Ehb Kelas 9 (08-09) Semester Genap Recovered)

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YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM IBUKU SMP AN-NISAA’ Jl. Jombang Raya No. 25 A, Pondok Aren-Tangerang

Semester genap Tahun Ajaran 2008-2009 Full Name Nickname Grade Date Subject Duration

: …………………………………….. : ……………………………………. : IX ( ) : March 2009 : English : 120 minutes


Signature parents


I. Read the statements by ten people. Describe them with one of these words dishonest, easy-going, helpful, honest, independent, introvert, loyal, moody, organized, outgoing, practical, quiet, sensitive, shy, stubborn

II. [email protected]

Choose the correct answer by crossing

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Read the following passage to answer no. 11 – 13! Franz Joseph Haydn Haydn was born in a small village in Austria in 1732. He came from a large family and he was the second of twelve children. His parents weren’t rich, but they were good amateur musicians. One of Haydn’s cousins was a teacher and gave the young boy a place in his school. Haydn was a good singer and when he was eight he went to the Vienna Cathedral School. When Haydn left the cathedral school, he gave music lessons and then worked for an Italian composer called Porpora. Porpora taught Haydn a lot about composing music and singing. He also taught him Italian. Haydn’s musical skill and fame grew. Prince Esterhazy invited him to be his Music Director and Haydn worked for him for thirty years. He had to teach, compose and perform at the Prince’s concerts. It was hard work, but Haydn was energetic and very talented. He composed hundred of pieces of wonderful music. Haydn had a good sense of humour. Sometimes Prince Esterhazy went to sleep during the concerts. Haydn decided to compose a piece of very slow, quiet music that suddenly got very, very loud. During the first performance of this music, the Prince went to sleep during the slow, quiet part. Then, when the music suddenly got very loud, the Prince woke up and nearly fell off his chair. The piece is called ‘The Surprise Symphony’ When Prince Esterhazy died, Haydn travelled to London. He was in his sixties but he was still energetic and he continued composing and working hard. Eventually, he returned to Austria and died there at the age of 77. 11. The following statements are TRUE according to the text, EXCEPT … A. Haydn’s parents were musical. B. Haydn had eleven brothers and sisters. C. Haydn was born and passed away in the same country. D. Prince Esterhazy invited a music director for Haydn.

12. Which one is unsuitable personality to describe Haydn? A. Talented B. Energetic C. Hard working D. Moody 13. When did Haydn die? A. 1808 B. 1809 C. 1810 [email protected]

D. 1811 Read the following passage and fill in the gaps no. 14-16 with a correct answer! My sister is a skillful pianist. I think she… (14) famous one day. She is very … (15) to watch concerts performing the world’s pianists. Beside playing piano, She can also play other … (16) instruments like a violin and a guitar. 14.A. is B. would be

C. will

15.A. enthusiast B. enthusiasm

C. enthusiastic D. enthusiastically

16.A. musical B. musically

D. will be

C. music D. musician

Read the passage and fill in the gaps no. 17-19 with a correct answer! Dear Indy, You should learn to express your feelings. When you feel sad, talk to someone. You won’t feel better … (17) you share your feelings with a friend. And your friendship … (18) stronger when you … (19) to your friends. 17.A. if B. when

C. unless

18.A. will grow

C. grows D. would grow

B. grew 19.A. will open up B. would open up

D. so

C. opened up D. open up

Read the following passage to answer number 20 –22! t all started at the beginning of s e v e n t h g r a d e . A t f i r s t , C a r me n w a s n ’t reall y sure what was happening. In class, s h e h a d t o c l o s e h e r e ye s p a r t l y t o s e e t h e b l a c k b o a r d c l e a r l y. S h e h a d t o d o t h e s a me t h i n g w h e n s h e r e a d s t r e e t s i g n s , or w h e n s h e w a t c h e d a mo v i e . W h e n t h e f u z z i n e s s g o t w o r s e , s h e b e c a me mo r e a n d mo r e w o r r i e d . I t w a s i mp o r t a n t f o r h e r t o s e e t h e n o t e s a n d h o me w o r k a s s i g n me n t s t h a t t h e teacher put on the board. A t h o me , s h e h a d t o s i t c l o s e r a n d closer to the television in order to see the p i c t u r e . H e r mo t h e r n o t i c e d h e r s q u i n t i n g as she watched her favorite shows, and she began to get suspicious.

