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1 Personal Impression of Siddhic Astrology (SA) SA has been revelatory to my personal studies of astrology. SA is a superb microscopic tool which has harnessed the combined use of the Placidus system & house cusp degrees coupled with VD system (the Hindu periodic tables of astrology) & it is an epochal revolutionary step in astrological techniques and understanding. It has enhanced the techniques of birth rectification, Prashna and Muhurta immeasurably and without question and doubt, the use of Prashna applying Arvind and his parampara tradition is, in humble estimation, the best tool and use of horary astrology available. SA was coined by Arvind Acharya who has infused, elaborated and underpinned the philosophical framework of SA and leveraged on the majestic and revered traditions of the Siddhars which has spanned several millennia. Vedic Astrology was similarly coined by Dr David Frawley to embrace the Indian astrological tradition emanating from Rishi Parasara, Rishi Jaimini, Rishi Bhrigu and a host of other astrological luminaries who have lit up the astrological firmaments with their astrological writings namely Mantreswara, Kalyana Varma and the Sapta Rishis among others. The spirit of contemporary SA which attempts to mimic or revive the medical astrological tradition and Nadi Granthas of the Siddhars have unfortunately been lost to posterity or perhaps kept as a secret tradition within a guarded lineage. The late R Santhanam and Chandulal S Patel had tried painstakingly to unravel the secrets of the nadiamsa but alas the coils of mortality embraced them before the world could benefit from their research. Nonetheless, the efforts of modern stellar astrologers like Buddhanadi, Meena Gopalakrishna Rao, KS Krishnamurti, K Baskaran and Arvind Acharya have illuminated stellar astrology in emulation of the traditions of their primeval predecessors like Siddhar Agastya and Siddhar Kagabujandhar. Stellar astrology especially that revolutionized by Krishnan Baskaran has driven Hindu Astrology to the forefront because of its ability to distinguish and differentiate the lives of twins born within the minute and its ability to minutely distinguish queries put forth within the minute by a querent on Prashna or horary Astrology. This has assisted to overcome the gaps in utilization of Vedic Astrology techniques in answering prashna queries because the use of tajika aspects and dignities is too broad-based and unchanging to answer specific queries asked within a short span of time. SA is the akam to VA’s puram, the micro perspective to the macro perspective. While VA is more intuitive, generalized and broad based with elaborate, detailed and complex techniques, SA is more logical and uniform, consistent and systematic, particularized and straightforward but subtle & sublime in its approach. While it is pointless to argue the apparent superiority of one over the other, it is better to embrace both and see them as emanating from the one sole source of the human mind and ability to conceive the language of the stars. Knowledge has an integral field and it is equally as important to observe the common grounds and similarities as much as to analyze the distinctions and deviations.


Some principles of SA can be found in Greek astrology, Vedic Astrology, Persian Tajika Astrology because they all come from the same singular source of the laws of the universe. For example the linkages between the houses or cuspal interlinks at the micro-level can also be seen or reflected in the aspects between planets at the macro-level. The same principles apply in both approaches of relationships between the houses & between the planets. However, the ability of SA to correctly use the bhava linkages and apply the Vimsottari Dasa correctly has safely ordained SA as the missing link in the puzzle of practical application of VD. More significantly, the minute consideration of SA ensures uniformity of prediction which will obviate the controversies and disagreements and varying conclusions of interpretation of VA. For this, we have to thank the differentiating aspect of the Placidus House division and the uniqueness of SA to personify, link and clarify the cuspal points of the bhava. The typical approach of astrology is to generalize by classifying the human race into 12 categories like the 12 zodiac signs, the 9 categories like the planetary graha, the 9 categories like the Tara Bala and so forth. Vedic Astrology calls forth “Rorschach” impression of the pictorial chart and the intuitive ability, guided by the chart and astrological principles, to elaborate on the potential and weakness of the querent and likely life events. Because it lacks the minute clarification of the cuspal sublords of Siddhic Astrology to distinguish and connect the houses, Vedic Astrology has had to rely on a combination or blended approach of astrological principles and intuition. However, despite the apparent strengths and forte of SA, I do not see SA as the Holy Grail of astrology. By Holy Grail, what I meant is the ability to peer into the oracular crystal ball and narrate the story of the native, event by event, punch by punch, point by point, as per the native’s birth chart. I believe that belongs to the realm of intuition and psychic extrasensory perception. Unfortunately, I even go on to claim and state that astrology cannot predict events based solely and purely on astrological principles and techniques per se despite the “exaggerated” claims of professional astrologers. I challenge astrologers to inform me what momentous event and irritating events occurred to me on March 2004 and September 2008 if I were to supply the details of my supposedly rectified birth chart. I do not believe that one can extract particulars of an event purely on astrological basis and reasoning without intuition. The usual stock answers would be generalized and the answers extracted from the natal chart are like some form of natal “muhurta answer” ie the astrologer can state the auspicious and inauspicious activities during certain periods but can’t state the exact chain of events to occur during a certain period. Of course on the other hand, it would be presumptuous and arrogant to underestimate the human potential. We have heard stories of amazing predictions, the psychic skills of Yogi Karve, the apparent precision of Nadi Grantham predictions, which were based on the minute divisions of the nadiamsa and were graha-centric in nature, on certain querents but are this based on orthodox astrology principles and reasoning or an amalgam of intuition and astrology? Maybe we may go so far as to claim that these oracular or predictive feats are not based on astrology at all but on psychic or “Siddhic” gifts.


