Lpumc News & Views-nov 2009

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If you are HIV+ or have AIDS, or are the friend or loved one of a person who is HIV+ or has AIDS, you ARE welcome at LPUMC!

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2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314.771.9214

A church without walls, creating a visible sign of Christ’s presence in our urban community and beyond

Happenings at LPUMC

Were You Smarter Than a Youth?

Turkey Dinner Nov. 7 Walking Home Nov. 14

CHARIS Concert Nov. 21

LPUMC News & Views– October 2009

Nov. 14 Progressive Dinner Nov. 21 CHARIS Concert

9:00am Adult Sunday School


On the Web www.lp-umc.org

St. Louis, MO Permit No. 2950


A monthly publication of Lafayette Park United Methodist Church ◊ November 2009

Progressive Dinner Nov. 14

Save the Date…

Join us this Sunday…

8:00am Family Friendly Service

Nov. 7 Turkey Dinner Nov. 21 Youth Service Project

Youth and Kids Sunday School

10:00am Traditional Worship 11:00am Fellowship Hour (fellowship hall)

News & Views

Non-Profit U.S. Postage

Page 12

As a people of faith, we recognize the diversity of people created in the image of God.

We welcome to this congregation people of any age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, health status, and any element of humanity created by God.


News & Views

Youth Service Project Nov. 21

First row: Bridgette, Jonah, Malcolm. Back Row: Grace, Chad, Kelly, Jacob. Photo by Scott Thomas

This Issue Wilder View 2

Check It Out 4

Earth Care Column 4

Juarez Mission Trip 6

If you were at church the last Sunday of October, you might have seen lime green shirts in service and fellowship. Who is wearing them? It is our youth, The Gospel Rockers! On October 17, we held out first Trivia Night, “Are You Smarter than a Youth”? The Rockers were very excited about this event, as this was a fundraiser for WOW. This event was fun and exciting. The great thing is to see our youth excited about what is going on in the Youth Group. We raised over $1,300 at this event. The night was emceed by Cassie Coleman and Katherine Heugatter, members of the God Squad. The Gospel Rockers wish to thank Cassie and Katherine

not only for helping out with the Trivia Night, but also by bringing stories of fun and bonding about their “God Squad” days. We hope that everyone had fun. WOW is a yearly event hosted by the Missouri Conference for our youth. Just as the adults have a yearly conference meeting, so the youth of our congregations also have this yearly time. The event for 2010 will be in Springfield Missouri on January 23-24. Watch for more events where the Gospel Rockers will be involved; from service projects to having fun in Christ. The Gospel Rockers would like to thank everyone for all their support and encouragement. (Continued on page 8)

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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LPUMC News & Views

CHURCH CONTACTS Church Office Hours Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 314-771-9214 Pastor Rev. Kathleen Wilder [email protected] Associate Pastor Sharon Kichline [email protected] Church Secretary Maria Lawrence M-F 9:00 a.m. - Noon [email protected] Newsletter Editor Elena Greene [email protected] Newsgroup http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lpumc WebMaster Chris Finley [email protected]

From the . . . It is the beginning of the holiday season…a time when people think about going home. Through our ministry at The Bridge, I find myself thinking about home, and what actually is home. I have had conversations with guests about home. For some, it is a physical place where their family lives. Others think of home as the community where they were raised, and some consider home to be where they are at the present moment. There is something really powerful about the feeling of being home. For most, it is a place that is safe, nurturing, and hopefully full of love. One of the most joyful aspects of serving our ministry at the Bridge is being able to help many people go home. Whether thru helping

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Preschool Director Edna Coleman [email protected]

Youth Director Chad Johnson [email protected]

Young Adult Minister Aaron Ban [email protected]

News & Views Editor Elena Greene

with transportation home, or providing referrals to places which provide transitional housing, or helping women escape a domestic violence situation and find safety in a new home, helping people go home is exciting! This past month, our Juarez team built a new home for Jesus, Carmen, Jonathan, Candy, and Jose. I hope you hear some of the wonderful stories they have about how important it was to this family to help them build their home. Both Jesus and Carmen (husband and wife) worked along side of our team to build their home. Jesus took off two days of work. On the third day he worked from 8 am to 1 pm, dashed off to the factory where he worked a ten hour shift at his factory job. After returning