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" To mo r r o w I ’ m c a l l i n g t h e e ye d o c t o r t o s e t u p a n a p p o i nt me n t f or yo u , " s h e s a i d f i r ml y. C a r me n pr o t e s t e d, b ut h e r mo t h e r already decided. T h r e e d a ys l a t e r, C a r me n h a d n e w glasses and instructions from her doctor to w e a r t he m a l l t he t i me . " A l l o f t he k i ds a t s c h o o l w i l l t hi n k I ’ m a n e r d , " s h e s a i d. H e r mo t h e r s mi l e d a n d s h o o k h e r h e a d. " Yo u l o o k b e a u t i f u l w i t h t h o s e g l a s s e s . " s h e s a i d . B u t C a r me n d i d n ’t be l i e v e h e r. T h e n e x t d a y, C a r me n k e pt t h e gl a s s e s i n h e r p o c ke t w h e n s h e w a l k e d i n t o t h e s c h o o l ya r d . S h e a v o i de d h e r f r i e n d s a n d stood alone.

20.“Her mother noticed her squinting as she watched her favorite shows, and she began to get suspicious.” (paragraph 2) What is an antonym for the word suspicious? A. Doubtful B. Guilty C. Innocent D. Trusting 21.Which statement BEST describes Carmen? A. She feels delighted to have new glasses. B. She doesn’t care her appearance at school. C. She is shy to wear glasses. D. She doesn’t worry about what other people think of her. 22. The writer’s purpose in writing this story is ... A. to explain how important it is to wear glasses at school. B. to describe life at school. C. to describe someone’s miserable experience. D. to entertain readers. Read the following passage to answer number 23 –25! Dear Aunt Julia, I have so much to tell you, I don’t k n o w w h e re t o b e g i n ! Re m e m b e r two months ago when I told you that I was planning to enter the Te e n S a y M a g a z i n e e s s a y c o n t e s t ? We l l , a w e e k l a t e r I s e n t m y e s s a y " I m p ro v i n g C o m m u n i t y S a f e t y ’ , a n d t h re e d a y s a g o I w a s i n f o rm e d t h a t m y e s s a y w o n ! T h e p ri z e w a s a w e e k t r i p t o N e w Yo r k C i t y , w i t h a [email protected]

v i s i t t o th e Te e n S a y o f f i c e s t o s e e how they publish the magazine e a c h m o n t h . I ’ m g o i n g t o g o f ro m J a ka r t a w i t h t w o o t h e r c o n t e s t winners. M y m o m w i l l t a ke m e t o t h e a i r p o r t f o r t h e f l i g h t t o N e w Yo r k , a n d I have to admit I am nervous! I’ve f l o w n b e f o re , b u t n e v e r w i th o u t m y p a re n t s . When I see you at Mom’s birthday p a r t y n ex t w e e k , I w i l l t e l l y o u a l l a b o u t t h e s i g h t s e e i n g w e a re g o i n g t o d o t h e re . I a m e n c l o s i n g a c o p y o f m y e s s a y w i t h t h i s l e t t e r. Lo v e , Azizah 23. Azizah is going to go to New York because … A. She was invited to visit TeenSay Magazine B. She won a trip in an essay contest. C. She plans to visit her aunt Julia. D. She has to attend her mom’s birthday party in New York. 24. Which statement below is INCORRECT? A. Azizah will be in New York for 7 days. B. She usually flies by plane with her parents. C. There are three winners who are going to leave for New York. D. She sent her essay to TeenSay last week.

25. Which sentence is possibly found in her Essay as the conclusion? A. Every students should prepare themselves for a final examination. B. Playing traditional musical instruments should be taught since early childhood. C. Society should cooperate to keep guard their neighborhoods from fire and burglary. D. Teenagers should obey the school and house rules for a discipline. 26. You find this notice at the gate of housing complex.

ACCESS FOR It means that only the … who own the houses at the housing complex can go past. A. security guards B. guests C. people

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D. visitors

A. Mandarin Hotel has some conference rooms. B. People can see wide view in the restaurant. C. The hotel is located

27. Read the announcement below!

D. Guest can get more information by visiting its’ website.

Attention Tomorrow is the last day for you to join the English Debate Competition that will be held next week. So, Join Now! Hurry up! Contact: Fauzan, Class IX B

Read the following passage to answer number 31–33! March 10, 2009 The Manager PT LION AIR

What does it mean? A. There will be an English Debate Competition next week. B. There are only two days left to join the English Debate Competition. C. All students may join the English Debate Competition. D. Today is the last day to register for the English Debate Competition.