We are of the humble opinion that Vedic astrology is an amalgam of intuition and astrology because brilliant astrologers use the Vedic astrology chart as only a guide to their intuitive and psychic abilities. We cannot underestimate the ability and capacity of the human potential. When once we believe that we could not fly, that music and poetry must necessarily follow strictures of cadence, metre and rhythm, that it is ridiculous for women to wear pants, that humans could not fly to the Moon or talk across oceans etc, the seeming impossible has been made possible. It was once an axiom that computers could not defeat the world champion at chess let alone strong chess players, but today only the very best chess professionals can take on the existing supercomputer programs and struggle to defeat them. It was once thought that computers could not think and be creative like humans but today the exponential crunching powers of supercomputers could perhaps not “think” or reason but calculate all possibilities on the board to find the “correct” moves and counter-moves to the human opponent. The day will arrive when the supercomputer could calculate all permutations and possibilities on the defined limits of the chess board and be invincible. By similar analogy, all major human event permutations are also definable, defined and within limits and thus could one day perhaps be predictable by supercomputers. Of course, it would take the ingenuity and versatile talent of the computer programmer to solve the riddle of prediction who probably would have to master astrology and programming. Soothsaying or foretelling the future is as old the Emperors and Kings of empires who often sought and adopted the soothsayers’ views. This is probably either due to the fact that astrologers are preying on astrological enthusiasts and students faith in the supposed oracular prowess of astrology or that humans at large are desperate to know the future because of fear of the unknown and hope of a better tomorrow. For the most part, astrologers, based on the conclusions obtained purely from the chart information, can inform us the possible event emphases during that particular range of period and the likely event strengths and weaknesses, that certain event situations can arise and that some situations cannot materialize during a particular period. For instance, the astrologer might predict that between such and such dates, no successful pregnancy and birth of child can occur except during a narrow interval in that stated period. The astrologer cannot emphatically mention childbirth will occur unless the possibility is confirmed from different perspectives. However, it is interesting to know whether astrology has the capacity to predict on a daily basis. The theoretical logical stance seems to point in that direction but we have yet to witness such demonstration. What we see demonstrated countless times is the capacity of astrology writers to retrofit past events and facts to astrological reasoning and techniques to justify the seeming predictions and predictive prowess of astrology. Invert the situation and challenge the astrology writers to see the future by making specific event predictions and it will be interesting to see how many can come out with accurate

4 event predictions. It is also important to verify the rate of predictive accuracy and not based on a few correct predictions as one or several swallows do not make a summer. Astrology provides clues to the pointer but only the intuitive and gifted can discern what is being pointed. Like the Zen koan or paradox, when one points to the Moon, the majority will look at the pointing finger, the minority will look at the darkness surrounding the night, the few will see the Moon and the intuitive few will discern the meaning of the Moon and its implicit correlations. The use of astrology is most beneficial in timing events, in choosing among variables, in understanding and appreciating psychological insights and in applying astrological insights in a deductive manner. To perform astrological prediction in an inferential logic instead of deductive logic would require more than astrological profundity and necessitate use of intuition honed from years of practical experience and application to thousands of charts and noticing the patterns and holistic impressions. An example will clarify the distinction between use of deductive and inferential logic. An astrologer understands the connection between numbers 1 to 9 for various events. When he is given an event, he can immediately allocate to which particular number and make the necessary implications. This is an example of deductive logic. On the other hand, when he is given a set number of numbers, he will have to make inferential logic to deduce the likely events. That requires much more cogitation to attempt to make the connections and arrive at the likely events as events in itself is a seemingly infinite variable. The use of inferential logic is an abyss which the astrologer must cross to bridge the seemingly impossible chasm, to foretell events like the typical soothsayer or fortune teller. To sidestep this issue, the astrologer will usually ask questions of the querent and by being guided by the querent’s responses to the intelligent questioning, the astrologer can using deductive logic and guide of the chart, Prashna or rectified birth chart, to provide yes and no answers or dual variable responses (dual option of yes or no) to the questions. The astrological chart will usually inform the astrologer of the potential strengths and weaknesses of the native on a dynamic time basis ie from time to time and on a static basis ie based on intrinsic talents and flaws and based on these information and the guidance of the querent’s responses, the astrologer can guide the querent like a doctor diagnosing a patient by inquiring the patient of his pain and suffering, diet and daily habits and employing the usual medical procedures and apparatus. Astrology is a language and by the use of language, it has its tools and limitations. Ludwig Wittgenstein the linguistic philosopher attempted to define the limits of language by indicating that it cannot express and describe every phenomena and event, subject and object accurately and precisely in an all encompassing manner and that no experience especially the so-called mystical experience can be described properly using language. Language defines the locus of its known within the specificity and capacity of the language. The use of language is limiting and distorting.

