Metacognitive Strategies Essays.docx

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  • Pages: 5
IDENTIFYING ONE’S LEARNING PREFERENCES Concerning about the concept of teaching-learning styles, it is one of the responsibility of an educator to teach his learners in any possible and simplest way to easily understand the lesson that is being discuss. Establish a learning environment that creates an environment that promotes fairness regardless of the learner’s differences such as their culture, beliefs, socio-economic status, gender, appearance, and especially, their capabilities and learning preferences. Educators are keenly aware that each student possesses unique needs, interest, and abilities, and that each child should have an opportunity to pursue effective instructional program at a pace that is challenging and interesting, that’s why, we should remember that there is no single method for the learner in nurturing creativity. There are many different type of learner that you may encounter in your teaching, some students are visuals learners, some are aural and kinesthetic learners and for this there is always a learning style that will stand-out to every learner. Before you discuss or whatever you are going to do in a classroom, we must know, who are the learners we are handling? what type of learners they are?, and, what their differences in terms of their learning goals? By answering these questions can help you to get ideas on what strategies that you are going to use for your learners. But, how are you going to deeply know your learners? Are there any methods that you can harness? Through observing your learners in your class, you can determine what their difficulties in understanding the lessons and, how they absorb the information from your teaching style. Conducting a survey for the learners can also be helpful, wherein there are provided questions regarding the learners’ experiences that you can get from the learners information as your basis on the methods you are going to apply to make the discussion clearer for your learner. What’s important here is that once you have identified the best learning process, they can double the amount they learn and make it much more experience. They can work on expanding the way they learn, so that, they can learn in other ways, not just in your preferred learning style. By understanding one’s learning style, you can learn to create an environment in which everyone can learn from you not just those who use your style. By identifying one’s learning or even your preference, you can ensure to use this to not only how quickly you learn but also how enjoyable the process for you. What many of us don’t realize is that we have struggled for our entire lives not because we are stupid but because we are using a learning style that is not appropriate with our preferred style. It’s not good idea to learn using someone else’s style , it will become senseless because at the end of the day, you have nothing learn.


The teacher’s fundamental task is to get students to engage in learning activities that are likely to result in achieving the intended learning outcomes. It is helpful to remember that what the student does is actually more important than what the teacher does. Traditionally, most of the teachers are using the teacher-centered approach, although some of the teachers these days are still using this approach, but it is strongly recommended to exercise the modern approach which is the student-centered, wherein the learner should be the one who will work on discovering new things to learn with the assistance of the teacher. By giving the learners an appropriate task that they will do will help them to be more curious and creative far beyond to what they can do. The learning activities that you are providing for your learners are require careful planning and thinking as you set your learning objectives to the learners that you are going to attain. Ask yourselves if the activities are suitable for your learner, if it’s relevant to their experiences and knowledge that they have from the past and present lessons that you’ve tackled, what they’ve learned are even applicable to the task? You must be aware from these questions for you know what you are going to put in your planning when it comes to the learning activities Every learning activity should be meaningful and useful. The intent of the activity is then clear to both you and your learners. It is important that each activity is meaningful and ensures student development and advancement through the unit. Activities should build on previous activities and avoid being repetitive, it can cause a predictable and will become a boring task for the students. Meaningful activities engage students in active and cooperative ways. Useful learning task are ones where the learners are able to take they have learn from engaging with the activity and use it in the context or for another purpose. For example, students are able to directly apply the skills or knowledge they acquired to an assessment task or to the next activity in your lessons. In every step you take as an educator, you must know how planning is important in teaching profession. As you plan, you can have an organize program that can achieve a successful, effective, and useful teaching to your learners that they really needed from you as the bridge from their successes.


To have an effective teaching to all your learners, it is important for you to know how are you going to convince every learner you have to believe in what you are discussing, and for this reason, an educator must always be prepared and organize at all times, which are the two words that best describe an educator. Educators are considered for their being organize, in what manner, from their teaching strategies, lesson plans, instructional materials and even for delivering the topic in the most clearer way for the learners, it is all requires a lot of preparing before the time of discussing. Gathering and organizing material is just another important idea for the teachers. Before proceeding to your discussion, list all the stuff that is needed and prepare all the materials that you are going to use in introducing the topic that you are about to discuss, organize the material that you will going to use from first to last material. Avoid having too much instructional materials that can cause you confusion, and over designed visuals, it will not be helpful, so, you must know what are the materials that are really needed in the time of discussion, but make sure to use and maximize those things for the whole time of the subject. The used instructional materials can still be innovated into new material that can be use in your future learners and for other educational purposes in your profession. By making an innovation on something will lessen your expenses and even develop your creativity in many ways. Instead of buying a lot of supplies you can just keep the used materials to save up. Making a lot of preparations is considered as effort. Showing all the prepared instructional materials to your learners can persuade them to look at you and listens to you carefully. Especially, when you are handling a preparatory or grade school learners, it is a must to present and provide an image and other visuals, instructional materials that is appropriate in their level. In that way, they can easily absorb the information that you are talking about. As an educator, you must have the words organize and preparedness in you, especially to your profession. It is a one way that you can help your learners to learn and understand. And it is one of the great factors that will maintain the quality of education that you are giving to every learner you have and you will have.


Do you have problems in your studying style? Dozing off in bed when reading about history? Or even getting tie up with distractions when you are supposed to be focusing on what you are studying. Looking for a study space area may be the answer. Having the right things and equipments, planning and arranging you can create an area that will help you improve your studying. Find a place in your home that you will turn into a study zone for yourself and arrange it that you feel comfortable spending time there. Look for a good desk or table and chair to keep your posture up straight. A study area that is too dark will just cause your eyes to irritation, too much light can also be bad to your eyesight, so you should have a proper lighting that will focus on your workspace. Gather all the materials or supplies that you really needed for your studying, such as calculator, ballpens, highlighters, dictionary and etc. and make sure to keep those things close at hand to lessen the searching time in your house whenever you needed those things. Keep your things organize by using drawers to keep your paper works and important files, if you don’t have drawers on your desk, you can use boxes instead of it. When it comes to academic success, learning to manage your time is a must. Good time management can help you to improve and balance your studying. Creating your own study schedule is a time management method that can reduce your stress and help you to use your time wisely. You must set up your own study schedule on your calendar that has enough space to list your daily study requirements for at least a semester. You can mark down all of the dates that are set for your midterm and final examinations, school events, meeting and seminars, assignments and projects to be submitted, and all paper works and documents to be done. To get an effective schedule, you can place the calendar in a visible location so that it’s easy to see and follow it. Schedules should be created so that, your study times will be consistent in each day that will help you to create positive study habits. You must remember that, don’t create a schedule that isn’t flexible enough to accommodate emergencies that may happen. Sticking with your created study schedule is just as important as creating one. No one creates a schedule with just ignoring it. By doing your own schedule, it is important to ensure that there is still time for your social or physical activities. Another way of stick in your schedule is to reward yourself as you completed your schedules and it will be a great motivation to yourself to become more positive in your studies.

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