• • • •

Newsletter Production Bob & Jeris Beane

• •

Sunday Bulletin Production Betty Disbennett Mary Disbennett

Thank you to Charlie Lawrence for taking all of the church’s fire extinguishers to have them cleaned and serviced. We are a safer church because of it! All those who helped unload the pumpkins and build our wonderful Pumpkin Patch Our Gospel Rockers Youth Group and youth leadership for a great evening of Trivia Katherine Heugatter and Cassie Coleman for sharing their youth group memories with us George B. Groves for a wedding save To our Juarez team for taking us with them to Juarez and bring Juarez back to us Those who supported our Juarez team Chris Kinder for taking us to the Habitat for Humanity UMC urban build To all who helped work shifts at the pumpkin patch

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

October 2009

Page 11

Sharing Time with Sharon: “Thanks”— “Thanks”—giving Dear Church, It’s that time of year again. Time to begin thinking about sending my letter. Most of my writing happens through texting or email these days, but this special letter I actually write long-hand. Yeah, can you imagine? Here’s how it happened… Some years ago, I began sending letters of thanks to folks who had offered me a hand of friendship somewhere along the way, provided care or comfort, or inspired me by their example. This practice began with our first next door neighbor, who 15 years earlier, had come over and mowed the lawn of newlyweds who couldn’t yet afford a lawnmower. With our first fall frost, this dear man came into our basement to show us how to light our furnace after we had slept in our coats and mittens. We were a couple of dopey kids who didn’t know squat, and he thoughtfully looked over us as we bumped through our first year of home ownership. Our first wonderful neighbor has long since moved away, and we have too. But every year, when it’s time to light the pilot light on the furnace, I think of his kindness, and wished we could thank him again for his care to us. I decided if I could not tell him, I would appreciate others in his honor. So I began writing letters. One year I wrote to the man who taught me how to gently share my Christian witness with others, freeing me from the fear that had always kept me silent. Another year, I sent my thanks to my most memorable Sunday School teacher, who made every kid in the class feel like they were her family. Of course, I was family, but Aunt Marjorie never played favorites. Then there was my knee surgeon, who gave me back the hop in my skip,

enabling me to take VIM teams to high places to build churches and provide medical care. There have been many letters over the years, and each time I finish one and post it, I giggle just a little inside to think of the surprise the recipient will feel upon receiving heartfelt thanks for long-past deeds. Moreover, it has blessed me to be able to remember their goodness, and to thank God for the gift of their presence in my life. During the Thanksgiving season, we are prompted to think more about our blessings, and make a special point of saying thank you to God. Is there someone who has cared for you when you needed a helping hand? I believe God urged that person to help you, through the Holy Spirit working in their heart (even if they didn’t know it). That’s surely what prompted our good neighbor years ago to leave his warm house to go check on the two young goofballs living next door. I believe that God connects people with needs together with people blessed with resources through this Spiritprompting. So if you think about it, for every good turn we receive, we really have two thank you’s to deliver. One to the person, and another to thank God for answered prayer. So, whoever I send my thank you letter to this year, I’ll also be thanking God for sending them into my life. Who does your heart yearn to reach out to with a letter or phone call of thanks? Do it…it feels as good to send these letters as it does to receive them! Grace to you,

Pastor Sharon Walking Home Gather with those yearning to end homelessness in St. Louis. When: Saturday, November 14 at 10am Where: The Bridge, located at Centenary United Methodist Church What: A Walk in Solidarity so wear your walking shoes…

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

Page 4

LPUMC News & Views

(continued from page 4)

Inkjet and Toner Cartridges and the parking lot. Cell Phones for Recycling Simple Fundraisers Don’t forget to bring these items Schnucks eScrip Card

2nd and 4th Sundays after 8 a.m. service

to the church office! This helps our environmental fundraiser.

Website Update

Continue to look for updates on the website. Checkout the Yahoo Aluminum cans for Recycling photo pages. Comments? Con- Look for can collection bin in tact Chris Finley at [email protected]. 2

8 a.m. Grace Praise Service Try the early, contemporary service.


