Soal Bahasa Inggris S1

  • November 2019
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: Bahasa Inggris


: …………………………


: VI (Enam)


: …………………………

Hari / Tanggal

: Rabu, 10 Januari 2007


: …………………………


: 10.00 – 11.30

Read the text!

My Classroom My classroom is clean and fresh, because we sweep it everyday. There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom because the class has forty students, twenty two girls, and eighteen boys. They go to school wearing their school uniforms. Mr. Joko, our teacher, is standing in front of the class. He usually give the lessons by writing the material, on the blackboard using chalk. Can you see the chalk? Yes, there is a lot of chalk under the blackboard. The windows are large enough, so the air from outside enters the class and make us comfortable.

I. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER BY CROSSING (X) a, b, c, or d! 1. How is the classroom? a. big

b. clean

c. dirty

d. celan and fresh

c. twenty two

d. eighteen

c. No, it is not

d. No, there are not

2. How many girls students are in the class? a. forty one

b. forty

3. Are there chalks under the blackboard? a. Yes, it is

b. Yes, there are

4. Do they go to school wearing their school uniforms? a. No, they do not

b. Yes, they do

c. No, he daes not

d. Yes, he does

c. librarian

d. teacher

5. Who is Mr. Joko? He is a …… a. gardener

b. headmaster

6. Bayu wants to mail the letter to the post office. The underline word means …… a. membaca surat

b. mengambil surat

c. mengharap surat

d. mengirimkan surat

7. A place where people go to see animals is …… a. hospital 8.

b. zoo

c. mall

Mr. Broto likes drink ….. a. a glass of tea

c. a cup of coffee

b. a bottle of aqua

d. a can of fanta

d. supermarket

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Anto doesn’t like pizza, but he likes …… a. corn

c. a bowl of soup

c. a fish

d. a loaf of bread

10. Dona and Doni are ….. together to the post office now. a. walks

b. walking

c. walked

d. walk

11. In the morning, their family have …… together at living room. a. lunch

b. breakfast

c. dinner

d. midday

12. Maria goes to Luwes supermarket to buy a …… a. glass of lemonade

c. cup of tea

b. a bottle of wine

d. glass of ice cream

13. X : Do you like fried chicken? Y : Yes, …… a. you do

c. they do not

b. I do

d. I do not


Look at the picture above, a tin of coke is number ……… a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

15. classroom – my – clean – fresh – and – is - ? The correct sentences is …… a. my classroom clean and fresh?

c. is my classroom celan and fresh?

b. clean and fresh is may classroom?

D. my classroom celan and fresh is?

16. Teacher Nia

: Would you help me to carry my book, Nia? : ………….

a. No, I can do that

b. I am sorry sir

c. You are welcome

d. All right sir

c. eraser

d. water

17. Anita wants to wash her hand. She needs …… a. oil

b. tinner

18. A place where sick people go to get treatment is …… a. library

b. hospital

c. post office

d. court

c. written

d. writing

c. May

d. Where

19. Would he …… on your book please? a. write

b. writes

20. X : …… I go home early, miss? Y : No, problem. a. How

b. What

Read the text! Teacher : What do you like doing in your spare tune? Toni

: I like playing basketball.

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Teacher : All right, now tell me the activities you like and don’t like. Shinta

: I like to listen to music but I don’t like swimming


: I like swimming but I don’t like dancing.


: I like singing but I don’t like dancing.

Teacher : All right the activities you like to do are called hobbies.

21. How many people are there in dialogue above? a. four

b. five

c. six

d. seven

c. to listen to music

d. singing

c. Yes, she does

d. No, she does not

22. What is Shinta hobby. She likes …… a. basketball

b. swimming

23. Does Dodi like dancing? a. Yes, he does

b. No, he does not

24. Who does like swimming, but doesn’t like singing? a. Toni

b. Shinta

c. Tobi

d. Dodi

25. The activities like dancing, singing, swimming, basketball are called …… a. like

b. dislike

c. choosing


: ………… what can I do for you? : I want a glass of orange juice please.

27. Ali’s pencil is long, but Amir’s pencil is …… 28. X : Thank you for your helping, friend! Y : You are …… 29. Adi : What is the function of ……… Ria : It’s place where people go read books and magazine. 30. A place where people go to buy books is called ……… 31.

Mr. Bonbon hobby is ……


Laila doesn’t like swimming, but she likes ……

33. Ali : Where are you going, Nana? Nana : I …… going to go to library. 34.

Joy : what kind of drink do you like, Mira. Mira : I like ……

35. He likes to go to library. His hobby is …… 36. Buyer : ……… is this bag. Seller : it is Rp 30.000,37. Camping, singing, and dancing are kind of ……

d. hobbies

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38. X : ……… book do you have? Y : I have teen book. 39. X : ……… sugar do you want? Y : I need one kilogram of sugar. 40. Ice cream, coffee, and orange juice are kind of drink but soto, chicken and pizza are kind of ……………. 41.

A : Do you like …… B : Yes, I do it in supermarket.

42. Mr. Tom : Anton, close your book, please! Anton

: All right, sir ……

The under line word means …… 43. Indah bought a tent yesterday. She and her friends are going to Mount Bromo this weekend to do their hobby together. Their hobby is …… 44. Mr. Marijan likes climbing a mountain, but He …… like fishing. 45. Tobi Ana

: May I borrow your book, Ana? : of course, here ……

III. ANSWER THESE QUESTION CORRECTLY! 46. Mention three kinds of public place in Ponorogo Regency! a. ……………………………….. b. ……………………………….. c. ……………………………….. 47. Rearrange the jumble word below into good sentences! a. money – how – do – you – much – have - ? b. Andi – Wati – are – to – going – and – sleep – not. c. teacher – is – our – teaching – in – front – the class – of 48. Translate into good English a. Amir suka membaca majalah b. Ibunya Ani sedang pergi ke pasar c. Boleh saya pinjam pencilmu? 49. Complete these dialogue! Uci

: …..(a)…… do you like doing, Peter?

Peter : I …(b)… reading story book. Uci

: Is reading your hobby?

Peter : Yes, it is Uci

: Do you like reading comic?

Peter : No, …(c)… I like reading novels. 50. Translate into good Indonesia a. I don’t like ice juice b. Jerry is reading a book in the library c. They are going to play volley ball

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6. D

11. B

16. D

21. B

2. C

7. B

12. D

17. D

22. C

3. B

8. C

13. B

18. B

23. B

4. B

9. B

14. B

19. A

24. C

5. D

10. B

15. C

20. C

25. D

II. 26. what

36. How much

27. short

37. hobbies

28. welcome

38. How many

29. library

39. How much

30. bookstore

40. food

31. cooking

41. shopping

32. singing

42. tutup bukumu

33. am

43. camping

34. a glass of water

44. doesn’t

35. reading

45. it is

III. 47. a. How much money do you here? b. Andi and Wati are not going to sleep. c. Our teacher is teaching in front of the class. 48. a. Amir likes reading magazine b. Ani’s mother is going to market. c. May I borrow your pencils? 49. a. what b. like c. I do not 50. a. Saya tidak suka es jus b. Jerry sedang membaca sebuah buku di perpustakaan c. Mereka akan bermain bola volley bersama

Pedoman Penilaian : I

: 25 x 1 = 25

II : 20 x 2 = 40 III : 5 x 3 = 15

Nilai Akhir = 80 : 8 = 10

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