My Kidnapper's Falling For Me

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 9,867
  • Pages: 26
Kidnapped Chapter 1 - Why Do These Things Happen To Me I ran up the steps of my back porch into my house, no scratch that her house, the shedevil that married my fathers’, house. It hasn’t been the same since she’d moved in and remodeled. But I could live with most of it, all accept the colors she painted the walls lavenders, pinks, and beiges. My real mother had loved the color blue. (Kinda like me, my favorite color is dark blue.) And our house been painted in shades of blue, green, and soft yellows. But now I couldn’t stand how my own home looked. Now in my room I got out my laptop and turned it on. I checked my facebook, 246 new friend requests, great more gold diggers. I only actually have three best friends Shay, Alexa, and Carter. I met them in preschool, Shay and I instantly clicked she always new what I was thinking and how I felt. Alexa was the witty, and unexplainably giddy one. And Carter was the only dude in the “group” (and yeah I put air quotes around group.), he was also the overprotective one who never let us do anything dangerous. But I knew we were all real friends and I also now that even if I weren’t rich we would all still be incredibly tight knit. Because they didn’t care how insanely loaded my dad was or how his wife’s new boobs kept magically getting bigger. Man I hated that woman, but only Shay, Alexa, and Carter knew that. I had to stay strong for my two little sisters Kylie who’s four and Kendra who’s eleven. They were so innocent. So I left their minds untainted why ruin them so young? But enough of my rambling, back to what I’m currently doing. Well since you asked I’m checking my twitter. Oh wonderful Ryan Seacrest is following me, now some random post I put up is going to show up on E! news or his radio talk show by tomorrow, great. Just great. And on top of that I had 100 new followers today. More people to watch me grow up. Did I ever mention that I hate attention? Well if not, I hate attention! Not that I have any choice with my billionaire father. Even in this bad economy he’s still a billionaire. Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh!!!! But anyways back to the task at hand. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but if not I have a really short attention span. Darn there I go again! Never mind let me try again. I am currently going to my private skate park to well you know skateboard. And yeah, yeah I said “private” as in it’s at my house. My father showers me in gifts. I tell him not to, but he doesn’t listen. He thinks that he can buy my affection, but he can’t. Shay, Alexa, and Carter are coming over and I wanted to get some time to myself before they got here. I skateboarded some, but mostly I just sat and looked out at my ten acre backyard complete with horses, a pool, a tennis court, two acres of hills for riding, my huge garage with my new “mommy’s” pretty little cars (and my four-wheelers.), and of course about four acres of woods surrounding my house to keep the paparazzi out. And to you normal people this may seem crazy, but I rarely leave the perimeter. Accept for preschool (since then I’ve been tutored at home.), vacations, and occasional shopping trips, but other than that, that’s it.

I hadn’t realized I’d been walking away from the house, but why not Shay and the others still had an hour to get here. So I continued walking. It really was beautiful out here, it was the end of summer and it was beginning to get chilly as the sun began to dip into the trees branches. I started back and then noticed that I couldn’t see anything but trees I couldn’t find which way I’d come from either, my black and neon green zebra striped converse had left no tracks. Just then I heard a twig break and the breaker was definitely bigger than a bunny. I started running, in which way I did not know all I knew was that I had to run and fast. I was glad that I’d stuck with tennis as well as ballet. And I was doubly glad Shay had taught me to skateboard. With the leg muscles from skateboarding and dance, and the arm muscles from tennis. Oh and the kick boxing and karate lessons I’d been taking since I was six. I could take any person what I was really afraid of was an animal that could take my human maneuvers. I was running faster now as twigs and bushes cut my face and hands, but I brushed off the pain and kept running. Man was I glad I worn long sleeves and my Pink sweatpants. A gift from Alexa. I probably looked like a blue marshmallow. Wow I was thinking about how I looked while I was running for fear of my life. Ha maybe I was a rich spoiled brat. Well it comes with the territory I suppose. I soon begun to tire and even though I was in great shape my body wasn’t used to running, and I was wasting my energy running from something I couldn’t see and had most likely imagined. But imagined or not it made no sense to run when I couldn’t see where or what was chasing me. Suddenly I heard another twig break. And it was very near me, right behind me actually. Then the twig breaker said, “Don’t move.” It warned a male about eighteen or nineteen. I could definitely take him. I slowly turned around. He had a mask on how very typical, but this was good it meant they had no intention of killing me and most likely would let me go, for my father’s money. “And why would I not be allowed to move?” I asked in my most I-have-no-idea-what’sgoing-on face. Then I smiled sweetly at him. “Don’t give me that I’m all innocent look. I’ve read your profile. I saw you on your skateboard. That takes muscle. So don’t try to make a fool out of me.” He said. “Whatever, but I should know your name if you’re going to kidnap me.” I said. “And how do you know I want to do that?” He asked. “Well the signs are everywhere.” I said. “Oh yeah like where?!” His voice rose exactly what I was looking for I a fifteen year old girl had questioned his manhood, his ability to capture me. And that was his biggest mistake. Underestimation. Just as he had the words out of his mouth I gave him a round kick to his stomach. Then while he was down gasping for breath I stepped on his balls actually crushing them with my feet. Then I saw a big branch next to his body I picked it

up and hit him in the head knocking him unconscious. I was about to run for it when I saw a big dark funnel cloud overhead.

