My Mom's Poem To Me For My Graduation

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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 839
  • Pages: 6
Dear Bryan, It’s a thrill, it’s a thrill To be here, I say! To honor you, Son, As you graduate today! Your educational roadmap Has been like a maze Winding and curving As you completed each phase. You started with preschool The Co-op, remember? Where you met Michael Keiser Twenty years ago, September! And then Hidden Valley From the first to sixth grade So many fine teachers And friends that you made. Mrs. Arrow, Mrs. Bradley Mrs. Fisher and DuBay Each one of these teachers Helped build your foundation, I’d say! And then onto Brookhaven Not the best of your years Though Mr. King and Mr. C. Well…they helped calm your fears! And Mr. Hertz, what a trip Remember that guy? As you played in the band He’d wave his hands in the sky! And don’t forget Leftwich He won’t forget you Cause you made an impression On him, yes, it’s true.

Your love of computers And filmmaking too Drew you to Art Quest Back to Santa Rosa you flew. At Santa Rosa High You flourished in media Where you met Alex Stone The Duo Expedia! You took over the classroom Or so said the teacher! Poor Mrs. Vetrano What a sad little creature! There were Joyner and Stablein, Now what a relief, To be free of Vetrano, Who brought so much grief! Then onto Montgomery High You moved Junior year, The IB Program, Was calling you, Dear…. How brave that you were To leave all behind To pursue new frontiers For new dreams you would find. You were thinking of college You were planning ahead You were making the moves For your future, instead. The IB Program… You found all consuming But as Editor-in-Chief You were all-unassuming. Hardworking, yet modest A real teamplayer A leader, a friend, And a real soothsayer!

And not to forget How it was for your Dad As you walked in his footsteps As a “Montgomery High Grad”. Then college was here So many questions and choices And factors to consider And all those parental voices! Where will you go? Will you move far away? Will you spend all your savings? Yikes, what could you say! You had to figure out For yourself, what to do To wrestle with questions And listen to YOU! The answer did come You finally decided To the JC you’d go Into classes you glided. At the JC you thrived You grew and you flourished And set the foundation From which you were nourished. Then off to London To a distant land For an amazing adventure That was oh so grand! A real rite of passage, As you made your way From the River Thames To “The Tube” subway!

And then came Berkeley Upon your return Seeking Higher Education

Your goal was: To Learn! At Berkeley you’ve managed To do it once more You’ve thrived and you’ve flourished And soared, yes you’ve soared! From Psychology classes And Cognitive Science To clubs that you’ve joined And formed an alliance. It’s not just your brains Nor your G.P.A. But the connections you’ve made Every step of the way. Getting involved… And having some fun Making new friends That’s been Berkeley, my Son! The fun that you’ve had The challenges faced Like President of Cog Sci And the “Go Game” you aced! There’s more, yes there’s more I could just keep on going For the list it is long And your accomplishments glowing. But I’ll save that for you My poem is nearly done I hope I’ve conveyed All my pride in You, Son. I know it’s your style When I look back and see How you’ve seized opportunities To learn all you can be.

You did this in high school And college, it’s clear You kept forging ahead

Beyond obstacles and fear. You have opened up doors When it felt rather frightening But you walked right on through And discovered: No Lightening! What you discovered instead When you walked through the door That to face what you fear Gives you strength to BE more. You’ve made wise decisions You’ve followed your heart You’ve been true to yourself And you have from the start. The impressions you’ve made How you’ve touched hearts a plenty With your kindness and caring And your skills are so many! And just to acknowledge The journey you’ve had There was always support From your Mom and your Dad. And your Sister, and Grandparents, Step Mamas and Friends, Your Cousins, Aunts and Uncles Ah! the list never ends. At times when your path Seemed hard or seemed long We were walking near by you For our love it was strong! You’re our Son, and a Grandson You’re a Cousin, and Brother You’re a Nephew, and Friend Unlike any other! Now it’s time to acknowledge All the hard work you’ve done For family to show what you mean to us, Son!

We are grateful for you Our family is blessed We’re here to embrace you, And wish you every success! Love you forever and always, Mom May 21, 2004

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