Naskah Soal To 3 Bahasa Inggris

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SMP GUGUS 01 PONDOK AREN BAHASA INGGRIS Hari/Tanggal Waktu Durasi menit

: : : 120



Ujicoba UN 08-09 B.Ing




: Bahasa Inggris

PELAKSANAAN Hari/Tanggal Jam

: :

PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Isikan identitas anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian Nasional (LJUN) yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk di LJUN. 2. Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata ujian pada LJUN. 3. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut. 4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya! 5. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdiri atas 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban! 6. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas pada lembar soal, lembar soal rusak atau tidak lengkap. 7. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian jika diperlukan. 8. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, kamus, HP, tabel, pemutar musik (audio player), atau alat bantu hitung lainnya! 9. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian! 10. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret.


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Read the text to answer questions no. 1 to 4! One day Mrs. Michael went to see her doctor because her heart was giving her trouble. The doctor listened to her heart carefully and did a few things, then he said " well Mrs. Michael, stop smoking and you will soon be a quite all right again". "But doctor," answer Mrs. Michael quickly, “I've never smoke. I don't like smoking" "Oh, well", said the doctor. Then don't drink alcohol anymore." But I don't drink alcohol". Answer Mr. Michael at once. "Stop drinking coffee, then," doctor said to him. "I only drink water," answer Mrs. Michael, "I don't like coffee nor tea," The doctor thought for a few second and then said, "Do you like fried potatoes?" "Yes, I like them very much." Answer Mrs. Michael. "All right, stop eating those, and then do physical exercise regularly." Said the doctor and she got up say good bye to him. 1.What does the text tell us about? It tells about … a. Heart was giving trouble b. Mrs. Michael went to see a doctor. c. Bad effect of doing smoking . d. Bad effect of drinking alcohol 2. Why was Mrs. Michael's heart giving her trouble? Because She … a. smoked too much b. drank alcohol too much. c. drank coffee too much. d. ate fried potatoes too much. 3. What was the doctor's advice to Mrs. Michael? The doctor advised her … a. to stop eating fried potatoes and drinking coffee. b. to do physical exercise regularly c. not to drink alcohol anymore and stop smoking d. to stop eating fried potatoes and do exercise regularly. 4. "Yes, I like them very much." What does the word ‘them’ refer to? a. coffee b. fried potatoes c. alcohol d. cigarettes.

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Read the text to answer questions no. 5 to 7! Long time ago, it took weeks or even moths to travel from one place to another. Now it is different. Cities grow and spread out, so transportation has developed. We have cheap and reliable transportation like trains, buses, cars, etc. We also have plane. By planes, we can go almost everywhere quickly. We can take a plane from Jakarta to Kalimantan. It takes only a few hours. We can also go abroad by plane. Another means of transportation is the helicopter. It is usually by a special group of people like the military or business organization. It seems that the helicopter is more flexible than an airplane. It can go up and down, turn right and left, or turn around very quickly. 5. How long do we need to travel from one place to another place long time ago? a. In short time b. only a few hours c. weeks or months d. more flexible. 6. What means of transportation is the fastest? a. bus b. helicopter c. plane d. train.

It's a ...

7. How many air transportations are stated in the text … a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 Read the text to answer questions no.8 to 9! Technology is developing very fast nowadays. It's role become more and more important. A lot of people have enjoyed it. People become busier. The time becomes very important and they want to save their time and energy. They need modern equipment to help them finish their work as soon as possible. Housewives use the washing machines to do the laundry and the dishes. They also use some other modern equipment to help with their work. Gardener prefer using lawn mowers to sickles to cut the grass. Farmers use tractor instead of animals, hoes, and spades to cultivate their rice fields. Carpenters enjoy the modern tools that can work mechanically instead of axe, hammers, and pliers. Modern life needs modern technology. Technologists will always create something that will be useful for people. Technology will help people to ease their way of life. 8. Washing machine will help finish their work. a. Farmers b. Housewives

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5 c. Gardener d. Carpenter. 9. The following statements are correct. Except … a. modern technology makes work faster b. modern technology can save time and energy c. most people prefer traditional tool to modern technology. d. technology helps people to ease their way of life. The text for number 10 – 13, read the text and filling the gaps with the correct answer! Yesterday my mother was ill. My father and I took her to a doctor. First my father talked to the lady who was in charge of registration. She typed the data of my mother on the computer. Then we …(10) for my mother's turn. When her turn came, I accompanied to enter the doctor's room. The doctor listened to my mother complaints …(11). Then he examined my mother by putting the …(12) on her chest. After that, he took my mother's blood pressure. He also asked his assistant, a nurse, to take my mother's temperature. So he put a thermometer in my mother armpit. He told me that my mother had a bad influenza. He wrote a … (13 ) .and gave it to me. 10. a. went b saw c. asked d. waited. 11. a. attentively b. carelessly c. hurriedly d. ignorantly 12. a. stethoscope b. syringe c. thermometer d. barometer 13. a. prescription b. recipe c. receipt d. notice Read the text to answer questions no. 14 to 17! The Golden Egg Long time ago a remote village, in central china, was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters.

