Muhammad Saeed Khan-cv

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  • Pages: 9
MUHAMMAD SAEED KHAN [email protected] [email protected] Cell: 0300-4211016

CAREER OBJECTIVE: To serve at managerial level in an organization dedicated to socio economic development of backward communities that demands skills in project/program management, effective human relations, and team building.

Brief… I hold Masters Degree and have studied at Doctoral level. Currently I am serving as Agency Development Officer in Fata Secretariat Special Project. Prior to it I served as District Program Manager in People’s Primary Healthcare Initiative; and General Manager in National Commission for Human Development. I have also served in Federal Board of Revenue as Assistant Commissioner. I remained on the faculty positions of universities in the country and abroad. My areas of interest are Institutional Strengthening, Capacity Development, Developmental Research, and General Administration.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: • Agency Development Officer Fata Secretariat Special Project (FSSP), FR Kohat. March 2, 2009 till date. FSSP has been entrusted the task to provide rapid response to the demands of the people belonging to the areas affected by the militancy related violence. Its core activity is to carry out projects of infrastructure rehabilitation and development so as to facilitate the confidence building among the communities and the government. I am in charge of the projects operations at the agency level, and have the following responsibilities: • • • •

Coordination with the Political Administration for preparation and implementation of grants. Developing Grants Ideas and writing project proposals. Monitoring and supervision of the implementation of grants. HRM, General Administration and Finance

• District Support Manager People’s Primary Healthcare Initiative (PPHI), District Support Unit, Karak. July 2008 to Febraury 2009. PPHI is a public sector development organization, dedicated to the rehabilitation and revitalization of the First Level Health Facilities all around the country. PPHI works for the improvement of the physical infrastructure of FLHFs, community mobilization for health and hygiene awareness, systemic readjustment of the health institutions enabling them to become responsive to the needs of the community, and enhanced coordination between the preventive and curative initiatives of the health department at the gross root level. I headed the district level operations of the project. I was responsible for: •

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Planning of the primary healthcare activities in the basic health units. Developing close liaison with district government’s line departments for the improved delivery of various primary healthcare services like vaccination, epidemic control etc. Developing monitoring strategies and ensuring their methodical implementation. Spearhead social mobilization campaigns and laying down detailed strategies for community support to the basic health units. Planning and implementation of the Rehabilitation of the Primary Healthcare Infrastructure. HRM, Finance ad General administration.

• District General Manager, National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) Support Unit Bannu. August 2006 to June 2008 NCHD is public sector Development organization dedicated to the attainment of Millennium Development Goals in the area of Education, Primary Health, and Community Empowerment. I was head of the district level operations. I was responsible for: • Supervision of the five distinct programs: o Capacity Development Program- a program dedicated to the capacity building of the local government officers and the elected representatives at the district and tehsil levels.

o Voluntarism for Community Development- a program

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aimed at identification, organization, training, and mobilization of a team of volunteers for participation in development activities. o Universal Primary Education- a program entrusted with the task of attaining universal enrollment, quality education and drop out prevention. o ORS campaign- having the target of imparting training of ORS preparation and administration to at least one lady in each house hold. o Mass Adult Literacy Campaign- having the aim of imparting basic literacy and life skills to the female adults. Coordination with the main stakeholders i.e., line departments, political leadership, influential etc for the successful implementation of the above mentioned programs. Planning and monitoring of the field operations. HRM, General administration, Finance.

• District Program Manager Capacity Development Program, NCHD, Support Unit Bannu (May 3, 2006 to March 3, 2007) My responsibilities included • Technical Support to the local government in planning and budgeting and liaising with Community Leaders, and conducting their Coordination meetings • Training of the Local Government Officials and Elected Representatives, in Mobilization of Citizen Community Boards, Planning and Budgeting, and Monitoring and Evaluation • Hand Holding support to Local Government Institutions in preparation of Budget and conducting day to day financial matters • Handholding support to Local Government Organizations in Strategic Planning, Identification and Preparation of participatory Developmental projects

• Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax, Central Board of Revenue, Islamabad. (July 2003 to April 2006) From July 2003 until May 2005, I remained Probationer getting trainings at Civil Services Academy and Directorate of Tax Training and Research). From May 2005 until April 2006, I served as Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax at Islamabad Zone.

My responsibilities included the following: • Administration of tax administration of major non-company businesses in Islamabad. • Establishing of close coordination with key business community leaders and mobilizing them for payment of income tax • Management of HR • Preparation and submission of Various regular and need based reports • Coordination on behalf of Central Board of Revenue, with Auditor General of Pakistan office for the taxation of salary income.