5 Thus, unique phenomena like moksha (“enlightenment”) or communication with the unknown cannot be properly described but at best alluded to. When Zen master Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki explained systematically the phenomenon of enlightenment, he was banished from the Zen inner circle for being too forthright and revealing! By similar analogy, astrology as the language of the skies has its limitations and usefulness. Astrology may not be able to infer events from the various strands and lattice of symbolisms but it can deduce among choices given. The strength of astrology is its intuitive symbolism and capacity to converge and link or associate seemingly unrelated strands of knowledge. Conversely, the weakness of astrology is its limited differentiating factor. We have the combination of the template of 12 zodiac signs, the matrix of 12 houses, the coterie of 9 planets, the lattice of 249 kalamsa and the network of 2093 sub-subs and further sub-sub-sub or antaras and sookshma. However, we have yet to ascertain whether the astrology software in the market is accurate on the minute sub-sub and sub-sub-sub levels. We cannot even ascertain whether the Placidus system is the most accurate house division system to locate accurately the cuspal sub-sub lordship given its inherent limitations. Very little research and application of the modern topocentric house division has been undertaken while other House divisions have received its due minimum attention. Given the limited vocabulary of the 12 rasis, 12 bhavas, 9 grahas, 249 kalamsas, and the differentiating vocabulary of akam and puram, lagna dependent, lagna independent and bhava dependent factors, it is problematic logic for astrology’s parameter of vocabulary to attempt to encompass the complexity of modern life variables without having to resort to intuition and deductive logic to make event predictions. For example, the 5th house represents talent among other significations and such talent encompasses abilities like singing, acting, performing, dancing, painting, drawing, art, performing arts among others. A strong 5th house well supported by akam aspects and linkages imply talent but what among these array of talent is indicated by the 5th house of the native? It seems that there are no principles or techniques to delineate the distinctions of talent and the astrologer would have to fall back on his intuitive abilities to ferret the particular talent or talents of the said querent. Some have suggested to venture along the lines of Sabian symbols or such fine and minute symbolic divisions such as the nadiamsa to distinguish the cluster of significations attributed to an astrological symbolism. Human beings are multidimensional and complex and the dual dimension of cuspal interlinks is not enough to explain the complexity of human character and events. There is a need to explore further. Can the tools and vocabulary of astrology cover the entire spectrum of human endeavour and events? It seems clear that it is imperative on astrology to continue research to expand its vocabulary and to further refine its differentiating factors to account for the complexity of modern society.

6 When once ancient society was content with a few hundred professions, today we have countless permutation of professions. A statistical study should be performed on the following scenarios: 1. the stock market index movement at any point of time either up, down or the same as three variables 2. the stock performance at any point of time on the three variables 3. political candidates on election results depending on the number of candidates 4. sporting event results 5. exam results – pass or fail variables The following examples have fewer variables than analyzing the destiny of a native, which is highly subjective unless you concern yourself with the timing of events, and their more concrete results should be subjected to statistical analysis of predictions. Another area suitable for statistical research testing is prashna or Horary Astrology because it is excellent at yielding yes or no answers and in timing the event. While conventional Vedic approach of tajika aspects and dignities will have problem when several querents ask the same type of question within several minutes of each other because they will probably yield the same answers either yes to all or no to all because aspects and dignities do not change within minutes, cuspal interlinks astrology which is based on the sub, changes within the minute, is more practical to answering prashna queries. The books on prashna seem to give the impression of the infallibility of astrology. Prashna and another topical subject, event astrology based on the time and place the event started can be the base or foundation subject matter of proper research because of the non-issue of birth rectification and subjectivity of natal chart analysis. Strangely, there has never been any published exhaustive and comprehensive scientific research on prashna (horary astrology) and event astrology based on the start time of the event. We have heard rumours or stories of speculators utilizing astrology to profit from horse races and the securities markets but all the techniques being used remain the subject of conjecture and covert secrets. As the saying goes “the proof of the pudding is in the eating” – if astrologers could demonstrate the ability to profit consistently from the use of astrology and not just show a smattering of correct predictions, just like the analogy of stockbrokers demonstrating consistent winning stock picks and not just becoming rich from brokerage commissions, astrology would come a long way to justifying its credibility and weight in gold’s worth of predictive prowess. Strangely enough, there has been no published statistical analysis. The known published result is Michel Gauquelin’s on the ascension of the planets and correlation to professions. The trouble with the Gauquelin statistic is that Gauquelin himself was not a professional astrologer and the conclusion of the Gauquelin statistical analysis was indefinite.