Page 9

Earth Care Column

CHECK IT OUT! Men’s Breakfast


1. Pick up a Schnucks eScrip Community Card at a Schnucks Service Desk or LPUMC office. 2. Register the Card. 3. Show the Card at Checkout.

Macy’s Fundraising Card Register your Macy’s card at https://secure.escrip.com/jsp/supporter/ authentication/password.jsp When you make a purchase, a percentage will be donated to LPUMC as a fundraiser.

If you do take home plastic bags from the store, be sure to recycle it! Every major grocery store has a bin up front for you to drop off your plastic bags, no matter where you received them. Please remember, “All creation is the Lord’s, and we are responsible for the ways in which we use and abuse it.” - Excerpted from the current UMC Social Principle, “The Natural World.” Check out this YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Ci9PC8s-r2Q&feature=related

OUR WEEKLY SCHEDULE Worship Service Sunday: 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. Children’s Church: 10 a.m. service Communion: First Sunday of the Month

Sunday School

9 a.m. Adult, Teen & Kids

Service to our Community Preschool CHARIS Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Girl Scouts Recycling

Weekdays at 9 a.m. during school year Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Mondays at 7 p.m. Every other Monday at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Aluminum (Blue bin outside) Paper Recycling (Green bin outside) Cell Phones & Print Cartridges (Fellowship Hall)

Earth Care: Easy Recycling Tips table in their communities, are atIn various places all over this tempting to go plastic bagcountry, people are wakless. That means you have ing up to the problem of to remember to bring your plastics bags—namely own reusable bags to the that they are ubiquitous, grocery store and actually end up in trees and water use them. ways, and just about Why are plastic bags so never break down. News of taxes or bans on plasbad? Four to five trillion plastic bags are manufactic bags is spreading, and tured each year. Americans some people, who are trying to be more earth friendly or use over 380 billion polyethylene who want to prepare for the inevi- bags per year. Americans throw

away approximately 100 billion polyethylene bags per year. Of those 100 trillion plastic bags, 1% is recycled. It takes 1000 years for polyethylene bags to break down. So what can you do? Consider carrying your own reusable shopping bags. Just in time for the holidays, Target will give customers a 5 cent discount for every reusable bag they use to pack their purchases.

Program Youth Ministries: Chad Johnson Education: Cindy Pillow Outreach: Robin and Eric Merle Missions: Nancy Thuer; Larry Heugatter Worship: Jeff Jensen; Sue Meyers Stewardship: Brenda Cook Music: Kourtney Strade Preschool Liaison: Cindy Pillow

...to provide an avenue where human need and available resources can converge. Through a freemeals program and providing access to other necessary services, guests are treated as valuable humans of worth and given opportunity to work toward self-sufficiency through cooperative partner-

(continued on page 9)

Ministry Teams at LPUMC Administrative Church Council: Daron Smith Board of Trustees: Steve Coffey Publicity: Debra Crowe Finance: Bethany Spaulding Treasurer: Sherry Owens Finan. Secretary: Maria Lawrence Lay Leadership: Sharon Domke Parish Relations: Sheryl Smothers

Centenary CARES’ Mission

Other Conference Lay Member: Chad Johnson United Methodist Women: Jeris Beane Historian: Tom Keay Wills and Memorials: Larry Heugatter Wedding Coordinator: Lynne Keay

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

ships with other community health and service agencies. Centenary CARES is dedicated to seeking paths of justice, dignity and respect for all

Stewardship for September Brown Bags: 50 YTD=374 Attendance: 465 Ministry Gifts: $ 10,260.60 Designated: $6,331.00 Prayer Hours: 33 1/2 hours Service Hours: 51 hours

We are impacting lives in the state of Missouri and around the world!

marginalized people living in the downtown St. Louis community. RMN MISSION STATEMENT: Reconciling Ministries Network is a national grassroots organization that exists to enable full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life of the United Methodist Church, both in policy and practice. Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

Page 6

LPUMC News &

November 2009

Page 7

“A visible sign of Christ’s presence in our urban community and beyond” “Hola, My Brothers and Sisters,” was the way our Brother (and host) Jose Ramos greeted our team as he arrived to drive us from our hotel in El Paso to our mission house in Juarez.

