Nov 2009 News

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Robertson School Newsletter “A community of learners—working together” Robertson School 550 Robertson Street Winnipeg, MB R2X 2C4 Ph: 589-4745 Fax: 589-7293

Robertson Roadrunners

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE How do we learn? How many of you have ever taken up a new sport? Depending on your athletic ability, age or desire, it can be a wonderful or trying experience. I remember a few years ago when I took up the game of golf. Thinking about my learning of this new sport, helped me compare this experience to a child learning in school. When students can see the goal (the flag on the green) it makes learning so much easier. Teachers help students to learn with the goal in mind. Also, students work in a classroom with others but their own success rests on the efforts they put in and what they are able to produce. Just like on the golf course, you see many golfers and they are all at various stages of knowing the game. We all learn at different rates and some seem to be “naturals” and others struggle a bit more. Some are better at putting, hitting on the fairways or driving (or driving the cart!). As I golfed game after game, the little compliments from others plus my successes gave me the confidence to keep trying. Sometimes plans had to change due to the weather or other things so I learned to adapt. In a big school, being flexible and realizing that sometimes changes have to occur is an important life lesson. Robertson staff and students work very hard at being the best they can be and each day, successes are evident. Even though sometimes the game of learning is trying, sticking to the game plan and persevering will make us all get the hole in one! The end of October marked the end of our CAP testing – one of the many assessment methods that teachers use to address the learning needs of our students. As a collaborative team, our teachers, resource teachers and educational assistants work to promote a love of learning, develop academic skills and foster responsible behaviour for all Robertson School students. The report cards for the first term will report on your child’s CAP testing results. We also welcome you all to the Parent/Teacher conferences taking place on November 26th and November 27th. We encourage everyone to attend this very important occasion in your child’s life. They are so excited to have you meet their teacher and share with you what they have learned. Thank you parents, for your unending support of Robertson School and for all you do to strengthen our home and school connection. You play a huge role in the education of your children.

This year we have a new Parent Room in room 148. Parents have the opportunity to connect with others, learn new ways to help your children learn, borrow parenting resources and much more. There are also sessions that are planned for parents and children so please check out the room and read more about it in the newsletter. We would like to welcome some new staff members. Welcome to Sharon Penner who will be working with our EAL students and to Christine Bartley who will be teaching in room 103 for Mrs. Green who will be away on maternity leave. On November 10th at 11:00 we will have a Remembrance Day Service in the school. Students will have an opportunity at this time to remember those who gave their lives so that we could live in the wonderful, free country of Canada. Parents / Guardians are welcome to attend. On November 2nd school is closed so that our staff can be involved in the North District Professional Development Day. Teachers will work with our consultants on our ELA priorities. On Wednesday, November 25th we will have the wonderful opportunity to have the Royal Winnipeg Ballet perform in the school. I know students will thoroughly enjoy The Concert Hour Ballet starting at 2:00 p.m. Please mark your calendars - Thursday, December 10th at 7:00 p.m. will be the Official Opening of the addition and newly renovated school. We are inviting our Robertson School community to attend. Have a wonderful autumn and enjoy the beauty of nature. Pam Ball PARKING REMINDER

Please make sure that you do not park in the no parking / no stopping areas in front of the school. Parking patrols have informed us that they will be ticketing people who park in illegal areas or too close to stop signs. The safety of our children comes first!


Patrols should have received their patrol cards by now. If they have not they need to see Mr. Sabatini as soon as possible. The patrol cards allow patrols to receive some very interesting offers. The Patrol benefits can be found on the web at: On Saturday, October 24th , the patrols were offered a free movie, “Monsters Vs Aliens”, at Silver City, St. Vital . The patrols will also enjoy a field trip to Wheelies Rollerskating rink. This will happen on November 17th in the morning. Patrols will ride a school bus and enjoy a morning of fun for all their hard work and commitment. Patrols please dress warmer now that the weather is getting colder. As always, be on time and be safe. Mr. Sabatini Mrs. Olson Patrol Supervisors

When dropping off or picking up children at 9:00 a.m. and 3:25p.m., please, DO NOT PARK TOO CLOSE TO THE INTERSECTIONS. Parking too close to the intersections is causing a hazard to the patrols who are trying to cross the students safely. These areas need to remain clear so that our patrols can visibly see traffic coming and cross your children safely.

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Physical Education News . . . . . With activity now underway in our new gym, it is great to see a large number of students in the grade 3 – 6 classes changing into proper clothing for physical activity. This is one of the many positive results that the new facility has brought to our school. Also, the new change rooms have added to the activity time that now occurs in each class. With the onset of our colder weather, please be reminded that all students need to have an indoor pair of runners at the school for phys. ed. classes.