7 Michel Gauquelin was no practicing savant on astrology and his statistical techniques were applied to superficial applications and assumptions of astrology. It is just like asking any one other than the blend of the practicing astrologer cum Sanskrit scholar to delve into ancient astrological texts to interpret their teachings. The nature of astrology especially as taught and understood in the East has not been scientific if we define scientific as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

subject to empirical statistical testing rigorous, meticulous and thorough research replicable principles which have universal and uniform application logical and rational analysis accepted by a community of practitioners published research open to analysis and commentary open to challenge and debate discussed openly and in a transparent manner critiqued and thoroughly analyzed

Instead for millennia, astrological knowledge has been kept within a secret albeit sacred tradition in some circles and taught as a parampara tradition of oral transmission from Guru to Sisya (teacher- mentor to student-disciple). Thus, due to its opaqueness and mystic, astrology has developed esoteric and metaphysical and even occult connotations. The irony of the parampara tradition is the seeming lack of ethics of some of their practitioners in failing to acknowledge gratitude and debt to their mentors. Case in point is how Meena Gopala Krishna Rao stole the teachings of Buddhanadi and incorporated into his extant book “Nadi Jyotisha” because Buddhanadi was semi-literate and only knew Tamil. Almost similar is occurring in the case of SP Khullar who was a former student of Krishnan Baskaran, with many students and protégés of Baskaran attesting to that fact (that he studied under the tutelage of Shri Baskaran) and yet Mr Khullar or Khullanari (which translates to “fox” in Tamil as he is nicknamed by some) disdains to acknowledge his mentorship and giving the impression that he is the sole founder and creator of his own brand of astrology and totally dissociating from Baskara astrologics or cuspal interlinks theory. It seems akin to a son disowning or disavowing his father, a student denying the lineage of the Guru. Mr SP Khullar even had the audacity and cheek to ask the naïve and semi-literate K Baskaran to publish Baskaran’s ideas under his authorship. Fortunately, that did not occur - enough said on the ethics of astrology and the rest is history. Today SP Khullar claims to be the founder of his brand of astrology called KCIT or Khullar Cuspal Interlinks Theory. In short, Mr SP Khullar disdains his mentorship of Krishnan Baskaran and in the process disrespects and ignores the astrological parampara tradition.

8 Sadly, astrology in the East has seen a decline punctuated with revelations at various times by a smattering of practitioners. Unfortunately, many of the new principles and techniques unraveled are not subject to statistical analysis to yield substance and confirmation. Astrology as practiced is seldom corroborated from the external and many of its techniques unproven and applicable in certain cases and not in the greater majority of cases. It is not uncommon of astrologers to shout their accurate predictions only to find their techniques wanting when applied to a broad spectrum of cases. Astrology is generally practiced as an ontological process of logic – an internal circular brand of logic justifying its own techniques based on astrological language and rationale without moving outside the parameters of defined astrological knowledge. A technique or principle or signification is accepted as logical because it fits the overall internally logical schemata or logos of astrology. It cannot be justified outside of astrology. For example Saturn signifies skin because Saturn is the outer frontier or boundary of the Solar system and the last planet of the navagraha or system of nine astrological planets and the skin is the outer boundary of the human body. Jupiter signifies the liver because the liver is the largest internal organ and not the skin which is biologically speaking the largest human organ. Many explanations or rationale of astrology is based on ontological logic or internal circular logic, symbology, accepted tradition or as according to the ancients. Sometimes, the methodologies or principles are taken for granted as truthful just because a tradition has spoken or an authoritative figure has vouchsafe for it. We do not verify or test meticulously because we accept many astrological principles and predictions on face value – we give too much credit to astrologers and that can be dangerous assumption on scientific grounds. We often take all these new techniques, principles and applications for granted but until it can be verified and validated time and time again, we cannot assume the verity and truth of these apparent discoveries. Principles to stand the test of time must be replicable and have a universal and uniform quality, not the kind of principles which are littered with exceptions and more exceptions. We must not however discard techniques which are not applicable to all cases as long as they work in the large majority of cases. Astrology is a percentage game as we cannot expect God-like perfection. If we can predict accurately for more than 80% of the cases, we can say that we have achieve an outstanding success. Of course, success is a relative term. What is 80% rate of predictive accuracy is magnificent success to some and mediocrity to others. Many renowned astrologers have claimed to have seen thousands of charts and to have performed replicable research. We cannot swear on their word or merely take their words unless they published such researches or reveal to the masses. However, the paradox is the censure which may dovetail on the astrologer who reveals the apparent “secrets” and the consequential banishment like the analogy of the DT Suzuki story.