Chapter 2 - I Really Need A New Life POV Rich Girl (Kaiya) I couldn’t just leave him there for the twister to get him so I picked him up bridal style and started carrying him to the cave I had spotted while scouting for any type of shelter. It was a miracle really that I had found it. I little bird that had been chirping so cutely had led me to it. God’s work obviously. Once I’d made it to the cave I’d gone through his things removing all his weapons and really everything he had on him. I found two pairs of handcuffs and used those on his hands and feet I really didn’t want him waking up and killing or kidnapping me in my sleep. Which he shouldn’t since I saved his stupid, miserable life. I removed his mask and saw his nicely chiseled face immediately dispelled any such thoughts from her mind he had tried to harm her she could have no feelings but hate and contempt for this miserable, miserable man. I went through the rest of the things he’d had in his pack and on his belt. A months worth of food for two (including water), two blankets, two pillows, a fire starter kit, a first aid kit, and knock out coated gauze which I took a small portion of and wrapped around his head right under his nose. In the fist aid kit I found a handkerchief, which I gagged him with. There was some other stuff too as well as a knife and a gun, which were in his shoes. The dude had been cocky. Just not good enough, especially since he had been taken down by a fifteen year old, almost sixteen year old, girl, two weeks from tomorrow. I tended to the wound on his head with the first aid kit and then made myself some dinner. I was starving after the walk I’d had. After that I quickly check on the twister it had missed us, but was still there. I went back to the twig breaker. I sat down then realized something, my friends and family would assume I’d been gotten by the twister. They new I loved to walk out here, and with me missing, they’ll assume I’m dead. I quickly prayed for my sister’s and my friend’s in hopes that they would not worry too deeply about me. I prayed also that my father would have hope and send out search parties to search for me. Two days had passed and I was unsure what to do. I could leave him here but then I might as well shoot him because he’ll be as good as dead I can’t carry him long distances. And I don’t know where I would be to go either way so the solution I kept coming to was use the twig breaker to get me home. Undo his feet cuffs, but not his hands and keep the gun trained on him at all times the only problem would be if it was more than a day long trip. I suppose I could re cuff his feet while we slept and I could sleep in a tree. Yes! I’m so smart that’s what I will do. I had long since removed the original gauze and replaced it so now I took it off and waited for sleeping beauty to awake. Just then he stirred. He said “How did that go wrong?” as he looked down at his cuffed hands and feet.

Chapter 3 – Man Is She Hot POV Twig Breaker (Jake) “How did that go wrong?” I asked myself more than to her as I stared down at my cuffed hands and feet. “Well like I was saying before I whooped your butt, you made some mistakes.” She said with a smirk, her eye’s twinkling devishly. “Well like I was saying before you kicked me and practically crushed my balls, hey do you think I’ll still be able to have kids by the way? What are those mistakes now?” Her smirk turned to a death glare, but she quickly regained her composure, which irked me. “Well for one thing you’re easily distracted.” She said smiling a seductive smile. She stepped closer to me. And practically purred “You have no idea how hot you are.” She took another step, her face just inches from mine, then she stepped on my balls again and this time she crushed her heel in. I automatically turned on my side and assumed the fetal position. “And then there’s the fact that you leave yourself so vulnerable.” She said victory glazing her tone like a sweet glazed doughnut. “Yeah what about you?” I asked between half sobs half moans. “What about me?” She asked with that oh-I’m-so-innocent smile. “Well first if all why am I here?” “Well I need to get back home, and I doubt you would very much appreciate dying. Besides I want to see you rot in prison.” “Well no I wouldn’t appreciate dying. And how so was that to happen?” “Well there was a twister out there that would have no doubt picked up your unconscious body and thrown it down which I highly doubt you’d be able to survive.” She said in a cheery tone so high and uplifted it almost killed me. “Okay well how do you expect me to help you?” I asked with a smug smile. “Well you obviously had a plan as to what was going to happen. I highly doubt you can’t navigate your way through the woods to a mansion.” She said her proud smile never leaving her eyes. She’d really thought it out. “Well seeing as I have no choice, okay.”

“Great!” She said all cheery. Bet she wouldn’t do it that if she knew it made me want her so much.

Chapter 4 – Dirt, Tree’s, & Kidnappers Oh My! POV Rich Girl (Kaiya) “So you’re sure it’ll take two days?!” I asked him unbelievingly. It had only taken three hours to run out here. “Absolutely.” He said with a smirk. No way I did believe him. Screw that. “I know you’re lying to me, what you have buddies at your meeting spot? I may be a rich girl, but I’m NOT STUPID! Twig breaker.” I said angrily while glaring at him. “What did you just call me?” He said looking a little surprised. “A twig brea-ker.” I said with exaggerated patience enunciating the syllables. “Haha. But why?” “Because I heard you break a twig that’s why I ran the first time. And the second time you broke another one I knew you were behind me before you said anything. Plus you never told me your name so what else am I supposed to call you Kidnapper? Somehow I’m not feeling it. Yep your just Twig Breaker to me now.” “Well what am I supposed to call you?” He asked me. “You do know my name correct? Kaiya? So call me Kaiya everyone does.” “I know your name it just doesn’t sound like you.” He said with the gayest smile and voice I’d ever heard. “And what happens to sound like me? Mr. Gayness.” I said with a smug smile, a fake gay smile, and jazz hands. “Haha. Hmmm. How about Kai? And that was very original by the way.” “Kai?!” I shrieked. Then I realized my mistake I’d given in and showed an emotion besides control, power, or pride. I’d shown weakness. I’d let him know how much he got under my skin. “Yeah whatever.” I said with a shrug. But it was too late he smiled smugly. I glared at him. “Well someone gets annoyed easily.” He said smirking at me. I was about to step on his balls again, but I controlled myself. I needed him to get home.

