Natal Lesson 08

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 749
  • Pages: 2

Topic | Grade:

. Sts identify and observe tangible products related to Western Christmas tradition, including Portuguese-speaking countries . Sts identify people/ animals/ things in the 3rd person ("quem", "ele/ela"; "o que é isto") . Sts demonstrate they understand the use of the definite article in the singular, masculine/ feminine ("o/a").

Christmas traditions (Grades K-5)

Standards Standard 1.2: Sts understand and interpret written and spoken Portuguese Standard 2.2: Sts demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between products and perspectives

Preparation: Transition from | Entry point

Definite articles "o/a" Masculine/feminine Interrogative pronouns "quem/que" Demonstrative "isto" Verb "ser" (to be), 3rd person singular

. Teacher (T) wears Santa's hat, Christmas colors, etc. . Sts. observe and touch Christmas ornaments and relate them to the holiday season.

Materials | Resources | Equipment: . Hand-decorated Christmas ornaments, Christmas masks (Santa Claus, an Elf, Santa's Dog and Cat), and Christmas ambient music (e.g. Alvin and the Chipmunks) . Santa Claus' hat, 2 Christmas stockings and 2 phantasy crowns (for the "king" and "queen") . Language signs, poster, cards and 3 small white boards (with dry erase pens) . Power Point presentation (O Presépio/The Nativity) . Computer (preferably with internet access) and screen or white wall



1 Warm-up: Generating interest . T hands out ornaments and invites sts to look at/ touch them to the sound of the chosen musical pieces. . Sts circulate the ornaments while T sets up other resources (e.g. computer and screen, etc.). . When ready, T shows language sign with question "Estão contentes?" & answers "Não" (1st) and "Sim" (2nd). . In chorus Sts choose one or the other ("Sim" expected).

2 Presentation:

3 Practice:

. T invites each student who has an ornament to stand up by saying "Upa!" . T asks "What's this?/ O que é isto?" Sts reply in English or Portuguese. . T shows language sign with the question "O que é isto?", and answers "É o boneco deneve/ É a árvore de Natal." This step is repeated until all the ornaments are identified. . T introduces the question for people and animals: "Quem é ele/ela?" "É o Pai Natal." . Optional: a short mask play written by a student. - The Elf tells Santa the reindeers are sick and they can't fly to deliver presents. Other animals need to be found to pull the sleigh. The Dog volunteers, but the Cat refuses at first because she is afraid of flying. Santa manages to convince her by offering 101 cookies for her courage. . T presents the slide show "O Presépio".

. T invites a boy and a girl in turns to wear the crowns and help with the language signs. . 3 other sts in turn volunteer to write their names on the white boards. They show the boards. . The king asks the class "Quem é ele?"; "É o menino João." The queen asks "Quem é ela?"; É a menina Filipa." . T reinforces the use of "o/a". She passes the stockings around, each containing cards with "o" or "a". . Sts are invited to stand up and choose an object or person which can be identified by "o" or "a". . T and sts identify objects and people: "a mesa", "o lápis", "a professora", "o aluno". . Following the presentation of the slide show, sts respond to the prompts: "Quem é ela? É a Nossa Senhora"; "O que é isto? É o Presépio."

Evaluation: Student performance . Sts respond correctly to T's questions and prompts, and identify feminine and masculine . Sts complete a written work sheet

Teacher’s reflection on results: . Sts liked especially all the objects they could observe and touch. They responded correctly to most of the prompts and were very attentive and eager to participate. . Some sts were very interested in the tech part of the presentation (computer, projector, speaker) . When the T mentioned that her name (ANA) can be read both ways, one K-student made a very pertinent association by identifying MOM and DAD as similar words.

Expansion: Lesson improvement . This lesson was created with K-5 sts in mind. Slight adaptations were decided on the spot, depending on the reaction of the sts to a precise type of material. . The class T can choose, adapt and expand the materials taking into consideration her better knowledge of sts. . Possible follow-up activities: - writing and exchanging Christmas cards - creating a slide show with sts productions - writing/enacting a Christmas short play

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