Dear Sir, I am one of the customers of your flight company. Through this letter, I would like to tell you about the services I had from your company’s staff. Last Monday I flew to Singapore on the flight number LA 116. On the schedule board, it was stated that the plane would depart at 7.00 a.m. But in fact, I had to wait for an hour before taking off. It had happened several times. I talked to one of your staff but he served me rudely by saying that I was talkative. Because of that, I was late to attend an important meeting at my office in Singapore.

Read the following passage to answer number 28 –30!

Feel like Home Mandarin Hotel Jl. Sisingamangaraja 19 North Sumatera

A well-known hotel since 1934. Located only ½ an hour drive from beautiful lake Toba. Facilities: ♣ 45 double bedrooms (bungalow type) with terraces and presidential suites, with or without fire place and car parks. ♣ 400 seats in panoramic restaurant and bar. ♣ Swimming pool, tennis court, billiard, horse riding, jogging track, large park area for picnic and children playground. ♣ A Conference room up to 100 persons.

You have to pay deeply attention to my letter. Do your best for your customers, I am sure that you realize how important the customers are for your company. Faithfully Yours, Michael Schumacher

31. What is the letter about? A. Complaining about the service B. Informing about the meeting. C. Replying the complaint. D. Asking for information

Further info: 28. What is the type of the text? A. An advertisement B. An announcement

C. A notice D. A letter A.

29. Mandarin Hotel has the following facilities, except … A. children playground B. billiards

C. tennis court D. Sauna

30. Which is NOT TRUE according to the text above? [email protected]

32. Why was he late for the meeting? Because …….. A. The flight to Singapore was cancelled. B. The flight to Singapore was delayed. C. He didn’t know the schedule. D. He talked too long with the staff.

33. Which one is NOT TRUE about the writer according to the letter? A. His office is in Singapore. B. He wrote a letter to his manager. C. He felt disappointed with the service. D. He experienced the delay many times.

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Read the following passage to answer number 34–36! HOME-MADE FRIED CHICKEN Ingredients: 1. Fresh and cleaned chicken, cut it into pieces. 2. Spices : turmeric, pepper and garlic 3. Salt 4. Vegetable oil Steps: First, grind the spices until they mixed and soft. Next, put the chicken in the bowl and pour fresh water into it and then put the grinded spices on it, stir well. Then, after they stirred well, boil the chicken until the flesh cooked and the color changes into white. After that, fry the chicken using vegetable oil until the color becomes brownish. Finally, serve your chicken with warm rice and chili.

34. The text tells you about … A. the tips to serve delicious Fried Chicken B. the description of Fried Chicken. C. the procedure to make Fried Chicken. D. the information of Fried Chicken. 35. Why should we add spices into the chicken? A. to make it spicy and delicious B. to make it changes into white C. to make the color becomes brownish D. to make it clean 36. What do we do after the flesh cooked and the color changes into white? A. Grind the spices until they mixed. B. Put the chicken in the bowl. C. Pour fresh water into it. D. Fry the chicken using vegetable oil. Read the following passage and complete the gaps on number 37–38! Early people wore animal … (37) to keep them warm, but about 10.000 years ago people learned how to make … (38). They used a spindle to spin wool, cotton, flax, or hemp into thread, which could be woven into fabric. These fabrics were then made into clothes.

37. A. flesh

B. skin

38. A. suit

B. gown C. cloth

C. hair

D. feather D. coat

Read the following passage to answer number 39–41! I have a pet. It is a cat and I call it Brownie. Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie does not like chicken bones. [email protected]

Every day it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and bread. When I am at school, Brownie plays with my hamster. They get along well, and never fight maybe because Brownie does not meow a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, Brownie is really a sweet and friendly animal 39. What type of text is used by the writer? A. Report B. Narrative C. Recount D. Descriptive

40. "Brownie is a Chinese breed; it is small, fluffy, and cute." The underlined word means … A. Thin B. Soft C. Hard D. Thick