“Yeah. Yeah. Just get ready to take me home. Not that you have a choice.” I said. His smile turned to a grimace. “And why do you think I won’t just lead you into a trap?” “Because if it takes longer than four hours I’ll tie you up and leave you alone without food or the keys to those handcuffs there.” I said pointing to his hands. “We’ll leave tomorrow. It’s almost dark now.”

Chapter 5 – Heart Of Stone POV Twig Breaker (Jake) “You know you should call me Jake. That’s my name.” I said. She raised her eyebrows and looked at me as if she hadn’t planned on me talking to her. “Well Twig Breaker, I am still going to call you Twig Breaker. Got it?” She said. “Well I’d prefer it if you called me Jake.” “Well that’s not going to happen.” She said smiling. “Even if I call you Kaiya?” A look of shock passed through her, but she once again regained her composure. Man that was annoying. “Nope I’d still call you Twig Breaker.” “Well then. I was just trying to compromise.” “Yeah well if you don’t quit talking and go to sleep I’m going to have to knock you out again.” “Fine. Fine.” I said, man she was bossy. “Good. You know this would all be over faster if you would just cooperate.” She said. “Yeah well, you may not know me yet, but you’ll soon learn that I’m not one to cooperate easily.” I said giving her a cocky smile. She just glared at me and said, “Well, we’ll see about that.” Then she smiled innocently at me and said, “It’s time to go now.” Somehow I felt intimidated about that comment. She unhooked the handcuffs on my feet, and gestured for me to get up. “How am I supposed to get up with my hands cuffed together?” I asked innocently.

“Yeah right. You can get up just fine by yourself.” She said shooting glares at me like daggers. “Come on. Help me.” I whined with puppy dog eyes. “You think I’m going to fall for that?! Well then you are sadly mistaken. Get up before I knock you out again and leave you out there without food.” “Ok, ok, ok.” I grumbled mostly to myself, but of course she heard. “Good. Now stay in front of me and make sure I get to the grounds of my house in four hours or I will do what I said I would.” She said her face now completely placid. God I hated that she just turned into a stone faced cruel…. I don’t know, but it was just so wrong on her face, her beautiful, beautiful face. Wait what! What am I saying? I can’t like a target. Oh great now I’m talking to myself. “Hello earth to Twig Breaker! You in there?” She asked sounding highly annoyed. “No I’m in the Bahamas I thought that’d be more fun.” I said sarcastically. She just glared at me. Which made me smirk at her. Which again, made her glare at me. It went on for a while until I said, “Ok, do you want to get home or not?” “Of course, you imbecile.” She said her face once again placid. Man I’d rather have her glaring at me than not doing anything at all. “Well, aren’t you coming?” She asked from the mouth of the cave. I got up and started walking to the mouth of the cave. She moved and put her back to the cave wall. She watched me warily while she waited for me to walk in front of her. She really didn’t trust me. Like at all. POV Kai “Come along, keep moving. After all you said you knew where I lived.” I said to Twig Breaker. “Yes I did, but I don’t know where we are currently. Since I was passed out when we came here.” “Well, if I take you to the hill we were fighting on could you get me back?” I asked with a fake innocent voice. “Well yes I believe so Kai.” He said emphasizing his nickname for me. “Well that’d be peachy Twig Breaker.” I said emphasizing my nickname for him. “Come along.” I said guiding him with the back of my hand.

“What, you don’t trust me to follow behind you?” He asked. “Wow! He’s a terrible fighter, but don’t worry folks he’s got brains!” I said my voice dripping with sarcasm. “Not even beside you?” He asked prodding practically begging. “No.” I said simply. I’m rich after all I’m used to getting my way. I’m a very, very stubborn person. “Pleeeaaassseee!” He begged. “No. Now keep walking.” “Come onnnnn.” “You are so pitiful. I almost feel sorry for you.” “Really? You feel bad for me? If so then could you take these handcuffs off they’re starting to chafe.” “I said almost idiot. You deserve to rot in jail after all, you were about to kidnap me. Anyways we’re here so take me home. Now!” POV Twig Breaker (Jake) “I said almost idiot. You deserve to rot in jail after all, you were about to kidnap me. Anyways we’re here so take me home. Now!” She said as she pushed me forward. “Fine this way.” POV Third Person An hour later.

Chapter 6 – Life Really Suck’s You Know That POV Kaiya “Here we are Miss Kai.” Twig Breaker said. “Well I would thank you, but I really don’t like you.” I said sweetly. “Yeah, yeah.” He said.

I backed up until he was four yards away then I turned and ran as fast as possible towards my house. I ran to the back porch and pounded on the door. “Hello?” a voice familiar voice called. Dad! “Daddy!” I yelled. “Oh thank God, Kaiya!” My father said. “What happened? Where were you?” I went on to tell him of the previous events. “Oh Kaiya! I’m so proud of you!” “Why?” I had asked. “Well sweetheart, because you not only beat a man older and most likely stronger than you. You got yourself back. Either way I’m just glad that your safe. And apparently I’m going to have to triple up on security.” After that night I’d been in my room crying and eating Ben & Jerry’s Double Fudge ice cream. My sister’s and father would come and visit me every once in a while, but they knew I needed some time to get over my terrible experience with that idiot Jake. I hadn’t told my father what he’d said his name was because no doubt he was lying. It had been a couple of weeks since the attempted kidnapping and all of my friends had already been over to visit me and tell me how sorry they were that I had to deal with that situation. But secretly the reason I was so sad was because Jake was no longer there. I don’t know why, but I missed his rude cockiness and the way he smiled. But No! I shouldn’t be thinking these things. He fought to get me after all. If I wasn’t such a good fighter he would have hurt me no doubt about it, but oh his eyes his dark green eyes. They were so beautiful. No! I mustn’t think this way! “Why hello again!” A voice said so close to me that I nearly jumped out of my own skin. I had actually jumped though so I ended up on my ass on the floor. He chuckled quietly to himself. “Wha-!” I began to scream, but he cut me off by covering my mouth with his rough hands. “Just say silent and I’ll allow you to pack what you wish to bring.” He said into my ear. I shook my head talking into his hand. I bit his hand and began to shout. But once again he cut me off. “Just shut up please!” Again I shook my head. “Well I didn’t want to have to do this, but if you don’t I’ll tie you up leave you here and take your little sister instead. So what do you say?” He removed his hand and instead of screaming I said. “Ok.”

