boycotted Nancy Grace since all she talks about is Michael Jackson now. Have a good weekend mates! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Cindy Anthony's Freudian slip RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Wednesday, There is 4 montions that Bozo filed with the Court, will be interesting to see what Omar the Tent designed for Cheeto Butt to wear. Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 2 weeks ago


Thanks Rascal. Keep us posted. :-) RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Your welcome, will do :) RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I thought I would post the interviews of Crazys Uncle Rick Watch this video in a new windowRick Pleasea Interview 8/21/08 Part 1 Rick Pleasea Interview 8/21/08 Part 2 Rick Pleasea Interview 8/21/08 Part 3 Watch this video in a new windowRick Pleasea Interview 8/21/08 Part 4 Rick Pleasea Interview 8/21/08 Part 5 Watch this video in a new windowRick Pleasea Interview 8/21/08 Part 6 Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Rascal, I can't wait (well, I can) to see Sindy on the stand explaining away all these statements she has made. What till everyone see them all -- good gravy. You keep reminding me what an idiot she really is -- I am not glad Caylee died -- I am glad Caylee is no longer with those nuts. Oh, thanks for keeping us posted on everything. You're the best -- good right arm gal for our Capn -- signed Shea :>) Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Has anyone heard from Snoopy? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Norde, Rick tell all these are great interviews. I was so glad I found them. Now all my Shipmates can enjoy them. I am glad Caylee is not in that nut house also, we know she is safe now and in good care, Bless Caylee and bring Justice to Caylee.

RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I emailed Snoopy but no reply yet. JMo says: 2 weeks ago Back from enjoying my birthday week. Well, I watched NG last night and watched her and her kids/hubby on Larry King too. She basically says that the Tatoo is what is going to seal the coffin on Casey. Well, no shit sherlock! What mother goes and sits for hours at a tatoo parlour shooting the hay and getting a tat that says 'beautiful life' and then ramble on about what her next tat will be when her daughter is missing? (answer: Casey). I want to learn more about what was found in that garage. I still say she backed the car in to get caylee out of the house and she was leaking body fluids. That's where the evidence came from. Stupid bitch forgot to clean up her mess! It still amazes me that she thinks she can "lie her way out of this" and "call everyone's bluff". Fess up Casey, you've been busted!! She is as ignorant as the day is long. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I know this is off subject but here goes, I just got back from store where there is a magazine that says Sharah Palin is getting a divorce. Any one else heard this? JMo says: 2 weeks ago No, Sarah is not getting a divorce, although it wouldn't surprise me if she did. Just gossip to make sales Rascal, that's all. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago That is why I asked, there has not been anything on the computer about it, ty JMo. linn says: 2 weeks ago LOL Rascal. It was one of those days you just want to rent a hotel room! A bulldog is a sad looking dog anyway. So for her to be hiding behind the laundry basket was just too funny. She ran into her crate when I opened it and was snoring seconds later. That boy, the 5 year old, slept from 6 PM until the next day. The first week of school is so hard on any kid, but especially the really young kids. And yes Steve, that weird orange mixed at night with the sun and fog was just like one of those end of the world movies. We have had ash again on the cars this morning but at least we are not in the path of that fire. I am amazed it is showing up in Oregon! Of course now I think we have added a couple other wild fires to the mix. Sad thing about the Santa Cruz fire is, they get a lot of rain compared to us. Once the rain comes, and I hear we are having another El Nino, there will be deadly mudslides.

Off to read the links! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn my son and I were talking about the sky and a fried that lioves about 3 miles away of course not a one of listened to the news. I have been so dissapointed in NG late, now she is on tour for her book. I can not stand JVM her voice drives me crazy, lol. Plus I am so sick of hearing she was a alcoholic, I really do not care. But yes good for her she is off the Juice. Now days everyone on the news is reformed. I want to hear more on Crazy and what she is doing in her little cell. LOL Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Getting ready for bunk time. I haven't watched NG or JVM is a couple of months. I just can't stand the rudeness anymore. Be safe all you on the west coast. We've got a couple of storms brewing in the Atlantic. Blessings. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Nordie, I half to agree if you do not like what NG says she cuts the guest off. And JVM has lost control of her guests they all talk at the same time, reminds of some of the show where they fight which I never watch. The only thing they have not done is throw the furniture, LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Be safe Nordie and sleep well RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Go down to the ZG story, Le has already checked out this lady by that name that had her office broke into and her computer stolen. JMo says: 2 weeks ago I think there is a whole lot that we don't know. The trial should be interesting, as I don't think the state has shown their hand yet. Casey was a master manipulator and was up to no good. She lied, stole and cheated. She is a person who "thinks she can get away with murder"! Little Caylee was in the way. Cindy was trying to force her to be responsible for Caylee, but it only went to a point. I think Casey led a double life, sort of like multiple personalities, which pretty much makes her a sociopath. I think that Cindy knew of Casey's bizarre behavior and thought she could control it herself by trying to make Casey responsible.

However, Casey told one lie to cover another. She had very pathological behavior in all aspects of her life. She presented herself to her friends as "the good mom", while slutting around with every guy in town. She presented herself to her parents as "the good mom", while lying about going to work every day and leaving Caylee with a sitter. What was she doing instead? Possibly drugs, prostituting, robbery's, etc. We don't really know for sure what her secret life was....except what has been made public about her partying at the bars and getting tatoo's. I think Casey doesn't care if anyone knows that stuff, because there is a much worse Casey hidden somewhere and hopefully the state knows about it and will let it come out in court. Casey has done her best to fool the public too...I think she was up to no good, period. She's a "master pro" at lying and manipulating others, which says a whole lot in my book. Personally, I can't wait to find out the secrets she was able to hide from everyone for so long. I think there are people out there who are scared of being uncovered as to their involvement with her. But then again, we may never know. Money can take care of a lot of things. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I am saved byt the bell supposed to be 104 tomorrow, my loving baby boy came out today and put my new Air Condition in for me, bless him. Now the wet T Shirt contest has ended here, LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Tell me Crazy does not look Preg at Uncle Rick Wedding! Is she hiding the Water Mellon under them cloths, darn Crazy that was part of the dessert. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago good grief, I've never seen bags of cheetos concealed in such fine fashion -barf! Glad you got a new a/c Rascal, need to keep you cool my friend. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Hi Nordie, I am so thankful for cool air and I know tomorrow even more so. I think Crazy swallowed the watermellon see LMAO, I can not believe Sindy did not know it is so dam obvious to me she is preg. Notice Sindy's dress, we have seen that one before. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Nordie, Snoopy is ok I heard from her just now. I will let her tell you the news. Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318


2 weeks ago Thank you to all of my shipmates for the encouraging words and prayers. At this point the judge ruled against us on both the name change and the protective order! My attorney showed me the statute and the judge did NOT follow it at all! I'm supposed to go back next week to find out what goes on from there. As far as the protective order, we got ruled against even though the ex admitted to darn near breaking the front door and banging and relentlessly ringing the doorbell. It caused my daughter to be darn near hysterical, but the judge said it didn't warrant a protective order!! CaN YOU believe it?!! Anyway, thanks again for the prayers. I am soooo happy to be part of such a wonderful ship full of wonderful people. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Snoopy, I am so hurt for you and your children. What is wrong with some of these judges? Why can't they follow the law and then not to issue a protective order? I am going to pray even more for this ignorant judge to have a miracle brain infarct to get this right!! I'm no lawyer, but I would ask my lawyer if it would be alright (as to not jeopardize your case) to send a letter of formal complaint to the administrative judge. This is ludicrous!!!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Snoopy I would have been on to 911 and reporting your x, there is no need to scare the kids. I wonder how that Judge would feel if it was his kids being scared. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Snoopy, whenever and I mean whenever you feel uneasy you call the police to come over.You make sure you write down every officer's name and badge # that is there. Enough will be enough when they realize that perhaps after a few trips out to your place arresting him will put an end to all the madness. Trespassing, disturbing the peace, etc. etc. will make him think twice. As far as judges go, probobly knows the one who gave the guy last week 6 months for yawning in his court. Does it get any better than that? Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago Thank you for the support shipmates. The thing I couldn't believe is the judge that refused the protective order is a woman!! I will take all of your advice and see what can be done. Thank you. Capn Steve: I hadn't heard the one about the guy yawning!! How ridiculous is that? And how do they get away with it?!! linn says: 2 weeks ago You know I was thinking. CA is odd in so many ways, yet if there is a shred of evidence warrenting a restraining order it is given! My neices soon to be ex got

mad when he came over and broke the garage door and the window. She got an order over that. Of course ro's are easier to get while going through a divorce due to high emotions, but you're darn tootin when no way would a judge refuse one to any of his family members. My only advice is the same as Steve's. Write down every call, every threat, every phone call. Keep a journal. I was told that early in my divorce. Naturally I did not keep one, but when I started getting 10 crying calls a day, ALL day into the night, I started a phone log. He refused to give me his phone number. said his landlord would not allow it.. lol.. found out his latest girlfriend was his landlord. So I was allowed a beeper/pager number. Well, guess what he ended up with when I changed my number? Yep, a pager number and the judge approved it. Said if it was fine to only give me that, it was fine for him. Good gosh but the peace and quiet was wonderful!! NG was on larry king with Anderson Cooper. Anyone watch? It was funny how she was ordering her poor husband all over when the kids came out. However, boy does she think the kids in the MJ case were molested AND that Casey is as guilty as sin. She also mentioned some recent news about Crazy. Maybe the tattoo to be photographed. SO, she is up on the news, is just not reporting the Ant news And someone please tell me why NG is so protective of George and Sindy? Doesn't she see what they are doing? the lies, oops, mis-truths? When were they supposed to photo her tat? I thought last Friday, but someone said this Fri I used to like JVM, but she lets her panel get out of control!! And I used to despise that jannie person she had on all the time. now it is Wendy Murphy!! She won't shut up! She yells, talks over people and just is my mute button. Lately as I said before, I am watching cooking shows! At least the MJ stuff has died down some.. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Snoopy, can you only imagine if he "passed gas?" Life without the possibility of parole!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Watch this video in a new windowSex, Lies, Booze, Drugs, Parties, Child Neglect, Murder - Casey Anthony RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn, it is this Friday coming up that Crazy will be in Court. They did take a photo of Crazys' tat last Thursday. Why is NG so protective of Sindy and Georgie, I have no idea why, but it makes me sick that she is. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I found this on the net a picture of Ryan Pasley there is a picture of him on this

dating page. This is Crazys friend since he was about 5 years old. losingit says: 2 weeks ago I just listened to Rick Pleasea interview #2. It's great. He talks about Casey being 7 months pregnant at his wedding and C&G denying it. I've known about this, but it's the first time I've heard this interview. He calls them the world's stupidest parents. I'm looking forward to seeing Casey go to court on Friday. I'm thinking hair down and wearing something very youthful. After all, who could sentence a young girl in the prime of her ife to death? >insert sarcasm here LOL< Snoopy, I hope everything works out for you guys and you all can find peace. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I hope you all remember Sindy asking Crazy where the ring was that was given to Crazy and she said she did not know. Well you half to read this it is good. Is this the nail in her coffin for the DP RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago This ring is worn in a lot of Crazys Party Pictures, and Sindy asked in the Jail House Video where is the RING. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Look at the lies Crazy told Tony Lazarro profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Crazy had that ring on at Fusion, and that Party was after Caylee was killed. So if they have it as evidence she has to have gone back to where she threw Caylee out like Garbage. Or it was found out in the dirt they pulled from the Anthony’s back yard where they found decomposition in the dirt. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Watch this video in a new windowWhere Is Casey's "Tiffany" HEART Ring?

