Nothing Torture Had Happened To Them That We Were Torture

  • July 2020
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Nothing Torture had Happened to them that we were torture by these Committee.....Investigateþ.....As per TOI a news report about torture done by Nagric Committee and Politician**...View the dt TOI for Detail..about a point understanding......try 2 get the theme and moral of my matter..??? Fw: Nothing Torture had Happened to them that we were torture by these Committee.....Investigate From [email protected] : Sent:28 December 2008 14:57PM [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Respected,


With reference to several emails send from [email protected] / [email protected] in which I had stated how we were threatened of dare consequences etc... By the Nagric Committee(pls go through previous emails along with attachments with them) why as our guardian never kneel down for supporting wrong side with logic* but the 7-8 people of flat for there personal benefit support each other & these Nagric Committee without going through the main Point of cause by seeing the Majority supported the group just for vote bank which too they several times told verbally & too involved government machinery for there cause & applied* the Government official, official powered wrongly fully-why????.

Just go through after our advocate force Nov/Dec 07 when police inquire seriously these 7-8 flat owners out of frightens made Dilip Dey???/Secretary* Dec 07...& notice twice pasted on Notice Board that too for show off & in one of the Notice Mr Dilip Dey had stated he had resigned from Secretaryship as his appointment was illegal.........etc(all

previously told via email along with these notice{two}send via attachment) for two month just to see the wind flow again after then nothing written ..again started slow poising us....again when investigated by Saferindia Via DGP Sir order personnally via OC* & his 4* SI* Spyly after its news* leak they from June 08 end to August 2008 remain quiet & again seeing nothing or no action again started there slow poising strategy but now very slowly & with no open now by seeing the Police nothing doing as these Nagric Committee several time had told Police is in our hand & they are there....So from October 08 till December 08 what I emailed to some Top Serious agency ..was made cleared off. ...these is a show only to create a divertsion..-how they get to know is for you to research-the email send to several person from them the information was passed on.... From 06 Till Sep 07 / Nov 07 Nagric Committee person were openly active but after then under curtain & too had via there cunning political brain used to give them route & support how to slow Poison our family environment.

In these flat Some Mr Nath Type person leaves who though have garrage but can't tell other* person to move his car as his renter had a car & where he will keep..When it (injustice/illtollerance..)occurs with one own self family then one sparks as see I had twice been late in town & the flat door was locked & the guard didn't opened & as I climbed down via the close door the narrow pin tear off my shirt taking out blood from my back but no one took action but supported the guard but same? when happen with Mr Nath Son who Lives in China* & is here in town then see the notice pasted In which guard via all inhuman action was cleared off an can be see in a written point*.

See my another point as they never speaks* but slowly & cunningly act with no sound just opposite to us....I had been thrice late night from some occasion to my flat & twice I felt difficulty in Parking my Bike as in mid The gent person who comes with wine / salty chat Mrs Papyia Acharyia House in was parked & on calling him on mid party..wasted an hour so on third day Mr Dilip Dey too was there on the Parking Place so seeing it he told to park in Neetai Biswas Bike Parking Place as he was at that time for some day was not parking his bike there why????? Investigate the cause & plan.After then I never went till 3* weeks but they had notice that I on Saturday within 4-5pm always move out. which due too some cause I was not when today when I moved(these would happen I had told my parents previously as I had from 3yr had learn there every cunning moves)..& return back.just for 30 min -Neetai bike was parked & the guard nearby too didn't notice when it was parked & who parked it-he was diverted on order to Operate the motor & within these was similarly was on seeing our courier, registry with false sign ,left place or other cause returned our letters / courier etc...-of which non timely receive had cause a great setback to us(proof many i had-shown to OC*?? ?& Visiting SI 's but no strick action)from more than 2yr these cunning persons did same with no proof too in losing bike brake, taking out oil..& several thing which I had mention in previous emails by some guard mainly Molay,Kestoo,Dhrubo,Ram...etc.(Investigate)- these guard doesn't obey there owners Pyuish saying or Instructions openly-many proof of there disobedience against the owner but verbally as seen some incident with open & infront but pyuish don't act as it doesn't happen to him personnally* & he has to like these way go on as per his version & statement .

Renter were told not to interfere* in anything or in any affair of flat unless some says in

support of these cunning person....Who cares if any wrong occurs with other- if it occurs with oneself then only one act in these world/kolkata rare other comes to interfere in other matter unless they are motivated by oiling wrongfully.

So I like to state TOI Editor What happened to Nirmalya & Rakhi Das is nothing that occurred with our self dt 11/10/06 & till dt by these CPM Nagarik Committeethey should do justice by going through the root cause but shouldn't support the wrong & increase there moral which too these flat person had done with the guard in supporting there wrongful act against us-Watch the Notice pasted on Notice Board written by Mr Dilip Dey & Mr Nath Son handwriting & investigate the matter discussion dt 21/12/08* on the meeting.

Why these meeting was organized & that too written- by just again too for some month sort the matter from the track as I had send email to some agency who throughly investigate each matter & seriously & is not like police who after some incident act-its not there fault they are stopped by some force????.

All these I say as I had from 3 yr closely viewed these as History is recreated/repeated here & its step is followed.

All things can't be expressed or written but a suffer can only understand the impact after or within. These is a summary of some incident happened/happenening & all things can't be proofed or said in verbal or written form but if timely action could be taken can /could be curved down..Which is now too late.....and only a sufferer can understand it's impact-pls don't involve politics if want pls help from inner heart........

I just wanted justice for the incident dt 11/10/06 for which creation I am not responsible as it was all these cunning persons everything should be written...why if unwritten we would trust again....& too after then till dt the in humanity done on us in several way to keep our family environment disturb for all that action against them.

Please go through my emails send previously for matter detail understanding before coming to a conclusion. Please try to get through the theme of letters

which i mean to say but via some.....* mean to explain.


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