
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,654
  • Pages: 6
Omegle conversation log 2009-09-02 Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! You: hi Stranger: 16/m/uk You: 16/m/usa Stranger: sweet You: yeah Stranger: state? You: west virginia Stranger: nice Stranger: never been You: well ive never been to england before Stranger: excellent Stranger: so what you up to You: just listening to some musiic Stranger: nice You: you? Stranger: same Stranger: in bed You: what time is it over there Stranger: 00 21 Stranger: whats with all the spam on omegle today You: i dont know You: bots or something Stranger: bots? You: yeah those thing that leave like links to other sites You: i dont know Stranger: yeh You: anyway Stranger: you back at school yet? You: yeah Stranger: good? You: meh You: ok You: i guess Stranger: gf? You: no Stranger: cool You: i guess Stranger: single is good You: for a while it is but I think im starting to have mental withdrawals Stranger: lol Stranger: why You: i dont know. im starting to i guess need someone to be with Stranger: i understand Stranger: use mates for that Stranger: girls on the side You: i guess im just seeking compassion with someone You: anyway You: moving on Stranger: are you gay? You: no

You: be right back Stranger: sure You: ok You: so what else do you want to talk about Stranger: er Stranger: dont mind Stranger: im easy You: hmmmm You: i dont know Stranger: great You: yeah Stranger: so your straight You: yeah You: why would you think i wasnt Stranger: i didnt Stranger: i was checking You: ok You: well i am not You: nor would i ever want to be Stranger: cool You: i dont really care for the concept of being fucked in the ass Stranger: hmm Stranger: you realise it is actually pleasurable Stranger: not spaking from experience You: ok..... Stranger: yeh Stranger: change the subject You: yes Stranger: interests? You: music You: guitar You: writing Stranger: what do you write You: epic stuff You: rants You: porn Stranger: you write orn Stranger: porn You: yeah You: but im not a perv You: some people think that though Stranger: i can see why You: yeah Stranger: you write it in prose? Stranger: or you direct it You: prose Stranger: ok Stranger: example? You: do you want to read one of my stories Stranger: yes Stranger: i would love to You: whole story or part Stranger: whole You: She quivered at his touch. Her lust for him was like no other. He had his arms wrapped tightly around her waist as he kissed her neck softly. With every kiss she let out a small moan. This is what she had always wanted. She wanted to be his. He was on her mind all the time. She would think about him constantly. He would be in her every dream. Every time she thought about him her heart raced.