Tiffany Heart Ring, Cindy asked Casey about in Jail RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago _________________-----------Re: Caylee Marie Anthony, 2, FL Missing since June 16just reported by mother #81 Scroll down to this and read RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Read down on PDF Grave Wax found on Paper towels found in Caseys car. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago I can safely predict the first thing out of SINster's mouth after momster is found guilty will be, " I can't see how she was found guilty based solely upon circumstancial evidence." Now given the fact that the mound of it that buried her is higher than the highest mountain, let me be the first to say.... I can!! P.S. And then the appeal begins. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Steve, You are so right I can hear Sindy now!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago More News Of No News On Casey Anthony Good explaniation on the dryer sheets. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago When I was little I was told not to swallow Water Mellon seeds, I bet Mobster did and that is why she did not know she was Preg, Mobster thought the Mellon was growing, hehe losingit says: 2 weeks ago She told G&C that you have to have sex to get pregnant. WTH was going on in this family that they did not notice she was pregnant? They could see it. They asked her, she denied it and said she was gaining weight. They believed it. Wow. The going to work charade must have been easy to pull off compared to hiding a seven pound baby under her shirt. And, guaranteed, when she finally did tell them, they

probably told her they were proud of her for being honest with them. Happy sixth birthday Haleigh. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago I think they knew she was prego but didn't want to appear more idiotic to all when they were asked "and who is the father?" uh,uh,uh,uh,uh.............. Oh brother Rick, where art thou now? losingit says: 2 weeks ago Oh priorities, where art thou? They'd rather look like idiotic fools than admit Casey is a skank. You are probably correct Steve. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Sindy only reported the good things to her family, that was what Uncle Rick said. So to save face Sindy was gullable enough to believe what ever Mobster said about who the Father was. Remember they always believe Mobster, how stupid are these people. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Melissa Huckaby indicted in kidnap, rape, murder of Sandra Cantu RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I read this link and it sure goes along with a lot of the Clues Mobster was giving Lee. could this be the key to what kead someone to where little Caylee was found, I believe this information came from Lee to Dominic Casey. we all know Lee and Mobster had there own little Code. says: 2 weeks ago OK Rascal. I am so confused! I knew they were going to take a pic of the tat. I thought that was for last friday, then I heard she was to be in court this Friday but I thought it was last friday.. lol. So, why is she to be in court Friday? I hope they show it on TV. For some reason, her hair fasinates me. I know time has gone by for a while, yet it is like I have never seen hair grow as fast as hers! Mine grows fatter, not longer. To me personally and this is SO important, lol, she looks better with short hair. Suits her face. The long hair does nothing for her. Now was that news or what?? haha. For those of you that watch the youtube videos, can you interpret for me? My laptop just will not play videos that I can stand to watch. I mentioned before a 45 second video takes me over 15 minutes to watch, and it is one word at a time with minutes in between. This laptop has to last me a long time, but the youtube

and video's never really worked. I am off to read the links. And Misty Cummings is sure in the hot seat with LE. They know more about her than they are saying. Even asking the public if they saw her out that night. I DO believe she left that trailer to party. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Rascal, sometimes I think she was giving the clues all along and other times I think she's dumber than a brick. But the video clip you posted where Sindy says someone had to help her I think it right on. Blessings. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn, she had that pic taken last week, this week is Court because Bozo filed 4 motions RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Mobster just thought her and Lee were smart, for people like us we talk normally, but her and Lee learn to use Code so the Ants could not firgure out there Life Style, Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago oh wow! this is a must see! It is powerful! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Nordie I just finished reading that one. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago On this link if you scroll down you will see Drivig Miss Casey Video, after watching on that page you will see Part 2 Driving Miss Casey have fun, very interesting videos. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago I really love the part when momster says" the only way they are going to find

Caylee is if they start listening to me" Well, momster where and when should we start. Wake me up at the part when you start telling the truth!! Fast forward to 14 months later and I am still sleeping. My new name shall be CAPN Rip Van Winkle. Will someone ever wake me? This is one sick family that will pay the price for their illness every day of there lives. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Steve, now I know where you have been sleeping on the job, LOL My little mouse has worked so hard, hehe CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago I never can be blamed for drinking on the job! Sleeping, YES!! Momster let me be the first to clue you in on this one. Had you told the truth from the start, you would have probobly seen the light of day in about 10 years if you were a good girl. But you are who you are and the best BOBO and crew can provide for you is a comical smoke and mirrors performance that we can see and smell a mile away. And for that you will not be seeing the light of day in your lifetime. And you can take that to the bank, to Target, to Fusion lounge, or wherever your cold black heart wants to go! And take that mom of yours with you........... RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Casey Anthony Chloroform Sculpture For Sale On eBay This is sick, I guess a buck is more important then Morals. Shame on Ebay for allowing this. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I made a point to contact Ebay on this item, I am not very happy with a listing for some one to make money off of this death of a child. Item # 170372506860, original casey anthony chloroform sculpture. This is sick someone trying to cash in on Caylee Marie Anthony death. Why is this allowed on Ebay. Do people have no morals in a death of a baby. As a Ebay member for many years I am very dissapointed. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I have decided to make a sculpture of Mobster strapped to a the DP table with a needle going in her arm. What do you all think my starting bid should be? I will adjust the size of the Table for her Cheeto Butt. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

If I ever did this it would be to donate the money to Tim Miller. He has truly tried to find Real Missing children and has a Heart of Gold. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago If E-BAY does not remove that item it will be a P.R. nightmare for a long time. Weigh it out people at "the BAY" one item and all its baggage vs. the flip side of the coin. This is what I like to call a no brainer! We shall wait and see though.... P.S. The opening bid for Rascal's lovely sculpture will be at 150.00. Do I hear 150.00? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Go CAPN Steve, bid excepted, LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago High Bidder will be able to stick the needle in, when item is recieved. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Yahoo, all of the friends of little Caylee have scored the Sculpture has been removed from Ebay, Thank you, Thank you, RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Casey's lastest Statement to the bloggers. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago This is Mobsters new life in her cell. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Sindy's answer to Mobster Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

Have been out today for my birthday -- steamed crab and they were huge! Yummmmy! I swear Capn, 61 isn't too old to be your kids' sister, honest. Signed, Shea RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Oh Nordie, Happy Birthday to you and many more. I am so glad you had a great day. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago HAPPY B-DAY TO NORDIE (SHEA) HAPPY B-DAY TO NORDIE (SHEA) HAPPY B-DAY TO NORDIE (SHEA) HAPPY B-DAY TO YOU!!!! May you have the best year ever, on and off the ship!!!! P.S. I hope there was plenty of butter and lemon for those jumbo crabola? losingit says: 2 weeks ago Happy birthday Nordie! Have a great day! Mmmmmm steamed crab sounds so good. I hope you washed it down with a cold one. Cheers. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Nordie, we could have had that Crab on the ship. Now the crew is going to half to eat my chicken and home made noodles sorry crew. Numarama profile image Numarama says: 2 weeks ago Happy birthday, Nordie! And while I'm at it, a belated happy birthday to Cap'n Steve, belated congrats to Rascal on the new grandbaby and...hopefully that's all the birthdays/good news I've missed! No crab or noodles for me :( LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Numarama, Believe me I made a pot full, I have tried to just cook for one I am sure I could feed the crew, LOL Thank you for the congrats the baby is so cute! and she was big. Numarama profile image Numarama says: 2 weeks ago Well, I'll just dig in then, Rascal! Thanks for letting me have some even after my belatedness :) Yum... What is her name and how much does she weigh? I think I missed those bits of info when I was reading through the archive! I'll bet she is a cutie! BTW- I am so looking forward to Friday when we can see Crazy and make fun of how

CRAPTASTIC she looks! Yessss RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Here is the new baby Numarama i was playing with her the other day when son came out to put new AC in here for me. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Thanks everyone for the birthday greetings -- Capn, around these parts we use Old Bay Seasoning to season our steamed crabs. Later this evening, some of the little girls came by with the cards they had made. They are priceless, the girls and the cards. One of the many advantages to living in a very, very tiny country community. I love it. Again, thanks for the birthday wishes! The picture of the baby is beautiful Rascal -- I know you must do lots of kissing and smooching. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Yes Nordie I sure enjoy watching,, she has this scroll on her face just like Daddy did when he was little when he wanted something. And of course the dimple in her chin, Grandpa had that and passed on on to the boys. They have fun shaving with that.LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Nordie I sent you a card today threw email linn says: 2 weeks ago Happy Birthday Nordie!! 25? Did you get any presents? I usually get the standard card from my kids. And they are not "kids".. darn it, I want money or jewerly! Funny how they start telling me what they want months in advance. Oldest broke up with his g/f.. I do feel bad, sort of. Son is 33, g/f 31.They have been doing this off on thing since the girl was 16 son just turning 18. Over and over every couple years. Thought it would work this time. Oh well, at least Casey is behind bars, lol, she would be the worst ever brought home, and there have been some doozies! Just wait steve until your boys bring home the girls. It is not just the moms that think no one is good enough.. lol. Funny thing is, this girl was perfect, yet at the same time thought she was better than anyone, son included and while very nice, she was just what she was. Bad thing, son has not left the house in 2 weeks and we are sick of him! LOL.. Oh and Rascal, what motions has nutto boy filed now? I am sure I know them, but it has been so long with any ANT news I forgot. And that baby is just precious! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Thank you linn we sure love her. I think it is records, not positive what the others are I am Lets face it anything to delay he is so busy. linn, I am happy when my kids just remember to dinner together on my Birthday unless it is my another night. RascalBrat profile image

the one that they want Tim Millers sure he is just whinning again. call, most of the time we have league pool night, then we do it

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn, sometimes we half to just keeo our thought to ourselfs when it comes to our sons pick of a mate. I have learn a long time ago if you do not like the girl that is just the one they pick, not sure what it is about maybe it is Mom I will show you. So Mom is very nice and smiles, LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn, Also when they grow up I love the fact my son does ask me for advice, and I make it a point to say tell me your thought first. And he is so much like me now, I never would of thought that day would come, it just seems to take boys longer to get smart on some things. He is a very good Husband, Father and provider and works very hard to provide for his family, and a honest person with morals. Now what what more can I ask for in life. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago The system failed Emma’ Not only the system failed Emma her Mother failed Emma RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago A video of the animal in Court and the Mom of Emma in Court JMo says: 2 weeks ago I sure hope that the State found that ring of Caseys at the Caylee burial site! That would nail her for sure. She maybe placed it on Caylee when she threw her out in the garbage? That and the heart sticker...hmmm. And we know damn well that no Jeff gave her anything. Casey most likely stole that ring....that's why she had to make something up quick when Cindy questioned where she got it, because she knew there was no Jeff for Cindy to check with. That's why Cindy said to her...I haven't been able to locate Jeff. DUH!!!! Cindy! There is no real Jeff. I'm sure that ring wasn't cheap either. The shamrock tatoo to the young crowd has the following meaning: being rich and without a care! It can also mean that you are tangled up in addiction. Who knows

Casey's reason. But she did plan to get another tatoo soon.... Losingit says: 2 weeks ago Irish, why doesn't mean it Irish and lucky? JMo, I clicked on all of Rascal's clickees and I believe you came up with the birthday/address thing first, not Laura. Off to bed now. Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago Nordie: Belated Birthday wishes!! I hope it was wonderful from beginning to end!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Police Suggest Misty Not At Home When Haleigh Was Abducted profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I watched the video of little Emma, it describes what that animal did to that 4 year old. Where is Real Crossing we need to send him to Tex with his Weed Wacker, there is a Wacker that needs to be removed from that animal. I think this is the worst case of abuse to a little 4 year old that I have heard in a long time. The guys in Trx Prison will have a field day with this guy. And the Mother lied for this guy. May they both rot in Hell. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Robert Manwill’s mother, boyfriend charged with 1st degree murder RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Robert’s Mothere was a good example of a Mother that abused her baby saying she bumped the Baby’s head on a table while burping it, OMG how do you Fractures a baby's head that way. Hell no she had to have slammed the baby’s head against something hard to achieve that type of Injury. Her light sentence of I think it was 30 days community service and a very small fine was a tap on the hand. Now we see the results of her punishment, she got away with Abuse. Robert was just another child that slipped threw the cracke’s in our Justice System. Even though his Father had Custody, he had to follow the Court order to allow his son to Visit the Mom. If he did not do this then he would have been in violation of a Court Order. In plain english our system is not working for the innocent Children.

CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago They are more concerned with cashing their check every week then protecting the child from the abuser. By the way, that quote was courtesy of my soon to be 11 year old directed at and to the people in the system. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Steve, Children are smarter then some people think, especially when they are the ones that have been abused. Bravo for you son! One smart Boy. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Steve I have formed the opinion that some of the Judges use the system like a revolving door, glorified paper pushers. I am surprised they do not have In and Out Drive thru. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago HLN, Talking about the find Robert T Shirts, hmmm where did we see this before, oh yea Mobster with her find Caylee T Shirt. Do they think we can not see threw the lies, dam I know I am not blind. These people kill kids and think the T Shirt makes us feel so sorry for them. I say NO Way JOSE!! Numarama profile image Numarama says: 2 weeks ago Hi all! Rascal, I looked at the photo of your granddaughter last night and posted a comment but I don't think it posted :( So I will say again - what a gorgeous little doll baby! And what a pretty name! Congrats again :) RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Thank you, Numarama, I asked them were they got the idea for the name would you believe Lord of The Ring movie. Arwen was a princess, lol Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. The team meeting today for my sister was from the bowels of hell, so I won't go there. Another parishoner died this morning. Praise the Lord, he is free. Tonight after practice, the choir went to his wife's house and sang "I'll Fly Away." There are so many advantages of living in such a tiny community. Night all.

