New Opportunities In The Era Of Direct Cross-strait Aviation

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New Opportunities In the Era of Direct Cross-Strait Aviation 两岸直航开拓的新契机 By Nicholas V. Chen and Michael D. Lee 陈文俊法学博士 与 李家祥法学博士 [email protected] [email protected] © 2008 Pamir Law Group

Pop Quiz小考试 Q: What Are the “Three Links”? 问: “三通” 是哪三个东西要 “通”呢?

* They’ve Been Discussed For So Long, Many Have Forgotten What They Are! 讨论了那么久, 不少人早已忘记 “三通” 是什么!

Pop Quiz小考试 A: Postal, Commercial and Transportation Links 答: 通邮、通商、通航 First Proposed by National People’s Congress in 1979 “Message to Taiwan Compatriots” 由全国人大常委会在1979年 “告台湾同胞书” 首次提出 Two of the “Three Links” Were “Linked” Indirectly For Many Years (Postal and Commercial Links) 三通其中两 “通” 早就间接 “通” 了 (通邮、通商) Last Week’s Historic Agreement Will Finally Establish All Three Direct Links 上周历史性的四项协议终于建立了 “直接三通”

Direct Cross-Strait Aviation Era Begins With Weekend Charter Flights 两岸直航时代来临了: 从定点周末包机开始 July 4, 2008: Air China Debuts at Taoyuan Airport Ticket Counter 2008年7月4日: 中国国际航空公司 在桃园机场登场!

Å Passengers Line Up To Get Tickets on Inaugural Flight From Taipei to Beijing 旅客排队搭乘台北-北京首 航班机

Long Line of Passengers Æ At Taoyuan Ticket Counter 桃园机场旅客排队长龙

Å One Satisfied Passenger 一名满意的 旅客

Air China Plane on Æ Tarmac at Taoyuan Airport – Next to China Airlines Plane 国航班机在桃园机场停机 坪隔壁就是华航班机

Å Signboard Displays Inaugural Beijing Flight 桃园机场告示牌显示飞 往北京首航班机

ÅFirst Passenger Prepares to Board Inaugural Flight From Taoyuan to Beijing 第一位旅客准备登 上桃园至北京首航

Å With the Pilots 与飞行员 合照

ÅBaggage Claim at PEK Showing Arrival From TPE 首都机场告示牌 显示台北班机抵 达了

Scale of Cross-Strait Aviation Sector 两岸直航规模 Restrictions on Direct Cross-Strait Aviation Have Forced Most Passengers to Transit Through Hong Kong or Macau 两岸直航限制使得大多来往两岸旅客务必在港澳专机 Traffic at Hong Kong Expected to Decrease 7% After Regular Cross-Strait Flight Services Are Inaugurated 两岸定期航班开始后, 香港预计赤鱲角机场航班将减 少7%

Scale of Cross-Strait Aviation Sector 两岸直航规模 Statistics For 2007: 2007年的统计: 10.91 Million Passengers Flew Between Taiwan-Hong Kong and Taiwan-Macau 2007年飞往台港及台澳旅客人次高达 1091 万 Occupancy Rates on Taiwan-Hong Kong and TaiwanMacau Flights Averaged 74% 台港及台澳班机平均载客率高达74%

Scale of Cross-Strait Aviation Sector 两岸直航规模 Statistics For 2007: 2007年的统计: 4.63 Million Taiwan Residents Arrived In China 台湾居民抵达中国高达463万人次 Number of Taiwan Persons Residing in China in 2007 Estimated at Between 1-2 Million 住在中国的台湾人2007年估计有100-200万之间 Only 279,751 Chinese Arrived in Taiwan 中国居民抵达台湾仅279,751人次 391,000 Passengers Used “Mini Three Links” Between Fujian and Kinmen, Matsu 还有391,000旅客利用福建-金门妈祖之间的 “小三通”

Scale of Cross-Strait Aviation Sector 两岸直航规模 China is Taiwan’s Second-Largest Air Cargo Destination (After US) 中国是台湾第二大空运目的地 (仅次于美国) 2007 Taiwan-Hong Kong Air Cargo Statistics: 2007年台港空运统计: Taiwan to Hong Kong: 165,460 Metric Tons (Equivalent of 1,464 747-400 Freighters) 台湾送往香港: 165,460 公吨 (等于1,464波音747-400全货机班次) Hong Kong to Taiwan: 24,523 Metric Tons (Equivalent of 217 747-400 Freighters) 香港送往台湾: 24,523公吨 (等于217波音747-400全货机班次)

