Microsoft Word - 14 Attributes Of Graha

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Planets as personalities exuding character, thought, feeling, attitude, aptitude, appearance, structure, limiting beliefs (the Akam aspects of Grahas as distinct from its puram significations – karakatwa) 1. Structure 2. Appearance 3. Behavior Inner being or beingness ie: 1. Mind – the way I think 2. Heart – the way I feel (not emotions) Natural predisposition or predisposed towards certain types of wealth, health, relationship and career (internal program structure) ie: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Attitude towards wealth - 2 Attitude towards health - 6 Attitude towards relationship - 7 Attitude towards career -10

All these are shown by the bhukti Nathan. My Forte or certain strengths ie comparative advantage which other 8 planets do not have by virtue of bhukti Nathan of Lagna RD being Kethu and also certain Foible or weakness. Because Kethu is my bhukti Nathan, I have certain limiting beliefs and patterns. What are the Prescriptions for overcoming the challenges of the graha rulership? SUN 1. Structure Square, solid & stolid, firm, not flabby nor flaccid, consistent, fixed, substantial, medium built, square face 2. Appearance Medium built, medium height, regal, royal, charismatic presence, classy, grand, prominent, fatherly, paternal, showy, resplendent, proud, erect posture & poised, pure, unadulterated, powerful, authoritative, majestic, magnificent, balding, prominent forehead, large head to body, receding hairline, measured gait, honey coloured eyes, confident, poised, positive, stately, statuesque, dignified, respected, honourable, charismatic, cheerful, bubbly, resplendent, bright,

3. Behaviour Proud, limelight seeker, elitist, respectful, dignified, noble, generous, excelling, honourable, brilliant, equitable, commanding, leadership qualities, bossy, bold, cheerful, confident, positive, optimistic, domineering, regal, dignified, firm, unyielding, staunch, loyal, reliable, steady, constant, consistent, purposeful, decisive, condescending, emphatic and certain, definitive, authoritative, initiative, independent, self-starter, love of group and to lead the group, 4. Thinking Holistic, integral, overall, the big picture, open, honourable, respectful, dignified, healthy, never demeaning nor low class, equitable, commanding and mastering the environment, condescending, haughty, high flown, majestic thoughts, spirited, positive, optimistic, 5. Feeling Great, grand, respected, magnificent, magnanimous, worthy, considerate, consistent, wholesome, superior feelings of self, always feels he is right and cannot go wrong, 6. Attitude towards wealth Valuable, respectful, positive, magnanimous, generous, considerate, proud, displaying wealth, show off, considers wealth and many things in life as important, wealth represents status and position in society, proud of displaying wealth, wealth is synonymous with name and stature, wealth is power, class, fame, stature and might, 7. Attitude towards health Natural cures, follows regimen to upkeep health, habitual & regular in taking care of health, health conscious, responsibility in up-keeping health, karaka of medicine, concern with maintaining vitality, vigour and energy levels, likes to keep healthy and active lifestyle, 8. Attitude towards relationship Reliable, trusted, can be counted upon, independent, likes to be flattered and admired, loves to be admired and respected, likes to put couple or spouse on pedestal, likes limelight & to be a known couple, loyal, constant, reliable, consistent, relationship is necessary to continue the lineage, relationship can be based on lineage and coming together of two dynasties, love is secondary to name and dignity, 9. Attitude towards career Success oriented, excelling, brilliant, affinity for limelight, public oriented, leadership inclined, full of initiative, delegating, administrating, managerial, masterly, stand-out, dignified, commanding, dictating, demanding, classy, elitist, status oriented, seeking name and fame, reputable, dislike losing & not being numero uno, wants to be the best, career defines the person’s stature in society, career will mould the person’s name, standing, respect and status in society, career must be successful and honorable to society, a dignified Solar personality will never stoop to demeaning and low class professions, gravitate towards high status and reputable professions, must always maintain dignity in career, disdain

menial and low class professions, attracted to Government post, leadership position, position of high status and titles, commanding and authoritative careers, famous and eminent positions, public oriented professions which involves delegation and administration, elite professions, professions to control the masses, 10. Forte Brilliant, masterly, leader, guide & master, crux, significant, outstanding, solid, substantial, consistent, constant, reliable, regular, dependable, powerful, reputable, eminent, dignified, never swaying, principled, never shy from limelight, the high and mighty, independent, decisive, directional, guiding, crucial, significant, important, lynchpin, powerful, high status, source, dignified, equitable, creative and constructive, lucky, assisted by high powered and authoritative people, 11. Foible Egotistical, selfish, elitist, ego massage, seeking flattery & limelight, too proud, disdaining, bad loser, indecisive, loss of direction & focus, too directional, fear of humility, 12. Limiting beliefs Status conscious, refused to be part of the hoi polloi, respect & dignity comes first before performance and results, pride first, difficult to take loss, sacrifice to maintain status and to excel, cannot see the negative and downtrodden, cannot accept imperfections and defeat, cannot be seen to be weak, cannot accept being second best, will associate only with higher-ups and disdaining the weak and downtrodden, elitist mentality, associating only with the finest and avoiding the mediocre, must lead from the front and not from behind, must be leader and not follower – follower is failure while leading is success, 13. Patterns Likes to be at the forefront or in the limelight, must be renowned & known, must excel, perfectionist, proud & status conscious, mixing around with elites, snobbish, must maintain a certain high standards, will hide their weaknesses & flaws, despises and snubs the weak and impotent, condescending and proud, cannot be humble and simple, tendency to want to shine or appear to shine, must be number one or try to be number one, leadership mentality, tendency to be individualistic and independent, tendency to want flattery and publicity, likes to command and lead a group, 14. Prescription MOON 1. Structure Round, curved, change oriented, feminine, lustrous, fair, appealing, new, irregular, change oriented, flexible & fluid, 2. Appearance Round & curved, doe eyed, fair complexion, gentle, feminine, cute, naïve looking, childlike, lustrous eyes, moody, irregular shaped, flabby, irregular, vacillating,

