Minutes 2018

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 309
  • Pages: 1
MINUTES LEWISTOWN CEMETERY ASSOCIATION March 25, 2018 The annual meeting of the Lewistown Cemetery Association was held on Sunday, March 25 2018, at 2:00 P.M., at the American Legion Hall in Lewistown. Present were: Skip Lay, President, Larry Arnold, Secretery/Treasurer, Myrna Wear, Earl Kempe, Rick Sharpe, Jeanette Holbert and Carrie Crist. The meeting was called to order by President Skip Lay. A motion was made by Earl Kempe to appoint Rick Sharpe to fill the vacancy of Charles Arnold, Jr. Second by Myrna Wear. Motion carried. The minutes of the annual meeting held on March 26, 2017, were given by acting Secretary Jeanette Holbert. Motion by Carrie Crist, seconded by Earl Kempe to approve the minutes as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Larry Arnold. Motion by Jeanette Holbert, second by Myrna Wear, to approve the amended treasurer’s report. Motion carried. Old business: None New business. Motion to pursue a change in dumpster service by Jeanette Holbert. Second by Earl Kempe. Motion carried. Motion made by Myrna Wear to continue with Colby Lay mowing at the rate of $375 per mowing and $35 per trimming ($410). Second by Carrie Crist. Motion carried. Motion made by Myrna Wear to adjust alley way in new sections to 4’ and add Blocks 67 and 68. Second by Earl Kempe. Motion carried. Fish Fry fundraiser date is June 9th at Lewistown City Park. Motion by Myrna Wear to allow Gavin Arnold to create a new directory of burials for the Lewistown Cemetery. Second by Carrie Crist. Motion carried. Motion by Jeanette Holbert to have two signs attached to entrance with information of cemetery. Second by Carrie Crist. Motion carried. Motion by Carrie Crist to approve installation of memorial bench. Second by Jeanette Holbert. Motion carried. Motion by Carrie Crist to adjourn, second by Jeanette Holbert. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Larry Arnold, Secretay

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