New Asesmen Kualitas Tanah

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 842
  • Pages: 24

Soil quality The SSSA SQ definition Soil quality is the capacity of a specific kind of soil to function, within natural or managed ecosystem boundaries, to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality, and support human health and habitation (Agronomy News, June 1995) How to know the quality of soil ????? Evaluating the soil properties or Assessing the soil quality using any indicators of soil properties

MINIMUM DATA SET: INDIKATOR KUANTITATIF PADA ASESMEN KUALITAS TANAH Asesmen Kualitas Tanah Dilakukan Dengan Mengevaluasi Berbagai Indikator: Fisik, Kimia, Biologi, Proses atau Karakteristik Tanah. Dapat Pula Dari Penampilan atau Morfologi Tanaman

Asesmen Kualitas Tanah: (1) Kualitatif dan (2) Kuantitatif (1) Kualitatif: Asesmen yang dilakukan secara sederhana, dan tanpa alat ukur, Serta sifatnya subjektif, sehingga hasilnya tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan Hasil pengukuran orang atau wilayah lain; (2) Kuantitatif: Pengukuran setiap indikator dilakukan secara akurat menggunakan alat ukur dan standar nilai yang tepat, sehingga sifatnya objektif dan dapat dibandingkan dengan hasil pengukuran lain

Management Goals Soil Function

Soil Function

Soil Function

Minimum Data Set Indicator






Index Value





Karlen et al. (2004)

Karena Banyaknya Sifat-Sifat Tanah Maka Sifat-Sifat Tersebut Tidak Dapat Diukur Semuanya, Maka Suatu “Set” Sifat-Sifat Tanah Minimum yang Dapat Diukur dan Berpengaruh Terhadap Kapasitas Tanah Untuk Memainkan/Melakukan Peran dan Fungsinya Didalam Produksi Tanaman atau Lingkungan ------- Minimum Data Set (MDS)

Minimum Data Set (MDS) -------Biasanya Tidak Mencakup Semua Sifat-Sifat Tanah, Hanya Sifat-Sifat yang Relevan Dengan Wilayah atau Sistem Pertanian (Farming Systems) MDS ---- Kelompok Minimum Indikator yang Dibutuhkan untuk Memperoleh Pemahaman yang Komprehensif Terhadap Kualitas Tanah yang Dievaluasi

Minimum Data Set ---- Merefleksikan Pertanyaan : “Pengukuran / Indikator Apa yang Harus Dibuat atau Apa yang Dapat Diamati Sehingga Akan Membantu Mengevaluasi Pengaruh Pengelolaan Pada Fungsi Tanah Saat Ini maupun Waktu Akan Datang”

Sehingga Indikator yang Dipilih: - Dapat Diukur oleh Sebanyak Mungkin Pemakai, Tidak Hanya Oleh Kalangan Terbatas - Menggambarkan Proses Ekologis Utama Didalam Tanah - Berkaitan Dengan Fungsi Ekosistem Utama - Mengintegrasikan Sifat-Sifat Fisik, Kimia, dan Biologi Tanah

Example of a Minimum Data Set of Indicators for Soil Quality Indicator

Relationship to Soil Health

Soil organic matter (SOM)

Soil fertility, structure, stability, nutrient retention, soil erosion, and available water capacity

PHYSICAL Soil structure

Retention and transport of water and nutrients, habitat for microbes, and soil erosion

Depth of soil and rooting

Estimate of crop productivity potential, compaction, and plow pan

Infiltration and bulk density Water holding capacity

Water movement, porosity, and workability Water storage and availability

CHEMICAL pH Electrical conductivity Extractable nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)

Biological and nutrient availability Plant growth, microbial activity, and salt tolerance


Microbial biomass carbon (C) and N

Microbial catalytic potential and repository for C and N

Potentially mineralizable N Soil respiration

Soil productivity and N supplying potential Microbial activity measure

(Adapted from: Doran et al, 1996; Larson and Pierce, 1994; and Seybold et al, 1997)

Tugas Portofolio: Nilai 20% Menyusun portofolio tentang konsep minimum data set dan menyelesaikan Problem MDS pada berbagai jenis”farming systems”





MLRA 42, Southern Desertic Basins, Plains, Mountains

LRU: SD-2 Climate 8-10” ppt mostly summer ppt 60o F; 5 below zero to 110 200-215 FFD SD-2

Elevation and topography 3,800- 5200 feet “gently sloping plains broken by mountains”

Soils Thermic Ustic Aridic Argids, Calcids, Cambids, Torrispamments

Potential natural vegetation Grassland, mixed grassland-shrub. Black grama, bush muhly, giant dropseed, tobosa, soaptree yucca, creosote, tarbush

Black grama-Tobosa grassland

Tobosa-Burrograss grassland

2. Soil-landscape relationships are developed and soils are mapped.

Soils Soil Quality

Soil Quality  Soil functions to :   

Sustain plant growth Sustain environmental quality Provide for plant, animal, and human health.

 The terms “Soil Quality” and “Soil Health”

describe the soil’s ability to perform the above functions.


Asesemen Kualitas Tanah Dilakukan Dengan Mengevaluasi Indikator Dari Karakteristik Tanah

Assessment of Soil Quality  Not one measurable parameter.  Soil Quality Indicators: 

Physical properties • • • • • •

Soil Texture Bulk Density – weight per unit volume Rooting/soil depth Water infiltration/conductivity Water Holding Capacity Structure/Aggregate Stability

Soil Quality Indicators  Soil Chemical Properties      

pH Electrical Conductivity (EC) Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) Soil Organic Matter (SOM) Mineralizable N Exchangeable Cations (nutrients)

Soil Quality Indicators  Soil Biological Properties    

Organic Nitrogen Organic Carbon Microbial Biomass Macroorganisms

Sembilan (9) Tahap Dalam Asesmen Kualitas Tanah 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Identify Problems and Opportunities Determine Assessing Soil Quality Goals Inventory Resources of Assessing Soil Quality Analyze Resources Data Formulate Alternatives Evaluate Alternatives Make Decisions Implement the Plan Evaluate the Plan – Follow Up

Identify Problems and Opportunities  Identify General Resources Problems,

Opportunities, and Concerns. Collect on General Information Resources Need (Soil Map, Plan t Management, Technical Asst., Other Resources)

ASSIGMENT FOR 2008 CLASS: Make a paper for this lecture at least 5 pgs, on three weeks after holyday. Personal assigment.

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