Chapter 7 – I Hate Smart-Ass Kidnappees POV Jake “Ok.” She said giving up. Looks of utter despair and defeat in her face. “Great.” I said. I hadn’t wanted to use her little sister’s, but I knew from research she wouldn’t let anything happen to them. “Now start packing.” She sighed, but started moving around her room. First she pulled out a bag then she started pulling out clothing, her iPod, a portable DVD player, underwear, and then she set out converse, skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt. “Well if you’re done staring I’d like to change after all I’d rather not go out like this, plus I need shampoo, conditioner, and all that. Hey how long do you think I’ll be stuck wherever it is you’re taking me?” She asked me in a rush. “Whoa slow down Kai. And to answer your question it depends on your father and when he plans to pay us.” “Ok. Yeah that doesn’t help. I suppose I’ll just bring everything then.” I watched as she packed practically her whole room and yet it all fit into one bag. “That must be a tight fit.” I said. “Nope.” She said. “Ok then lets hop to.” I said. “Wait! I have to change.” She said staring at me as if I were stupid. “Ok then change. But make it quick.” “Well then don’t look pervert.” She said. Oooohhhhhh. That’s what she meant. “I can’t trust you sorry.” I said with a smug smile. “Nuh uh. You’ve got to be kidding me right! You’re just going to stare at me while I change?” “Well I kind of have to.” I said still smirking. “Ugh. Fine! God, why don’t you just blow me with your mind while you’re at it.” She said sarcastically. Of course I pretended not to notice.

“Oh why Kaiya we just met.” I said faking mock horror. She just glared at me. Hard. She stripped down to her underwear and pulled on the outfit she’d set out. “Ready Jerk Face.” She said. “Oh a new nickname, but Kai I was rather fond of Twig Breaker.” I said putting my fist over my heart pretending to be sullen. “Well,” She said. “I’m sure you’ll get over it.” She said with no emotion. Then she said something that rather surprised me, “How do you propose we blow this pop cycle stand?”

Chapter 8 – ‘Hideout’ POV Kaiya “So you do know that it’s pitch black out here right?” I asked. “No I think it’s really bright out here Smarty. Duh I know it’s dark. That’s the point now shut up!” He shout whispered. “Well then. No need to be so hostile.” I said. Dang he was paranoid. “Ok well, this just isn’t working and you’re not allowed to know the way to the ‘hideout’ so I’m going to knock you out.” He said. “Whatever at least you’re telling me. Go ahead.” “Thanks.” “For what?” I asked feeling whatever he was doing to me and yawning. “For cooperating.” And that was all I heard before I passed out into a deep sleep. POV Jake I caught her just before she hit the ground. I looked at her peaceful face. She was beautiful. Her face was just so open and vulnerable. I carried her bridal style to the hideout, which was about five minutes away. “Hey man.” Sam said as I walked inside the ‘hideout’. “Hey.” I said. “She’s even hotter than she is in the pictures.” He said. “Yeah…” I said trailing off.

“Man you like her don’t you?” “No you know my dad would kill me.” “Ah, but you still do!” Sam said. “Maybe..” I said. “I knew it! Man this is a sucky position you’ve put yourself in. Besides your dad’s already mad because she beat you last time.” “I know man, but I just love everything about her. Her purple eyes, her black hair, her feisty personality, and man I looovvveee how she fights. Man it like really turns me on man.” “Whoa, dude keep it in your pants.” “Shut up man she’s hot.” “Maybe so, but that sounds really stalkerish.” “I know, I know.” “Hey man, just don’t tell her so quickly. It will freak her out.” “I know I’m not stupid dude.” “Ok. Ok. Just saying.” “Well I’m going to put her in her room then go hit the sack myself.” “Ok man. See ya tomorrow.” “Yeah. See ya.”

Chapter 9 – Lover Boy POV Kaiya I woke up, but didn’t open my eyes someone was talking. I realized that it was Jake and another guy. “She’s even hotter than she is in the pictures.” The guy said. “Yeah…” I heard Jake say, trailing off.

“Man you like her don’t you?” Who are they talking about? Ooohhhh me. Hmph. Weird. “No you know my dad would kill me.” “Ah, but you still do!” “Maybe..” I heard Jake say. What!!!! He likes me?! Wow that’s….. sweet. “I knew it! Man this is a sucky position you’ve put yourself in. Besides your dad’s already mad because she beat you last time.” “I know man, but I just love everything about her. Her purple eyes, her black hair, her feisty personality, and man I looovvveee how she fights. Man it like really turns me on man.” What!!!!!!!! Now I’m creeped out. That’s disturbing. “Whoa, dude keep it in your pants.” “Shut up man she’s hot.” “Maybe so, but that sounds really stalkerish.” “I know, I know.” “Hey man, just don’t tell her so quickly. It will freak her out.” “I know I’m not stupid dude.” “Ok. Ok. Just saying.” “Well I’m going to put her in her room then go hit the sack myself.” “Ok man. See ya tomorrow.” “Yeah. See ya.” I decided that this was the end of the conversation so I decided to go back to sleep because he had laid me in a bed, but then I felt a pair of lips on my forehead as he lightly kissed it. He then said barely above a whisper, “I love you.”

