My Stuff Reincarnated

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  • Words: 3,370
  • Pages: 11
Please, Put Out All the Light... Mom, please can you put out all this light? I don't want anybody to know that someone's breathing here alive. And please take away this clock; it's gone berserk, calling me a schmuck. While asleep, I may find that delight. Please mom, put out all the light. Clouds're over me but why isn't it raining? I'd, atleast, be feeling something... water running all over & me in it soaking. These darks may become fairer, as with the sound of dripping water, this boulevard of mine turns to a mirror, 'cause I need to look at myself again; I can't see any wound but feel this pain, 'cause all is wrong to which I thought right. Mom, did you put out all the light?! Go away, I'm not willing to watch any movie! Mom, why have you left this child here? I'm tired & this is not letting me sleep...silently. I arranged you the chair but, nobody's getting me mine. Will I be always standing, If I'm not being able to speak?! Alright, lemme tell you, that I'll arrange one of my own... So austere and silent are all the stones. If you like, you can call that psychiatrist. But please for now, put out all the light. Look, sky is now purple, and I see a dark sheet with infinite white marbles. After hearing that I'm uncommon, no longer & never I'll startle. I've fell asleep and atleast now, to collect all those marbles, I can go...out. You, atleast, put all the light out. Don't ask me, 'cause nothing I'll tell you, Because whenever I try, you never hear. And when I desperately need you, look for you, you are miles away from something near. I'll just do what you want me to do. Because I know that duties and responsibilities don't care any sorrow till it's inside and mellow, till permanently doolally the individual grows, shouts at top his lung to all nothing & hollow. Because all he wanted to do was what he had expected, for himself he needed and wanted... all influenced by what all could he see and sence since had opened eyes to this world, and wants to stand upright...

So do I, and even in this plight I'll dig out that slight delight, which will not only be my hope but the light, in which I'll witness myself as what I ecspect. I know, these lows will take me to that height. Still, just to sleep a while is all I want. Dear mom, why haven't you put out all the light... -Abhineet sharma, 14th july, 2008, after sun had set... hunger... strangle whenever the night befalls n brings wierd dark all around, i take it on me letting others love n beloved. in tormenting pain of certain kind grabbed,poor they are. and when that certain being poverty n hunger, humanity and love are all left behind. turnaround! see many you with lots of bread n food, but nver do they feed the fainting brotherhood. a weapon is then most promising and each bit of bread it gives, they swallow, is baked over slaughtered heads of many unknowns. by them, they're used n used n used again. dreams of power is what its all meant for, in their sinful crappy minds, that after many of His reincarnations on the earth have n will remain. flashing flamboyant lives n saucy grapewines, their hearts puff over, are the seeds of dire desire in hearts of holy ordinary for the life can they ever aquire!? zillions of gold coins, from the riffles in the war are shot n theis assholes bloom. soul asks askance- if ever a hundredth of this wealth'd ever be spent on the life in ditch n neglegience wouldn't it have made so obligued a caste letting love, some more years, last. its many 'me'( first stanza, sec line's 'me') today turning millions tomorrow are bound to grow in an uncountable point straight line, with equal intercepts on both axes of kind, are to understand- to curb terror curb hunger 'coz its terror of hunger, not hunger by terror...

-i'm abhineet sharma,who wrote this Rule of queens A life has he, but many owned by she. Her position changes with eyes, Hovering on whole body, Are governed by many a desires. Going according to Hoyle; If he’s engine, she’s oil. Still, in his fits, ever embroiled, After desired use, is left to spoil, Thrown and called infertile. He, from she, want another he. And if she couldn’t, chances of herTo live quite a while further Are nil, weak or bleak. True that, not always he’s culprit. Which I suppose, may not be her spirit. Witness history, she has weaved, Many a conspiracies, very grieved. From Cleopatra to Marie Antoinette To think innocentMay not ever be just with she. Many of them have come up, Brewing their own aspirations,Put hope before her in Asian cup. But not all are so, With her pain being their only foe. Giving meaning to her lifeIs the motive with which their hearts get blowed.

But present proves, wrong its me, Looks as if I was joking, as we see, A new life of her, has every eye A small bluish planet to conquer. Her life is now in her charge, Activists cover mere surcharge. She has learnt that its power, Of dreams, aspirations and independence, Which give eternal pleasure,To life, which add galore. Pleasure has no face, but this power has, Turns life green, monetary unit is its base. If you want, just seize it. When once controlled by him completely, Used to lose temper and temper Her somehow thriving present and future. But now she’s got it And game has got a facelift,Situations changed, all can say,A life poor had he, but his also now ruled by her. - Abhineet Sharma, rebelling dark empire in me! It's hard to be logical, it's hard to be alive. But if you lose yourself once, that could work, exists no such alibi. It approaches me, somewhat penetrates me, and lingers there,eventhough it has no concious permission from me! Pummels me, rackles me, Never in mood to exculpate.

