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  • Words: 3,474
  • Pages: 95
How do you handle a 17 foot , 214 pound , pregnant Anaconda


Flock of 100 sheep led by a LION or a flock of 100 lions led by a SHEEP Which one are you more afraid of ?

Why should Anyone be Led by

You? You cannot do anything in business without followers and followers in these empowered times are hard to find. • Must find ways to engage people and rouse their

commitment to company goals

• More than 2000 books on leadership have been

written in 2000, some have repackaged Moses, and Shakespeare as Gurus

We are yet to hear advice that tells the whole truth about leadership. Giuliani says ‘Leadership does not just happen. It is taught, learned, developed.’ Leadership is Vision x Inspiration x Momentum


Vision is a positive image of what the organization could become and the path towards that destination.

Inspiration, within the individuals that comprise the organization, is what moves people to action.

Momentum, of the organization’s projects & initiatives, is what carries the organization to its destination.

Inspiration Leaders Reveal - Four qualities unknowingly 1. They selectively show their weaknesses, their vulnerability - some are irritable on Monday mornings. - some are disorganised & confused. - some are genuine & approachable. eg. Richard Branson - a new finance director cannot confess that he has never understood DCF - sometimes a weakness becomes a strength eg. Workaholism - an important caveat: vulnerability to be perceived as genuine

2. They rely heavily on intuition - become a sensor - read the silences and pick up non-verbal cues - the chairman of Heineken – conservative & urbane, - his genius lay in his ability to read signals from his colleagues - ability to be ‘always there without being there’.

3. They manage employees with something we call Empathy- Tough Empathy - the former CEO of Polygram ‘we always have a dance track first’ - ‘grow or go’ as motto - ‘if I have to, I can be ruthless’. - ‘I promise people that they will learn’. - the CEO of Calvin Klein says ‘you have to do things you don’t want to do and that’s hard, its tough to be tough’. - leaders who are apt to use it, use it on people and they care. - once you have the people with you, you can make the difficult decisions that need to be made.

4. They reveal their differences - ‘Dare to be different’ - some use these differences to keep a social distance. - externally - distinctly different dress style - physical appearance. - anything can be a difference but it is important to communicate. - ‘we may be good but we are not good enough’. - differences that are subtle but have very powerful effects.

What Is Leadership?

management Use of authority inherent in designated formal rank to obtain compliance from organizational members

Four Popular Myths about Leadership Myth 1-Everyone can be a leader Not True There is more to life than work and more to work than being the boss Many talented employees are not interested in shouldering that responsibility

Myth 2- People who get to the top are leaders Not Necessarily By political acumen not quality What’s more, real leaders are found all over the organisation, from the executive suite to the shop floor.

Myth 3 - Leaders deliver business results Not Always No correlation Businesses in quasi, monopolistic industries can often do very well with competent management rather than great leadership.

Myth 4 - Leaders are great Coaches Rarely Eg. Steve Jobs – his distinctive strength was his ability to excite others through his vision rather than through coaching talents.

Leadership Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization's objectives.This requires following steps : 1. Establish long term vision and strategy . 2. Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to their values, interests , hopes and dreams.

Leadership 3. Search for challenging opportunities to change, grow, innovate and improve. 4. Experiment , take risk and learn from the mistakes. 5. Foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and building trust

Leadership 6. Strengthening others by sharing information and power and increasing their discretion and visibility. 7. Set an example by behaving in the ways that is consistent with the stated values. 8. Plan small wins that promote consistent progress and build commitment. 9. Recognize individual contributions to the success of every project.

Vision The world over, just one thing has fired the imagination of people : A vision of a future

INFOSYS The Vision of Infosys is to create an organisation that is “ Built to Last” , and has the agility to manage ambiguity and uncertainty under all circumstances.

HDFC BANK HDFC is an organisation that strives for excellence with the twin objectives of enhancing customer satisfaction and Shareholders value.

TATA POWER To be an excellent and efficient Organisation and focus on enhancing business and customer orientation.

ZEE TELE FILMS To be the leading round the clock air-time properties provider, delighting the viewers on one hand and providing value to the advertisers for their time and money on the other.

MARUTI UDYOG The Leader in the Indian Automobile Industry, Creating Customer Delight and Shareholder's Wealth pride of India.

