Newsdragon - May 09

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NewsDragon Volume 57, Issue 5 : : May 2009 The Voice of the Honolulu Chinese Jaycees 2009 HCJ Board * Jonathan Cook President

Lily Fung Chairman

Ryan Ng Executive VP

Anthony Sato 2nd Vice Pres.

Ken Sum

3rd Vice Pres.

Krystal Lee 4th Vice Pres.

Ramy So Treasurer

James Kanda Shirley Lam Daniel Cheung Michael Valiente Ross Lee Duc Nguyen Directors

Jesse Hosaka Webmaster

50th State Fair Food Booth! URGENT: Your chapter needs your help over the Memorial Day Weekend! The 2 Days we really need your help: Sunday, May 24th 2 Shifts: 11AM to 6PM or 6PM to 1AM

Monday, May 25th 6PM to 1AM Shift or 6PM to 1 AM

Fire up the grill! It’s time once more for our big fundraiser. Where do you fit in? In an apron, of course! Don’t know how to cook? Never worked in a restaurant? Don’t know loco moco from Sonny Bono? No problem. The Food Booth offers on-the-job training that’s taught hundreds of HCJers throughout the years. ***Let us know immediately that you’re available on May 24th and/or May 25th: 342-2737 or [email protected]. We especially need people for the closing shift(s). ******************************************* Next GMM is on Tuesday, June 16th. We’ll be having a special Public Speaking training given by John Cummings, Oahu Civil Defense Public Spokesman & HCJer! Food Served. It all starts at 7PM at the Moiliili Community Center. See you there.

______________________________________________________________________________ President’s Message…..…………………………………………………..……………………………… 2 Dining Out At Pyramids....…..……………...…………………………………………………….………. 3 Convention………….…………………...….…………………………...…………………………………. 5 Upcoming Events!………..…………………………….....……...……………..………………………… 6 Pictures!……….……….……………………………………….………………………………..……….… 7

President’s Message___________________________________________ Aloha! I’d like to start this month’s message by saying ‘Congratulations!’ to Rebecca Soon of Rising Phoenix Jaycees. She took the Speak Up honors at the JCI Convention in Puerto Rick. That means she’ll be representing the Americas (both North AND South) at the World Speak Up Competition in Tunisia! Rebecca is a perfect example of the potential that can be unleashed through the Jaycees. Please join me in wishing her all the best and much luck for the Finals.

Let’s Get Cooking! This month is when we always get truly busy. We’re lighting up the flames down at Aloha Stadium and putting the meat on the fire. And it’s all so we can put money in the bank for future projects and donations to good causes. Please come down whenever possible and put in some time with us. Many HCJers first learned to cook at the 50th State Fair Food Booth. Whether you already know how or don’t even know which knob turns on the oven – we want your help! Check out the schedule on the cover and come on down!

Let’s Get Eating! We’re going to sample some more International Cuisine once again. Last month’s trip to Pyramids was a great time. If you’ve seen the pictures on Facebook, you know why. Why not join us for our next International Dining Out? In June we’re taking on the Thai food at SabaiDee. It’s located right across from Puck’s Alley on King St. Personally it’s been a while since I had one of my favorite foods, Pad Thai, so I’m looking forward to this with great anticipation.

Let’s Get Rowing! HCJ is putting together a team for the Dragon Boat Festival! We need 18 people to put us in the races. Have you ever paddled Dragon Boat? Have you ever paddled outrigger? Have you ever been paddled? (Wait – don’t answer that last question) Experienced or not, if you have the desire to get in the boat with us and row like crazy, we can use you. Email us your name and contact info (email & phone) to be put on the list. We also need your help in actually running the Dragon Boat Festival itself, from time keepers to check-in people to helping at our HCJ booth! Let us know what your availability is for the days of Fri, June 26 / Sat, June 27 / Sun, June 28. See you at the projects – especially the Food Booth! Your Friend, Jonathan Cook 58h President, “Forging New Leaders” Phone: 342-2737 / Email: [email protected]


