Olympic View Elementary PTA Board and General Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Present: Cherie LaFavor, President Stephanie Nace, Secretary Jolene Avalos, Treasurer Jason Greer, Principal Others Present: Shawna Ribordy, Justin Olmstead, Becky Crain, Jess Lindauer, Dusti Trickle Today’s meeting took place in the library at Olympic View Elementary @ 1330 Horne Street NE, Lacey, WA 98516. Motion 1 was made at 3:18 pm by Cherie LaFavor to call the meeting to order.
Introductions No introductions necessary.
Principal’s Report The 5th graders sang at the Washington Center on Saturday for the second year in the row! About 20 students were there from OVE, it was a really fun event. The first band concert of the year is at 6 pm on the 6th. Our winter sing-a-long assembly is coming up on the 19th at 9:30 am, led by Ms. Swan. In our second year utilizing the self-manager program, monthly parties for self-managers have been bumped from one to two. To be able to recognize more students more often, this year we’ve also added in extra beads for other ways students can follow the Eagle Way. Clubs are starting up: Chess Club, Garden Club, and Academic Academy. There’s a new Dance Club starting this year with Mrs. Prosch! Academic Academy is for a targeted group of students that get extra help for a 6 week period. Mr. Greer is meeting with Student Council regularly, which is more of an advisory council model this year. Recently they’ve talked about playground/recess activities and other ideas for after school activities. Their suggestions included Military Club, Math Club, Soccer Club, Board Games, Book Club, Cycling, Engineering, Pokemon and Music Club. Maybe the PTA might be able to take leadership of a club, possibly bringing someone in to lead it.
Treasurer’s Report Fun Run results We were able to raise a little over $12,000 in profit (after fees), up from about $3500-$4k last year. The kids really loved it and got pumped up for the event! Cherie met with Boosterthon today and gave feedback about what went well and what didn’t. Communication needs improvement, more notice for tasks and fewer emails to parents. There were a few noise complaints from neighboring houses from the loud music. Mrs. Lindauer recommended asking for parent feedback on Facebook. Mr. Greer said they could put together a survey for staff and parents. Several agreed that the percentage paid out to
Olympic View Elementary PTA Board and General Meeting Minutes Boosterthon seemed out of balance before the event but after seeing their involvement and effect on student enthusiasm during the week they felt it’s worth it. Funding requests Funding request for self manager celebrations is tabled for now. We have other items we need to pay off first, and look at other line items coming, i.e. being able to do teacher reimbursements are a high priority. AR/RazKids have been paid back.
PTA Events and Fundraisers Box Tops We’re planning to collect and send them in ongoing this year; it’s just easier to manage in small chunks. We’ll still tally up for class competition with a prize awarded toward the end of the year. Still could do a prize for primary and a prize for secondary. Using the collection sheets is very helpful to us; they’re accessible on the PTA Website, Box Tops page. Membership Drive Not much information on membership drive at this point. After the first of the school year it sort of loses steam, but we still need to do a push for memberships. There are perks! Best timing for a membership drive was discussed: September too early? October might be prime, but can’t compete with Fun Run. School dance, Friday, 1/18, 7-8:30pm Dance competition: Fortnight! Mr. Olmstead will come up with categories (i.e. fastest flosser) and run it. He’ll also talk to Mrs. Prosch about having a specific dance genre taught at the dance. Jerod Nace will put together a playlist and take requests there. Cherie will ask the volunteer coordinator to reach out for help decorating. Mr. Olmstead recommended having other activities/games available for those not dancing. We should involve Pie Partners. Maybe Backdoor Bakery would donate cookies/treats and Tags could provide awards for dance competition. Mrs. Lindauer would like to pair Book Swap with the Dance. Multicultural event - Wednesday, 2/20, 5:30-7 pm Mr. Olmstead is awaiting approval on two funding grants at the district office. He may request PTA funding help based on the results. He’ll be sending out a parent involvement slip shortly, inviting families to share their culture through games, activities, etc. Teachers may also reach out to families directly and ask for their involvement. He will give an update at our next PTA meeting and will have more information about how PTA can be involved. Cherie will ask the volunteer coordinator to reach out for help with set up and break down.
Old Business
Attendees looked over the minutes from the October meeting. Ms. Crain made Motion 2 to approve the minutes. Mr. Greer seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried, the minutes from the last meeting were approved. Skateland fundraiser Cherie followed up with them and learned that we get $1 per student that goes on a designated night.
Olympic View Elementary PTA Board and General Meeting Minutes New Business/Open Forum Funding Requests Mr. Greer asked now that our big fundraiser is done, has PTA started to work on a revised budget. The budget line items are set, and we were awaiting this funding to be able to approve them. We need to meet as a board and discuss plans for the remaining amount, ideas to include parenting a club and making sure to carry a balance forward for the 2019/20 PTA so they don’t start the year off in a similar position. Cherie clarified that the standing rules state how funding gets voted on, by whom and for what. We’ll provide a copy at the next meeting. It’s important that we make our standing rules on funding requests well-known, including a follow-up with staff. Stephanie said with new funding requests, it’s hard to vote either way if we don’t have a clear picture of what’s left after the current line items and paying several big things off. The board will meet to continue this work. Fundraiser Cherie applied for a Mod Pizza OVE fundraiser night where the school would get 30% of the proceeds of a two hour period.
Closing Next PTA meeting will be January 15 at 3:15 p.m. Motion 3 was made by Cherie to adjourn the meeting at 4:30 p.m. Meeting was adjourned.