PFIZER To become the world's most valued company to patients, customers, colleagues, investors, business partners, and the communities where they work and live.



To achieve and sustain leading place as the world’s premier research-based pharmaceutical company. To become the world’s most valued company to all of these people.

HLL Our purpose in Unilever is to meet the everyday needs of people everywhere - to anticipate the aspirations of our consumers and customers and to respond creatively and competitively with branded products and services which raise the quality of life.

ONGC "Abiding commitment to health, safety and environment to enrich quality of community life".

LG Compete in the international market with a global mindset maximize value for customer , employees and shareholders , pursue best in class through management by principles contribute to society through good corporate planning.

BLUE STAR To deliver world-class experience

RANBAXY To become a Research based International Pharmaceutical Company” Vision “To become a Billion Dollar Company by 2004”

Hinduja TMT

HTMT's vision is to become a Scale Player and leader in its core business of Information Technology by leveraging the strength of its customer base, breadth and depth of its service lines and management bandwidth.

Corporate Vision A vision is a vividly descriptive image of what an organization wants to become or wants to be known for . ➣ An organizational vision offers a

compelling method for forging employees into an empowered , highly motivated team.

An invigorating forest in Mumbai An extraordinary company, Run FOR ordinary Indians, average age 38 yrs average monthly household income Rs 10800. Run BY ordinary Indians

HDFC : Develop close relationships with individual households , maintain position as the premier housing finance institution in the country , transform ideas into viable and creative solutions.

Customer driven Vision statements... Colgate Palmolive : To be the company of first choice in oral and personal hygiene by continuously caring for consumers and partners. Anderson Consulting : To help our clients change to be more successful.

Shared Vision

The core function of an organizational vision is to ignite people






capabilities and present environment . Only a shared vision can achieve this.

VISION : Impact . Product quality Organizational Growth. Market performance. Sense of belonging. Shareholders Value.

Leadership fascinates people While there are many definitions and many theories Leadership is : “a social influence process in which the leader seeks the voluntary participation of subordinates in an effort to reach organisational objective”

As long as business is around there will always be as many theories as there are questions. Among the facets of leadership the most difficult is understanding ‘ what it takes to develop leaders’. The four leadership qualities are a necessary first step.

We counsel the executives we coach. No one can just ape another leader. The challenge facing prospective leaders is BE YOURSELVES – BUT WITH MORE SKILLS Effective leaders get results


Transformational theory Situational theory Behavioral Styles theory Trait theory

1950 1960 1970 Approximate time line (years)



Tr ait theory Great-man approach, Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, George Washington “ Blessed with an inborn ability”

• • • • • •

Good leaders have the following traits - possession does not guarantee leadership Intelligence Scholarship Dependable Honest Competent Inspiring

Trust: The Foundation of Leadership

Trust and Leadership



Three Types of Trust

Charismatic Leadership Key Characteristics: 2. Vision and articulation 3. Personal risk 4. Environmental sensitivity 5. Sensitivity to follower needs 6. Unconventional behavior

Transactional and Transformational Leadership

• Contingent Reward

• Charisma

• Management by Exception (active)

• Inspiration

• Management by Exception (passive) • Laissez-Faire

• Intellectual Stimulation • Individual Consideration

Visionary Leadership

Qualities of a Vision: • Inspiration that is valuecentered • Is realizable • Evokes superior imagery • Well-articulated

Qualities of a Visionary Leader • Has the ability to explain the vision to others. • Uses own behavior to express the vision. • Is able to extend the vision to different leadership contexts.

Behavioral Styles Theory Authoritarian Democratic Laissez Faire Patterns of Behavior Blake and Mouton created an ideal style of leadership blending situational theory and styles of behavior

Situational Theory

• • • •

Path-Goal Model Managers need to rely contingently on four different leadership styles Directive Supportive Participative Achievement-Oriented

Six Behavioral Leadership Styles Coercive - Demands immediate compliance - Creates reign of terror , bullying and demeaning his executives - “Do what I tell you” - Drive to achieve, has initiative, and self control competence - In a crisis to kick-start a turn around or with problem employees - Overall impact on climate - Negative

Authoritative 

Mobilizes people towards a vision “ Come with Me”

