My Questions Biochem.docx

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1. how many amino acids are incorporated into proteins? 20 2. all amino acids except glycine exist in what form? L form 3. why isn’t glycine in an L form? because glycine doesn’t have a chiral carbon 4. all amino acids are amphoteric which means what? can act as acid or base 5. what are the essential amino acids? PVTrytophan ThreonineIM HALL 6. which amino acid is essential in children but not in adults? histidine 7. what are the 2 purely ketogenic amino acids? leucine and lycine 8. what is the precursor to carnitine? lysine 9. what takes FA into the mitochondria for beta oxidation? carnitine 10. what are the 3 aromatic amino acids? phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan 11. which amino acid has an indole ring? tryptophan 12. what are the 3 sulfur containing amino acids? cysteine, methionine, and cystine 13. what makes a cystine? 2 cysteines linked together 14. what are the branched-chain amino acids? valine, leucine, isoleucine 15. what can’t you break down with maple syrup urine disease? branched chain amino acids 16. what are the acidic amino acids? aspartic acid/aspartate and glutamic acid/glutamate 17. aspartame contains aspartic acid = neurotoxin 18. what are the basic amino acids? histidine, lysine, arginine 19. if all you eat is wheat, which amino acid will you be deficient in? lysine 20. if all you eat is rice, which amino acid will you be deficient in? lysine 21. if all you eat is legumes, which amino acids will you be deficient in? tryptophan and methionine 22. if all you eat is corn, which amino acids will you be deficient in? lysine and tryptophan 23. if all you eat are pulses/dried beans, which amino acids will you be deficient in? methionine and cysteine 24. if all you eat is eggs and chicken, which amino acids will you be deficient in? none 25. deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase will cause what? phenylketonuria (PKU) 26. phenylalanine -> tyrosine -> L-dopa -> dopamine -> norep -> epin 27. albinism is you can’t convert L-dopa to melanin 28. histidine -> histamine 29. tryptophan -> serotonin -> melatonin 30. tryptophan -> niacin -> nicotinamide 31. what is an isoelectric point? the pH when an AA has no net charge 32. what is a zwitterion? an amino acid at its isoelectric point 33. glutathione is made by what 3 AA’s? glycine, glutamate, cysteine 34. what is the mineral for glutathione peroxidase? selenium 35. insulin = __2__ polypeptide chains linked by a disulfide bond 36. what is a primary protein structure? the linear sequence of amino acids 37. what is a secondary protein structure? the alpha and beta pleated sheets 38. what is a tertiary protein structure? folding of a single polypeptide chain in solution 39. what is a classic example of a tertiary structure? myoglobin 40. what is a classic example of a quarternary structure? hemoglobin 41. Km = 1/2 Vmax 42. all enzymes are what? catalysts 43. all enzymes do what to activation energy? lower it 44. are enzymes consumed in reactions? no 45. what is Vmax? the max velocity of the enzyme catalyzed reaction 46. what are the 3 major factors that affect the reaction velocity of an enzyme? substrate concentration, temperature, pH

47. what is Km? the amount of substrate required to reach 1/2 Vmax 48. competitive inhibitors: increase Km, no change in Vmax 49. noncompetitive inhibitors: no change in Km, decrease in Vmax 50. what type of inhibitors bind to the site the enzyme would bind to? competitive inhibitors 51. what type of inhibitors bind to a different site? non-competitive inhibitors 52. what type of enzymes are the type of enzymes that act as the rate limiting steps for a metabolic pathway? allosteric enzymes 53. if delta G is negative, what type of reaction is it? exergonic or spontaneous 54. if delta G is 0, what type of reaction is it? equilibrium 55. if delta G is positive, what type of reaction is it? endergonic or nonspontaneous 56. vitamins are converted to what in the body? coenzymes 57. minerals are converted to what in the body? cofactors 58. vitamins 59. fat soluble vitamins are classified as _isoprenes_ or isoprenoids 60. green leafy vegetables contain a lot of this vitamin? vitamin K 61. methionine synthase is activated by what vitamin? B12 62. B12 gives a methyl group to what? homocysteine 63. B9 gives a methyl group to what? B12 64. B12 deficiency causes what? pernicious anemia 65. perncious anemia => megaloblastic anemia => intrinsic factor def. 66. if you are deficient in B vitamins during remethylation cycle, you will create a methionine deficiency 67. methylation cycle 68. vitamin D synthesis 69. what is the most active form of iron? Fe3+ (ferric iron) 70. what is the most absorbable form of iron? Fe2+ (ferrous) 71. what form of iron is used in the body? Fe3+ (ferric iron) 72. what transports iron in the body? transferrin 73. what is the storage form of iron? ferritin 74. iron absorption cycle 75. a mineral deficiency of calcium or magnesium results in what? tetany 76. what are the 4 antioxidants? vit A,C,E, and selenium 77. what are other antioxidants? glutathione, lipoic acid, CoQ10 78. PTH increases serum calcium by breaking down BONE 79. calcitonin decreases serum calcium by building up BONE 80. monosaccharides are categorized as aldehydes or ketones. the aldehyde group is always on carbon number 1 and the ketone is always on carbon number 2 81. glucose = aldohexose 82. galactose = aldohexose 83. mannose = aldohexose 84. ribose = aldopentose 85. fructose = ketohexose 86. glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose, ribose are MONOSACCHARIDES 87. what is a compound with a different structure but the same chemical formula? isomer 88. monosaccharides that differ around one specific carbon are what? epimers 89. glucose and galactose are C4 epimers 90. glucose and mannose are C2 epimers 91. what are enantiomers? mirror images of the same compound (L and D glucose for example) 92. sucrose = glucose + fructose (alpha1, beta2)

