Mile-madinah Institute For Leadership & Entrepreneurship_review

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a d in a h In stitu te fo r L e a d e rsh ip & E n tre p re n e u rsh ip

Building leadership and entrepreneurial excellence in the Arab & Muslim world


Building leadership and entrepreneurial excellence in the Arab & Muslim world

2 www . anced . net

Presentation Agenda o The Case for Change 1. Leadership Deficit 2. Absence of local quality Executive Education 3. International Executive Education are inaccessible and Irrelevant 4. Current solutions are non-sustainable 5. Conclusions o

o ANCED: a solution for sustainable change 1. Our Purpose & Vision 2. Programs 3. Partnerships 4. Action Plan & Funding 


The Case for Change: 1. Leadership Deficit o Long Term Economic Viability at stake; 

“To remain viable in the global economy in areas other than the energy sector, Arab countries will need to significantly raise their levels of competitiveness.” World Economic Forum report 2005 on the Arab World

o Huge Knowledge Deficit; 

“Knowledge is a cornerstone of development, and its importance is increasing in an age of accelerating technological change and globalization...This Report suggests that Arab countries face a significant knowledge gap.” “Human capabilities in the region are


The Case for Change: 1. Leadership Deficit o New Breed of Muslim Leaders Champion "Modernization Without Westernization” 

World Economic Forum

o New Executive Job Demands in the Middle East: 

“...the Middle-East corporate environment is very unique in the world; its unlike Europe, unlike even the United States in that for most companies we are talking about 30-40 nationalities; locals and expatriates at all levels." “...all agree and recognize that the region's unique and fast changing business environment has put daunting demands on


The Case for Change: 1. Leadership Deficit o Muslim leaders lack corporate exposure at the highest level: 

17 out of the top 20 Muslim companies are government run. Dinar Standard Top 100 Muslim Companies

o Muslim organizations today face serious leadership succession problems: 

“There has to be a whole chain of visionary successors ready to take charge... the key is to leave behind not one person but a cadre of competent people with a talent to run the company...” Vision and Visionary Leadership – An Islamic Perspective. Saeed M. Mohtsham, University of Innsbruck, Austria


Presentation Agenda o The Case for Change 1. Leadership Deficit 2. Absence of local quality Executive Education 3. International Executive Education are inaccessible and Irrelevant 4. Current solutions are non-sustainable 5. Conclusions o

o ANCED: a solution for sustainable change 1. Our Purpose & Vision 2. Programs 3. Partnerships 4. Action Plan & Funding 


The Case for Change 2. Absence of local quality executive education 

We need to compete globally but our business schools and executive education programs are not globally competitive. 

o 



The Case for Change

3 . Global Irrelevant inaccessible MBA &and Executive EducationExec Edu at top Business Schools Top 100 Business Schools Australia Belgium Brazil Canada China France Singapore India Ireland Italy Netherlands South Africa Spain Switzerland UK USA TOTAL

2 1 1 5 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 18 56 100

N. America Europe S. America Asia Africa Australia TOTAL

Non Muslim Countries Muslim Countries

61 30 1 5 1 2 100

100 0

Top Executive Educational Australia Belgium Brazil Canada China Costa Rica Finland France Germany Ireland Italy Mexico Netherlands Norway Portugal South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA TOTAL

3 1 2 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 4 1 2 6 21 65

Europe N. America S. America Asia Australia Africa TOTAL

Non Muslim Countries Muslim Countries

29 25 4 1 3 3 65

65 0

The Case for Change Corporate Universities: Only for the few with limited perspective

o Multinationals have invested in Corporate Universities: o However, while their local employees benefit, it does not support the wider community o Curriculum doesn't address local culture. Addressed from ‘western’ management perspective

o Most companies don't have the resources or capability to set up comparable resources o Set up costs are significant. No economies of scale.