NewsDragon * Volume 57 * Issue 5


Int’l Dining Out @ Pyramids

If you’ve heard of Pyramids Restaurant you know 1 thing – they have a belly dancer. But that wasn’t the only reason our chapter decided to check it out. We also wanted a taste of the Mediterranean cuisine served there. So it was off to Pyramids on a cool Saturday evening. Our crowd ended up taking 3 tables that were pushed together to accommodate our HCJ diners. It was obvious that the restaurant takes its theme seriously. Our servers all wore robes that looked as if they had been stolen from the set of ‘The Ten Commandments’ while the walls and ceiling feature hieroglyphics. If you want the feel of eating somewhere near the Nile River, this is the place to go. We ordered a variety of their dishes, starting with appetizers that featured tasty hummus, baba ganoush (mashed eggplant mixed with various seasonings) and falafels. Those were soon consumed, whetting our appetites for the main courses to come. Taking the theme to its extreme, many of our main dishes had rice that was in the shape of, yes, a pyramid. This shape had no affect, good or bad, on the taste, but it certainly added visual interest. All agreed their dishes were excellent! Our party was lucky enough to see 2 shows by the featured belly dancer. Ken Sum came alive the moment she made her entrance, prompting her to bring him out to the floor to dance. Unfortunately, Ken’s talking didn’t back up his dancing. Nicholas Chang was also drawn into the show. The belly dancer wrapped his head up with her scarf and she pronounced him ‘The Sheik’, at least for that evening (See above photo). This entitled him to a personal dance, which he greatly enjoyed. The evidence is in the picture. As a capper some of our group ordered their ice cream dessert. Yes, the ice cream was also shaped into a pyramid. It was a fitting way to cap off a great meal. We all gave the food and festivities thumbs up, putting Pyramids on our ‘HCJ Recommended’ List. •

Join us for our next International Dining Out in June at SabaiDee Thai on King St. Date/Time TBA

It’s A Boy…& A Boy! Our very best to the Gifford Changs – they just welcomed twin boys to their family! May their sons have good health, happiness and enough money to pay HCJ dues when they’re old enough. Please join us in congratulating the new family!


NewsDragon * Volume 57 * Issue 5

Farrell’s Birthday Bash!_______________________________________ It was time once again to celebrate our members’ birthdays in the HCJ Way – that means taking them down to Farrell’s for some celebratory ice cream. This tradition, just established last year, has found its place in the hearts and minds of our people. So it lives on.

To continue the traditions we have, the chapter ordered the Zoo for all to enjoy together. Steven Antonio took the job of filling the bowls and passed them out to some eager people. Of course, we made certain that only our tables got ice cream from our Zoo. In Hawaii, where feasting is so central to life, we have to enforce this. Otherwise you have people coming over from the other tables and outside the restaurant to dig in. Trust us, it’s happened. Farrell’s employees brought it out with the customary fire drill. This entails running the dish around the room while a siren wails away. First time attendees give themselves away at this point when they start shouting ‘No, bring it here. We ordered that!’.

Luckily, there were no newbies this time, sparing us any embarrassment. We got down to business, scooping The chapter and a few friends arrived at 6:30, ready to be seated and served. Unfortunately, as every time before, out the dishes for all to enjoy. If there’s one thing that we were seated near the Bell/Whiste/Siren area. But that’s keeps people coming back, this is it. one of the risks you take when you go to Farrell’s. The best thing of all to come out of this evening was the official joining of our chapter by Nicholas Chang! Please This time around we were celebrating our birthdays st join us in welcoming him into our family. from the 1 four months of the year, taking in January to April babies. Once again, Happy Birthday to our great members. And remember, we’re gonna do it all again soon for you Our beloved birthday babies celebrating were: May to August babies. Stay tuned. Lily Fung Carrie Azama Wes Kam Ramy So Steven Antonio Kathy Kam Krystal Lee Nicholas Chang VP Krystal Lee passed out the Birthday bonus to each Birthday Boy & Girl to spend on anything they wanted here. She quickly became the most popular Board member, at least for one night. We started things off with the ordering of appetizers and main dishes. Even though Farrell’s brings up thoughts of piles of ice cream, they do serve other things. And they’re not bad.


Our Celebrators Line Up For Group Photo

NewsDragon * Volume 57 * Issue 5



April is the time when we get the first measurements of our year through the 1st Trimester Convention results and awards. Curious to how your beloved chapter did? Read on, my friend. Our State Executive Board did an excellent job of putting on a convention under rushed conditions. If you missed the excellent presentations such as the training by the speaker from Starwood or the address by National VP Brian Cummings, you truly missed a lot. The Awards Dinner was, as always, the highlight of the weekend. But, before the prizes came the food. An excellent dinner, featuring generous cuts of beef, set the evening off right. And the dessert selection was excellent as well. As the awards got underway it was apparent that our chapter had done some good work during the first term of 2009. When the fireworks were over, it was the Honolulu Chinese Jaycees who took the Top Spot in the Parade of Chapters! Yes, we were #1 in Hawaii for the 1st Trimester. Congratulations and much mahalo to our members and the HCJ Board!