Loosing myself constantly from my own blurring sight, lost in oblivious plight,still i fight. But merciless, my dark fear, goes on to strangulate!! Wailing like a lamb, I,under killing experienced knife of fear, go on thinking of life, death and life after death. The sin it's preaching, I may commit, still seeking desperately for a way not to jump the summit, it's baiting me and taking me with it's seemingly indelible lure! won't, I cry, oh you!! So many times i fought, lost a lot, loath is all it caused, against me and all my valiant thought. Still what i see is this thunder, dark and black,where all hopes dull, chilling this abominable lull, but this time i won't surrender. It won't be you, this time who conquers. So intriguing it is the foe isn't your victory,but the relief it brings. I do submitt hat i've been a defeated addict!! Tomorrow never dies, neither hopes do. A solitrary inspiration can ward away all the blues. Lots of my dreams and morality have enough strength now to not let me jst tootie!! The spark inside me, these inflict, may prove too gruesome for it! You'll be miserable and aghast, I tell you, one more blow, and forever you'll be lost!! - Abhineet Sharma... facial forfiet A face of mine now becomes one of his,when i feel low. he's just another of me, begs me there to be. i put it up and forget, what i am or could in truth i be. me left no options with, rely in situation of stripped off all glee.

sorrow is dark but dark ain't sorow, may just be oblivion or hopelessness i may seem to borrow. but to my amazement to utter, i'm to look jovial, sad at soul but to seem joker. yes, i painted my face up, just like him,if tickles a tear, am to laugh with all those my forfeiting joys at cusp. just seven colours for one,eventhough, an infinite,between any two colours,flow. as many faces as many expressions, as many eyes that many suggestions. still to be precise, in a few voices from inside, a million faces one may recognize. all faces are peculiarly pellucid paradox. shivering too old but mercilessly plastered youth with botox. i see it's happy,whuile you may stint at skepticism of sorrow,flattery, blunt,stunt or dead all about as hint. two eyes,anose,labrum and labium, two brows,brown,white and yellow, clear,pimpled or dimpled. platform for kiss,these cheeks may grow. tide of pride,misery or mercy, all are seen clear,with or without courteousy.. very lucid on innocent innocense of child, but as they deliquesse, to recognition, all this ease is cut out,don't know if self's pleased but to all they vehmently please! -Abhineet Sharma... Conciously With Sub-concious some past i have, some memories i own seated inside me, deep till these bones it's all gone; so it was to happen. when i go back and count, it all unravelled one by one by one... and nothing to regret really, i remember everything so clearly; but hell yeah, i want to "gild the lily". the wind i feel on my shoulders, does nothing but silently whispers that not all breeze are "a lee of glee".

why don't you look at it this way, if both of you hated it, why does you soul stint, and doesn't let it just flow away? Why don't you accept,that you'll die, if your memories are lost, this is your beloved past, to which you'll adhere at any cost. And now even songs bring it to life, with every rhetoric shrill of their so fervidly felt harmony, both seem to share a bonhomie. oh damn!you fool,why didn't you catch the moment that just passed, added to the past just another clock's tick, something new from your memories to pick. it's this very jiffy,affermatively, deliquesce into it with a sling should be the best upto your understanding. and this is all i see asonly way to "gild the lily", only way to make the past incontestably acceptable willingly. richer the memories,richer you go. can't you see,lost in those, you won't need any body anymore! but why can't you look,dear there are so many dieing in your bit less loved present, waiting desperately for you to come out of your slumber. somebody's dead,i know, it's cold and so white is this snow. but be alive n please for these you live; to make these a part of your memories is still your prerogative! -Abhineet Sharma Sabbatical In Squalor I don't know what it is, seems like all doors are closed and I can't open any even when I've the right keys. Peace is still tranquil, and the flower still blooms in that sand. Maudlin I'm or I'm happy? In the middle of the ocean and just no breeze. How'd I know where this water flows...? Many questions are unanswered. First count those still unheard. Then why this 'why' when in my way,

I neither breathe nor move, like a sculpture dead i lay. I guess, a pain felt for long has its hangover. Though, sturdy this squalor, still drowned nose-deep, I'm trying in selfrighteous stupor. ButI'm learning to pretend, though I know how sweet and simple a child is; laughs, weeps, celebrates so loud that my indifference to a little nothing or to just my everything gauds me no, not anymore. Those feet stumble but eyes still sparkling with hope and I don't know what it is but may be for the briefest of moment when I look at it, I feel that lost bliss... But when i wait... with every passing thought, all of this fades... And I realize to keep imagining what satiates is no longer wise, just procuring bunch of lies. It's still cold and water pourin' from that deep black sky. But, can it rain for ever?! some body said that tough time doesn't but tough people last forever. If I don't die of pneumonia, I can wait even longer. If I can not see or feel, is the sun not there, somewhere behindthese clouds, the clouds that she painted black, or was it my mis-calcutaion, a confusion, just flack. I just dunno what it is, without any cure, I'm diseased... Do those words have any meaning, which you splutter out of your bleeding heart, but actually, no one is listening? feels like you're dumb, resentment, discontentment quite mellow you can feel that you're numb... Hold it then and venerate what you're feeling, time has it's job of healing. Stand and walk because you can! Force yourself as you don't belong to this loser clan. 'cause no one's left to love or to hate. You're alive, so you're quite fortunate. So, hold your breath and just wait... I'm talking about wisedom of late. If you'd stay here for a while you'd feel that jericho is just a mile. Still...hardest is to wait, I'm talking about wisedom of late As all anguish fades, apathy's left as your only mate.