 Self

Confidence, empathy, change catalyst

 Help

when require a new vision or when clear vision is required

 Jack

Welch (Neutron Jack)

Affiliative  If

coercive leader says ‘ Do what I say’

 Authoritative  Affiliative  Style

leader says ‘ People come first’

revolves around people

 Offers  Uses

urges ‘Come with me’ ,

feedback to people

more positive words that are motivating

 Builds

sense of belonging – Results Positive

Democratic - Forges consensus through participation - What do you think? - Collaborative team leadership - Build consensus - Result Positive

Pace Setting - Sets high standards for performance - ‘Do as I do now’ - Contentiousness, drive to achieve and get quick results from highly motivated - Negative long term

Coaching Style - Develops people for the future - ‘Try this method - Developing others, empathy - Helps an employee to improve performance or develop long term strategies - Long Term Results- Positive

Leaders who have mastered four or more specially - authoritative - democratic - affiliative - coaching styles Have the best climate and business performance

Like parenthood, leadership will never be an exact science. In recent years research has helped parents understand genetic, psychological, behavioral components of their job performance. Environment keeps changing, a leader must also respond in kind, hour-to-hour, day-today, week-to-week, like a pro using one at right time in the right measure Pay-off is in results


Authority Compliance (1,9)

Team Management (9,9)

Middle of the road (5,5)

Impoverished (1,1)

Country club (9,1)


Transformational Theory Transactional vs. Transformational Maintenance vs. Proactive

Transactional versus Transformational Leadership Behaviors Transactional Leadership Behaviors 

Leadership actions that focus accomplishing the tasks at hand and maintaining good working relationships exchanging promises of rewards performance.

on on by for

Transformational Leadership Behaviors 

Leadership actions that involve influencing major changes in the attitudes and assumptions of organization members and building commitment for the organization’s mission, objectives, and strategies.

How to Be a Transformational Leader 

Articulate a clear and appealing vision.

Explain how the vision can be attained.

Act confident and optimistic.

Express confidence in followers.

Provide opportunities for early successes.

Celebrate successes.

Use dramatic, symbolic actions to emphasize key values.

Lead by example.

Empower people to achieve the vision.

LEADERSHIP SKILLS An effective leader will make it a priority to help his or her people produce good results in two ways 1.

Make sure people know what their goals are


Do everything possible to support encourage

and coach them to accomplish those goals

You have the power to help people become winners

Imagine a child when it starts walking You make it stand

You make it stand again –

it wobbles, falls this time it stands

Don’t you cheer it, hug it and shower kisses? It starts walking it falls

Do you spank it?

No you don’t

You encourage

As a leader don’t wait for the ‘exactly right’ to praise give intermediate feedback

People working for you are often busy doing what seems to be extremely urgent but really isn’t – you can perceive it An effective leader steps back, looks at the big picture and makes sure that the important things are not pushed out of the way. Prioritise

A common sense saying “Don’t work harder, work smarter” not a common practice Another saying Don’t just sit there, do something Really you should be Don’t just do something, sit there Leader – thinks – Strategises – prioritises

Do you over-supervise or under-supervise tight


It is easier to start off tough and then be nice than start off nice and then be tough. It is easier to loosen up than tighten up.

A successful organisation today is like a three legged stool – triple bottom line

Raving fan customers

Gungho employees

Financial Strengths If you focus on financial strength and forget your employees and your customers your financial success will decline You can’t win Tennis by looking at the score board you need to look at the ball

Being interested is not being committed When a person is committed to doing something he or she will find ways to suppress rationalisation Even when it is inconvenient such a person will keep his commitment. Persistence in life is characterised by mental and behavioural toughness.

Involvement of people People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization’s benefit. This requires : 1. Employees must be treated with dignity and respect 2. They must be trained to build competence where required

Involvement of people 3. Each employee must know what exactly is

required to be done and where possible must be able to assess the quality of his work. 4. Fear must be totally removed from the organization and employees must be encouraged to bring out weakness in the system. 5. Empower employees to take appropriate action in their area of work for improvement. 6. In case of a mistake , examine the system rather than the man to prevent its recurrence.

Involvement of people

7. Involve employees in quality plans and draw upon their intimate knowledge of processes for improvement. 8. Assess employee satisfaction level and take appropriate measures to improve their morale so that they take pride in belonging to the company.