linn says: 2 weeks ago are so right. Don't forget though, my kids ALL live with me! UGH! The one with the g/f that broke up is 33 and they have been doing this since she was 16, him, 18. Over and over, even with him having a baby in between. I like her and he knows it, yet I don't question him as he does not like it. But I always know after all this time when it is over, or almost over. Then, after a while, I do ask just to prove to myself I was right.. haha.. Since the split a week ago, and I have NO idea what caused it this time, but my son has been a total butt. he is out of work and just doing nothing but being a butt and making his butt bigger by eating, then complaining when the food is now gone. We got used to him never being home and never eating at home. So this is sort of hard on all of us as we got used to things the way they were. He thinks nothing of making messes in the kitchen that for some wonderful reason, my daughter has been trying to really keep clean. She cleaned it and here he came leaving crumbs, dirty dishes, the mustard out. And he is being a jerk. AND I am not getting the rent I desperately need. We just saw the younger one come home hiding fast food for him and the oldest. 5 year old ate dinner. Stuff like that ticks me off. Money for fast food but not rent, and after eating everything in the house. OK all, sorry for the rant/vent. Do you think Casey will be on TV Friday? I am dying to see if she gained more weight and her hair look. Plus I need an ANT fix! it just seems like they are doing no talking about her at all, yet there has been news, so to speak. Just odd how all news stations have shut up about the case completly. Here at least. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn, I am sure Casey will be on TV, the press is not going to miss this one. I know it is hard linn but he should help you, some times it is called tough love especially at that age. I remember my youngest telling me do not say I told you so, I grined and said I do not half to do I. :) linn says: 2 weeks ago My son got a shamrock tattoo. He likes to gamble so for him it was a luck sign. For all the good it does him. Nordie.. I'll Fly Away was my fathers favorite hymn.. When he passed mom requested that song. I guarantee I will cry everytime I hear it. That and Amazing Grace. Just a fact. I am so sorry you had such a, what sounds to be, a really bad day. I cannot read about little Emma. It was hard enough today to hear about little Robert and that monster b/f and worse even his own mother! What is getting into mothers? I mean I know they have always been some truly rotten to the core mothers, but lately it seems like an epidimic of them. And I always said from day one that Misty was not there that night Haleigh went missing. I just wonder WHY Ron married her while everyone was looking for her? WHY? She was the one with her when she was taken or whatever, she was only 17 so no rush. WHY did he rush out and do this? And he really should be trying to find her still, not out getting arrested AGAIN. They make me sick as do ALL child abusers. not saying Ron is, but he has made truly odd choices. I am mainly taking about Huckabee, Roberts mom, just all of them. Lately, too many to count and that is just out and out sad. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago linn, the post on Emma will truly make you want the Dp for them, what he did to that little girl is described on the Video on that page, I swear we need Real Crossing and his Weed Wacker to go cut his wacker off. Sorry Steve linn says: 2 weeks ago Rascal. AMEN!!! You are so right! I needed him here for the rent, and we all helped each other. It has been since he broke up with the g/f that he has turned into a butt. Things are not great here. We are one of those trying to keep our house. His just sitting there WITH his 25 year old brother doing nothing but games and eatting is almost at an end. Problem is with the 25 year old, he is the 6 year old's dad. I can't let him take the 6 year old if they were made to leave. Funny though, the oldest always said he would have a place to go. odd thing now is, he is going no where! Day or night. Wonder if his friends are even fed up. He has a very short time left doing this. I just need to do the loan thing and clear my mind. That is why I truly hope Casey is on TV. I need a mental break and that was like a interesting book you could not wait to read each day. I feel like I NEED the next book! LOL.. if that makes any sense. But as far as my adult kids, you are right and his time is coming. Good gosh, I had 4 kids at his age! I was on my own since i was 18 WITH a baby! linn says: 2 weeks ago You are most likely right Rascal. I just cannot do it. She was such a beautiful little girl and right now, I just cannot read it. I trust all of you and it is your words that make me know I just can't read it right now. I do know some of it, and maybe that is when I shut down as far as she goes. I know they will die. One way or another, they will die and no one will care. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago My kids learned what reality is when they did not go to school and lievd at home they had to contribute to food. Yes there was times we helped them with insurance or a repair on there car, which they paid for them self with a paper route, while in school. We wanted them to know thing half to be earned and not everything is handed to them. I remember my youngest son calling one time and said, Mom how did you and Dad ever do it with 3 of us. He said we never did with out, and you always made sure bills were paid and food on the table. They never wore pants with holes and had nice shoes, and hair cuts. I told my son Dad and I did not go out or do much as far as for ourselfs, you kids came first. I also told him that is what good parents do. We had friends that would eat steak and feed there kids hot dogs, and could not understand my kids at what we ate even steak. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago This is the guys back ground who killed Emma. JMo says: 2 weeks ago Wouldn't it be a wicked twist, if Misty admits she lied about being home, but then Crystal knew she wasn't home and had someone take her to teach her and Ron a lesson? And Haleigh be alive somewhere hidden by Crystal. Just a thought, but totally possible. I think they are all hiding something. They are all drug users and trash. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Casey Anthony Back In Court Tomorrow RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago JMo, It would not surprise me at all if Misty admits that she was not home, her story has always been Questionable. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Hi, taking off for the day -- need to regroup my thoughts. I feel like a witch right now, and don't like that feeling. I'm sure I will feel better about myself tomorrow when I see how big cheeto butt has gotten :>) RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Nordie good thought for you today bless you friend. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago NeJame, Miller To Reveal Search Details In Anthony Case Thursday, August 20, 2009 1:30:04 PM RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Lawyer: Photos Defend Caylee Searchers Photos Show Thick Brush, Water In Area Where Remains Found POSTED: Thursday, August 20, 2009 UPDATED: 1:27 pm EDT August 20, 2009 RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Live Press Conference RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Here is one on No Way Jose,, open your eyes it is under water!!!! The area was definately under water, I can remember early on a resident saying it was under water. Tim would not allow his volunteers to go in that area it was not safe. To bad Bozo face the truth, Crazy knew this area well that is why she dumped Caylee there to begin with in hopes she would never be found. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago No Way Jose, says he did not with hold evidence, I am LMAO here RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Real Bombshell Casey Anthony's father barges into news conference Lawyers for Casey Anthony have requested law-enforcement communications with the FBI, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and various experts. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I can just see George storming in to the office what a picture that would be, but visualize it in your mind. I am just surprised Sindy was not leading the way!!! LOL I could see her screaming and shaking her finger at them or giving them the Bird. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Mark Nejame Fires Back at Baez for TES

RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I hope NG talks about Georgie and Conway on the news tonight, the world will be laughing at then once again. At least No way Jose did not get in on the Circus Act! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Georgie and Conway leaving Mark Nejames Office Conway sure does not look happy! CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Georgie, let me tell you the truth. Try and keep up with me since I sometimes think that you and your family are from the other side of the tracks and I wonder how you and your family are wired. You might not understand this but your daughter had something to do with the demise of your grand daughter. There, I said it and if you have any further questions for me I will be here where you can find me most every day. I will answer each of your questions with "the truth" to the best of my ability. If I need assistance I have the best people around me to assist you as well. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Surprise not a word on Georgies tantrum on NG. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Georgie is eating Crow now. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago This is a picture of Crazy's bedroom notice the wall in back of the bed is a different color. Now I am wowndering if they LE took some of the drywall looking for the wax, or ws it done to cover evidence in there. Just my thought. linn says: 2 weeks ago Once again Bozo started trouble and kept himself out of it. I hope not, that he kept himself out of trouble. I wish the judge on this case would blast his fat ass to CA. Into the Pacific Ocean. HE was the one who told George to burst into the

meeting. He knew it would interrupt the meeting, but what he thought it would do besides make him look like a fool is beyond me. He knew George had no say in what they were talking about and all it did was upset everyone and then the meeting went on. The pictures were on TV and we all saw them. They are sunk on this one. Another nail in the Casey coffin. They sure better put those motions on TV tomorrow. NG is so busy promoting her book, she is never on her own show, and when she is the news is days old. I am really wondering why her news is days old lately, yet says "BREAKING NEWS".. well yeah, maybe 2 days ago! Nothing today at all but the swimsuit model who was murdered. Gross details, but there is no way is was an ALL day news story on every single news channel. I was hoping to hear if they had any new news about the little boy with the braces that went missing. That too is a very odd case. linn says: 2 weeks ago Rascal.. To me it looks like an "accent" wall. The room appears pale pink, the wall behind the bed a light blue. I noticed her curtains were blue so I thought accent wall. Were those her pillows on the chair across from the bed? If not, why are there no pillows on the bed. And was this pic before her arrest? Just so hard to tell. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago It did not have a date on the pic linn, so I am not sure but I was wondering if they found the death wax there, that is in the report. The found it on something. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago As far as the news, we have better up to the date on our blog, much more up to date then NG, LOL losingit says: 2 weeks ago Again, unbelievable. What would happen if anyone else burst into a press conference like that? I'm thinking handcuffs, disrupting the peace, you know, things like that. What happens to George? He gets hugs, pity and praise for how well he's handling things. Their sense of entitlement sickens me. I agree Linn, NG needs to get back to business now. Although, tonights show was interesting to me because the guy who murdered the model is believed to be around here somewhere. Yikes, what a nut job he sppears to be! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Mark should of told George here is my card, I charge this much a hour make a appointment, or called 911 and had him removed and pressed charges. But Mark is a nice guy. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I just noticed in Georgies picture he is sporting a new White Band on his right wrist, hmmm did he escape from the funny farm, and is Sindy locked in the padded room. JMo says: 2 weeks ago George is once again seeking attention, sympathy and wanting to play the Victim!! I am sick to death of his constant whining...there is no playbook, we are doing the best we can...blah blah blah. I want to smack him and yell STFU already. I like the way he says "we just want to know what happened". "I don't know what happened, Cindy doesn't know what happened and our son doesn't know what happened". Well, Helllooo Mary! Did he realize he left that Freak daughter of his name out of the sentence??? Casey knows what happened and he knows that Casey knows. His poor pathetic whining to make it everyone else's issue that his daughter killed Caylee, bagged her and threw her out like garbage is BS! He has never been able to get the truth from her and he never will! He needs to take his frustrations out on that lying skank piece of shit daughter of his, and stop acting like the victim. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Watch Cheeto Butt Live, refresh page whe time it will come up RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago It is also on TRU Tv RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Crazy looks like she washed her hair in Crisco, and a tight blue blouse what a mess. Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago Is it over? Darn! I wanted to watch it!! I can't get anything to come on on the WESH! Also, all I could think of was that poor Robert when my children were forced by the judge to go to dinner with the ex. My daughter hid in the bathroom at the restaurant and cried the whole time and texted me (she's very afraid of him). The boys came back madder than a hornet. They said all the ex would talk about is how I f&*#ed him over! When my son asked how I did that he told him to shut up!

If something had happened to one of them, I don't think I could stand it. It makes me ill to think of these judges. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Snoopy here it the link to the videos, sorry it missed this morning. I think there is 5 parts you can see it listed on that page Get your Barf bag ready, lol Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago Thanks! Rascal!! (I guess I won't have popcorn with it!! LOL!!) RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago LMAO wait till you see the greasy Crisco Head Yucky RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Snoopy, are you still in the bathroom with head in the toidy Barfing, LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Casey Anthony case: Defense claims someone else left toddler's remains in woods Ok here is where they are going now, new direction. Wrong Way Jose must be going in Circle. Hmmm the Squirrel did it. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Pics of Crazy Crisco Head wiping her eyes with tissue in front of Georgie, take a close look at what finger she is using, LMAO I think that is called the BIG BIRD RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago How Do You Like Me Now Dad!!! Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago I'm green in the gills, Rascal!! Wow!! What a greaser!! LMAO!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago I am sorry but I did warn you lol RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago You could throw Crisco Head under your car and have a new lube job!!! CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago Momster promises that the body was placed while she was in jail. Everyone who believes her get in line behind me. Hey, where is anyone? After all, she promised............... what a bunch of BOZO's. Also known as relatives of BOBO's. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Steve, I think they all went over board on that, watch out getting ready to jump also Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Dear me, the lies will never end with these folks. They have no shame. linn says: 2 weeks ago The thing that really got to me about George bursting in on the meeting or whatever it was, is that JOSE TOLD HIM TOO!! He hinted at George would not like what they were doing, and he needed to stop it. Notice Jose was not there, and once Mark talked to George and explained what the meeting was about, they calmed down. I blame this one not on George for a change, but on BOZO. He, to me it seems, set up George this time. I mean not defending George, but I do believe he was set up. now why can't this darn judge do anything about not only the Ant's antics, but that *(&*^^ Bozo?? I don't get it. All this on Casey today, and yet once again NG spent the entire evening on the poor woman. YES it is bad, but at least give some time to today's hearing. It is almost like someone has paid NG off to not mention Casey on her show anymore. She was on HLN all day, EXCEPT for NG.. Losingit, I feel for you with that nut job in your area. He is nice looking, yet what sort of mind can pull out a woman, exwife, teeth, one by one, then cut off her fingers? Funny thing is, he should have thought of her boobs. That is how they ID'd her. The serial numbers on the implants. She had I believe spent the night before with him. No telling what happened. I am sure she said I am done, going back to my boyfriend, the one this nut was so jealous of, and he strangled her. Then pulled out her teeth so no

dental records, fingers so no fingerprints. Just was not so smart, THANK GOODNESS to cut off her breasts. And YES Rascal, so not as up to date as our blog!! NG needs to read us before reporting! I give all credit to the crew. I am horrible at researching this case. You guys are great. This is where I get most of my info! :) RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Gurgle, Gurgle I just climbed out of the water, Steve had me going for awhile. I know he did not want this crew to believe Crisco Heads story or the Ants. LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Nordei, We know the Ants have no shame, that is where Crisco Head got her attitude, I can do no wrong. Shame on all of them. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Now Wrong Way Jose is going to try to ruin Tonys life by accusing him of planting Caylee's remains in that area. How many lifes are they going to ruin. I hope these young men think twice before these sleep around with kind of skank again. Can you imagine being a parent of one of these young men that got involded with this skank. JMo says: 2 weeks ago Dumbass Cindy says "Casey cried because she hadn't seen her Dad in a long time". I call Bullshit! She cried because she is guilty and she knows she is f'n her Dad over with all of her manipulative lies! Wake up's not a bad dream, it's reality. JMo says: 2 weeks ago Rough night Casey???? Eh? What about Caylee? Did you forget about killing that baby and throwing her into a plastic bag and then tossing her like trash in the garbage. Sorry, but no sympathy for Casey here. She deserves everything she gets and more. It would really help if her parents would quit enabling her to continue lying!!!!! JMo says: 2 weeks ago I just can't believe that she "sits there" well knowing what happened and doesn't end this!!! She should be strung up right now! It's wrong. They are going through all this court time and garbage because she thinks she is so entitled and doesn't have to talk or tell anybody anything. She is looking for notoriety and fame! She wants to be the child killer that got away with murder! She is a sociopath and I can't believe they are dumb enough to keep enabling her. I hope the prison girls show her a lesson or two for killing Caylee. Maybe they will drive her to suicide.