Historic Agreement Establishes ‘Three Links’ 建立三通的历史性协议

Historic Agreement Establishes ‘Three Links’ 建立三通的历史性协议 Last Week, Four Agreements Reached Between Association For Relations Across the Taiwan Strait and Straits Exchange Foundation 海协会及海基会达成四项协议 Topics: Cross-Strait Aviation Links, Postal Exchanges, Shipping and Food Safety 议题: 两岸航空, 邮务, 海运及食品安全 Agreement to Take Effect 40 Days After Nov. 4 Signing 协议将于11月4日签署40天后生效

Direct Aviation Links 两岸直航 Direct Aviation Implemented in Four Stages – Presently At Stage 2: 规划分四阶段开放直航 – 目前属于第二阶段: Holiday Charters (Began Lunar New Year 2003) 节日包机 (2003年春节已开始) Weekend Charters (Began July 4, 2008) 周末包机 (2008年7月4日已开始) Daily Charters (To Begin in Late December) 每日包机 (将于12月底前开始) Regular Scheduled Service (To Begin Before May 2009) 定期航班 (将于2009年5月前开始)

Next Stage of Direct Aviation Links 两岸直航的下一步 Passenger Charters Expanded to 108 Per Week 客运包机增加到每周108班 Daily Charter Services to Start Before Late December 每日包机将于12月底前开始 Northbound Flights No Longer Required to Pass Through Hong Kong Flight Information Region 往返华北与台湾的班机不必经过 香港飞行情报区 Inauguration of Direct Cargo Services 两岸直航货运开启 Cargo Flights Start at 60 Per Week, to be Expanded Within Six Months 货运从每周60班开始, 将于半年内扩增 Passenger Flights Permitted to Carry Cargo 客运班机可以载货 Direct Flights for Non-Profit Commercial or Official Aircraft 非营利性商务 (公务) 包机

Next on Taipei’s Agenda 台北的未来目标 Allow Air Operators from Both Sides of the Straits to Establish Local, On-the-Ground, Ticket Sales Centers 开放双方业者在对方境内设立分公司自行销售股务作业 Mutual Recognition of Maintenance Standards and Maintenance Certifications 证照互承认并建立维修相互认证及零组件对照认可之制度 Negotiate to Allow Taiwan Carriers to Fly Domestic Mainland Routes and Extend Cross-Strait Flights to Other Domestic Destinations 为台籍业者协商陆地内飞航及延远 Standards for Injury Compensation 损害赔偿标准 Emergency Assistance Agreement 搜救协议

Benefits From Direct Flights 直航带来的利益 Benefit Overall Economic Development of Both Sides 利于双方整体的经济发展 Reduce Costs For Businesses Operating on Both Sides 降低双方企业的成本 Expand Direct Cross-Strait Exchanges 扩大两岸的直接交流 Economic Exchanges 经济交流 People-to-People Exchanges 民间交流

Direct Flights: Taipei’s Future Objectives 直航: 台北的未来目标 Taiwan Seeks to Attract Investment 台湾希望吸引投资: From Taiwan Businesses Presently Operating in China 在中国的台商 Chinese Businesses Seeking Opportunities in Taiwan 在台湾找商机的中国企业

Taipei Seeks to Rescue Local Airlines That Have Suffered From Opening of High-Speed Rail 台北希望抢救遭到 “高铁” 波及的岛内航空公司

Cross-Strait Flights Seen as Lifeline For Taiwan Carriers 岛内航空寄希望于两岸直航 Since 2007, Passengers Traveling Within Taiwan Have Abandoned Flying For High-Speed Rail: 从2007年高铁开航后, 台湾岛内旅客搭机大幅减少 Intra-Island Passenger Trips Fell to 6 Million, Down 2/3 From Peak of 18 Million in 1997 台湾岛内班机旅客人次, 从1997年高峰的1800万旅大幅下降2/3 至去年600人次 FAT Suspended Operations in May 2008, Leaving Only Three Major Internal Carriers 远东航空08年5月停航后, 台湾岛内仅剩三家较大的航空公司: Uni Air (Eva), Mandarin Airlines (CAL) and TransAsia Airways 立荣航空 (长荣)+华信航空 (华航)+复兴航空

Main Gateways 主要机场 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 台湾桃园国际机场 Kaohsiung International Airport 高雄小港国际机场

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 台湾桃园国际机场

Terminal 1 第一航厦

Terminal 2 第二航厦

Last Year, 85% of Passengers Traveling Between Taiwan and Hong Kong-Macau Used This Airport 去年85%飞往台港澳之间的旅客从此机场出入台湾

