Mind Matrix, Indra Reinpuu (excerpt)

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  • Pages: 20
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Mind Matrix Copyright © 2007 by Indra Reinpuu

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in aretrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the priorwritten permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form ofbinding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similarcondition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

ISBN: 978-0-9806259-1-2 Inkstone Digital www.inkstonedigital

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MIND MATRIX A Blueprint for Inspiration



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CONTENT MIND MATRIX A Blueprint for Inspiration


Testimony of successful COACHES and ATHLETES


The Nine Aspects of the MIND MATRIX


1. PRINCIPLES Foundations of the dream…


2. DREAMS Our glorious vision of the future…


3. MOTIVATION The fire that burns…


4. CONFIDENCE Unshakable faith in ourselves…


5. TEAM SPIRIT The things we can never achieve alone…


6. TAKING RISKS Places we dare not go…


7. DISAPPOINTMENT When it all comes to nothing…


8. SUCCESS Manifesting your dream…


9. BEYOND BELIEF Magical possibilities within us…




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1. that part of a person which thinks, feels and wills, exercises perception, judgment, reflection, etc. 2. intellectual power or ability. 3. purpose, intention or will.

matrix, n. that which gives origin or form to a thing, or which serves to enclose it. (Macquarie Dictionary)

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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

MIND MATRIX A Blueprint for Inspiration This volume intentionally presents sport as ranking among the noblest of human endeavours. Accordingly, its message not only encourages physical and mental prowess but also seeks to evoke a far deeper understanding of oneself and others in the quest for athletic success. The single minded pursuit of excellence which inspired the Olympic heroes of yesteryear is what the “Mind Matrix” attempts to revive—the hallowed spirit of those champions who battled tirelessly for little more than the love and honour of their sport. This ancient ideal, when combined with the unchanging human passion to strive ever higher, still heralds the sporting arena as one where all participants may move genuinely closer to their personal glory. And whether it be as a player, coach, manager or parent, it is a magnificent glory which lies within the reach of us ALL! Every day, we see the sporting world being commercialised and made increasingly superficial. Without a concerted effort, the values and principles that epitomise the intrinsic greatness of pure athletic achievement will continue to be diluted and eventually become indistinguishable from media hype and empty celebrity. Those of us who still believe in the Olympic ideal and that notions of honour and fair play can govern even the fiercest sporting contest have an opportunity to create an opposing momentum. More than an opportunity, we have a responsibility and Mind Matrix is a tool to help achieve just that. It is time to strive for your absolute potential as an athlete. It is time to show us what that means. It is time to inspire us all to become the very best human beings we can possibly be and in doing so, help make the world a better place. 7

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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

Read the words, let them sink in and give them life whenever you play. Your success will be evident in more ways than you expect. And your impact will reach further than you could ever imagine.


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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

Using the MIND MATRIX The MIND MATRIX is designed to be a source of inspiration and guidance whenever you need it, so the ways of utilising its messages are numerous. Some readers may wish to immediately study the entire contents and integrate the principles as they go. Others will prefer to consult specific sections, pondering them only when confronted with those situations themselves. The MIND MATRIX concepts can also serve as an excellent catalyst for team discussions, particularly when issues of ethics, attitude and commitment are concerned. Finally, perhaps the most profound way to use this book is to open it completely at random and without any preconceptions, consider the message you are given. Often, the page at which you arrive will contain the very words you have been needing to hear and answer exactly the questions that have been playing on your mind. The MIND MATRIX comprises nine aspects of succeeding, each containing twelve specific concepts to contemplate. (1) Let the KEY WORD at the top of each page bring you into focus. (2) Read the DESCRIPTION which follows and reflect on its specific meaning to you. (3) Put the essence of that meaning into the TRIGGER PHRASE at the bottom of the message. By speaking the phrase whilst consciously holding the feelings and attitudes it creates, you lock its energy within you and make it possible to recall that energy whenever you need it. Each and every phrase thereafter becomes a trigger, capable of evoking powerful mental and emotional energies whenever it is spoken.