-Abhineet Sharma(in a park...) Marilyn Manson quotes:

• I say no to drugs, but they don't listen. • You have to be around people that are interested in having strange times. That doesn't always have to be depraved sex orgies, of course - it can be conservative sex orgies. • I'm not a believer of the "perfect world" TV tries to feed us. • We live in a society of victimization, where people are much more comfortable being victimized than actually standing up for themselves. • Marilyn Monroe wasn't even her real name, Charles Manson isn't his real name, and now, I'm taking that to be my real name. But what's real? You can't find the truth, you just pick the lie you like the best. • I view my job as being someone who is supposed to piss people off. I don't want to be just one-of-the-guys. I don't want to be just a smiling face you see on television presenting some vapid kind of easily-digestible garbage. • Anybody intelligent enough to realize what America is, is not going to sit around and do nothing about it. They're going to be the same way that I am. They're going to be the same way our fans are. They're going to be pissed. • People tend to associate anyone who looks and behaves differently with illegal or immoral activity. • Music is the strongest form of magic. • Is adult entertainment killing our children? Or is killing our children entertaining our adults? • You should have to pass an IQ test before you breed. You have to take a driving test to operate vehicles and an SAT test to get into college. So why don't you have to take some sort of test before you give birth to children? When I am President, thats the first rule I will institute. • “I fear being like everyone I hate, I fear failure, I fear losing control. I love balancing between chaos and control with everything I do. I always have a fear of going one way or another, getting lost in something, or losing everything to get lost in. And I fear being a completely acceptable sheep in society. “ • When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.“ • Part of me is afraid to get close to people because I'm afraid that they're going to leave.“ • A lot of people don't want to make their own decisions. They're too scared. It's much easier to be told what to do.“ • Find out what's really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference.“ • “When you're taught to love everyone, to love your enemies, then what value does that place on love? • Billy Zane is someone that I met and is a fellow artist, and sometimes we work together, painting, however pretentious that might sound. It was really quite simple, though. We would just spend time together, hanging out, listening to music, or painting. We became friends. He was one of the first people I met when I moved to Hollywood. And I think he's a cool actor.“ • I picked that (Marilyn Manson) as the fakest stage name of all to say that this is what show business is, fake. Marilyn Monroe wasn't even her real name, Charles Manson isn't his real name, and now, I'm taking that to be my real name. But what's real? You can't find the truth, you just

pick the lie you like the best. As long as you know everything's a lie, you can't hurt yourself.“ • I'm thankful that I have two middle fingers.....I only wish I had more.“ • I've always had the same level of excitement about making music, but now it seems so much more important because all of the blame that was put on me for Columbine. The entire incident, the way the media reacted, the people who were involved, the way I was treated, it hurt me personally because my career is my life. It made me feel a lot like how I felt growing up because it was a lot of people beating you down and treating you a certain way for something you're not even responsible for. I just really had to re-evaluate what I was gonna do; How am I gonna respond to this, how am I gonna take this? And I wanted to come out swinging with both fists.“ • Im not saying that when I perform I'm Barry Manilow, but I'm also not killing kids and beating up dogs and things like that.“ • In the end we're all Springer guests, really, we just haven't been on the show.“ • It is a great feeling to write a song, but to be able to perform it, it takes on a whole different light.“ • The ability to make small children cry at the grocery store I like better than the fame.“ • The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they're supposed to like, what they're supposed to buy, and what they're supposed to laugh at. You have Beavis and Butt-head telling you what music you're allowed to like and not like, and you've got sitcoms that have canned laughter that lets you know when to laugh if you're too stupid to know when the joke is--people are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because America has raised them like that.“ • This is the culture you're raising your kids in. Don't be surprised if it blows up in your face.“ • We've always found that with people being so desensitized, things have to be really shocking and have to punch you in the face to get your attention. Then, once you've got their attention. You can say something they might remember.“ • When people say 'I want to be like you', I tell them if you want to be like me, then be yourself.“ Straight as an arrow Defect, defect Not straight, not so straight Reject, reject Towards anti-social Solo, solo Standing on the stairs Cold, cold morning Ghostly image of fear Mayday, mayday Gonna leave this region They'll take me with them Dimension seven Straight as an arrow Defect defect Not straight, not so straight Reject reject Towards anti-social

So dumb, so dumb Standing on the stairs Cold, cold morning Ghostly image of fear Mayday, mayday Gonna leave this region They'll take me with them Dimension seven hey if u find d quizes personal y da hell u writn ur fend's betrayal n al of dat on ma wall isnt dat inane? ? evry one can read dat too 9818241280 dats ma num thngs like dese r not to b discussed on walls,der r thngs dat need to b kept within n not published on walls.. i hpe ya gettn wat i mean.. peace

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