Every time she saw him she could never think of what to say, and she beat herself up because of it. But now he was hers. He now started to lick her. As strange as she thought it was she enjoyed it. The feel of his tongue against her skin was nothing short of orgasmic in her mind. Soon he began to lick her ear. He stopped for a moment to whisper in her ear, " I love you". "Moan for me", he said as he began to nibble on her ear. She responded to him by moaning a little louder. Her mind raced as she thought of just turning around and kissing him, but she was too nervous to do so. "What if he doesn't like it", she thought. She didnt want to lose him. He was her first boyfriend. So she just waited patiently for him to make the move. "Why", she thought. "Why am I so nervous". Tears began forming in her eyes, but she managed to hold them back. She started to get lost in her own pleasure as he went back to kissing her. Now he began sucking on her neck, and she responded again by moaning louder. His hands started to move down as he began unbuttoning her shirt. He licked her on the cheek and whispered, "mind if I take a look at your breasts". She shook her head as her finished unbuttoning her shirt to reveal her pink bra, and large breasts. He put his chin on her shoulder and looked down at her cleavage. "My god", he said as he continued staring. "Mind if I take a better look", he said to her. "No", she said in a soft voice. Gazing at the top of her breasts with a grin on his face, he unhooked her bra. Now with a sadistic look on his face he began to lick his lips. He took her bra off and revealed her large beautiful breasts. "God Orihime your breasts are amazing", he said as he hovered over her right shoulder. She looked at him rather cautiously as he began to lick her shoulder. Then he took his hands, grabbed her breasts, and started playing with her nipples. She let out a sudden moan, and then clinched her teeth in an attempt to hold back her screams of pleasure. She was a young fifteen year old girl being pleasured for the first time. She had never even masturbated before. She had saved her body for him. He took his right hand off of her breast and made his way down to her skirt. He lifted it up a little and took his middle finger, and started pleasuring her even more. She could hardly control herself now as she moaned for more. "I can tell your enjoying this", he said as he pulled his finger away from her moistened lower extremity. He got up and moved to the other end of her bed and removed her skirt. She laid down as her thoughts raced. This is what she had dreamt about. What she wanted. What she had longed for. While she was lost in thought, he had removed her panties while he licked her hardened nipples. "Oh Ichigo", she said softly. While licking her nipples he started rubbing her vagina, and then began lightly prodding it with his fingers. The pleasure was starting to become too much for her as she was starting to feel a buildup of pleasure in her lower abdomen. She didnt know what it was because she had never felt it before. He starting working his way down from her breasts as he neared her vagina. Once there he stuck his tongue in deep. She responded with more of a yell than a moan. "Oh my god", she thought. "This feels so amazing. I can hardly control my lower body". Her muscles were starting to contract, and her toes began to curl. "Ichigo", she said rather loudly as she reached her first climax. And after four ounces of juice later she stopped. A powerful orgasm it was. Her limbs fell and her body went numb. "That.....was.....incredible", she said while panting. "Damn", he said as he wiped his face off after her intense orgasm. "Ready for round two", he said as he took off his shirt and unzipped his pants. Just his intentions alone made her even more crazy for him. "Yeah", she said. "Your turn", he said. "Ok, but what do you-....Oh", she said as he took his underwear off. He was above average size for someone of his age, as she was a little intimidated by it. She stared at it with a mesmerized look on her face. "Wow Ichigo is bigger than I expected", she thought to herself. She crawled towards it nonetheless and started to lick the tip of it. "Yeah, that feels so

good Orihime", he said. She then started sucking on the head of it, which drove him crazy. "Yeah", he said in a soft voice as he took his hand and put it on the back of her head. "Get ready Orihime, here it comes", he said with a smile. "Hmm", she said. "What does Ichigo mean", she wondered. "My turn", he said as he forced her head down his shaft. "Yeah Orihime, suck that dick", he said forcing her head down almost all the way. After a minute or so he released her just as he was about to reach climax. She gasped for breath. "What was that", she wondered. "Why would Ichigo do that". Then she looked up at him. His eyed had changed colors. They were now black and yellow. His hollow had taken him over for the moment. "I....Ichigo", she said nervously. "Ha ha ha. You cant escape me Ichigo. Ive taken over and there's nothing you can do about it. Don't even try and fight me, you cant win this time", his hollow said. "No you bastard. Get out of my head". She looked at him puzzled by what was taking place. "Ah ha ha ha. Get over here you little slut", his hollow said to her. "No dont you dare harm Orihime", he said. "What are you going to do about it", his hollow said. "Now where were we you little skank". "Stay away from her", he said. "Your such a pest. Fine ill just have to kill you", his hollow said. And so the battle began inside Ichigo's mind. 10 minutes later.... "Sorry about that Orihime", he said. "Now where were we". Her mind still raced, she was still nervous, but she finally got out what she wanted to say in the first place. "Ichigo,....I...I want fuck me....please", she said softly. He stared at her with a stunned look on his face. "What", he replied. "I want fuck me. Ive been waiting for this moment for far too long, and now that your mine I want you to fuck me. Fuck me like the little whore I am", she said. "Umm...ok but-". "Dont worry ill handle everything Ichigo. Fuck me gently", she said as she laid down on her back and spreaded her legs. He began by prodding her while licking and massaging her breasts. A moment later he began to enter her inch by inch until he was about five inches in. Then he developed a rhythm. With every thrust she let out a small cry. "Yeah.....yeah.....fuck....Ichigo", she said in between cries. Building closer and closer to orgasm, she began massaging her clit. While panting heavily she managed to say, " gonna cum Ichigo......don't stop.......I want your cum inside me". "You sure Orihime", he replied. "Yeah...", she said. " Oh god.... I feel it building up inside me again", she thought. "Im gonna cum again....but it feels bigger this time. I feel more pressure. Fuck...I cant stand it any longer...Ichigo makes me feel so wet". " I love you Ichigo", she said. " I love you to Orihime", he replied. "Harder", she said. "Huh", he replied. "Fuck me harder Ichigo". And with that he thrusted himself as far in as it would go. "Yeah", she screamed as she had another intense orgasm. He continued to thrust while she laid mostly incapacitated. "Fuck Orihime im gonna cum". " Son of a bitch", he said with a final thrust. "That....was...incredible Orihime", he said. "Thanks Ichigo.....for everything", she said. "No problem Orihime. Anytime", he replied. "Stay with me", she said. "What", he replied. "I want you to stay the night with me", she said innocently. " Umm ok", he said. Three weeks later....or something like that "Yes", she screamed in excitement. "I cant wait to tell Ichigo the news". "Oh hey Orihime. Whats up", he said. "Im pregnant", she said enthusiastically. "What", he said. "Im pregnant Ichigo. Isn't that great. "Oh shit", he said to himself. You: I really need to improve on some skills Stranger: yes Stranger: ichigo Stranger: wtf