Presentation Agenda o The Case for Change 1. Leadership Deficit 2. Absence of local quality Executive Education 3. International Executive Education are inaccessible and Irrelevant 4. Current solutions are non-sustainable 5. Conclusions o

o ANCED: a solution for sustainable change 1. Our Purpose & Vision 2. Programs 3. Partnerships 4. Action Plan & Funding 


The Case for Change

3. Irrelevant and inaccessible Exec Education at top Business Schools. Executive Education: At a cost inaccessible to most executives 13

Presentation Agenda o The Case for Change 1. Leadership Deficit 2. Absence of local quality Executive Education 3. International Executive Education are inaccessible and Irrelevant 4. Current solutions are non-sustainable 5. Conclusions o

o ANCED: a solution for sustainable change 1. Our Purpose & Vision 2. Programs 3. Partnerships 4. Action Plan & Funding 


The Case for Change Executive Education: The need for a sustainable solution o To be sustainable the solution needs to: o Be geographically convenient. o Financially cost effective to the majority of executives. o Be not just be an event; rather it needs to be an ongoing initiative. o Create long term impact inside the organisation. o Meet the ‘local’ needs and issues. 

Biggest Business Schools located far away


Presentation Agenda o The Case for Change ü Arab & Muslim Executives: the need for visionary leadership ü Executive Education: the need for a sustainable solution ü Corporate Universities: only for the few, limited perspective 4. Conclusions


o ANCED: a solution for sustainable change 1. Our Purpose & Vision 2. Programs 3. Partnerships 4. Action Plan & Funding 


Case for Change: Conclusions o Lack of executive development institutions in the Muslim world that responds to the need and cultural needs of Muslim executives. o Over reliance on Western executive education with little regards to its ROI. o Urgent need for executive development that is deeply rooted in worldwide view and culture. o Compounded by lack of professional societies. o Little investment in building long term sustainable leadership capacity in the local organisations. o 

We should not buy fish - we should be building fish farms 17

Presentation Agenda o The Case for Change ü Arab & Muslim Executives: the need for visionary leadership ü Executive Education: the need for a sustainable solution ü Corporate Universities: only for the few, limited perspective ü Conclusions


o ANCED: a solution for sustainable change 1. Our Purpose & Vision 2. Programs 3. Partnerships 4. Action Plan & Funding 



Vision (Destination) To b e co m e th e IN S E A D o f th e A ra b & M u slim W o rld to become the premier executive, and entrepreneurship education provider in the Arab and Muslim World and the respected reference for leadership development that is rooted in the Muslim Worldview and values system.


Mission (Journey) MILE will achieve its vision through building an effective collaborative network; leveraging information technology; offering relevant holistic life-long developmental services; ensuring sustainability and continuous development of intellectual capital; and striving in being a role model in in applying the most advanced and ethical management practices


7 Strategic Themes

Sustainability Life - long Holistic Localized Leveraging ICT olabrtinC


Leadin g Busine ss School s/ Traine rs

Founde Founde rs rs CSR)) ((CSR

Multin ationa ls

MILE Local Univer sities

Consul ting Firms Muslim Busines s Profess ors

MILE offers :

cost effective project to make the best MILEA investment of their CRS fund

An opportunity to give their executive a priority in benefiting from the Center services Developing case studies and applied research for the corporation Publicizing donors logos in all publications

Founde rs ( CSR )

CSR Founders offer :

Financial contribution to the endowment Guarantee purchase of certain number of seats



Leadin g Busine ss School s/ Traine rs

Founde rs ( CSR )

Multin ationa ls

MILE Local Univer sities

Consul ting Firms Muslim Busines s Profess ors

MILE offers :

channel through which Business School can offer MILEA and promote their services The opportunity to participate in joint research Offering joint programs of interest to multinational executives who are/plan doing business in our region. Facilitate internship opportunities for their MBA students in local corporations.

Leadin g Busine ss School s/ Traine rs

Leading Business Schools offers : Cutting-edge content, case studies and lecturers. Access to on-line resources. Cross listing of joint programs.



Leadin g Busine ss School s/ traine rs

Founde rs ( CSR )

Multin ationa ls

MILE Local Univer sities

Consult ing Firms

Muslim Busine ss Profes sors

Mile offers :

opportunity to present their experiences and MILEAncapabilities Exhibitions

Consul ting Firms

Consulting Firms offers :

Presentations: Webinars or as part of the Executive Development Programs Real case studies of actual consulting assignment to be co-presented by the consulting form and the client  27


Leadin g Busine ss School s/ traine rs

Founde rs ( CSR )

Multin ationa ls

MILE Local Univer sities

Consul ting Firms Muslim Busine ss Profes sors

MILE offers them the MILEopportunities of :

Serving the Muslim Umrah Visit Makah and Madinah Enrich their business network Conduct applied research on local organizations 

Muslin Busine ss Profes sors

Muslim Business Professors offers :