change oriented, shining, smiling, caring, attractive, appealing, worried, anxious look, motherly, maternal figure, calm, serene, appealing, attractive, expressive, emotive, 3. Behaviour Secondary ie following rather than leading, nurturing, caring, concern, changeable, fickle, finicky, considerate, thoughtful, shy, bashful, sociable, emotional, sentimental, receptive, responsive, friendly to all, calm, peaceful, gentle, universal, motherly and maternal, forgiving, change oriented, 4. Thinking Thoughtful, considerate, worrier, anxious, forgiving, caring, nurturing thoughts, helpful, assisting, dreamy, imaginative, change oriented, 5. Feeling Deep, sentimental, emotional, strong heartfelt feelings, changeable, fickle, receptive, responsive, empathetic, sympathetic, high EQ, emotionally receptive and responsive, 6. Attitude towards wealth Wealth is for nurturing and nourishing, taking care, wealth and wellbeing go together, need to feel financially secure and stable, the family is wealth, a store of wealth is necessary for sustenance and survival, 7. Attitude towards health Not habitual, not regimented, not disciplined in taking care of health, 8. Attitude towards relationship Romantic, poetic, imaginative, highly emotional and very caring, considerate, cannot live without relationship, can play second fiddle, dependent, not independent, agreeable, sociable, tolerant, accommodating, universally accepting and amicable, maternal attitude, 9. Attitude towards career Can play second fiddle, behind the scenes, secondary roles, interested in caring professions, psychology, emotion, infant related, change orientation, beverages, nourishment, food, catering, public relations, personality driven, seeks instant gratification and tangible foreseeable short term results, 10. Forte Caring, excellent caretaker, considerate, helpful, not egotistical, not selfish, thoughtful, flexible, adaptable, fluid, cooperative, sociable, good social skills, public relations, high emotional quotient, adaptable & flexible, fertile, productive, receptive, universally friendly, amiable and amicable, brook no enemies, tolerant, accommodating, peacemaker, reminiscent, good recall and retentive abilities, peaceful and cooperative, resourceful, quick thinking & sense of immediacy, 11. Foible Fickle, changeable, fluctuating, not steady, unstable, unpredictable, insecure, emotionally cloying, fear of the unknown, feely-mealy, too sentimental & too emotional, too dependent, no initiative & leadership, rely on others too much, lack of originality, impatient, passive, moody, frail, too dependent and following, fear of the unknown, 12. Limiting beliefs

Desire for immediacy and quick results does not augur well for long term performance and long term stability; long term benefits and growth are missed for the sake of short term and immediate gains & considerations, wanting immediate results, need to attach emotional value to actions, belief that change is always good for progress, renewal is seen as form of progress, likes to worry and being anxious as believes that only through worrying will have better results, seeking tangible realities and emotional considerations – denying the intangible and objective reality, risk is a four letter word, what which does not appeal to emotions is not good, the cold objective emotionally un-appealing is bad, what is emotionally appealing is the best, leading is dangerous – test waters before jumping in, explore is a seven letter danger word, 13. Patterns Always relying on the secured path and traditional and afraid of trying the unexplored, emotionally and sentimentally inclined, quick & transient, tendency to depend & rely on others, tendency to change, transient & ephemeral effects, tendency to care and worry about others, finding faults to nurture and worry, babysitting and molly-coddling others, tendency to follow and not lead, likes to be secondary and not primary, motherly like, avoiding conflict and insecurity, putting a lot of currency on emotions, always depending, 14. Prescription MARS 1. Structure Contoured, sharp, ruddy, reddish complexion, cuts, scarred, muscular, sporty, athletic, not curved, sharply defined, sharp features, visceral, 2. Appearance Ruddy, sharp features, youthful, penetrating shifty eyes, aggressive, passionate, assertive, rough, tough looking, muscled, athletic, slim, robust, energetic appearance, cuts & burns, scarred & wounded, adventurous looking, prominent forehead and nose because Aries rules head and sense of smell is ruled by earthoriented Mars, contoured, sleek, 3. Behaviour Courageous, aggressive, assertive, proactive, passionate, sporty, adventurous, assertive, forceful, confrontational, combative, chivalrous, exploring, pioneering, motivated, physical, mechanical, driven, initiative, intense, incisive, fraternal, brotherly, militant, fiery, fierce, inflicting, assaulting, love of earth, conquering, physical prowess, energetic, rough, unrefined, physical & visceral, risk oriented, explorative, 4. Thinking Constructive, mechanical, methodical, technical, tangible, visceral, logical, structured, sees life as a rat race and competition, 5. Feeling