Those three words practically stopped my heart. Dang he really jumped ahead. Oh well I’ll have to deal with it tomorrow. I’m too tired to try to think about it tonight. Then I fell into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter 10 – Home Again POV Kaiya I woke up to find light shining across my face. I got out of bed and surveyed my surroundings. There were two windows, that were surprisingly not barred. The room was a bright, soft yellow the bed was white with a down blanket and pillow. Besides that there was only one other object in the room, a dresser. There was only one door and it was locked. I figured this was the door that led to the rest of the building. My bag of stuff was next to the bed and I started putting things in the dresser drawers. I pulled out my cell phone from the hiding spot in my bag. My father had bought it specially along with the bag, just incase something like this would happen. I activated the special tracker and slipped it into a secret compartment in my bra. Yeah I know weird place, but it was the best place. It was specially made as well. He was very rich after all. It would only be a matter of time before the cops would be here to get me. I pulled out my iPod and relaxed against the pillows. Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus came on my favorite. I mean it may be old, but I just loved it. ‘ Hey girl you know you drive me crazy. One look put 's the rhythm in my hand. Still I’ll never understand why you hang around I see what's going down. Cover-up with make-up in the mirror Tell yourself it\'s never gonna happen again You cry alone and then he swears he loves you. Chorus: Do you feel like a man When you push her around? Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground? Well I'll tell you my friend one day this world's going to end As your lies crumble down a new life she has found. A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect Every action in this world will bear a consequence If you wade around forever you will surely drown I see what's going down. I see the way you go and say you're right again, say you're right again, heed my lecture

Chorus: Do you feel like a man When you push her around? Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground? Well I’ll tell you my friend one day this worlds going to end As your lies crumble down a new life she has found. One day she will tell you that she has had enough its coming round again. Chorus: Do you feel like a man When you push her around? Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground? Well I\'ll tell you my friend one day this worlds going to end As your lies crumble down a new life she has found. [x2] ’ Good song. Then I heard a knock at the door. “Come in.” I said, not like I had a choice. The boy who I assumed was the boy Jake was talking to last night “Good you’re up. Are you hungry?” “No.” I said I wasn’t going to move. “Are you sure?” “Yes.” “Am I ever going to get a response that is more than a syllabul?” “No.” The look on his face was priceless; exasperation, tiredness, anger, and a look that practically shouted annoyance all balled up into one. I, of course smirked. “At least that’s some sort of response.” He said. I immediately smoothed out the features of my face I was good at that. “Agh.” Was all he mumbled. I shrugged and looked back down at my iPod I decided to listen to She’s A Lady by Forever The Sickest Kids.

‘ I'm in love with a girl I hate, She enjoys pointing out every bad thing about me I'm in love with a critic and a skeptic. I'd trade her, I'd trade her in a second.

She's a backseat driver, A drama provider, an instant update of the world Shes a first class liar, a constant forgetter (she's attractive, but bitter) Did you scream enough to make her cry, To turn around, turn around baby, don't return to me, If you think that I'm not worth your time. She's a lady, And ladies shouldn't be messed with. She's a lady, And ladies, shouldn't be messed with. Take off your shoes, Come in the room, And baby let's try not to argue, Turn out the lights, Turn on the radio, How can we fight when I'm too busy loving you, I'm too busy loving you I'm too busy loving you Did you scream enough to make her cry, To turn around, turn around baby, don't return to me. If you think that I'm not worth your time. She's a lady, And ladies, shouldn't be messed with. She's a lady, And ladies, shouldn't be messed with. Here I am, Find More lyrics at

There you go again, again And we will not ever be eighteen again, again

And I'm worn out of fighting, And every night you leave crying, And I could use some time. And here I am, There you go again. (again) So here I am I'm dying, And I'm waiting for you, waiting for you. Come back, come back to me, And I'll take you gladly. And I'll take you where to go. Did you scream enough to make her cry, To turn around, turn around baby. don't return to me, If you think that I'm not worth your time. Did you scream enough to make her cry, To turn around turn around baby, don't return to me. If you think that I'm not worth your time. She's a lady, And ladies, shouldn't be messed with Shes a lady, And ladies, shouldn't be messed with ’ Another good song. Ahh a few more played. For example: That’s What You Get by Paramore, New Divide by Linkin Park, Pain by Three Days Grace, and some other stuff, but I got bored so I decided to watch a movie Transformers 2. Yay! I haven’t seen it yet. It just came out, but rich dad means new movies. After I’d watched that action packed movie I started to wonder how much longer ir was going to take my father to get someone here to get me. I mean come on It’s been four hours since I’d activated the tracking device. Just then I heard the door being pounded on. Yes justice! Now I could be free! I mean I know I haven’t been here long, but I really hate being caged up! The kidnappers had not been caught they’d run away leaving me to be found by the officers. After a very kind officer had brought me home, I went up to my room to retrieve my real cell phone to call Shay. She picked up on the first ring.