41. The writer’s purpose to write this text is … A. to describe a nice cat that he has. B. to share an idea to readers. C. to inform the readers about Chinese cats D. to retell events and to entertain readers. Read the passage to answer the questions 42–45! Woodcarving is one of the oldest crafts. People in Jepara use teakwood to make decorative chairs. The chairs are made of wood or rattan. Some of the Balinese People are also very good at carving. For decades, beautifully carved figures have been fashioned by folk artists. Madura is a home for fine carvings. Carvers and artists from Madura are mentioned in the stories and chronicles in the golden era of the Majapahit Kingdom. Some carvings from Madura show Chinese, Middle Eastern, and European influences. They are not yet as popular as those are from Jepara and Bali. Mats, umbrellas, embroideries and woman’s wooden clog from Tasikmalaya, West java, are wellknown throughout Indonesia. Mats and embroideries from West Sumatra are well-known as well. The Batik designs are one of Indonesia’s most famous handicrafts and often imitated by western textile designers. There are two kinds of batik cloth, the first is decorated with designs drawn on the cloth and the second is handstamped on the cloth as part of the Batik. Yogya, Pekalongan, Cirebon and Indramayu are very famous places for local batik handicrafts.

42. Which statement is TRUE according to the text? A. Many countries influence Indonesian wood carvings.

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B. Some carvings from Madura are influenced by Indian style. C. The West Sumatran embroideries are not as popular as the ones from Tasikmalaya. D. Jepara and Bali carvings are more popular than the ones from Madura. 43. The suitable title for the text is ... A. kinds of carvings B. well-known Batik C. Wooden crafts in Indonesia D. local handicrafts

44. ‘Carvings from Madura are not yet as popular as those from Bali’ (paragraph 2) The word ‘those’ refers to … A. carvings B. Madura carvings C. Madura D. European influences.

45. “The Batik designs are one of Indonesia’s most famous handicrafts and often imitated by western textile designers.” (paragraph 4) The underlined word means … A. taken as example B. explained by example C. taken notice of D. copied as a model.

46. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph! 1) Javanese people believed they are sacred and have supernatural power. 2) We are also forbidden to step over the gamelan instruments 3) Incense and flowers are often offered to the gamelan 4) Thus, the musicians have to take off their shoes when they play the gamelan. 5) Gamelan is the main element of Indonesian traditional musical instrument. 6) Both musician and non musicians are humble and respectful to a gamelan.

A. 5 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 6 – 4 B. 5 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 2 – 6 C. 5 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 3 – 4 D. 5 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 6

47. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph! 1) They are ready to listen to music 2) Suddenly, very big bright colorful lamps on the stage are on. [email protected]

3) It is the Massive concert; live from Senayan Sport Stadium. 4) They are beautiful. 5) Thousands of young people are now gathering to see the concert. 6) Now, their eyes are on the empty stage. 7) And special effects in the background are also amazing.

A. B. C. D.

3–5–6–4–2–1–7 3–5–1–6–4–2–7 3–5–6–1–4–2–7 3–5–1–6–2–4–7

Read the passage to answer the questions 48–49!

The Old Grandfather and His Grandson Once upon a time there was a very old grandfather. His eyes were almost blind, his ears were deaf, and his knees shook. When he sat at the table, he could not hold a spoon strongly. He spilled soup on the tablecloth. Besides this, some of his soup would run back out of his mouth. His son and his son's wife were annoyed by this. Finally, they made the old grandfather sit in the corner next to the stove. They gave him not enough food in a clay bowl. He sat there and looked sadly at the table. He was almost crying. One day the old grandfather could not hold the bowl because his hands were too weak. The bowl dropped to the ground and broke. The woman scolded him up. However, the old grandfather did not respond it. He only cried in his small messy bedroom. Then, they bought him a wooden bowl and made him eat from it. Once when they were all sitting in the terrace, the five-year-old grandson was putting some pieces of wood together on the floor. His father asked him what he was doing. The little boy said that he was making a small bowl for his father and mother to eat from when he is big. The man and the woman looked at one another. They began to cry. They brought the old grandfather to the table immediately. Since then, they always let him eat there. And they took care of the old man patiently. 48. What kind of text is it? A. Narrative B. Recount C. Descriptive D. Report

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49. How did the old man’s son and his daughter in law treat him? They treated him … A. nicely B. very attentively C. like a child D. very badly

50. Read the notice found on the box of this product! What does the notice mean? KEEP TIGHTLY CLOSED AVOID EXPOSURE TO LIGHT

A. We must drink the milk up after opening the box. B. We mustn’t open the box immediately, C. We mustn’t put the product under sunlight. D. We must put the product in a closed room. >>>>>>>>> the end of test<<<<<<<<< If A equals success, then the formula is A equals X plus Y plus Z; where X is work or study, Y is play, Z is keep your mouth shut. — Albert Einstein [email protected]

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