Nietzsche is Bullshit By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif © Copyright 2009 by Anthony J. Fejfar Frederick Nietzsche was a stupid philosopher. Nietzsche wrote “God is dead,” which is one of the most absurd statements in the history of philosophy. In fact, God Subsists, God is neither dead nor alive. Now, if Nietzsche is trying to say that God does not Exist, Nietzsche is wrong. In fact, following Logical Positivism and Thomas Aquinas, you can prove God’s Existence using Logic and sense experience, namely, scientifically. You start with sense experience. As you look around the world of sense experience, you notice that there are scientific, cause and effect relationships all over the place. A car driver with an engine and transmission causes the effect of a moving car. If you take a cue ball on a pool table and use a cue stick to hit the ball, you cause the ball to move and then have the causal effect of moving another pool ball on the pool table. Now, if we assume that the Universe is finite, then we also notice that once we discover cause and effect relationships, we can see that we can try to trace causes to their cause or causes. After you do this for awhile you can see logically, that either there is an infinite series of causes, which is impossible in a finite Universe, or alternatively there is an Uncaused, First Cause, namely Reason, or God, who is the causal Origin of the Finite Universe. Thus, it is Logically proven that God Exists, and that Nietzsche is not only bullshit, but schizophrenic, for denying the Existence of God as the Uncaused, First Cause.