losingit says: 2 weeks ago I was thinking the same thing JMo. She just sits there. Everytime they mentioned the DP, I would cringe, she didn't react. Whatever she did to Caylee was so horrible, that she would rather die than admit it. AND, I am not 100% convinced that she intended Caylee to die. But, Casey still thinks this is the easy way out? I don't know if she actually loved her boyfriend, but whatever it was (love, infatuation, lust...), it was probably a pretty strong attraction. It ended suddenly when Cindy called 911. I remember her getting Tony's number, but I haven't heard the call to him so maybe she didn't call or he didn't answer. So she went from head over heels in (something) for this guy to never talking to him again. She never had the opportunity to feed him some more of her BS in an attempt to try to explain things. Now they are after his phone records. She knows he had nothing to do with this. She will have to face all the players when this goes to trial. I don't know how she can bear the thought. She must be on suicide watch in jail. She looks like crap. It doesn't look like she's sleeping very well. The nightmares must be horrifying. It doesn't look like she's eating properly. She's pale, pasty and puffy. It doesn't look like she gets any exercise. Her posture is poor. She has gained weight, but not as much as I had expected. Anyway mates, TGIF! I hope everyone has a great weekend. JMo says: 2 weeks ago Yeah, and for Cindy to be in such denial (still)! Oh, Casey looked good, blah blah blah. WTF is wrong with Cindy??? She needs some serious help! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago Defense: Remains Dumped While Casey Was Jailed & Focus On Boyfriend CAPN STEVE says: 10 days ago Momster looked good??? Yeah, if you are into the Morticia Adams look. Put down the cheeto bag and use that hour per day outside getting some color. W.T.F.? And SINster thinks Ishtar was Best Picture! CAPN STEVE says: 10 days ago Let us take a poll. Was it the nanny, Jesse, Amy, Tony, the neighbor across the street, Mr. Padilla, Nancy Grace? Personally, I think it was either momster or Col. Mustard in the den with the candlestick. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago CAPN Steve, there is only one name engraved of the ship's plank it is Crisco Head.

losingit says: 10 days ago This whole motion is rediculous. If TL moved Caylee, where was she to begin with? LE knows where TL was and what he did in the time period after Caylee was killed until she was placed in the woods. They know when she was placed in the woods do to the vegetation growth amongst the remains. Why would someone helping Casey move Caylee to that location? If Caylee was moved there shortly before she was found, why? SHE WAS FOUND THERE. Obviously, where ever she was prior to being moved was a better hiding place because she wasn't found somewhere else. So we are to believe that someone moved her to a lousy hiding place where she could be found more easily? Why? Why would anyone want to do this? The only reason I can think of is to place her closer to the Anthony home to cast more doubt on Casey. But, if there was a chance Caylee would never be found (in the original spot) why would anyone want to risk it? If someone else murdered her or was involved helping Casey, well they probably could have gotten away with it had they just let it be. They are sugesting TL moved Caylee while Casey was in jail Why? He just found out what a lying murderer skank she was. This is so stupid. Sorry, Bozo, it's not going to stick. For some reason, my power went out about half an hour ago. It's a beautiful sunny day with no storms last night and none on the way. I don't like this. Hmmmmph. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 10 days ago Hi all! I snipped this story from the TV Guy at the Orlando Sentinel. Is her defense team keeping it together?" WFTV-Channel 9 anchor Bob Opsahl asked. Yes, more Casey Anthony. It was a big day in the case. At 5 tonight, WFTV's legal analyst said the defense team's strategy defied logic. The defense argues there's substantial evidence that someone else dumped Caylee Anthony, and that proves Anthony is innocent of the murder of her child. At 6, the station studied mistakes by the defense team. "Last-minute motions, incorrect motions, lack of motions -- it's not the kind of work we were told to expect from Professor Andrea Lyon, as the defense likes to call her," WFTV's Kathi Belich said. Belich listed the mistakes: In seeking Texas EquuSearch records, defense lawyer Lyon had a last-minute motion with the wrong case number. Lyon hadn't filed the proper paper work to join the Anthony check fraud case. And the defense team failed to alert the media that it wants to keep public records secret. "There were several missteps," WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said. And he added that Lyon had been touted as an expert and "a lawyer's lawyer." What does it all mean? Could Anthony's legal dream team be a nightmare? I personally can't believe that the defense is going to try to tell a jury that someone else put poor Caylee's remains 1 block from the Anthony home. The defense showed just how desperate they are yesterday. How are they going to explain the cadaver dogs hitting on the Anthony back yard & the trunk of the car? How are they going to explain the air test confirming that a body had been decomposing in the trunk of her car, a hair from the body of a cadaver that matches someone in the Anthony family, chloroform in the trunk,flies,maggots & cadaver wax on those paper towels found in the trunk? Wonder if it's too late for her to take a plea deal? The ream team is selling her right down the river or should I say to death row, all for the sake of their own fame & fortune. jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says: 10 days ago Forgot the biggest hurdle the defense team is going to have to jump. How are they going to explain a mother that didn't report her daughter missing, the pics of her out barhopping, & that tattoo? If Bozo is reading this blog maybe he could enlighten all of us. CAPN STEVE says: 10 days ago BOBO photo shopped a picture of Tony planting "the body" and it appears that Jesse, Amy, Leonard, and a lady that I can only assume is the one, the only Zanny the nanny right next to him. losingit says: 10 days ago Yes Jo. I don't understand it. They are farting around with all these little things when the BIG thing is right there. Not reporting her missing while she lived with her boyfriend whom she is now implicating. Out partying while her daughter was missing with people she is now implicating. Getting a happy tattoo. Inventing a couple different nanny stories to waste everyone's time, but bitching about LE not issuing an amber alert immediately. What a douch. JMo says: 10 days ago I personally did not like all the little smirks and laughs coming from Bozo yesterday. Does he really think that anyone takes him serious? He is the biggest joke, so too bad he is not smirking and laughing at himself. I don't think he will be laughing when this is all over and he is the fool. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago I would love to smack the smirks off of Wrong Way Jose off his face, he is so dam inmature for a Lawyer. I have never seen such behavior from one and calling LP names is to much, Why not call Georgie a lazy ass, now that one would be true. losingit says: 10 days ago He is acting this way to make us think he knows he will get the last laugh. He's trying to express confidence. He smirks and laughs like the state is wasting time even pursuing this case against his obviously innocent client. It comes across though as immaturity. He needs to be sitting up straight, paying attention, respecting the court and everyone involved (like by not referring to LP as a cowboy). I love cowboys by the way, but Bozo made it sound derogatory. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

Crisco Head can have her change of venue who cares, she can go to Ten Buck Two she is still going to be found GUILTY! This is not a Who Done It Case, we all know Who Done It. And Wrong Way Jose throwing others under the Bus is not going to help RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 10 days ago Sweet Little Angle Caylee is looking down at all of us and saying thank you for remembering me. I have a new family now and they are taking good care of me and I get lots of love. I am at peace now and forever. And I answer Caylee, I will remember you little one, and we will find Justice for you!! linn says: 10 days ago From what I remember, Casey had only been seeing TL a very short time. 2 months MAX. now what guy would pick up a dead 2 year old that he seemed to really like, and move her dead decomposing body to a different spot for a girl he barely knew? They, the defense, are making themselves look like fools. One thing I have noticed, Casey is not doing the goo-goo eyes at fat boy Bozo anymore. She looked AWFUL! How in the world could her mother say she looked great? I actually had a moment of pity for her when I first saw her look up. It seems, finally, that she knows what she is facing. She is facing death. She refused to even look at her mother and I seen this over and over yesterday. Cindy was doing a dance to get her attention and was ignored. She, Cindy, looked not like she was going to cry, but a quiet furious look. Chomping away on her cud as usual. I also seen her laughing and talking to who ever was sitting next to her. If anything it looked like Casey lost a little weight. I really thing it is finally sinking in. Her life is over. She will never see Caylee ever again, and even if she gets out, she will be infamous in a super bad way. No one will ever want to be near her. I really don't wish the dp on her, but I would say it better be life, no parole ever. She did this alone, and I hope some day we find out why. I am like the poster above. LOL. Cant remember who, but I am really not sure she wanted to kill her. Just shut her up so she could party, but once she was dead it was like "oh well, it happened so I might as well have a good life and FU Mom!".. Will we ever know? I know I crack easily, how she is keeping quiet is beyond me. One thing that really makes me furious is George and Sindy. WHY do they keep being allowed to do the crap they do? I know if I did that here, I would be jailed. Yet they are still getting all this sympathy. I could see that too if they were trying to seek justice for Caylee, but they act now like she didn't exist. Next they will say she was so horrible of a little girl anyone could have killed her. It is getting so despicable. Right now I can say I hate the Ants more than Casey. Just seeing Sindy makes me realize why Casey is the way she is. The blame game on her friends is not going to work. She is guilty and hopefully, will be found guilty Some of the stuff you all posted, we never saw here in CA. We got about 2 minutes of the court played over and over all day. I am not sure I even saw Bozo at all. Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 10 days ago


"The Crisco Kid". Love it! jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 10 days ago

Twisted has a new post on Friday's court hearing. It's hysterical!!! JMo says: 10 days ago OMG, that is some funny sheite by twisted. I was like, go! Bias is a fatfuck! That is hysterical. Anyway, you have to admit this is entertaining to watch, as Crisco Crazy is sitting there trying to look 'all serious', Bias is smirking like a fool (probably listening to the voices in his head) and their expert is just a plain moron. She screwed herself bad picking this clan of clowns to represent her, but truthfully, I'm not sure who else would of done it. LMAO! JMo says: 10 days ago I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the bitches in jail are denying her any shampoo. They are probably sick of her getting on TV trying to look all pretty with her hair and busting shirts, smiling at the camera. Im surprised no one has knocked those veneers right out of her lying mouth. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Good morning all, Jo I love Twisted she tells it like it is, LOL SadieSkye says: 9 days ago Whats up everybody? Greasy has veneers??? lust curious how we know this?? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Sadie Skye, you can tell by her pictures when she was younger. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Motion asking for finger prints, from the FBI RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


Found the story on Ryan Jenkins, he killed himself losingit says: 9 days ago

I love you guys so much, but to be fair to Crisco Head, I really think her hair was just wet to begin with (hence the greasy look). It appeared to be less oily as the hearing went on. It probably really sucks to be in jail and not have all your lotions, potions, blowdryers and straighteners. Pooooor Casey. Poor spoiled little brat. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 9 days ago


losingit, and do not forget the hair straightner that Zanny gave here, lol losingit says: 9 days ago Ha ha Rascal. I didn't forget about that. I have long blonde hair and it is straight. I NEED to use a straightener on it every day to make it look nice. I think Cindy turned the Nanny's straightener over to LE. They probably have proof of who bought it and when. This might be the smoking gun. I bought mine at a kiosk in a West Edmonton Mall. There is a huge warranty on it and they needeed all my ID. Sadieskye says: 9 days ago Veneers run 20 grand and above for a mouthful... insurance doesnt cover them either... wonder how they paid for that??? HHmmmmmmmm.... JMo says: 9 days ago It takes a theif! And her name is Casey! Or maybe prostituting it out down in Tampa. Who knows for sure! Did anyone watch NG? She really went on how "it's not a stranger who took Haleigh". No sheite...we knew that! Well, Misty may not of done it, but I have a feeling she is so worried about protecting her own butt and fear from Ron, that she won't say what really happened. I have several theories of what could of happened: 1. The TV cable guy that was there that day, came back that night when Ron was gone, had sex with Misty and then when she fell asleep, he took Haleigh. Now Misty can't admit that can she? Ron would kill her! OR 2. Misty was gone partying that night (hence the propped open noisy door so as to not wake the kids). Someone knew she snuck off and took advantage of the situation. Again, Ron would kill her if he knew this. OR 3. Misty was gone partying (as above) and Crystal knew she was doing this (heard it through the grapevine) and had some friends go and take Haliegh, but then saw Misty coming back and split. I think they were going to try and steal the van too, but didn't get too far with moving it a few feet. OR 4. Misty is just freaked out about telling the truth because she knows she is ultimately accountable and can't handle what will happen when she tells the truth. Maybe they need to offer her some immunity or protection? Maybe she is protecting Ron? Maybe this all revolves around threats or drugs. Too bad they can't hypnotize

her and force her to tell the truth. So sad to watch this whole thing....but I think Haliegh is alive still. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


