Analytic Marking Scheme To Assess Students' Oral Skill

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  • Words: 1,445
  • Pages: 6
ANALYTIC MARKING SCHEME FOR ASSESSING STUDENTS’ ORAL ABILITY (Criteria for assessment: accuracy, fluency and comprehensibility) SCALE ACCURACY FLUENCY COMPREHENSIBILITY Pronunciation is perfect. Two or three minor grammatical and lexical errors

Speaks without too great an effort with wide range of expressions. Not much searching for words and only one or two long pauses.

Easy for listener to understand the speaker’s attention and general meaning. Very few interruptions or clarification required.


Pronunciation is slightly influenced by the mother tongue (L1). A few grammatical and lexical errors but most utterances are correct.

Has to make an effort sometimes to search for words. Nevertheless, smooth delivery on the whole and only a few unnatural or long pauses

The speaker’s intention and general meaning are fairly clear. A few interruptions by the listener for the sake of clarification are necessary.


Pronunciation is still influenced a little by L1 but no serious phonological errors. A few grammatical and lexical errors but only one or two major errors causing confusion.

Although he has to make an effort and search for words, there are not too many unnatural pauses. Fairly smooth delivery mostly. Occasionally fragmentary but conveys general meaning clearly. Fair range of expression.

Most of what the speaker says is easy to follow. His intention is always clear but several interruptions are necessary are necessary to help him/her convey the message or to seek clarification.


Pronunciation is influenced by L1 but only a few serious phonological errors. Several grammatical and lexical errors, some of them cause confusion.

Has to make an effort for much of the time. Often has to search for the desired meaning. Rather halting delivery and fragmentary. Range of expressions fairly limited.

The listener can understand a lot of what is said, but he must constantly seek clarification. Cannot understand many of the speaker’s more complex or longer sentences.


Pronunciation is seriously influenced by L1 with errors causing a breakdown in communication. Many ‘basic’ grammatical and lexical errors.

Long pauses while he searches for the desired meaning. Frequently fragmentary and halting delivery. Almost gives up making the effort. Limited range of expressions.

Only small bits (usually short sentences and phrases) can be understood. Needs some effort to understand much of it. Interruptions often necessary and sometimes has difficulty in explaining or making meaning clearer.


Very serious pronunciation errors as well as many ‘basic’ grammatical and lexical errors. No evidence of having mastered any of the language skills and areas practiced in the

Full of long and unnatural pauses. Very halting and fragmentary delivery. Gives up making the effort. Extremely limited range of expressions.

Hardly anything of what is said can be understood. Almost impossible to understand the utterances. Interruptions constantly necessary but the speaker is unable to explain, to make meaning clearer and to clarify anything he seems to have said.


1 GLOBAL IMPRESSION MARKING SCHEME | email: [email protected]


The analytic method: The maximum total number of marks for all 3 sections (accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility) is 18 (i.e. 3 x 6) and the minimum is 3 (i.e. 3 x 1). Total of the marks that is given e.g. 4 (accuracy) + 5 (fluency) + 4 (comprehensibility) = 13/18. Thus, the total mark would be: 13/18 x 10 = 7,2


10 – 9 8,99 - 8 7,99 - 7

6,99 - 6

5,99 - 5

4,99 - 4

LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Expert speaker: speaks with authority on a variety of topics. Can initiate, expand and develop a theme. Very good non-native speaker: maintains effectively his/her own part of a discussion. Initiates, maintains and elaborates as necessary. Reveals interest and responds quickly and smartly to interlocutor’s utterances. Good speaker: presents case clearly and logically and can develop the dialogue coherently and constructively. Rather less flexible and less fluent than band 8 performer but can respond to main changes of tone or topic. Some hesitation and repetition due to a measure of language restriction but interacts effectively. Competent speaker: is able to maintain theme of dialogue, to follow topic switches and to use main attitude markers. Stumbles and hesitates at times but is reasonably fluent otherwise. Some errors and inappropriate language but these will not impede the exchange of views. Shows some independence in discussion with ability to initiate. Modest speaker: Although gist of dialogue is relevant and can be basically understood, there are noticeable in mastery of language patterns and style. Needs to ask for repetition and clarification and similarly to be asked for them. Lacks flexibility and initiative. The interviewer often has to speak rather deliberately (in a slow and careful way). Copes/succeeds but not with great style or interest. Marginal speaker: can maintain dialogue but in a rather passive manner, rarely taking initiative or guiding the discussion/dialogue. Has difficulty in following English at normal speed; lacks fluency and probably accuracy in speaking. The dialogue is therefore neither easy nor flowing. Nevertheless, gives the impression that he/she is in touch with the gist of the dialogue even if not wholly master of it. Noticeable L1 accent.