Intramural Activities Intramural soccer finished up during the last week of October. After poor weather at the start of the schedule, which led to some indoor games, the conditions improved with most of the games being played outdoors. Students exhibited excellent fair play and effort during the contests. Interested students in grades 4, 5 and 6 have been put on to eight teams for intramural volleyball. It will begin in early November with games played from 3:35 to 4:00. A permission form with dates of all games will be sent home soon. We will be using some modified rules of mini-volleyball for this activity and it will be non-competitive with no scores being kept in games.

Interschool Activities (School Teams) The next interschool activities will be 1) volleyball, which will begin in January for grade 5 and 6 students, and 2) speed skating in early February for interested gr. 4 – 6 students. Soccer took place during the first week of October. Unfortunately, due to wet weather, the Gr. 6 girls and boys tournaments were cancelled. The Gr. 5’s were luckier though, and did play in their tournaments but they had to withstand some cold and windy temperatures. Congratulations to the following participants: Elaisah C Stephanie S Joanne F Caitlynn S Ajay N Corinne W Jocelyn K Rey Ann C Siera T Samantha G Ivy D Anjelica M Bianca P Valeri K Daisy L Ashley F Cora M Shaira N Shyla F Madison S

Jake R Kyle D Kalin S Sam B Zubair M Jerome R Matthew D Gabriel E Francis Y Reid I Jorwen D Gage B Errol M Dominic M Ryan H Harrison T Tyler W Isaac B Leo P Ethan C Patrick A William G

Electra B Pauline C Raeven F Cassidy S Meagan G Daanis D Nikka D Taylor G Jessica K Rhea H Breanna T

Kobie A Wesley B Miguel B Paolo B Chaise C Ryan J Evan J Brennan K CJ R Cole S Justin P Patrick O Kirk B Landen P Totoy C Luc S Tony K

Mr. Brent Stacey Physical Education Teacher Page 3

November News from Mrs. Le Grand Two months have passed and our music program is swinging along. The sounds of recorders, singing voices, musical games, Halloween songs and rocking rhythms are flowing out of room 131. There are 114 voices in the grade 4-6 choir and 45 voices in The Robertson Singers. Both choirs are rehearsing for upcoming performances. We are looking forward to having more room to perform in our new gym. Upcoming Performances Remembrance Day Assembly: Tuesday, November 10, 11:00 a.m. Performances by Grade 4-6 choir and Grade 3 choir St. Joseph’s Residence: Wednesday, December 9, 1:30 p.m. This will be the 9th year that The Robertson Singers will be performing for the residents. It is a wonderful experience for the students as well as the seniors. Grand opening: Thursday, December 10, 7:00 p.m. Performance by Grade 4-6 Choir Winter Concerts Grade 1-6 Classes Wednesday, December 16 and Thursday, December 17, 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Performance day for specific classes will be in the December newsletter. Nursery and Kindergarten Wednesday, December 16, 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. More information to follow in December.

December 10th

7:00 p.m.

Please mark your calendars for this very special evening…..

For this special occasion, government representatives, Public Schools Finance Board representatives, the architect and general contractor, our superintendents and trustees, as well as many other dignitaries, will be present. A program of events for the evening is being prepared and we look forward to a very special evening with the plaque unveiling and ribbon cutting. All are welcome to attend.

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Hello everyone! Get ready for some out-of-this-world excitement with Scholastic Book Fairs’ Galaxy of Books! You’ll go where no reader has gone before as you explore the coolest array of books in the cosmos! We’ll be launching this stellar reading celebration in our brand new library during our Parent/Teacher Conferences, November 26 and 27. During the week, your child will have a chance, with their class, to review the books we have. They will fill out a Wish List of some of the items they may be interested in getting. Just visit the Fair with your family and you could win FREE BOOKS! This is one far-out event you won’t want to miss! Can’t wait to see you there! Lisa Graham Scholastic Book Fair Chairperson

Plastic Bag Roundup Challenge 2009 In the fall of 2008, 89 elementary schools collected over 450,000 plastic bags for recycling into Frisbees for their schools. This year Robertson School is meeting the challenge! The second annual Plastic Bag Roundup Challenge will occur November 4 through November 13. Robertson students will be helping to REDUCE, REUSE and REMANUFACTURE. How it works: 1) Staff and students bring as many plastic shopping bags as possible to school for recycling. 2) Ensure that all bags are clean, empty and turned inside out. 3) Grade 6 students in room 105 are in charge of counting the bags as they come in. 4) The bags will be collected by BFI Canada after November 13. 5) The bags will then be remanufactured and 50 Frisbees will be delivered to our school. *Remember, send your clean, empty plastic shopping bags to school Nov. 4 - 13.

Block Parents are at work every day, helping to make your community safer for everyone - especially children.