Presentations: Webinars or as part of the Executive Development Programs Real case studies of actual consulting assignment to be co-presented by the consulting form and the client  29


Leadin g Busine ss School s/ traine rs

Founde rs ( CSR )

Multin ationa ls

MILE Local Univer sities

Consul ting Firms Muslim Busine ss Profes sors

MILE offers the opportunities MILEof :

Professor participation in executive program to transfer knowledge (as tutors and observers) Conduct research Coordination of relation between business and academic research 

Local Univer sities

Local Universities offers :

Presentations: Webinars or as part of the Executive Development Programs Professors act as tutors and supervise follow up activities  31


Leadin g Busine ss School s/ traine rs

Founde rs ( CSR )

Multin ationa ls

MILE Local Univer sities

Consul ting Firms Muslim Busine ss Profes sors

MILE offers the opportunities MILEof :

Offer a low-cost high-vlaue contributions through their corporate universities Have their managers enroll in the Center programs Sponsor events or offer Scholarship programs at the Center  

Multin ationa ls

Multinationals offers :

Presentations: Webinars or as part of the Executive Development Programs Access to their in-house on-line resources Sponsoring of events  33


7 Strategic Themes

Sustainability Life - long Holistic Localized Leveraging ICT olabrtinC

Social Networking


7 Strategic Themes

Sustainability Life - long Holistic Localized Leveraging ICT olabrtinC


7 Strategic Themes

Sustainability Life - long Holistic Localized Leveraging ICT olabrtinC

Our wholistic approach to executive education is rooted in the Muslim worldview of human nature:

Mind Intellectua l Challenge Breakthrough Thinking Relevant Knowledge Practical Solutions

Spirit Leading by Values Engaging The Spirit Soul Leadership Spiritual Experience in Makkah & Madinah

Heart Emotional Maturity Heart Health Peace with Family Life Peace with the Universe

Body Smart Fitness Advice Total Physical Check Up Stress Test & Advice

Diet Watch


7 Strategic Themes

Sustainability Life - long Holistic Localized Leveraging ICT olabrtinC

Executive Education is not an event Program

§Readings §Profiling: §360 selfassessment §LSQ §Islamic Ethicometer

Week One

Week Two

Evaluation and Next Steps


Post-program §Personal Development Plan §Peer & Mentor Networks §Monthly webcasts §Work-based Project §Online learning resources

Learn Alone

Learn With Group

We advocate an integrated approach to learning



Post-Program Continuous Learning

Executive Coaching


7 Strategic Themes

Sustainability Life - long Holistic Localized Leveraging ICT olabrtinC

To achieve our Vision, our strategy is to build a “sustainable intellectual capital” by: §Using corporate CSR funds as seeds to establish long-term endowments §Building a first-class physical facility for the Academy §Creating a Network of Partners: ØMuslim Professors in executive education worldwide. ØInternational Consultating firms ØMultinational Corporations ØLocal corporations §Producing original case studies of local relevance and a novel values-based leadership

Achieving sustainability through proper governance Academic Committee

MILE: Our Purpose o Our purpose is to build executive excellence through teaching and research that is rooted in the Muslim Worldview and values, and enable them to transform and create value for their organisations and communities.

Knowledge Campus, KEC, Madinah. Home of ANCED


MILE: A blessed location

ANCED at Knowledge Economic City in Madinah . Spiritually and physically , ideally placed in the Muslim world .


MILE: A unique location: a unique experience

High Quality Life

Professional and Spiritual Serenity Business Development

MILE: Building executive excellence in the Arab & Muslim world 

If not now.... When?  If not us.... Who?

www . mile - madinah . com mile@madinahkec . com



Building executive excellence is the Arab & Muslim

7 Strategic Themes 1. Collaboration: Collaboration Building a collaborative network of intellectual and financial contributors. 2. Holistic: Holistic Adopting a holistic view of executive development including the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. 3. Life-Long: Life-Long Adopting a life-long approach to executive education through provision of various opportunities for continuous development. 4. Localized: Localized Developing relevant and practical learning opportunities. 5. Technology: Technology Leveraging technology to maximize networking and sharing opportunities. 6. Sustainability: Sustainability Investing in building intellectual capital and employing a business model that ensures sustainability. 7. Role Modeling: Modeling Becoming a live role model in applying the most advanced and ethical management practices.

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