2 GLOBAL IMPRESSION MARKING SCHEME | email: [email protected]

3,99 - 3

Extremely limited speaker: Dialogue is a drawn-out affair (taking more time) punctuated/interrupted with hesitations and misunderstandings. Only catches part of normal speech and unable to produce continuous and accurate discourse. Basic merit is just hanging on to discussion gist, without making major Intermittent speaker: No working facility; occasional and sporadic communication

2,99 - 2 Non-speaker: Not able to understand and/or speak.

1,99 - 0

3 GLOBAL IMPRESSION MARKING SCHEME | email: [email protected]

4 GLOBAL IMPRESSION MARKING SCHEME | email: [email protected]





2 1


Understand all or at least 85% of all the questions and follow instruction

PROMPTNESS AND EXTEND OF RESPONSE PRODUCE appropriate response with a lot of extension beyond the minimum requirements without any hesitation

GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY USE CORRECT GRAMMAR IN ALL OR MOST (AT LEAST 85%) utterances and sentences produced and apply appropriate vocabularies

USE CORRECT GRAMMAR IN some (within 84-75%) utterances and sentences produced and apply appropriate vocabularies




Interact actively and show interest during the communication with the peer and examiner

Speaks without too g wide range of expres searching for words two long pauses.

Interact actively with slight hesitation but show interest during the communication with the peer and examiner

Has to make an effo search for words. Ne delivery on the whol unnatural or long pa

pronounce most of the vocabularies and utterances with slightly incorrect intonation

Interact actively with some hesitation and show less interest during the communication with the peer and examiner

Although he has to m search for words, the many unnatural paus delivery mostly. Occ fragmentary but con meaning clearly. Fai expression. Has to make an effo time. Often has to se desired meaning. Ra delivery and fragme expressions fairly lim Long pauses while h desired meaning. Fre fragmentary and hal Almost gives up ma Limited range of exp

pronounce all the vocabularies and utterances correctly with correct intonation

Understand 85 – 75 % of all the questions and follow instructions

PRODUCE appropriate response with some extension without any hesitation

Understand 74 – 65 % of all the questions and follow instructions

PRODUCE appropriate response within the minimum requirements with slight hesitation

USE CORRECT GRAMMAR IN some (within 74-65%) utterances and sentences produced and apply appropriate vocabularies

Understand 64 – 50 % of all the questions and follow instructions Understand less than 50 % of all the questions and follow instructions

PRODUCE appropriate response within the minimum requirements with some hesitation

USE less CORRECT GRAMMAR IN some (within 64-50%) utterances and sentences produced and apply less appropriate vocabularies

pronounce some of the vocabularies and utterances with incorrect intonation

Interact LESS actively with A LOT OF hesitation and show less interest during the communication with the peer and examiner.

PRODUCE appropriate response below the minimum requirements with a lot hesitation

USE mostly INCORRECT GRAMMAR, in utterances and sentences produced and apply less appropriate vocabularies

pronounce few vocabularies and utterances with incorrect intonation

Interact inactively and show no interest during the communication with the peer and examiner

pronounce most of the vocabularies and utterances correctly with correct intonation

5 GLOBAL IMPRESSION MARKING SCHEME | email: [email protected]


do not understand the questions and instructions at all

do not PRODUCE appropriate response

USE INCORRECT GRAMMAR IN all utterances and sentences produced and apply inappropriate vocabularies

Cannot utter any word

6 GLOBAL IMPRESSION MARKING SCHEME | email: [email protected]

Do not interact at all

Full of long and unn halting and fragmen Gives up making the limited range of exp

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