This describes Sindy and Crisco Head Histrionic personality disorder involves a pattern of excessive emotional expression and attention seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriate seductiveness. It usually begins in early adulthood. People with histrionic personality disorder are constant attention seekers. They need to be the center of attention all the time, often interrupting others in order to dominate the conversation. They use grandiose language to describe everyday events and seek constant praise. They may dress provocatively or exaggerate illnesses in order to gain attention. They also tend to exaggerate friendships and relationships, believing that everyone loves them. They are often manipulative. Exaggerated and often inappropriate displays of emotional reactions, approaching theatricality, in everyday behavior. Sudden and rapidly shifting emotion expressions. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


Blogger News Network Blooger news talk about LP and the Haliegh case. The Glorified Bat Boat was requested back in March, the Ants never took the Bat Boat down to help, in fact it has never been used to help any child.. So what is this Boat a place for the Ants to go fishing and drink Beer what a joke this Boat is. Also this Boat at the Cost of 30 thousand was donated to the Fradaution. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


I just dug this information up! The death band on Caylee’s hair found in DNA tests could mean that Caylee Anthony died in the trunk of her mother Casey Anthony’s Ponitac Sunfire. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


I have a very hard time understanding Dr Lee and Perper, I wonder if they have a button that we can Press 1 for English that would help. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


These pics are funny! CAPN STEVE 8 days ago


Rascal: and Tony put her there will be their answer to everything. What about Zanny? Probobly will not here her name ever again coming out of BOBO and crew!! Poor Tony!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


Steve, yes they got off the Nanny kick and the Jesse train, now it is poor Tony. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


I am hoping to understand Lee and Perper at trial! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


Inmate Claims He Knows Who Killed Caylee Posted: 2:43 pm EDT August 24, 2009 Updated: 4:58 pm EDT August 24, 2009 This guy has mental problems. CAPN STEVE 8 days ago


I think someone should let him know that momster is about to blame him for assisting Tony bury the body. He is so mental that he escaped and returned all in one day. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


LOL losingit says: 8 days ago Rascal, those pictures are so funny. Inmate claims he knows who killed Caylee. Me too. I want a smart mop. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


losingit, Yes we do know who did it. losingit says: 8 days ago I've always worried that some nut will come forward and say he did it. But, I remember watching a show a long time ago and it was jury selection. Potential jurors were asked what they would think if the accused confessed to the crime. They were instructed that the accused is assumed to be innocent and have to be proven guilty. It doesn't matter if they confess. Their guilt still has to be proven. This Jenkins character was found hanged in a hotel a few hours from where I live. How do you hang yourself if your feet touch the ground? Do you OD on pills, rig yourself up and pass out? They said he was ID'd by fingerprints. I guess they will do DNA to be sure. I just have this odd feeling that it wasn't really him. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


losingit, I do not know never tried it and never would, there must of been something high enough to do it. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


However the blonde that paid for the Motel room paid and left. It is not like she strung him up. She knew he was wanted they interviedd her so there is no excuse for her helping him she should be charged. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


Steve, I hope you and the boys are watching the Little League World Series games. losingit says: 8 days ago Absolutely she should be charged with aiding him. And, if she knew he was going to kill himself, she is guilty of that too. My Grandma lives very near to where he would have entered Canada. I remember going with my Grandpa to visit a friend of his when I was very young. We would drive for miles down a road called Boundary Road. We were driving in Canada, but the other side ot the road was the US. It's just miles and miles of border with only a patch of grass and a shallow ditch separating the two countries. He told me this was how drugs came to Canada. Bad men just run it across the road. I was probably five, and this really upset me, even then. What bothers me about this case is that if our Mounties caught him here, we would probably keep him. If someone is facing the DP, we refuse to send them home. We are too nice. So, some advice to my mates, if you are ever on the lam and facing the DP, come to Canada. My taxes will pay for you to live out your life in our prison. You will have free health care, color TV and three square meals a day. Sorry though, you are no longer allowed to smoke in prison here. CASEY: the next time you go to court, make a run for the border (and not for burritos). Come to Canada. We will keep you. No DP. Life in jail here is about 12

years if you behave. You could be out before you turn 35. linn says: 8 days ago I did think Casey's hair would have been longer. It seemed, even in a ponytail, to be almost a little shorter than the last time we saw her. Do they allow hair to be trimmed/cut? Yes, that is a serious question.. lol.. Really sad for her even. She had it all, and now just faces death. I DO blame her mother for tons of her problems. She could have always had an underlying issue of the lying, stealing and all, but without a mom like Cindy it might have never come out. However, she did what she did and now she will pay. I do think Sindy will pay in guilt. I also think once Casey is found quilty that George will take off. I think, wuss that he is, he also blames Sindy for tons of Casey's problems. Ah well, lets just hope the truth comes out and they get 12 jurors with brains.. Also, last time we saw Casey she seemed a little heavier, but this time she seemed a tad thinner AND looked 100% worse. The horrible bags, the pasty look. I think maybe FINALLY she sees what she has for a "dream team" and maybe realizes she had a pretty damn good life. She just seemed sort of different, like it finally hit home. And to ignore Sindy totally to me, shows she blames her. Again true Casey, but yet I must admit to me I would blame Sindy too. BUT CASEY YOU killed your child, there was no need for that no matter how your mother did you. Gosh sakes, you were 22 and could have got a job, state assistance for day care, and you could have had a good life. Such a shame all around. Especially for poor Caylee RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


losingit, I have heard that about the border, in fact there was a program on TV that showed a area like that. linn, they do have people that will cut hair I am not positive if you half to pay them or not. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


linn, Crisco Kid was never taught to act like a adult or be responsible for actions or her own keep at that age, let alone be responsible for Caylee. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 8 days ago


Kids can not grow up to have everything they want handed to them, they really need to learn what is it to earn things. It teaches them responsibilty. And we know Crisco Kid was not responsible for anything. S and G handed everything to Crisco Kid, so they enabled her bad behavior. They allowed her to steal lie and get away with it with no problem, it was no big deal to them. JMo says: 8 days ago Tony Padilla says he was Never part of the defense team and never wanted to be.....Baezhole is so stupid. JMo says: 8 days ago Watch the video on the site I posted above. I love the way the guy says Padilla. Geez. Anyway, just thought of something funny. Remember how George kept saying that the attorney was giving him the bird when he was pushing up his glasses? I wonder what he thought of Crisco Crazy doing the same thing wiping her crocodile tears? I'm surprised he didn't yell at her too and accuse her of flippin him off. lol. I can't wait for the trial with Amy to start and the 12 felony counts on her ass for that. Should be good. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 8 days ago Is CMA flipping off the Judge or Georgetta? Gotta love the media for catching that. That should definitely make Bozo's scrape book of his illustrious legal career. I bet Crazy got her a$$ reamed by Lyon aka Tiny Tim. JMo says: 7 days ago Actually, with Crisco-Crazy doing that, she has now shown some of her true colors. It was actually scary watching her. She appeared sad in a hurt way, but at the same time, she was acting out by giving the bird to someone. I think this was her other side (the side that is hateful. the side that killed Caylee). Look at the distant, calculated, cold look in her eyes when she does that. She is not a distraught mother who lost her only child, she is a hateful, mean, revengeful bitch who would do it all over again if she could. That look on her face told me she was, once again, "Pissed". Maybe because George keeps demanding to know what happened! I mean, why can't he just let it go and let Casey handle things? After all, George talking is just screwing things up for her. I think she wanted to tell him to stfu, that his whining was pissing her off. I thinks she thinks he is falling into their trap and should just not talk like she has done. She definitely is beginning to blame G and C for pursuing this and getting her busted. First mommy for turning her in and now daddy for pushing the question of 'I just want to know what happened'. Poor, poor, pissed off Crazy! ROTFLMFAO! Just my thoughts. CAPN STEVE 7 days ago


Rascal: me and my oldest are, The little one is sadly with his mother. The team from Cali. looks like they can go far I.M.O. I think mpmster was flipping us off!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


Casey Anthony Tattoo Picture, 1000 pages of Docs Turned Over Tuesday, August 25, 2009 Now we wait for the new docs to be loaded shipmates. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


Motion to delay by defence Crisco Kid does not want the trial on fraud untill Nov 2010 RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


States Witness List Updated RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


There is a PDF page that shows what we can expect, also things from FBI RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


PDF files, Lee's house RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's defense team says her murder trial is now scheduled for 2010. In new paperwork filed in the case, Casey's lawyers said the trial is scheduled to begin in June 2010 (read motion | amended). RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


At the end of this article it talks about the carpet and the drywall. imacynic2 says: 7 days ago Okay - so Casey wants to say she couldn't be guilty of Murder because the body may have been moved after she was arrested. SO WHAT? 1) Just because the body may have been moved does not mean that Casey wasn't the one who killed her - its called a conspiracy.

2) Prove the body was moved . . . Roy Kronk saw the body there in August and then again in December when it was actually "found". Put Casey's lying ass on the stand against Roy Kronk, who, I'm sorry but has I'm sure been investigated from every angle and has no connection to Casey . . . who are you going to believe? 3) How do you explain not reporting her missing? Casey would have had a much more convincing case if she had reported Caylee missing right away - that 30 day gap is and should be - an obstacle that they will not be able to overcome. 4) The witnesses who say they saw Casey's car near where the body was found. 5) The location where the body was found. 6) The decomp in Casey's trunk. 7) Casey's cell phone pings which show she was in the area during the time the body would originally have been removed from her trunk. Case Closed. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


Some interesting docs not sure if you read them close or not, but worth the time. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 7 days ago Thanks for all the new links, Rascal. I noticed that on page 2 of the pdf file of evidence sent to the FBI by Bozo, the hand written list of item says umbilical cord. WTH who would save something like that? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


Hi Jo I just heard from another blogger Cindy and Crisco Kid were so proud of it they kept the cord. They think LE took it for DNA from Caylee. Not positive but that is what I have been told. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 7 days ago Rascal, Yes, I'm sure that Bozo turned it over for DNA. He probably want to make it look like they were cooperating with the investigation. There was also a hair brush with the items. JMo says: 7 days ago

LOL, I saved both of my kids stubs from the umbilical cords when they dried up and fell off. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 7 days ago


Trials & Tribulations Sprocket & Company In Depth, True Crime Reporting says: 7 days ago But do you keep them in the car? LOL jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 7 days ago I snipped this from Friday the 21st Orlando Sentinel story: "Attorney Todd Macaluso told Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland that the defense discovered evidence that will prove Anthony's innocence -- and that someone else left her daughter's dead body in the woods." My thoughts: Could Joy Wray be the evidence that the defense is talking about? For those that don't remember that name she was one of the volunteers that searched with Tim Miller's group for 2 days in the Blanchard Park area & a nearby lake. She supposedly has pictures of those 2 searches. According to a past local news media story she told them she had began searching the area off Suburban Drive 2 days after Caylee was reported missing because she had a gut feeling. She said she searched the area where remains were found 10 different times. This is a woman that has attempted to insert her self into this from day one. She even had a chat room at one time devoted totally to this case. If you google her name you will find comments on web sites like topix & scared monkeys about her. One person said she was "one can short of a six pack". LE know her & her hubby very well. If Bozo & his amazon queens are betting the whole farm on this woman as their ace in the whole, they are more desperate than I thought. Joy Wray is a 29yr old Altamonte Srpings resident that has been baker acted 5 times. Rots of Ruck to Bozo & company!! JMo says: 7 days ago So, they are relying on someone who has mental illness issues for their defense? How absurd! They might as well as sell the farm and pay for the testimony of the mentally ill prisoner who claims he knows who did this. Can we just say IDIOTS? I am still amazed that Judge Strickland is tolerating this daily nonsense from these clowns. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat 6 days ago


Murder of Emma Thompson spurs new CPS guidelines profile image RascalBrat 6 days ago


