Microsoft Word - Astrological Aspects And Horary Astrology

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  • Pages: 3
Astrological Aspects and Horary Astrology There are 4 factors to consider in analyzing the astrological aspects in horary astrology namely: 1. Applying or separating aspect or “Ithasala and Easarapha”. This is the most important factor determining whether the event will take place or not. Applying means the event will likely take place while separating means the event had already occurred, was a preceding event in the past or occurring without the native querent being involved 2. Positive or negative aspect. The positive aspects are trine, sextile, conjunction and semi-sextile while the negative aspects are opposition, square and quincunx. The conjunction of two malefic planets are nasty, between two natural benefic planets is good while between a natural benefic and natural malefic is neutral and depends on applying or separating aspect factor. The quincunx implies external assistance and quincunx between natural malefic planets implies failure while it is successful if otherwise and also depending on whether it is applying or separating aspect. Positive aspects implies ease, spontaneity, naturalness and flowing events while negative aspects implies obstacles and obstructions, stress and tension, anxieties and worries 3. Dignity of aspecting planets – fallen or detrimental planets are malignant and malefic while exalted and own signed planets are beneficent and benefic. Peregrine planets imply lack of strength or will to attain objective 4. Natural benefic or malefic planets – between two natural benefic planets implies success while between two natural malefic planets implies failure while it is neutral between a natural benefic and natural malefic and depends on other factors. Temporal or functional quality as per Parasara rules are not taken account but may just accentuate the natural benefic or natural malefic quality

1. When the significator is in his own sign or house in the horary chart eg the querent asks about whether he will get the loan and there is an applying aspect although square or opposition aspect between two natural malefic but the significator of the 6th house is in his own sign ie lord of 6th in 6th house, the query for loan will succeed 2. There are 11 other factors to take account in astrological aspects ie peregrination, retrograde, stationary, combustion, sunbeams, cazimi, prohibition, frustration, refranation, translation & collection of light 3. Peregrination can imply willingness to carry out the matter but not enough energy to do so or apathy and indifference of the native or scenario

4. Combustion – when a planet is within 8 degrees of the Sun especially applying to the Sun, it is said to be combust or unable to carry out its plans due to the overpowering nature of Sun ie unable to express its inner nature 5. Sunbeams – when the planet is within 17 degrees of the Sun, it is impedited but not nullified as long as other strong factors compensate; if it is within 17 minutes of the Sun ie less than 1 degree, it is under cazimi or heart of the Sun as though the king flaunts and raises the native on the pedestal of the throne ie empowers the planet 6. Retrograde – apparent backward motion of planet when in reality it is moving slower relative to another planet and arising from geocentric perspective. Considered negative, delaying until the planet is going forward, indicates inability to externalize expression or manifestation but considered as not serious negative impact. Retrograde is an important factor because sometimes the direct planet turns retrograde and the apparent separating aspect will apply and vice-versa 7. Stationary – good & powerful for natal chart but negative for horary due to slowing down effect 8. Prohibition – if 2 planets are applying to one another but another planet intercepts before the original aspect can be completed, this usually results in negative answer. This may mean that someone depicted by the intervening planet interferes with the matter at hand. For example, Mars at 5 Libra may be trying to effect a conjunction with Venus at 10 Libra but before he can do so, Mercury at 9 Capricorn completes a square with Mars. 9. Frustration – similar to prohibition except that a faster moving planet is trying to consummate the applying aspect but before completion, a negative aspect is effected. For example, Mercury at 5 Libra is trying to conjoin Venus at 10 Libra but before this aspect can be consummated, Venus completes a square with Saturn at 11 Capricorn 10. Refranation – two planets may be applying to one another but before they can perfect the aspect, one of them turns retrograde. Also, the planet receiving the aspect from the faster moving planet ingresses into the next sign before the perfection of the aspect can take place. For example, Moon at 9 Taurus is trying to conjoin Venus at 29 Taurus but before he could complete the 20 degree distance within 2 days, Venus ingresses into Gemini within the day and the aspect could not be consummated 11. Translation of light – when one planet separates from a slower moving planet and applies to another slower moving planet. For example, the Moon at 24 Aquarius separates from promissory Mercury at 26 Scorpio by square aspect and applies to significator Jupiter at 24 Aries by sextile aspect. Note that if not for the translation of light by Moon, the quincunx aspect between promissory Mercury and significator Jupiter would be separating and the answer is no

12. Collection of light - when the promissory and significator are both applying to another slower moving planet. For example, Venus at 5 Taurus and Mars at 2 Virgo would appear to be separating trine aspect as Mars is faster planet than Venus but due to Jupiter at 6 Capricorn, both Mars and Venus would be applying by trine to Jupiter and Jupiter would act as collecting point to both Mars and Venus. As with translation, when collection arises, it usually means that a third party or external factor will assist to bring about the matter

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