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  • Words: 1,791
  • Pages: 7
(Research Proposal) Comparing employee’s job satisfaction in Mobilink and Ufone


Telecom industry has flourished significantly in Europe and other continent of the world it has a very big business market round the globe. During the early1980, along cellular telephone system was experiencing rapid growth this was an undesirable situation because not only the mobile equipment limited to operation within national boundaries which in a unified Europe was increasingly unimportant, but there was a limited market for each type of equipment, so economics of scale and the subsequent saving could not be realized. Then the memorandum of understanding was signed and the first GSM network was launched in Finland by Ericsson.

History of Telecom Industry in Pakistan: Over the past eight years there has been a very rapid expansion in the telecom sector of Pakistan, which altogether has brought about a high level of job satisfaction to the employer’s of telecom sector. It has also played vital role in development of our country Pakistan. It provides the prime services that an economy needs for rapid growth, development and modernization. As the economy grows demand for telecom services increases to conduct the increased number of economic transaction’s in the expanded economy, improved efficiency of this

sector generates economy-wide benefits as telecommunication’s are a vital intermediate input and is also crucial to the dissemination and diffusion of knowledge. The telecom sector in Pakistan has done remarkably well in the past few years primarily due to the trade and investment liberalization, privatization and openness to modern technology. The share of telecom sector in GDP has increased from 2.5% to 2.8% in the year 2006-2007. Besides being a major contributor to government revenues, this sector has also been able to attract a huge foreign direct investment in the recent years. Thereby after having all this discussion above we can say with no denial that the level of job satisfaction in the telecom sector is rising by “leaps and bounds” and it would be rising more keeping in view the upcoming “3G” and “4G” technology. Pakistan telecommunication authority (PTA) was established under the telecom act of 1996.the PTA is a body that corporate that should consist of three members. The budget of PTA is supposed to be submitted to the government of Pakistan for approval. The main function, power and responsibilities of the PTA are as follow. 1. To protect the right of license make decision promptly in an open, equitable, nondiscriminatory, consistent and transparent act expediously encourage fair competition. This frequency allocator board is responsible for management of the spectrum plan for spectrum usage in Pakistan. Application for spectrum in the first instant submitted to PTA but there after handed over the frequency allocation board for spectrum allocation.

Literature review: Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards ones job Robbins (1998); the difference between the amount of rewards workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive. Here the job satisfaction is seen as a derivative variable as its values is determined by the individual's comparison of what he considers an equitable reward with the amount of the actual reward. If the individual perceives the equitable reward as exceeding the actual reward, the individual will be dissatisfied. If the actual reward exceeds the perceived equitable reward, the individual is satisfied. The larger the difference between the two values, the greater the dissatisfaction or satisfaction (Landy, 1989). In case of dissatisfaction due to perceived inequity of inputs and related outputs. The availability of inequity motivates the individual to change the situation by means of behavioral or cognitive means to be able to return to a condition of equity that may influence motivation and behavior.

Job satisfaction trends can affect labour market behavior and influence work Productivity, work effort, employee absenteeism and staff turnover. Moreover, job satisfaction is considered a Strong predictor of overall individual well-being (DiazSerrano and Cabral Vieira, 2005), job satisfaction is a good Predictor of intentions or decisions of employee’s to leave a job (Gazioglu and Tansel, 2002). The relationship between satisfaction and turnover has been consistently found in many turnover studies (Lum et al, 1998). Mobley et al 1979 indicated that overall job satisfaction is negatively linked to turnover but explained little of the variability in turnover. Griffeth et al (2000) found that overall job satisfaction modestly predicted turnover. In a recent New Zealand study, Boxall et al (2003) found the main reason by far for people leaving their employer was for more interesting work elsewhere. It is generally accepted that the effect of job satisfaction on turnover is less than that of organizational commitment. Job satisfaction is also important in everyday life. Organizations have Significant effects on the people who work for them and some of those effects are reflected in how people feel about their work (Spector, 1997).job satisfaction an issue of substantial importance for both employers and employees. As many studies suggest, employers benefit from satisfied employees as they are more likely to Profit from lower staff turnover and higher productivity if their employees experience a high level of job satisfaction. However, employees should also ‘be happy in their work, given the amount of time they have to devote to it throughout their working lives’ (Nguyen, Taylor and Bradley, 2003a). Job satisfaction has been the subject of research at least since the Hawthorne studies of the 1920s). Job satisfaction for salespeople as "all characteristics of the job itself and the work environment which salesmen find rewarding, fulfilling, and satisfying, or frustrating and unsatisfying. (Roethlisberger & Dickson, 1939). Churchill, Ford, & Walker (1974 p. 225)

Employee satisfaction means as job satisfaction. And job satisfaction has been defined As “a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of Ones job or job experiences” (Locke, 1976, p. 1300). The link between this Emotional state and performance has historically been challenged (Brayfield And Crockett, 1955; Organ, 1977; Vroom, 1964).