From right to left: Billie, Jim, Russ, Nance, Paul


“Hola, My Brothers and Sisters,” was the way our Brother (and host) Jose Ramos greeted our team as he arrived to drive us from our hotel in El Paso to our mission house in Juarez.

Jonathan, Carmen, Jose and Mrs. Jesus

The house we built. Pictures by Jim Wilder

men, Operation Hogar would not exist. Manny has been involved for 11 years. The truth is that without Manny’s help and support no team could ever hope to build a home in a single week. So, you ask…How was it? Did you feel safe? Was it worth it? Would you do it again?

Five members of Lafayette Park had arrived the evening before with hopes, expectations, excitement, and yes, fear. Even though we trusted that all would be well, there was still some doubt as to whether or not we would be as safe this year as in past years. After all, there were reports of the escalation of violence in Juarez…and these reports have definitely had a negative effect on the decisions of many churches with respect to missions, and the cancellation of many mission trips. In fact, in a normal year, 35 or more teams arrive to build homes, make friends, and learn the joy of serving others. Our team was only the fifth team to arrive in all of 2009. As Nance and I talked over the course of our week-long trip, we came to realize that the absence of teams is having impacts beyond anything we ever would have considered.

The family for whom we built the home was terrific and really made the trip worth while. The father, Jesus, worked side by side with us Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday he left at 1:00 and went to his factory job for 10 hours, came home and put up 2 courses of blocks (complete with mixing the mortar) and was ready to work when we got there on Thursday. Insofar as safety was concerned, we were able to walk to the ice cream shop, the market, and the bakery shop just as we always have done. We are already beginning to plan for our next trip. Please consider becoming involved. You will never have a more meaningful and rewarding week in your life. ~Jim Wilder

So what impact you may wonder, would the lack of teams have beyond just the obvious one of no houses being built? What else could be impacted besides the 30 or so families who continue to live in pallet homes? The thing We never thought about was the impact on the lives of both Jose and our main maestro, Manny. Both of these men are paid only when a team comes to build a house. When there are no teams, they are not paid. Without these two Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

Page 8

LPUMC News & Views

A letter from Arnaldo Rossanhane in Mozambique. Dear brothers from United Methodist Men of the Lafayette Park! I wish that this letter finds you all doing well. Receive my big hug from Cambine, Mozambeque. Me, Arnaldo Rossanhame, by God’s Grace and Jesus Christ Love, I am doing fine thank you. If in this moment, I am still strong and full of hope, it is because of your assistance from you brothers, fathers and friends. May God grant you peace, successes, and abundant life. My school life is going on well. I have nothing to complain and I will never complain of having chosen this pastoral career. I know that there are many temptations but by God’s Grace, I shall overcome. I promise that I will pass my exams this year in both seminary and secondary school. This is all for now, may God continue to bless you. May he grant you all what you need. Amen! Arnaldo Rossanhane (Please keep in mind that the funds from the Progressive Dinner will go to Arnaldo’s scholarship. Thank you, Pastor Kathleen)

Coats for the Cold Please bring in your gently used coats (all sizes) so that we can share them with sojourners at The Bridge. You can place them in a big box near ice machine downstairs in Fellowship Hall.

Thank you so much!

(Continued from page 1)

We also would like to thank the following people and businesses who helped make our Trivia Night a HUGE Success. • Bill Byrd • Aileen Shortall • Barbara Fountain • Bissell Mansion Restaurant • Missouri Botanical Gardens • Bobbi Brinkman Photography • Christina Hatch • Dennis Garrels • Eleven Eleven Restaurant • Gus’s Pretzels • Hodaks’ Restaurant • Jeretta Seager • Joanie’s Pizzeria • John & Shirley Seyferth • Kurtis Funeral Home • Lafayette Square Chiropractic • Looking Glass Designs • Maria Lawrence • Park West Grille • Pasta House • Pets in the City • Reverend Kathleen Wilder • Reverend Sharon Kichline • River City Rascals • St Louis Repertory Theater • River City Rascals • St. Louis Symphony Orchestra • Schunuks Markets • Scott Holdrige - State Farm Insurance • Scott Thomas • Shop ‘n Save • St Louis Chamber Chorus • Steak ‘n Shake • Steve & Cindy Pillow • Valvoline Instant Oil Change • Van De Set Restaurant • Wal-Mart • Webster University