Bombshell, Georgie found his calling. But Sindy is not very happy!!! jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 6 days ago A blogger at WS found some emails that were part of the last discovery turned over to the defense that were not downloaded by the media. JWG posted them yesterday after he put them in order as far as time & date. There's about 2-3 pages of these emails between Oak Ridge Lab & OCSD. I found this one very interesting: From: Vass, Arpad Alexander Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 3:09 PM To: Melich, Yuri (OCSO); Vincent, Michael (OCSO) Subject: flies Mike, forgot to mention something in my last email. I Dr. Neal Haskell, my entomologist friend, and he said really be coffin flies and that might be significant. have them to please send them to him at the following them out. Dr. Neal Haskell 425 Kannal Avenue Rensselaer, Indiana 47978

FINALLY got a call back from that the ‘fruit flies’ may He said that if you still address and he will check

Arpad A. Vass, Ph.D Here's the link for anyone that wants to read all of them. JMo profile image JMo says: 6 days ago Gross! Read about the coffin flies here: JMo profile image JMo says: 6 days ago However, what would be really cool is to take these little creatures and put them on Casey's body and let them manifest themselves. This might let her experience

"some" of what little Caylee went through. God, just thinking about her at trial on Friday with that weepy little poor me, i'm so sad look on her pathetic face, really makes me sick to my stomach. She continues to play the me, me, me, I'm the victim here, role. She will never change. It's all about her and her moods. I'm sad, I'm pissed, blah blah blah. Give her two little coffin flies on her face and let them multiply! Sorry, but I am so sick of her manipulation and lies. I would of disowned her by now if she were mine! jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 6 days ago Here's another one in that group of emails I found interesting. From: Vass, Arpad Alexander Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:31 AM To: Vincent, Michael (OCSO) Subject: RE: **Exempt** Mike, I try very hard not to second-guess people since I am well aware that I know very little of what is really going on in an investigation, but I think the early release of the chloroform data was a mistake. Since I am saying nothing to anyone outside my group, I am now getting criticized for other reasons and feel that it might be time to back away from this work. I will of course get the next report out to you and Yuri as promised as soon as I can. On a final note, some of the products we have seen include PINENE and LIMONENE. This could point to a (possibly) shallow marshy area with decaying vegetation. Is there such an area anywhere near where the car was found? Is it possible to get a topo map of the area? Would it be possible to speak to the individual leading the search from Necrosearch? Arpad Pinene & Limonene found in the car pointing to a marshy area. I wish this Arpad Vass had been available to be in Orlando when they were searching. I bet her body would have been found way before they actually did. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 6 days ago Twisted has a new post. "Friends in low places". It's a must read! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 6 days ago


Domminic Dunn passed today, I really enjoyed his programs RIP You will be missed. JMo profile image JMo says: 6 days ago RIP Ted Kennedy Jo, wouldn't that of been great if he had.

Stupid pathetic casey! DP all the way! jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 6 days ago JMo- Yes, if he had come to Orlando in September of 2008 this whole case may have had a totally different outcome. If he had been able to fine tune the searches so the body was found earlier, they may have been able to determine exactly how she was murdered. I have no doubts that a jury will convict her just based on circumstantial evidence but cause of death would have been a slam dunk. Baez might have even told her to take any plea deal she was offered. But then again maybe not. The fat Headed Bozo can't see the forest for the trees. Found this posted at scared monkeys site. A blogger posted this in answer to another blogger's question: "What ever happened to that picture of the nanny at Blanchard Park, that Baez was suppose to have?" Response from another scared monkeys poster: "That's her! You can tell she is definitely a 10!" Nordie profile image Nordie says: 6 days ago Hi shipmates, sorry I haven't been around. My Mom will be having back surgery next Tuesday and she is from the old school that everything has got to be just right, ie no twigs in the yard, grass cut, new underwear, clean house, tomorrow I'm shampooing her rugs -- she's 84. She's really a cool lady and I'll be glad when she is off the pain meds. JMo profile image JMo says: 6 days ago I wonder how much business was generated for the guy who did Casey's tatoo? I also wonder how many people a day ask him about the case? I also wonder, how popular that tattoo is now, or if people stay away from it? CAPN STEVE 5 days ago


Misty Cummings failed 2 polygraph tests!!!!!!!!!!!!! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


Steve here is the link for that story on Misty Last Person With Haleigh Fails Polygraph Equusearch Group Director Says Misty Failed Lie Detector Test 'Miserably' POSTED: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


Misty Cummings' Polygraph Questions jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 5 days ago Judge Strickland ruled this morning in favor of the defense on their motion to depose Tim Miller. TES also has to provide information on 32 of the searchers to both defense & the prosecution. According to ruling the defense has to pay travel expenses for Tim Miller to travel to Orlando to be questioned by them. Releasing info on volunteers will certainly hurt future searches. I wonder how many of the 32 will be forced to have the defense question them? Knowing Bozo, after wasting time on obtaining this info, he probably won't dispose even one of them. Depositions cost money & does the defense even have any? If I was Tim Miller I would be saying "bring it on". He has nothing to hide. I would also fly first class, stay at the Ritz, & maybe eat some crab puffs while I'm at it.

jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 5 days ago RE: Updated state witness list Sean Henady of Lafayette, IN - founder Aerial Image Corp Probably did the aerial photos for Tim Miller of the Orlando area. Since the state is using those photos to prove that the area where remains were found was under water its easy to see the addition of him as a witness for the state. BUT...... James Thompson of Maitland, Florida owns a company called Bay Tech. He repairs computers & cell phones. Is is just a coincidence that Mr. Thompson is added to the list after Lee is granted immunity by the state & has given his deposition at state attorney's office? Did Lee try to have the files destroyed on the lap top Crazy was using or knows that someone else did. The state would not need Mr. Thompson to do computer forensics, as they have own experts & the FBI. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat


5 days ago Win for Caylee Anthony Prosecution: Leonard Padilla To Testify jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 5 days ago Twisted has 3 new post. Remember don't try to eat or drink while you reading unless you want to replace you computer. CAPN STEVE 5 days ago


Heads up... BOBO is going to use the nanny had Caylee yet someone else took her from nanny and buried her body while she was in jail. It is all they got. Perhaps there is room for Misty in momster's cell. Or Ron after he does her in! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


Steve they found the girl that was kidnapped 18 yrs ago, the monster had 2 kids with her. She was 11 now 29. CAPN STEVE 5 days ago


Yeah and all the sorted sick details are coming out now. There is even the rumor going on that the F.B.I. knew where she was as recent as last week and was getting ready to arrest them. A couple of sick _ _ _ _ _ are off the street. Now, let's get the other 2 million of them! linn says: 5 days ago I wonder how long Tim Miller will continue his heroic efforts at finding missing people, with azzes like Bozo and even Marc Klass. YES, Marc Klass today. Regarding Tim Miller and the person I have always known was responsible for Haleigh's disappearance, MISTY. He sort of put Tim under the bus. Even NG seemed stunned by his comments. Everytime I see Tim, I want to cry. He seems so sad, yet has spent his life since his daughter was murdered to find missing people. And yet for Marc to do that stunned me today. And that jerk Bozo? I am so glad I read Twisted's response to Bozo and Tim. I thought for a minute there that the judge was losing it and going to the enemy's side. I truly cannot wait for the trial. Bozo will be a true joke, more so than he is now. Just think of all the money that is going to cost!! WHO, I say WHO is paying for this? For the judge not to make him release that info really ticked me off. I think FL has a right to know who, and I just want to know.. lol And Steve, 2 million sicko's? How about 2 million just in FL?? Uh, no telling how many in CA but FL seems to have more than we do! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat 5 days ago


linn, You are so right I ws shocked at Mark Klass acting that way towards Tim Miller. He did nothing wrong he is a civilian and has the best interest of children in his heart. CAPN STEVE 5 days ago


Mark Klass = No Klass P.S. No wonder nobody wants to help out a stranger these days. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


Steve, that is a good one No class, lol jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 5 days ago Linn, I'm still in shock over Mark Klass's remarks tonight on NG. I have to wonder now, if these foundations for finding children are in some kind of competition with each other for the public's donation money. It doesn't make sense otherwise for him to bash Miller/TES that way. As far as the defense money, I think they are all counting on money after the fact. Someone must be hitting their piggy bank to pay for filing fees, depositions & court cost. Dominic Casey claimed that Bozo never paid him what he owed for his PI services. I bet no one else has been paid either. I remember one time when the defense complained that they hadn't received documents from the state but the info was sitting at the clerk's office along with a bill of over $600.00. Even Judge Strickland's order today RE: Tim Miller says that the defense had to pay the cost of Tim Miller's travel expenses & for someone to oversee the defense while they went over TES records in ADVANCE. Bozo & the Ants might have made money off of selling Caylee pics to ABC but that money was probably gone long ago. My take is everyone of the defense has already made plans on making money on the back end. All will write books or sell their story for a movie. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 5 days ago


All the Anthony's see is $$$ signs. They want the public to support them and have the easy life. Sad they want to make money off of Caylee's Memory. JMo says: 5 days ago Well, what did Mark NoKlass say? I can't get cable. Yes, Misty failed those tests, but she volunteered to take them to help find Haleigh. I think she failed them due to being very mixed up. I think also that she has a learning disability or some mental retardedness (I mean look at her features

alone). Some sort of sundown syndrome there. She is freaked out of her confused mind that she is getting the finger pointed at her for lying. Nervousness and fear can make you fail tests. However, she sure should of let them hypnotize her...maybe she is scared that she did something and just doesn't remember? Maybe she was high on meth or ? Who knows. But, they do know she is not giving the right story. Doesn't mean she did anything though, just that she can't seem to tell what really happened that night. Sad, very sad. Sad for Haleigh. That's my thoughts. JMo says: 5 days ago Is there something about Tim Miller that we don't know?? Just wondering. CAPN STEVE 4 days ago


Jo, she wouldn't go thru with the "being hypnotized" thing although they tried twice I think. She also failed the voice analysis test. Her attorney is very upsey at her for taking the tests they say! My money is on her being the link to finding out the truth since my gut tells me she knows the most out of all those players. And what a team of players that is... losingit says: 4 days ago At first I suspected Crystal was responsible. The child support issues pointed me in that direction. But, I think Hayleigh would have been returned by now if it was Crystal. For a long time I thought Haleigh was alive, but I just can't believe that anymore. I find it hard to believe that Misty slept through an abduction. I think she has a pretty good idea what happened. I don't think she went out that night to party. Someone would have said they were with her that night. I don't recall ever hearing that for sure, just rumours that she was out. I don't recall ever hearing for sure if a boy came over to the trailer- just rumours. What bugs me is the "washing the blanket thing". That seems strange and suspicious. Why would she mention that right from the start? Was there no other blankets to put on the child? Wasn't there a pile of dirty laundry by the door where they found what they thought Haliegh had been wearing? Didn't Misty's Mom bring over clean laundry that night from her place? So if Haliegh peed on the blanket and Misty wanted to wash it so it didn't smell or something, why did Haliegh have to go to bed without any blanket? Not one extra blanket, sheet or even towel to put on her? Did I miss something? Was it just a little baby blanket that Haleigh liked to sleep with? And, Misty washed it by itself without throwing any of the other laundry in with it? Did Ron lose his temper with Haleigh and something happen? Was Haleigh already out of the house when Ron went to work? I don't want to think that, but the way Misty would look at him when she was being interviewed was so strange. And then he married her? Strange. JMo says: 4 days ago Wierd Linn, but I thought that same thing, that maybe she is protecting Ron. Maybe something happened before he went to work and they planned it out this way? Hard to beleive, but could be true. She is protecting him, so he married her as a reward. I never got the marriage thing... I'm telling you, that girl is mentally slow. Is she more scared of Ron or the law? Maybe Misty loves Ron more than she cared for Haliegh? Sort of like, Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee.