Awards Won By HCJ – 1st Trimester CPG Awards 1st Place – Honolulu Festival Parade 1st Place – Flavors of Chinatown 2nd Place – Night In Chinatown 2nd Place – Singing At The Shore Bird 3rd Place – Helping The Hale 3rd Place – Mariner’s Ridge Hike

Outstanding Treasurer – Ramy So Outstanding Community VP – Anthony Sato Outstanding Membership VP – Krystal Lee Outstanding Exec VP – Ryan Ng Outstanding Chapter Pres – Jonathan Cook 1st Place, Parade of Chapters

Honolulu Chinese Jaycees - Interested in joining HCJ? Contact us! Mail: Honolulu Chinese Jaycees, P.O. Box 957, Honolulu, Hawaii 96808 Email:

[email protected] Tel: (808) 342-2737

Online: / Facebook: Search ‘Honolulu Chinese Jaycees’

Web Site:


NewsDragon * Volume 57 * Issue 5

Upcoming!_________________________________ Wednesday, May 20th, 6:00PM

Food Booth Prep Night Fair Site – Aloha Stadium Come down and help us prep the meat and the rest of the booth so it’s ready for business when we open the next day. It’ll take a couple of hours. The more the merrier! Call Jon @ 342-2737 for more info. ______________________________________________

Thursday, May 21st – Monday, May 25th

Food Booth Open! Check the schedule on the front page, then come on down and help out! We need you for the big fundraiser that pays for the chapter events, projects and community contributions. *** We are in desperate need for help on Sunday, May 24th and Monday, May 25th (Both Shifts – 11AM to 6PM & 6PM to 1AM). PLEASE LET US KNOW ASAP WHAT SHIFT(S) YOU CAN WORK. If you can only work one weekend, make it this one! Call Jon (342-2737) to get parking & entrance passes. _____________________________________________

Thursday, May 28th

Food Booth Prep Night! Fair Site – Aloha Stadium 6PM Help get the booth ready for another successful week of food selling and fundraising! ______________________________________________

Thursday, June 4th

Food Booth Prep Night! Fair Site – Aloha Stadium 6PM Help get the booth ready for another successful week of food selling and fundraising!

Friday, June 5th – Sunday, June 7th

Food Booth Open! It’s the 3rd week of the Fair. Get down to help us by fillin’ times making grindz. Check the front page for schedule. _____________________________________________

Saturday, June 6th

HCJ Union & Reunion at the Fair! We’re making June 6th an extra special day down at the Fair Food Booth. All Roosters and current members come on down for a big joint Chinese Jaycees effort. See old friends and make new ones! It’s a union and reunion of the HCJ Family! _____________________________________________

Wednesday, June 10th

Food Booth Prep Night! Fair Site – Aloha Stadium 6PM Help get the booth ready for another successful week of food selling and fundraising!

Thursday, June 11th – Sunday, June 14th

Food Booth Open!

It’s the 4th week of the Fair. Get down to help us by fillin’ times making grindz. Check the front page for Friday, May 29 – Sunday, May 31st schedule. Food Booth Open! ___________________________ nd Auntie Ana Says: It’s the 2 week of the Fair. Get down to help us by fillin’ times making grindz. Check the front page for schedule. Help out at the Booth or face my Then let us know when you can work. wrath! th


NewsDragon * Volume 57 * Issue 5


Pictures Page

Ana Che Goes Into Shock When Melyssa Pulls The Old ‘Rabbit Ears’ Trick On Lily Ryan & Lindley Serve Pogs To Walkers At March of Dimes’ ‘March For Babies’

Tasha, Daniel & Friend At D & B’s

Thayer Picks Up An Award At Convention

Scott & Deanne - Awwwww Lily Watches Allan & Matt Take Aim


NewsDragon * Volume 57 * Issue 5

HCJ Schedule of Events – MAY / JUNE Wednesday, May 20th

Thursday, June 4th

Food Booth Prep Night

Food Booth Prep Night

Fair Site – Aloha Stadium

Fair Site – Aloha Stadium



Thursday, May 21st – Monday, May 25th

Friday, June 5th – Sunday, June 7th

3rd Week of Food Booth


1 Week of Fair Food Booth

50th State Fair Call Jon, 342-2737


50 State Fair Call Jon, 342-2737

Wednesday, June 10th

Thursday, May 28th

Food Booth Prep Night

Food Booth Prep Night #2 Fair Site - Aloha Stadium

Fair Site – Aloha Stadium



Friday, May 29th – Sunday, May 31st

Thursday, June 11th – Sunday, June 14th


3rd Week of Food Booth

2 Week of Fair Food Booth th

50th State Fair Call Jon, 342-2737

50 State Fair Call Jon, 342-2737

Tuesday, June 16th

GMM Moiliili Community Ctr, 7PM Stay tuned for announcements on activities, projects & sports! Look for HCJ emails and check our website:

Honolulu Chinese Jaycees PO Box 957 Honolulu, HI 96808

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