“Finally. That took forever.” She said as a greeting. I’d sent her a text while I changed even though the dude was right there. Idiot. Haha I had my phone on silent. See how smart I am? Well you should. “I know I activated the tracker as soon as I woke up. But that’s not important I think one of the kidnappers is in love with me he said so.” “What! Dish! Now!” So I told her of my past nights events. “No way.” Was all she’d said. “That’s it. I need a response.” She sighed, “Kaiya, Kaiya, Kaiya do you not see what’s happening?” “No.” I said confused what was she talking about. “You’re falling for him too. How can you not see. I mean even the way you told me like you wanted me to judge whether or not he’d be good for you. Girl you need a reality check.” “What?!” I said incredulously. Me fall for him. No I had just wanted to tell her of my odd experience. “Oh Kaiya. Honey I’m coming over I’ll bring the rest of our ‘posse’ too. Just answer one question for me. Did the cops catch your forbidden lover.” “No and he’s not my forbidden lover Shay I think you’ve gone crazy girl.” “Good. And sure I ‘m the one who’s crazy, sure I am.” She said. “We’ll be right over kay?” “Kay see you in a few.” I said then fell back on my bed.

Chapter 11 – Surprises, Surprises Shay had come over with Carter and Alexa that night and they’d al stayed over for a sleepover to make sure I wasn’t kidnapped again. I woke up now, the next morning to find myself lying on my bed in between Alexa and Shay. Carter lay at the end of the bed by our feet. This was how it was meant to be and I realized that today was my birthday. Sixteen. Wow I’m sixteen, it felt good to say that or think it in my case either way. I sat up then started jumping on the bed. “Wake up sleepyheads!” I yelled. Carter bolted upright and fell off the bed and Shay and Alexa were holding on for dear life. I couldn’t take it I fell down and started laghing. I laughed so much it hurt. Shay and Alexa joined in quickly we three were rolling around laughing at Carter who kept slipping on the blanket trying to get up. Once he’d gotten to his feet he glared at us, and we just kept on laughing. He sat at my desk chair and pouted.

“Aww. Come on you know we were just kidding.” I said as I tyed to contain my giggles. Shay and Alexa were not as successful. He only glared more and turned the chair. “Come on Carter you can’t be mad at the birthday girl. I said with puppy dog eyes he turned around and said. “Well I suppose your right can’t be mad at our little sixteen year old can we.” He said smirking. He and Alexa were seventeen and Shay had turned sixteen a few months ago. “Haha. So funny, but you know you’re insulting yourself.” “How so?” He asked eyebrows raised. “Well, we’re in the same grade, an di have all A’s and what do you have?” I said pretending to think about it. “Oh yeah a C.” Then I started laughing really hard. He glared then he smiled a devious smile. “What?” I said. He only smiled then he rushed me and picked me up. “What are you doing?” “I think birthday girl needs to take a dip.” He said smirking then he started carrying me down the steps Shay and Alexa got up and followed laughing. I kept pounding on his back, but he was stronger we’d both taken all the same sports, well not ballet, but he played football instead of that so if anything that made him stronger. And I only weighed like a hundred pounds. He took me out the backdoor and threw me into the pool. “No!” Was all I got to scream before I hit the freezing water. As I pushed myself to the surface I got a plan. I burst out of the water. And swam to the side of the pool. “Alright help me out at least.” I said to Carter. He came to the side of the pool and reached out his hand I took in a mouthful of water spit it out at him then pulled him into the pool. He crashed in and Shay and Alexa jumped in after him, just for fun. “You do know you spit on me right?” Carter asked as he swam over to us. “But of course dear Carter. How else was I suppose to distract you enough to pull you into the pool?” I said smiling devishly. He splashed me then. Swam closer to me. Then all of the sudden he kissed me. I deepened the kiss letting his tongue in my mouth. We kept kissing until we had to breath. “It’s about time.” Was all Alexa said shaking her head. Shay only grinned. She’d known he’d liked me. I gave her we’ll talk later look. And she nodded. The she mouthed ‘all the details’ to me.

She and Alexa got out of the pool and over to the beach house where they kept there spare bathing suits for occasions such as this. “Do you want to go out with me Kai?” Carter asked. I grinned and nodded. We then headed to the hot tub where we proceeded in making out.

Chapter 12 – Girl’s Night In Or So They Thought Jake’s POV Kaiya had pulled him into the pull. Good girl. I’d thought to myself then I saw her and the dude making out. It was everything in my power not to go marching over there and kidnapping her again, but I stopped myself. I was however clenching my fists. “You okay man?” Sam asked worry coating his tone. “Yeah of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked trying to hide my anger. Apparently not very well because his next words were. “You love her don’t you?” I sighed. “Yeah I guess I do.” I said. “Man you’re my best friend so I’m going to help you get her back.” “Really?” I asked my voice already a bit more chipper. “Yeah, but first, recon.” He said with a smile I knew only to lead up to trouble. Kaiya’s POV The next couple of weeks had been a blast. Carter and I were such a good couple and of course the making out was great, but I had a feeling he wanted more. And I had a feeling that I couldn’t give it to him. So as with all great conundrums of a teenage girl I called for a girl sleepover. Alexa and Shay were coming over and we were turning off our cell phones and putting them under lock and key so Carter couldn’t call. It was going to be a spa night. Shay arrived first and we locked up our phones. Alexa arrived last and she locked up her phone as well. We went down to the mini spa in my house. Did I mention my dad’s new wife had it put in? Well if I got any benefits from him remarrying it was the spa. “So you think he wants sex?” Shay asked jumping to the chase. I nodded. “I mean I want my first time to be with someone special, not that he’s not special. He’s just not,”

