Puma News Nov 2009

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Go Pumas!!!

The LPS-Richmond PUMA Newsletter


Issue 1, Volume 2

ADMINISTRATION: Shawn Benjamin: Principal Jesse Madway: Dean of Students Leroy Gaines: Academic Dean Shree Ram: Intervention Counselor Julia Hollinger: Curriculum Coach Ximena Montes: School Manager Sara Wolfe: Enrollment & Outreach Andy Hatcher: Campus Supervisor Vanessa Barrios: College Counselor

TEACHERS: Vinicio Merlino: Biology John Mullen: Chemistry CJ Cretien: Physics Peter Baer: English Van Lac: English Lizzy Gore: English Sara Frymore: English Sara Wolfe: Academic Leadership Victor Aguilera: History Adam Kondonijakas: History Korey Whitfield: Histroy Arminda King: Math Chris Rozeville: Math Sophia Thomas: Math Dana Loebman: Math Josh Cristantiello: Spanish Julia McKinnon: Spanish Felicia Cinquegrana: Art Kathryn Shirtzer: Resource Taylor Garland: Resource / Math Julie Christensen: Reading

Note from the Principal Dear Families, Welcome to the 2009-2010 school year. We are excited to continue our work in preparing our students for college and life beyond high school. As you know, this is a very big responsibility and one that we do not take lightly. We believe our parents are a key part of the process and we look forward to serving you and working with you throughout the school year. The more involved you can be with your child's education, whether this is making sure they are doing their homework to attending school to passing all of their classes, the more successful your student will be at LPS Richmond and in college. A new aspect of our school this year is that students will be receiving final grades at the end of the semester. A student will have 2 final grades of record, one for the fall semester and one for the spring. The first semester ends on January 23rd and the other on June 10th. You will receive your child's grades in the mail 4 times a year during the week of October 26, January 25, April 12th, and June 11. Please note that the Oct and April report cards are progress reports and the January and June ones are final grades. In addition, this year you can access your students' grades anytime on-line if you have computer access. We sent home instructions earlier this year on how to do this. If you did not receive one, or need help with the process, please contact us in the main office at 510 235 4522. Finally, I look forward to seeing you at our next PGA meeting on December 7 at 6pm in the cafeteria. Sincerely, Ms. Benjamin

PGA Announcements The Next Parent/Guardian Association Meeting will be on Monday, December 7 at 6pm in our cafeteria. REMEMBER: When you come, your child receives a Free Dress Pass!!

Important Dates to Remember!!!! • • •

Wednesday, November 11: No School November 26 & 27: Thanksgiving Break! No School Monday, December 6: PGA Meeting (6:00pm

For more info visit: www.LPSrichmondpumas.com * phone: 510-235-4522 * Fax: 510-588-4593

College Column

Our School Community

College Center Updates! Seniors are in the process of applying to college! Please encourage your child and contact me if you have questions regarding fee waivers, scholarships, college applications or if you would like AB540 information!

The Peer Listening Program at LPS Richmond is beginning again this

Last month I took a couple seniors to the University of the Pacific for a campus visit. The trip was a huge success with the help of Mercedes Guerra, a LPS parent! I am looking for parent volunteers to help out with transportation so that we can take more students on campus trips! If you are interested please call me (510) 235-4522 ext. 407.

Salazar. We will be starting the application process and traning in late

Every week university and college recruiters visit LPS and provide our students with campus information! Please encourage your child to attend the informational sessions! The next one is the University of San Francisco on Monday, November 9th! Save the Date! Senior Application Blitz – Saturday, November 14th, 10 am 11th Grade College Night! – Wednesday, December 2nd, 6:00pm 10th Grade College Night! – Wednesday, January 13th, 6:00pm 9th Grade College Night! – Wednesday, January 27th, 6:00pm 12th Grade Financial Aid Workshop! – Saturday, January 16th, 10am College Night and Financial Aid Workshop are for students and their parent/guardian!

______________________ _

Fall. Peer Listeners represent all grade levels and are trained to listen to their peers discuss personal issues or challenges confidentially

and without judgment. Peer Listening takes place during Advisory and Enrichment. Our returning Peer Listeners are: Stephanie

Anguiano, Jeanette Munoz, Llanet Perez, Uciel Salazar, and Maria

October for new Peer Listeners. We look forward to bringing in new students to join this dedicated group!

Remember, you can now look at your student's grades on the internet, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Please call the Main Office and we can give you the information you need to help you understand how your child is doing in school.

RICHMiNDS The RICHMINDS after school program started strongly this year. Our music class in particular is excited about the release of its first CD. Next year we look forward to offering even more after school classes and clubs. Practice for boys soccer and girls volleyball will start in the fall also. Stay tuned for further announcements.

________________________________________ Enrollment Update •


Our grade class for the 2010-2011 is already filling up fast. We are almost half way full! If you know an 8th grader who wants to attend LPS next year, they MUST turn in an application soon. Please call Ms. Wolfe at 510235-4522 ext. 401 for an application.

We Need Your Support!!!

PLEASE RATE OUR SCHOOL AT: www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_school/ca/12278 For more info visit: www.LPSrichmondpumas.com * phone: 510-235-4522 * Fax: 510-588-4593

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