Impulsive, impetuous, reckless, direct, unrefined, physically influenced, passionate, crude, raw and rough, not cultured, 6. Attitude towards wealth Down to earth, money is earned to explore, aggressive in pursuit of money, afflicted Mars causes native to seek criminal and violent means to gain wealth, 7. Attitude towards health Physically active, love of exercise & activity, sports is good for health, will battle ailments and fight to overcome debility and enmities, however prone to accident, overheating and over-active lifestyle, 8. Attitude towards relationship Amorous, sexually aggressive, passionate, sexually oriented, physically dominating & proactive, resolute, masculine, macho, forthright, will fight to defeat other suitors for love, likes to control his partner, physically and sexually demanding, brotherly and supportive attitude towards close ones, 9. Attitude towards career Love of challenge, daring, proactive, driven, executive skills, down to earth, fearless, explorative, thrive in crisis, crisis management, technical subjects, throw the gauntlet of challenge, drive, initiative, motivation and battle/fight to succeed, 10. Forte Brave, motivated, passionate, enthusiastic, eager, keen, sporty, physical prowess, physically strong, stamina, vigorous, direct, proactive, active, pioneering, driven, initiative, tough, forceful, energetic, constructive, technical, intense, conquering, fraternal, technical, sharp, strong survival instincts, brotherly and supportive, strong will to succeed and triumph over odds and enmities, daring to face enemies and challenges, 11. Foible High risk taker, brazen, impulsive, hasty, confrontational, too aggressive, candid, blunt, accident prone, careless, impatient, irritable, fierce, hot tempered, abusive, unrefined, insensitive, inconsiderate, conflicted, injurious, argumentative, adversarial, dangerous, criminal, rude, rough, difficult relations, inharmonious, rough, rude, uncouth, uncultured, unrefined, loud & brazen, charging bull, abrasive, hurtful, insulting, crude, gangster-like and thuggish brotherhood, disrespectful, dangerous, getting on others nerves, 12. Limiting beliefs Always taking the most challenging paths, success comes with risks, believing only in the physically tangible, concrete and non-conceptual, physical strength can conquer all, resting and taking it physically easy is bad, life is a challenge – thrives in adversities & predicaments, life is a rat race, the tangible is superior to the conceptual, fighting, conflict and litigation is superior to peaceful and amicable settlement, winning at all costs, must triumph over the opponent, life is a challenge to fight to survive and succeed, aggression and pro-active approach is the only way to succeed, being slow and steady is silly, we must always challenge and fight for our rights and beliefs, relationships are always difficult, conflict, victory and defeat is a way of life, life without conflict and challenge is meaningless, life is sports, soccer is life, death and more than life, 13. Patterns

Can’t sit still, restless, must take a challenge & thrives in adversities, exploring the unknown, takes unnecessary risks, constantly proactive and active, vigorous & aggressive, 14. Prescription MERCURY 1. Structure Youthful, slim, petite, small, flexible, dainty, 2. Appearance Youthful, juvenile, evergreen, shifty alert eyes, quick thinking, agile, lithe, petite, small sized, casual, intellectual, bright, balanced, beaming eyes, even, witty, charming, chameleon, agile, flexible, Peter Pan, active, restless, expressive look, fluid look, moldable versatile look, imitated, playful, frolicking, mischievous look, Peter Pan – perpetual youth, flexible and agile, restless, mentally alert looks, intelligent look, playful, expressive, glib, eloquent, voluble, 3. Behaviour Intelligent, conceptual, playful, amusing, witty, fluent, eloquent, voluble, clever, shrewd, commercial, naughty, tricky, flexible, flippant, flitting, multi-tasking 4. Thinking Theoretical, quick thinking, smart, analytical, dissecting, intellectual, intelligent, perspicacious, astute, shrewd, clever, quick grasp, intellectually stimulating, interested, excited, playful with ideas, 5. Feeling Casual, light and easy, superficial, cursory, flippant, flitting, not serious, playful, leisurely, playful, intellectual orientation, 6. Attitude towards wealth Need for mental stimulation, commercially oriented, profit oriented, shrewd, astute, 7. Attitude towards health Mental health is important, need for mental stimulation, couch potato, intellectual health is more important than physical health, desire for elixir and quick cure, find intellectual ways to solve ailments, meticulous, 8. Attitude towards relationship Playful, fun, amusing, chatty, mentally attuned, looking for same mental wavelength, mental understanding is important, may be too emotionally distant in relationship and too intellectually oriented, can be too analytical, critical and captious and cannot sustain long term relationship, likes multiple friends and partners, 9. Attitude towards career Intellectual stimulus & challenge, skill, mentally appealing, commercially oriented, trade, calculating, computational, clerical, operational, fastidious, organized, critical, likes to multi-task and juggle several jobs and tasks

simultaneously, attracted to intellectual, communicative, disseminative, computational, paperwork, handy skilled work, 10. Forte Mercurial, communicative, expressive, quicksilver, grasping ideas fast and quickwitted, think on the toes, impromptu, extemporaneous, improvising, verbose, fluent, talkative, connective, transporting, intelligent, academic, intellectual, calculating, computing, dualistic, twin, double side, double impact, multiplying, multi-tasking, adaptable, agile, dexterous, flexible, organized, disseminating, mercantile, commercial, skilful, youthful, casual, lighthearted, quick, swift, coordinated, documented, make publicly known, casual, witty, humorous, funny, stimulating, exciting, playful, meticulous, detailed, organized, dualistic, imitating, mimicking, detailed, mixed, maneuvering, manipulative, 3 R’s, negotiator, computing, electronics, dynamic, dabbling, hobbyist, not serious, playful, toying around, horsing, for fun, casual, intelligent, educational, astute, shrewd, versatile, 11. Foible theoretical, cursory, superficial, hypocritical, deceptive, two faced, pirating, manipulative, opportunistic, playing a fool, not serious, transient, nervous, tension, stressed, ambivalent, two headed, fence-sitter, indecisive, chameleon, mutable, restless, hyperactive, can’t sit still, too chatty, lack focus and depth, lack of attentiveness, nervous disorder, ADD or attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, poor hand-eye coordination if Mercury is afflicted, taking advantage, using people, manipulative, transient, transitory, not long term and sustaining, touch and go, frivolous, trivial pursuits, peripheral, low intelligence, poor logic and reasoning ability, sloppy, disorganized, silly wit, stupid jokes, easily stressed, tensed, can’t handle several jobs at the same time, too quick & fleeting, superficial, jack of all trades and master of none, multi-tasking and not being focused, nervous, getting on people’s nerves, intellectual arrogance, 12. Limiting beliefs Highly theoretical, only profitable ventures are worth considering, everything can be rationalized, intellectuals rule the world, what cannot be empirically reasoned cannot be accepted, cannot accept that the rationale of life can be illogical & paradoxical, believe that all can be reasoned and explained, only that which is logical and empirical can be accepted and worked on, belief that matters which cannot be intellectualized and logical are useless and irrelevant, 13. Patterns Tendency towards intellectualizing, profit oriented, too commercialized, intellectually inclined, conceptualizing, rationalizing, carping, critical and captious, tendency to be clever and shrewd and not straightforward, tendency to be superficial and cursory or the reverse of being too detailed, meticulous, carping, critical, 14. Prescription

