New Newsletter November 2009

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November 2009 / Newsletter

Operation Christmas Child As you have all heard now, I have challenged the youth to create small groups and come up with 30 boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Those who do, will get to paint on my car. This challenge is open to anyone who wishes to participate. If you bring 30 boxes to church on November 15th, you will get a spot on my car. We are all so incredibly blessed, let’s make a sacrifice to bring joy and the gospel to many children. Let’s join together and raise 200 boxes this Christmas. Just think, 200 children will have a happier Christmas because of our sacrifice. And God will be praised!

We all gotta serve somebody.

It just depends on who we give our allegiance to. The choice is simple, Christ or the world, but living it is the challenge. I read in a book somewhere where the author was arguing that most Christians have more knowledge than they could ever implement in a lifetime. He said that what we needed was not more Bible study but more opportunities to serve. I disagree that we should cut back on Bible study (Bible study is worshipping God too), but I do agree our churches need to provide more opportunities for service. Sometimes we just need a little encouragement and a vision of what we could do for God. So this year in youth, we to create more opportunities for the youth to serve others, locally and further from home. James writes that, “ without deeds is dead.” (2:26) Although our faith is important, the world sees our faith in what we do. Let’s not wait to encourage our children to serve until they are “old enough.” Let’s provide our children with opportunities to serve and show them how God works thorough his willing servants. It is time to stand up, say “No!” to our culture of comfort and self-interest. We all serve somebody. Who do you serve?

Name: Glencross Youth Group Location: In the sticks Bio: The Glencross Youth is a group of junior and senior high students who are excited about learning about God and what it means to be His hands and feet in our world. Contact: Check us out on Facebook @ Glencross Youth Visit our blog @ for an electronic version of the youth newsletter. Any Questions?? Contact Mike Penner 822-3864 or 822-8070 [email protected]

Calendar Sr. Youth 04 - Bible Study @ church @ 7:30 Living For Christ (Romans 6) 11 - Bible Study @ church @ 7:30 More than Conquerors (Rom 78) 18 - Guys/Girls Night - Planning will take place the week before. Bring ideas! 25 - Serving at Faith Mission in Winkler. Meet @ Mike’s @ 7:10. Jr. Youth 02 - Bible Study @ church @ 7:30 Yes and No 23 - Games Night @ church @ 7:30 Snack People 04 - Emily T 11 - Martin 25 - Jessica

02 - Catherine 23 - Evan

October 2009 / Page 2

ATTENTION: IDEA Attention all youth!! I would like your thoughts. Check out the blog or the Facebook page to discuss the idea of a Winter Retreat and Treasured Foundation in December 2010 instead of going to Youth Quake.

God Uses Imperfect People By Jim Liebelt

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin. Hebrews 4:15


If it looks like cocaine, is packaged like cocaine, and causes the user to feel strange and energized like cocaine, is it cocaine? No, it's the latest energy drink called Blow and it's quickly causing controversy. The energy drink mix, which is sold in a small vial, is measured in grams, just like the actual drug. As if that weren't enough, a small mirror is also included in the package so the energy deprived can grind the rocks into a fine powder. Pour the Blow in your water bottle and you'll be flying high on caffeine. One vial contains 240mg of caffeine and 200mg of Taurine, which is equivalent to 2 Red Bulls and 3 cups of coffee. Essentially it's an all-nighter in a small and convenient package. The creators of Blow are utilizing social networking sites that are popular with teens, such as MySpace and YouTube, as a key compo-

A youth worker shared with me about her ongoing struggle with a life-dominating problem. Of note was her own perception that this struggle has blocked her ability to know God and that until she conquers the problem God won’t allow her to be effective in ministry. As I heard her story, sadness fell over me as her struggle is not uncommon. All too frequently, committed Christ-followers believe that God won’t reveal Himself or use anyone who doesn’t have life “all together.” An important question is this: Do you believe that God expects perfection from His followers? One of my favorite encouraging stories in the Gospels, is the story of Jesus and Peter, after Jesus’ resurrection. The story takes place on the beach along the sea of Tiberias. Peter has seriously let Jesus down over the recent days, running away from Jesus at his time of greatest need and repeatedly denying he even knew Jesus. At their breakfast beach meeting, Jesus had every right to tell Peter, “I love you, but you let me down. I can’t trust you anymore.” Who among us would have blamed him? Yet, Jesus did just the opposite. He gives Peter responsibility, “Feed my sheep.” Peter was far from perfect. Peter was anything but a poster-boy for having it “all together.” Yet, Jesus not only revealed Himself personally to Peter, but He gave him authority to minister to others. While God’s people are to pursue holiness, none of us is perfect and we all struggle with sin's grip on our lives. (See 1 John 1:8.) Yet, we need to embrace ourselves as we are: both saint and sinner, with strengths and weaknesses; successes and failures; victories and defeats. When we acknowledge our brokenness, struggles and our need for God, He will use us. When we embrace our weaknesses as part of us, and put our confidence in Christ's work in our lives, He will use us. Rather than wallowing in the mire of self-condemnation today, receive this encouragement from Scripture: But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me... for when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 Further Reading - John 21, 2 Corinthians 1:3-7, 1 John 1:8

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