93. lactose = galactose + glucose (beta 1,4) 94. maltose = glucose + glucose (alpha 1,4) 95. isomaltose = glucose + glucose (alpha 1,6) 96. cellobiose = glucose + glucose (beta 1,4) 97. lactase braeks beta1,4 in lactose 98. amylase breaks alpha1,4 forming maltose 99. amylopectin breaks into maltose and isomaltose 100. amylose breaks just into maltose 101. glycogen contains alpha1,4 and alpha1,6 linkages 102. amylose contains alpha1,4 linkages 103. amylopectin contains alpha1,4 and alpha1,6 linkages 104. cellulose contains beta1,4 linkages 105. amylose, amylopectin, and cellulose are found where? plants 106. an _ALPHA 1,6_ is a branch point of glycogen 107. an _ALPHA 1,4_ is the chain of glycogen 108. what is the complex that binds large amounts of water? GAG aka mucopolysaccharide 109. GAGs are a repeating __DISACCHARIDE UNIT__ 110. what are the 2 most common GAGs? hyaluronic acid (synovial fluid) and chondroitin sulfate (cartilage, tendons, ligaments) 111. what makes a triacylglycerol? 3 fatty acids and a glycerol backbone 112. what is the most predominant form of fats/lipids in the body and in the diet? triacylglycerol 113. glycerol comes from what? glucose 114. what type of bonds hold fats together? ester bonds 115. saturated = no double bonds = longer shelf life = solid at room temperature 116. unsaturated = double bonds = shorter shelf life = liquid at room temperature 117. what is the most saturated fatty acid? coconut oil second most saturated fatty acid? palm kernel oil 118. what process makes trans fats? hydrogenation 119. oxidation = loss of electrons or hydrogen 120. reduction = gain of electrons or hydrogen 121. what are the 3 essential fatty acids? linoleic acid (omega 6), linolenic acid (omega 3), and arachidonic acid (omega 6) 122. where is linoleic acid found? sunflowers, safflowers, corn oil 123. where is linolenic acid found? flax seed oil and fish oils 124. where is arachidonic acid found? dairy products and red meat 125. what is the precursor to prostaglandins? arachidonic acid 126. oleic acid = OMEGA 9 127. the 2 main classes of nonglycerol lipids are what? sphingolipids and steroids 128. what is the backbone of a sphingolipid? sphingosine 129. what is the major lipid component of the myelin sheath? sphingomyelin 130. a deficiency of sphingomyelinase results in what? Niemann-Pick disease 131. what is the most abundant sterol in humans? cholesterol 132. what is cholesterol derived from? acetyl coa 133. acetyl coa pathway 134. what is the rate limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis? HMG CoA reductase 135. what converts HMG CoA to mevalonate? HMG-CoA reductase 136. what is the rate limiting enzyme of steroid biosynthesis? desmolase 137. what converts cholesterol to pregnenolone? desmolase

138. what are all steroid hormones derived from? progesterone 139. what is the rate limiting enzyme of ketone body synthesis? HMG CoA synthase 140. what are the vitamins involved in oxidation/reduction? riboflavin and niacin 141. what is the main amino acid in bile salts? taurine 142. chylomicrons are made where? intestinal mucosal cells 143. chylomicrons carry what? dietary fats and cholesterol 144. chylomicrons are the LEAST DENSE 145. VLDL is made where? liver 146. VLDL’s carry what? TAGs from the liver to the body 147. LDL is derived from what? VLDL 148. LDL’s carry what? cholesterol from the liver to peripheral tissues 149. LDL’s contain the greatest amount of CHOLESTEROL 150. HDL is synthesized and secreted from the liver 151. HDL transprots cholesterol from peripheral tissues back to the liver 152. which lipoprotein has the highest amount of protein? HDL 153. high amounts of LDL = BAD = increased risk of heart disease 154. high amounts of HDL = GOOD = decreased risk of heart disease 155. which lipoprotein has the highest density? HDL 156. which lipoprotein has the least density? chylomicrons 157. DNA and RNA are made of what 3 things? phosphate, pentose sugar, and nitrogenous base 158. the formation of deoxyribose from ribose is what type of reaction? reduction 159. what are the 2 purines? adenine and guanine 160. what are the 2 pyrimidines? cytosine, uracil, thymine (CUT) 161. error in purine metabolism = increased uric acid = gout 162. purine nitrogen is derived from what 3 amino acids? aspartate, glycine, glutamine 163. what is the rate limiting enzyme of purine breakdown? xanthine oxidase 164. what makes up a nucleoside? pentose sugar and nitrogenous base 165. what are the bonds called in DNA and RNA? phosphodiester bonds = covalent bond 166. what is DNA associated with? histones 167. RNA is ___SINGLE STRANDED___ and there is therefore no BASE PAIRING 168. hydrogen bonds are only in DNA and not RNA 169. DNA is ANTI-PARALLEL AND NON-COMPARABLE 170. transcription occurs where? nucleus 171. translation occurs where? cytoplasm 172. replication occurs where? nucleus during the S phase of the cell cycle 173. what is the first amino acid coded for? methionine 174. what enzyme links two amino acids together and begins the syntehsis of a polypeptide chain? peptidyl transferase 175. what are the 2 start codons? AUG, and GUG 176. what are the 3 stop codons? UAA, UGA, UAG 177. ribosomes read mRNA in what direction? 5’ to 3’ direction 178. amino acids are always added to the ___C-TERMINUS___ 179. catabolic pathways = end in -lysis 180. anabolic pathways = end in -genesis 181. phosphatase = removes phosphate 182. phosphorylase = adds phosphate 183. kinase = moves phosphate around 184. dehydrogenase = oxidation/reduction reactions

185. carboxylase adds a carbon 186. decarboxylase removes a carbon 187. pathways starting on page 20

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