JUPITER 1. Structure Large frame, big, obese, fat, plump, beer belly, well-built, well-endowed, prominent abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, back, 2. Appearance 3. Plump, chubby, obese, fat, fleshy, large, huge, heavy, rotund, tawny hair, golden hue, yellow jaundiced eyes, plump cheeks, decent, prim & proper, dandy, honest, transparent, honourable, dignified looks, revered looks, trusted looks, straightforward and candid, jolly, jovial, beer belly, generous, joyful, comely, noble, rich, prosperous look, generous, magnanimous, big hearted, 4. Behaviour Kind, compassionate, generous, wholesome, trustworthy, religious, faithful, hopeful, believing, obedient, communal, following conventions, ritualistic, conscientious, knowledge seeking, philosophically inclined, jovial, jolly good, 5. Thinking Wholesome, salubrious, integral, expansive, broad and wide ranging, think of big issues, not petty, constructive, positive, growth oriented, legitimate, legal, rule bound, following the rules, civic conscious, socially minded, following conventions of society and mores, transparent, honourable, liberal, conformist, moralistic, ethical, 6. Feeling Genuine, honest, open, transparent, clear, positive, decent, proper, appropriate, kind, compassionate, generous, magnanimous, considerate, positive, 7. Attitude towards wealth Ambitious, expansive, growth oriented, blooming, blossoming, think big and positive, optimistic on gaining wealth, 8. Attitude towards health Love of the bigger than life lifestyle, bacchanalian, blowing things out of proportion, small ailments are magnified 9. Attitude towards relationship Sincere, genuine, honest, conscientious, religious, truthful, compassionate, kind, love of children, philosophical and religious people, 10. Attitude towards career Ambitious, ever expansive, positive minded, growth oriented, never contented, play by the rules, ethical career, attracted to consultative, banking, trustworthy, honourable, religion-related, philosophical-related, legal, educational, growth oriented, large corporation jobs 11. Forte Jolly, jovial, mentoring, transparent, open, above-board, follow the straight path, do for the common good, benevolent, kind, conforming, obedient, legitimate, proper, rule-bound, by the books, ethical, moralistic, conventional, communal, religious, magnanimous, generous, charitable, philanthropic, compassionate,

expansive, multiplying, enlarged, ambitious, abundant, large, blessed, lucky, fortunate, philosophical, knowledgeable, honorable, visionary, idealistic, speculative, counseling, advisory, consultative, teaching, prosperous, honourable, charitable, excessive, big way, wholesome, virtuous, goodness, benefitting all and sundry, noble, beneficent, beneficial, God fearing, wisdom of knowledge, knowledgeable, think big, compassionate, kind, ambitious and expansive, 12. Foible gambling, overly confident, overly optimistic, exaggerated, excess, surfeit, obesity, overweight, overspend, over-estimate, overdoing, no limits, utopian, righteous, overextended, dishonourable, dishonest, untruthful, can’t be trusted, not open and not transparent, miserly, petty, religiously conventional, too philosophical, too idealistic and not practical, illegal, immoral, unethical, extravagant, vaulting ambition, over-expand, over optimistic, hype, too ritualistic without substantive understanding, empty rituals, difficulties with teachers, lawyers, law, religion, social workers, philanthropists, problems in long distance travel and pilgrimage, ailments due to over-indulgence and rich lifestyle like gout, jaundice, liver cirrhosis, pancreatic failure, diabetes, gallbladder cysts, overproduction of organs, over-weight, obese, greedy, overweening ambition, 13. Limiting beliefs Must always expand and grow and not consolidate, no brakes, only that which expands and grow is worth considering, religion is the basis & explanation of life, honesty is always the best policy, what is conventional and according to society mores is the best, total faith and belief in religion, only the legitimate & straight path is correct, religion is the answer to life’s problems, cannot accept straitjacket regimented approach, belief that God and the good will take care of everything and that the good will eventually prevail, belief that religion is everything, too believing, belief in unlimited growth, brakes and limits are illusions of the mind, nothing is impossible, we must rise beyond the limits of life, utopian ideals, 14. Patterns Tendency to belief, hope and faith without checking, religious orientation, overdoing, overly optimistic and over-confident, tendency to integrate, 15. Prescription VENUS 1. Structure Aesthetic, pretty, beautiful, attractive, proportionate, voluptuous, well-endowed, elegant, stylish, decorative, demonstrative, appealing, tasteful 2. Appearance Beautiful, attractive, pretty, attractive, alluring, seductive, voluptuous, proportionate, balanced, harmonious, gentle, fair, full lips, large lustrous eyes,