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6 One day, a poor farmer lost entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to god for help or his family would die of starvation. Few days later an old man, with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said, “I don't have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help to ease your hardship." A week later to his utmost surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. This is not an ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy. Thereafter, the livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became lazy, snobbish, and spendthrift. Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patience and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside his stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it's already too late 14. Where did the story take place? It happened in … a. central china b. eastern china c. southern china d. northern china 15. What happened to the farmer livestock? They were all … a. eaten by the wild animals b. stolen by poor farmer c. given away d. killed by flood 16. Which statement below describes the farmer’s downfall? a. He didn't believe the old man b. He lost his patient and slaughtered the goose c. A week later to his utmost surprise he found a golden egg. d. He pray for god's help or his family would die. 17. What moral value can we take from the story? a. Not to be greedy and be contended with what we had. b. Pray to god for help when you are in hardship c. Foolishness will not pay. d. Not to be lazy, arrogant. Read the text to answer questions no. 18 to 21! Let me tell you how to browse on the internet. cyber café or a net café, find a nice place and sit comfortably. Then turn on the computer. When the blank, wait patiently until you see a picture on it. browsing, click the internet explorer icon on the After that, browse on the website. To end the click the cross sign which is can be seen on the upper the screen.

Ujicoba Ujian Nasional 08/09 B.Ing

First, go to a there screen is Next, to start screen twice. operation, right side of


18. The text mainly tell us … a. what can you get by browsing on the internet. b. where can you browse picture. c. how to browse on the internet d. how complicated browsing on the internet. 19. Where is the comfortable place to browse on the internet according to the text? a. A cyber café b. A food café c. A cyber café or a net café. d. A comfortable cafe 20. Which statement is true according to the text? a. You should sit on a comfortable seat when you want to browse. b. Browsing on the internet needs a friend. c. You should turn on the computer carelessly. d. The first step to start browsing is by clicking an icon in computer. 21. “After that, browse on the website” (line 5) The word which has similar meaning to the underlined word is … a. find b. see c. search d. get Read the text to answer questions no. 22 to 23! To : John Iden Sorry honey, I can't fulfill my promise to go with you to my Mom’s house tonight. I've to see Mr. Tanaka at 08.30 p.m. Don't be mad please. I'll see you soon. Sender Sylvie + 08129338056 22. How was Sylvie feeling when she sent the message? a. relieved b. impressed. c. guilty. d. confused. 23. From the message above, we can conclude that Sylvie … a. can go to her Mom's house. b. can't go to her mom's house. c. can go to her Mom's house at 08.30. p.m. d. ask John Iden to call her before going.

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Read the text to answer questions no. 24! Wanted for new telemarketing company in Jakarta Men and women with a good understanding of the English language, i.e. reading, writing and speaking. Salary is $ 150 (USD per month). Please call : 0888 – 809 4800 Admin@ bostonasset.Com. 24. What does the advertisement offer the readers? It offers … a. Salary per month. b. Men and women with a good understanding English c. Career opportunity d. New Telemarketing Company. Read the text to answer questions no. 25 to 27! You and your partner are invited To attend Fauzan's 15th Birthday In Solaria restaurant 24th January 2009 at 07.00 p.m. 25. The text is about … a. Wedding anniversary b. birthday invitation c. dinner party d. graduation 26. When was Fauzan born? a. in 1994 b. in 1995 c. in 1992 d. in 1993 27. The party will be held?... a. at night b. in the evening c. in the afternoon d. in the morning Read the text to answer questions no. 28 to 29! FISHING STRICTLY PROHIBITED

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28. What does the notice mean? It means … a. fishing is allowed b. many kinds of fish are provided c. fishing is very danger d. Fishing is not allowed

29. We usually find the notice in the ... a. river b. beach c. swimming pool d. stream Read the text to answer questions no. 30! These seats are provided for the old and infirm 30. Where do we usually find the notice? We usually find the notice … a. in an office b. on public transportation c. in supermarket d. in cinema Read the text to answer questions no. 31 to 33! Dear Indah We're very happy you want to stay with us in England next month. We'd like to learn all about what you like Before you arrive. Please write to us and tell us all about you! What food Do you like? Is there any food you don't like? What’s your favorite food? Also, please tell us what you'd like to do here in London! Best wishes and see you soon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. P.S. This is a photo of us with our cute cat. Please send us a photo of you! 31. Who wants to stay in England? a. Indah b. Mr. Johnson Ujicoba Ujian Nasional 08/09 B.Ing

10 c. Mrs. Johnson d. Ruff 32. Where will Indah stay in England? She will stay in … a. Dormitory b. An English family's house c. Condominium d. Apartment. 33. What do Mr. and Mrs. Johnson want to know about Indah? They want to know … a. Indah's arrival b. Indah's family c. Indah's attitude d. Indah's favorite food 34. A : look, I’ve a new jacket from my uncle! B : Wow … It must be expensive. a. you must god at it! b. the jacket is ridiculous! c. what a jacket beautiful! d. what a beautiful jacket! 35. Teacher : Ahmad, come here! Ahmad : … Teacher : Yes, can you take my book in teacher’s room please? Ahmad : with my pleasure a. Is there anything I can do for you? b. Would you mind helping me? c. What about taking that book? d. Do you want to take the book for me? Read the text to answer questions no. 36 to 37!