9 It is ironic to note that Western students of astrology are revealing the secrets of Eastern masters of astrology when the apparent secrets should come from the horse mouths of the East. The Western astrologers have not only made great strides in understanding and mastering the principles but have also enunciated the principles of astrology from the East with clarity and in a systematic and logical manner. To make this subject truly scientific, astrologers must transcend the esoteric tradition and open up the subject to scientific research, trials and testing as well as methodically clarify the subject matter in a logical and rational approach with due reasoning and proper understanding. Astrology is meaningless without scientific research: astrology is only meaningful to the slavish, the superstitious and the parochially religious. Statistical research work on astrology is imperative and very important to justifying astrology’s claims to predictive prowess. Knowledge is infinite and evolving – research must be ongoing to capture the dynamic logic. Logic which is “static” and considered the whole unaltered truth cannot adapt to the change of times and broadening perspective. Logic may be correct for a particular perspective but on a wider perspective it may be inaccurate, thus the need for research to encompass widening the net and lattice of logic. One swallow or several swallows do not make a summer as the saying goes and so it is the case with astrologers who brag about their vaunted prowess based upon a few apparently accurate predictions. Again, as have been mentioned statistical verification and objective testing should be made on these bragging rights. Of course, we cannot truly elevate astrology to the standing of the hard sciences as astrology is both mutually scientific in its systematic and logical methodology and artistic in its application of techniques and appreciation of principles. Astrology, however, can emulate the social sciences like economics and anthropology. Astrology cannot be too methodical, formulaic and rational or suffer “technical dryness”; like humans, it is also a blend of the logical and intuitive. But can this subject and the weight of tradition as well as the customary practice of astrology to guardedly hide its secrets, embracing the secrets close to her chest, change and transform? Would astrologers unveil the secrets of their trade and at what price? It is in the inherent and intrinsic nature of astrology given its history and past that its secrets or apparent secrets and applied aspects are taught to elite initiates while the basics and theoretical aspects are taught to the masses. The culture of secrecy in astrology is so ingrained, indented and inscribed that it would take nothing short of a revolution to change its habits, mindset and culture. Astrology has suffered prolonged periods of neglect, stagnation and lapses during which the weight and assault of scientific progress and attitude, the bias of the general public and the persecution of religion has driven astrology towards holding to the narrow path of keeping her deepest secrets close to her breast. Such is the secret and elitist aspects of astrology that astrology enthusiasts today do not know the rationale for many techniques and applications in astrology.

10 A case in point: the rationale of the planetary sequence and ratio allotment of the Vimsottari Dasa tables is not known or perhaps kept as an esoteric secret within certain circles. So is it with the rationale and use of the nadiamsa, the minute divisions of the rasi. In the scientific community, new discoveries and conceptions are subject to testing and verification and to debates and discussions within the scientific and academic community and externally among layman. Astrology to progress further and to reach its glorious zenith must thus have these following qualities: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

susceptible to research & double-checking must clarify replicable principles subject to testing and verification invite discussion and debate within the community have the characteristic of being logical and rational be clear, systematic and uniform in application with minimal exceptions

There is a void in the market for excellent clearly explained books on astrology, published research and empirical testing of the myriad principles of astrology. Most of these books elucidate the principles without empirical examples to clarify the application of the principles. Many of the techniques taught may not necessarily work. If astrology is to be broadly if not grudgingly accepted within the mainstream of the scientific community, the practitioners must make these giant strides to open up the subject matter and eloquently articulate the principles as well as the techniques and methodology to the wide world. Only then can it attract the intellectuals of other disciplines to study and analyze the basis, principles and techniques of astrology. Presently, astrology has cemented its value as a psychological tool to understand the psychological archetypes of human attributes and actions. Whether predictive astrology can emulate the status of psychological value of astrology is left to be seen. Hopefully, astrology can elevate itself from being an esoteric and “occult” related subject to becoming a metaphysical science. How far can we stretch the potential and limits of astrology? My humble view is that astrology is still in the developmental stage despite centuries and millennia of practice and existence. Perhaps it reached its renaissance during the times of Agastya and the Siddhars as well as the Sapta Rishis of India when Nadi Jyothinam as seen in the Nadi Grantham was recorded for posterity and Nadi Jyotisha flourished in India.

11 The subsequent decline of Nadi Jyotisha which logically resulted from the covert tradition of keeping within the parampara and the oral transmission of knowledge from Guru to Sisya as well as the burning of books and pillage of ancient universities like Nalanda and Benares University, which kept such esoteric scriptures, by foreign barbaric intrusion and lack of public exposure as a result of overt bigotry had almost forestalled the growth of astrological insights. The amazing thing is the resilience of astrology to keep coming back despite centuries and millennia of persecution and accusations of being associated with the devil, witchcraft and the black arts by religious authorities and of mumbojumbo superstition by the scientific community. However, thanks to the efforts of astrological luminaries and savants like KS Krishnamurti and K Baskaran, we have the due use of the Placidus system of house divisions, the proper use of the Vimsottari Dasa, the application of cuspal interlinks, an appreciation of the sublord and sub-sub levels and relationship to the overall chart as well as better understanding of Prashna, birth rectification and yogas. We can only stride forward notwithstanding astrology’s intermittent recessive and retrograding periods. The advent of cuspal astrology has refined the understanding of Vedic astrology and extended the frontiers of astrological knowledge. We cannot sit contented on our laurels but to continue to expand the knowledge so that perhaps one day the Holy Grail of astrological event prediction can have its techniques codified systematically in an intelligent and systematic logical manner so that the use of reasoning can supersede intuition and thus we can read a chart almost like crystal gazing or water scrying! What is meant is that the foundation and theoretical knowledge of Baskaran astrologics or cuspal interlinks astrology complements and completes the Vedic astrology pantheon of astrological knowledge. What is further required is to further enhance and refine the applied knowledge of cuspal interlinks astrology to the level where one day the astrologer can narrate events via logical astrological reasoning and not based on the caprice of intuition and experiential knowledge. Too many astrologers use the astrological chart as a guide only and rely heavily on the gift of their intuition to tell the future. What we seek is not just to forecast events but to predict events. The scope for further extension of the frontiers of applied knowledge is vast and awaits extensive in-depth and meticulous research and contemplation to ferret and unveil the hidden secrets from the vast depths of astrology. Astrology is known as the mother of esoteric studies and in the Vedic tradition the eye of the Vedas or one of the six limbs or vedangas and it should rightfully be elevated to its former exalted status. As we look forward to the advent of the Aquarian age when the precession of the Equinoxes retrogrades from Pisces to Aquarius, we also look forward to astrology being properly studied and researched and reinstated in its former status. We would dream of the day when astrology is studied as part of the social science curriculum in internationally renowned universities.