long eyelashes, curvaceous, full-bodied, relaxed, enjoying, indulgent, narcissistic, gentle, genteel, sweet, demure, elegant, pleasant, pleasing, diplomatic, sweet speaking, agreeable, sensual, sensuous, sexy, desirable, romantic, refined, valuable, adorned, decorated, make-up, fashionable, classy, luxuriant, stylish, flamboyant, verve, sophisticated, suave, smooth, svelte, demonstrative, delighted, luxurious, classy, expensive, flamboyant showy look, 3. Behaviour Gentle, soft spoken, alluring, seductive, attracting, harmonious, sweet, artistic, sociable, affectionate, connoisseur, indulgent, pleasant, hedonistic, artistically inclined, elegant, glamorous, stylish, sweet, diplomatic, indulgent, tasteful, good value judgment, aesthetic, musically inclined, conflict adverse, feminine, 4. Thinking Thinking of relaxing and enjoying, entertainment, artistic thoughts, musically inclined, thoughts of peace and harmony, 5. Feeling Loving, romantic, affectionate, amorous, sexual, attracted, gentle, harmonious, 6. Attitude towards wealth Love of enjoyment, spending, luxuries, relaxation, spending on luxuries & enjoyment, expensive refined branded goods, money is to be enjoyed and spent on as life is too short to worry and fret, 7. Attitude towards health Enjoy first suffer later, life is to live and enjoy and not worry about health, maintain health to enjoy life, can overindulge, love of luxury & enjoyment, care less, indifferent towards health regiment 8. Attitude towards relationship Relationship and marriage is important, nobody must be single, there is a soul mate waiting for you, life is relationship and relating, life is dead without relating, loving, affectionate, romantic, gentle, attracted, sociable, 9. Attitude towards career Work to enjoy, career is a hobby, enjoy while you work, work and amusement go together, work enough to enjoy life, relaxed, easy going, artistic approach, can be indifferent and apathetic towards career, 10. Forte Loving, sociable, affectionate, considerate, beautiful, pretty, proportionate, harmonious, aesthetic, elegant, stylish, tasteful, pleasant, pleasing, feminine, artistic, artful, entertaining, amusing, relaxed, enjoyable, indulgent, pleasurable, pleasant, sensual, sexual, seductive, alluring, attractive, hedonistic, luxurious, expensive, charming, valuable, desirable, worthy, devotional, sweet, comfortable, decorative, cultured, refined, demonstrative, affectionate, happy, appraisal skills, aesthetic taste, good valuer, ability to discriminate & judge values, 11. Foible

overindulgent, materialistic, pleasure addicted, lustful, money minded, lazy, marital strife, disharmony, unhappy, relationship problems if Venus is afflicted, partnership issues, vice, vain, too sensuous and sensual, addicted to gratification, lack of taste and refinement, uncultured, poor appraisal and valuation skills, lack of discerning aesthetic discrimination, problem with image, too artistic & overly decorative, aesthetics over substance, overly indulgent, too hedonistic, lazy, too relaxed, indolent, too relaxed, 12. Limiting beliefs Only enjoyable matters are worth considering, always try to avoid and escape suffering, avoidance of suffering, tendency to gloss over the insubstantial & peripheral, subjectivity overrules objectivity, always putting up a good show, have face but no substance is ok, the basis of life should be embraced and accepted without the need for explanation and analysis, beauty can compensate for lack of substance, form over substance, what is beautiful is the best, escapist tendency of beauty hides the flaws, 13. Patterns Tendency towards the beautiful insubstantial and the enjoyable non-suffering path, face value over substance, shallowness, artistic approach, love of aesthetics, rest and relaxation are important habits, fear of conflict and avoidance of conflict at all costs, love of putting up beautiful façade despite ugly substance, tendency to find ways to relax, indulge and enjoy, living without love is challenging, we cannot live life without relationship, you cannot live life alone, life is to love, 14. Prescription SATURN 1. Structure Old, wasted, traditional, used, veteran, wizened, wrinkled, dilapidated, gothic, eschatological, rigid, wooden, stilted, stunted, handicapped, depleted, bland, thin, tall, frail, flaccid, elongated, structured, bony, unyielding structure, remaining the same for long term, shabby, 2. Appearance Old, traditional, outdated, debilitated, declining, emaciated, tired, frail, long face, long limbed, protruding visible veins, hairy, large teeth, tired looking, haggard, worn out, wrinkled, dry looking, washed out, weary, tall, lanky, skinny, bony, matured, elderly, senior, slovenly, careless, unkempt, shabby, untidy hair, lackluster, handicapped, crippled, restrained, wasted look, weak, pale, pallid, dull, bland, commonplace look, mundane, unkempt hair, ungainly gait, lame, clumsy look, stern, never smiling, stoical look, poker face, decrepit, austere, sparse, veteran look, brisly coarse hair, dried desiccated skin, grim, gothic, sickly look, aged wrinkled look, wizened experienced look, yellow reddish brown eyes, worried look, Spartan, austere look, severe looks, reserved, reticent, quiet,

morose, melancholic, morbid, moribund, anti-social, unfriendly, disciplined, serious, aloof, removed, sour plum, bored, glum, heavy, responsible, heavy handed, pessimistic, negative disposition, gloomy, simple, basic, unalloyed, unadorned, gazing downwards, slow talking grave serious sounding authoritative voice, depleted look, conservative, dull, demented, glum and gloomy looking, 3. Behaviour Restrained, guarded, cautious, conservative, old fashioned, rigid, clinging to the past, prudent, cautious, mundane, commonplace, no-nonsense strict, disciplinarian type, serious, severe, methodical, rigid, industrious, time conscious, conserving, economical, detached, cold and calculating, aloof, morose, 4. Thinking Negative thinking, pessimistic, morose, detached, objective, cold & factual, clinical, cold calculator, old fashioned, follow the tried and trusted, habitual, creature of habit, glum, practical and pragmatic, serious, dead serious, heavy thoughts, tendency to negate, democratic, commonplace, finds out all problems and weaknesses to overcome before going forward, always think negatively and looking at problems and flaws, 5. Feeling Dissatisfied, unhappy, morose, downtrodden, dejected, detached, cold and calculating, can be apathetic and indifferent, dissociative feelings, 6. Attitude towards wealth Conserving, cautious, prudent, miserly, saving, petty, penny wise, stingy, careful, believes in working hard to make money, thinks that money does not come easy, money is hard earned, 7. Attitude towards health Disciplined, sparing, sparse, not indulgent, Spartan, may delay in seeking treatment, can have severe and chronic issues with ailments, very negative attitude on health and ailments, can become depressive and self-defeatist 8. Attitude towards relationship Detached, objective, can be impotent, eunuch, bachelorhood, widowhood, distant, cold, careful and cautious on relationship, relates well to mature, elderly people, to masses, to the downtrodden and low classes, servants etc. 9. Attitude towards career Work is toil and torment, life is suffering, live to work and not work to live, work orientated towards achieving a result, dedicated, industrious, diligent, methodical, structured, slow & steady, long term, if negative procrastinating, delaying, slow and ponderous, clinical, heavy-going, hefty approach, meticulous, tireless, sweating away, struggle & strife, result oriented, career oriented, career is a long term project, can undertake humble service jobs and difficult strenuous prolonged period tasks, can undertake task related to death and other professions of low order, can take tough, patient, prolonged, painstaking jobs, works hard but not smart, feels like life is like a beast of burden, 10. Forte