“The one?” Alexa finished for me. I nodded. “ I mean he’s great to make out with and he’s sweet and caring, but I just don’t have that…… feeling. You know?” “Yeah.” Shay said. “So are you gonna break up with him?” Alexa asked. “I don’t know I think so. Do you think I should?” I asked both of them. They both nodded. “I think it’s the best way for neither of you to get hurt after all we’re all best friends.” Shay said. “Yeah.” Alexa said nodding in agreement. “You’re both supre young anyways who wants to get engaged at age sixteen anyways?” She said encouragingly. “Thanks guys. Tomorrow I’ll call him and tell him to meet me at the park so I can break up with him.” “Good idea. But enough talk, makeover time!” Alexa shrieked. I sighed, but laughed and followed her and Shay upstairs for our makeovers. After makeovers we went to my room for a scary movie we decided on The Black Knight. Man this was a disturbing movie I looked around and saw that Shay and Alexa were asleep. I got up and went to the bathroom. After I was done I opened the door to see Jake standing at the entrance to my room locking the door. There were two other dudes there and they were carrying a sleeping Shay and Alexa bound and from the looks of it gagged. I knew there was no way I could fight all four of them off. And besides no one else was home. They’d gone out to visit family in New York. I cursed under my breath. I slowly backed back into the bathroom then quickly locked the door. What was I going to do? I searched my shelves for a weapon. Hairspray that could be useful, a towel rod, and some of my dad’s shaving cream (I liked to steal it so mommy wouldn’t kiss him, she hated him unshaven! hehe). “It’s no use to try to hide we’ve got your friends you wouldn’t want them getting hurt would you?” Jake said from the other side of the door. “Fine. Fine I’m coming out.” I said. I quickly unlocked the door and sprayed him the face then I kneed him in the balls. I tried to run to the door, but he grabbed my ancle causing me to fall of course. I landed with a thud. He yelled to his friends. “Sam, Alex! Are you going to help or are you going to just stand there and stare like idiots?”

I struggled, but he kept a firm grip on my ankle, I tried to hit him with my rod, but it was lifted from my hands and thrown to the floor about ten feet from me. The two pairs of hands grabbed my arms and hauled me up so that my feet were no longer on the ground. “What do you want from me?” Was all I could ask before he put gauze under my nose, which no doubt knocked me out. Jake POV She stopped struggling so I assumed that she was out. I got out handcuffs for her then gagged her. I picked her up and Sam and Alex picked up her friends. We walked downstairs and right out her front door. I opened the back door to our inconspicuous white van and got in I set Kaiya down and Sam and Alex did the same. Alex got into the drivers seat and started our long journey we were going to Kentucky way up in the mountains where no signal could be tracked. After a few hours into the ride Kaiya started to move around. Then her eyes were open and she was glaring at me. I only smirked at her. Well I was definitely going to have to work on her falling in love with me. Oh well she would soon enough. Kaiya’s POV I woke up to see Him staring at me I glanced around my surroundings they had Shay and Alexa as well, and we were in a van. For how long we’d been traveling I had no idea. Which gave me a sinking feeling. They could be taking us anywhere and because of last time it was almost sure to be in an untraceable place. Not that it mattered none of us had our cell phones they were locked away in my room. I glared at Jake, that stupid arrogant jerk. And he had me gagged. The flipping nerve. “Ugh!” I mumbled loudly hoping he’d take off my gag. He did. But then he…. Kissed me. I tried to get out of his reach, but he pinned me against the van floor and my hands were in handcuffs. He deepened the kiss I didn’t open my mouth, but he kept pushing his tongue at my lips trying to force his way in, but I refused again, but then he did something low. He tickled me and I couldn’t hold in my laughter I opened my mouth and he shoved his tongue in my mouth his kiss passionate and forceful. I couldn’t hold out anymore I kissed back giving him full access to my mouth. Enjoying this given freedom, his tongue explored my mouth, every single nook and cranny while mine did the same to his. He pushed his body closer to mine flattening himself to my body. He was now straddling me, and as much as I enjoyed it I reminded myself that he was my kidnapper and these handcuffs were really hurting my hands being pressed down on the floor of the van. When we finally came up for air I was gasping and my arm was screaming in pain. But he wouldn’t get off me. “Get off me!” I managed to get out in between breaths. He shook his head. “I like this position.” He said grinning.

I glared at him. “Well my arm doesn’t.” I said through gritted teeth. He hesitated then got off of me. “Sorry.” He mumbled. “Yeah well while you were attacking me I think my arm lost all feeling.” I said. “Aha, but you liked it.” He said once again grinning. “Psh, no I didn’t. I only let your tongue in because you tickled me. That’s not fair!” I said angrily. “Life’s not fair.” He said quietly. “Yeah I noticed, since this is oh I don’t know the third time you’ve kidnapped me, and I’m handcuffed in the back of a van with some dude who shoved his tongue down my throat!” I said even angrier. I glared at him then scooted around so that I didn’t have to look at his ugly rude face anymore.