Actually, I think she had some people over while he was at work and Haleigh came up missing. She doesn't know who was there for sure and is scared to tell about the party for fear of getting in trouble or Ron hating her. I think there were serious drugs involved so she won't tell due to that either. Remember, she is thinking like a 17 year old, not an adult. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Watch Video of Misty Cummings Under Hypnosis profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Misty wanted Tim Miller to come back and search and help clear her name. Tim Miller went back, Misty also wanted a another Poly Graph, she signed a waver because she is represented by a Attorney. She failed the Poly and the Voice stress test. Mark Klass was putting Tim Miller down saying he was only looking for publicity. That is not Tim Miller's goal, he wants to know what happened and try to find Haliegh. His heart is in the right placce and for Mark Klass to make a remark like that is flat Wrong. it showed No Class just like Steve said. CAPN STEVE 4 days ago


I was hoping to see the question, does Ronald know what happend to Haleigh? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Also, Tim looking for pub???? What has Mark been smoking? Did he get it from Ron? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


I think Misty had do much drugs in her system, she may not know what really happened. That is a very good possibility. Drugs can fry a persons brain cells, and as young as she is I do not think there were many there anyway. There is a kid my son went to school with is now like a vegtable because of his drug use. When will these kids realize drugs are not the way to a good life. They get hooked on this crap thinking it will not hurt them, well I have news for them it sure as hell does. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


I have a thought for the kids out there that are expermenting with drugs, get High on Life not the Dam Drugs. Kids feel they will not get hooked, but they always do. Then they do stupid things, rob kill what ever it take to get more drugs to feed there habbit. So many in Prison system because they got involved with drugs. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


This is a much better video of Misty. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 4 days ago The Anthonys attended the vigil held for Trenton Duckett yesterday. Caylee's photo is on a vehicle that Josh Duckett designed to display the photos of missing children. Are we now pretending that Caylee is still missing? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


What a joke the Ants are to put Caylee;s picture with a missing child. Caylee is not missing we know where she is. Caylee's Remains are in Ashes in Jewlery and the Teddy Bear the Ant's put her in. Caylee was never a missing child since Crisco Kid is the one she was with when last seen, face the Truth C & G, Lard Butt did it. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 4 days ago JMO- Here's the transcript of NG show last night. They are talking about Misty, the poly, & Tim Miller. Nejame & NG respond to Klass's comments about Miller. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 4 days ago Snipped this from Fox News: Law enforcement could have found Jaycee Lee Dugard 3 years ago. Where was this perverts parole officer? The Contra Costa sheriff in California admitted Friday that his department "missed an opportunity" three years ago to catch registered sex offender Phillip Garrido and rescue the young woman he was allegedly holding captive, Jaycee Lee Dugard. Sheriff Warren E. Rupf apologized for what he characterized as an "organizational failure" in November 2006, when a neighbor called 911 to report that Garrido was psychotic, there were people living in tents in his backyard and children could be heard there. "On Nov. 30, 2006, we missed an opportunity for earlier closure to this situation," Rupf said. "A caller to our 911 dispatch offered that there were tents in the neighbor's backyard, that people were living in them and that there were young children. The caller also said that Garrido was psychotic and had a sexual addiction." RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Still An Odor In Casey Anthony's Trunk Says Police

That smell will never leave that car!!! jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 4 days ago Rascal, that video was from a NG show 4 months after the car was impounded. I have heard that that smell never goes away no matter what you do. I hope that the prosecution takes the jury to see that vehicle. Photos are good in court but in this case that vehicle smell will seal the deal. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Jo, I just hope they do not take the Jury there before lunch or after lunch. they will still need a barf bag. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Jo, the Jury after smelling it would definatley know it was not Pizza. And that would tell them what a liar Sindy is. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Taped Interviews To Be Released In Anthony Case FBI To Interview Woman Who Bonded With Casey Anthony RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Padilla Aide Recalls Conversations With Casey RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


I can hear Lyons now but Judge there is NO Evidence against Crisco, Judge Strickland replys oh yes take her home and have her Mom have a big Chili dinner and please have her wash that Crisco Head, Not!!!! Give me a break no evidence, OMG jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 4 days ago Snipped this from the WESH story Rascal posted on release of taped interviews: " Some time after Labor Day, Andrea Lyon from Casey Anthony's legal team will make her first major statement in the case." "It will come in the form of a motion arguing there is insufficient evidence to

support a murder charge against Casey Anthony." INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE??? Give me a break what does this woman think LE needs to charge & convict someone of a crime? A video? HAHAHAHAHA This woman is as stupid as her buddy Bozo. I thought she was brought in to handle the death penalty portion of the case. Isn't that her field of expertise? That brings up another question I have. Recently she said she didn't have time to handle the fraud case because she was busy with the murder charges. Why would she even be involved with a case involving thief & forgery? I think the ream team is filing stupid motions to keep their names & faces in the news everyday. I don't know about everyone else but I'm sick of seeing them on the news. linn says: 4 days ago Oh right on Rascal and Steve! I mean, it was like NG could not speak for a moment. Not that that part is bad. But I sat with my mouth opened when Mark said that about Tim. He just did not want to go back and search if he did not know that they were withholding info. Can we say ANTS? And publicity? That is just NOT Tim! I liked Mark. Now he will have to spend a long time earning my trust back. I will go back and read the comments from NeJame and the other person. Brain dead again. But wonder if Mark knows how low he sunk in people's eyes that night? He sure did in mine. Misty REQUESTED THE POLY MARK! However, regarding Misty. She is uneducated, but she is not slow or stupid. She said another mistake. The cops said when they got there that night, Haleigh's bed was MADE! Now, did she stop and make her bed before the cops got there? I sure doubt that one. They have tons more on her. I think she does know what happened and having had several 17 year olds, let me tell you can they lie while bawling the entire time that everyone blames me for everything. Tears, snot, sobbing. It is, after the third one, funny. Boy, laugh and watch the tears stop. She cried the first day out of fear. The thing is, somehow I DO wonder if Ron was involved too. Always have with his fights, drugs, guns.. And then in the midst of all of this to marry her? And the I am only 17 crap is getting to me. 17 was old enough to say those kids loved me more than their mom, bull, and to get married, but when she flunks a ploy and voice stress test, "well I am only 17, what did you expect".. AND she is still 17 but this has been over 6 months and Ron was with her a few months before. Telling me she was 16 when they first got together. And isn't it illegal to smoke at 17? Rant over for now. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Jo, I found this on Scared Monkeys I just could not resist sharing this. I am so excited we will get to see Andrea's Brief, LMAO RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


linn, Yes is is illegal for kids under 18 to smoke, and do drugs and for sex but it is done every day. I am not saying it is right, not at all. But is is also wrong to lie about where Haliegh is and what really happened. I really think she

knows more then she is saying. But then again maybe the drugs have got to her brain cells. Something is just not right there. CAPN STEVE 4 days ago


Yo Marky Mark: I will take out my crayon and connect the dots for you since after #4 you seem to fall off the page for some reason. Misty called Tim. Tim did NOT call Misty. Misty asked Tim for help in clearing her name. Tim did NOT call Misty to clear her name. Or his for that matter. Misty gave her answers to those all important questions. Tim is out for answers to what we all term "the truth" What you do not like Marky Mark is that her truths make your opinions re. this case seem as if you scored one too many dime bags from Misty's better half! You now have to earn my respect back and if that day ever comes you will be the first to know. It isn't tonight though. P.S. My heart will always go out to you for what happend to you and your family and I remember that first day you wanted a poly so you could clear your name and the police could take their focus off of you. Make a call to the ANTfarm and let them know why they should have done the same 400 days ago. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 4 days ago


Steve, we will never see that day from the Ant Farm. So please do not hold your breath, I would half to drive so fast and get a ticket to make sure you have CPR my friend. They will lie to the end, I have no doubt about it. JMo says: 4 days ago Ok, you guys will probably throw me off the ship, but here goes. I agree with Klass! Misty can ask for whatever she wants, but it was "irresponsible" for Tim to involve himself on that level. He should of left that to the police. He had no business doing that at all. I feel he exploited Misty and took advantage of her naivity. It seems he wanted to 'pull a padilla' to me. Sorry, but that's the way I see it. Sorry to disagree, but I understand perfectly where Klass is coming from. Now, I thought it was interesting to hear all the information about her brothers and their sickness. She is a child still herself, but obviously has been through a rough life of abuse too. What about the part where she says her brother whacked her in the head that night...what was that about?? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


JMo, Yes Misty says she has been threw a lot, but what did she learn Nothing she is right into the drugs herself. That is what I see as a child I was around a person that was a alcoholic, I learned what that is, and do not drink. She took the wrong road and from the looks of her she is still doing it. You have your right to your oppinion and I respect that. Misty is hiding something she knows more then she is telling in my oppinion. Misty is the one that asked Tim to help clear her name Time did not seek her out. In fact Tim paid for all the tests that was supposed to be like 1 hr, it cost Tim about 5 hrs. We are all here for discussion that is what the blog is for. And to find Justice for all the babies that are abused. :)

RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Taped Interviews To Be Released In Casey Anthony Case Friday, August 28, 2009 RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Misty's excuse I am only 17 is her answer for everything. Misty you felt you were responsible enough to get Married at 17 so grow up and do the responsible thing and tell the Truth!! Tired of the excuse you are only 17. Snoopy9318 profile image Snoopy9318 3 days ago


I'm right there with you, Rascal!! I was watching the interview with Misty and thinking, okay, you're 17 and you want to be considered an adult so that you can get married, but you want to be considered a child (because you are emotionally under developed) when you're asked to be a responsible adult and tell the truth? That's why there are laws about how old you have to be to get married. It makes me barf!! losingit says: 3 days ago Linn, you said that Haleigh's bed was made when the police got there. I didn't know this. That supports my theory that Haleigh never went to bed at all that night. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


I may be mistaken but I thought both beds were made, according to Ron. If this is true just who would stop and make beds with a child missing. If my child was missing I could care less if my beds were unmaid. JMo says: 3 days ago Yeah, didn't the person on the phone tell her not to touch anything? She is definitely keeping something, but I can't help but think its not intentional. I can't imagine that she could intentionally hide something this well from everyone. She's not that smart. I think either the drugs are playing a part or some sort of mental block. They need to give her a hypnosis drug that she can't fight against and then find out. She should submit to that. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Police: Missing 5-Year-Old Was Killed; Foster Parents Arrested Posted: 3:25 pm PDT August 28, 2009 Updated: 11:44 pm PDT August 28, JMo says: 3 days ago Two more pieces of garbage off the street Rascal. So sad. That little boy never had a chance. How could the mother leave him with a guy who hated him and didn't want to take care of him? I just don't get it. Did you all see where they found a sound proof room in the backyard compound where Duggard was kept? They also have tied him to 9 murders of women who they have now found all worked around his jobs. I believe they were prostitutes. They are finding evidence that he may of taken them there and sexually molested them (along with his wife), then killed them. SICK! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


JMo, Yes I did see that about the room and they thought he was involved with killing women in the area. Look at there picture. Jo and I were talking they look like they could be brother and sister. I thought the pic with long hair was him until I read the story. I really wonder if they are related and I do not mean by marriage. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Saturday Search for Haleigh Mike Adams Created: 8/29/2009 11:14:35 AM Updated: 8/29/2009 2:38:01 PM JMo says: 3 days ago What's the fake rose part about?? I guess she mentioned on her interview the two theories I believe...the family snuck in and took Haleigh OR those crazy brothers of hers did something to her. I think either one is believable. But isn't it strange that her brother was "putting his hands on misty that day"? Just the way she said it was so chilling. Like it was the norm and she hated it, but that's what has happened all her life. Maybe he took Haliegh to teach Misty a lesson or get back at her, who knows. This is so very bizarre. JMo says: 3 days ago Ok Mateys, here is a really strange theory, (we've seen some weird twisted things lately).... What if all that happened today, brought back bad memories for Misty, she then took Haliegh somewhere thinking she was protecting her from the brother and left her there. Then Haleigh really came up missing?

What if she is really a Huckabee in disguise? Is so sick from all of her crap growing up, that she has an alternate personality and did something to Haleigh, but is completely blocking it out of her mind? Strange, very strange, but could be true....look at the weirdness of the latest Duggard case. JMo profile image JMo says: 3 days ago Meant to say "what if all that happened that day" (at the trailer) Marie RN profile image Marie RN says: 3 days ago Hey, everybody - looks like everyone is well. Know I've been MIA for awhile, but just have to jump back in on this topic. I still think Misty locked Haliegh outside to punish her after she wet the bed. Misty said as much, and that she washed the sheets. When Misty was done making the bed, Haleigh was nowhere to be found - may have started walking to try to find her daddy when she couldn't get back into the house. I beleive her body is close to the trailer, if there is anything left. And for the record, I admit I was wrong about Casey being pregnant!! Thank God for that! JMo profile image JMo says: 3 days ago Marie, I like that theory. Sure explains the made up bed!!! Maybe she propped the door open so Haleigh could come back in when Misty called her. Maybe she's tellin the truth when she says she don't know who took her. She is absolutely connected to this somehow for sure. I thought Misty looked a little preggers in her interviews...hmmmm. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 3 days ago


Hi Marie, Gosh I have missed you on the blog, and your thoughts on these cases. How have you been it has been so long. :) losingit says: 3 days ago Question: Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh's disappearance? Answer: No Result: 99% deception Question: Do you know what happened to Haleigh? Answer: No Result: 99% deception Question: Do you know where Haleigh is now? Answer: No