12 As for now, let us bask in the glory of Krishnan Baskaran’s magnificently revelatory contribution to Prashna or Horary Astrology specifically and to astrology in general & credit Krishnan Baskaran’s discoveries by giving them their due regard as a revolutionary leap in astrological understanding. The Vimsottari Dasa is India’s greatest contribution to the astrological field and Krishnan Baskaran has finally reinstated its propriety and unraveled its potency and potential. In Vedic astrology, due to the Equal House system of house division being employed, there is no differential distinction between the cuspal subs of different houses. All houses are 30 degrees apart and thus there are no distinctions between the bhava cusps. Consequently, Vedic Astrology is graha-centric and analyzes the position of the grahas in the bhavas and their aspects or interrelationships between the grahas for astrological interpretation. Conversely, Siddhic Astrology or more accurately cuspal inter-links astrology and KP Astrology which are based on the Placidus house division which has “unequal” house distribution and employment of nakshatras and subs to link between the bhavas and between the grahas and bhavas to indicate the event emphases directly addresses the nakshatra as the dasa and the sub as the bhukti. Vedic Astrology which could not address the differences between the cuspal subs due to the employment of Equal House System has had to rely on the “dispositor theory” to attempt to use the Vimsottari Dasa tables to time events albeit with measure of inaccuracy – which is why many Vedic astrologers may get the prediction correct but the timing of prediction wrong. For example, assuming a person is undergoing Mars Dasa Saturn bhukti, the Vedic astrologer will look at the houses that Mars and Saturn are posited and the house in which the sign lord dispositors are indicating to see the event emphases – an indirect albeit wrong approach. Cuspal interlinks astrology will instead look directly at the nakshatra dispositor of Mars and sub dispositor of Saturn as initial approach to find out the event emphases since the dasa is the nakshatra and the bhukti is the sub. Krishnan Baskaran has formulated interpretations from the interlinks between the bhava cuspal subs and has standardized the timing function of the Vimsottari Dasa, made full use of the Placidus sytem of House division to differentiate cuspal subs of Houses, applied the sublord theory correctly to the application of Prashna and reinstated the majesty of the Vimsottari Dasa at one full stroke. This has removed the seeming confusion arising from the Krishnamurti Paddhati approach of collating a hodge-podge or mish-mash of Vedic, Western, Tajika techniques with the sub-lord theory. K Baskaran’s system is an offshoot of Krishnamurti Paddhati or KP only to the extent of employment of the Placidus system and sublord theory but it is a complete deviation and revolutionary new system in linking the cuspal sublords and interpreting the resultant bhava and nakshatra interlinks.

13 Krishnan Baskaran and Arvind Acharya have also cemented the theoretical foundation of cuspal interlinks astrology. While the bedrock foundation of cuspal interlinks astrology has been bolstered and consolidated, there is tremendous vast room for the blossoming and flowering of applied techniques beyond the extant vocabulary. It is beholden on us to continue in the finest tradition of our beloved Gurus to expand further the frontier of applied knowledge and research work where the nectar of astrological wisdom awaits us. We must not sit on our laurels, content and smug that we have in our possession a logical system of astrological principles and techniques but we must drive ourselves to refine and expand the plethora of techniques so that the applied knowledge of astrology is deepened and broadened. While there is a solid base of theoretical knowledge, the potential of applied knowledge is still vastly untapped and there are many more aspects of applied knowledge yet to be unveiled, explored and refined. If the precision level cannot be refined to the sub-sub level, then cuspal interlinks astrology has met its match and tangible limits at the theoretical and foundational level. What more can be said about the potentialities of the field of applied astrology? True insights are derived not so much from a strong foundation in theoretical astrology but from rigorous approach in applied astrology. The field of applied astrology is verdant and vast. If the applied knowledge aspect is greater or at least equal to the bedrock of theoretical knowledge aspect of cuspal interlinks astrology, then, we can sincerely state that cuspal interlinks astrology truly deserves the epithet “Siddhic Astrology” following the finest parampara traditions of Siddhar Agastya and the Sapta Rishis. Presently, the applied aspects of cuspal interlinks astrology is admirable with its subtle application and sublime depth of understanding. This caters to the complexity and twists and turns of modern human lifestyle but there is considerable scope for research to broaden and widen the vocabulary beyond the limits of subs, nakshatra, rasi, bhava and graha to also include the pada and perhaps nadiamsa to incorporate the various nuances and shades of human complexity. The direction Baskaran pioneered is road strewn with jewels waiting to be unearthed. Then we can also sincerely state that astrology will have the credibility, logical rigour and integrity to open up to the scientific community and drop its tendency to prevarication, rationalizing to fit the facts and stealth-like veiling of knowledge.