• Faculty Member (Part Time), Department of International Relations, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. (July 2005 to May 2006). I taught the following courses: • Research Methodology, • Political Philosophy, and • Human Rights

• Faculty Member (Part Time), Department of International Relations, Preston University, Islamabad. (August 2005 to May 2006). I taught the following courses: • Geography of Urban and Rural Development. • Political Goegraphy, • Human Geography, and

• Tutor School of Social Sciences, University Sains Malaysia. [July 200 to August 2002] I taught tutorials to the Under-graduate and Masters Reseach Students in the following subject:

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Planning Social Research Human and Political Geography Delinquent Behavior and Reform Programs.

• Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, Government Post Graduate College Bannu (September

1999 to June 2000).

I taught the following subjects: • International Relations, • Foreign Policy of Pakistan, and • Public Administration.

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: PhD Research: Regarding my Doctoral research topic—“Violent Sectarian Conflict in Pakistan”— I have conducted field ethnographic survey of Southern Districts of the Punjab and Kurram Agency, Kohat and D.I.Khan Districts in NWFP. Syndicated Research on Urban Transport Reforms in Lahore: I chaired the Research Syndicate at Civil Service Academy, Lahore formed for the study of Urban Transport Reforms in Lahore. I designedthe research and all the questioners and analyzed the data.

COMMUNITY WORK: I have established two Communal Girls Primary Schools at my Village: Dogar Umarzai, FR Bannu, in Collaboration with FATA Education Directorate. The schools are functional since 1998 and currently more than 200 girls are studying therein.

ACADEMIC QULIFICATIONS: M.A. (1996-98) I received my Masters in Political Science from Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab with the following majors: • International Organizations • International relation, • Comparative Politics, • Political Islam, and

Constitutional Law

PhD in Political Science I have studied at School of Social Science, Science University, Penang, Malaysia, for PhD in Political Science. My area of research was “Violent Sectarian Conflict in Pakistan”. I completed my research survey and shared my research findings with my supervisors. I have to defend my dissertation yet.

PROFESSIONAL TRAININGS: Common Training Program (CTP 2003-04)

I stood 30th in the in the 2001 Central Superior Services Competitive exam. I underwent a 9 month long training at the Civil Services academy Lahore. Major areas of training were: • Public Management, • Public Finance, • Economics, • Information Technology, and • Business Communication

Specialized Training Program (STP 2004-05) This 14 months training was conducted at the Directorate of Tax [Training & Research). Major subjects were: • Financial and Managerial Accountancy, • Auditing, • Information Technology • Revenue Laws, and • Major and Minor Acts,

Training for the General Managers: [March 4 to April 27, 2007). National Commission for Human Development

Major contents of the trainings were: • Mass Adult Literacy • Voluntarism for Community Development • Universal Primary Education • Community/Public Health • Administration • HR • Finance

Training of Trainers (TOT) on Planning & Budgeting, Citizen Community Boards, and Montering by Local Government Monitoring institutions. Monitoring Committees (May 3- 17, 2006). Capacity Development Program, National Commission for Human Development. The training covered the following areas: • Monitoring and evaluation of the local government projects and offices of Education, Health, Social Welfare and Finance by the elected representatives. • Planning the long term strategies for development, incorporation of these strategies in the district and tehsil budget, following the Budget rules 2003. • Mobilization of CCBs and initiation of CCB projects.


President, Civil Services Academy Excursion Club (July 2003 to March 2004)

President, Management Committee, Directorate of Tax (Training & Research), (March 2004 to September 2004)


Social and Economic Development, Social Research, Educational Policy, Urban and Rural Planning, and

LANGUAGES PROFICIENCY: I have got expertise in all four linguistic skills, i.e., listening, speaking, reading, and writing, of the following languages: Pushto (Mother Tongue), English, Urdu, Punjabi


Report Writing Presentation Crucial Conversation Mediation and Conflict Resolution Social Mobilization


April 08, 1974


F.R.Bannu (FATA)



Postal Address:

People’s Primary Healthcare Initiative, District Support Unit, Bungalow No. 3, Near DHQ Hospital, KDA Townhip, Karak, NWFP.


Dr. Munir Afridi Director, Population Council, Islamabd. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 0092-334-5133235

Mr. Nasim Ejaz Field Coordinator, Fata Secreatriate Special Project. E.mail: [email protected] Phone: 0092-346-9712080

Mr. Riazuddin Afridi Agency Coordinator (MNE), FATA-LDP Corrdinator, Bajuar Agency. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 0092-333-9117480

Mr. Mian Aftab khan Deputy Secreatry Finance, Fata Secretarate. E. Mial: [email protected] Phone: 0092-321-9078767, 091-9270485

Mr. Aftab Alam Deputy Secretary (Discipline), Government Of Pakistan. E-mil: [email protected] Phone: 0092-300-8580531



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