CONDOLENCES We wish to express our deepest condolence on the passing of Mr. LEO STEVEN The victim of accident on Sunday morning November 9th 2008 Buried in his hometown Monday November10th 2008 May God Almighty blesses and keeps him in His side. Community of Expatriate association 36. What is the purpose of the text? Ujicoba Ujian Nasional 08/09 B.Ing

11 a. b. c. d.

to show the way how to get burial to invite someone on the burial site to tell the deepest sympathy to express the deepest sadness.

37. Where do you usually find such condolence expression? a. in a brochure b. in a newspaper. c. In a novel d. In an article Read the text to answer questions no. 38!

Invitation Dear friends, I’d like to … (1) you to come Dinda’s farewell party On Saturday night, January 23rd 2009 8 p.m. at summarecon Auditorium Tangerang We hope you will come on time, thank you. The host … (2) Firdha & Eni 38. Complete the blank spaces with suitable words below! a. (1) offer, (2) With love b. (1) hope, (2) Faithfully yours c. (1) invite, (2) With love d. (1) tell, (2) Faithfully yours Read the text to answer questions no. 39!

Do not leave the gas cooker on when unattended 39. Where do the people usually stick the notice? a. In the bathroom b. In the bedroom c. In the kitchen d. In the dining room

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12 Read the text to answer questions no. 40 to 41! CALORIES PER DAY

40. The text is about the number of calories that … a. all people must burn in daily b. the boys need in per day c. children and teenagers need per day based on their ages d. old people have to consume everyday 41. How many calories does a thirteen years old need per day ? a. 2,150 b. 2,200 c. 2,650 d. 2,900 Read the text to answer questions no. 42!


A highway man Aged 25 tall & slim dark hair & eyes scar on chin well-dressed cold-hearted & mean Call: 0267-5897 3468 (Mr. Mayor)

42. What does the short functional text above tell us about? It tells us about someone’s … a. personality traits b. physical characteristics BOYS GIRLS c. habitual activities Ages Calories Ages Calories d. personal attitudes 9 - 11 2,200 9 - 11 2,200 12 - 14 2.650 12 - 14 2,150 15 - 17 2,900 15 - 17 2,150

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13 43. reported – in - a fire -the surrounding -people – area – last night 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a. b. c. d.

5-2-4-6-1-3-7 7-6-2-3-1-4-5 5-7-2-1-4-6-3 7-2-3-5-4-1-6.

44. Arrange these words into a good order ! Installation – off – the – before – turn – beginning – computer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a. b. c. d.

6-3-7-4-5-2-1 6-3-1-4-5-2-7 5-2-3-1-4-6-7 5-2-3-7-4-6-1

45. 1. Violence on TV is very bad for children. 2. My children feel scared to sleep alone after watching TV. 3. They watch TV program , then they play very violent game. 4, They pretend to kill each other like they watch on TV. The best arrangement to make a good paragraph is … a. b. c. d.

4-1-2-3 1-2-3-4 3-4-1-2 2-3-4-1

46. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph ! 1. They were painter of the stone age. 2. They also painted animals like deer or wild oxen. 3. They lived in caves and they painted the walls of their caves 4. They used painting to communicate with others because couldn't write. 5. Ancient painters worked over 20.000 years ago. a. b. c. d.

1-5-2-4-3 5-1-3-2-4 5-3-1-4-2 5-1-3-2-4

47. Abdullah Rudi Abdullah Rudi Abdullah

: Oh, my God! : What's the matter Dullah? : I think I left my glasses in your house. Did you see it? : No, but I'll look for it and I'll give it to you if … : Ok, thanks a lot.

a. I have found it. b. I find it.

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14 c. I found it. d. I had found it. 48. Rana : Where did you on Saturday evening , Sasha? Sasha : I went to Pondok Indah mall but I ….buy anything. a. wasn’t b. don’t c. didn’t d. haven’t. 49. Ratna : did you join the English speech contest last week? Nabila : No, I didn't. What about you? Ratna : … did I. a. Either b. So c. Neither d. Also. 50. Abi : Do you know Ikhsan? Adit : Yes, I do. Abi : He won the grand prize for Math competition last year. Adit : He is … clever … kind to everyone. a. neither – nor b. not only - but also. c. both - or d. either – as well

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