Minutes - 19

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DRAX PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF DRAX PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 19th FEBRUARY 2019 AT 19:00 IN THE BOWLING PAVILLION, DRAX SPORT AND SOCIAL CLUB Clerk: Mr R.W. Farman. Apartment 7, Croft House, Spout Hill, Brighouse HD6 3QY Telephone: 07971 197712: [email protected] Present: D Perry (Chairman), D Hall, J McGregor, R Farman (Clerk), M Jordan (NYCC)

AGENDA 021901. Welcome Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting 021902. Public Forum: i. Council to receive comments on agenda items and matters of community interest or concern from electors present. For information only. (Clerk to take note of comments for future reference.) Councillors must not join in any discussion and must not answer any questions unless the chairman decides otherwise. None attended ii. Council to receive any written, hard copy or email, correspondence from residents. All other written correspondence is for information only - no discussion or resolution Issue raised of footpath out of the village toward the roundabout, it needs clearing back again. START OF COUNCIL MEETING AND AGENDA ITEMS 021903. Apologies - Council received apologies and reasons for absence from G Clark; considered and resolved to accept the reasons given. 021904. Minutes of 15th January meeting Council discussed and resolved to accept the minutes of the 15th January meeting as an accurate record of the meeting. 021905. Signing of minutes Chairman signed the minutes of 15th January as accepted. 021906. To receive reports, for information only, from i. Chairman on activities since last meeting: The clerk and I attended the meeting last night at Selby District Council (SDC) offices which was in relation to the upcoming District and Local elections. Which are due to be held on the 2nd of May 2019, notes were made and a timetable will be forthcoming once received by the clerk. At the meeting I met with other Cllrs and clerks and found that a company called Acorn Lighting are cheaper than NYCC for lighting repairs. They are sub contracted by NYCC so I will be contacting them to find out what I can. It has been suggested we look at more benches for people to sit on. DH and JM agreed to carry this out with regard to locations. The roundabout to the west of the village is still in a state which when you compare with the one at the bottom of the new road, which is owned by EYCC, is a disgrace. Highways maintain it is safe and acceptable.

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ii. iii.

iv. v. vi. vii. viii.

County Councillor District Councillor Elections are coming up on 2nd May, also the same day that the Tour de Yorkshire finishes it’s second stage in Selby. Not only do I now have £5000 locality budget but I now get £5000 environment budget. These are for the communities in my district. Police Any other Officers Drax Power Station DP - Due to personal reasons I was unable to attend the latest meeting CEF Any other representatives

021907. RFO to report on closing balances, payments to be made and payments received a) Current balances i. Business Account Balance £3,892.18 ii. Deposit Account Balance – £2,119.97 b) Payments made since January meeting i. £90.00 cheque number 6 c) Payments to be made – payment requests received at agenda preparation - none d) Payments to be made – payment requests received after agenda preparation i. £50.40 Clerks pay January 2019 cheque number 7 ii. £50.40 Clerks pay February 2019 cheque number 8 council resolved payment e) Payments received – None at agenda preparation 021908. Council resolved to accept the report, payments as listed and any others received. 021909. Planning a) Planning applications received: None by time of meeting b) Planning decisions received. (For information only) None at time of meeting c) Update on any previous planning issues currently causing concern and to resolve any action needed –

Nothing at time of meeting 021910: Report on May 2019 District and Local Elections Clerk handed out nomination paperwork to all councillors and asked that the two remaining copies be passed onto the absent councillors. A copy of the electoral roll has been requested from SDC. Once received this will be scanned and emailed onto councillors. Councillors were reminded that under GDPR rules the roll can only be used for the roll number and nothing else. All copies to be returned to the clerk. Timing issues were discussed by the chairman. Once the PowerPoint is received from SDC Democratic Services a hard copy will be distributed to all councillors. There will be a Nomination Form filling session open to all councillors, to be held on the 7th March starting at 14:00 in the Village Hall. 021911. Oil Tank Alarm Clerk read out an email from Democratic Services regarding the council as a body being used for the application. 021912. Outdoor/Adult Gym No progress at this time.

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021913. Correspondence received since last meeting. a) Emails as sent (if applicable) b) Email response regarding the Oil Tank Alarm proposal 021914. Action taken by the clerk since last meeting. Emailed Democratic Service SDC requesting clarification on proposal to use Parish Council as constituted and financial body for Oil Tank Alarm application. 021915. Councillors Forum: - a) To take and note any points of immediate interest from councillors. No decisions may be taken on any items raised here No comments raised. 021916. Items for the next agenda To take suggestions for urgent items for inclusion on the next agenda Nothing at this time. 021917. To receive any further comments from public present. Information only-clerk to note comments No attendees 021918. To confirm date, time and place for the next two meetings. 26th March and 7th May, both meetings to be held in the Blue Room of the Sports and Social Club starting at 19:00 hours 021919. Closure of meeting. Meeting closed 19:30hrs Signed:

D. Perry.

Date Wednesday 27th Marc 2019

On-going issues – decisions may be taken on any of the following if necessary -

Parish Magazine Cemetery Foot paths Community Group Adamson House field

Drax Parish Council. Minutes. Ordinary Council Meeting.

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