14 However, we must also be careful of intellectualizing astrology through analytical and discriminating approaches of categorizing and pigeonholing astrological archetypes and stereotypes. Astrology is a social science, if we care to pigeonhole it as such, which describes the complex condition and phenomena of human character and life - and like the human condition, astrology to be properly understood and stated cannot adopt wholly analytical approaches but also incorporate holistic and synthesized approaches to breach the fine subtle line between the logical and scientific and the intuitive and syncretic. In this respects, astrology as a predictive tool is perhaps observed as both an analytical and intuitive tool for prediction. Perhaps the complexity and fluidity of the human condition and chain of events is such that the scientific and analytical approach has its limitations and must fit hand in glove with the intuitive and artistic approach to elaborate on generalized predictions. It is thus not uncommon to observe the designation of astrology and securities market technical analysis as art rather than science because the chart preparation is mathematical and logical while the end process of interpretation is intuitive and a form of art. That said the tendency of science is to formulate universal, uniform and generalized statements of principles which suit generalized interpretations. However, particularizations and specific details can perhaps not be interpreted purely by astrological reasoning and techniques alone but by a combination of astrological principles and intuition. This line of thought reinforces the view that astrology per se is limited in its language and application and requires the innate gift of intuition to distil its maximum predictive potential. Astrology is a dual combination of convergent and divergent thought, a blend of logic and intuition because firstly the astrological symbolic language must be accurately and precisely applied and then the symbolic language must invoke and evoke the correct creative associations from a hodge-podge jumble or cluster of associative images. On the one hand, astrology cannot be too analytical, categorical and intellectual suffering the arid dryness of intellectual analysis and on the other, it cannot be too dependent on the vagaries of intuition – there is a fine subtle line between logic and intuition in astrology. If astrology is strictly logical, it would be uniform and dry and often generalized. Astrology must be let loose to the creative application of intuition to guide it towards specifics. It must metaphorically speaking let the creative and intuitive wild dogs loose to prowl and ferret out the exact predictive interpretation. However, since we live in a scientific world, intuition must be guided by logic. Like the symbology of the Moon, Hindu astrology or “Moon astrology” is a unique distinctive blend of mind, emotions, feelings, insight and intuition encapsulated perfectly in the expressions of the Ajna Chakra or the Third Eye plexus. The mind is a combination of intellect and intuition, of synthesized psychology and analytical mentality and it is beholden on astrologers to perspicaciously prioritize logic and intuition to the demands of the situation.

15 To begin astrology on her maiden steps towards scientific respect and image of credibility and reverence, the community of astrologers should converge and share their knowledge and apparent “secrets”. Admittedly, this is easier said than done but one step in this direction is a major leap in the advancement of astrology. To bring astrology to worldwide attention and credibility, an annual world championship on prediction could be organized – world renowned astrologers and claimed researchers should be invited to participate and the action scientifically tested and neutrally and objectively adjudged. What we have at present is a coterie of master theoretical astrologers, theoretical writers and amateur researchers. There is a need for greater variety in the “astro community”. The world of applied astrology is either hidden to the public or at its nascent stage awaiting proper platform and system to codify, research and objectively test. It is unlikely that astrology will uncoil from its Scorpionic tendency of covertly hoarding its finest secrets and evolve to Aquarian mode of scientific dispensation of knowledge in open and transparent manner. We bid the day when astrology is uniformly codified into a cohesive and coherent body of knowledge taught in a systematic and logical manner and inviting few controversies. That day will arrive in the Aquarian age when the covert Scorpionic tendencies are transformed to the scientific and open Aquarian mode. There is no standard bearer or uniform and objective standards by which astrology and astrologers are adjudged. Astrology is like nutritional products. There is minimal objective testing of nutritional and organic products to corroborate its claims of high nutritional value. Take the example of Ribena, the standard and iconic product of revered Glaxo Smith Kline. Glaxo advertises the claim that Ribena is a high vitamin C nutritional drink for decades and was conventionally believed by the general public as such until it took the humble laboratory test efforts of two teenage students completing a science project at school to shatter the belief. Glaxo had to thereafter admit in advertisements shown in United Kingdom that Ribena was a sweet thirst quenching drink devoid of vitamin C. Ribena in other countries continue to promote the myth of vitamin C in the bottle labeling. The rise of technical analysis research in the last decade shows a contrasting character to the opaqueness of astrological knowledge growth. Compare the veiled and opaque approach of astrology with the open and transparent manner Westerners have tackled the subject matter of technical analysis of securities which have seen dramatic and revolutionary advances taught openly to everyone willing to learn – the new innovative techniques of Tim Ord, Pascal Willain and others in the last decade have changed the landscape of trading techniques. We do not believe astrology will attain that level of open transparency but if it moves in that direction it will open up a large new audience to astrology.