Greater job satisfaction has also been generally related to reduced intent to leave the organization so job satisfaction has a great impacts on employee turnover (Brayfield & Crockett, 1955; Mowday, Koberg, & McArthur, 1984) and with reduced rates of absenteeism (Porter & Steers, 1973). In addition, job satisfaction has been shown to be strongly related to organizational commitment (Porter, Steers, & Mowday, 1974) and to organizational citizenship behaviors (Smith, Organ, & Near, 1983; Organ, 1988).

Job satisfaction and performance are indeed positively correlated. Moreover, job Satisfaction has been shown to relate positively with specific facets of Performance like organizational citizenship behavior (Organ, 1988; Smith et al., 1983), which is employee behavior that is not formally required in a job Description but that is nevertheless critical for organizational success (e.g. Helping co-workers, volunteering for extra assignments). That intention to remain employed is strongly influenced by the level of employee satisfaction the mean intention to remain employed. Determining the causes of employee satisfaction Hackman (1983) said that the motivation to attempt to behave in a certain way is greatest when, the individual believes that the behavior will lead to outcomes (performanceoutcome expectancy), the individual believes that these outcomes have positive value for him or her (valence), and the individual believes that he or she is able to perform at the desired level (effort performance expectancy), also that the individual will choose the level of performance which has the greatest motivational force associated with it The relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction has continued to be the subject of considerable interest to researchers ( Rice,Near, & Hunt, 1980; Tait, Padgett, & Baldwin, 1989).Age correlation of .35% between job and life satisfaction, which increased to .44% when corrected for unreliability (Tait et al., 1989). Research suggests that social support in the workplace has a positive impact on work outcomes, such as job satisfaction (Allen, 2001; Goff et al., 1990; Savery, 1988). Julie Parmer and Dennis East’s 1989 study of support staff in twelve Ohio libraries used the JSS as its basis and found that overall these workers considered themselves basically satisfied.11 They were strongly satisfied in the areas of supervision, coworkers, work, benefits, and pay, but were dissatisfied with operational procedures, communication, contingent rewards (sense of appreciation and recognition), and opportunities for promotion Job design centers on the characteristics of job and how these effects people attitudes and behavior (Wall & Martin, 1994). According to Hackman and Oldham (1976) job attributes influence motivation and particularly intrinsic motivation. Wong and Campion, (1991) suggested that jobs are really made up of tasks and that we need to examine how these tasks are related to one another to understand their motivational impact.

Ilgen and Hollenbeck (1992) included job characteristics along with role expectations and incorporated both job objectives attributes and social information provided by others. It has been recognized by the managers that job simplification can improve productivity up to a point. Beyond that employee’s dissatisfaction can set in. Employees can become hostile towards the task and the employer and reduce their efforts or increase labour costs through absenteeism or turnover There are a number of disadvantages of job design that have been identified by Schuster & Zingheim, (1992) are, employees often experience the jobs as dull, boring and repetitive, employees tend to have no feelings of accomplishing anything meaningful, and also many types of problem behavior tend to appear, for example, carelessness, low quality, absenteeism, high turnover, industrial unrest and occasionally sabotage

Purpose of the study: In today’s modern world, drastic changes have been taking place in both private and public sector organizations. In Pakistan, Telecom industry is expanding day by day and facing the same situation. The problem is how to keep them satisfied and retain them with the organization. For this purpose, the current study will make an attempt to measure the level of job satisfaction for employees working in telecom sector. Job satisfaction is an important factor for improving the employee performance in an organization. Turnover is positively related so, employee’s retention by their job satisfaction and keeping it high.

Research topic : To compare employee’s job satisfaction in Mobilink and Ufone.

Sample size: A total of 300 questionnaires will be floated among the managerial of mobilink and ufone.

Sampling technique: For the collection of data convenient sampling technique will be use because of certain limitation.

Scope of the study: In this study the resecher intended to measure job satisfaction level of those employees who are working in telecom industry, two of the top leading telecom companies MOBILINK AND U-FONE are consider for this study and the target is Peshawar region.

Methodology: The data will be collected with help of two different tolls which are primary data and secondary data.

Primary data: Primary data will be collected through •


Secondary data: Secondary data will be taken from journals and books.

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