dutiful, responsible, career-minded, dedicated, democratic, humble, disciplined, austere, penance, abstinent, thrifty, prudent, patient, wise, long term, long standing, institutional, customary, enduring, maturing, steady, firm, iconic, experienced, veteran, cautious, grounded, realistic, down to earth, pragmatic, functional, immune, authoritative, balanced, fair, diligent, servicing, survival instincts, determined, calm and contemplative, pondering, precise, exact, accurate, exacting, traditional, classic, conservative, cautious and careful, dispassionate, objective, hardworking, industrious, toiling, tenacious, steadfast, can withstand tremendous pain and suffering, humiliation and disgrace, 11. Foible Suffering, toiling, laborious, torturing, burdensome, problematic, wasting away, negative, sad, pessimistic, poor, scarce, lack of, handicapped, depressed, dilapidated, dirty, dank, dim, debilitated, downcast, decreasing, denial, diminishing, deteriorating, dying, death-related, decrepit, delaying, dull, dumb, dark, downfallen, demoted, disgraced, degraded, destroyed, doubtful, old age, restricted, surviving, difficult, prolonged, chronic, institutional, long term, conservative, excretory, cold, aloof, detached, stillborn, stunted, conservative, cold, aloof, clinical, melancholic, old fashioned, traditional, detached, gloomy, dead serious, severe, consolidating, judgmental, persisting problem, recurring issues, maturing, slow and cumbersome, ponderous, senile, infirm, useless, outmoded, old fashioned, rigid, wooden, stiff, stilted, petrified, solidified, hardened, rigid, staunch, impersonal, melancholic, dissatisfied, lazy, stilted, rigid, stunted, stifled, wooden, procrastinating and delaying, takes his time, doubting Thomases, 12. Limiting beliefs Life is painful and suffering, too cautious and negative minded, off-putting, life is a burden, lack of belief, faith & hope, too pessimistic, lack of positive vision, too disciplined and rigid, too clinical & lacking artistry, art is irrelevant, lack of idealism, too down to earth, lack of vision & belief, too pragmatic, does not believe in the impossible or stretching the limits as limits are too powerful, rigid stilted wooden beliefs, will not shake tradition & status quo, cautious and practical, avoiding the visionary and un-explored and preferring the traditional comfort zone, maintaining the status quo and traditional, life is to suffer, life is painful, life is all work and no play, life is regimented and disciplined, play and relaxation are distractions from the realities of life, life is anxiety, fear of adventure and trespassing the known and mundane for the unknown and unusual, detachment and simplicity is the essence of life – life must not be ornate and complex, Patterns Tendency towards a simple and detached lifestyle, patient, persistent, perseverant, long term, delay, procrastination, captious & complaining, always using the cost conscious and economical approach, cautious and comfort zone

traditional approach, tendency to rigidity, conventional views and regimented lifestyle, 13. Prescription RAHU 1. Structure Unconventional, strange, peculiar, bizarre, mesmerizing, hypnotic, unique, 2. Appearance 3. Tall, lanky, lithe, hypnotic, mesmeric, captivating, distinctive, unique, large nose, protruding eyes, charismatic, puffy, devious or cunning look, eccentric aloof antagonistic look, rebellious look, ghastly, ghoulish look, weird, outlandish, indescribable, rambunctious look, Wild, crazed, psychotic, demented, extreme, psychopathic looks, delirious, loony, iconoclastic, mad, deranged, mad professor or mad scientist look, Einstein look, gazing downward, proud & haughty look, warped look, distorted, unconventional, unorthodox look, deceptive look, bulbous eyes, prominent looks, dazzling, glamourous, strange, peculiar looks, 4. Behaviour Strange, outlandish, iconoclastic, unconventional, provocative, underhanded, illegitimate, distorted, perverted, self-gratifying, maneuvering, manipulative, pragmatic, 5. Thinking Sharp, lateral thinking, ambitious, strategic, scheming, devious, off the norm, anomalous, underhanded, scientific, universal, international, taking shortcuts, taking the quick easy & last way, the ends are the means, cunning, sly, wily, guile, strategic, the ends are the means, astute and shrewd, cunning, revolutionary thoughts, unconventional against the norm thoughts, against the trends and iconoclastic thinking, highly individualistic thinking, politically inclined, 6. Feeling Ambitious, hedonistic, grandiose, artificial, faking, master masquerade, pretentious, acting, crocodile tears, mind over heart, always wanting to enjoy life in a different mode, always feeling dissatisfied and disgruntled and looking for improvement and overhaul, 7. Attitude towards wealth Very ambitious, overweening, greedy, hoarding, attached to wealth, love of wealth and pleasures, the ends are the means, wealth precedes everything, can be unscrupulous, deceitful, manipulative, taking advantage of others to make money, the ends are the means, 8. Attitude towards health Hedonistic, extreme, indifferent, vacillate between extremes of hedonism and detachment, can be overly indulgent or detached from indulgence ie extreme 9. Attitude towards relationship