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

OCtober 2009

Page 5

“Good Sense” Financial Considerations Bethany

to pay off my mortgage, and to save for retirement. To accomplish this, I Spaulding, need an idea of what it would take to make each of these goals happen, and CPA, CMA, I need to know where I spend money now. If I spend $150 a month on eatCCSA, CRP, ing out (about 8-10x a month), then I could decided to eat out 5x a month and apply the difference to my savings Saving money, or giving up a or giving goals. If I spend $500 for new gadget can feel “too hard.” Christmas gifts, then I could spend That’s perhaps because our per$300 instead. ception of the situation needs an With a goal, I am not deprived or adjustment! Our attitude toward “missing out” - I can decide what I money shouldn’t be that we can’t really want out of life, and then adjust have something, but rather that we my financial habits to support those have the power to make a choice. goals. That great new pair of shoes Using our power to choose starts (black, like the other 20 in my closet) with having at least one goal to will only enhance my life for a few work toward, such as paying off days! Feeding the hungry, or living credit cards, saving for retirement debt-free, are long-term enhancements or saving for a child’s education. both to my life and those I help. If I As Christians, we also compare am free from debt I am more free to our goals against guidance we give. receive from God through prayer Is it really that important to have and God’s Word. Once that goal is more “stuff” or brand-name items decided, all our daily decisions when the satisfaction is small comabout spending money can be pared to the joy of reaching a goal that measured against how well it will help others or enhance our fammeets our goal. ily’s well-being? For example, I might have three We all have within us the power to goals—to give to church/charities, choose.

More Thanks My "Thanks" to the anonymous donor of our Baby Grand Piano. I have prayed since 1995, when I joined our church, that we would one day have a Baby Grand Piano in the Sanctuary and I would be able to play it with our Organist. Today the piano adorns the Sanctuary and the piano and organ together are a reality. My "Thanks" also to God. Yes, He answers prayers! ~Bob Kessel

Tip of the Month:

Develop at least one financial goal or review your current goal(s). Decide on one thing you can change to support your goal(s) and start it this month. Be creative! Possible ideas: • Re-use household items such as plastic bags, or an old milk jug as storage—just cut the top off. • Have a “swap” party where guests bring things they no longer need to swap. • Wait at least a day or week before making a new purchase decision. • Host a game or movie night for friends instead of going out. • Locate thrift shops on you normal travel routes and check them out for bargains periodically. • Keep a list with you of household needs & family member sizes/ measurements. • Use the minimal amount needed for toothpaste, shampoo and other household items. • Keep a list of prices at different stores for items used frequently and buy in bulk when on sale— buying ahead is only useful if you will use it. • Make lunches instead of purchasing them. • Use left-over wallpaper as gift wrap, or decorate brown paper bags.

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

Page 10

LPUMC News & Views

Turkey Dinner

Calendar Nov. 7

Turkey Dinner

Nov. 14

Walking Home

Nov. 14

Progressive Dinner

Nov. 15

Men’s Breakfast, 9 a.m.

Nov. 21

CHARIS concert

Nov. 21

Youth Service Project

Nov. 29 Dec. 13t

Men’s Breakfast, 9 a.m. Winter Parlor Tour Progressive Dinner

Come join us for a delicious dinner sponsored by the LPUMC Men’s Group on November 14th. The tickets are $20 per person, and you can reserve your space now with an RSVP to Daron Smith or Jim Wilder. Proceeds will go to support our covenants with our sisters and brothers in Mozambique. Childcare will be provided at the church.