Stranger: makes it a comedy You: anime character Stranger: why do you bother You: ? Stranger: writing it You: i got bored You: i have another but youll probably laugh your ass off because of the characters it features Stranger: im good thanks You: yeah You: what about a rant though You: my rants are much better Stranger: ok Stranger: rant me You: I enjoy the end line on this rant You: Even more things that piss me off..... #1:Pre-teen girls. It seems as though the media is now brainwashing young girls because now by the time that they hit there period they want to look like little whores. By using to much make-up and wearing sluty clothes( which I blame clothing brands for making stuff like that). Which leads me something else......Self-pics. It seems as though any girl that has a camera of any sort has to take pictures of herself.Weather she is clothed or not(and if shes not it usually somehow magicly finds its way to the internet). Im tired of seeing pictures of 12 year old whores everywhere. Im just going to theorize something here..... but really does every girl with a camera or camera phone take a picture of their tits....really. Anyway..... #2:The lack of teens that play "REAL" instruments. Yes it seems as though ever since guitar hero and rock band came out. Teenagers would rather play plastic instruments then real instruments....which is why that you dont see many teen garage bands anymore. I play both . Though I must say that guitar hero improved my finger speed and dexterity, but thats not the point. You know real guitars are pretty cheap. It might be time to invest. Also playing a piece of plastic wont make you rich. So yeah..... #3: Teen pregnantcy....STOP GETTING PREGNANT YOU DUMB WHORES. Use protection or better yet dont have sex until your out of school. End of story.

This is Teen_spirit and until next time remember use a condom or ill put one over your head and suffocate you with it. Stranger: sorry Stranger: i didnt find that funny at all You: of course You: well you cant please everyone You: i have many of those as well Stranger: yeh Stranger: my advice Stranger: stop Stranger: wasting your time

Stranger: read Stranger: read great literature Stranger: find life Stranger: actually have sex Stranger: then do bare drugs Stranger: and sit on a hammock feeling happy that i told you this You: mhmm You: well thank you mister critic Stranger: np Stranger: i pland on hacing anal sex one day Stranger: with a man You: so i guess my so called "literature" has made you change your opinion on me Stranger: jus to experience Stranger: er Stranger: i didnt really have an opinion of you tbh You: in any case You: i wont stop writing Stranger: good You: just because some cunt tells me too Stranger: just dont write that shit You: i wont stop ranting Stranger: write something worthwhile Stranger: rant well You: because some prick tells me too You: I stop You: for no one You: i dont care You: about your opionions You: *opinions You: i dont care You: about anyone elses Stranger: have you ever stopped and realise that everyone thinks that your a vain arrogant tosser Stranger: silly question You: I deal with critics like you on a daily basis Stranger: ha You: You may not like what I write Stranger: you wil never speak to anyone with such good morals and values as me You: But im not going to stop writing like i write Stranger: good for you Stranger: i dont give a shit Stranger: you take your writing too seriously You: I hope we meet in person someday You: in hell Stranger: you're an over-emotional joke Stranger: same Stranger: ill give you anal Stranger: you'll love it You have disconnected.

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