Manipulative, opportunistic, take advantage, using, resourceful, guile, wily, never transparent, secretive and covert relationships, love to use people, 10. Attitude towards career Too ambitious, ahead of times, shadowing, strategic planning on career development, conquering, can be unscrupulous, greedy and overweening, manipulative and strategic approach to career development, the ends are the means, can jump over others to succeed, unscrupulous and insensitive to others in ambition to succeed, 11. Forte shocking revelation, scientific, innovative, lateral thinking, improvisational, progressive, developmental, driven, ambitious, focused, futuristic, ingenious, mesmeric, clever, lateral thinking, expansive, sudden promotion, meteoric rise, catapulting growth, strong desires, computer expert, electronics and technological wizard, geek, nerd, international, worldwide, worldwide fame, clever, pragmatic, simulating, robotics, futuristic, modernistic, change of the old guard, destruction of the dilapidated for renewal, spiral upwards, subtle, shrewd, cunning, astute, sly, perspicacious, extreme practical intelligence, subtle, ingenious, diplomatic, expansive & encompassing, international in perspective, transformative, politically astute and shrewd, 12. Foible Deceptive, covert, foreign, unconventional, distorted, deviant, unnatural, manipulative, shocking, sudden, unpredictable, cunning, extreme, addictive, intoxicating, hypnotic, hallucinatory, gaseous, underground, closed up, speculative, taking advantage, shortcuts, materialistic, lustful, greedy, insatiable, hoarding, avaricious, grasping, opportunistic, modernistic, simulated, artificial, extroverted, shadowy, revolutionary, cunning, inflated, profane, sanctimonious, vulgar, gross, extreme materialism, eccentric, bizarre, abusive, crude, desensitized, brutal, extreme crimes, merciless, mercenary, inhuman, sadistic, lack of focus, deceit and deception, terrorist, mad people, crackpots, politically devious, propaganda, religious scriptures, shocking, sudden, unbalancing the status quo, alienated, exiled, illegitimate, illegal, dangerous criminal, outcasts, hallucinatory, poisonous, intoxicating, addicted, hysterical, insane, abuse of religion, pedophile, epileptic, homosexual, evil, perversion, perversity, anal retentive, unknown causes, short cut attitudes, profiting at others expense, ulterior motive, pretentious, hypocritical, ingratiating, flatterer, maniacal, psychopathic, too revolutionary for his times, rebellious, revolutionary, too way ahead of times, ruthless, terrorist, inhuman, dehumanized, lack of feelings, care and consideration, covert secrecy, underhanded vile subversion, betrayal of the highest order, 13. Limiting beliefs

Life is a Machiavellian process of survival, believe that life is a lie, shortcuts and distortion are the only ways to major success, subtlety & indirect approach are the only means, being candid is stupid, the ends are the means, ulterior motive, every act has intentions & ulterior motives, suspicious, cynical, skeptical, life is a stage and all are actors belief, life is a rat race, the only way to succeed is to go around the rules, life is a series of cheating and being cheated, life is to use and being used, to manipulate and being manipulated, the crooked path prevails over the straight path, humans are political animals, the ends are the ruthless means, 14. Patterns Tendency towards the perverse and deviant, distorted thinking, taking the short cut way, subtle & cunning approach, megalomaniac tendencies, unconventional, covert, deviant, 15. Prescription KETHU 1. Structure Tall and lanky, Sharp, dry skin, scaly complexion, piercing, nebulous, indescribable, bizarre, anonymous, dermatological problem, different skin tones, 2. Appearance Calculative, sharp or cruel looking, Spaced out look, dazed look, witch-like, sharp, contoured, scaly, dry, scrawny, bony, ill-defined, short, stout, extreme, large earlobes (association with Lord Ganesh), sharp piercing eyes, fierce looks, scarred looks, severe, pointed bulbous nose, poor complexion, tormented look, analytical look, Nebulous, dreamy, surreal, unreal, blurred look, low profile, unrecognizable, indistinct, anonymous, not well defined, stealthy, ill-recognized, hidden, disguised, controversial, soiled, unclear, withdrawn, resigned look, gazing downwards, private, unknown, self possessed, hermit, spiritual, dreamy & sleepy, wishy-washy, mysterious look, penetrating, pointed nose, sharp gaze, narrow face, sharp protruding face, ox like looks, 3. Behaviour Self sacrifice, single mindedness, intuitive, subtle, self centredness, spiritual, puts his destiny in faith, positive fatalism in higher force, tends towards directionless, nebulous, blurred, timid, introvert, keeps to himself, secretive, covert, shuns publicity, cannot classify or compartmentalize his behavior, indefinable, cannot ascertain current state of mind which can switch to different states of mind, privacy is important, do not want people to know about them, mysterious, mystical, Not sociable, loner, unconventional, outcast, spiritually inclined, scientifically inclined, love of gadgets, low profile, shy, retiring, clinical, decisive, unemotional, detached, deep thinking, withdrawn, tendency to self undoing & self destruction, evasive & elusive, escapist tendencies, pioneering, sarcastic, humble, unassuming, latent, pioneering, 4. Thinking Sharp, insightful, incisive, penetrating, go to the roots & foundations, ingenious, introverted, chaotic, eureka, instinctive, non-verbal, new age, ancient roots,