LPUMC is hosting its Annual Turkey Dinner and Bazaar Saturday, November 7th, from Noon to 7pm. Tickets for children, ages 5-12 are $2.50, and adult tickets are $7.00. For carry-outs, call 773-1346. Come hungry…it’s turkey and dressing and all the trimmings plus homemade

November Covenant Partners November 1 First (Webster Groves) UMC Rev. Michele Sue Shumake-Keller Rev. Mark D. Williams

Grace UMC

Scriptures for

November 8 November 1 Isaiah 25:6-9 Revelation 21:1-6a

Psalm 24 John 11:32-44

Green Trails UMC Berneking Kingshighway (St. Louis)

Rev. Michael W. Wondel

November 15

November 8 Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17 Hebrews 9:24-28

Rev. Nate R.

Psalm 127 Mark 12:38-44

November 15 1 Samuel 1:4-20 1 Samuel 2:110 Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18), 19-25 Mark 13:1 -8 November 22 2 Samuel 23:1-7 Psalm 132:1-12 Revelation 1-4b-8 John 18:33-37 November 26 Joel 2:21-27 Psalm 126 1 Timothy 2:1-7 Matthew 6:25-33 November 29

Kirkwood UMC Rev. David G. Bennett Lafayette Park/Centenary UMC Rev. Kathleen Wilder

Lewis Chapel UMC Living World UMC McIntyre

November 22 Rev. Maryann Hamer Rev. Michael S.

News & Views is published monthly. Submit any information or articles by the 17th of each month to [email protected]. For more information, contact Elena Greene

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

November 2009

Page 3

Wilder View . . . home he mixed cement and put two more courses of block on top of his home and was waiting for our team when they arrived the next morning. We have helped several families experience the joy of owning a home through our Juarez VIM teams. We have built 7 homes in Juarez in the last five years. Each year we visit the last year’s family (after all, they are now our friends.) It is always a great joy to see the improvements they have made over the ensuing year. Back in the late 1980’s Lafayette Park was a home for people who had a strange illness, which was later named AIDS. People who were abandoned by their families of origin found deeply caring

families and a home at Lafayette Park. The people of Lafayette Park adopted people who were struggling with AIDS, and lovingly cared for them as they lived and died with dignity. I guess all these thoughts about home make me realize that I truly feel like I am at home at Lafayette Park. As I begin the season of Thanksgiving I am reminded of how thankful I am to be at home at Lafayette Park. Wherever your travels may take you this holiday season, I hope that you always feel the warmth and love of being home. Grace and Peace,

Hosts for Lafayette Square Winter Parlor Tour Sunday, December 13th 11:30-6:00pm For the second year, Lafayette Park United Methodist Church will be an official destination for folks enjoying the 2009 Winter Parlor Tour at Lafayette Square. Our sanctuary will be open following services on December 13th from 11:30am-6:00pm. Tom Keay and Bethany Spaulding will be scheduling hosts in two hour shifts to welcome our visitors. We hope you will help to greet our community into our faith home.

~Pastor Kathleen

Young Adult Ministry Update God truly is doing great and amazing things at LPUMC! This week, a group of young adults gathered to pray, converse, plan and dream for the future--and of course, eat. We will meet every 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 in the parlor. However, because we are dedicated to our mission of "being a church without walls," we will be discussing other opportunities for gatherings outside of the building. At our next gathering on Tuesday, Nov. 3, the topic of discussion will be outreach. Some of the earliest European settlers in North America came to the frontier of this continent in order to establish a life in faith that would be free from the constraints of the old world churches. The founders of the Salem colony arrived in what would become Massachusetts as a community dedicated to God and one another. Their covenant to one another was "to walk together in all God's ways, known or to be made known to us, at whatever cost." This mission statement was a tall order, and one that they eventually would corrupt with power struggles and the notorious "Salem Witchcraft Trials." But the ideals of this first generation were not that different from our own. The Salem pilgrims did not have to travel across the Atlantic, but were drawn to the promise of greater freedom and a deeper walk with God. The people of Lafayette Park UMC do not have any obligation to become part of the church, but are drawn here for similar promises of liberty of conscience and a spirit-filled community that walks in faith. As we gather together in Sunday worship and in smaller groups throughout the week, we think of all of our spiritual ancestors that had the same drive toward community that we have today. ~Aaron Ban Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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