16 Astrology needs new talents, constructive critics, talented researchers, scientific thinkers from outside of the arena of astrological community to expand its frontiers besides the intuitive, mystical and psychic. Astrology needs thinkers, logicians, researchers, dedicated talents and intellectuals of other disciplines to delve into the ocean of astrology to uncover its buried treasures and fountain of esoteric knowledge. We seriously believe there are common grounds to integrate the knowledge of astrology instead of egotistically claiming trademark to knowledge. There are many common similarities and sharing of principles to warrant an integrated approach while respecting the distinctions and uniqueness. We live today in an interconnected world where knowledge is no longer all inclusive but open to worldwide scrutiny. During the ancient Indian times, higher knowledge was passed on a parampara lineage tradition of oral transmission from mentor to disciple. It was kept within the tradition and the knowledge was known as knowledge from the Guru’s name like astrology of Parasara, Bhrigu, Jaimini, Agastya etc. There was no such allencompassing epithet like “Vedic” or “Siddhic”. However, today we try to objectify and universalize knowledge and brand them accordingly. Thus, we have descriptions like Indian, Chinese, Purple Star, Eight Character, cosmo-biological, Greek, Hellenistic, Persian, Western, German, Burmese, Mahabote, Vedic, Siddhic astrology and so forth. Today, many things are no longer taken for granted or believed without testing and reasoning. We live in a scientific age where information is subject to rigorous statistical testing and intellectual discussion and debate. The ancient times when tradition was widely respected and kept secret or veiled by its disciples are practices which are no longer rife and burgeoning. What was once venerated tradition is considered suspect tradition today taking account of the veiled nature of the traditional practices of hoarding and stealthily coveting the “deepest secrets” of the oracle. The oracle of astrology was seen as available only at the mountain top to the most deserving of initiates – there was no way the secrets could be relayed to the pandering and hungry masses. And because it was veiled, what pieces of literature written for the masses were often couched in suspect, enigmatic, paradoxical and convoluting language. Take the case of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (BPHS), the so-called bible of astrology which is disputed by present day Sanskrit scholars as a compilation or compendium of chapters written by different authors because of the stylistic differences. In the BPHS, it is explicitly stated that Saturn signifies nerves and Mercury signifies skin. However, today many practicing astrologers adopt the view that Saturn signifies skin and Mercury nerves. Thus, a weak Saturn could imply skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema while an “afflicted” Mercury could imply nerve ailments like attention deficit syndrome and chronic nervous tension. There are many books authored by non-practicing and theoretical astrologers who produce their mish-mash portfolio of significations thus mindboggling the reader due to the lack of uniformity and concordance of symbolic significations.

17 Astrology must clean up its backyard and restore credibility by systematically attributing the significations to the correct set of karakas of graha, bhava, nakshatra and rasi. Life is not categorical and discretely clear cut – there may be interlapping as in the case of the stomach shared between the 5th and 6th house and perhaps attributed to both the Sun and Moon but it is important to discern the primary and secondary significators. Medical astrology and research is vital to make the fine distinctions. The foundation of astrology must be uniformly stated and set out logically with proper clarifications and verifications. Finally, fellow students and enthusiasts would like to express gratefulness and heartfelt thanks to the mentorship of Arvind Acharya who has systematically laid out the theoretical foundations of Baskaran’s astrologics and to Krishnan Baskaran who founded and pioneered cuspal interlinks astrology which would surely one day be known world wide with and as the respected moniker of “Siddhic Astrology”, the paragon epitome of mother of the esoteric sciences. Cuspal interlinks astrology is an approach to unravel the mystery of the fourth dimension of the arrow of time, of why certain times are auspicious and inauspicious for sets of actions and events, of why events are likely to occur or get negated at certain times. It has gratifyingly and admirably succeeded in this endeavour. It is a significant and revolutionary step in the evolution of Indian astrology and has made astrological observations more precise and accurate in timing and selection of events. Whether it can open more doors and unlock further mysteries of the arrow of time and its connection to events and the future is left to be seen and at the mercy of its practicing adherents and researchers. It is difficult to have a high opinion of astrology because it has been propagated or depicted as a subject which can only be practiced by vegans and vegetarians who have connected to God or source of information and attuned their intuitive powers to the extent that they have not merely climbed up Mount Olympus to claim the oracular powers but also have been gifted and naturally endowed and initiated to possess predictive prowess. Astrology must shed its mystical and occult links and espouse a new culture of self examination, introspection and analysis to evaluate and review published statistical research in verifiable and assessable fields like financial and mundane astrology. Astrology should be taken with a pinch or pinches of salt but we should in the spirit of true science give it a chance. Astrologers must prove that they can make money consistently from the use of astrology and not from giving astrological advice. The analogy is the brokers who profit from trade commission and not from consistent securities recommendations. God willing, astrologers will not be too secretive and selfish to share the fruits of their research at the expense and detriment to growth of astrological knowledge.

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