“Taoyuan Airport City” Plan “桃园航空城”计划 Tops List of “12 Construction Projects” Promised by Ma Ying-jeou 马英九的 “12项爱台建设”之第一项 Implementation Expected to Begin By Early Next Year 预计明年初开始实施 Modeled After Airport City in Amsterdam 相似阿姆斯特丹机场航空城 Will Establish Special Zones Covering Over 6,000 Hectares Around Taoyuan Airport Open to Investment, Travel by Mainland People 机场外围将设立6000公顷特区并完全开放大陆人士投资旅游 Also Seeks to Attract Back Taiwan Manufacturers Operating in China 也 企图吸引大陆台商制造业回台 Airport Terminal, Cargo Operations to be Opened to Private Operation 机场航厦、货运开放民间企业经营 Adjacent Industrial and Free Trade Zones Subject to Lower Business Income Taxes 附近工业区及自由贸易区将有企业所得税等租税优惠

“Taoyuan Airport City” Plan “桃园航空城”计划 Airport to be Integrated With Nearby Seaport Operations, Cargo Transfer and Reprocessing 机场及附近海港业务统合、货运转运及加工 Plans For New Exhibition Facilities, Freeport and Manufacturing Zones Subject to More Liberal Labor Regulations 计划包括新的经贸展览园区、自由港及劳动规定较松绑的生产特区 Plans For Aviation Industry Zone For Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Manufacturing Operations 计划包括航空工业园区, 吸引飞机维护,维修 及相关生产业 Plans For ‘Quality Living Area’ Providing Space For Luxury Real Estate Development, Shopping Malls, Recreational Facilities and Medical Facilities 计划包括 ‘高级生活园区’吸引房地产开发, 购屋场, 娱乐设施及 医疗院所 More Details Available From Pamir Law Group 更详细的信息 – 请与我 们联系

Kaohsiung International Airport 高雄小港国际机场

Last Year, Only 15% of Passengers Traveling Between Taiwan and Hong Kong-Macau Used This Airport 去年仅15%飞往台港澳之间的旅客从此机场出入台湾 Airport is Centrally Located in Large Metro Area, Operating Costs Are Low and Potential For Growth 该机场位于大都会区核心, 营运成本低, 成长潜力高

Taichung CCK Airport 台中机场 This Airport is Still New and Very Few Flights Serve Destinations Outside Taiwan – Costs Are Low and Potential For Growth 该机场还很新, 飞往台湾以 外的班机不多 – 成本低有 成长的潜力 Closest Airport to Major Tourist Attractions Sun Moon Lake and Mount Ali 该机场最靠近重要观光地 点, 像日月潭及阿里山

Other Airports Formerly Only Used For IntraIsland Flights Now Open to Cross-Strait Services: 其它原限制岛内班机的机场现在开放两岸直航班机: Taipei Songshan Airport 台北松山机场 Hualien Airport 花莲航空站 Taitung Airport 台东丰年航空站 Penghu Makung Airport 澎湖马公航空站

Taipei Songshan Airport 台北松山机场 Due to Its Central Location in Heart of Taipei, This Airport Has Most Potential 由于松山机场位 于台北市的核心, 该机场的发展潜 力最大

Taipei Songshan Airport 台北松山机场 Advantages 优势: Songshan Is Taipei’s “Hongqiao,” Centrally Located in the City 松山机场是台北的 “虹桥” – 位于台北市核心地带 Within 10 Minutes’ Driving Time of Major Financial, Commercial, Tourist Districts 到台北主要金融、商业观光区开车10分钟以内到达 Substantial Room For Development Following Reduction of Intra-Island Flights 由于最近岛内班次大幅减少, 该机场目前有可观的发展潜力 Proximity to High-Tech Parks in Taipei 接近于台北区高科技园区

Taipei Songshan Airport 台北松山机场 Opportunities 商机: Development of Commercial Properties Adjacent to Airport 机场附近商用房地产开发 Ease, Convenience of Airport Expected to Attract More Taiwan Tourists to Visit China 机场便利预计将吸引更多台湾人前往中国旅游 Surge of Business Travelers Expected 预计出差从商的旅客将大幅增加

Songshan’s Glory Days–Then and Now 松山机场的 “光芒时代” 过去与现在 Å CAT Convair “Mandarin Jet” at Songshan in the 1960s 1960年代民航空运公司在 松山机场的 “翠华号” 英姿

First Xiamen Airlines Flight Æ Welcomed at Songshan Airport, July 4, 2008 消防队喷水欢迎厦门航空首航 抵达松山机场 2008年7月4日

Opportunities in Taiwan 台湾商机 Now Being Discussed, Expected to be Implemented Next Year: 目前仍在讨论, 预计明年将实施: Direct Chinese Investment in Commercial Real Property Development 中国直接投资于商用房地产开发 Direct Chinese Investment in Manufacturing Industries 中国直接投资于制造业 Chinese Banks Opening Representative Offices, Branches or Joint Ventures With Taiwan Banks 中国的银行在台开代表处、分行或与台银行合资