Result: 95% Deception Question: Do you know who took Haleigh? Answer: No Result: 42% deception The only question she kind of passed was Do You know who took Haleigh. Maybe no one "took" her. But it looks like she knows where she is and what happened. She needs another test that asks if she hurt Haleigh or if Ron did, and then if they took her somewhere in the Van. I'm thinking there was blood on the blanket. Welcome back Marie. I hope you've been well. JMo profile image JMo says: 3 days ago Yeah, the Van is a key piece I think. She said it had a "big scratch down it like from a chain link fence" and "it had bushes and branches stuck in the headlight". Then she was wishy washy on the blood found in the Van. She said her brother had killed a deer and that might of been the blood that was found but she wasn't sure. I think she knows more about the Van than what she is saying. I really don't think she would of subjected herself to hypnosis and a lie detector or two if there was a chance that Ron would get caught, so I don't think he did it. I think it might be her brother or brothers, but because of the "possible drugs" or the "deep sleep" she was in, she just can't remember. The mind blocks very painful and abusive events. I was kidnapped as a child and to this day, I can't recall how long I was gone, who had me or anything. I can remember being taken and I can remember the cops and two guys going to jail and reuniting with my parents. But that is it. As an adult, they have told me that it was so painful for me, that I have blocked it, and I seriously can't tell you what happened. Hopefully they will get all the info out of Misty as to what she can remember. I found it interesting though that she mentions Crystal and her family as the first choice of where Haleigh is. linn says: 3 days ago Crystal was cleared by the police, yet Misty even more than Ron was always using Crystal. The kids loved Misty more than Crystal, They wanted Misty to marry Ron and be their mom. That was odd. What 5 and 4 year old even know much about someone getting married, much less just a couple months after meeting her? As for Tim Miller, HE did not give the poly to Misty, but a highly respected person known by him AND police gave it to her. She got furious and again started crying when told she flunked, miserably and stormed out of the hyponis *sp*.. Yet SHE requested he do these things. The reason Tim agreed and mentioned it to her before he would search is well, again I think because of the infamous Ant's. They lied and cost him thousands. No way did he want to go through it again, especially since the police keep saying Misty is not telling the truth. Who would want to waste their time, resources and money on someone who again, is lying? But Misty searched out Tim. Tim did NOT search out Misty. She could be a druggie mess, but I have known lots of them. The next day after sobering up, most DO remember what they did the night before. And if Junior was in the big bed, how did that get made too? Where was he? He was supposed to be asleep in the bed with Misty. Someone above, darn hate when I can't answer a specific person, but yes, they

disclosed Friday that Haleigh's bed was made. Never heard about Misty's bed, but why make that if Junior was in it? Even if he was in the living room at that point, why make the bed?? I have said from day one Misty is behind this, one way or another. linn says: 3 days ago JMo.. How HORRIBLE! Maybe it is just as well you cannot remember specifics? just glad you were one of the lucky ones brought back to your family! Marie, WELCOME BACK! linn says: 3 days ago CAPN STEVE 3 days ago


I hope that I do not offend anyone when I say Misty now knows that being F _ _ _ _ _ has more than one meaning! JMo profile image JMo says: 3 days ago Capn Steve, that's hysterical! Casey sure has learned that one the and is about to learn it all over again here soon. lol. Let's hope same for Misty. Gosh I wish something would break in this case. I keep thinking of Boulder - Jon Benet - never did find who killed her. At least they body with them.

hard way too thats not the the one in didn't take her

losingit says: 2 days ago JMo, thank goodness you were reunited with your family. Yeah, it wouldn't make sense for her to do the poly if Ron did something. Maybe her mind is truly blocking things out. JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago I wonder if she ever got therapy for all the sexual abuse she was subjected to? It was a bit eerie when she described it, like it was as common as putting on your shoes. You can tell she has been through a lot. Sounded like her entire family is screwed up with sexual abusers, drugs, alcohol and who knows what else. I bet they didn't like her on national camera airing all of their dirty laundry either. Now, I have to wonder why on earth would she risk doing that and having her family come after her, unless she really wants Haleigh found. Sounded like she doesn't care what anyone knows anymore about any of those family secrets. Something has to unblock her mind. Of course, maybe she is just as crazy as can be and is hiding that on purpose? Who knows, but at any rate, she does hold the key to it. Wonder if the 'fake rose' is a tatoo or something she saw? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


I am posting a link for all of our State Senators, I ask everyone to take the time to write to there Senator. Please take the time the babies and children are a gift from God, and the needless killing of them needs to stop. We were able to write and stop the Ants Book deal. Lets stop the killing, we need stricter laws. Thank you, Rascal JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago Great idea rascal. They need to quit letting these perverts out, too. JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago Great idea rascal. They need to quit letting these perverts out, too. JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago Uh oh, the double posting bug has got me. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


JMo, The goverment has clunkers let them vote ends, lets see if they challenge them to pass JMo profile image

bailed out the car makers, then doble dipped by buying the on something good for the children. This is where the buck can do something besides collect there benifits. I a law for the protection children.

JMo says: 2 days ago In one of the news cast I saw, the person asked what had been done to protect children. They said that there were two laws passed since Duggard went missing. The Adam law and one other. Why does it take that for people to protect their kids and to protect others! Once these people are caught, throw away the key, Period, end of story. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


JMo When a person Fractures a baby Skull from Burping it you do not send the kids back to be killed either. I agree throw the key away. Robert Manwill would be alive if the Court had not sent him on visitation to a abusive person. JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago

I think we can agree that someone who does something to a child is sick! I have posted this before, but mental illness is the least funded illness among the government. Even our lame insurance coverages only allow 20 visits a year for anything mentally related. Can you imagin if they did that for a heart illness or kidney illness? People will die. Limiting it for a brain illness, makes people get crazier. The brain is an organ just like the heart, lungs, etc. There is a stigma against mentally ill people. We want to ignore them and hope they go away. Instead, some of them commit horrendous crimes of sexual abuse, murder, rape, robbery, etc.. (as opposed to dying with their disease). Our prisons are overcrowded with them, as the judge has no where else to send them and no one wants to deal with them. Recidivism is high due to this. Ok, so anyway,... I would like to hear the defense's arguments as to 'where Caylee was hangin out' up until the time Casey went to jail, since they think someone killed Caylee and dumped her after that? Did Bozo and Bimbo forget the sequence of events? They have to be the dumbest lawyers I have ever seen in my life. They go to the level of Idiot. How embarrassing for them. JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago Do they think that 'someone moved the decomposed body' from the trunk, hid it somewhere and then got it again when Casey went to jail and hid it....whaaaat??? That's not only stupid, it's absurd and unrealistic. What could they possibly be trying to do?? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


Like someone moved the body and hid it, hell we know it was in the trunk. They are idots. JMo profile image JMo says: 2 days ago Ooops, looks like that slipped their mind when they opened their mouth...maybe they are taking lessons from Casey..ha ha. linn says: 2 days ago I watch a lot of Law * Even on the show you see the frustration of when LE lets out a child molester, only days later to find he did it again. Personally, child molesters should NEVER get out. If nothing else, house all of them in houses. Prison type houses. No release, out in the boondocks somewhere, no TV, no magazines, if they are allowed computers, no way to access anything but the weather or books and block all kids sites. That way they are all together, under guard, for LIFE. Even in jail they can be coddled. Kept away from other prisoners, allowed visitors, etc. As for the Crazy's attorneys, this is also on Law & Order all the time. They will do anything to get that ONE person that made it to the jury but never should have to find the idiot defendant innocent. Also to confuse the jury. They will be like silly string at her hearings. Maybe SANTA did it! While delivering presents, he dropped Caylee in that swamp. They will do anything to get off their guily client

free for fame and fortune. They can care less about Caylee and justice. They care no more than the Ants do! They all make me sick Marie RN profile image Marie RN says: 2 days ago thanks, everyone, for the warm welcome back! It has been so long that Jigsaw is ready to be weaned from his mother! I'm wondering if Casey is going to try to blame Cindy, or bring her in some way. The way she is avoiding her eyes in court... CAPN STEVE 2 days ago


CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To Chula Vista Little League. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


CAPN STEVE I half to say those kids deserved to win. Congrats!!! Chula Vista Little League Winner of the Little League WORLD SERIES. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat 2 days ago


Experts Discuss Casey Anthony’s Court Appearance jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 2 days ago Twisted has a new post: Check out the comparison pics of Casey. One is the day she was arrest after the grand jury indictment & the other is from April, taken of her walking into court. JMo profile image JMo says: 31 hours ago I'd like to see her in that 'hot body' contest now! lol. I think her weight gain could be due to lack of drugs too. Nordie profile image Nordie says: 30 hours ago Good afternoon shipmates. Sorry I haven't been around for awhile. My plate runneth over. Tomorrow morning is my mom's back surgery, so please send lots of positive light her way. A man by the name of Mark Williams was doing a radio interview and said this about

Casey: Mark Williams "She (Cassy) Banged like a screen door" Now Rascal, that should give you some graphic ideas. Capn and all in Cally, hope you are safe from the fires and the ash. Blessings. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 28 hours ago Crisco Kid, has put a request in for her last meal,it is not Crab Puffs from the Ritz! CAPN STEVE says: 27 hours ago The fires are real bad. I can't see any but the air is horrible. They can even smell it as far as Idaho I heard. No baseball practice today!! JMo profile image JMo says: 27 hours ago Banged like a screen that's freakin funny stuff. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 27 hours ago Steve, good idea keep the kids out of that air. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 27 hours ago Crisco Kid, Banged like a screen door, lol All I can say is she was used to being Banged. That would be a thrill for her. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 26 hours ago Steve, I can remebber seeing the fires on year in Ventura, they were on top of the ridge. I had to put the top up on my new convertable the ashes were blowing in. It is scary, I can see where the fires are and tg they are not close to you. But I also see we lost some decitated Fire Fighters that is sad. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 26 hours ago This you tube video is hysterical! Tribute to kathi Belich by justfoolingaround2. kathi Belich foils Bozo, Casey & Cindy jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says: 25 hours ago Link for Scared Monkeys Radio show. Dana Pretzer talks with guest, Mark Williams, Clint Van Zandt, Robin Sax & Darren Karinoky. Scroll down to August 30th & click on Audio MP3 to listen. This is Sunday nights radio show where Mark Williams coined the phrase "she bangs like a screen door". RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 23 hours ago Sindy says Crisco Kid looks good! lol JMo profile image JMo says: 19 hours ago When will the perverts ever learn??? jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 19 hours ago JMo, No they never learn! Glad to see the US goverment going after these guys. I wish Joran Van der Sloot was a U.S. citizen so ICE could get him for trying to get those girls in Thailand to go to Holland to dance, when he was actually selling them into prostitution. RE: Scared Monkeys radio show Robin Sax (former CA deputy DA) theory on why Florida prosecutors put the DP back on the table for CA. " They've either confirmed or dispelled some of the other theories or found a 100% link to the crime". Mark Williams (WNDB Radio Daytona Beach) Besides for his great phrase "banged like a screen door" talked about Richard Grund. He said that Mr. Grund was also an actor in addition to being a minister. He appeared on several episodes of Miami Vice back in the early 1980's. He referred to the Anthony family media blitz as "the save me tour". losingit says: 17 hours ago Hello friends. Thanks to all who posted the interesting links and work so hard on board here. There's something that has always bothered me, but I don't think we've discussed. Why haven't we ever really heard about what happened the night of the 15th? Why have I heard in great detail what they were wearing on the 16th, but no one has ever talked about the eve before? I think the neighbor heard a fight. In depo Cindy said there was no fight, but I've never heard G or C say that Casey and baby went to bed that night and everything was fine. I'm sure LE has questioned them about it. Why have we never seen or heard anything about this very important time period? G can give a time and describe everything in detail about the next day. Why do I not know what time Casey arrived home, when Caylee went to bed, when

Casey went to bed, etc about the night of the 15th? JMo profile image JMo says: 16 hours ago Well, they avoid that subject like the plague! It's so sad that they are putting more effort in fighting the system, than they ever spent looking for Caylee! Doesn't Sindy realize yet that "Casey hated her more than she ever loved Caylee"? Even her own mother said it! Wake up Sindy and quit promoting the Save Me Tour! JMo profile image JMo says: 15 hours ago Look up Trevor Lucas, 21. What a freak! Tried to kill a child by pretending to be a cop. Then Baby Cecil (John Anthony Frasier) only 10 weeks old, dumped on the side of the road. Homicide....father arrested?? RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 7 hours ago Florida Bar clears Casey Anthony’s lawyer of ethics charges JMo profile image JMo says: 6 hours ago Fight harder to prove Casey is innocent? Is he for real? What a nut case Baezhole is. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 6 hours ago BIAAAAZ speaking for the Ream Team JMo profile image JMo says: 6 hours ago {I have to get Lyingass to the airport on time, or I will get my butt handed to me.} {Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?] Did he really make those two stupid statements? JMo profile image JMo says: 6 hours ago Well, one thing for sure, Lyingass better not wear white after Labor Day. She will be the talk of the south for sure. Why, if you are an amazon woman, would you wear white in the first place, especially a jacket that is 5 sizes too small and can't

even hardly button without pulling the material and button, then to top it off with a big floral flaring skirt and cheap white sandals? Does this woman own a full length mirror?? LOL RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 hours ago Crisco Kid is teaching amazon woman how to pop the buttons in the front, Crisco Kid thinks that looks sexy I guess. lol JMo, do you actually want her to look at herself in a mirrow? She might scare herself. hehe RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 84 minutes ago This inmate really need to take his meds, second letter to Court. Do I say Wacko now! His first letter, guess he can not count either. Inmate Writes Letter To Judge In Casey Case Posted: 2:16 pm EDT September 1, 2009 RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 50 minutes ago Something is really strange we have not had the new docs loaded for us to see. Doe's anyone else think this is strange? I a wondering if they are working on a plea deal for Crisco Kid, I do not know why I have this feeling but I sure do. Wednesday Morning profile image Wednesday Morning 19 seconds ago


Cleaning house.... Ready or not, here I come....

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