analytical, dissecting, slow & researching, focused to the exclusion of everything, extreme, distinctive, very deep thinking, philosophical, introverted, intuitive, cynical, skeptical, doubting, questioning, pioneering thoughts, extreme focus & concentration, visionary, thinking alone & quietly, independent original thinkers, cutting edge thinking, composite thinking, criminal thinking, detached and deviant thinking, ingenious, 5. Feeling Singular, unease with people, weird, deep sense of feeling, strong sense of visual, hearing & kinaesthetic, strong spiritual feelings, austere, fiery, burning ardour, introverted passion, deep inner world, detached emotions, unemotional, empty or devoid of feelings, ruthless, insensitive, void of any feelings, 6. Attitude towards wealth Not disciplined, indifferent, detached, objective, not worldly, spiritual, ascetic, stoical, Spartan, austere, can be criminal, conning, deceitful and covert in making money, corrupt, immoral, simulating, counterfeit, piracy, can be the quiet silent criminal 7. Attitude towards health Unkempt, disorganized, indifferent, apathetic, the body is not important but merely to nourish the spirit, spiritual health is utmost, can suffer from karmic and mysterious ailments, 8. Attitude towards relationship Anti-social, loner, distant, separative tendency, cutting, curt, hurtful, asexual, disinterest, apathetic, emotionless, sannyasin, attitude that relationship is difficult, marriage is a lottery, compatibility is an issue, gives impression of commitment when actually detached and indifferent, 9. Attitude towards career Unworldly, spiritual attitude towards mundane careers, seek unusual & spiritually nourishing careers, drifting, rolling stone gathering no moss, tendency to drift in careers, research oriented, not ambitious, contented in mundane life but have high spiritual ambitions, interest in the spiritual and inner life, attracted to the esoteric, metaphysical and root of knowledge, pioneering, attracted to unusual jobs, spiritually uplifting & spiritual development or inner development jobs, not worried & bothered about what society and community view their careers and jobs, 10. Forte Intuitive, thought leadership, cutting, sharp, incisive, cut & dry, incandescent, renouncing, withdrawing, resigned, disastrous, submissive, self-effacing, introverted, mystical, mysterious, enigmatic, puzzling, dreamy, persona non grata, hermit, divine, spiritual, karmic, ancient, liberating, dormant, latent, potent, unleashing powers, enlightening, awakening, mixed, composite, asexual, mendicant, ascetic, monastic, Christian, cutting edge, new age, solo & private, innocent clean slate, void of beginning, beginner’s mind – mind free of preconceived notions and assumptions, unassuming, self-effacing, extreme humility, low profile, discerning, insightful, ingenious, brilliant, researching, individualistic, uniquely intelligent, super intellect, ahead of his times, exploring

new frontiers, archaeological, research oriented, fact finding, good at connections, pioneering, researching the source, uncovering the secrets of life, wise, subtle, insightful, ingenious, 11. Foible self-undoing, destructive, gullible, self deceiving, extreme, elusive, void, bankrupt, cynical, criminal, conning, phony, fake, escapist, deluded, deranged, lonely, anonymous, self deceiving, self illusion, illusory, disastrous, disruptive, acidic, caustic, splitting, cutting, divisive, sharp tongued, biting, sarcastic, fiery, fearsome, fierce, self flagellation and immolation, solo private acts, hermit, separative, sharp and cutting, impulsive, explosive, implosive, self deluding, over critical and skeptical, the doubter, sarcastic, trenchant speech, martyr like, gullible, easily victimized, easily cheated, submissive and subservient, giving in easily, easily defeated, withdrawal and retiring, disastrous, disruptive, dreamy, rosy eyed, trance like, surreal, ill recognized, unknown, not prominent, invisible, anonymous, non-conformist, iconoclastic, impractical, quixotic, karmic problems, karmic debts, digestive issue, gas and acid imbalance, cutting pains, ghostly attacks, hysteria, hallucinatory fears, epidemic, epileptic, leprosy, fungal growth, viral infection, intestinal pain, mysterious un-diagnosable ailments, suffer from mysterious karmic ailments, tendency to accidents and carelessness – self undoing and self destruction, too passive, inert, no action, inactivity, lackadaisical attitudes, indifference, apathy, anger, irritable, impatience, eccentric, impulsive, impetuous, emotional tensions, tensed up, amoral, asexual, cynical attitudes, delusory, masochistic, fanatical, obsessive, psycho-mania, nebulous, not recognizable, seldom appreciated, invisible 12. Limiting beliefs The social life is fake, society is spurious, life is a stage, secretive, not sharing, suspicious outlook, worried about what others think about him, do not want people to know about them, research and not PR oriented, the future is better than now, futuristic tendencies causes disillusionment with the contemporary, belief that the after-life is superior to the present life & so becomes self sacrificing to some cause, fanatical, willing to fight and die for a so-called higher cause, creating self-induced illusions and false beliefs, have many false beliefs and selfhype or extreme humility or understatement, low self esteem and under-rating the value of self, fanatical beliefs that ideas, beliefs and concepts are superior to reality, individualism loses to the communal, aloneness is superior to the communal, the community distorts the independence and freedom of individualism, believe in their own perverted or distorted beliefs, distorted perceptions of the self, 13. Patterns Tendency towards a simple and detached lifestyle, tendency to avoid people, research tendency, ability to concentrate, tendency to being singular &

independent, hermit tendencies, anti-social & iconoclastic behavior, focusing on the few and far between, the absent minded professor archetype, cannot express inner latency and dormant potential which is bottled up due to inhibition, tendency to over-imagination and dreaming things up, imagining and dreaming things, tendency to be invisible and too subtle and unusual, unconventional, always bottling up and keeping to themselves, extreme self defeatist and self destructive behavior, self denial, self negation, self delusion, self defeat, self convolution, self illusion, self torture, self imposed limits, internal combustion 14. Prescription

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