Muhammad Khan

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,228
  • Pages: 7

INTRODUCTION: The universal characteristics of Islamic State are derived from the teachings of the holy Quran, as embodied in the political practice or the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) An Islamic State is closely linked with the society because Islam is accepted as a comprehensive integrated way of life. The State is only the political expression of an Islamic society. The majority of the Islamic states are so far not in a position to recognize Islamic ideology. In many quarters of the Muslim world a strong momentum exists to reassert Islamic principles in social, economic and political spheres. This momentum often involves a quest for a new Islamic identity, which may include redefinition of traditional Islamic institutions and application of Islamic Laws. During the past quarter century, numerous political developments across the Muslim world have dramatically pointed to Islamic reassertion of Islam's political culture


The first is the right to security of life and property. Islam prohibits killing except for that which is done in the due process of law at the hands of a God-fearing court. No government has the right to murder its citizens, openly 1

or secretly, because they oppose its unjust policies and actions or criticize it. Another right is that of the protection of honor. Under Islamic Law, if one is proved to have said things that could have damaged the reputation and honor of the plaintiff, the accused is declared guilty of defamation — regardless of whether or not the plaintiff is able to prove that he is respectable and honorable in the first place.


Islam has also laid down the principle that no citizen can be imprisoned unless his guilt has been proved in an open court. To arrest a man only on the basis of suspicion and to throw him into a prison without proper court proceedings and without providing him a reasonable opportunity to produce his defense is not permissible in Islam. It is related in the hadith that once the Prophet was delivering a lecture in the mosque, when a man rose during the lecture and said: "O Prophet of God, for what crime have my neighbours been arrested?" The Prophet heard the question and continued his speech. The man rose once again and repeated the same question. The Prophet again did not answer and continued his speech. The man rose for a third time and repeated the same question. Then the Prophet ordered that the man's neighbours be release.


Along with the freedoms of conviction and conscience, Islam has given the right to the individual that his religious sentiments will be given due respect, and nothing will be said or done which may encroach upon his right.


Islam has recognized the right of the needy to assistance. "And in their wealth there is acknowledged right for the needy and the destitute" (51:19) source: Quranic Prism page 862. In this verse, the Qur’an has not only conferred a right to every man who asks for assistance in the wealth of the Muslims, but has also laid down that if a Muslim comes to know that a certain man is without the basic necessities of life, then, irrespective of whether he asks for assistance or not, it is his duty to give all the help that he can.


Islam gives its citizens the right to absolute equality in the eyes of the law. As far as Muslims are concerned, 3

there are clear instructions in the Holy Qur’an Hadith that in their rights and obligations they are all equal: "The believers are brothers (to each other)" (49:10) source: Quranic Prism page 620. "If they (disbelieves) repent and keep up prayer and pay the welfare due they are your brothers in faith" (9:11) source: Quranic Prism page 250. The Prophet has said that: "The life and blood of Muslims are equally precious" (AbuDawood, Ibn Maja).


Islam insists and demands that all officials of an Islamic State, from most senior to most junior, are equal in the eyes of the law. One of them can claim immunity from it. The most humble citizen has the right to file a legal complaint against the highest executive in the land. The Caliph 'Umar said; "I have myself seen the Prophet, may Allah's blessings be on him, taking revenge against himself (penalizing himself for some shortcoming or failing)."


The ideal Islamic state is one where there is justice in the distribution of the resources of the state as well as in the dispensation of the law, where people are free to 4

enjoy the blessings of God, and so there won’t be room for any grievance there. From the foregoing, it is evident that under an Islamic government, the non-Muslims cannot be forced to practice a faith that they do not believe in because such coercion undermines the very core of the Islamic state, namely justice. No one in an Islamic system can flout justice.


Those who can not afford education in an expensive state there should be institutes to provide free education for poor people. It is the duty of the state to provide free education or at least give them some discount to there citizen.

Government should make schools and colleges in rural areas for every one and admission should be based on merits basis not on source or any kind of relationships.


Muslims must strive to be good models, and not “all talk and no action.” Our actions are vital to the image of Muslims worldwide, and they play a key role in opening many fruitful doors. Our upstanding behaviors’ plays an essential role in our gaining the respect and recognition that Muslims deserve in the United States.


The Holy Qur’an states,” O Muhammad, say to my servants that they should only say those things that are best, for Satan doth sow dissension among them, for Satan are to man an avowed enemy.” (17:53) source: Quranic Prism page 383

And. “O ye who believe! Fear Allah and always say a word directed to the Right.” (33:70) source: Quranic Prism page 469

Also regarding good actions, the Holy Qur’an states, “And eerily, the reward of the hereafter is better for those who believe and fear Allah, and keep their duty to Him (by abstaining from sin and evil deeds, and by performing righteous deeds).” (12:57) source: Quranic Prism page 307


Government should provide free health facility to all those who can not afford medical facilities should be cheap. It is the right of every citizen to have a free medical facility or at least have some discount.



 Rights of State We as a Muslim follow the rules and regulation of state, and we should do our work within the limits prescribed by state.

• Rights of Citizens We should make unity and brotherly relations with our surroundings people.

♦ Fulfill your Duties and Demand your Rights We should practically implement our duties on our lives and we have the right to demand our rights by the state.


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