For more information on how to become a Block Parent contact your local police or call 284-7562. Page 5

Emergency Procedures – Severe Weather Conditions In the event it is necessary to close the schools on a given day because of severe weather conditions, the following procedures will apply: The decision to close the schools will be made by the Chief Superintendent in consultation with the Chair of the Board. Students, staff and parents should listen carefully to the radio for the announcement. The announcement will be broadcast over the following radio stations: CBC CJOB CBC - French The Team 1290 and CHIQ-Q94 FM CKY 58 and 92 CITI FM BOB 99.9 FM CKMM HOT 103 and CFQX 104 FM

Dear Parents, If you have any used winter clothing (boots, mitts or gloves, hats, scarves, jackets, ski pants, etc.) in good condition, which you no longer use or need, please consider sending these items (washed please) to the school for use here. Thanks for your help. It is greatly appreciated.

ALLERGY ALERT! We have a number of children at Robertson School who have a severe allergy to peanuts, nuts and fish. Even exposure to a tiny amount of these items could be very serious and life threatening. We can all play a role in preventing such a dangerous and frightening situation at school. Although our children who have severe nut allergies and their families must take responsibility to avoid exposure to nuts and nut products, Robertson School staff, other children and their families can also help to make the Robertson School environment safer.

• • • •

Please check the list of ingredients on items you send to school. Avoid sending peanuts or items containing nuts with your child to school. Discourage your child from sharing lunch or snack foods at school. Teach your children to respect this very serious situation: discourage teasing or threatening of children with serious allergies.

Please realize how important your cooperation is, even though it may seem like an inconvenience for you. We thank you for your cooperation. Pam Ball

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Robertson School Newsletter


. . . . . from the Nurse

Dear Robertson Community, Our students are collecting aluminum cans to help fund raise for upcoming activities. Please drop off any cans at the white bucket just outside of Room 136. Bags of cans are also accepted.


Last year we raised over $180.00 from the aluminum cans which were turned in. The money went towards grade 6 camp fees. Thank you for your support. The students and staff of Room 136

Winter can be a wonderful time for play. Participating in winter sports will help keep the whole family healthy, but injuries can spoil the fun. Here’s how to keep kids safe during winter play. Clothing for outdoor play: All winter activities require warm, dry clothing. To prevent frostbite, children should be dressed in warm clothes, including: • • • • •

a hat. (warm, close-fitting and covering the ear lobes; not a “fashion” hat or baseball cap) mittens. Gloves do not keep hands warm as effectively as mittens. loose layers. (an absorbent synthetic fabric next to skin, a warmer middle layer and a water resistant/repellent outer layers) socks. A single pair of socks, either wool or a wool blend [with silk or polypropylene] is better than cotton, which offers no insulation when wet. Avoid extra thick socks as they can cause cold feet by restricting blood flow and air circulation around the toes. boots. Be sure boots are dry and not too tight.

The United Way Koats for Kids program will be providing free warm coats, jackets and snowsuits to Winnipeg children and families again this year. This year, we hope to have good quality winter outerwear for children available by early November. Members of the public are invited now to drop good quality used children’s winter outerwear at any Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Station or Perth’s locations in the city. The clothing will be cleaned and made available free of charge for distribution through schools, day cares and other community organizations which work with children and families. For ordering coats, if they are needed, parents may call the school at 589-4745 or the Koats for Kids line at 586-5628 and place orders which can be picked up at the school. Page 7

Robertson School Newsletter

Another volunteer orientation session will be offered by Carmen Court on Friday, November 13 at 9 a.m. in room 148 for any volunteers who were unable to attend the previous sessions. Letters will be sent out to all who registered to be a new volunteer in September. If you did not get a letter and would like to attend the orientation, please contact Nancy Adkins in room 148. All are welcome to attend.

Thank you so very much to all of our new volunteers who attended orientation sessions with our Volunteer Coordinator, Carmen Court. Some of us also attended the Fine Motor Program In-service and volunteers are already utilizing this knowledge when working with students. Many of our new volunteers are busy helping out our classrooms with small group centre work, home reading organization, preparing and organizing classroom materials, small group work with math, and helping in the library and book room. We really appreciate your involvement and assistance by volunteering in our school and your children love having you here! Family Room Our Family Room located in 148 continues to be a busy place. Many families are taking advantage of the opportunity to visit our room, meeting other parents in the community, sharing ideas, tea, coffee and snacks. Their children are enjoying the books and toys and look forward to seeing each other. It has become quite a gathering place for parents and children, especially at the beginning and end of the day. Feel free to join us, even if your children are older and more independent. *There are lots of books, toys, games and computers. The Family Room is available for everyone, - not just the little ones. We look forward to seeing you soon.

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Robertson School Newsletter

You’re Invited to a “Parent Drop-In” Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. beginning November 12th in Room 148 – The Parent Centre

Coffee and Snacks! Plus, a Weekly Door Prize!! Come and listen, or talk with other parents. Share your ideas about topics for future drop-in sessions.