Culture Change FROM

• Manage tasks

TO •

Manage people

•Major breakthroughs

• Small continuous improvements

•Will this

• Will it improve customer satisfaction • Right first time

improve profits •Some how do it

Culture Change FROM Spend

company’s money Suppress problems Some how in time I .

Talk about quality

TO Spend as if your own money Expose problems

Just in time techniques We

Walk quality

How To Improve Your Leadership Skills Skill 1: Think Like a Leader  Identify what is happening  Explain why it is happening  Decide what you are going to do about it.

Skill 2: Use an Appropriate Leadership Style  Leaders

usually fit their style to the situation.  Different leadership styles are appropriate to different situations.

Skill 3: Pick the Right Leadership Situation Gravitate toward leadership situations that fit your favored leadership style. Skill 4: Build Your Power Base Bolster your leadership potential by enhancing your authority (increasing your power).

Skill 5: Exercise Better Judgment  Decisiveness

and good judgment (“cognitive ability”) are important leadership traits.

Skill 6: Improve Leadership Traits and Skills  Exhibit

self-confidence.  Display honesty and integrity.  Increase your knowledge of the business.

A good leader needs a code to live by:  “Think like a hero” (who can I help today?)  “Work like an artist” (what else can we try?)  “Refuse to be ordinary” (pursue excellence)  “Celebrate” (but don’t take credit)

How do you manage unmanageable people?  Are people manageable?  Can it be done?  Do you manage your people?  Do you manage your spouse?  Can you do it? No, I don’t think you can…………. Then what the **** are leaders doing? They manage agreements and not people!

When there are ‘upset’ people, you try and take care, in the name of communication and understanding - containing dissent, - a reparenting approach, - an approach to bring in agreement. A true leader does not run around playing the role of an amateur psychotherapist and tries to manage people’s feelings – but instead, manages agreements on adult to adult basis.

What gets managed is the agreements.

It is more mature and respectful to do it in this manner and both sides enjoy more open and trusting communication.

A leader is not just laying down the law He keeps asking:

‘How can I assist you?’ ‘How can I help you in this?’ ‘Can I count on you to get this done?’ ‘Will you ensure 100% compliance?’

Great …. we shake hands

Stop cuddling up Managers who lack leadership skills often seek to be liked above everything. They always are on the lookout for approvals. Yes sir Yes sir Yes sir A true leader focuses on practices that leads to they being respected more than being liked. “I am motivated by you not because I like you but because I respect you” He is not concerned with being liked but works toward commanding respect.

Leads by doing: Professional managers are in one of the two categories: - the feeler or the doer A doer : does what needs to be done to reach the goals they have set for themselves and work towards that. A feeler : he is constantly in a Yo Yo fluctuation. external forces it could be a waiter during lunch or an angry call would change his feelings

Use positive reinforcement The “Sea World” trainer who trains the dolphins to jump through the right hoop does not use a hockey stick. He instead uses a little fish to jump through. We are all too busy chasing down problems chasing people who created problems and criticizing them A “habit trap” “find what is wrong and fix it”

“The most amazing thing I have learned about the war is that men will die for ribbons”

said Napoleon

“the colour of ribbon or the size of the medal which he can’t see”

Learn to use 10 minutes well Read and understand the following lines

The most important combination of words: 5. Most important – “I am proud of you” 5.

“What is your opinion?”


“If you please”


“Thank you”



Don’t throw the “QUIT switch” An athlete, a leader and every human being has in his little known brain “a quit switch”

You can’t quit don’t throw the quit switch “throw the switch”

Give power to the other person My goal is to get my people to agree to work with me. Why are not people agreeing to work freely with me? It is fear Remove the fear button Fear leads to defensiveness

Use power of deadlines Peter Drucker says: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

deadlines propel action Translate worry into concern Leaders don’t help anyone by worrying This is a misuse of your imagination Upgrade your worry to concern People are more motivated by those who love life than those who worry about life.

Let your mind rule your heart We can’t approach as if we are still children. Leadership requires your logical problem solving “left brain to be in charge of your right brain.” - a fierce intellect to hang on - a take charge chess player who thinks “seven moves ahead”

Leadership is not something you do to people It is something you do with people