Opportunities in Taiwan 台湾商机 Now Being Discussed, Expected to be Implemented Next Year: 目前仍在讨论, 预计明年将实施: Chinese Airlines, Travel Agencies, Shippers Opening For Business in Taiwan 中国的航空公司、旅行社、海运公司将在台开始营运 Dual Taxation Avoidance For Airlines and Shipping Companies Operating on Both Sides 两岸航空及海运公司双重课税避免机制 Lifting Numeric Restrictions on Visits by Chinese Tourist Groups 解除中国旅行团人数限制 Permitting Chinese Tourists to Visit as Individuals 让中国旅客到台湾自助旅游

Doing Business in Taiwan 在台湾营业 Chinese Companies and Individuals Will Likely Receive Same Treatment as Foreign Companies, Individuals 对中国的公司及个人将比照外国公司及个人的模式 Five Main Choices: 五个主要选择: Find an Agent in Taiwan 在台找代理 Representative Office 代表处 Branch 分公司 Company Limited by Shares 股份有限公司 Limited Company 有限公司

Doing Business in Taiwan 在台湾营业 Representative Office 代表处: Activities Limited to Procurement and Coordination Between Head Office and Taiwan Counterparts, Not Permitted to Directly Conduct For-Profit Business 仅能进行采购及代替母公司沟通协调, 不得直接从事营利行为

Branch 分公司: May Conduct General Business in Taiwan, Including Accepting Payment For Services 得在台湾从事一般商业行为, 包括收款业务 Subject to Value Added Tax and Corporate Income Tax 得支付加值营业税 (VAT)、公司所得税等

Doing Business in Taiwan 在台湾营业 Company Limited by Shares 股份有限公司: Similar to Branch - May Conduct Any Type of Business Not Prohibited By Law 与分公司一样, 得进行一切合法业务 Unlike Branch, Has No Legal Liability For Parent Company 与分公司不一样,不需要为母公司负起法律责任 Tax Advantages 税务上的优势

Limited Company有限公司: Advantages Similar to Company Limited By Shares 与股份有限公司相似 Some Basic Requirements Different From Company Limited By Shares 部份基本条件与股份有限公司不一样

Other Opportunities 其它商机 Trade in Highly Perishable Goods Such as Fruits, Vegetables and Other Foodstuffs 水果、蔬菜、其它食品等生鲜产品的买卖 Trans-Shipment of Chinese Goods Bound For Foreign Markets Through Taiwan Airports and Seaports 经台湾机场、港口转往国外市场中国货品的转运

More Detailed Information 更详细的信息 Provided On CD-ROM 请参考光盘 Also Available on Our Website 也可以从我们的网站下载: Full Text of All Four ARATS-SEF Agreements 海基会-海协会四项协议全文 Newspaper Articles 相关媒体剪报 Information on Taoyuan Airport City Plan 桃园航空城计划

PAMIR Law Group

Beijing - Shanghai – Taipei 北京、上海、台北

A Bridge Between China and the World Providing Legal and Consulting Services 提供法律及商务顾问服务,连接中国与世界的桥梁 Extensive Experience With Aviation Leasing and Finance Transactions in Greater China 在大中华地区航空金融及租赁等领域具备丰富经验 Aircraft Sales & Purchases 飞机贩售 Sale-Leasebacks 售后回租 Aircraft Financing 飞机融资 Aircraft Lease Assignments & Novations 飞机租赁合同转让或更新 Aircraft Engine Sales & Leases 飞机发动机贩售及租赁

PAMIR Law Group

Beijing - Shanghai – Taipei 北京、上海、台北

Represented U.S. and Japanese global commercial aircraft leasing and finance companies in numerous successful transactions involving Airbus and Boeing aircraft leased to 曾代表美国及日本国际金融租赁公司与以下国内航空公司 成功的完成交易 • • • • •

Air China 中国国际航空公司 China Eastern Airlines 中国东方航空公司 China Southern Airlines 中国南方航空公司 CNAC Zhejiang Airlines 中航浙江航空公司 Shandong Airlines 山东航空公司

PAMIR Law Group

Beijing - Shanghai – Taipei 北京、上海、台北

Thirty-Year Record of Successfully Closing Transactions In a Broad Range of Industries In the PRC and Taiwan 在中国及台湾成功地完成广大领域交易具备30年丰富经 验 Provides Strategic Insights and Implements Practical Legal and Business Solutions Throughout Greater China 提供整个大中华区业务的策略建言及法律解决方案等顾 问服务

How To Obtain More Information? 如何得到更多的信息? Nicholas V. Chen 陈文俊博士 [email protected] Tel: (+886) 2-2531-5816, ext. 788 Michael D. Lee 李家祥博士 [email protected] Tel: (+886) 2-2531-5816, ext. 700

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