Look forward to seeing you on November 12th!

HOW TO READ WITH YOUR CHILD This programs provides instruction on how to read with and assist your children in developing literacy skills. It is being offered Friday mornings from 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in Room 148 by Nancy Adkins, Early Years Support Teacher. An afternoon session will be offered next time. (Feel free to bring your children).

All are welcome - see you then!

Parent and Three-Year-Old Child Play Group This program, for 3 year-olds and their parents will begin on Tuesday, November 17th in the Family Room 148. This is an opportunity for parents and children who are three years old to get to know each other and provide learning opportunities in readiness for Nursery School next year. Nancy Adkins, the Early Years Support Teacher, will facilitate this Play Group. If interested, please complete the following form and return it to Robertson School and we will be in touch with you. Parent’s name________________________________________________________ Child’s name_______________________________Birthday_____________ Name’s of Sibling(s) in School______________________________________________

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Robertson School Newsletter

Full Time Lunch Program Fees for NOVEMBER are Now Due. 1 Child - $23.00 * 2 Children -$41.00 * 3 Children - $50.00 Part Time Daily Fees Send $2.00 Daily *Everyone who attends the lunch program must fill out a blue registration form and pay the $5.00 cash registration fee. * Please mark all envelopes: Lunch Program, Student’s Name, Room #, Date.

Special Lunch Hour Activities Please do not send a warm up on the days that your child is in choir, dance or any other lunch hour activity. Substitute Lunches Lunch Program provides a substitute lunch for students who forget or do not bring a lunch. A note is sent home the day that the student received the lunch. It then needs to be signed and returned with $1.00 the following day. Spoons Please remember to pack a spoon in your child’s lunch. We give out too many spoons during the lunch hour. A suggestion is to pack a bunch of spoons in a small snack bag and keep it in their lunch kit. PEANUT / NUT & SEAFOOD FREE SCHOOL There are students who come to our school who have severe life threatening allergies to either PEANUTS, NUTS or SEAFOOD, so we are reminding you not to send these in your child’s lunches. Notes Students who are full time in the lunch program and will not be staying for lunch on a certain day need a note or give a verbal consent from a parent or guardian. If they don’t have a note or consent they will not be able to leave the school. Warm-ups Please try not to send warm-ups every day. All food must be pre-cooked. (No raw meats or noodles). Thank you for all you cooperation Lunch program coordinators, Sherry Bednarski & Cindy Griffin

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Robertson School Newsletter


550 Robertson Street


Dear Parents/Guardians, Well, it’s hard to believe we are going into our third month of school. Parent Council has been busy with the first fundraiser of the year, the Dieleman catalogue fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who took part in this fundraiser. I would like to thank everyone who volunteered for our Community BBQ. It was a great success. This event can not take place without the many people who volunteer their time. Our Community BBQ will be held again in June 2010, the normal time of year for this event, so if you missed out on the first one you will have another chance to see what it’s all about. I would also like to thank Cindy Griffin who has become the Hot Lunch Coordinator. This is a huge responsibility and she is doing a great job. For those of you who are empty on your Mom’s Pantry stock, we are planning on sending out our order forms for Mom’s Pantry during the month of November. Although Mom’s Pantry does raise funds for the school, Parent Council runs this more for the many people in the school who thoroughly enjoy their product and need to stock up before Christmas. Our next Parent Council meeting is November 18th at 6:30 p.m. in the library. We do have sitters available if you need to bring your child/ren. We would like to see some new faces and ideas so please consider coming out and enjoying the evening with us.

Sincerely, Bonnie Janzen #589-4745

Sincerely, Bonnie Janzen #338-3297

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Robertson School Newsletter

IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Dec. 10 - Official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - 7:00 p.m. Dec. 16 - (1 - 6) Winter Concert 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Dec. 16 - N & K Concert 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Dec. 17 - (1 - 6) Winter Concert 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Dec. 18 - Last day of classes

Robertson Roadrunners

Mon Day 3

WINTER BREAK Dec. 21/09 - Jan. 3/10 Tue



Day 4


Day 3


Day 5




Day 6


Day 1



Day 4


Day 5


NO CLASSES Inservice Day

Day 2



THE JUNGLE BOOK GR. 1/2 10:00 A.M.

Day 6


Remembrance Day Service 11:00 a.m.

Day 1


Patrols to Wheelies 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Day 5 REPORT



Day 4


Day 6


Room 153 CLOSED - all day


Day 2


Day 3


Day 4


Day 2


Day 3


Parent Council Meeting 6:30 p.m.

Day 1


Ballet performance in the gym 2:00 p.m.


at 2:55 p.m. Parent/Teacher Conferences

NO CLASSES Parent/Teacher Conferences

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