Chapter 13 – Kaiya’s POV When we arrived Jake carried me, and his two friends Sam and Alex although I didn’t know which was which grabbed Alexa and Shay. They carried us into a mansion in the side of a mountain oh yeah definitely no reception here. We were placed in a room with three beds that had a handcuff attached to each one. Great I thought sarcastically. This just keeps on getting better and better. Alexa and Shay woke up after we’d been chained up. Figures. Jakey boy had been careful to put on the first handcuff then take off the others. They were confused at first, so I explained it to them and they agreed that the situation was pretty much hopeless because if we did ever get un-cuffed and somehow sneak out of there we would be lost in the mountains of who knows where. So we just had to hope that our parents paid the ransom. All three of our parents were rich, mine was just the richest. I also told them about Jake kissing me. They were both surprised, but then shay had to go and ask if I liked it. I had mumbled yes, then lay down and pretended to be asleep. Now three weeks later we figured we’d be stuck here forever. One of the boys Alex I think had been bringing us our meals. “So you think they even asked for ransom?” Alexa asked worried. “I don’t know.” I said desperately so we decided we would ask Alex. After all we should be filled in on the situation.

“Uh, we aren’t asking for a ransom just yet we want to worry your parents first.” Was all he’d said before he ran out of our room and slammed the door shut. Well that was odd. I’d thought to myself. Jake POV “We need to hurry this up, start making her fall in love with you because otherwise they’re going to start to get more suspicious.” Alex said after relaying to Sam and I what they had asked. And what he’d said. “Yeah I guess I’ll take her out for a walk today. But so they’re not suspicious you guys each take one of her friends. Just make sure we don’t run into each other.” I said to them they agreed and I got ready to take Kaiya on a walk. Kaiya’s POV Jake stepped into our room and put some handcuffs on me then un-cuffed the bed cuffs. “What are we doing?” I asked him. “We are going for a walk.” He said smiling. I frowned at him, what was he trying to do? “Why?” I asked him suspiciously. “Well don’t you want to stretch your legs?” He asked me. Touché well ok, but I wasn’t letting my guard down. “Yeah I guess.” Was all I said he walked me down the stairs and out the front door we started to walk on this path, that was a bit steep and to be honest I fell a lot. Finally I said, “You know this would be a lot easier if you took these off of me.” “Yea, but then you may run away. Besides it’s funny.” “Yes, but where would I run to we are in mountains and I don’t even know what state we are in so where would I possibly go so that I could survive?” I asked him. “Well, touché. Ok, but if you try anything these handcuffs will be your new best friends.” “Deal, now get these things off me.” I said. “Ok, ok. There.” He said unlocking them. We walked up the hill until we came to a clearing. We sat down and well started talking. We were talking about what flavor of lollipop was best when he leaned in and kissed me. This time I wasn’t very reluctant about the tongue thing; he was just so good at making out. All of the sudden I was on my back and he was straddling me. My hands were in his

hair and his hands were going up and down my hips. We rolled over and all of the sudden I was on top and I deepened the kiss even more. I ground my hips against his and he groaned with pleasure. He rolled so he was on top again and we continued to kiss until I had to breathe. His lips left mine and traveled hungrily down my throat looking for a weakness suddenly he found it and I groaned in response. He continued to nip and bite that same spot and I found it very pleasuring. Then I started to look for his weakness because this just wasn’t fair. Once I found it I nibbled at it until he gave up and moaned with ecstasy. I grinned then I kissed his lips again. He growled and deepened the kiss our tongues once again searched each other’s mouths. Once we’d finished he gasped out, “I love you.” “I know.” I said sighing and looking up at the sky. “What? How?” He asked. “Well you remember the second time you kidnapped me that one night.” He nodded. “Well I woke while you were having a conversation with Sam is it? Then you kissed me on the forehead and said you loved me. So I know.” I stated matter of factly. “Wow, well why didn’t you tell me sooner?” “Well if I happen to remember I was either fighting for my freedom or gagged the last time I saw you.” I said. “Well, you could have slipped it in. By the way how did you get those cops there?” “I activated the tracker.” I said. “Oh. Do you have one now?” He asked. “No.” “Are you telling the truth?” “Yes.” “Do you love me?” “Yes.” I said bodly. He looked at me then he kissed me again fiercely.

Chapter 14 – Love At Its Finest

I’ve been here a couple weeks since we’ve declared our love for each other. Apparently he’d never wanted any money at all, just for me to fall for him. And surprisingly I wasn’t mad. Surprisingly, I thought that it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. And Alex and Shay were getting pretty cuddly, along with Sam and Alexa as well. We were like three super couples. The problem was our families thought we were dead or worse and we didn’t know what to do. The boys had suggested just staying here with them until we could go around without people thinking we had to go to school. But Shay, Alexa, and I didn’t want to cause our parents hurt. The boys, of course didn’t understand their concerns, but chose to honor them. So they were all sitting in the living room brainstorming what to do. “Well maybe we could go back, pretend that we escaped capture and then in college we meet you guys.” Alexa said hopefully. But that wasn’t possible, because that’s a year of not seeing them. “I don’t think we could go that long apart.” Sam said to her. Alexa smiled at him sweetly. Then went back to thinking. “What are we going to do?” I asked no one in particular. “I don’t wish this to cause you pain.” Jake said. I smiled at him then kissed him sweetly. He deepened the kiss and it was fiery and passionate then someone cleared their throat and we pulled apart blushing. “Ooooh looks who’s blushing.” Shay teased me. I blushed a deep scarlet and Jake chuckled at me then kissed me again making me forget why I was had even been blushing in the first place. Nobody interrupted us this time. When we finally came up for breath I saw Alexa making out with Sam, and Shay making out with Alex. I chuckled. They stopped and looked up blushing scarlet. “Ooooh look who’s blushing.” I said imitating Shay. But saying it to both of them. They blushed even more. I couldn’t help it I started laughing. I laughed so hard my ribs hurt. Then we were all laughing together. We tried to think of ways that we could go back home and still date them, but we came up empty and always ended up making out somehow. So we decided that until further notice we would stay here, and just chill.

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