Newsletter 2008 11 November

  • November 2019
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Worry & Contentment Max Lucado says, "Worry is to joy what a vacuum cleaner is to dirt; you might as well attach your heart to a happiness-sucker and flip the switch." Jesus said, "Don't get worked up about...tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." When it looks like things are falling apart, Paul reminds us, "in all things God works for the good of those who love him" (Rom 8:28 NIV). When it seems like the world's gone mad, don't forget God "existed before anything else... and He holds all creation together" (Col 1:17 NLT). When worry whispers, "God doesn't know what you need," remember God promised to "meet all your needs" (Philp 4:19 NIV). “Worry is to joy Jesus taught us to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread." You won't get the wisdom or resources to handle tomorrow's problems till you need them. When we "go what a vacuum confidently to the throne...[we'll] find kindness, which will help us at the right cleaner is to time" (Heb 4:16 GWT). dirt...” Over a century ago Charles Spurgeon said: "Enough for today is all we can enjoy. We cannot eat, drink, or wear more than today's supply of food and clothing. The surplus gives us the care of storing it and the anxiety that someone might steal it. One staff aids a traveller; a bunch of staves is a heavy burden. Enough is as good as a feast, and more than gluttony can enjoy. Enough is all we should expect; a craving for more is ungratefulness. When our Father doesn't give you more, be content with your daily allowance." . JOY!— Cindy The word “JOY” has got to be one of my most favourite words. I truly believe that this word can only be experienced by the believer. In my quiet times from 1 Peter 1:6-9, I was reminded of the unspeakable or as Peter describes as an “inexpressible and glorious joy”. This sentiment is far greater than any happiness or gladness one can experience. I’ve learnt to understand and experience joy as something so much deeper, so much more special and so much richer than almost any other emotion. Knowing and loving Jesus is a beautiful thing and brings to joy to my heart everyday let alone being loved by Him! The jailer in Acts 16:34 was “filled with joy” when he and his family believed in God. Spending time with Him is invaluable and as Psalm 16:11 says “you fill me with joy in your presence”. When I marvel at His creation, the many colours, the many textures – my eyes fall in love over and over again at the beauty of His handiwork as it brings me joy. “Psalm 92:4 reads I sing for joy at the work of Your Hands”. As believers our joy is not dependent on our situation but rather independent. I am reminded of James 1:2 where we are to count it as joy when we face trials because we know that it is possible to be joyful in them. We also know of the purifying nature of our faith as a result of going through trials. During these times when our faith is being tested God does not leave us as it says in Psalm 94:19 “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul”.

Prayer & Fasting—15th Nov A Cry of Iran DVD—15th Nov Fundraising BBQ @ Good Guys—22nd Nov PRAISE POINTS George’s Final Exam Worship Meeting Family Fun Festival Rooty Hill meeting was a blessing PRAYER POINTS Peter & Emma’s Exams Families away during Christmas break Christmas & New year events & outreaches QUOTE OF THE WEEK "Those that tarry in God’s presence carry His power” - Seunl Oyekola

BIRTHDAYS Salim Awad 5th November Sebastian Denger 5th November

I hope you too can say that you have an “inexpressible and glorious joy”.

Profiling Mervat Denger Q: When did you first become a Christian? When I was 11 at my first camp ever in Egypt. Q: What Ministries are you involved in ? Bringing up our son Timothy in a godly way and doing graphic design for organisations such as Word of Life and other Christian organisations. Q: What are your hobbies ? Drawing, Singing in the shower, Cooking etc the list goes on and on lol (Timothy?! is that a hobby?!) Q: Something that you are scared of ? Snakes, And very high hights. (Higher then Basti lol) Q. Your Favourite food/drink ? Basbusa mmmmhm and kosheri yummy yumm Q: A funny fact about yourself that the group doesn't know? I smell everything. I smell food before I eat it, i smell cloth before i wear them, I even smell Timmy’s butt :-p Q: Your favourite verse or quote or motto that u life by? Psalm 37:4,5 Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.

Morris Boulous 24th November

Less than

40 Days till Christmas

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