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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

Testimony of successful COACHES and ATHLETES “Indra Reinpuu’s grasp of all the elements to great performance is deeper than anyone else I’ve encountered. His work is powerful and binding, especially in a team environment. Simply, he touches the soul.” PAT MICKAN Olympic Basketballer Head Coach, Adelaide Ravens (National Netball League) Former Adelaide Crows Specialist Coach

“Indra has been working with us for 12 years. The fact that we have been National Champions for 11 of those 12 years is not a coincidence.” DAVID ELDRIDGE Head Coach and Manager Heathfield High School Volleyball Programme

“These principles were a key factor in providing me with the necessary energy and insights to fulfill my Olympic Dream. By using them my understanding of myself, my game and how I react under pressure increased dramatically.” TANIA GOOLEY Australian Beach Volleyball Player (FIVB World Tour 1997-2002, Sydney 2000 Olympic Games)


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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

The Nine Aspects of the

MIND MATRIX PRINCIPLES Foundations of the dream… DREAMS Our glorious vision of the future… MOTIVATION The fire that burns… CONFIDENCE Unshakable faith in ourselves… TEAM SPIRIT The things we can never achieve alone… TAKING RISKS Places we dare not go… DISAPPOINTMENT When it all comes to nothing… SUCCESS Manifesting your dream… BEYOND BELIEF Magical possibilities within us…


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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

1. PRINCIPLES Foundations of the dream… PRINCIPLES: Foundationary human qualities that generate and preserve the cultural integrity of your team. (See also Team Spirit) Every team has a set of principles or values that guide its operation. Surprisingly, very few are consciously aware of what those underlying principles are or how they are affecting the team’s results. Making conscious choices and agreements on what principles you will adopt can potentially change everything about your involvement in sport. Without exception, a set of positive, consistently applied team values and principles will provide the most effective foundation to fulfilling your Dream. Nothing is more powerful in harnessing individual passions and purposefully guiding them towards a common goal. It doesn’t matter whether your team is just you and your coach, or you are a member of a 30 person squad, the team principles you adopt will set the parameters for your journey towards success. Ultimately, they will form the basis for everything that you do. Ask yourself these questions: What qualities do you need your team to embody in order to guarantee the fastest rate of improvement? What values would generate the highest level of mutual co-operation and support? What kind of team philosophy would deliver the most efficient communication between you, your team-mates and your coach? And finally, if you committed to uphold a set of principles that would create the most positive, inspiring training environment possible and your team’s greatest opportunity for competitive success, what would those principles be? 12

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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

COACHING LORE: “I coached a pair of athletes on the 1999 FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour where their individual perspectives on just about everything were contrary to say the least. Although our team goal was clear, how to go about getting there was constantly in dispute and we found it nearly impossible to find common ground on even the simplest of issues. We decided it was necessary to create a formal set of Team Core Principles that would serve as our foundation for moving forward. After hours of brainstorming and highly charged discussion, everyone finally agreed on a set of Core Principles we wanted to adopt. However, because of the intensity of ongoing personality clashes within the team, I remained nervous regarding the actual degree of commitment the players would invest. The emotional pressures these athletes were confronting were considerable and I knew it would not be easy for them to uphold principles that demanded what were in some cases, significant changes in both attitude and behaviour. To make the degree of my expectations and our commitment to the Team Principles perfectly clear, I had all players (and myself) verbally agree to unconditionally adopt the new agreements and then, each of us signed the Principles document with a drop of our own blood. Over the top? Perhaps. But the symbolism and gravity of the ritual made certain everyone knew we were deadly serious. And in the ensuing months, those Principles and that ritual allowed us to achieve things that otherwise would never have been possible.”


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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

PASSION Whilst the ability to control our emotions is essential at every level of competition, that does not mean locking them away completely. We are feeling human beings, NOT robots. It is in the channelling of our passions through the sports we love that the fuel for success is released. Allow yourself to feel your passion… It is the most powerful energy you have!



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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

FAITH Mantra for the 21st century athlete I prepare my body… For physical DOING. I condition my mind… For intellectual THINKING. I open my heart… For emotional FEELING. I invoke my soul… For spiritual BELIEVING. Don’t look to technology or science for your miracles. In the future, faith will be the key.



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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

I NTEGRITY Having integrity means telling the whole truth, standing up for what you believe in and never, ever, compromising your principles. Integrity is ALL or NOTHING… And your most basic foundation for success.



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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

A DVENTURE There are no guarantees in this game we play, no way of knowing what the future will bring. When we accept that our most meticulous planning can be turned upside down by the mere whims of fate, even our lowliest experiences take on new meaning in the greater journey we travel. Life is an adventure… It should be lived accordingly.



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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

COURAGE Stop… Take a deep breath… And turn to face your fear. When confronted by genuine courage, your doubts and anxiety will have nowhere to hide.



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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

HUMILITY Win or lose, a humble athlete always brings honour to their sport. What greater accolade can a sportsperson ever receive?



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Mind Matrix A Blueprint for Inspiration

P ERSISTENCE If you wish to learn the meaning of persistence…study ants. They know nothing of defeat, limitation or excuses. Only that they have a job to do and they must keep going, come what may, until it is done. Ants WILL find a way. They will die before they quit.



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